
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Archiving Deployment Guide

Microsoft Lync Server 2010

Published: March 2012

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Deploying Archiving 1

Archiving Deployment Overview 1

Setting Up Systems and the Infrastructure for Archiving 4

Setting Up System Platforms 4

Installing Lync Server 2010 Prerequisite Software 4

Installing Message Queuing for Archiving 5

Installing SQL Server for the Archiving Database 6

Setting Up File Storage for Archiving 7

Setting Up Permissions 7

Adding an Archiving Server to an Existing Deployment 7

Add an Archiving Server to the Topology 7

Publish the Updated Topology 9

Install an Archiving Server 10

Configuring Support for Archiving 11

Configuring and Assigning Initial Archiving Policies 11

Configure the Global Policy for Archiving 12

Create a Site Policy for Archiving 13

Create a User Policy for Archiving 14

Apply an Archiving Policy to a User or User Group 15

Configure Archiving Options for a Site 15

Deploying Archiving

Archiving Server is a server role in Microsoft Lync Server 2010. Archiving Server provides a solution for archiving instant messaging (IM) content and conferencing communications in Lync Server 2010 for compliance purposes. For details about what Archiving Server does, see Planning for Archiving in the Planning documentation.

In This Section

• Archiving Deployment Overview

• Setting Up Systems and the Infrastructure for Archiving

• Adding an Archiving Server to an Existing Deployment

• Install an Archiving Server

• Configuring Support for Archiving

Archiving Deployment Overview

As with deployment of your other Microsoft Lync Server 2010 components, deployment of Archiving Server requires that you use Topology Builder to create and publish a topology that incorporates the necessary components, prior to installing Lync Server 2010 on an Archiving Server.

Deployment Sequence

You can deploy Archiving Server at the same time that you deploy your initial topology or after you have deployed at least one Front End pool or Standard Edition server. This document describes how to deploy Archiving Server by adding it to an existing deployment. If you incorporate the Archiving Server in your initial topology instead, the information required to deploy it as part of the initial topology is the same, but you do not run Topology Builder again to add the Archiving Server.

If you enable archiving in one Front End pool or Standard Edition server, you should then enable it for all other Front End pools and Standard Edition servers in your deployment. This is because users whose communications are required to be archived can be invited to a group IM conversation or meetings hosted on a different pool. If archiving is not enabled on the pool where the conversation or meeting is hosted, the session cannot be archived.

If archiving is critical in your organization for compliance reasons, be sure to deploy an Archiving Server and enable archiving for all appropriate users before you enable those users for Lync Server 2010.

Archiving Server Deployment Process

The following table provides an overview of the steps required to deploy archiving support in an existing topology.

Archiving Server Deployment Process

|Phase |Steps |Roles and group memberships |Documentation |

|Install prerequisite |On hardware that meets |Domain user who is a member of the local |Supported Hardware in the |

|hardware and software |system requirements, install|Administrators group |Supportability documentation |

| |the following: | |Server Software and |

| |• An operating system that | |Infrastructure Support in the|

| |meets system requirements. | |Supportability documentation |

| |• Software prerequisites for| |Determining Your System |

| |all servers running Lync | |Requirements in the Planning |

| |Server 2010. | |documentation. |

| |• Message Queuing, with | |Technical Requirements for |

| |Active Directory Domain | |Archiving in the Planning |

| |Services Integration | |documentation |

| |enabled, on the server that | |Installing Message Queuing |

| |will be the Archiving | |for Archiving and Installing |

| |Server. | |SQL Server for the Archiving |

| |• Message Queuing, with | |Database in the Deployment |

| |Active Directory Domain | |documentation |

| |Services Integration | | |

| |enabled, on every Front End | | |

| |Server and Standard Edition | | |

| |server that homes the users | | |

| |for whom you want to collect| | |

| |IM conversation on Archiving| | |

| |Server. | | |

| |• SQL Server on the server | | |

| |that will store the | | |

| |Archiving Server back-end | | |

| |database. | | |

| |Also set up file storage to | | |

| |be used for the archiving | | |

| |file share. | | |

|Create the appropriate |Run Topology Builder to add |To define a topology, an account that is a |Adding an Archiving Server to|

