Familiars guide mod 1. 12. 2


Familiars guide mod 1. 12. 2.1

Author: pitman-87 August 20, 2016 529,650 views Familiars Mod 1.7.10 includes a little familiar for the player, so it's not always so lonely in SSP. A Familiar is a kind of protector / companion that always follows the player. They are not tameable like dogs and do not occur in the wild. These can be equipped like items / armor, Dungeon Defenders has inspired me. The creatures do not only fly someone behind they also have a passive/active skill (attack by mobs, heal the player etc). Some are not available from the beginning, you need to unlock them first (buy with XP or unlock achievements) This mod is an API too (tut comes soon), so anyone might make a complete MLP Familiar Pack or Pokemon or something Familiars Mod Screenshots: Content of Extended FamPack: Content of DefaultMobs FamPack: Content of Herobrine FamPack: Familiars Mod Video: Familiars Mod Recipes: To craft it, you'll need a book, gunpowder, spidereye, bones and rotten flesh. You need the recommended Minecraft Forge The API alone has no content, you need at least one FamPack! How to install Familiars Mod 1.7.10 1. Download and install Minecraft Forge 2. Open minecraft.jar/minecraft_server.jar (e.g. with winrar) 3. Extract forge into minecraft.jar/minecraft_server.jar 4. Do DELETE meta-inf on minecraft.jar / DO NOT DELETE meta-inf on server.jar 5. Start minecraft/server into menu and close 6. Now there is a mods-folder generated after first start 7. Put the downloaded zip-file (the API and your choosen FamPack) into the mods-folder (don't install the mods into minecraft.jar!) 8. On client: start minecraft, go to main menu and then go to "mods", if the mod is listed there, everything should work fine 9. Have fun! Download Links for Familiars Mod 1.7.10 Older versions: For Minecraft 1.5.2 Familiars API: Extended FamPack: DefaultMobs FamPack: Herobrine FamPack: For Minecraft 1.6.2 Familiars API: Extended FamPack: DefaultMobs FamPack: Herobrine FamPack: For Minecraft 1.6.4 Familiars API: Extended FamPack: DefaultMobs FamPack: Herobrine FamPack: For Minecraft 1.7.2 Familiars API: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 Extended FamPack: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 DefaultMobs FamPack: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 Herobrine FamPack: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 For Minecraft 1.7.10 Familiars API: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 Extended FamPack: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 DefaultMobs FamPack: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 Herobrine FamPack: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 Bit Heroes is, put simply, a turn-based game where you explore dungeons searching for loot and monsters. Much of this game plays out like a single-player experience, but other players can have an impact on your game. In-game friends can join your party when you take on the major dungeons this game has to offer, and the weekly PvP and PvE activities are ranked based on your performance compared to other players. The information below guides new players through the first stages of the game and provides them with general advice. Character creation After you finish the tutorial you can customize the appearance of your character and pick an in-game name. Once you created a character make sure to link it to a Kongegrate account by clicking the -icon in the user interface. NOTE: inappropriate names are usually changed to something else by the devs. Tips Don't bother changing your appearance or name in the early game. The 1000 () are best to spend somewhere else. Primary stats Power, Stamina, and Agility are the player's base stats. They are used for calculating the player's total stats (TS), health bar, and overall damage output. Power () calculates the player/familiar's damage. Each point in Power represents 1 damage. Stamina () calculates the player/familiar's health points. Each point in Stamina represents 10 health points. Agility () calculates the player/familiar's combat speed. For every turn, the player/familiar generates 0.5 skill points (SP)[1]. The distribution between these stats determine a player's build. Without going into too much detail there are 3 different builds in the current meta: Damage Per Second (aka DPS): Focus on doing as much damage as quickly possible. DPS balances their power () and agility () almost evenly (40-20-40 % stat distribution). Tank: The front-liner within a team that focuses on surviving as much attacks as possible. Usually a tank has ~20% more stamina () as the DPS. Tanks favor stamina () and use power () for their pets (70/25/5 % stat distribution). Bait: A low stamina tank with defensive accessory and pet (when hit proc). Within a team the bait has the lowest stamina () (~20% lower as DPS) to lure attacks away from the DPS. Stat-wise a bait focuses mainly on power () (80/15/5 % stat distribution). A player can obtain stats