
Hey everyone, so welcome back to another episode of the Hello Spring Podcast. I hope you're all doing well because in today's episode we're back once again, but this time with a guest, and so I'll be introducing Asmara. And if you're not familiar with her, let me tell you a little bit about her. Asmara is a digital storyteller video essayists in a gaming content creator.Merging her creative passions to empower her audience to become an embrace their most authentic selves with transparency and collect and wit, Asmara aims not to only entertain but to inspire critical an introspective thought. They were analytical, social commentary, an immersive let's plays Oliver. Links will be down below in the show notes below, but let's go ahead and hop into today's episode. Well, the start off the podcast. I want to say thank you so much for being on my podcasts. Honestly, 'cause when asking people I'm like I don't know if they're going to say yes or no.But thank you for saying yes, 'cause I'm so happy to definitely talk to you 'cause you have a lot of insight and knowledge in your just so well spoken that I think a lot of people want to know more about you. Especially I do too. So yeah, thank.You course thank you for having me. I haven't done a podcast before, so this is my first one.So excited, so how has your week been so far?It's been pretty good. I've been working on a video essay like that's supposed to go up. It'll probably already be up by the time this podcast goes up, so it's just been like an editing intensive week for me, but it's been pretty good. I feel like time in pandemic like doesn't make sense.Yeah.everytime time is very. It slips away from you.It really does.Like I don't know the sense of time anymore. My days are all jumbled together. If you like every day is a Friday or a Saturday and it's like I don't, I don't. I'm just going to just wake up and just go about my day and hope for the best. But you know, yeah.You know, honestly. I've been waking up a lot earlier, like around 9:10 AM and it just feels great. Like my sleep schedule.When do you normally wake up, oh?Normally 9 is early.11:11 AM sometimes noon, depending on what day it is and how much work I've already completed. Like if I complete at least two or three videos in advance, I sleep until like noon. But I like to get up early to get myself ready. Prep for the day, 'cause I string you afterwards and like at 6:00 PM. So I've got a lot of work to do like editing, capturing all my videos and prepping for the podcast episodes and everything. So I try to keep myself busy.By waking up early for the most part, but normally they don't have anything noon.As support that you know we like. Sleep around here.Oh yes, sleep is very important. Like I've been getting more sleep and it feels great. Like Africa Ting my vaccine. My first dose I've been more tired. I only have my first stillson posted get my second one sometime next week so I'm very excited about that honestly. OK, that's cool. How about you?Like how's my weekend?Though like have you been back seat it yet or anything?Oh yeah, no, I haven't been vaccinated yet. I don't know information about the vaccine is kind of hard to like. Follow everything. It's been a lot. Yeah, I know I'm not.OK, I'm kind of. I'm scared but excited at the same time for the second dose 'cause they say it's it's probably going to be worse, but I don't know anyway.So I wanted to ask you like how has your 2021 been so far? Because we are getting close to almost five months in and it feels like it was just yesterday where we're like we're on lockdown do to do to do. But like I feel like last year versus this year has been completely different. Both good and bad. But like I want to know like how has it been affecting you like in good ways or bad ways or like has it been like somewhat the same?I think 2021 has definitely been.A very different experience I guess from 2020 like obviously 2020 like everything and everybody's life kind of changed, but like I feel like 2020 was more. I was also in school that year. Same. I'm still technically in school. I'm taking a semester off, but I feel like I was just in a different place and I also started my YouTube channel like towards the end of 2020 and that kind of became my focus towards the end. So like the beginning was like school and like all the schools closing down and like figuring out online classes and stuff and in the.End of 2020 was kind of like me. Sort of starting this more creative passion and seeing how that goes and so 2021 has just been me doing a lot of YouTube stuff. Quite honestly. Yeah, just figuring out like next steps in. Like a lot of different fields so You Tube or school. Just a lot of different things, so it's been definitely different from 2020, I would say.I would agree with you 'cause last year around May I was graduating University for like my last semester.And it just dawned to me like it's almost been a year since I've graduated like it felt like it was just yesterday. We graduated and having my quarter life crisis and all that stuff like it was weird.Yeah, every like major life event I feel like feels not that long ago that happened in the pandemic. Yeah, that was I guess that was kind of a long time ago.I feel like that I'm like I want to say that I'm grateful for the pandemic kind of way. 'cause like both most people say it was a bad thing or but some people say it's a good thing. I feel like it was both good and bad. Where I'm glad it happened because it felt that I needed some sort of break of the day to day life of driving the school every single day and reporting to like my teachers and my jobs and everything. But I think I needed to have that step back from life where I could.Really think about where I wanted to go for my next step of my five year plan. Like if I wanted to move and I wanted to have like a well stable job and have medical insurance and stuff. But in reality I think that it helped me understand that I need to work for myself and work on myself before I rely in. Yeah, I guess rely on other people if that makes any sense. I don't know. I think it's made it better for me mostly.Yeah, I definitely agree like 2020 like.Had to happen for me to like even be, I guess where I am mentale and even in YouTube like if 2020 was like normal, quote unquote. I doubt I would have started the Asmara channel this year 'cause I'm one of those people like I can make excuses for myself of why I can't do things like I don't have a gaming PC. I how am I going to make gaming videos or gaming related videos without that or just I'm definitely very prone to like putting stuff off and so I definitely feel like 2020.Was a huge growing year a learning year and this is a very necessary year, so obviously it's been kind of like hard and like for many reasons, but it definitely had to happen, and so I'm grateful for, I guess the ways I've grown over this past. It's been a year.Yeah yeah, that's crazy. Oh my gosh, it's all about like personal growth and I remember I made a tweet about it. I think I think it was last year and also this year that I'm not going to let 2020 or 2021 ruin my personal growth and happiness. And like I'm not going to allow it to affect me badly. I want to be able to move forward an go forth in my endeavors and achieve things that I wanted to achieve for so long because I.I've always felt that if you don't try, you don't succeed so.Yeah, that's definitely a good outlook or like way to look at it.I don't know if you have a first impression of me 'cause I always ask my guests of this, but like what was your first impression of me if you remember?OK, The thing is I've been like.In and out of The Sims community for like a few years now, like I think I started really heavily following simmers like when I started high school so I like I've known of you for awhile. Like I've known you done collabs with like other creators I've like. Seen your videos in your channel before. I don't really know. My first impression was I want to say I think my first video I saw of yours was the collaborative with little simz E like the build, collaborate with Sims 3. I want to say it's one of the first times I found your channel.Oh my gosh, that was so long ago. I think that was like 2016.Yeah, I I remember that bill differently. I think it was a like a country traditional home or something like that.Oh blue suburban.Probably.Oh my gosh, that was a long time ago.Yeah, I don't know if I had like a like opinion or like I can't think of. I can't think of anything but I'm curious to know what is your first?Opinion of me?Honestly, I think my first impression of you like when I first found about your channel was kind of around the time of like I think this year when you make the video documentary essay about why The Sims 4 is the way it is like what's happening with The Sims 4 and everything and I.With so like gravitated towards that, and I'm like, oh it's so good. Well, edit it.How did you find out about?It I think it was like some like you know how on Twitter where people. If you like something and you follow that person who liked that tweet and it appears when you're a timeline. So I think I found it through. That way the mutual like person I follow, liked your tweet and end up on my timeline and then a video play and I'm like I want to know more about this. So I clicked on it and so I started like watching it. I'm like.I need to watch more, so I went over to your YouTube channel and I was already hooked because even though you like Sims. But what I liked is that variety like I love like the variety in your channel where you're not just a dedicated Sims channel and I think for the longest time. I think this year. Well last year and this year I had a realization of like I don't want to be just known for one thing and I wish I could like diversify my content and I'm doing that now but I think I'm starting to see where.I'm loving creators who do step out of their quote unquote comfort zone and diversify their content where they can make content that they are most proud of Anfield, the most creative like doing it. Whether you stream, whether you make documentary series about Sims, Roblox, Minecraft, whatever you want to do, I think it's very impactful. To see that stuff among creators and I think that's why I kind of how I loved more about watching you and then. Also, like you know.The creator on the rise and like, OK, so that's a thing.That was a surprise to me when that happened.Yeah I want to ask you that too and like what was the experience like? 