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Prospective Puppy Buyer QuestionnaireLiving Skies KennelBox 43, Manor, Sask. S0C 1R0306-575-0004Copy and paste this questionnaire into an e-mail message, then fill in your responses, and?send to me. ?As a breeder, my goal is to place each of my puppies in his or her “forever” home.?The following questions will help us to determine if a Living Skies Kennel puppy is the right fit for you and your family. Do the best you can in answering the questions, there are no right or wrong answers. Please return all three pages. If you prefer you can copy and paste this questionnaire into an e-mail message, then fill in your responses, and send it to my email address. (If you do not receive a response within a few days, I did not receive your message; please try again.)Prospective Buyer Information:Name: E-mail:Address: Home Phone Number:Cell Phone Number:Work Number:Family Information: Why do you want a dog?Are you acquiring a dog for yourself or for someone else?If for someone else, are they aware of your intentions, or is the dog to be a surprise?How many adults live in your home? Do you have any children? If yes, please list how many and their ages.What activities do you enjoy in your spare time? Do all members of your family want to get a puppy? Do any family members have allergies to dogs? Who will be the primary care giver for your puppy?If primary care giver is someone other than yourself, please provide their name and alternate number. Have you ever owned a dog before? If yes, what happened to that dog? Do you currently own a dog/dogs? Have you ever given a dog away or taken one to a pound or shelter? If so, what were the circumstances? If your family circumstances change (new baby, change of residence or job), what will happen to the dog? Do you currently own any other pets? If so, please list them. If you have owned pets in the past, please provide the name, address, and phone number of the Veterinarian you used.Are you prepared to teach any resident or visiting children the proper way to conduct themselves around a new dog?Have you or anyone in your household ever been charged with animal cruelty or had any animal taken away from you or any member of your household for suspicion of animal cruelty? If yes, please explain.Have you or any person in your household ever been suspended privileges by the American Kennel Club, the United Kennel Club, the Canadian Kennel Club, or any other such club? If yes, please explain.Housing Information: Do you live in a house/apartment/condo/townhouse? If renting, do you have your landlord’s permission to have a dog? Please list his/her name, address, and phone number.Do you have a yard? If so, how large? If not, how do you plan to exercise your dog? Is your yard completely fenced with secure fencing? If yes, how high? If you have a pool, is it fenced?If your answer to question’s 4 or 5 are ‘no’, would you be willing, before bringing pup home, to build a fence or a secure run for when the puppy is not being safely supervised, for its safety? Puppy Information: Why have you decided to buy a puppy of this breed?Are you interested in a puppy, an older pup, or an adult dog?Do you prefer a pet/companion dog or a show/performance dog?Are you aware that this breed of dog are not normally barkers, but they can become mischievous especially if left alone for extended periods of time? Do you prefer male or female? Do you have a color preference?Please rank the following factors below that you feel is of most importance to you in your choice of a puppy (1 = most important): Structure/Looks Temperament Sex Potential Obedience/Agility Dog Family Companion Potential Show Dog Potential Breeding Animal Potential Hunting Dog Pet Therapy Search & Rescue 4H or FFA project OtherWhere will your dog live (inside, outside, combination of both)?Is anyone home during the day? How many hours on the average will your dog spend alone? Will there be someone available to feed and exercise the puppy during the day? Where will your puppy spend his/her time when no one is at home? Where will your puppy stay if you go out of town? When you travel with the dog, where will he/she ride?Where will the puppy sleep at night? Are you going to crate-train your puppy? Are you willing to take your puppy to obedience classes? How do you intend to obedience train your new puppy? On your own? With a club/trainer? Have you completed any events such as hunt tests, agility, obedience or rally trials? If yes, please describe:Is this a potential show puppy or a puppy that may be entering events?If this is a show puppy or a puppy entering events, will you be showing it yourself or will you be hiring someone to show for you? Is this your first puppy or the first one in many years? Are you prepared to spay/neuter your dog, or are you interested in breeding?Have you ever bred a dog/dogs before? If so please elaborate.Please describe any character attributes that are of particular importance to you in the puppy/dog you are seeking at this time?What do you expect of your dog’s breeder?Are you prepared for the responsibility of caring for this dog for its entire life (12-15 years)??How did you hear about us? Veterinarian Information/References: If you have a veterinarian, please provide contact information belowName: Address:Phone: Email:Please supply two references (dog trainers, friends, neighbors, landlord, groomer, employer, etc.—not including immediate family) who know you well enough to recommend you as a good dog owner.Name: Address:Phone: Email:Relationship to you: Name: Address:Phone: Email:Relationship to you: Please add any additional information or thoughts that you feel would help me to understand you as a potential puppy owner and the home you can offer the dog.What questions do you have for me? By signing this questionnaire, I affirm that all statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge.? (If you are submitting this form via e-mail, please type your name in the signature line.? I will require a signed copy before placing a puppy.)NameSignatureDate ................

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