Mr. Brian D. Beadle

Vista Heights Middle School

801 610-8770 ext 202


Course website:

Contact Hours: Room 202

7:40 – 8:05

2:45 – 3:30 (* Tuesday thru Friday)

(At any time you may view this document on my classroom website)


This class is an introductory course with a wealth of information concerning the fundamental knowledge of how matter interrelates to energy & change through four different fields of study: Physics, Chemistry, Geology & Ecology.

The following areas of Science will be covered in detail:

|1. Laboratory Skills |4. Chemistry: Study of chemical & physical properties of matter |

|2. Scientific Method |5. Geology: Study of Earths Changing Surface |

|3. Physics: Study of energy and motion |6. Ecology: Study of the environment |


To succeed in this classroom, the following materials are strongly encouraged:

o A set of pencils for labs, notes & tests, and pens for notes only.

o Student Handbook – for hall passes.

o Other materials which are nice to have but are not necessary would include: calculator, ruler & colored pens/pencils.

Classroom Rules:

You are free to make choices, but you are not free from the consequences of the choices that you make. Rules are based on the 3 R’s (Respect of Self & Others, Teacher & School)

1. Be respectful of your self and others (Golden Rule).

a. Please be mindful of your comments towards others.

b. Please do not talk while other students are participating in classroom discussions.

c. Please do not touch other student’s belongings.

2. Be respectful of the teacher.

a. Please be on time (Tardy is not being in your seat when the bell rings. See school attendance policy).

b. Please be prepared to work (I recommend you have 2 pencils sharpened before class begins).

c. Please do not talk or get out of your seat while I’m giving instruction. (i.e. hall pass).

d. Please do your work when asked and have all your work finished.

e. Please do not touch any items on my desk w/o permission.

f. Please do not roughhouse in my classroom – especially during labs. (Points are deducted for goofing off)

g. Please no electronic devices in my class; school policy.

3. Be respectful of the school.

a. Please keep my classroom clean.

b. Please do not write or etch on the desks and chairs.

c. Please do not touch cabinets.

d. Please treat lab and school equipment with care & respect. Broken equipment will be charged the price of the item plus an additional 50% for compensation of time and resources.

*Violation of each will be dealt with in an appropriate manner (Please see Discipline Policy below).


Each student is expected to behave in an appropriate manner fit for a public classroom, and will be held accountable for their actions and behavior while in class; this includes treating the school, teacher, others and self in a respectable manner. If a student violates the classroom rules, appropriate action will follow to remedy the situation.


Due to safety concerns, if a student, or students are caught horse playing during lab, it is imperative that I take evasive action.  Therefore, depending on the severity of the situation, I will either reduce points or remove the students from lab which will result in a zero for the lab.  During which, the student will sit off to the side while the rest of the class continues.


1. ESSENCIAL MASTERY TESTS: EMT Tests will be set up as pass or fail & their 1st time earned raw score. The raw score is worth 30% of your grade. You will be required to achieve mastery of each End of Unit Test before you can receive a passing grade. Until which the student will receive an overall grade of “F” until mastery is achieved. Mastery is considered an 80% or better passing score.

2. CLASS and LAB ASSIGNMENTS: Class and Lab Assignments are worth 60% of your grade. We will be working on these daily and should be completed in class. Please have your internet forms filled out and filed with the media center for any future internet assignments. There is an online textbook available. For late work, please view the Late Work Policy below. \

3. CRITERION REFERENCE TEST (CRT): The end of year CRT will also affect your grade and is worth 500 points. Points awarded on the following levels: Level 4: 500, 3: 400, 2: 350, 1: 300.


Each student will be expected to finish all assignments on time. All lab packets are due on the day we do the test and are considered late if not. If late, an automatic drop of up to 10% will be applied. Second week: -20%, third week -30%, fourth week 50%.


Extra Credit Assignments will be based on extensions of assignments or projects after all assignments have been completed.


Scores are then totaled and a grade is given according to the following schedule of percentages.

|A |B |C |D |F |

|93-100 = A |87- 89 = B+ |77 - 79 = C+ |67 - 69 = D+ |59% or Below |

|90-92 = A- |83 - 86 = B |73 - 76 = C |63 - 66 = D | |

| |80 - 82 = B- |70 - 72 = C- |60 - 62 = D- | |


Cheating is not tolerated in any form. Each student is expected to complete their own assignments and tests. NO CREDIT will be given for assignments or tests where cheating has taken place, and your citizenship grade will be automatically be dropped to Unsatisfactory.


Attendance and Tardies will be dealt with as stated in the school policy. It is your responsibility to makeup work for absences. You have ONE WEEK after your return from your absence to complete it for FULL CREDIT. To access any missing coursework assignments please go to my classroom website listed above. The lab sheets are all available in your packet.


Mr. Brian D. Beadle

Room 202 A

By signing below, I have read and agree to the terms outlined in Mr. Beadle’s Disclosure Document as outlined on his homepage and the following link: . I also know that a copy can also be obtained from the classroom at any time throughout the year.

I also know and understand that by not signing, I forfeit my (or son/daughter’s) privilege to participate in future classroom activities and labs. I also know that this signature is worth 50 points which will count against my (or son/daughter’s) grade if not turned in.

____________________________________________________ ___________________

Student (signature) Period


Student (please print)

____________________________________________________ ___________________

Parent or Guardian Date

Media Release Form

During the year, I would like to share with you - the parents - labs my students are doing and either share them on our Team Discover website, or on my website.  I may also like to consider using them for future Power Points, or relay them to the district or school newsletter.  These are pictures that I take and submit to the school yearbook.  At the end of the year, I'd also like to make a short video with those pictures for those who would like to purchase a copy for a small nominal fee which basically covers the cost of production (roughly a buck).  The pictures on the website are not downloadable, but you are free to email me for an electronic copy of your child's photo at no additional costs.

Other non-picture related posting's include a students name for an award recognition on our Team Discover website.  

Please take time to review the Information Release Form and select all appropriate options. If your preference changes during the year, please contact me – and I will have you submit a new form. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact the me before signing. 

Please check the box(es) below to indicate what permissions you are comfortable giving.

Please take the time to choose your media release options and click submit. *

__ Mr. Beadle, Team Discover, the school and district has permission to display my child’s photo.

__ Mr. Beadle, Team Discover, the school and district has permission to display my child’s name.

__ Mr. Beadle DOES NOT HAVE permission to display my child’s photo on his Classroom or Team Discover's webpage.

__ Mr. Beadle DOES NOT HAVE permission to display my child’s name on his Classroom or Team Discover's webpage.

______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Parent / Guardian Name: Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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