'cause I asked Miss Imbrie know she was also created on the rise like of I think last year and I was like do they just like put you on there and then that's it and then just like OK I guess so I.Don't know they they send you an email like a couple days before saying that you're going to be featured and then it happened. So yeah, that was definitely a crazy experience. It was the last day of February. I remember that I remember some of my friends from like.School or like even people from like high school like what were like texting me like is this U on the gaming greater on the rise page 'cause I don't. I haven't talked to my YouTube channel about like I don't talk a whole lot about it like in real life there people who aren't really in you know the online space and so that was definitely a strange experience. People texting me like oh are you on trending like?What is this?Yeah, I would hope that that's that's crazy. 'cause I always like. Wonder what that even was like 'cause YouTube you know is just YouTube and they do the most but it's nice to know that they send you an email ahead of time that we're gonna be trending. Good luck. 'cause listen. Reneau said she got an email and they said they were going to be trending. Have fun and good luck in like. Well, thank you I guess? And.Then it just yeah.It went crazy like it's so weird how the algorithm picks up things and look when I see like people trending on like the game are on the rise or creator on the rise and like of course they probably have uploaded videos more than three months and like we gotta check them out even more. And of course you will get more than that, but I'm like and I always ask myself why those videos and I watched like oh it makes sense. 'cause those are very engaging and impactful and they have so much knowledge so like off or whether it's Sims or documentary series and.Like did you ask yourself like that? Also question like why those videos?I don't. I don't think I really thought about it. I don't really know how they choose the videos that like go on the trending. I'm definitely guessing The Sims documentaries up there. 'cause that was the one that boosted my channel like the most, like the fastest, and then they also featured growing up black on YouTube Gaming those the first video I uploaded to that Channel. Yeah, and what's the other one then? They uploaded Sims 3 University life video. Yeah, I love The Sims 3.And so yeah, I don't know why they chose those, I guess because it was kind of like a different perspective on like gaming content like. Obviously the what happened to The Sims 4. That's like more of a documentary style video and then you have like growing up black on YouTube Gaming. That was more like commentary, but about the gaming space. And then also they might have put it up there because it was Black History Month. I don't know. But that's just a guess.And then The Sims 3 was like, I guess, a classic, just gameplay video, so I'm guessing maybe 'cause it's like 3 different types of videos but also related to gaming and I.Think that's what you know people are wanting to see? Like the true authentic self of who's behind the voice or the camera? Or like makes sense and it's it's definitely very cool to like. Learn more about the person and I guess like if with You Tube they picked those videos because.Themselves, are they like them until they think other people will like them and they just go for it? And then that's just like.I don't know. Wonder how the conversation starts like how they had to like is like OK this is the creator Runa feature in. These are the videos we're going to be really they watch them. I mean I don't know. I don't know how it.Works so I don't know either. I feel like they do watch some it in some way because it's not robots. We all think it's robots, but it's like real actual people. But do they really watch the videos like?Susan doesn't watch the videos, probably? Who knows, I don't know. She has too much on her plate.Anyway, but Susan is doing too much or just.Seems to calm down.But I think that maybe they do watch the videos where they see, like the analytical side of it. But also like what do they think of it, you know?Yeah, I guess it would be interesting to know like the process of how it actually came to, because I honestly don't even know how they are, why they chose the videos they did, but I think they were like a good pretty good reflection of my channel at that time. So I will say though, one of the negative parts that I think You Tube or I don't like, they have better moderation for is like the comment section.When you're on the Explore page, like all the trolls in the people who don't really care, kind of come into the comment section like people who aren't really actively trying to learn and like not not like true fans or anything like that. Yeah, so that that is one thing they they could do better. Susan, if you're listening.That would be a dream, the.The comment moderation is like one of the things that's kind of like drawing 'cause you go from. Like, you know, uh, normally no peaceful kind of comment section to people who actually, you know are watching your videos 'cause they find it interesting to like just random's coming in because you're on the Explore page. So, but altogether it's definitely more positive. But that was definitely in experience of when that happened. An influx of people just came.Yeah, 'cause I always assume.Where like your true fans, subscribers, your community will go forth and bring positive to the comic section and like block out all the trolls that they'll be more positive than negative. And I think that with You Tube, I do hope that they one day one day figure out the common moderation because some of the stuff is weird. Like I don't know if you ever get this at all, but whenever I upload a video or sometimes very rarely it's like a random.Spam comment that literally makes no sense. Then, like I've never seen this person before, or like those spam a link and I'm like no goodbye.So yeah, I blocked links like the moment I my thing went on Explorer and like random people starting new posting random links. Yeah you can. I want him blocked those so people can't post links in my comments.Yeah, I've done that now 'cause? I mean it's it's easier 'cause stuff you see on those common sections are very weird.Yeah.So Internet is a strange place.It is I don't understand it. I've been on the Internet for nearly a decade and I'm like what is this? I don't understand anymore. It's changed for the worse, but you know, sometimes the best depend on how you look at it. I guess I wanted to ask you like like what leads you to make your YouTube channel, who made you like what keeps you like going back to it every every week or so when you post a video.I think the.Main catalyst for starting this channel 'cause I've had, you know, some YouTube channels in the past, but I eventually, you know, kind of stopped uploading to them when I sort of lost interest. But this channel I feel like it was specifically sort of the catalyst, was definitely year 2020. Kind of being forced to, you know, sit down and like really listen to yourself and like what you want and so starting a new YouTube channel with something I've been thinking about for a while, but I just wasn't really sure what I wanted to do.Or what path I wanted to do it down if I wanted to do gaming or something else, and if so, like how I was going to make. I guess my channel sort of unique in sort of you know, different from like the crowd. So definitely the wake of Black Lives Matter 2020 when everyone started talking about everybody in their mother's are talking about Black Lives Matter. Remember, listening to a podcast by it was a bunch of different Twitch streamers, Ann.I know X mirror was one of them. There is like I am Brandon TV. I don't know if you part of this other people. Yeah yeah but I remember they were on like a podcast or they just talked about their experience just being black in the world but also being black on like YouTube Gaming specifically or being a black twitch streamer. And I think it just it reminded me of it. Kind of was a reaffirmation listen to that podcast that like you're not crazy as a black person sometimes when you.Have certain experiences or you weren't sure if something is? I guess, fair racially, I was able to relate it back to like being in high school and like The Sims community and never really seeing or just in gaming in general and never really seeing black creators never really seeing people make black Sims or really any Sims of color like let's