E-mail: m.dunphydaly@

Phone: (919) 660-7866


I am faculty at the Duke University Marine Laboratory where I direct the Rachel Carson Scholars Program and teach

Marine Megafauna. I have fourteen years of experience in ecological research, including three years as a National Marine

Fisheries Service (NMFS)-Sea Grant Population Dynamics Fellow, three years as a National Science Foundation (NSF)

Graduate Research Fellow, and one year of specialized experience at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA) as a National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) liaison. My dissertation research involved

analyzing pelagic longline fisheries data and I have expertise in fisheries ecology and management, large-scale conservation

evaluation and recommendations, oral and written communication of science, the coordination of multiple agencies and

stakeholders on controversial issues, interdisciplinary collaborative conservation, and environmental legislation.



Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment

Doctor of Philosophy - Marine Science and Conservation

Dissertation title: A Meta-analysis of the Value of Marine Protected Areas for Pelagic Apex Predators

♂ Selected Skills:

o Expertise in designing, coordinating, conducting, reporting on, and evaluating scientific studies; mastery of

analytical skills, including ArcGIS, statistical analyses, and R coding; experience in the establishment of positive

working relationships with fishermen, academics, federal agencies, community partners, and researchers;

excellence in written and oral communication; expertise in facilitating learning of undergraduate and Master*s

Degree students; experience in educational outreach to the public; skill in forming partnerships with educators

to develop science outreach materials; experience in leadership role on multiple research projects.

♂ Leadership: Elected Graduate Student Representative (attended faculty meetings and coordinated diverse aspects of

graduate student life), Seminar Series Coordinator (coordinated weekly seminars for the public featuring nationallyrecognized scientists), Lead Researcher of the Neuse River Estuary Bull Shark Habitat Use Project (see ※Additional

Relevant Experience§), and Member of Review Committee for the Duke University Marine Conservation Program

accreditation and Graduate Curriculum Committee.

♂ Selected Teaching Experience:

o Fisheries Ecology

o Marine Ecology Laboratory

o Marine Conservation Biology (Midway Atoll, Hawaii)

o Physiology

♂ Selected Coursework:

o Conservation of Pelagic Fishes 每 5 credit hours

o Quantitative Fisheries Management (and Laboratory) 每 3 credit hours

o Novel Approaches to Fisheries Ecology 每 2 credit hours

o Marine Fisheries Ecology 每 2 credit hours

o Advanced Geospatial Analysis 每 3 credit hours

o Environmental Data Analyses and Simulation Using R 每 1.5 credit hours

o Responsible Conduct of Research 每 10 credit hours

o Ocean and Coastal Law and Policy 每 3 credit hours

o Current Topics in Marine Conservation 每 3 credit hours

o Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act 每 Duke Environmental Leadership Course


Florida International University

Master of Science 每 Biological Sciences

Thesis title: Temporal variation in dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima) habitat use and group size off Great Abaco Island,


♂ Selected Skills:

o Expertise in communicating scientific results to stakeholders and the general public; expertise in designing and

carrying out field projects with multiple team members (nationally and internationally); leadership in remote

field locations; experience in geospatial analyses and advanced statistics; proficiency in course design and


♂ Leadership: Captained research vessels and supervised research teams at remote field sites (see ※Additional Relevant

Experience§) and Member of the Graduate Student Mentoring Committee.

♂ Selected Teaching Experience:

o Ecology Laboratory

o Human Biology Laboratory

♂ Selected Coursework:

o Ichthyology (and Laboratory) 每 4 credit hours

o Topics in the Design of Experiments 每 3 credit hours

o Advanced Analysis of Population and Community Ecology 每 3 credit hours

o Fundamentals in the Design of Experiments 每 3 credit hours

o Topics in Biology 每 1 credit hour

o Introduction to Mapping and GIS Field Ecology 每 1 credit hour

o Introduction to Biological Research 每 3 credit hours

o Biological Workshop 每 1 credit hour


Oberlin College

Bachelor of Arts 每 Biology, Studio Art

Senior research project title: Survey of Aedes triseriatus (Diptera - Culicidae) for Lacrosse encephalitus virus and West Nile

virus in Lorain County, Ohio

♂ Selected Skills:

o Expertise in biological sciences; skill in facilitating the learning of undergraduate students; experience in leading

groups of students with various backgrounds.