|internal topology to |archiving components to the |member of the local Users group |an Existing Deployment in the|

|support archiving |topology, and then publish |To publish the topology, an account that is|Deployment documentation |

| |the topology, which must be |a member of the Domain Admins group and | |

| |done prior to installation |RTCUniversalServerAdmins group, and that | |

| |of the Archiving Server. |has full control permissions | |

| | |(read/write/modify) on the file share to be| |

| | |used for the archiving file store (so that | |

| | |Topology Builder can configure the required| |

| | |DACLs) | |

|Install Archiving Server |1. Install the local |User account that is a member of the Local |Install an Archiving Server |

|and start the Lync Server |configuration store. |Administrators group, is a domain user |in the Deployment |

|Archiving service |2. Setup Lync Server 2010 |account that is a member of the |documentation |

| |components |RTCUniversalServerAdmins group, and has | |

| |3. Start the Lync Server |access permission for the SQL instance for | |

| |Archiving service. |the Archiving database. | |

|Configure archiving |Configure archiving, |RTCUniversalServerAdmins group (Windows |Configuring Support for |

|policies and support |including the global policy |PowerShell only)or assign users to the |Archiving in the Deployment |

| |and any site and user |CSArchivingAdministrator or CSAdministrator|documentation |

| |policies, and specific |role | |

| |archiving options, such as | | |

| |critical mode and data | | |

| |export and purging. | | |

Setting Up Systems and the Infrastructure for Archiving

Before installing Archiving Server, you need to deploy the appropriate hardware and software for all archiving components.

In This Section

• Setting Up System Platforms

• Installing Lync Server 2010 Prerequisite Software

• Installing Message Queuing for Archiving

• Installing SQL Server for the Archiving Database

• Setting Up File Storage for Archiving

• Setting Up Permissions

Setting Up System Platforms

Before starting the installation of an Archiving Server, you must install the required operating system on hardware that meets system requirements. For details about supported hardware for servers running Microsoft Lync Server 2010, database servers, and file servers, see Supported Hardware in the Supportability documentation. For details about supported operating systems and database software, see Server and Tools Operating System Support and Database Software and Clustering Support in the Supportability documentation. For details about Windows update requirements, see Additional Software Requirements in the Planning documentation.

Installing Lync Server 2010 Prerequisite Software

All servers running Microsoft Lync Server 2010 communications software must have the following software installed:

• Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 with SP1 (to be installed using Server Manager)

• Microsoft Visual C+ 2008 Redistributable (can be installed automatically by Lync Server 2010, if not already installed on the computer)

• Windows Media Format Runtime (can be installed automatically by Lync Server 2010, if not already installed on the computer)

• Windows PowerShell version 2.0 (is already installed on some Windows operating systems)

• Windows Installer version 4.5

Although Lync Server 2010 can automatically install everything except .NET Framework 3.5 with SP1, Windows PowerShell version 2.0, and Windows Installer version 4.5, installing all software prior to starting installation of Lync Server 2010 on the Archiving Server can streamline the installation process.

At a minimum, you must install Windows Installer version 4.5, NET Framework 3.5 with SP1, and, if it is not already installed on the computer, Windows PowerShell version 2.0. For computers on which Windows PowerShell version 1.0 is installed, you must uninstall it before installing Windows PowerShell version 2.0.

For details about all these software requirements, including how to download the software, see Additional Software Requirements in the Planning documentation.

Installing Message Queuing for Archiving

Before deploying Archiving Server you must install Message Queuing (also known as MSMQ), with Active Directory Domain Services Integration enabled, on the server running Archiving Server and each Front End Server for which an Archiving Server will archive data. Archiving Server uses Message Queuing to ensure reliability when processing data.