just be honest like if you look at YouTube Gaming, YouTube or Sims YouTube.Like five years ago compared to now, like if you go through let's plays you go through Tumblr like it is a very stark difference.Yeah, I was guilty. Honestly, I full heartedly. I was guilty back then 'cause I couldn't see myself within the games I was playing like The Sims. I love The Sims and playing for so long, but I literally could not see myself within the game an I was just gravitated towards, quote, unquote, the norm of what people would think.And I think nowadays is that we need to step up and rise to what we need to see what needs to be changed within the video game industry or no? Yeah, the video game industry because I feel like it's so stereotypical of making Sims or making characters that don't look like you, but nowadays gaming devs are now changing and listening to the Community. The saying we want this. We want that true representation matters because if you can't see yourself within the game, then.There is no point of actually, you know, playing it anymore and.Yeah, companies are being held like accountable.Yes, yes, and I'm so glad that Mira is a force to be reckoned with. Let me tell you, I am so happy that I got to meet are at Sims camp 'cause there was a time back at Sims Camp was the thing so many years ago. I remember like in my mind I didn't. I never was like a very like person that would speak out on things sometimes. Look back then now I do.But back then, when I got invite The Sims camp, I always felt and I knew I knew I shouldn't feel this way. But like in my heart, I felt like I was literally the only black male simmer being quote unquote, recognize in the eyes of EA in the swimming community because I did not. I did not know any other black simmer Mail. Simmer in the space that was, I guess at the size that I am or at the recognition that I was at an. It just felt like although it was on my shoulders to be.The best of the best and be so good at what I do.Represent the community.Yeah, and I'm like I don't like that pressure and I always strive to like recommend like if EA or anybody ever asks me like do you know any like other black SIM male creators or any black creators in the gaming space or anyone like yes this person that person, that person that was like I am Brandon you know X Mira, Mira Ebonics Sims Sims fan 93 like there's so many people out there.That makes so much amazing content that they should be highlighted way more. Anne, I'm so glad that that people are doing doing that nowadays, where they're recognizing black creators do exist.And yeah, exactly, and I think a lot of people like they want to say like, oh look, we just don't know black people. And it's like that's 'cause you ain't looking for them. Like you ain't seeing black faces because you're not actually trying to like go out of the algorithm or like the white standard of a creator.In seek that out, and I think sometimes also we have to understand the Black Raiders come in like a variety of different forms like we're not all the same. We don't all speak the same. We don't all use the same slang. We don't all like make the same type of content, so you can't just pigeonhole black people like I don't like that creator. So all of them must be like that or sometimes will pigeonhole ourselves into only watching craters that might agree with our respectability politics, like if they speak in a way that I agree with.Or I think sometimes like black culture can be seen because black culture is not seen as the norm. So when we saw on black creators you do see black creators. It like almost kind of, takes people aback that they're not kind of fitting into what we have imagined. The typical gamer I guess to be like or the typical white male gamer like hey what's up you guys?Try to smash that like button like we're not all like that. No. I think sometimes people need to.This kind of it's great for people to actually see the diversity even within the the gaming space, and also what you were saying earlier, how, like you even felt guilty about having to be like the soul Black representative or those types of things like. I think it's also important to recognize that like the forces of like white supremacy and us upholding, I guess standard of what we should be socially. That is something that affects everybody and not just.They know white people or black people or just one particular group, and so we all feel like have to be held accountable for normalizing that, like white is not standard like white is not. Default is when you recognize all these different diverse creators in the space. We actually like. Normalize that. There is not one particular standard of person. So yeah, I just want to kind of a long tangent, but that is definitely something we need to.Yeah, get better at with the gaming community and that definitely did inspire me to start my channel 'cause I kind of wanted to make this channel sort of like a love letter to a younger version of myself who didn't see black people in gaming who didn't see a whole lot of people in gaming like playing the games that I liked and sort of a part of the communities that I was a part of. I didn't see a whole lot of people playing with black characters or speaking from a culture that I understood.And so I know what that feels like now. Like when I went out of my way to go find those creators. I know what it feels like now to feel seen and feel heard by like by like people in your communities. So yeah, I definitely want it to be that representation and also just be the person I would have wanted to watch when I was younger. And that definitely did not have as much exposure when when I was younger. So yes, there's definitely a long way to go in the gaming industry, but I'm really glad that companies are actually being held accountable now.And people are 'cause once you know, like once you're aware it's hard to ignore it. So I think that's the first step.Definitely the first step to to definitely like to see the growth in yourself, but other people, yeah, an I grabbed a tweet from your Twitter and it was like way back in February and what resonated towards me is that you said this channel represents something so much bigger than me. I couldn't be more grateful for the events that drove me to start creating again.And all the love and support I've received thus far. This is truly only the beginning. It to a larger legacy. I want to build in this world and that's so cool. I like that like when I see people's like tweets, I always feel like there's like a deeper meaning behind it. But I'm like there's so well spoken that I'm like wow like it's like an eye opener that makes sense like when when looking at your channel I see where you're building like from where you started from like on October to where you are now you've.Built that over time you've grown in your skills, your speaking skills. I guess I don't know, but like you have grown so much that I've seen the growth in and I'm seeing the legacy being built bigger and bigger an seeing making these creative things like you. I believe you are a filmmaker. You have like the best video editing quality like skill like what?Thank you, yeah, I've been making videos since I was about.11 wow and they did not all look like this. Obviously it's really just been honing this craft over the past, like pretty much like half my life, right? I was eleven, I'm I'm 19 right now. I'll be 20 in a few months, but yeah, pretty much like half of my life I've been working on this craft and like working on making videos. And so yeah, I've taken different film classes and I originally thought my major in college is going to be documentary filmmaking.And so by now, which is sort of like general communications. But that was definitely like I knew I wanted to tell stories. I know I was attracted to non fiction stories and so I definitely wanted to implement that in my channel and definitely a huge inspiration. I don't know if you've heard of D'Angelo Wallace his YouTube channel. OK, so he is a commentary channel and he makes like giant videos weighs two piece 2 channels in one of his channels. He does like these really long like video essays about like.Different topics or stuff that's going up on, like different stuff that happening on YouTube or in the world. I don't know how to explain it, but he's a commentary channel. He's very good and he did a video series about like some drama that was going on in the beauty community on YouTube.Oh my God.And it was just very well edited. He's very calm, presenting his information, and he definitely I drew a lot of inspiration of sort of mixing my knowledge in, sort of.Filmmaking from school. Documentary filmmaking from school and then also kind of combining YouTube style. I definitely, I know. D'Angelo was definitely a very big inspiration for like that type of content. Yeah, I don't know what your question was originally. I hope that answered it.Oh no, it it did and I don't know when you said you were 19. I'm like I feel so old I'm tired.OK, the the other thing I wanted to say is that the generations like Millennials and Gen Z years are Gen Z has become more eye opening of finding what makes them them and millennials are, I think, also the same. But we're still figuring things out. Like where do we draw the line? But I think that it's so cool to see a new generations like upbringing in the world and see how they do things.And it's so eye opening and like who I want to try that too and see in experiment an and try what's not the norm, you know. And it's just nice. And