Milwaukee Public Schools

4175760469265Office of the Chief of StaffDepartment of Business, Community & Family Partnerships5225 W. Vliet StreetMilwaukee, WI 5320800Office of the Chief of StaffDepartment of Business, Community & Family Partnerships5225 W. Vliet StreetMilwaukee, WI 53208-266598-171450 MPS COVER PAGE(Fill out and submit as Tab A)REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: RFP for MPS Community Partnership Grant Program.This Request for Proposal (RFP) consists of: this document; all attachments, appendices, schedules and exhibits; any addenda issued in the future; and the current “MPS Terms and Conditions for Requests for Proposal” found at . Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified professional firms or individuals to, in accordance with all the terms and conditions of this RFP, provide recreational programming in the areas of, but not limited to: sports, arts, character-building, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and violence prevention to youth ages 3-18 who are residents of the City of Milwaukee. Activities are to be conducted outside of school hours; during evenings and weekends and are not to exceed 9:00 p.m. in observation of Milwaukee’s curfew. Proposals will be accepted no later than 4:30 p.m., Central Time, Monday, 4 December, 2017. Proposals must be submitted in the manner set forth. By signing below, respondent’s representative certifies on behalf of the respondent, that: I have the legal authority to bind the respondent responding to this RFP and to provide the services identified herein; I have fully read this RFP and all incorporated documents and submit for consideration the attached proposal; I have read and understand the Contract Requirements, and that any proposed recreational engagement activities are binding, real and substantial as defined in §1.3 of the RFP; The contents in the attached proposal have been arrived at independently and have not been divulged, discussed, or compared with the proposals of other respondents. No attempt has been made, nor will be made, to induce any other person or firm to submit or not submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition; and I agree that the attached proposal will remain open and its pricing will remain firm until execution of a contract for the services which are the subject of this RFP. ______________________________________________________ Respondent Telephone Number __________________________Address ___________________________Fax Number __________________________City, State, Zip Code ___________________________Email Address __________________________Signatory’s Full Name and Title ___________________________Signature DateOVERVIEW It is expected that the successful respondent will establish a strong partnership with MPS. As a strong partner, respondent will need to become fully acquainted with the business of MPS: educating Milwaukee’s children. A full description of MPS, its mission, demographics and vision can be found at . Summary Project Name: MPS Community Partnership Grant Program RFP Release Date: Monday, October 09, 2017Question Due Date: 4:30 p.m., Central Time, Monday, November 27, 2017RFP Due Date: 4:30 p.m., Central Time, Monday, December 4, 2017Definitions Contractor: the successful respondent awarded the contract resulting from this RFP. District: Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS). Proposal: any response provided pursuant to this RFP. Respondent: a firm or individual submitting a response to this RFP.Recreational engagement activities: Engagement activities offered to Milwaukee County youth in the form of recreational programming, including but not limited to: sports, arts, character-building, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and violence prevention.Partnership: a mutually beneficial, collaborative relationship between MPS and a business or community organization that seeks to engage students, families and schools in activities that meet the needs and goals of the school or district.Subcontractor: a person or entity performing, or proposed to perform, any portion of the Contractor’s contract.Contractual Requirements 1.3.1 Summary In accordance with the goals of the district, MPS employs community outreach and programming strategies that improve community conditions for Milwaukee County youth ages 3-18. The MPS Community Partnership Grant Program will address the emerging needs of students and families that reside in the city. A substantial component of this initiative is to work with community partners to ensure the provision of safe recreational engagement activities within safe spaces. Activities are to be conducted outside of school hours; during evenings and weekends and are not to exceed 9:00 p.m. in observation of Milwaukee’s curfew. To that end, MPS will award this grant funding to build capacity with local, non-profit community organizations. 