[pic]To install Message Queuing by using Server Manager

|1. Log on as a domain user with local administrator rights to the server that will be running Archiving Server or the |

|Front End Server. |

|2. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager. |

|3. Click Add Features. |

|4. Expand Message Queuing, expand Message Queuing Services, and verify that the Message Queuing Server and Directory |

|Service Integration check boxes are selected. |

|5. Click Next, and then click Install. |

|6. When prompted to restart the computer, click OK to complete the installation. |

|[pic]Note: |

|To ensure that Message Queuing is installed and ready for installation of Archiving Server, enable the Advanced Features |

|on the View tab in Active Directory Users and Computers to view and verify that Message Queuing is enabled for the |

|computer. |

[pic]To install Message Queuing programmatically

|• Run the following command: |

|servermanagercmd.exe -install MSMQ MSMQ-Services MSMQ-Server MSMQ-Directory |

|[pic]Note: |

|To ensure that Message Queuing is installed and ready for installation of Archiving Server, verify in Active Directory |

|Users and Computers that it is enabled for the computer. |

[pic]Additional Steps

|• The following updates are mandatory for the Archiving and Monitoring Services Message Queuing installation: |

|For details, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2260618, “FIX: Message Queuing may stop responding in Windows Vista or |

|in Windows Server 2008,” at . |

|For details, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2028997, “FIX: Message Queuing may become unresponsive in Windows 7 or |

|in Windows Server 2008 R2,” at . |

Installing SQL Server for the Archiving Database

Archiving Server requires the Microsoft SQL Server database software to store the archive data. You must install Microsoft SQL Server on the computer that will host the Archiving Server database. This can be the same computer that runs Archiving Server, the computer that runs Monitoring Server, the database for the Monitoring Server, or a dedicated database server for archiving. You can also use the same SQL instance that you use for the back-end database of a Front End pool. For best performance, you should deploy the Archiving database on a computer that is separate from the Central Management store. For details about collocating Microsoft Lync Server 2010 components, see Supported Server Collocation in the Supportability documentation.

Lync Server 2010 supports the following 64-bit versions of SQL Server:

• SQL Server 2008 Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (SP1) (required) or latest service pack (recommended)

• SQL Server 2008 Standard with SP1 (required) or latest service pack (recommended)

• SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise

• SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard

• SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with Service Pack (SP3) (required) or latest service pack (recommended)

• SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition with SP3 (required) or latest service pack (recommended)


SQL Server 2008 Express, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express, and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition are not supported. For additional SQL Server requirements and restrictions, see Database Software and Clustering Support in the Supportability documentation.

If the account used to publish the topology has the appropriate administrator rights and permissions, you can create the archiving database (LcsLog) when you publish your topology. You can also create the database later, including as part of the installation procedure.

For details about SQL Server, see the SQL Server TechCenter at .

Setting Up File Storage for Archiving

If you decide to archive conferencing content, in addition to instant messaging (IM) content, all conferencing content, including documents, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, and shared files, is stored on a file share. You can use an existing file share or specify a new file share (on existing file storage) during installation of the Archiving Server. For details about supported file storage systems, see File Storage Support in the Supportability documentation.

Setting Up Permissions

Delegation of setup and administration has changed in Microsoft Lync Server 2010. Specific tasks still require that users performing those tasks be members of one or more specific groups, but you can now use role-based access control (RBAC) to grant privileges by assigning users to pre-defined Lync Server administrative roles.

Before you start deploying an Archiving Server, ensure that the appropriate user rights and permissions are in place, and that any users that you want to assign to a specific RBAC role have been assigned to that role. For details about the user rights, permissions, and roles for deploying an Archiving Server, see Archiving Deployment Overview, which is available in the Planning documentation and the Deployment documentation. For details about RBAC, see Role-Based Access Control in the Planning documentation.

Adding an Archiving Server to an Existing Deployment

After you install the prerequisite software on each server on which you plan to deploy any archiving component, you must use Topology Builder to add the Archiving Server to your topology, and then publish the topology. You perform these tasks before you install Lync Server 2010 for the Archiving Server.

In This Section

• Add an Archiving Server to the Topology

• Publish the Updated Topology

Add an Archiving Server to the Topology

You must incorporate Archiving Server in your topology before you can install Microsoft Lync Server 2010 software to set up your Archiving Server. The information in this topic explains how to use Topology Builder to add Archiving Server to your existing topology.