♂ Leadership: Student Representative for the Oberlin Biology Faculty Search Committee, NCAA Student-Athlete

Advisory Committee, Varsity Swim Team Captain, and Student Representative for the Faculty Athletics Committee,

and Co-Chair of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee.

♂ Selected Teaching Experience:

o Organismal Biology Laboratory

o Genetics, Evolution, and Ecology Laboratory

♂ Selected Coursework:

o Community Ecology (and Laboratory) 每 4 credit hours

o Organismal Biology (and Laboratory) 每 4 credit hours

o Genetics, Evolution, and Ecology (and Laboratory) 每 4 credit hours

o Coral Reefs: Biology, Geology, and Politics 每 3 credit hours

o Invertebrate Biology (and Laboratory) 每 4 credit hours

o Behavioral Ecology (and Laboratory) 每 4 credit hours

o Cellular and Molecular Biology (and Laboratory) 每 4 credit hours

o Marine Science 每 3 credit hours

o Ornithology (and Laboratory) 每 4 credit hours

o Statistical Methods for Biological Sciences 每 4 credit hours


8/2017 每 present

Duke University Marine Laboratory (DUML), Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham,



Supervisor: Dr. Andy Read (252) 504-7590

♂ Direct the Rachel Carson Scholars Program to provide Duke University undergraduate students with hands-on research

opportunities in marine science and conservation.

♂ Instruct Marine Megafauna (Biology 205/Environmental Science 205) for 50 undergraduate students.

♂ Work closely with the Director of the DUML and the Director of Undergraduate Studies to develop the Rachel Carson

Scholars Program.

♂ Serve as the Durham-based DUML representative to recruit Duke University Trinity undergraduate students to DUML.

♂ Coordinate bi-weekly professional development workshops for Rachel Carson Scholars.

♂ Advise Duke University undergraduate students on short- and long-term course plans.

♂ Advise Duke University undergraduate students to DUML courses.

♂ Coordinate the Duke University Sustainable Oceans Alliance and Duke University Technology Club.

♂ Represent the Marine Science and Conservation division at Duke Trinity Meetings (Directors of Undergraduate Studies,

Certificate Programs, etc.).

♂ Represent DUML faculty at recruitment events (e.g., Blue Devil Days, Majors Fair, Global Education Fair, etc.).

♂ Administer Rachel Carson Scholars research funding ($25,000), conference funding ($15,000), and travel awards


♂ Meet with prospective undergraduate students with interests in Marine Science and Conservation.

♂ Participate in Marine Science and Conservation faculty meetings and other faculty functions.

2/2015 每 2/2016

U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),

Washington, DC

Congressional Affairs Fellow

NOAA Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs - John A. Knauss Marine Policy, Full Time Position

Supervisors: Rob Moller (202) 482-4981 and Coby Dolan (202)-482-4981

♂ Represented and defended NOAA*s positions on national and international marine, wildlife, conservation, Arctic, and

fisheries-related issues to Congress.

♂ Carried out written communication for senior NOAA leadership providing guidance on fisheries, climate change,

coastal resilience, habitat protection, and marine mammal protection.

♂ Served as Congressional Affairs Specialist for NOAA*s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS); led West Coast and

Pacific Island Fisheries, protected resources (including the Marine Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Species

Act), and Science and Technology legislative issues; coordinated legislative communication and outreach for NOAA


♂ Prepared expert witnesses to testify before Congress on the Endangered Species Act, including drafting of

congressional oral testimony, written testimony, questions and answers, and other briefing materials.