1.3.2 Requirements To qualify for funding, respondents must: ?Have 501(c) 3 tax-exempt status. A copy the organization’s IRS 501(c) 3 determination letter and W-9 must be submitted. Submission guidelines for these materials are outlined in Resulting Contract. ?Identify matching funds of at least 25% of the proposal costs, which shall be monetary, in-kind or a combination of both, indicated on the Initiative Budget. See Exhibit 1. ?Conduct background checks, at the Contractor’s expense, for all hired staff and submit copies to MPS Employment Relations Department for review. Submission guidelines for these materials are outlined in Resulting Contract.1.3.4 Evaluation and AwardMPS’s Director of Business, Community and Family Partnerships, or his/her designated staff, will be the sole judge of the suitability and completeness of the requirements in §1.3.2 forms and will assign a “pass” or “fail” determination accordingly as to that minimum proposal requirement. SERVICES REQUESTEDScope of ServicesMilwaukee Public Schools (MPS), is located in Milwaukee, WI and is one of the largest urban k-12 school districts in the United States, serving approximately 77,000 students. A significant percentage of the district’s families are economically disadvantaged and may lack recreational opportunities outside of school hours. A key component of the MPS C.A.R.E.S. initiative is to provide Milwaukee’s youth with positive, engaging opportunities in safe spaces during evenings and weekends. MPS seeks proposals from one or more vendors to provide recreational engagement activities to City of Milwaukee residents, ages 3-18. Recreational engagement activities that are of interest to MPS includes, but are not limited to: baseball, basketball, tennis, football, golf, swimming, volleyball, soccer, other recreational sports, physical fitness, character building activities, dance, visual arts, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, violence prevention programs and substance abuse prevention programs. Any interested vendor, may partner with other vendors/firms that offer complimentary services in order to provide the full spectrum of services herein.Programs should be designed to provide instruction for a period beginning on January 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018. Programs may be scheduled on student off days. This programming must take place outside of school hours; during evenings and weekends and are not to exceed 9:00 p.m. in observation of the City of Milwaukee’s curfew. MPS school calendars can be found here: . Contract Compliance2.2.1 InvoicingInvoices shall be submitted on a monthly basis. Funds are issued on a reimbursement basis and conditional on MPS’s receipt of invoice. The final invoice must be submitted no later than July 15, 2018. The invoice shall reference, at a minimum: the contract number; the name of the program; the dates of service provided; description of charges and the amount due. Receipts or check copies for indicated charges shall be attached to invoice. Invoices must be submitted via mail to the following address: Milwaukee Public SchoolsDepartment of Business, Community and Family Partnerships 5225 W Vliet St., Room 131 Milwaukee, WI 532082.2.2 Reporting Vendors shall submit a final report and any tangible works to MPS on all programs performed, no later than July 15, 2018. See Appendix A. Final reports, as well as tangible works must be submitted via mail to the following address: Milwaukee Public SchoolsDepartment of Business, Community and Family Partnerships 5225 W Vliet St., Room 131Milwaukee, WI 53208MPS reserves the right to request a report on program usage at any time throughout the year.MPS reserves the right to send Administration representatives to observe vendor’s programming at any point during the term of the resulting contract as part of performance review and monitoring.MPS CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Resulting Contract The successful respondent agrees to enter into MPS’s standard Professional Services Contract (PSC), a current version of which can be found at under “Professional Services Contract Long Form”. MPS will not sign any form or contract offered by respondent. Successful respondents shall not present any forms to individual schools for signature. Any exception to the terms and conditions set forth in the PSC, or any additional terms or conditions proposed by respondent to be incorporated in the PSC, must be provided as set forth in this § 3.1 to be considered. Only those additional contract terms or conditions specifically set forth in Tab E of a proposal will be considered by MPS. Any exception or proposed additional contract term or condition not set forth in Tab E will neither be considered nor accepted. It is insufficient for respondent to cite to a document or incorporate a document by reference. Any such citation or incorporation will be disregarded. MPS’s Director of Business, Community and Family partnerships, or his/her designated staff, will review any exceptions or proposed additions to determine if their nature or extent precludes ultimate agreement on a contract between MPS and respondent and will assign a “pass” or “fail” determination accordingly as to that minimum proposal requirement. A “pass” as to the minimum proposal requirement does not mean that all the exceptions or proposed additions will be agreed to by MPS, but merely that they will be a point of discussion should respondent and MPS enter into contractual negotiations.3.2 Proposals to Remain Open By submitting a proposal, respondent is agreeing that its proposal will remain open and its pricing will remain firm until execution of a contract for the services which are the subject of this RFP.Award There is no guarantee that any contractor will be selected by MPS to provide programming or the frequency of services that will be requested. MPS reserves the right to award multiple contracts under this RFP to as many contractors as MPS determines is in its best interests. Contract awards are subject to review by the MPS Administration and Board of School Directors.INSTRUCTIONS Communication/Questions The only permissible communication regarding this RFP with MPS staff, including any and all questions and requests for clarification, must be directed, in writing via email, to . The subject line of the email must be labeled “RFP - Question.” Any other communication to, or contact with, a MPS staff member regarding this RFP by respondent will be considered unauthorized and a cause for rejection of a respondent’s proposal. Any such communications must be received by 4:00 p.m., Central Time, Monday, November 27, 2017 or will be disregarded.It is incumbent upon respondents to point out any possible discrepancies, omissions or ambiguities in the RFP using this question process. This includes alerting MPS that the RFP services or pricing requested are non-standard in the industry. By failing to do so, a respondent waives the right to claim any provision of this RFP is ambiguous.Answers/Addendum Answers to submitted questions, as well as any additional information or clarifications to the RFP, will be provided in the form of addenda posted at and . It is the sole responsibility of respondents to check that site for any addenda that may be issued. Addenda will not be otherwise communicated to prospective respondents and no other response to the emailed questions will be received by the sender. In the event of any conflict with the RFP, addenda shall govern.Submission of Proposals Respondent must submit one original proposal, clearly marked as such with an original signature. Respondent must also include an electronic proposal (in a single PDF file). The electronic copy must be submitted either on a flash drive or on a CD-ROM. Proposals must be collated and packaged in a manner to make each individual proposal readily apparent and complete. Each proposal must be clearly marked “RFP”. The package should show the following information on the outside: respondent’s name, address, and “RFP – MPS Community Partnership Grant Program”. The package must be delivered to: Milwaukee Public SchoolsDepartment of Business, Community and Family PartnershipsATTN: Megan Burk 5225 W. Vliet St., Room 131Milwaukee WI 53208Proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. Central Time, Monday, 4 December, 2017. Proposals received after this time will fail as to that minimum proposal requirement. Clarifications After receipt of proposals, it may be necessary for MPS to contact respondent with clarification questions. MPS will do so via the email address of the signatory provided on the respondent’s submitted Cover Page (Tab A). Clarification questions often need imminent answers and short deadlines for response may be necessary. It is the respondent’s responsibility to monitor the contact email identified at all times during the RFP process. Failure to timely respond to a clarification question submitted to the contact email may result in the rejection of the proposal.MINIMUM PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS MPS will determine whether proposals have met the six minimum proposal requirements set forth below. Only those proposals passing all of these minimum proposal requirements, unless waived, will be passed on for evaluation according to the criteria set forth in § 6.1.MINIMUM PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTSTimeliness- Submitted by the due date and time. See § 4.3.Pass/Fail Signed Cover Page (Tab A)Pass/Fail Initiative Budget (Tab B) - Budget is set forth on the Initiative Budget Form provided as Exhibit 1 to this RFP. Pass/FailIRS Documentation (Tab D) - Suitability, completeness and authenticity of the of returned IRS documentation. See § 1.3.2. Pass/Fail Exception to Contract Terms and Conditions (Tab E) – See §3.1. Pass/Fail Completeness – The proposal otherwise complies with the format and content parameters. See § 7. Pass/Fail MPS reserves the right, in its sole discretion and if deemed in the best interest of MPS, to: waive a minimum proposal requirement; waive irregularities in any proposal; reject all proposals received in response to this RFP; accept late proposals or improperly formatted proposals; and make a partial award or not make any award.EVALUATION Criteria The criteria below, weighed as indicated, will be used to evaluate those proposals that meet all minimum proposal requirements.CRITERIADESCRIPTIONPERCENTAGE VALUEExperience and QualificationsInformation set forth in Section 1 of Tab B. 35%Quality of Proposed Program and Ability to Meet MPS’s NeedsInformation set forth in Section 2 of Tab B. 50%Cost Pricing and value of proposed services. 