I've also learned that I am a millennial and Gen Z is so I muscle ennial are you?Uh, in the middle I was about to ask. I don't know what the difference is or what the like. I don't know what the year is. I feel like every source has like a different definition.Yeah, and I don't know.So weird, it's Gen Z begin.Jensia began to think at the year 1996 and I was born 1996 like a.Lot more people than I expected that's in Gen Z then.Yeah, 'cause it's it says that it starts like there's so many articles and everything that says Gen Z is the newest generation born between 1997 and 2012 Slash 15.Young people like.Literally, I'm like I don't understand.This makes no sense. Like one says 97 one says 96 and another one even says Gen Z are as people born from 95 to 2010 and then like make up your mind people where do we like draw the line where my at?Yeah, I everybody got a different a different interpretation. So hope we will figure that out one.Day one day like we need like a true understanding of like what is what I think it became very confusing where like.Millennials became a thing and then GNC is like our two generations are the most confusing because we make no sense to like the older generation so we have to educate them of like we are this way and you were that way like things have changed we have now the Internet an phones that are bigger than our head so.I guess like a good way to describe it would be like people who grew up with like the Internet like Gen Z. Kids are like people who grew up with the Internet in the way we understand it now.I don't know, but like technology has changed so fast which makes it kind of hard to define. I guess a generation because it's not like we have like I feel like the technology industry is really what I feel like shapes.The younger generation, but like it also changes very rapidly because even in like my lifetime were, like you know, I've always grown up grown up with the Internet. It's still like weird to see or how quickly technology has changed, even in like the short years like I've been alive.Yeah, same so.Yeah, that be interesting. I'm not a scientist, but that would be interesting to explore. What's what's actually makes a generation, or who is actually Gen Z and why?I want to have a whole podcast episode about that, like I want to know.Oh, that was so interesting, like so knowledgeable like I now understand the true meaning of life.Would you say that You Tube has changed your life in a good way?Definitely, I feel like I've definitely been on the platform for a long time. I think I started my first channel like in 2013 and then obviously I started this channel in 2020, but I've seen the platform go through a lot of different changes. I've definitely been apart of several different like kind of online communities and so, especially with starting the Asmara channel, I've definitely noticed I just feel very.Inspired to create like I have a new I guess passion sort of driving my content creation that I didn't have. I think with other channels and I think because I feel like very connected to this channel 'cause it's drawing off of my own personal experience. And also I get like I said earlier, the content that I would have wanted to see just even you know 5-6 years ago so I feel like it's been good for me personally like this channel has been very healing and it's also great to see people in my comments.Especially like other young black girls or other black women saying that like I love how I can feel, seen and like represented in your channel in the different like social issues you explore and your video essays or just by merely existing and just sort of being myself. I think this channel has represented sort of me. Sort of just becoming me essentially just being more comfortable with myself. Yeah, I just want Asmara to be a reflection of me and it's definitely just been very good for me and I've also really loved hearing the responses from.My audience I.Like that and I was watching one of your videos a couple of months back of like you know creators that made my year and lessons of 2020 video and it was so I didn't watch the whole thing but I was like I listen to it and like what really stood out to me is like the the quote that you said from a book millane and.Oh yes, that's my favorite.It's so good I need to read it, but like I now understand why you left that way, which.Was it the the your weight which was that? Was that like when you?So you said in your creators that made my year and lessons of 2020 video Anet the quote that you read said. I realize that if we aren't village in, we move through our entire life. Stealing smaller than we actually are by playing it safe by unconsciously giving away our power BI dimming our radiance by not recognizing there is always so much more waiting for us on the other side of fear. But when we are brave enough to go through.Rap what we want to tap into who we are. Damn it feels good and like that is so so good like it was literally.I love that quote.Yes, her book like Truly is something that has changed my life or like has changed my perspective and I'm so glad I found it. Like at the age I am. I don't know. Her book was just like something came out like the perfect time of my life and when I was trying to figure out I guess like what I want to do. I wasn't like what I want to do about school and look what I want to study in college. Look what I want to do with my career like her book of her. Just kind of talking about her life and her experience growing up as.A black woman in a creative industry. Being sort of like the first, but only to do a lot of the things that she did. I don't know her words and just the way she puts things. It definitely impacted me. She's such she's such a phenomenal writer communicator in that book. Just I love it. Yeah, that's just one of her many many great quotes.Yeah, I can see it. I love quotes that speak life into people Anne.Quotes that have a sense of like that's more than just look like it's more than just a quote. It means something to that person where it could relate to not just themselves, but to other people. And it's like an eye opener of a true meaning of life, and it's so now. Now I want to read it like I want to see more.Of her books is such a good book. You know it's also really good to listen to. I was reading her book while listening to her read it her audiobook. Oh, that's also a really good good really. I like hearing authors.Speak their own words. So as my little tip.Me too. I feel like it's it's better that way. Like if the author reads it then you kind of understand then somebody else reading it, you know?Yeah, you like feel like it's like an experience. I don't know you feel it coming from.Then yeah, and there was something that I was reading. I don't know like it's like I was on on Twitter and the first week that pulled up to me from Elaine Ann like it's like so well spoken but it's so short like the quote it reads our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year. It is a struggle of a lifetime. Be persistent and consistent. We shall overcome. And that was for.The John Lewis could treble.Oh my God.She's such a good communicator.Yeah, Oh my gosh like this, this whole thing of like being black in the gaming industry has been an eye opener for me like last year and I guess 2019 two has been an eye opener like 2019 to now. I was like Oh my gosh, I didn't realize because all my life I've always felt that I wasn't, I guess. Quote unquote. Black enough, you know. And people that's in.My video essay is about on Saturday.It's over already. Be up. By the time this podcast you know probably goes up, but I'm glad you mentioned that. 'cause that's actually exactly what I'm talking about, but go ahead and.I will link that in the show notes for sure when it anger is like I guess like for the longest time people always said, oh you don't seem black. You seem so white and I'm like what does that even?Mean for races.Like understand.Mentale that made me so unstable for so long that I honestly was like, am I even black. But no, I am. I know I'm black but I feel like I don't feel you.Know yeah, I definitely have heard that a lot like it's a crazy like how many people black people I've heard people told them you're the whitest black person I've ever met. I'm like like how did that doesn't even make sense and also first of all that's based on your own prejudices of what you think black people should be in.So in my opinion, that's an undercover racist, but.Yeah, my my video essay definitely dives deep into into that, and so I'm really glad that you brought that up. The world is going to make us always trying to make us feel not black enough or two black like it's literally you can never win. You're either too black or you're not black enough, and sadly, that's another reason I wanted to create my channel just to show that, like you are enough kind of as is. No matter whether you fit stereotypical qualities of blackness.Or or your identity group or not, so I'm hoping by like being myself and just showing up authentically can inspire other people to do the same.Not one way to be black because there's many ways to be black as there is black people in the world, and so like pigeonholing yourself into this like small minded mentality of like what you can be or what you can't be as a black person is like not helpful because why people get to walk into the world being whatever it is that they want like they get to walk in the world with nuance and nobody like cares. But as soon as you see a black person people