[pic]To add an Archiving Server to a topology

|1. On a computer that is running Lync Server 2010 or on which the Lync Server administrative tools are installed, log on |

|using an account that is a member of the local Users group (or an account with equivalent user rights). |

|[pic]Note: |

|You can define a topology by using an account that is a member of the local Users group, but to publish a topology, which |

|is required to install a Lync Server 2010 server, you must use an account that is a member of the Domain Admins group and |

|the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group, and that has full control permissions (that is, read, write, and modify) on the file |

|share that you are going to use for the archiving file store (that is, so that Topology Builder can configure the required|

|DACLs), or an account with equivalent rights. |

|2. Start Topology Builder: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server |

|Topology Builder. |

|3. In the console tree, right-click Archiving Servers, and then click New Archiving Server. |

|4. In Define the fully qualified domain name, in FQDN, specify the FQDN for the Archiving Server that you want to add. |

|5. In Define the SQL store, do one of the following: |

|• To use an existing SQL store, click Use a previously defined SQL store, and then, in the drop-down list, click the name |

|of the SQL store that you want to use. |

|• To specify a new SQL store, click Define a new SQL store, and then do the following: |

|a. In SQL Server FQDN, specify the FQDN of the SQL Server on which you want to create the new SQL store. |

|b. Under SQL Instance, either click Default Instance to use the default instance or, to specify a different instance, |

|click Named Instance, and then specify the instance you want to use. |

|6. In the Define file store dialog box, do one of the following: |

|• To use an existing file share for the file store, click Use a previously defined file share, and then, in the drop-down |

|list, click the name of the file share that you want to use. |

|• To specify a new file share for the file store, click Define a new file share, and then do the following: |

|a. In File Server FQDN, specify the FQDN of the file server. |

|b. In File Share, type a name for the new file share. |

|[pic]Important: |

|You can define the file share in Topology Builder before you create the file share, but you must create the file share in |

|the defined location you define before you publish the topology. |

|7. In the Associate Front End pools dialog box, under Unassigned Pools, select the check box in front of each of the |

|unassigned pools in the list with which the Archiving Server should be associated. |

|8. After finishing the wizard to add Archiving Server to the topology, look in the navigation pane in Topology Builder and|

|verify that the server is listed under the Archiving Servers node. |

Publish the Updated Topology

After updating your topology in Topology Builder, you must publish the topology to the Central Management store before you can install and configure the Archiving Server. Read-only copies of the data are replicated to all servers in the topology to keep all servers in sync with topology and other configuration changes.

[pic]To publish an updated topology

|1. On a computer that is running Lync Server 2010 or on which the Lync Server administrative tools are installed, log on |

|using an account that is a member of both the Domain Admins group and the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group, and that has |

|full control permissions (that is, read, write, and modify) on the file share to be used for the archiving file store (so |

|that Topology Builder can configure the required DACLs), or an account with equivalent user rights. |

|2. Start Topology Builder: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server |

|Topology Builder. |

|3. In the console tree, right-click Lync Server 2010, and then click Publish Topology. |

|4. On the Publish the topology page, click Next. |

|5. On the Create other databases page, verify that the database is selected, and then click Next. |

|[pic]Notes: |

|If you do not have the appropriate permissions to create databases, you can cancel the selection the database and someone |

|with appropriate permissions can create the database. For details about the required administrator rights and permissions,|

|see Deployment Permissions for SQL Server in the Lync Server 2010 Deployment documentation. |

|Only databases on dedicated SQL Servers can be installed using Topology Builder. Databases on SQL Servers that are |

|collocated with other server components must be installed by running local setup on that computer. |

|6. On the Publishing wizard complete page, verify that the topology was successfully published, and then click Finish. |

|[pic]Important: |

|After publishing the topology, you must install Lync Server 2010 on the computer that you want to use as the Archiving |

|Server, and then configure archiving support to complete your Archiving Server deployment. |

Install an Archiving Server

The Lync Server Deployment Wizard uses the configuration file generated by Topology Builder to install the necessary files and set up the Archiving Server.


