Wolf armor mod minecraft 1. 12 2


Wolf armor mod minecraft 1. 12 2

Advertising Wolf Armor and Storage Mod for Minecraft. Generally, wolves in Minecraft are pretty useless when it comes to utility. But now, with this tool, you can easily make them useful. On top of that, you can equip wolves with different types of armor. In addition, it allows you to use storage functionality such as holding six items. It's an amazing idea to design a Minecraft mod this way. Similarly, these wolves will help you in battle with the crowds. And they won't die easily because of the armor that acts as a protected shield. So share your thoughts on this mod and keep coming here. Wolf Armor and Storage Mod Download for Minecraft 1.12.2 Release Date: April 12, 2018 Version File Size: 1.89 MB Supported Version: Minecraft 1.12.2 Author: Jadedcat Download (Direct): Wolf-Armor-and Storage-Mod.jar Updated Summary Wolf Armor and Storage Mod Install: Each mod requires Minecraft Forge API installed in advance. Forge creates a new profile in minecraft launcher and allows the 3rd part to be modified without breaking the game's basic files. So download Forge API latest version for your game version. It comes with installer, just run it and start the game to complete the installation. Now download the mod file using the link on the page. It has to support your current game version. Start Minecraft, click Change the Profile and then click Open Game Dir Open the mods folder (it's automatically created when you run the game using Forge). Swipe and drop the mod file into the mods folder. Start Minecraft, select the Forge profile from the Drop-down menu and run the game. Forge will take the time to set up and then start your game with the mods. We don't tolerate any kind of fan deception and that's why we always mention the source as well. We ask all Minecrafters to be patient because the desired version may take some time to release. The changes will be available here even after the release without any malicious link. Although its really hard to keep control and balance on every mod, but we need some help from the community to discourage the distribution of fake content. We hope you enjoy every bit of Playing Minecraft. So have fun and keep coming here to check out the fastest updates. Advertising HomePage Minecraft Mods Wolf Armor and Storage Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 (Minor Tweaks for Wolves) Author: CenturionFox13 July 4, 2019 93,923 views Wolf Armor and Storage Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 replaces the basic wolf feature to allow tame wolves to equip various armor and hold up to six items in reserve. Screenshots: Supports To customize rendering layers, and other options: Turn on and off wolf packs fully activate and disable the wolf pack make play On and disable wolf health/armor display in inventory Enable and disable wolf armor making right-click a tamed wolf with a chest in hand to add six storage slots. Leather wolf armor is dyable, just like normal leather armor! Normal! Wolf armor via vending machines! Craft Recipes: Every type of armor is craftable requires: Minecraft Forge How to install: Make sure you've already installed Minecraft Forge. Find the minecraft application folder. On open windows Run from the starting menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold ALT and click Go and Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder application support and search for Minecraft. Place the mod you just downloaded (.jar file) in the Mods folder. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button, you should now see the mod is installed. Wolf Armor Storage Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 Download Links: For Minecraft 1.7.10 Download from Server 1 - Download from Server 2 for Minecraft Download from Server 1 - Download from Server 2 for Minecraft 1.11 Download from Server 1 - Download from Server 2 for Minecraft 1.11.2 Download to from server 1 - Download from server 2 for minecraft 1.12 Download from server 1 - Download from server 2 for Minecraft 1.12.1 Download from Server 1 - Download to from server 2 to Minecraft 1.12.2 Download from Server 1 - Download from server 2 Note: the latest support version of this mod is , and this description is up to date with this version from 2020-04-11. Note 2: As it is asked a lot, yes, you can include this mod in your modpack. Wolf Armor and Storage is a simple Minecraft mod that adds armor, storage, and other minor settings for wolves. I've long been irritated by the fragility of vanilla wolves. If you do anything other than leave them sitting in your living room, you are very likely to quickly become wolfless. Now, equipped with the appropriate ornaments, your wolves can become the true powers they've always been supposed to be, and you can win a useful adventure companion to boot! Fig. 1: An Armor Up Your Wolves Armour Armour This mod adds five new armors for your wolves, each matching one of five types of armor in vanilla minecraft. Armor can be found in the loot chests generated, or manufactured in a workbench. Craft Armor for Your Wolf To make a piece of wolf armor, you must obtain three pieces of armor (two sets of boots and a helmet) and additional equipment (leather, Iron nuggets, iron bars, gold bars, or diamonds), and arrange them as below: Fig 2a: The craft recipe for leather armor Fig 2b: The craft recipe for chainmail armor Fig 2c: The craft recipe for iron armor Fig 2c: The recipe for craft for iron armor Fig 2c: The recipe for crafting for iron armor Fig 2c: The recipe for crafting armor Interactions and Equipment Armor When armor is equipped on a wolf, they get the same amount of protection as a player would with a complete set of armor made from matching equipment! To apply armor to a wolf, either click right on them while holding the armor you want to apply or sneak in and right click on it with any other item. This opens up the wolf's graphical interface and allows you to equip the armor of your choice. Fig 3a: The wolf mistletoe armor can also be equipped via distributor! However, the wolf must be tamed in advance. Fig 3b: Armor Application via Distributor Dyed Leather Armor As Leather Armor, Leather Wolf Armor can be dyed any color: Fig 3a: A wolf wearing purple dyed leather armor... Fig 3b: ... and the purple armor in the inventory of the wolf Fig 3c: Wolf armor dyed a dubious color Wolf Pack? Wolf Pack! The second major addition of this mod is the ability to apply a chest to a tamed wolf, giving them some useful inventory space! Fig 4: A wolf with a chest equipped As a bonus, not only is this inventory space useful as storage, but if you fill it with your wolf's favorite foods, they can heal on the fly of their inventory! Just click right on a tame wolf that you own with any wooden chest (provided it is properly registered in the Ore Dictionary as such) and the inventory space will be added. To remove an equipped chest, simply click the Delete the Chest button under the armor slot in the graphical interface of the wolf inventory. The breast size is configurable from one to fifteen slots, and the chests can be fully deactivated if desired. The wolf's self-healing can also be disabled. Various additions I've also taken the liberty of adding a couple of other new features: Advancements! There are two you can win: Armor Up!, equipping armor to your wolves, and Wolf Pack, giving your wolf some