15%Process Committee An evaluation committee will be established to evaluate the proposals according to the criteria identified in § 6.1. Proposals should be complete on their face. However, after opening of responses, MPS reserves the right to request supplemental information from any or all of the respondents and to factor any additional information into the evaluation. MPS may require oral presentations of a group of finalists in person or on the telephone and may request further information from those finalists. Best and Final Offer MPS reserves the right to involve one or more respondents in a Best and Final Offer (“BAFO”) process. BAFO may be used when no single response addresses all the specifications, when the costs submitted by all respondents are too high, when two or more respondents are virtually tied after the evaluation process or when all proposals are unclear or deficient in one or more areas. If BAFO is utilized, respondents may be required to submit revisions to their proposals. MPS will send out a BAFO request to invited respondents that will set forth the areas of the proposal to be covered and the date and time by which the BAFO must be returned. All respondents will be treated equally and, during the process, no information will be transmitted to any respondent about any other respondent’s offer. MPS reserves the right, in BAFO, to apply additional criteria not listed in the original RFP, but any additional criteria will be disclosed to respondents in the BAFO request.PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENT Proposals are to be formatted and tabbed in the form and sequence described in this § 7. Only information provided in the tabs set forth below will be considered. Quality, clarity and conciseness is desired. Tab A: Signed Cover Page The MPS cover page must be signed by a representative of respondent authorized to bind respondent and submitted as Tab A of the proposal. Please include all contact information.Tab B: Response to Request for Services Section 1: Respondent’s Experience and Qualifications With specific reference to the services identified in § 2.1, detail respondent’s experience and qualifications (250 words or less). Provide specific descriptions of like programs vendor has conducted to date (500 words or less). Provide at least three specific client references, including the names and contact information of the individual(s) you would propose MPS contact. MPS reserves the right to contact or visit any party listed as a reference. MPS also reserves the right to use other sources to obtain information about respondent’s experience. Describe respondent, including, at a minimum: number of employees; number of years in operation; type of services provided; and legal status, i.e. corporation, partnership, limited liability company.Provide the following information, in the following format: Organization/Group Name: Street Address: City:State: Zip Code: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Website: Amount Requested please choose an amount between $5,000 and $20,000: Section 2: Quality of Proposed Solution and Ability to Meet MPS’s Needs Customer Service Detail respondent’s approach to customer service (150 words or less). Provide brief resumes or qualifications (100 words or less for each team member) of program’s proposed staff/team. Provide an explanation in this section as to what collective qualifications team members do have and how those qualifications will meet the needs of MPS described herein (150 words or less).Organization’s Capacity to Provide Recreational Engagement Opportunities Describe the emerging needs of the community in which respondent’s organization and group is located (100 words or less). Detail the respondent’s operational capacity to provide youth with positive, engaging opportunities in safe environments during evenings and weekends (150 words or less). Program Description Explain in detail each program that will be presented to MPS by answering the following questions/statements.What is the program name? What is the description and purpose of the program (100 words or less)? Is this a new or existing program? Which school board district(s) will be served? For a map of school board districts, visit: . What is the program schedule? How many estimated youth will be involved in the program? How many youth does respondent’s organization/group serve? Detail how participants will be recruited. Will respondent limit participation to members of organization?Briefly describe the training process of staff/team members (50 words or less). Briefly