have all these perceptions of what they should be or what they could be like. My dad for example, he is a very.He looks like a very like stereotypical black man. He's tall, broad shoulders. I can't tell you how many times we have been in random places with strangers who look. We've never talked to before and just go up and say, do you play football? What team do you play for? Like nothing about this situation has indicating that he's a football player. He's not wearing a Jersey, he's not like. There's nothing about this. Our presence is indicating that he's a football player.But you see a tall, broad black man, and he must play football. Or you see a tall black man. Oh, he must be a basketball player. Like how much you ask me what I do as opposed to you. Assuming like people might not assume someone who looks like my dad is in finance in his in business and has a law degree like we need to dismantle like this idea of the only thing we can associate or the only thing we could have in common with a black person is sports or athletics and.That's just one example of many, but yeah, like nobody is going to go to a random white person and be like oh, so do.You play football like.No no no.Yeah.Gosh, it's just so it's hard, but it's also like we gotta step up an tell people who we are, 'cause if we don't, they don't, they won't know.Exactly like actually, it's like.This with my hands, who I am is like like. Also I don't know if you watch that. Probably you probably have watch, I don't know, but the movie Black Panther.Was like oh, I love.It Oh yeah, the movie. I've seen that like so.Many times, same like the one thing that the mom says, like show who you are and like.Uh, yeah, love that love that same and it's like yeah we gotta show who we are because if we don't they won't know and we have to like step out.Will determine it for us, yeah.Yeah, and I think that's kind of where The Sims comes into play.Nice egg where?You know, thank you.But where The Sims comes into play, where it's like where it started in the year 2002? Where is it? Where is it now? People in the gaming industry and like us as players, we have definitely changed with the game where we have spoken about our opinion about the game and how it should improve and what should be taken out or what should be more focused on. And it's kind of reassuring to know that now. I mean I guess back then they were somewhat listening but.It wasn't really as effective to where it is today where nowadays.In like the skin tones and stuff.Yeah, the skin tones the hairs. Hopefully one day pronouns will be a thing, but I have to say what was so impactful. I think ever since I would say The Sims Spark was the show and I think that was like a stepping stone or I guess back when we started voting for the Community stuff packs for lingerie stuff in nifty knitting like back then to now. It's like there.Learning as they go, where they're letting the community vote on what should be involved in the packs to where they're letting people in the community build and make families for the pack to where they are now. Allowing custom content creators making their like passionate content. Whether it's you know hairstyles or skin tones or makeup to be put into the game permanently for other players to see themselves within the game and it's so it's like a breath of fresh air.To know that we're seeing the change in a good way, and I hope it improves like overtime. And I think watching your documentary series about Sims at the history of The Sims, it was very eye opening to understand. Like I didn't like, even though I've been playing for so long, it made me start to think even more. If like oh, we have these things in the past and it hasn't changed, but now it's changing, but does your opinion still stand that The Sims 4?Is slowly improving, but there still needs to be a change, like a bigger change.Like of the overall sort of game and the experience playing The Sims 4. Yeah, I still The Sims 4 is just a different game in the series, quite honestly, it's definitely the most they've deterred, I guess from the previous Sims games, so it's just it's just a different experience in some people like it and some people don't. Yeah, I'm not. Honestly I don't really play The Sims 4.Like I'm going to be honest, I don't keep up with the updates as much as like I used too. I've seen like the little Community updates overtime like I heard we're getting a black hair Swatch. Or that already happened or something like that. And like those kind of yeah. So I've seen those like little improvements overtime, which is definitely a step in the right direction. Like, you know, listening to what the community actually you know once.I just feel like it's just a different game. They just went in a different approach and I'm just honestly just hoping that maybe in Sims 5 they do more of what they did in the past.Go back to sort of that original path they were on, yeah?I agree with you. I think that hopefully that they do start to implement things that were in the past, but improved them like the what did they do? I think they add in like toddlers from the toddlers in the past. I feel like that there.I wanna say necessarily better, but there are somewhat similar, but improved and let there is like pools and now we have bunk beds within the game, even though that this, like more of a beginner stage of bunk beds in The Sims or it will improve overtime.They just need to drop by generations pack.Let's be real here, like.We've been waiting for this for how long it's been since he's been out like six years generations like the 4th expansion pack in The Sims 3. Something like that. It was for it was one of the earlier ones.You know I have a Sims 3 current house time.Lane and I have been having the most fun playing them right now. They are up to their third child, but to have a fourth child and it's just like Oh my gosh, I love The Sims 3 so much, but I love but I'm a. I'm a diehard Sims 2 fan but I still love The Sims 3 but like Simpson it was like an eye opener like Generations is got like hands down. The best stuff in there. It has the most control, the most chaotic NIS.The family orientated legacy that I I play is in The Sims 3 generations.Yeah, The Sims 3 definitely like expanded our perceptions of what could be possible in a Sims game. And so I definitely think that's why The Sims 4 was so like jarring. It's like we went from all of this stuff and now we're getting like less than the bare minimum, like when we got The Sims four base game. It's like it's like it's just.It was just a downgrade and it was unfinished. Yeah, it's an unfinished game. When we first got it in there, you know making it better now with more packs and stuff, but it's almost like should have taken six years to get closer to like a full game.No, I know that they even said it was unfinished at the start. I don't know, I don't remember, but all I know I'm like. Why is the map white and blue? Anne wears the color to everything I.Have made God of the how different The Sims.The Sims 4 looked when it first launched until I like, went in back and did research like I was watching. Let's plays and stuff. I was like yo, this is a completely like different game from the start.I I remember it was it was crazy. 'cause like I remember when I was playing in my LP and all I know is my baby grew up to be a child. I'm like you went from zero to like 10 in like 2.5 seconds like what happened here. Where is the middle stage in like?I think at the time I wasn't making it out. Yeah, I wasn't thinking about it at the time. Like no, toddlers like OK, whatever, but now I'm like, where's the toddlers?Yeah, like I think. Also I want I would love to have pre teens in The Sims 5. I don't know why they haven't done that yet. I think preteens could have so much gameplay alike there's you could do like acne. You could do like Fanclubs boybands. There's so much gameplay you could do with preteens. I don't know why they haven't done that yet. So in addition to like the toddler stage preteens is another thing that I would love to see.A lot of people have actually been wanting preteens for so long, since I guess The Sims 4 even started, but I think for me it mostly is like in a way I want preteens, but I don't want them to be an extra life stage where if they improved on like the children like oh like a longer lifespan making them a little.Like sad that more to children.Yeah, like they grow over time we're like teenagers in the game with Parenthood. They do develop acne an all these other different things and kind of.To help with this growth growth spurt of life is like they get a little bit older and experience new things. But I think that if they improve on children, it could be somewhat similar I guess. Like when you start like you're you grow up into a child, but like halfway of that child life stages like your preteen stage and then like you have experience, all those like changes like acne. I guess your voice could crack maybe or you could develop some type of like crushes and 1st loves and.For I would love that. That would be so.Cool, that'd be cool like at the end of the child stage and also having them like grow gradually would be nice. Having growing pains. You know EA for listening. Hello, like, take notes please do.Yeah, that actually be a good idea because it's like I don't know. I always felt it was weird. Kind of to age up from 10 to like 16.From zero to 1010 to 16.So yeah, I like that 'cause I.Think if they if they did add like a preteen stage. I feel like it wouldn't be as I guess