by wearing gear or adding stat points. Stat points are obtained by leveling up, daily login gifts, shop bundles, or crafted with PvP/GvG coins. Depending on the tier and rarity gear provides a certain amount of stats. In ascending order of stat points, the rarities are: Common Rare Epic Legendary / Set / Mythic / Ancient[2] In addition, there are defensive and offensive modifiers e.g deflect or critical hit. For more information see the mechanics page. Tips It's recommended to put all your stat points in power () and adjust stamina () and agility () with gear. Always look for gear from the highest available zone because gear makes up most of your stat points. Messed up with stat points? Don't waste 200 gems on a stat reset in the early game. Bonuses During battles, the player collects experience, items, gold, and familiars. The chance a player finds a quality item or gains a certain amount of experience is determined by the base rates + bonuses. These bonuses are unrelated to the mechanics because they do not affect the performance of a character. In total, there are five different boostable bonuses: Bonus Description Item Find Increase the chance to find a higher quality item[3] Gold Find Increase the amount of gold from battles Experience Increase the amount of experience from battles Movement Speed Increase the movement speed in dungeons and during battles Capture Rate Increase the chance for the prompt to appear[4] There are several different ways a player can boost these bonuses: Tips Make sure to always have an active boost (EXP & Item Find) before you go into battle Stock up on minor boosts (25%) when they are on sale in the shop Once you unlock Trials/Gauntlet activate gold and movement speed minor boosts. You'll make enough gold to cover the cost. Currencies There are several currencies that regenerate over time but only three currencies can be collected via dungeons/battles: Gold Gems Guild Honor Only Guild Honor requires the player to be in a guild. Guild Honor cannot be found in dungeons/battles directly, however, 10% of your guild contribution is automatically converted to Guild Honor. A player's guild contribution = experience earned in dungeon/battles. After completing the tutorial a player can join or create a guild. In the early game, it is strongly recommended to join an existing guild. By joining an existing guild you can immediately gain the benefits of the guild perks and carries without having to build your own guild from scratch. NOTE: if you plan to leave a guild first spend your honor. All guild honor is lost of you switch between guilds. It is advised to spend honor on consumable pouches because the other items quickly become obsolete and are not worth the cost Icon Currency Used for Gold Trade items Persuade familiars Gems Buy items from Shop Bribe familiars Guild Honor Buy items from Guild Shop Energy Zone dungeons Trade for Shards and Xeals PvP Ticket Shards Tokens Badges Xeals What do I spend gems on? There are plenty of options out there, and how you play the game is up to you. Below is a recommended list of gem purchases, in order of importance, only buy these when on sale: Epic Pet & Accessory = 2x 6000 (Large/Mega boxes & eggs) Leg Shop Mount = 6000 Rare brain augments[5] = 600 (Large augment bag) Leg Pet & Accessory = Depends on your luck[6] Tips Get potentially more by watching video ads[7] Make sure you got plenty of resources in your inventory if you are planning on using a booster. Calculate the average time for at least 5 runs and divide your total boost time by this average to get an estimate on the amount of needed resources You could spend gem on extra resources (600 ) because you are planning on popping a booster. However, it is highly recommended to not spend any gems on anything until you got all of the items above. Zones Bit Heroes uses a Tier-system. A player starts in Tier 1 (T1). By defeating the last dungeon in a zone the player progresses to the next tier. The Figure below shows an overview of T1 with all of the flags and dungeons. Players often refer to the flags and dungeons as: Z#D# = Zone #, Dungeon # (e.g. Z1D1 or Z1D3)Z#F# = Zone #, Flag # (e.g. Z1F1 or Z1F4) A flag refers to the smaller stages between the major dungeons. Major dungeons have their own icon (e.g. Z1D2) . Each zone also has a special 1-star dungeon (Z1D4) which is unlocked after clearing all major dungeons on heroic difficulty. Occasionally a flag will become notorious enough to be referred to by its boss encounter. Here are the ones most often noted: Pengey / McGobblestein Alliance (Z2F3): Take out the backline first because they deal the most damage. Pick weapons that can deal backline damage e.g. spear or bow. Giant Sugg (Z2F5): This boss attacks the front enemies with its vastly higher than expected Agility . Keep fragile party members in the back and switch frontliners to keep them alive. King Dina (Z3F2): To get past King Dina a TS of 200 is suggested. Reach the boss with full health because