♂ Coordinated and negotiated intra-agency agreement among NOAA Fisheries, the National Ocean Service, the National

Weather Service, and the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research to provide technical writing assistance to

develop legislation; provided advice and guidance to Congress resulting from these analyses; interpret impacts of

legislation for NOAA leadership.

♂ Coordinated with the USFWS on hearings on the Endangered Species Act and other wildlife legislation.

♂ Advised and led interagency team to create policies and training for NOAA employees to effectively coordinate with

Native Tribes on environmental issues; met with Tribal groups on behalf of the DOC.

♂ Represented NOAA and the DOC on the interagency White House Council on Native American Affairs (WHCNAA);

advised and instructed White House Native Affairs Council members including: the Environmental Protection Agency,

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Homeland Security, and Department of the Interior on

NOAA*s policies and priorities.

♂ Represented NOAA and the DOC on the WHCNAA Generation Indigenous Subgroup; helped to coordinate the first

annual White House Tribal Youth Gathering and moderated a panel on ※Natural Resources and Climate Change,§ with

representatives from various Federal agencies, including the Director of the National Ocean Council, an Under

Secretary of the USDA, a Department of Justice Attorney, the Director of Forest Management at the USDA, and a

Special Assistant to the President of the United States.

♂ Represented NOAA*s Office of Legislative Affairs to the Arctic Task Force, Energy Team, and Regional Collaboration

teams; provided input, guidance, and information from the NOAA Headquarters perspective.

♂ Liaised with Members of Congress and their staff; developed and maintained relationships with the Senate Committee

on Commerce, Science and Transportation; House Committee on Natural Resources; the Congressional Black Caucus;

and Senators Cantwell, Hirono, and Schatz.

♂ Represented NOAA at the Global Leadership in the Arctic: Cooperation, Innovation, Engagement and Resilience

(GLACIER) Conference; defend NOAA*s positions on these emerging Arctic issues.

♂ Prepared briefing materials and advised the NOAA Administrator for 15 briefings with Congress on NOAA*s FY2016

budget, including congressional committees with jurisdiction over NOAA*s budget and environmental and scientific

initiatives and programs.

♂ Completed NOAA*s Digital Coast Training and Fisheries Council Member Training.

6/2012 每 6/2015


National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)-Sea Grant Population Dynamics Fellow

Supervisors: Dr. Andy Read (252) 504-7590 and Dr. Jeff Polovina (808) 725-5390

♂ Applied for and was awarded a NOAA national fellowship for three years and $115,420 in funding.

♂ Collaborated with researchers across geographic regions to obtain fisheries data.

♂ Evaluated the effectiveness of marine protected areas (MPAs) for pelagic fish species using novel statistical methods;

assessed current methods of protection and alternative management regimes (e.g., dynamic time/area closures, pelagic


♂ Established positive working relationships with individuals having widely varying perspectives and values in regards to

pelagic longline fishing; worked in tandem with researchers at the NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center.

8/2005 每 6/2008

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Graduate Research Fellow

Supervisor: Dr. Mike Heithaus (305) 919-5234

♂ Applied for and was awarded a National Science Foundation national fellowship for three years and $120,000 in Federal


♂ Studied the habitat use and group size of dwarf sperm whales in the Bahamas.

♂ Developed relationships with local researchers in the Bahamas.


10/2010 每 Present

Society of Marine Mammalogy

Conservation Committee Member

Supervisor: Dr. Barbara Taylor (858) 546-5620

♂ Represent the Society of Marine Mammalogy, though its President, to Heads of State on international conservation


♂ Draft and edit letters related to marine mammal conservation and adaptive management.


Duke Alumni Travel Trip, Baja and the Sea of Cortez

Scientific Expert

Supervisor: Beth Ray-Schroeder (919) 684-3046

♂ Led a Duke Alumni Cruise to study whales, sea lions, and the marine environment in Baja, Mexico.