If the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable and the Visual J# version 2.0 Redistributable are not already installed on the computer, the installation wizard prompts you to automatically install them. Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 with SP1, Message Queuing, Windows PowerShell version 2.0, and Windows Installer version 4.5 must already be installed on the server that you are deploying as the Archiving Server, and SQL Server must already be installed on the server on which you want the archiving database server to reside. The following procedure assumes that all the prerequisite software has already been installed. For details about prerequisite software installation, see Installing Lync Server 2010 Prerequisite Software.

[pic]To install an Archiving Server

|1. On the computer on which you want to install Archiving Server, log on using an account that is a member of the local |

|Administrators group, is a domain user account that is a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group, and has access |

|permission for the SQL instance for the Archiving database (or an account with equivalent user rights). |

|2. Start the Lync Server Deployment Wizard from the Lync Server installation media. |

|3. On the first page of the Lync Server Deployment Wizard, specify the installation location (by default, C:\Program |

|Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010). |

|4. On the License Agreement page, review the license agreement, select the I accept the terms in the license agreement |

|check box to proceed, and then click OK. |

|5. On the Welcome page, click Install or Update Lync Server System. |

|6. In Step 1: Install Local Configuration Store, click Run. |

|[pic]Note: |

|The Lync Server Deployment Wizard reads the configuration information from the Central Management store, which you defined|

|using Topology Builder, and writes the XML configuration file to the local computer. |

|7. On the Configure Local Replica of Central Management Store page, click Retrieve directly from the Central Management |

|Store (Requires read access to the Central Management Store). |

|8. In Step 2: Setup or Remove Lync Server Components, click Run. |

|[pic]Note: |

|The Lync Server Deployment Wizard installs the Lync Server components specified in the XML configuration file stored on |

|the local computer. |

|9. Skip Step 3: Request, Install or Assign Certificates, because there are no certificate requirements for the Archiving |

|Server. |

|10. In Step 4: Start Services, click Run. |

|[pic]Note: |

|Before you start the services, verify that the LcsLog database was correctly created in the SQL Server instance you |

|specified for Archiving Server. |

|11. Click Exit. |

|12. When the installation completes, click Finish. |

Configuring Support for Archiving

After installing the Archiving Server, you use the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Control Panel to configure your deployment to support archiving.

In This Section

• Configuring and Assigning Initial Archiving Policies

• Configure Archiving Options for a Site

Configuring and Assigning Initial Archiving Policies

In Lync Server 2010 Control Panel, you can use the Archiving Policy page of the Archiving and Monitoring group to manage policies at a global, site, or user level, including configuring the default global policy and creating one or more additional user and site policies for your deployment. The global policy is created automatically when you deploy Archiving Server and can be configured, but not deleted. You can create and configure multiple site and user policies that, together with the global policy, control which communications are archived. In each policy, you can enable or disable archiving of internal communications, external communications, or both. By default, archiving is not enabled for internal or external communications. Site archiving policies override the global archiving policy, but only for users of that site. User policies override both global and site policies for the users to whom the user policy is assigned.


In order to configure and use archiving, you must first install the Archiving Server and the archiving database.

In This Section

• Configure the Global Policy for Archiving

• Create a Site Policy for Archiving

• Create a User Policy for Archiving

• Apply an Archiving Policy to a User or User Group

Configure the Global Policy for Archiving

You can use the default global policy by itself to enable archiving settings to all internal users in your deployment, all external users, or both. You can also specify additional policies for sites and users to control whether archiving is enabled for specific users and sites. For example, you could configure the global policy to enable archiving of internal communications and external communications, and then create a site policy that specifies that archiving is not enabled for internal communications, external communications, or both.

You cannot delete the global policy. If you attempt to delete it, the configuration resets to the default values.


In order to configure and use archiving, you must first install the Archiving Server and the archiving database. For details, see Deploying Archiving in the Deployment documentation.

To configure archiving support, you must enable support for each type of archiving you want to support, as well as configure and, if appropriate, assign policies and configure other options to control how archiving is implemented. For details, see Configuring Support for External User Access and Configure Archiving Options for a Site in the Deployment documentation or Managing External Connectivity in the Operations documentation.