putting quotes Polish as the teens and children are where they will have to focus on a whole new life stage that they have to develop from scratch to make it like equivalent to what it is today with the other life stages. So I don't know. I just improving on the other old ones will be a little bit better to give them more a sense of self.You know, yeah, let's just.How long do you think The Sims 4 is going to go?On for oh gosh, so it's September 14th. I think 2014 somewhere around that time I forget. So 2014 it's 2021. They said last GR 2019 that they have a few more years at The Sims 4 and we're coming up on the Year 7. So I'm going to assume three more years like 10 years with The Sims 4. That's what I.Sounds like so weird.I don't like it.We're going to have like what 80 stuff packs?Oh gosh.I'm actually really curious how many stuff packs is actually going to be at the end. I just remember the first pack or the type of pack they released like so often that it's like, yeah, is it like? Do you watch LGR like his reviews? You know, you know how we had like Ralph or he would cut off the limbs every time there's a new stuff pack? Yep, I'm just really curious like how many more they're going to make or just packs in general I.Feel like 'cause usually we get expansion packs every every year, every sometimes every two years we get 2.A year, but it's been like once a year.But I feel like we could get at least maybe 4, maybe five more expansion packs and then.Suspects I don't want anymore. We have too many. I can't keep track of them all that barely played the early ones anymore. Like luxury party pack. I don't play anymore I.Forgot that was that even existed lawmaker party Cool kitchen oh.Yeah, those who don't play, but I play with the country kitchen kit. I played with it all the time, but Cool Kitchen. I don't play with. I don't like the ice cream. I don't use the phrase or stoves. I don't really use it. Luxury party pack is like it's too much for me and I don't have a special events anymore.'cause I'm a family game player, but I also like chaos so I end up having my Sims have affairs. So like they get married Ann for a short time. They divorce and then like, what's the point of having chocolate fountain an buffet table? We can do that at the wedding the first time around. Maybe your second term you 5th wedding, but after that no more but.The thing about stuff packs is like a lot of it is like a lot of times people like custom content creators and what is make the like clothes and dislike habitat.Custom content or like really redo the clothes, make it like kind of cute are for you to download yeah and so I don't really know like I feel like I would just rather I would rather invest my money in like an expansion pack that's actually expensive and has a lot of different features in it. Even if all the other features aren't necessarily completely fleshed out like I'd rather invest my money in something that's going to last me longer than a stuff pack that has like maybe 2 cute dresses in like an ice cream machine like I don't know. I just don't see that as like.Worth it for me personally, but I guess it is something to like they're like little kind of add ONS you can have on your game, like every once in a while when you get bored. But yeah, I'd rather have expansions like give me completed packs. Yeah, please, and thank you.Oh, the other thing too is like get to work and then journey to put two. I feel like it could have been not combined together, but if there was a way that we could have improved aliens, oh, that's that's what I thought Johnny to put 2.Was going to going to be 'cause I watch. I think with games come and I'm like I'm waiting for the next Sims announcement. Where's it at? I saw all the Star Wars stuff and like I love Star Wars. I'm a fan of Star Wars but please don't let there be a Sims one 'cause I don't know. They could have done it. They could have made it a lot better than it was like the idea of it looks so cool but that's like you know you get the game trailer. But then what you get in the game is not what you expect. Like you see this.It's not what you get is. It's weird. It's like expectations. First, reality.Honestly, I don't even really know what they did with journey to like I saw some people's videos and I was just like what game is this like.Studio was like yes, do that journey to PTU. Like what brand deal did they had to sign? Like what was this?Well, I think The thing is, so I think what I found out is that they were losing their like Star Wars game license.That they use it up as much as much as I could before they lost it, so we were like Star Wars.You could put.That in like a larger pack like they could have done what A cause play pack element to a different pack. I don't know. I don't know if.It makes sense, but like.No, it does. I don't know it is The Sims 4. Everything has to be in smaller doses.It could have been a kid, but I think that it was just so weird like what you were saying that The Sims 4 doesn't feel real like. It's like an alternate universe.And it is like when you think about it, going back to the older Sims game, the timeline order goes The Sims 3 and Sims one, then Sims 2 and Sims for us like the distant cousin that you just don't acknowledge. But yeah, you still like you know, associate with an it like to me I can kind of see where people are coming from with The Sims 4. It doesn't feel exciting anymore but like for me I think it's exciting just because I make the game fun for me.Where I try out different challenges or like I'll combine my storytelling experience from The Sims two or three and then put them in The Sims 4 to make it fun for like a long time.That's like what I talked about in my documentary. Like people who enjoy The Sims for the most definitely have their own ways of making it exciting, like for them. And they're also like willing to put in that sort of work. Yeah, I don't know. I just don't really. I tried to do some challenges with The Sims for like a couple years ago and I just thought it was weird because literally never have I in The Sims 3 have I had to do a challenge to like try to enjoy the game.And that's just me personally, and so it just it just wasn't as interesting. I tried not so Berry, which is a cool challenge. I just didn't get very far. Yeah, I don't know. I just like kind of like having my own stories and sort of being able to create have a lot of like options of what I can do with them. I don't have to download all these mods and to do like basic things, yeah. And so that's like send my Sims 3 is also preferred for me. I also just have more content in The Sims 3 like if I had like more.Self in The Sims 4. I'd probably enjoy a little bit more, but yeah, I just know Sims 3 best I've been playing it longest. I have more stuff for it and I don't know if she's like what I'm used to. Some stories like my my safe space she's.My baby nice. I like that. I think Sims choose my like my child like I can't give it up it's it's what I live for it's what I go back to I just love causing drama and chaos, especially in pleasant view. But if like we're talking bout The Sims 3 OG Sunset Valley.Yeah, oh also Sims 3 one thing like going into base game unmodded like default Sunset Valley. How many things are so ugly like the houses? The patterns are terrible, the makeup is awful on these.What is this so but The Sims 3? Like the environments like the landscapes, gorgeous the towns, gorgeous. It's just like The Sims and just the little things need to be fixed. But yeah also seems to like I learned this more is just like researching and doing. My documentary is Sims two has definitely the most drama. The most TI. Definitely yes I would love to do a video playing this in today for the first time because yes like cheat on your husband get a mistress.So let me just tell you, oh, when you ever get a chance to play The Sims, to go to Pleasant View. I mean, the other worlds are great in all the pleasant views or the true. What happens that there's literally so much history, a 25 years of history in that town. But the Goth, family, Dreamer, Lothario Calientes like the OG ones that we all know, the broke family. Oh gosh, like will.Will write went all out with this one.Really did but I.Think we don't make this an experience?The thing is I researched is that he wasn't actually involved with The Sims 2 like he got like taking out of it after The Sims one ended like you had no involvement, The Sims 2 like he was like a knowledge is like a thanks to it, but it wasn't really involved with it. Yeah I researched more about him.OK, so who this is like we need like Will Wright interview official interview? So what really happened to this game?That's what I'm trying to do.But yeah, also I have a question. I remember I got a clip of one of your videos in my documentary. I'm wondering where you like surprise to like? Hear yourself or see yourself. And in that video I use a lot of different peoples clips but I know I use one of your pleasant view videos. I'm pretty sure in which the first part of the documentary.That yeah, it's like a a few second clip I'm you had like a pleasant View series. I don't know if it's on YouTube or Twitch or both.There was something with both, but yeah, I had to look back at that. Now I'm like wait what? 