describe program implementation (50 words or less). Identify any collaborating partners and explain the contributions of each partner. Briefly detail the evaluation process of the program (50 words or less).Tab C: Initiative BudgetExhibit 1, attached hereto, must be completed and submitted as Tab C of the proposal. This is the only place cost/pricing should be referenced in the proposal. Cost submitted shall be all-inclusive, including but not limited to, number of individuals participating per program, any and all administration expenses, overhead expenses, staffing costs, travel costs, materials and supplies, etc. All expenses included in the Initiative Budget, Exhibit 1, attached hereto, must comply with the MPS Administrative Policies. All MPS Administrative Policies can be found by clicking on the following link: . Information regarding expenses for contractors, Administrative Policy 3.09: PURCHASING AND BIDDING REQUIREMENTS, can be found by clicking on the following link: . Tab D: IRS DOCUMENTATON Complete and submit all required IRS documentation, identified in § 1.3.2, as Tab D of the proposal.Tab E: Contract Terms and Conditions Pursuant to the directions in § 3.1, identify any exceptions to the terms and conditions contained in MPS’s Professional Services Contract or additional proposed terms and conditions.Tab F: Miscellaneous Any additional materials, brochures or other documentation may be submitted as Tab F. Only relevant and necessary information should be included.Tab G: Confidential or Proprietary Information If respondent wishes to designate any portion of its proposal as confidential or proprietary, respondent may fill out and submit a “Request to Designate Information as Confidential or Proprietary” as Tab G. This form is found at . The Board is bound by Wisconsin statutes regarding public records (Wis. Stat. § 19.21, et seq.) and, as such, all of the terms of the contract resulting from this RFP will be public.8.0 Appeals Appeals regarding MPS’s procurement process are handled by the Office of Accountability and Efficiency. Details on appeals can be found at . EXHIBIT 1 to RFP: MPS Community Partnership Grant Program Initiative Budget Respondent Name: RevenueTotal Project BudgetInitiative Funding BudgetIn-Kind Match (25% of Initiative Funding Budget Required)Initiative Funding RequestedContributionsSponsorshipsFund-Raising Event(s)Government GrantsPrivate GrantsConcessions/Other SalesOther (describe below)Total RevenueExpenseTotal Project BudgetInitiative Funding BudgetIn-Kind Match (25% of Initiative Funding Budget Required)Program Registration FeesUniforms (youth participants only)TransportationProgram LeadersEquipmentNutritious FoodHealth Checkups for Youth Participants (maximum $30 each)Training participants and program staffStipends for program leads that are youthStipends for program leads that are adultsInsuranceTotal ExpenseEXHIBIT 1 to RFP: MPS Community Partnership Grant Initiative Budget (Continued) Project Expense Details Program Implementation Fees: (list events with costs for each)Uniforms: (youth participants only, describe uniforms and list prices)Transportation: (list destinations and associated costs)Equipment: (specify equipment and prices)Nutritious Food: (describe food to be purchased)Health Checkups for Youth Participants: (maximum $30 each)Training for Adult Staff: (describe training expenses related to training process)Stipends for peer educators and youth:(List proposed youth leaders and peer educator rates) *Youth leaders must be age 14-18, verified by copy of student ID, photo ID, birth certificate, or letter from current school.Stipends for program staff: Other: EXHIBIT 1 to RFP: MPS Community Partnership Grant Initiative Budget (Continued)Project Revenue Details Contributions: (list donors and approximate amounts)Sponsorships : (list donors and approximate amounts)Fund-Raising Event(s): (list and describe events and approximate amounts to be raised) Government Grants: (list grant sources and approximate amounts)Private Grants: (list grant sources and approximate amounts)Concessions or other Sales: (list sales and approximate amounts to be raised)Other: (be specific)*Cost submitted shall be all-inclusive, including but not limited to, number of individuals participating per program, any and all administration expenses, overhead expenses, staffing costs, travel costs, materials and supplies, etc. All expenses included in the Initiative Budget, Exhibit 1, attached hereto, must comply with the MPS Administrative Policies. All MPS Administrative Policies can be found by clicking on the following link: . Information regarding expenses for contractors, Administrative Policy 3.09: PURCHASING AND BIDDING REQUIREMENTS, can be found by clicking on the following link: of the Chief of StaffDepartment of Business, Community & Family Partnerships5225 W. Vliet StreetMilwaukee, WI 5320800Office of the Chief of StaffDepartment of Business, Community & Family Partnerships5225 W. Vliet StreetMilwaukee, WI 53208APPENDIX AMPS Community Partnership