[pic]To configure the global policy for archiving

|1. From a user account that is assigned to the CsArchivingAdministrator or CsAdministrator role, log on to any computer in|

|your internal deployment. |

|2. Open a browser window, and then enter the Admin URL to open the Lync Server Control Panel. For details about the |

|different methods you can use to start Lync Server Control Panel, see Open Lync Server Administrative Tools. |

|3. In Lync Server Control Panel, click Monitoring and Archiving, and then click Archiving Policy. |

|4. Click Global in the list of policies, click Edit, and then click Show details. |

|5. In Edit Archiving Policy - Global, do the following: |

|• In Name, specify a new name for the global policy, if you do not want to use the default of Global. |

|• In Description, provide details about what the user policy is (for example, Global policy for centralSiteName |

|• To control archiving of internal communications for all sites and users not specifically controlled through a site |

|policy or user policy, select or clear the Archive internal communications check box. |

|• To control external archiving for the specifying users for all sites and users not specifically controlled through a |

|site policy or user policy, select or clear the Archive external communications check box. |

|6. Click Commit. |

Create a Site Policy for Archiving

For each site you have deployed, you can create an archiving policy to control whether archiving for that site is enabled or disabled for the following:

• Internal communications

• External communications

The configuration in the site policy overrides the global policy, but only for the specific site covered by the site policy. For example, if you enable archiving of internal and external communications in the global policy, you might specify a site policy that disables archiving for internal communications, external communications, or both for that one site.


In order to configure and use archiving, you must first install the Archiving Server and the archiving database. For details, see Deploying Archiving in the Deployment documentation.

To configure archiving support, you must enable support for each type of archiving you want to support, as well as configure and, if appropriate, assign policies and configure other options to control how archiving is implemented. For details, see Configuring Support for External User Access and Configure Archiving Options for a Site in the Deployment documentation or Managing External Connectivity in the Operations documentation.

[pic]To create an archiving policy for a site

|1. From a user account that is assigned to the CsArchivingAdministrator or CsAdministrator role, log on to any computer in|

|your internal deployment. |

|2. Open a browser window, and then enter the Admin URL to open the Lync Server Control Panel. For details about the |

|different methods you can use to start Lync Server Control Panel, see Open Lync Server Administrative Tools. |

|3. In the left navigation bar, click Monitoring and Archiving, and then click Archiving Policy. |

|4. Click New, and the click Site policy. |

|5. In Select a Site, click the site to which the policy is to be applied. |

|6. In New Archiving Policy, do the following: |

|• In Name, specify a name for the new site policy (for example, externalContoso). |

|• In Description, provide details about what the site policy is (for example, External user archiving policy for Contoso).|

|• To control archiving of internal communications for the site, select or clear the Archive internal communications check |

|box. |

|• To control archiving of communications with external users for the site, select or clear the Archive external |

|communications check box. |

|7. Click Commit. |

Create a User Policy for Archiving

You can create an archiving policy to control whether archiving for specific users is enabled or disabled for the following:

• Internal communications

• External communications

In Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Control Panel, you define user policies that can be assigned to users in Users.

The user policy overrides the global policy and site policies, but only for the specific users assigned the user policy. For example, if you enable archiving of internal and external communications in the global policy, you might specify a site policy that disables it for internal communications, external communications, or both for that one site, and then specify a user policy that enables archiving for a specific group of users at that site.


In order to configure and use archiving, you must first install the Archiving Server and the archiving database. For details, see Deploying Archiving in the Deployment documentation.

To configure archiving support, you must enable support for each type of archiving you want to support, as well as configure and, if appropriate, assign policies and configure other options to control how archiving is implemented. For details, see Configuring Support for External User Access and Configure Archiving Options for a Site in the Deployment documentation or Managing External Connectivity in the Operations documentation.

