
Some interesting differences between students and parents:27% of Parents but only 12% of Students think electronics DEFINITELY negatively affects students’ work.15% of Parents but 50% of Students think that allowing students to use their personal electronics in school would cause some or a lot of improvement in student work.38% of Parents but only 16% of Students Disagree (Somewhat or Strongly) that they—or their student—keep their electronics usage at reasonably healthy level. (To disagree means that usage may be at unhealthy level.)28% of Parents but only 10% of Students think they—their student—needs to cut back on electronics usage QUITE A BIT.The Survey--?Students report owning about 5 gadgets* per person, while parents report their children own about 4.* ??iPod/MP3, Desktop Computer, Laptop Computer, iPad/Tablet, Electronic Reader (Kindle, etc.), Smart Phone, Game Unit (xBox, etc.), etc.?2.??????????????? How frequently do you (your child) engage in digital media activities* while also doing school work??*? Text, social media, email, taking and/or sending photos or videos, etc.Answer Choices–Students–ParentsAlways14.14%1412.7%7Usually38.38%3829%16Sometimes34.34%3438.2%21Rarely10.10%107.3%4Not applicable, I don't do any3.03%312.8%73.?????? Do you think your (child’s) electronic device usage negatively affects how you(r child) do(es) schoolwork?Answer Choices–Students–ParentsDefinitely12.00%1227.3%15Probably26.00%2616.3%9Maybe31.00%3120%11Probably not26.00%2623.7%13Definitely not5.00%512.8%7Parent Comments question 3—Electronics are often taken away because of thisshe is self-disciplined to complete her homework upon arriving home, followed by computer and television timeElectronics distract from getting homework done giving student an opportunity to do something fun instead of what he perceives as boringDistracted to a point.when he's engaged in homework he's very focusedCountless times I found my child staying up past her bedtime watching videos on her phone or talking to her friends..I think technology is a blessing, but sometimes it can be distracting.I think it slows her down stopping for reasons that don't pertain to homework but it Definetly helps too.It is as though he is addicted to the devices.He needs the internet sometimes but I do think having the phone nearby can be distracting.More focus on school work would probably result in better retention on the things she is studying.I tend to think that listening to music while doing homework would be distracting, whereas she says it helps her concentrate. My older daughter often does the same thing, and gets excellent grades, so I'm unsure if it's an okay habit or not. It would definitely distract me.I think it may take longer to get the homework completed, but doesn't affect the grade, just time spent?I think it likely adds a lot of time to her homework. However, I know that she uses the phone to network with schoolmates and collaborate on ideas and issues concerning subject matter.More use of social media is correlated to stress levels[My son] mostly uses music to focusI say maybe because it only affects a bit but not a lotShe will watch TV ( not a smart TV) at times when she is doing homework.It's a distraction.he gets distracted by the Internet while doing homework.Her focus is not entirely on her work, it is a million other placesHe doesn't get off track, multi tasking is a good thing!He normally uses it to ask other students for help or to research questionsIt's a big distraction really.Homework may be put off and or forgotten about because of the puter games I.E. mindcraft take up alot of her internet timeUsing her smart phone distracted her, caused her to take way too long to complete her assignments. This is why she is no longer allowed to use her phone while she has homework due the next day.I don't think her brain will be well focused on her homework when music is in the backgroundI believe that music helps him concentrate and having the ability to google something on his smartphone while doing homework is helpful.It can be a form of motivation for them to continue to work. Our rule is turn it off or put it away if you are making mistakes, not understanding, not completing or misusing electronics. Most of the time it helps them complete thier homework when they use electronic books, check for understanding or want to see a problem using YouTube. Social media should not be used during homework, but I know it happens.I think the electronic usage is excessive and causes her to lose focus on homeworkI think it makes her take twice as long to do her work and not do her best work because of thatWhen they have unlimited access to video games at home, their grades see to drop.gets distracted sometimesOnly uses to complete work needed to be done online or to type and print assignmentsWhile listening to music and doing homework, he will sing along, search and change for songs, he gets easily distracted from homework.family rule homework first before anything. After homework is completed then they are free to use all electronics before 8pm on weekdays?4.?????? If you(r child) went one school week without using any electronics, what impact do you think that would have on your (child’s) school work?Answer Choices–Students–ParentsMy work would improve a lot16.16%1617.9%10?My work would improve some33.33%3337.5%21No impact32.32%3233.9%12My work would be somewhat worse14.14%1410.7%6My work would be a lot worse4.04%40.0%0Parent Comments to this question—Has not has electronics for a while, missing assignments continue?Some electronic use is necessary but only if there is no access to gamesHe engages with his peers on questions, homework, receives help, and give help with peers.?Would be able to get enough sleep which will lead to good concentrationMy student uses the Internet a lot to help with homework?She would get it done faster less distraction.He would no longer have electronics to distract him from the most important things, such as school work, studying, and being socially engaged face to face.I think it may have a slight improvement in grades but would take more than one week to have a lasting effect.This would mean no access to teachers' websites or Skyward. It would also mean typing on a real typewriter. That would be a challenge. Also, doing assignments and extra work online would be impossible, like IXL for math, which is a requirement and helps her practice. I believe nowadays, the students are actually being forced to depend on electronics, rather than using them just as a choice.As explained above. It just takes more of their time to get the work done. The output would be the sameI don’t believe the quality would get any better or worse. I suppose there is a chance her work could decline due to the unavailability of the net for research. She has A's in all classes. I think that she would get work done quicker and therefore have more time for family interaction...which I would definately like.I think like me music helps Adam focusHis work would improve because he plays the tablet oftenUses computer for research and informationhe wouldn't have as many distractions.A lot of websites help with understanding a subject better than a bookNo distractionLess distractionI see a drastic change in kids when they don't use video games. As far as kindle, YouTube or internet I don't think it has the same effect. But the distraction of texts, selfies, etc would definitely put their attention back to school work and keep them out of unnecessary drama.Her focus would shift towards school work and away from all of the distractionsShe rarely uses electronics while doing homework unless it is specifically for homeworkI believe that if electronics were taken out of the picture, free time would be used by other other forms of entertainment namely playing outside and reading books. Physical exercise is good for the body and mind. The benefits of reading are countlessAs long as there are no assignments requiring a computerI think he would be more focused and able to concentrate more on what he was doing and finish his work faster, instead of taking all eveningKahn academy for math explanations and no ixl would hur tin math. Other subjects would probably not be hurt.We have family rule regarding homework first then free time up to a certain time during the week.??5.?????? If you(r child) were allowed to use electronic devices during school time, how you do think that would affect your (child’s) work during school?Answer Choices–Students–ParentsMy work would improve a lot10.10%101.8%1My work would improve some39.39%3914.3%8No impact27.27%2721.4%12My work would be somewhat worse19.19%1942.9%24My work would be a lot worse4.04%419.6%116.?????? ?Overall, I (your child) keep(s) technology usage at a reasonable and healthy level.Answer Choices–Students–ParentsStrongly Agree11.00%118.8%5Agree39.00%3928.1%16Not Sure34.00%3424.6%14Disagree14.00%1431.6%18Strongly Disagree2.00%27.0%4?7.?????? ?I think I (my child) should cut back my technology usage…Answer Choices–Students–ParentsQuite a bit10.00%1028.1%16Some32.00%3236.1%21A little37.00%3726.3%15Not at all21.00%218.8%5??PARENTS ONLY??? My child's electronic usage interferes with his/her sleep.?Answer Choices–Responses–A lot5.26%3Some45.61%26Not much?14.04%8Not at all28.07%16Not sure7.02%4? ................

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