
Conceptual Physics is an approach to physics that will stimulate your students’ higher-level cognitive skills and encourage them to see science everywhere. The value of teaching physics conceptually is not in minimizing mathematics but in maximizing the use of students’ personal experience in the everyday world in their everyday language. The equations students encounter in the book are not recipes for solving algebraic problems but guides to thinking. Your student will see physics as more than a class or lab activity; they will learn how to see physics everywhere, as part of everything they do.Mr. Staileyjustin.stailey@480-279-8344Room 220Tutoring hours vary from week to week.Students may sign up for specific times.Needed for daily use in the classroomA pencil with an eraser, a blue or black ink pen, a colored pen, a single subject note-book used solely for Physics, a TI-30 or equivalent calculator.Classroom Rules and Expectations:BE ON TIME- Students need to be in the class and at their seat with supplies out and ready to work when the bell rings.RESPECT- We all know this and have been told from day one in school. The “golden rule” as always the most effective and simple. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Respect yourself and others at all times.NO WAY!- There will be no gum, no food, no cell phones or other personal electronic devices, no hats, and no drinks other than water in a clear container allowed in the classroom.DRESS CODE - The HUSD dress code will be enforced. Please check out the HUSD Dress Code on page 7 of the student Code of Conduct from the district website. You can use the link below: Backpacks will be stored in the back of the classroom during class. They may not be in the student’s lap or on top of the desk.Talking out of turn- This goes back to the simple expectation of respect. Wait for someone else to finish before speaking. Wait until you are called upon to start talking. During instructional time the best way to do this, as always, is raising your hand.BATHROOMS- Students are not allowed to go to the bathroom during instructional time. During individual work time there may be some opportunities to go, but this is for you to manage. Of course if there is some kind of personal emergency I am very flexible.Behavior Management PlanIf a student is not abiding the rules and/or disrupting the learning environment, a clear set of steps will be taken to redirect them. If the teacher deems it necessary, students will be redirected in this manner.1st time: Student and Teacher will have a private conference and review expectations.2nd time: Student’s parents will be notified and lunch detention will be assigned.3rd time: Student’s parents and school administration will be notified and a lunch detention will be assigned.4th time: Student’s parents will be notified and student will be referred to the administration.***The teacher of course can use discretion and depending on the type of behavior in question can jump straight to parent phone calls, and administration referrals.Grading PolicyGrades will be assigned using the following formula:Tests, quizzes, labs - 80%, Classwork, projects, final - 20%Practice may be assigned but will not count towards the grade.The following scale determines the letter grade associated with a student’s percentage grade.A = 90% - 100% B = 80% - 89%C = 70% - 79%D = 60% - 69%F = 59% or belowAssignments that are turned in after the specified due date are considered late.Late AssignmentsLate work will be accepted on a limited basis but for a reduced amount of points. All assignments need a minimum of 75% completion to be accepted. After a reasonable amount of time, the teacher will use his discretion in accepting late work. As a general rule a student has two weeks after the assignment has been entered in the gradebook to turn in the assignment. I have a no rescue policy. This means work must be turned in at the designated time during class and not after class. If an assignment is turned in after the class period has ended, it is considered late. Students will not be allowed to call home to have their parents or guardians drop off their school work. It is the student’s responsibility to be prepared for class.ResourcesThe textbook and where and how to access it will be discussed in class the first week.Redo's and retakesSecond chance learning is a strategy which provides additional opportunities to learn and demonstrate what a student knows and can do when assessments indicate that the essential knowledge or skills have not been demonstrated. The intent is for students to master the content. Every effort will be made to allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts and skills of this class.Second Chance Learning:Students will have the opportunity to redo/retake assessments up to two times within two weeks of the posted gradeOpportunities to redo/retake assignments are at the teacher’s discretionRedo/retake grade will take the place of the original grade unless it is lower (no averaging of scores)In order to identify gaps in learning, students MUST return a completed redo/retake reflection formAlternative practice work or assessments may be given that will cover the same material but may be in a different formatRedo and retakes will not be given during the student’s regular class period, specific retake dates will be determined by the teacherRedo and retakes are not meant to be used as a regular practice by a student or as a substitute for effortStudents are NOT eligible for a retake until all missing work related to the unit has been submittedAll redo and retakes must be completed within two weeks of the grade posting dateSteps to Retake/Redo an AssessmentComplete the retake/redo reflection formComplete/Redo all practice work relating to the assessment or complete alternate assignments given by the teacherAttend a minimum of one tutoring session with your teacher.Turn in the redo/retake reflection form and the practice work to the teacherRetake the assessment on the designated retake day within two weeks of the posted gradeReminder: Students can only retake an assessment two (2) times within the two week retake windowAbsent Make-up Work…Students are responsible for checking on missed assignments the day they return to school. Students have as many days as they were absent to make up the missing work. If a student is absent the day a long term project is due. The student must turn in the project the day they return to school.Extra Help…If a student is having difficulties with a particular concept, contact the teacher and arrange some time for extra help. I am available multiple times during any given week both before and after school for tutoring and/ or re-takes.Any of the following supplies would also be greatly appreciated: Tissues, printer paper, multi-colored dry erase markers, colored construction paper, sanitizer wipes, hand sanitizer, quart/gallon size baggies ................

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