Quality Concepts - David Paehlke's Portfolio

Project Management – 3 credits

INMGT 365_565 _400

Summer, 2011

Instructor Contact Information

Dr. Diane Olson, 252 Tech Wing

olsondi@uwstout.edu (indicate course and section in Email subject line)

Will respond to Emails within 24 hours Monday – Thursday and Friday a.m.

Office Hours: By Appointment

Course Objective

This course will give students the ability to function as project managers by applying basic program and project management techniques, related computer/software skills and the practical aspects of program and project management. Specifically, students will be able to:

• Effectively facilitate groups and meetings

• Define the scope and significant parameters of a project

• Define risk management and change management for a project

• Develop a set of project activities and dependencies

• Create a graphical display of a project plan

• Estimate activity times and generate a project schedule

• Develop and control a project budget

• Identify and control resource requirements

• Apply techniques of project tracking and oversight

• Develop project status reports

• Use the basic functionality of the MS Project software application

Course Topics

• Project leadership and teaming

• Microsoft Project application

• Project Phases including

o Conceptualize/Define

o Plan

o Execute/Implement

o Close


• Project Management Achieving Competitive Advantage, Pinto, 2nd Edition.

Computer Required

A computer is required for this course. The course expectation is that students will obtain the MS Project 2010 application for course use in one of the following three ways:

1) Download a 60-day trial version from Microsoft (wait until needed to ensure use for 60-days). url: .

2) Use the application from another source such as work or a friend’s computer. Remember to be legal!

3) Purchase the application from the UW system software purchase program for $119. url: .


CHECK THE ONLINE COURSE D2L SITE EACH WEEKDAY and weekends as appropriate for group work. Attendance in an online course is obviously not based on “seat-time”. Guidelines indicate a course requires 1 hour/week of instruction per credit and 2 plus hours/week of work per credit outside of the classroom. Plan your time using this as a guideline, but also remember that due to the variety of experience, more or less time may be required for each individual. Additionally, length of time to complete assignments will depend on Microsoft Project application skills; at least initially.

It is each student’s individual responsibility to be proactive in reviewing the course textbook and material, as well as managing schedules for assignments, quizzes, and group work.


Note that the assignments are found in an Excel Assignment sheet that is separate from the Syllabus document. The schedule of assignments can be found on the Learn@UWStout (aka D2L) online system at the top of the Content list, general information area. Further, the Content area online is structured to align with progress through the course.

Due dates on both assignments and online tests are indicated clearly on the assignment document and the expectation is that each student will complete assignments on time. Computer crashes and technical difficulties happen, so plan to complete assignments and tests with time to spare. Assignments submitted in the Dropbox are due by midnight of the due date listed in the Assignments document. Work submitted after the due date WILL NOT receive credit unless an exception has been made prior to the due date via Email. Exceptions for late work include a death in the immediate family or major surgery. Exceptions must be discussed with and approved by the instructor. Also, it is important to plan on turning in assignments prior to the due date if you anticipate a schedule conflict.

There are a number of online quizzes throughout the semester, as well as a midterm and a final test. Students will be allowed to take the quizzes 2 times and the highest score will be retained in the Grades. However, only 1 attempt will be allowed on the midterm and final tests. Online quizzes are available as listed under the Quizzes menu and have a 60 minute time limit. The midterm and final will be 90 minutes in length. Be sure to study and allow sufficient time to complete each quiz and test.

Complete assignments using Word, Excel, Power Point, and/or MS Project as requested. Be sure to put your name somewhere on the assignment and in the filename. Although assignments may indicate to print out and bring to class, since this class is online, please submit assignments in D2L via the appropriate Dropbox. DO NOT SEND ASSIGNMENTS AS EMAIL ATTACHMENTS. Typically, these are graded within one week. Grades are posted on D2L.

Academic Misconduct (Cheating)


Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to: cheating on an exam; submitting a paper/assignment as one’s own work when a part or all of the paper/assignment is the work of another (professional and/or student); stealing exams or course materials; submitting work previously presented in another course; knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above.


As this translates to this course, work on the examinations is expected to be that of each individual student. Likewise, each student is expected to do his/her own individual work on assignments. Students are permitted to consult each other on assignments, however, when discussions are complete, each student must compose his/her own work for grading. You must do your own work.


Any student who engages in any type of academic misconduct during this course will, at a minimum, receive a failing grade on that assignment, case study or exam; may receive a failing grade for the course; or depending on the gravity of the academic misconduct, other University sanctions may be sought as well.


You will be able to check your progress in the course at Check Your Grade in the Student Tools area. Remember you must submit and have graded all required assignments and tests on time in order to receive a final grade in the course.

Grades will be calculated as a percentage of total points. Final grades will be assigned as follows:

Grade Percentage

A 94% - 100%

A- 90% - 93%

B+ 88% - 89%

B 84% - 87%

B- 80% - 83%

C+ 78% - 79%

C 74% - 77%

C- 70% - 73%

D+ 68% - 69%

D 64% - 67%

D- 60% - 63%

F < 60%


• EMAIL: Typically, instructor/student communication can be done in class. If class discussion is not possible, you can communicate directly from the Email link located at the Communication page. You have a choice to send the message to your instructor or the entire class. Email messages to your instructor will go ONLY to your instructor. Or send directly via Email to olsondi@uwstout.edu.

• PHONE: Please Email your phone number and the best time to call. I read Email several times each day and I will call you back as soon as possible.

• DISCUSSION BOARD: The Discussion Board area will be used to discuss questions, problems and their solutions with classmates 24x7 any day of the week. It will be monitored by the instructor also.

Internet Course Requirements

• Computer/Browser: Ready access to a Pentium computer with a processing speed of at least 100 MHz, a 28.8 modem (56 or higher speed preferred), and either Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher) or Netscape 4.6 (or higher). “Ready” means at home (preferred) or at work as often as possible.

• Microsoft Office Suite is available to all UW-Stout students for $30. A definite plus. Available at .

• Web Surfing: Experience with using a Web browser such as Internet Explorer.

• Stout Email Communications: All About Email, . Experience with using Email to send, receive, attach, and download documents.

How to Logon

The course is designed to be offered solely via the Internet using software called D2L. Go to to login.

Username and password information

• You will need your username and password to login to the course website. Usernames and passwords are case sensitive, so make sure to type in all lowercase.

• Your password is set to your 7-digit student ID number, which is not your social security number. You can find your student ID number on any official grades or registration info that you have received from UW-Stout. All D2L courses in which you are enrolled are tracked based on your Username. You Username is based on your Stout email address. Example: doej@post.uwstout.edu – Username is doej.

• Your Username will not change. It is the username you should use for all of your Stout D2L course sites. At this time, you cannot change your password or your email address.

It might be a good idea to bookmark the D2L page.

Spend 20-30 minutes browsing the course site. Under Student Tools you will find a Student Manual that explains in detail how to use the many features of D2L.

Technical Support

Technical Support for Email, computer, platform type questions may be directed to ASK 5000, Ph. 715-232-5000. D2L technical tips and answers can be found in the How To area on the entry page when you first log on. Also, a 24x7 Helpline is available at Ph. 877-381-3459.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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