What are military alphabet words


What are military alphabet words

The NATO phonetic alphabet is a Spelling Alphabet, a set of words used instead of letters in oral communication (i.e. over the phone or military radio). Each word ("code word") stands for its initial letter (alphabetical "symbol"). The 26 code words in the NATO phonetic alphabet are assigned to the 26 letters of the English alphabet in alphabetical order as follows: Symbol Code Word Phonic (pronunciation) A Alfa/Alpha AL FAH B Bravo BRAH VOH C Charlie CHAR LEE D Delta DELL TAH E Echo ECK OH F Foxtrot FOKS TROT G Golf GOLF H Hotel HOH TELL I India IN DEE AH J Juliett JEW LEE ETT K Kilo KEY LOH L Lima LEE MAH M Mike MIKE N November NO VEMBER O Oscar OSS CAH P Papa PAH PAH Q Quebec KEH BECK R Romeo ROW ME OH S Sierra SEE AIRRAH T Tango TANG OH U Uniform YOU NEE FORM V Victor VIK TAH W Whiskey WISS KEY X X-ray ECKS RAY Y Yankee YANG KEY Z Zulu ZOO LOO The NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Phonetic Alphabet is currently officially denoted as the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet (IRSA) or the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) phonetic alphabet or ITU (International Telecommunication Union) phonetic alphabet. Thus this alphabet can be reffered as the ICAO/ITU/NATO Phonetic Alphabet or International Phonetic Alphabet.. This alphabet is used by the U.S. military and has also been adopted by the FAA (American Federal Aviation Administration), ANSI (American National Standards Institute), and ARRL (American Radio Relay League). Contrary to what its name suggests, the NATO Phonetic Alphabet is not a phonetic alphabet. Phonetic alphabets are used to indicate, through symbols or codes, what a speech sound or letter sounds like. The NATO Phonetic Alphabet is instead a spelling alphabet (also known as telephone alphabet, radio alphabet, word-spelling alphabet, or voice procedure alphabet). Spelling alphabets, such as the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, consists of a set of words used to stand for alphabetical letters in oral communication. These are used to avoid misunderstanding due to difficult to spell words, different pronunciations or poor line communication. A typical use of the NATO Phonetic Alphabet would be to spell out each letter in a word over the phone by saying, for example: "S as in Sierra" (or "S for Sierra"), "E as in Echo, Y as in Yankee, F as in Foxtrot, R as in Romeo, I as in India, E as in Echo, D as in Delta" to communicate the spelling of the name "Seyfried" correctly. See Also: The phonetic language - also known as the 'spelling alphabet' or the NATO phonetic alphabet - is used by professional communicators, especially police, military and other emergency and armed forces, to identify letters precisely, either when communicating initials, abbreviations or spellings of words. The NATO phonetic spelling alphabet is a useful reference for language and communications study and training. Different variations of the phonetic language exist - this is the original major standard and still most widely used. The phonetic alphabet used for confirming spelling and words is quite different and far more complicated to the phonetic alphabet used to confirm pronunciation and word sounds , used by used by linguists, speech therapists, and language teachers, etc. Commonly when used professionally in relaying abbreviations or letter codes, such as registrations, for example by the police, military, other emergency services or in air traffic control, the letters themselves are not given and only the corresponding words are stated, for example a registration or call-sign of GTW would be stated at simply as 'Golf Tango Whisky'. In less formal use, for example by customer service telephone staff, communications tend to give the letters and to clarify each with the corresponding alphabet words, for example, 'G, Golf; T, Tango; W, Whisky', or alternatively, 'GTW, Golf Tango Whisky.' Phonetic Spelling Alphabet Used by communicators around the world to clarify letters and spellings. A - Alpha B - Bravo C - Charlie D - Delta E - Echo F - Foxtrot G - Golf H - Hotel I - India J - Juliet K - Kilo L - Lima M - Mike N - November O - Oscar P - Papa Q - Quebec R - Romeo S - Sierra T - Tango U - Uniform V - Victor W - Whisky X - X-ray Y - Yankee Z - Zulu I repeat that other versions of phonetic spelling alphabets exist. The NATO alphabet above is the original and most widely used. It was originally developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization and subsequently adopted by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) among other significant global and national bodies covering telecommunications, maritime, and aviation. Cockney alphabet For amusement only. Not used by any important global standards organisations. And certainly not recommended for use in confirming spellings, letters or words - it only confuses people. Again there are different versions of this. Its origins are uncertain, most probably evolving organically in Cockney London in the late 1800s or early 1900s. The alphabet is based on a child-like alphabet (A for Apple, etc), replacing the correct words to form puns. Typically the alphabet would be spoken or written with dropped first-letters wherever appropriate, as in 'ay for 'orses. A for horses (hay for horses) B for mutton (beef or mutton) C for miles (see for miles, although 'Seaforth Highlanders', an old Sottish regiment, was an early popular alternative) D for