inventory space. Wolves can now lie on the full moon. This can make it easier to find them when there is a full moon. You can turn this feature on or off depending on your preference. Mod configuration There are several configurable options for this mod. You can either access it via the mod GUI configuration, or by changing the configuration file under config/attributeestudios/wolfarmor.cfg. Server owners or solo users can set up the following chests: - Turn on or off chests - Set the maximum size of wolf chests (from 1?1 to 5?3) - Turn on or off self-healing wolves - Turn on or off wild wolves howling on a full moon Customer-side users can also specify a few visual options: - Turn on or off the wolf armor and health display in the GRAPHIC interface - Turn on or off the armor and the wolf backpack rendered Compatibility This mod uses an umbrian copy of SpongePowered Mixin 0.7.5. Mods that are incompatible with Sponge, or that implement from a different version of the Mixin library, or that also use Mixin to modify the wolf feature may be incompatible with this mod. Wolf Armor is generally compatible with what mod doesn't change the way wolves work, and may be compatible with some who do. If you encounter an incompatibility with a specific mod, please report it either here, or on the github page for the mod. Mods supported These mods are explicitly supported, with known problems below. If other problems are found while performing Wolf Armor and Storage alongside one of the following, please report it as a problem: Phosphor by jellysquid_ Sophisticated Wolves by NightKosh Carry On Tschipp and PurpliciousCow Interaction is slightly buggy due to the pick up feature; must use a non-empty Quark hand by Vazkii, mcvinnyq, and wiresegal Interaction is slightly buggy due to caressing, etc. Render layers on foxhounds are specifically disabled Compatible Mods These mods are compatible (i.e. won't crash horribly), but are not explicitly supported. I have marked known problems or incompatibilities below each: Zoology by RWTema Atum 2: Back to the Sands by Shadowclaimer and Girafi Desert Wolves remain unchanged Better Animations Collection 2 by Fusz_ Wolf Armor uses the vanilla model, and does not match with the wolf in a sitting position or when the tail is waving. Better Animal Models by cybercat5555, istmeow, and Ozelot5836 and Better Animals Plus by cybercat5555 and istmeow Uses the vanilla wolf rendering model, which does not match with the new wolf model. Turn off the chest and make armor in the configuration options to remedy it. Incompatible Mods The following mods are not compatible, and there are no plans to ensure compatibility at this time: Stacy's Wolves by stacyplays, nathanoneday, LyraelRayne, maddielines, SnowShock35, and AKTheKnight Doggy Talents by percivalalb, SimonMeskens, and XNovaViperX Contact Me I can be reached via the comments or by github/email that I listed on my giththub profile! I could also start a discord for this mod if I can find reliable moderators; keep an eye on if you're interested. Special thanks thanks to everyone who submitted an idea, number or traction request! This would not be possible without your interest in the mod. Additional thanks go to: SanAndreasP for fixing the incompatibility with Phosphor NightKosh for their help with Sophisticated Wolves compatibility and Russian Romz24 translation files for their help on the Russian gsbaoge translation files for their help with the original capacity system

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