[pic]To create a user policy for archiving

|1. From a user account that is assigned to the CsArchivingAdministrator or CsAdministrator role, log on to any computer in|

|your internal deployment. |

|2. Open a browser window, and then enter the Admin URL to open the Lync Server Control Panel. For details about the |

|different methods you can use to start Lync Server Control Panel, see Open Lync Server Administrative Tools. |

|3. In the left navigation bar, click Monitoring and Archiving, and then click Archiving Policy. |

|4. Click New, and then click User policy. |

|5. In New Archiving Policy, do the following: |

|• In Name, specify a name for the new user policy. |

|• In Description, provide details about what the user policy is (for example, External user archiving policy for Contoso) |

|• To control archiving of internal communications for the specified users, select or clear the Archive internal |

|communications check box. |

|• To control external archiving for the specifying users, select or clear the Archive external communications check box. |

|6. Click Commit. |

Apply an Archiving Policy to a User or User Group

If a user has been enabled for Lync Server 2010, you can configure archiving support by applying the appropriate policies to specific users or user groups. For example, if you create a policy to support archiving of internal communications, you can apply it to at least one user or user group to support archiving of the user’s Lync Server 2010 communications.


In order to configure and use archiving, you must first install the Archiving Server and the archiving database. For details, see Deploying Archiving in the Deployment documentation.

To configure archiving support, you must enable support for each type of archiving you want to support, as well as configure and, if appropriate, assign policies and configure other options to control how archiving is implemented. For details, see Configuring Support for External User Access and Configure Archiving Options for a Site in the Deployment documentation or Managing External Connectivity in the Operations documentation.

Use the procedure in this topic to apply a previously created archiving user policy to one or more user accounts or user groups.

[pic]To apply an archiving user policy to a user account

|1. From a user account that is assigned to the CsArchivingAdministrator or CsAdministrator role, log on to any computer in|

|your internal deployment. |

|2. Open a browser window, and then enter the Admin URL to open the Lync Server Control Panel. For details about the |

|different methods you can use to start Lync Server Control Panel, see Open Lync Server Administrative Tools. |

|3. In the left navigation bar, click Users, and then search on the user account that you want to configure. |

|4. In the table that lists the search results, click the user account, click Edit, and then click Show details. |

|5. In Edit Lync Server User under Archiving policy, select the archiving user policy that you want to apply. |

|[pic]Note: |

|The settings apply the default server installation settings. These settings are applied automatically by the |

|server. |

|6. Click Commit. |

Configure Archiving Options for a Site

In Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Control Panel, you can use the Archiving Configuration section of the Archiving and Monitoring page to do the following tasks globally or for a site:

• Turn archiving on or off.

• Define the communications, such as instant messaging (IM) or IM and conferencing (meeting), that will be archived.

• Define the purging settings for archived content.


In order to configure and use archiving, you must first install the Archiving Server and the archiving database. For details, see Deploying Archiving in the Deployment documentation.

To configure archiving support, you must enable support for each type of archiving you want to support, as well as configure and, if appropriate, assign policies and configure other options to control how archiving is implemented. For details, see Configuring Support for External User Access and Configure Archiving Options for a Site in the Deployment documentation or Managing External Connectivity in the Operations documentation.

[pic]To configure archiving

|1. From a user account that is assigned to the CsArchivingAdministrator or CsAdministrator role, log on to any computer in|

|your internal deployment. |

|2. Open a browser window, and then enter the Admin URL to open the Lync Server Control Panel. For details about the |

|different methods you can use to start Lync Server Control Panel, see Open Lync Server Administrative Tools. |

|3. In the left navigation bar, click Monitoring and Archiving, and then click Archiving Configuration. |

|4. On the Archiving Configuration page, click New. |

|5. In Select a Site, select the site to be configured for archiving. |

|6. In New Archiving Setting, do the following: |

|• In Archiving setting, click the archiving option that you want to use. |

|• To block activity when archiving is not available, select the Block instant messaging (IM) or web conferencing sessions |

|if archiving fails check box. |

|• To enable purging, select the Enable purging of archiving data check box, and then do one of the following: |

|• To specify purging after a specific number of days, click Purge exported archiving data and stored archiving data after |

|maximum duration (days), and then specify the number of days. |

|• To limit purging to archiving data that has been exported, click Purge exported archiving data only, |

|• To enable external archiving, select the Archive external communications check box. |

|7. Click Commit. |


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