'cause I just kind of. I listen to a lot of things I never like. Actually watch a lot of stuff 'cause I'm working on other stuff but actually watch it now 'cause I'm like oh.Yeah, I'm just curious about creators thought when they saw themselves in my video or heard them.But like you'll know what The Sims two, there is only less literally one person that runs the entire game, and that's down lotario the one person he has an affair with. Cassandra, Nina, Dina and capital Nina and Dina Caliente. Katrina Caliente The Sims 4 does not exist in The Sims 2 but like yeah?Yes, there is Katrina, no Nina and Dina Caliente, Cassandra goth. And then there's a mate, Caitlin Linkert, which is also the Linkert family in The Sims 3 but.Well, you think that made having an affair with the pleasant like the guy from the pleasant forgot his name.Yeah Daniel Daniel pleasant yeah.Yeah.It's it's crazy 'cause he hasn't said that she forwarded people, but then also the other thing is that Cassandra also has a crush on Darren Dreamer. But then Darren Darren was son Dirk Dreamer is dating Louis Pleasant who is the the sister of Angela Peasant who's dating, Dustin broke, where Dustin's broke father died from mysterious pool accident where Brandy is is pregnant with a mysterious child who also happens to be pregnant by Skip Bro who was already dead before that even happened.So it's like this.Is just so much like this is like a reality TV sitcom type.It really eating it all rolls around one person.I think The funny thing is, is that so many of y'all like sort of playing The Sims when y'all was like 5. I'm like this is like drama like this is real messy stuff for y'all to be playing when you were like 5 years old.Yeah, but I think that's funny.Since he's definitely the most detailed, yeah.Yeah, it's pretty crazy how detailed that game is.If I could go back to it every time like I learn something new, I'm like what in the world I love so much I could talk about The Sims 2 all day. It oh, it's so.Good new podcast seems to.Hello 2.All the way since he's just so good, I'm going to whole video about this. Honestly, let me let's be real here.Dude, why The Sims 2 is superior?That's your video titles exactly.So like what do you like most about The Sims 3 like the most like why you keep on going back to it and.Playing it, I mean, I talked a little bit about this before, but Sims 3 is definitely like my. It was my first game, so for me like Sims 3, kind of like a stab Lish like what The Sims is for me like that's what I think of when I think of like throwback since game is for me that Sims 3 I like how there's so much customization. I really like that. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like Sims 3 is just like.You can kind of. It's easier for me to make my stories with Sims 3 like there's just. There's just enough like sort of natural drama or tea in the game already, but then I also like how I can also tell my own stories and I don't have to necessarily get involved in the drama if I don't want to.So yeah, that's true.Yeah, so I like the customization.Yeah, me too. I did like the customization and I guess the open world aspect 2 of it 'cause you could see everything that was happening in the background without having to live at the household where like yeah, for example there was. I think if your SIM cheated on like a married SIM the the whole neighborhood would know about like this so and so.The gossip interaction like actually mattered.It's crazy and like all I was saying was talking to them now I'm like I'm hated throughout the entire town. Like what did I do?Since Luke and Sue people for slander get flu shots, have a baby in the past, the future this there were so many things in The Sims who don't like what happened.I actually just got into the future during the recent Sims 3 Origin sale, so I haven't actually played with it yet. The only two packs I haven't played with our supernatural into the future, so.I'm excited to do that once I place hamster again, but honestly, I'm just having fun playing other games.Yeah, other than Sims and so I haven't played The Sims in awhile.Yeah, I haven't played The Sims 2 in awhile and I kind of went back to it, but a little segue I did want to say that you play other games. I've recently have spent seen on Twitter that you and also YouTube like you like The Walking Dead Clementine time but you also love life is strange now let's let's do. Just say here.How are you liking? Life is strange.So I played life change one. I'm not quite done with life is strange too. I have like I'm on the 4th episode like I'm about to finish the 4th and I have to do the 5th. The last one. OK so so there are two different games. Yeah, there's two different stories, but honestly I'm really liking the game so far. Life is strange too. I feel like I'm at a point where like the plot is like picking up and like.I'm we're at a point where, like Sean, is going off to find Daniel like Daniel had like walked off. I don't know if this is like spoilers for.People, but yeah, I'm at the part where they just got. I don't know where they are but.Sean is off looking for Daniel and like I don't know. I feel like the plot is picking up right now. I really like the plot. I like the sort of sibling relationship I think that's interesting, even though Daniel is annoying. That kid has an attitude throughout the whole game. Like calm down. He's 9 going on like 16 like.It's crazy like calm down.Daniel is a Daniel Tripp, but yeah, I don't know. I'm liking the game so far. I'm definitely going to make a video like of just kind of talking about it once I'm done with it because.Yeah, I'm not done yet, so I can't give a full complete review, but like it's definitely picking up. I'm excited to finish it. I'm trying to finish my video that's going up on Saturday before I play more. 'cause already I'm not trying to overwhelm myself with all these videos. Need to edit so I like to take breaks in between, but I'm definitely looking like a strange too. I love story mode games. Story driven games.Same and.I'm so excited for it. Life is strange. Three life is strange colors.It looks so good.I already preordered it and everything I'm like. I'm already sold. You don't gotta tell me twice. I I played throughout the entire life is strange, like franchise like 1/2 an before the storm and then Captain spirit like I played like Life is strange one in the before the storm like in that order and then it kind of carried onto life is strange too and a little bit of Captain Spirit. So I like how they Roll Tide together where I guess life is strange one and then before the storm are like connected with Max.And Chloe, where and then Captain spirit and life change? 2 They're both connected with Captain Spirit and then Sean and Daniel of like their story and how they kind of come together. And it's so good, but.It's like the same universe.Yeah, and look at The funny thing is like life is strange too. I don't know if you're you've gotten to that point or not in the game. It also connects back to life is strange one as well.I saw like were they again, I'm not done with it, but I know at the beginning, like when you are driving with Brody and they stop at Arcadia Bay.I thought that was like a cool little Easter egg. There's a come up like his life change one come up again like at the end of life is strange too.No, I don't think so. It's been awhile since I last played.See playing old games is kind of like my brand.But but I like how they kind of connect, they connect the.Different games, yeah.Get up from like Brody, he's cool, like literally the best like you gave me money.I saw somebody in my subscription fee doing a like ranking The Walking Dead characters and I think I want to do that for life is strange.The tier list of characters.All that would be so cool that be funny.Alright, I'm gonna do that when I'm done.Ranking all the characters.Like Brody at the top. OK Max.I don't know, see.She's she's alright. That's a moments.Then I noticed something about Max was just a lot. Oh no, the the.Bean guy iconic.Yeah, Frank was cool, but.All the dogs are going to be top Pompidou this.All the ways.OK, I'm actually make a video on that. That would be fun. Oh, the life is strange. 2 characters.Yes, but the other game I think you should play is tell me why. No, yeah, tell me why.It's like I've heard about that.It's so good. I've played it and it's so emotional again has like the similar feel of life is strange. I think it was made by the same people as well, where it's like about these two Twins and they have special powers and it's just it's so good.It the story behind it is really amazing and I think you'll definitely enjoy it honestly. I mean, if you ever get a chance to.Play it, yeah, I definitely be down for that. I have a few story games I have like planned to like play or do. Let's play on so I'll definitely add that to the.List, but now I want to talk about The Walking Dead, oh.I love The Walking Dead. You know what I really was watching somebody else is. Let's play of the series.And so.I just love going back and watching let's please.Me too. I was watching a few videos on The Walking Dead and then I think like until dawn and oh gosh, well until.Dawn, oh those folks got on my nerves then teenagers in the Woods.Like, do you not know cabin in the Woods? The Woods are nothing.Happens in the Woods like at nights like what? Anyways you will not catch me in no cabin in the Woods. I don't do this. No, I don't know that.No, I can't swim. I do not like nature. I will not go camping. You can't catch me out there and no thank you, I'll see.You in the air conditioning inside, hydrated and conditioned.Yeah, no bugs.Flying on my skin. Yeah, I don't think so.Yeah, I don't know if you feel the same way, but I recently started playing The Walking Dead again for like