PDF Maryland Report Card

Karen B. Salmon, Ph.D.

State Superintendent of Schools

Maryland Report Card 2018 Progress Report State and School Systems

Maryland State Department of Education 200 West Baltimore Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Phone: 410-767-0100 TTY/TDD: 410-333-6442 Reportcard.msde.

An Introduction from the State Superintendent of Schools....

Maryland State Board of Education

The Maryland State Department of Education is pleased to present its Maryland Report Card 2018 Progress Report for the State and its 24 local school systems. Our new report card serves as a look at what our public school system has done, but also as a foundation for work just beginning.

The 2018 Maryland School Report Card provides educators and parents with the most complete picture of school and school system performance in State history.

The Report Card, for the first time, includes a broad selection of performance indicators to help measure how schools are doing. In addition to student success and growth on State tests in English Language Arts and mathematics, the Maryland Report Card factors in progress in achieving English language proficiency for English Learners, chronic absenteeism, preparation for postsecondary success, access to a well-rounded curriculum, and graduation rate.

Our goal is to improve every school throughout our State, and prepare every student for a bright future. The new Maryland Report Card will help parents, educators, policymakers, and the general public gain a better understanding about how each school is doing based on our accountability measures. Together we are working toward making sure our schools are the best they can be.

Schools receive points based on their results on the performance indicators. Educators and parents will be able to view a brief summary of performance by looking at a schools Star Rating, which tallies the schools total earned points percent and issues a rating from 1 to 5 stars; the Percentile Rank, which is how a school performed in comparison to other schools in the category; and the Total Earned Points Percent, which is the total number of points earned by the school across the measures, divided by the total possible points.

Each schools results on the Maryland accountability system are compiled and reported on the Maryland Report Card website at . The individual School Report Cards are designed so parents, educators, stakeholders, and others can easily understand how their schools are performing, just as traditional report cards help parents understand how their students are performing academically in their classes and in other important ways.

Maryland is proud to have one of the nations leading public school systems, and we are committed to making it even better. On behalf of all of our educators and students, I encourage and appreciate your continued engagement as we work to strengthen every classroom and every school in the State.

Best Regards,

Karen B. Salmon, Ph.D. State Superintendent of Schools

Justin M. Hartings, Ph.D. (President) Stephanie R. Izzard, M.Ed. (Vice President) Gail H. Bates Clarence C. Crawford Vermelle Greene, Ph.D. Jean C. Halle Rose Maria Li, MBA, Ph.D. Joan Mele-McCarthy, D.A., CCC-SLP Michael Phillips David M. Steiner, Ph.D. Brigadier General (BG) Warner Sumpter Bryce Awono (Student Member) Karen B. Salmon, Ph.D. Secretary Treasurer of the Board State Superintendent of Schools Larry Hogan Governor

The Maryland State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of age, ancestry, color, creed, gender identity and expression, genetic information, marital status, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs. For inquiries related to departmental policy, please contact the Equity Assurance and Compliance Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, 200 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201-2595. Phone: (410) 767-0433, TTY/TTD (410) 333-6442, Fax: (410) 767-0431


Visit reportcard.msde. for up-to-date and disaggregated information.

What do the performance indicators mean?

Academic Achievement

The Academic Achievement indicator measures the performance of students in a school who demonstrated proficient skills and knowledge in a students academic program. As measured by MCAP, this indicator is comprised of student achievement measures in math and English Language Arts. School points are determined by the percentage of students achieving proficiency, and the schools average performance level.

Academic Progress

The Academic Progress indicator measures the performance of students in a school who show meaningful relative growth in math and English Language Arts (Academic Growth) and who demonstrate proficient skills and knowledge in Science and Social Studies, and who pass transitional grade course requirements (Credit for Completion of a Well-Rounded Curriculum). School points are determined for Academic Growth by student growth percentiles, for science and social studies by the percentage of students achieving proficiency, and for credit for completion of a well-rounded curriculum by the percentage of students passing 5th or 8th grade coursework requirements.

Graduation Rate

The Graduation Rate indicator measures the performance of students in a school who graduate with a regular high school diploma. This indicator is comprised of two measures of a cohort of ninth grade students graduating within four years or five years, respectively.

Progress in Achieving English

Language Proficiency

The Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency indicator measures the performance of students in a school who show meaningful growth toward or have attained English language proficiency as measured by the MCAP test for English language learners. The goal for English language learner students is to attain English language proficiency within six years. School points are determined by the percentage of English Learners achieving or making progress towards attaining proficiency.

Readiness for Post-Secondary


The Readiness for Postsecondary Success indicator measures the performance of students in a school who are on track for graduation and those students who have completed high school coursework along with a rigorous or comprehensive co-curricular standard. School points are comprised of a schools percentage of 9th grade students earning at least four credits in required coursework and percentage of graduating or exiting students achieving a rigorous or comprehensive co-curricular standard.

School Quality and Student


The School Quality and Student Success indicator measures the performance of students in a school who regularly attend school, report positive perceptions of their school, and have actively engaged in rigorous and/or co-curricular academic coursework outside of traditional English Language Arts and Mathematics (elementary) or Science and Social Studies (middle). School points are comprised of a schools percentage of not chronically absent students, school survey results, and measures of access to a well-rounded curriculum.

Visit reportcard.msde. for up-to-date and disaggregated information.


Maryland State

Attendance Rate %

Elementary Middle High

State 2018

94.8 94.5 91.1

State 2017

95.0 94.6 91.3

Cohort Graduation Rate%

2018 (4-Year Rate) 2017 (4-Year Rate) 2017 (5-Year Rate)

State 2018 87.12


State 2017


Attendance Rate

Attendance Rate is the percentage of students in school for at least half of the average school day during the school year. Yearly targets were set for attendance so that by the end of school year 2013-14, the state, schools, and school systems would achieve and maintain an attendance rate of at least 94%.

Cohort Graduation Rate

The U.S. Department of Education requires each state to use an adjusted cohort graduation rate for school accountability. The adjusted cohort graduation rate ensures that all students who entered 9th grade together are counted in the graduation rate at the end of 4 years and at the end of 5 years.

The cohort graduation rate data for 2018 is the 4-year rate for the student cohort entering grade nine for the first time in fall 2014 and graduating no later than 2018. The cohort graduation rate data for 2017 is the 4-year rate for the student cohort entering grade nine for the first time in fall 2013 and graduating no later than 2017. The 2017 5year rate is the same cohort graduating no later than 2018.


Visit reportcard.msde. for up-to-date and disaggregated information.

Allegany County (01) Grade Levels: Elementary / Middle / High

Allegany County

2017 - 2018 Report Card


Overall Elementary school grade span performance is provided by indicator and includes possible points and earned points. Annual target status is also provided.

INDICATOR Academic Achievement Academic Progress Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency School Quality and Student Success










* Earned points may not equal total points due to rounding. ** Improvement is not available in the first year.

= Met

= Not Met


Overall Middle school grade span performance is provided by indicator and includes possible points and earned points. Annual target status is also provided.

INDICATOR Academic Achievement




Academic Progress



Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency



School Quality and Student Success



* Earned points may not equal total points due to rounding. ** Improvement is not available in the first year.

= Met

= Not Met


Overall High school grade span performance is provided by indicator and includes possible points and earned points. Annual target status is also provided.

INDICATOR Academic Achievement




Graduation Rate



Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency



Readiness for Post-Secondary Success



School Quality and Student Success



* Earned points may not equal total points due to rounding. ** Improvement is not available in the first year.

= Met

= Not Met

Visit reportcard.msde. for up-to-date and disaggregated information.



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