Name_____________________________ date_____________________ pd__________The Constitution and the president KEYII, 11. What Article in the constitution describes the executive branch of our American Government? ________II______________2. Executive power is the power to do what? _____Enforce the law________________3. Who is “vested” with this executive power according to Article II section 1? ________President and Vice President__________4. How long is a term of office for the president? ______2_______ Where in the Constitution is that found? __________II, 1, 1______________5. What amendment changed the limit on presidential terms? ___22_______6. Each state must choose electors. How many does each get? Equal to the number of representatives in the House and Senators in the Senate7. How many electors does Ohio have this year? ____18_________ what is the minimum number any state could have? ____3__________ what are 5 states that have the most electors? Californian, Texas, Florida, N.Y., PA, Illinois.8. How often is the electoral numbers reconfigured? __10 years________ by what means are the numbers decided ____Census_________________.9. What amendment gave DC three electoral votes in a presidential election? ___23____10. In II, 1, 3 Electors originally choose how many ballots? ______2________ they are to Congress and who opens them? President of Senate (VP) The person who has the highest number of votes win unless no one receives a majority or a tie the House of Representatives chooses among the top five and each state gets one vote. The Senate then may choose the Vice President.11. What amendment changed how the president and vice president are elected? 12th12. Clause 4 states that Congress may choose the date of the presidential election as long as it is the same day throughout.13. What are the three criteria to be president? A. 35 years oldB. Natural Born Citizen (citizen at time of birth)c. Resident for a minimum of 14 years in the USAWhere is this found? II, 1, 514. If the president dies during his term, who is the duties of office discharged to? Vice President. 15. What amendment created a list of succession to the presidency? 2516. What are the two requirements regarding the president’s salary listed in clause 7?a. Increased or decreased during officeb. May not receive any other compensation while in officeHow much does the president make a year salary and benefits? $400,000 =$50,000 expense account.17. Copy the presidential oath here: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”The Oath can be found where in the Constitution? II, 1, 5 On what date was the president originally inaugurated? March 4th What amendment moved the date? 20thThe president now takes office on what date? January 20thOn what date did George Washington take office? April 30, 1789 Federal Hall NY CityWho administers the Oath of Office to the resident? Chief Justice of the United StatesWhat is that person’s name currently? John G. Roberts, Jr ?II, 218. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principle officers each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant reprieves and pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.19. The president can make treaties with the approval of what body of the legislature and by what vote? Senate 2/3rd20. List the positions that president appoints a. Ambassadorsb. Public Ministersc. Consulsd. Federal judges including those on the US Supreme CourtAll these appointments must have the same consent as #15II, 321. Among his responsibilities outline in section 3 are for him to:A. Fill recess vacanciesB. grant commissionsC. Deliver State of Union addressD. Convene both houses of CongressE. Adjourn both houses of CongressF. receive Ambassadors/public ministersG. faithfully execute the laws of the United StatesII, 422. The president can be impeached for the following three charges.a. Treasonb. Briberyc. Other High crimes and misdemeanors23. Who brings charges of impeachment? House of Representatives. Where is this located in the Constitution? I, 2, 324. What two presidents have been impeached?Andrew JohnsonBill Clinton25. What president resigned rather than face impeachment?Richard Nixon26. What body of government holds impeachment trials? Senate27. Who presides over the impeachment trial of a president? Chief Justice of the United States28. What is the name of the current person in that position? John G. Roberts, Jr ?29. Two females have run as Vice Presidential candidates. List them and the year.Geraldine Ferraro, NY, 1984, with Walter Mondale from Minnesota, Democratic PartySarah Palin, Alaska, 2008 with John McCain from Arizona, Republican Party30. What are some of the fringe benefits of being the president?White House, Camp David, Air Force I, Marine I, Secrete Service31. What are the president’s retirement benefits?Travel as former president and 2 staff ( reimbursed), pension of $199,700, staffing for 30 months, $96,000 for staffing, medical treatment at any military hospital, transition fun for 7 months, 10 years secret service( used to be lifetime), lifetime mailing, state funeral.32. List the five presidential amendments and a brief description12 Changed the election of VP and President to be on the same ticket20 Changed inauguration date from March 4 to January 20th22 Changed presidential term limits to two terms up to 10 years23 Changed the Electoral College to all DC to have 3 electoral votes25 Changed the line of succession to the presidency.According the Presidential Succession list the order of positions that are in line to be president 1. Vice President, Mike Pence11. Secretary of Labor, Alex Acosta2.Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi12.Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar3.President Pro Tempore, Mitch McConnell13.Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Ben Carson4. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo14.Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao5.Secretary of Treasure, Steven Munchin15.Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry6.Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan16.Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos7.Attorney General, William Barr17.Secretary of Veterans,Robert Wilkie8.Secretary of Interior, David Bernhardt18.Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielson 9.Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue10.Seceretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross ................

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