2017/2017 Debate Research PackageTopic 2Topic 2: THBT energy security is a legitimate reason for military ic 2: THBT energy security is a legitimate reason for military action.This research booklet is intended as a starting point for both junior and senior high students. ?Debaters are expected to conduct their own additional research. ?Ideas presented are intended to be a starting point for inspiration and debaters should broaden the scope of the debate to encompass other areas of discussion beyond what is presented here.Model and DefinitionProposition team should create fair and balanced definitions for the debate. ?A model may clarify to the judges a team’s position and can be a valuable tool. ?If proposition team would like to implement a model, they should consider important questions such as what kinds of military action are acceptable and when?military action would be considered. ?Additionally, establishing a metric to determine what “legitimate” encompasses may provide further direction for the debate.Energy security involves the idea of being able to readily access reliable sources of energy, which usually takes the form of securing natural resources such as oil and natural gas. ?Historically, energy security has typically involved one country attempting to take energy resources from other countries. ?Consequently, it has been intertwined with other geo-political concerns (ie. the Carter Doctrine). ?A lack of stable oil imports have had devastating effects (ie. the OPEC embargo of 1973). ?Examining historical examples is important in the debate, but merely listing examples back and forth will be insufficient for either team to win the debate. These examples must be incorporated with a solid argument. Potential Proposition PointsEnergy resources are an integral part of modern society Energy plays a massive role in every person’s daily life, from food production (fertilizer creation, packaging, transportation) to infrastructure/building operation (lighting, heating). At the point where energy can no longer be reasonably obtained, nations are no longer able to function. ?Consequently, nations are justified in taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure that their citizens can achieve a decent and affordable quality of life, which includes military action. Energy security limits foreign leverage Using resource availability as a bargaining chip is important given the time/investment required to develop alternative renewable energy, the random distribution of resources globally, and current reliance on natural resources. ?This can be excessive leverage. ?Using military force to secure energy ensures that countries have total control of their own domestic policy and do not have to rely excessively on other nations for key materials.Military action can minimize the effect of domestic instability Increased prevalence of energy terrorism (ie. non-state actors targeting and seizing energy resources within a country) means that unstable governments disrupt global business. ?If stable nations with established and effective militaries were to seize these resources and hold them indefinitely, the effect of regional instability would be minimized and terrorist groups would be less able to finance themselves. Potential Opposition PointsPolitical agreements are more efficient and productive than military actionMilitary action will be met with resistance, hostility, and likely international condemnation. ?In order to ensure friendly relations with countries that can lead to long term benefits, a political agreement on the sharing of resources must take place, rather than military intervention. ?History has shown that these agreements can be reached and are likely to be more effective. Military action is very devastating With the rise of political instability in the world and civil wars in the Middle East, using military action to acquire energy resources will only lead to more chaos. ?The sheer cost in human lives make military action a non-viable solution.Disruptive military action when viable alternatives exist is unethical Due to the devastating effects of war, it can only be considered justified when there are no reasonable alternatives. ?In the case of energy, there is always a viable alternative: renewable energy. ?While certain countries are graced with abundant natural resources, some form of renewable energy is available to every country that is not dependent on the geopolitics. ?Rather than incur the human cost (and dollar cost) of a potentially extended military operation, nations should strive for greater energy independence by investing in renewable energy.Links for Research: ................

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