♂ Gave evening lectures of marine science and Duke University research while onboard the ship.

♂ Wrote blog posts () detailing the trip.


Kona Integrated Ecosystem Research Cruise, NOAA*s Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu, HI

Cooperating Scientist

Supervisor: Phoebe Woodworth-Jefcoats (808) 725-5562

♂ Mapped cetacean prey distributions around Kona Island on the NOAA ship Oscar Elton Sette.


Research Education Exchange Forum, Raleigh, NC


Supervisor: Center for Oceans Sciences Education Excellence (401) 874-6119

♂ Formed partnerships with educators to develop marine science outreach materials.

♂ Created the Marine Predators Traveling Trunk for the North Carolina Maritime Museum with lessons and activities that

meet North Carolina Educational Core Standards for 4th -6th graders.

6/2009 每 9/2013

Bull Shark Habitat Use Project, Duke University Marine Laboratory, Beaufort, NC

Lead Scientist

Supervisor: Dr. Andy Read (252) 504-7590

♂ Designed experiment to evaluate bull shark presence and habitat use in the Neuse River Estuary, NC.

♂ Successfully funded research project by applying for and obtaining various institutional and Federal grants.

♂ Led research teams to capture, tag, and collect data on bull sharks.

♂ Captained research vessel and applied supervisory principles and methods to organize fieldwork and achieve research


9/2009 每 8/2012

American Journal Experts, Durham, NC

Senior Editor

Supervisor: American Journal Experts (919) 704-4253

♂ Edited scientific manuscripts written by scientists with English as a Second Language (ESL).

♂ Reviewed editing by Junior Editors before returning manuscripts to clients.

6/2010 每 9/2011

Pilot Whale Diving Behavior Program, Duke University Marine Laboratory, Cape Hatteras, NC

Research Biologist

Supervisor: Dr. Andy Read (252) 504-7590

♂ Recorded prey distributions and observed the behavior of pilot whales off of Cape Hatteras, NC.

♂ Collaborated with international researchers to analyze the response of pilot whales to anthropogenic sound and advise

conservation measures around the Cape Hatteras Special Research Area.

5/2010 每 6/2010

United States Antarctic Program, Antarctica

Research Biologist

Supervisor: Dr. Ari Friedlaender (541) 867-0202

♂ Participated in the Multi-scale and Interdisciplinary Study of Humpbacks and their prey.

♂ Visually observed marine mammal foraging behavior from research vessel.

♂ Collaborated with international scientists and technicians at a remote field site.

7/2009 每 8/2009

Humpback Whale Foraging Ecology Program, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

Research Biologist

Supervisor: Dr. Ari Friedlaender (541) 867-0202

♂ Participated as a member of a field team to study and analyze the foraging behavior of humpback whales within the

Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary.

1 每 4/2007, 1 每 6/2008

Shark Bay Ecosystem Research Project, Shark Bay, Western Australia

Lead Researcher

Supervisor: Dr. Mike Heithaus (305) 919-5234

♂ Studied the influence of top predators on seagrass ecosystems.

♂ Captured, tagged, and collected data on large sharks, stingrays, and marine turtles.

♂ Carried out fieldwork in a United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World

Heritage Site to examine the role of top predators in a relatively pristine site and apply results to provide conservation

advice for anthropogenically-affected areas of the world.

♂ Determined how sharks influence their prey in order to understand the consequences of humans removing sharks from

the ocean.

♂ Captained research vessels of international scientists and volunteers.

6/2007 每 9/2008

Long-term Ecological Research Network Project on Bull Sharks in the Florida Everglades

Research Biologist

Supervisor: Dr. Mike Heithaus (305) 919-5234

♂ Studied the habitat use of bull sharks, alligators, snook, and gar in the Florida Everglades and the consequences of landand water-management changes on the distribution of these species.

♂ Captured, handled, and tagged animals, including surgeries to implant acoustic transmitters.


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