Grant Program Final Report Page 1 of 5 SECTION 1Organization/Group Name: Street Address: City:State: Zip Code: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Website: Organization/Group Information Contact Information (Person completing this report must provide their contact information) Name: Title: Work Phone: Work Email: Grant Reference InformationGrant Amount: Total Project Budget: Date funds Granted: Project/Program Name: _________________________________________________________________________Signature and Title of person completing this reportDate SubmittedAPPENDIX AMPS Community Partnership Grant Program Final Report Page 2 of 5 SECTION 2To which activity did your group or organization apply your funding? Check all that applyBoysGirlsBoysGirls FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Baseball FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Character Building FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Basketball FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Dance FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Tennis FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Entrepreneurship FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Football FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Financial Literacy FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Golf FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Violence Prevention FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Swimming FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Volleyball FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Soccer FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Physical Fitness FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX AODA Activities FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Other (describe) Youth served by this grant came from the following ZIP Codes. Check all that apply. FORMCHECKBOX 53110 FORMCHECKBOX 53129 FORMCHECKBOX 53130 FORMCHECKBOX 53132 FORMCHECKBOX 53154 FORMCHECKBOX 53172 FORMCHECKBOX 53202 FORMCHECKBOX 53203 FORMCHECKBOX 53204 FORMCHECKBOX 53205 FORMCHECKBOX 53206 FORMCHECKBOX 53207 FORMCHECKBOX 53208 FORMCHECKBOX 53209 FORMCHECKBOX 53210 FORMCHECKBOX 53211 FORMCHECKBOX 53212 FORMCHECKBOX 53213 FORMCHECKBOX 53214 FORMCHECKBOX 53215 FORMCHECKBOX 53216 FORMCHECKBOX 53217 FORMCHECKBOX 53218 FORMCHECKBOX 53219 FORMCHECKBOX 53220 FORMCHECKBOX 53221 FORMCHECKBOX 53222 FORMCHECKBOX 53223 FORMCHECKBOX 53224 FORMCHECKBOX 53225 FORMCHECKBOX 53226 FORMCHECKBOX 53227 FORMCHECKBOX 53228 FORMCHECKBOX 53233 FORMCHECKBOX 53235Enter the number of youth served in the appropriate boxes.Age 6 and under7 to 89 to 1011 to 1213 to 1415 to 1617 to 18TotalsMaleFemaleTotalsAfricanAmericanHispanicSoutheastAsianNativeAmericanCaucasianOtherUnknownTotalsMaleFemaleTotalsAPPENDIX AMPS Community Partnership Grant Program Final Report Page 3 of 5 SECTION 2, ContinuedEnter the applicable numbers in the appropriate boxes. SessionsPerformances/ culminating activities/ TournamentsAdult Youth InvolvedAdults Involved VolunteersDid you collaborate with other groups for this project?a. FORMCHECKBOX yes FORMCHECKBOX nob. If yes, check the areas of collaboration that apply. FORMCHECKBOX youth recruitment FORMCHECKBOX volunteer recruitment FORMCHECKBOX coaching FORMCHECKBOX facility sharing FORMCHECKBOX coach recruitment FORMCHECKBOX funding FORMCHECKBOX referees FORMCHECKBOX equipment sharing FORMCHECKBOX other: (Please describe)c. Please provide the names of any collaborating groups/organizations. SECTION 3Describe the details of the project.APPENDIX AMPS Community Partnership Grant Program Final Report Page 4 of 5 SECTION 3, Continued6b. Describe at least two benefits that the youth in your program gained. 6c.Describe how you recruited the youth participants.Describe the steps you have taken, if any, to sustain this project financially.Describe any challenges encountered, unexpected benefits received, or lessons learned during this grant.APPENDIX AMPS Community Partnership Grant Program Final Report Page 5 of 5 SECTION 4Final Grant AccountingAttach your Expense Log Expenses“Total Expenses” should equal “Funding Request” Plus whatever else you spent in each category.GrantTotalFundsExpensesProgram Fees$_________ $_________Uniforms (youth participants only)$_________ $_________Transportation$_________ $_________Program Leaders$_________ $_________Equipment$_________ $_________Nutritious food (maximum $3000)$_________ $_________Health Checkups for Youth participants (max. $30 each)$_________ $_________Training participants and program staff (Max. $2500)$_________ $_________Stipends for program staff that are youth (max. $3,000)$_________ $_________Stipends for program leads that are adults (max. $5,000)$_________ $_________Other (describe) $_________ $_________In-Kind support Report 25% of grant amount $_________ $_________(If applicable in expenses. Ex: coaches’ time etc.)Total Grant Funds$_________Total Project Expenses $_________ ................

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