the eighth time. Now I own them all and I just feel so connected to click Clementine and Lee's relationship. Overtime their relationship has grown so much and I love how Clementine has grown throughout the game franchise where she was a little like 9 year old child and now she's like at Tordsson was like 1516 and like.The progression of growth in experience in like I guess I will call it a pandemic, literally an apocalypse. Yeah, it's like.It's so nice to see that progression, and I've grown like like I was so heartbroken like I can't let Lee die. I can't let Clementine die and like and then AJ became a thing like no.Nope. Nope, Nope. Nope.I got attached so quickly to all those characters 'cause they felt so real like I could see themselves like in person and then this stuff is actually happening to them. But I just want to hold them tight and hug them forever and never let them go.Yeah, Clementine and Lee honestly, iconic people like when I hear Lee's voice in other games like that's just like I just can only think of him as Lee like. I don't know. It's hard to like, disassociate the voice actors from there, like iconic characters or most iconic roles. Like. Recently, I sort of re watching a series of Minecraft story mode and I don't know if you've played.That game I just finished Minecraft story mode season one about the play Season 2 Gabriel.Who OK yeah?Gabriel is Lee. I had no idea.And I've literally I watched this game five years ago. Like I don't know, I'm just now realizing they gave real voice Lee, but I can only hear him as Lee now like.Yeah, I'm like is that leaves voices that Leslie is that you, you're alive.And this the legend.Right, and you know what I found out too. Like I was researching all the voice actors of now I've yeah, I've or I learned I'm like that voice. Sounds very familiar, but I don't know where I've heard it from. It was it's.Kiwi you know the Kiwi. Gosh, what was his?Yeah, because like all these movies it's like Happy Go lucky like.Character and like that voice sounds so familiar, like I don't know. The voice actors are. They have a very recognizable voice and like Clementine's voice too is so recognizable then like yeah and I didn't know it was like, you know a grown woman playing like that's talent right there.True Viagra woman playing the child version of Clementine.Yeah, and like she played throughout the entire thing like same characters, same person, not the entire thing, just changed her voice.Slightly to fit like the aged stage of Clementine at the time.I would love to do voice acting like that. Something I think would be so cool to do like in the future.Yeah, like I don't know, it seems it's definitely a different set of skills. Like would be a challenge, but I think it be kind of fun to voice a character.In a video game, it be very fun. I've always wanted to do it as well. I've been like trying to take voice acting lessons and there's this one person.Voice over camp. It's it's founded by the same person who does voice acting for The Sims and she found she found was like I want to teach other people about voice acting and an ketsia ketsia. She voices for The Sims and I was like oh I must learn about voice acting now 'cause I want to be able to be a voice actor in video games where like I have that recognizable voice and people.Say you have a very calming you know well spoken, speaking voice. I guess I don't know, but.I think would be very fun to do.Very cool, will take voice acting lessons together.Definitely, I just gotta put my voice over reel together and put it to go and then sign up for some rolls and then hopefully for the best site. Get some rolls one of these days.Oh yeah, it's manifest that.Yes, 2021 will be our year of conquering our goals.So would you say that you are a goal setter yourself?Yeah, it depends. Like when it's stuff like I'm really passionate about. Like with YouTube I had certain goals that I wanted to.Hit and so I definitely set goals for like my YouTube channel. Yeah I guess it just depends on if I'm really passionate about something.Yeah, that's good.Same same same here. I'm always like I always do like a goal setting. This is like what do I want to achieve this year, whether it's YouTube related, personal related business related like I have now decided to make my YouTube channel my business. I have already sent for an LLC I've got.It, oh, I was actually thinking about.I was talking to my dad about doing.That recently it is a smart way to do it. Kind of. Yeah, 'cause now that you're monetizing everything earning income and you.Also, it's like it's like a good way to like protect yourself in case something would come up in the future, but then also like to learn like business stuff along the way.Which would be cool, yeah, exactly.Yeah, I have to. I should follow through with that. But yeah, maybe my dad were talking about that recently.Yeah, I think it's it's smart 'cause like now you can utilize things like I've learned that.For everything that I've bought, I can write off on my taxes.As a business expense tax, yeah, yeah. I was actually thinking about doing that before I get my PC and so when I get my PC I can do that as a business expense. 'cause that's going to cost a lot.Of money so.Exactly I'm getting a new one to write it off as I go, keeping all my taxes in order. Well, this is the end of the podcast, but before we go I wanted to ask you some rapid fire questions.Even though I don't know why I always do this, but they're not really rapid fire 'cause these questions are just like tend to over explain. But anyway, the first question, what is your favorite game you've played thus far?Oh, the first thing I want to say is The Walking Dead actually. Haven't played The Walking Dead. I've just seen watch other people play it, but there's nothing. One of my favorite games.OK OK good good knowing what you know now. What advice would you give to your younger self?Keep being you in the show up authentically like being yourself is your greatest superpower that's.Good, I like that one. I'll keep that in mind for myself too. So what? What's one thing you're excited about that's coming up in 2021, oh?Yo, I've really thought I thought about that.I feel like because 2020 like nothing went as planned that I kind of like stop having like long term expectations.Yeah, I guess just continuing the YouTube channel and turning guess my media production in general into a small business. Yeah, I'll say that OK.I like that you know personal and professional growth. We love to see it.Also, what does success mean to you?Success means this is these are like deep questions.I know I'm sorry.I think just like pursuing what you think is, I guess like your purpose for like this season like keep like success is like, you know putting one step in front of the other and chasing your purpose. Yeah, OK.Cool, well thank you so much for being a part of my podcast again. Honestly we have.Thank you for having me.Yeah, definitely. I love talking to people and I'm so glad I started this podcast 'cause I feel like that a lot of people don't really get to see or hear.They're like favorite creators on another platform or they're like they only get to see them like 1 sided for like 30 minutes an hour or however long that this is another perspective of learning more about who they are, and I think it's kind.Of fun, yeah. That's why I love listening to podcasts like just learning more about people that you wouldn't that you don't always get to see like on their their platform, their main platform.Yeah, so where can the listener is find you?OK, so the folks can find me right now. I just have a YouTube in a Twitter.So on YouTube you can just search Asmara ASM Ara or factual URL is Asmara tv.smartTV and if you want to follow me you can follow me on Twitter. At Mackenzie Asmara. So that's MACKENZIE.Asmara ASM Ara so yeah.Awesome like that.Well, I'll let you go about your day. Thank you so much again, Ann yeah.Alright, well thank you for having me bye.Goodbye, so I hope you all enjoy today's episode with Asmara. I definitely started because learning from her on how she came to be on YouTube or if you start it and where she is now and how she's kind of taking it one step at a time with her video documenting series Anne how she's creating her content to be very impactful, an immersive and inspire other people to do what she's doing now today.But also kind of talking about the Creator on the rise and how her experience was without her high highs, her low lows, the benefits that come with it. The disadvantage is an especially talking about why it is so hard to be a black content creator on the Internet, especially on YouTube and the quote unquote, you're not black enough. Quote That a lot of people get in life, especially with black people. And with this whole podcast I have always wanted to be able to have open and honest conversations with other creators.In the space on how they're feeling about who they are and what they're doing and how they're trying to inspire and make a true lasting impact on the world with their content or just being themselves and so honestly, I hope you all really enjoyed this episode and learn something from it, because I definitely sure did. But anyway, make sure you go ahead and check out Asmara all links will be down below in the show notes, but be sure to go ahead and follow and subscribe to me on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast or Revolution Podcast. And I will hear from you all next week. ................

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