dumb (deaf or dumb - ironically a correct word for the letter D) E for brick (heave a brick) F for vescence (effervescence) G for police (chief of police) H for retirement (age for retirement) I for an eye (eye for an eye) J for oranges (Jaffa oranges) K for restaurant (cafe or restaurant) L for leather (hell for leather) M for sis (emphasis) N for lope (envelope) O for the wings of a dove (a song) P for relief (pee - urinate - for relief) Q for a bus (queue for a bus) R for bitter (half a bitter - beer) S for you (as for you) T for two (tea for two) U for me (you for me) V for la France (Vive la France) W for a quid (double you a quid - a pound - a gambling term) X for breakfast (eggs for breakfast) Y for husband (wife or husband) Z for breezes (zephyr breezes) As I say, there are various versions of this. Here are some variations: C for Th' Highlanders (Seaforth Highlanders - an early Scottish military regiment) D for mation (defamation) I for a beautiful girl (eye for a beautiful girl) M for plums (Emva plums) N for mation (information) P for a penny (pee for a penny) Q for a pee (queue for a pee [to urinate]) R for mo (half a mo') R for Askey (Arthur Askey, 1900-1982, popular diminutive bespectacled chirpy-chappy English comedian/actor/variety performer) S for Costello (Esther Costello - a 1957 film) S for Rantzen (Esther Rantzen, English TV presenter/journalist and chief founder/pioneer of the now globally replicated Childline charitable organization for young people) Z for the sake of effect (said for the sake of effect) If you have other memories (thanks M Baker and R Eve for above variations) - pre-1960s or more recent - please send them . Did you know that there is a military alphabet? This is a special phonetic alphabet that is used by the military to communicate over radios and other devices. The military alphabet was created in order to improve communication among military members. What is the military phonetic alphabet? The military phonetic alphabet is a set of 26 words that are used to spell out letters when communicating over the radio or telephone. This system helps to ensure clarity and accuracy in communication, especially in noisy or difficult environments. The military phonetic alphabet consists of the standard English alphabet, plus a few extra words that are specific to military use. Some of these words include "Alpha," "Bravo," and "Charlie." Each word in the military phonetic alphabet corresponds to a letter of the regular English alphabet. In order to make sure everyone is using the same pronunciation guide, all military members are taught this phonetic alphabet upon entering service. Related: Learn how to join the military History of the military alphabet The military alphabet is also known as the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet (IRSA). It was created by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The IRSA is used to spell out words and letters over radio. This helps prevent confusion between similar sounding words. The first official version of the military alphabet was adopted in 1927, although a version was used as early as 1913. The current version, which is also the NATO alphabet and used by the countries of NATO, was adopted in 1957. The military alphabet during World War II During World War II, the United States military used a modified version of the Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet (JANAP). This was adopted in 1941 and continued to be used until 1957 when it was officially replaced by the IRSA. Today the only parts of the JANAP WWII-era alphabet still in use are "Charlie," "Mike," "Victor" and "X-Ray." Military slang phrases The military alphabet is often used for acronyms of military slang phrases. For example, Bravo Zulu or "BZ" is used to indicate general approval or appreciation. The phrase originated in the Royal Navy of Great Britain and has been used by navies and the military around the world ever since. Learn more about military slang phrases. To see the military alphabet in action, check out 's glossary of military acronyms and glossary of military terms and slang. Letter 1957-Present Morse Code 1913 1927 1938 World War II A Alfa (or Alpha) . _ Able Affirmative Affirm Affirm (Able) B Bravo _ . . . Boy Baker Baker Baker C Charlie _ . _ . Cast Cast Cast Charlie D Delta _ . . Dog Dog Dog Dog E Echo . Easy Easy Easy Easy F Foxtrot . . _ . Fox Fox Fox Fox G Golf _ _ . George George George George H Hotel . . . . Have Hypo Hypo How I India . . Item Interrogatory Int Int (Item) J Juliett . _ _ _ Jig Jig Jig Jig K Kilo _ . _ King King King King L Lima . _ . . Love Love Love Love M Mike _ _ Mike Mike Mike Mike N November _ . Nan Negative Negat Negat (Nan) O Oscar _ _ _ Oboe Option Option Option (Oboe) P Papa . _ _ . Pup Preparatory Prep Prep (Peter) Q Quebec _ _ . _ Quack Quack Queen Queen R Romeo . _ . Rush Roger Roger Roger S Sierra . . . Sail Sail Sail Sugar T Tango _ Tare Tare Tare Tare U Uniform . . _ Unit Unit Unit Uncle V Victor . . . _ Vice Vice Victor Victor W Whiskey . _ _ Watch William William William X X-ray _ . . _ X-ray X-ray X-ray X-ray Y Yankee _ . _ _ Yoke Yoke Yoke Yoke Z Zulu _ _ . . Zed Zed Zed Zebra Ready to Join the Military? We can put you in touch with recruiters from the different military branches. Learn about the benefits of serving your country, paying for school, military career paths, and more: sign up now and hear from a recruiter near you Show Full Article

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