he will hit fast and hard. Mega Zorg (Z4F8): A suggested TS to take this on is around 600. Zorg will only attack your front position. Mega Brute (Z5F9): This guy tends to spam 1SP heals on himself. With a TS around 750 you are able to out-damage his heals. King Chewy (Z6F6): Chewy targets your lowest HP ally for massive amounts of damage (around 1.5k hits). The battles leading up to the boss fight can also be scary if they stack their targeted hits. A TS of at least 1050 and Stamina above 150 in your party is advised. The Gooz (Z7F5): These cute blobs have a nasty random attack. Hope that they only hit your tank, and rush them down with as much Power as you can. 1.6k TS is a preferred baseline to attempt taking on this flag. Using a double ?lairius setup might help you defeat the Gooz by deflecting attacks. King Brimby (Z7F8): With high Agility this boss tends to hit the front and back hard enough. Consider moving the tank into the back when you reach the boss, and use your other two to alternate taking hits in the front. Candelabros (Z8F8): These enemies have a skill that targets your most healthy party member. 2.1k TS is the recommended amount. Similar to the Gooz, using a double ?lairius setup might help you defeat the Candelabros by deflecting attacks. Zone revisits (Z9F6 until Z9F8): You pretty much just have to use what you've learned about the enemies in the previous zones, hope for a bit of luck finding an easier boss. Aim to have around 3k TS. Tips Potions are limited to one per character, per dungeon Sometimes it helps to switch positions of your team during battle to spread incoming damage Try to beat a flag with full maxed epic gear before upgrading legendary gear. Epic is less expensive to upgrade and provides almost similar Total Stats. Upgrade 1 legendary piece at a time because at +4 the item gives more TS than as a new piece at +2. In addition, legendary equipment at +3 will only last 1 tier while a +4 piece will last 2. At some point you'll find you cannot proceed through a stage when it becomes too difficult. Work on improving your gear and familiars (stable, augments) Familiars You can recruit monsters (referred to as familiars) for your own party. Every time a monster is defeated while questing, there is a small chance for a prompt to appear allowing the player to persuade or bribe the monster into becoming their familiar: Persuade: Spend gold for a 10 to 40% success chance to catch the familiar. Bribe: Spend gems for a 100% guaranteed familiar catch. The capture rate determines how often the prompt appears to persuade or bribe a familiar. The base capture rate can be modified with boosts, daily bonuses, dungeon bonuses, and runes. The persuade chance in chart below cannot be modified. Rarity Capture Rate Persuade Chance Persuade Cost Bribe Cost Common 4% 40% 1000 200 Rare 2.5% 20% 2000 400 Epic 1.5% 15% 4000 800 Legendary 1% 10% 8000 1600 Familiars scale on percentages of the player's total stats. The list below shows the base percentages of a familiar per rarity: Common = 60% Rare = 70% Epic = 80% Legendary = 90% Additionally, familiars can be put in the stable. A familiar gains 2% of the player's total stats per upgrade (up to a maximum of 10%) in the stables. Capture duplicate familiars to put other copies in the stable and increase a familiar's stat. The extra stats are distributed proportionally among the familiar's stats. Augments provide a small boost to familiars when equipped on that familiar's augment table. There are four types of augments, each of which can be obtained through different means. Augments may be inserted into a slot or switched with another augment already in the slot, but unlike runes, they can be freely removed once equipped. There are a total of four types of augments: Brain - Grant a pet-like effect Chip - Grant an effect that can also be found on certain Set equipment Pump - Grant secondary stats similar to major runes on players Bone - Grant a passive effect Brains have to be purchased with via the shop augment bags. Chips have to be found in battles. Pumps and Bones are crafted using materials won through weekly contests. Augments may appear weak at first, but the proc rate or stat is multiplied based on the stable bonus of the familiar you're putting the augment on. For example Tips Do not bribe familiars with gems () Always use familiars that are maxed stabled. After common augments start saving to craft legendary augments. Do not craft rare or epic augments as they are a waste of Regulators (). Fusion Fusion (or fusing) is the act of combining familiars[8] and other materials to create a new, stronger fused-familiar. Fusions obtain at least one new passive ability and have a +5% stat percentage increase from normal familiars based on their rarity. The table below shows the % a familiar and fusion gain based upon their rarity: Rarity Familiar Fusion Common 60% 65% Rare 70% 75% Epic 80% 85% Legendary 90% 95% Mythic N/A 100% Before you can create the fusion you must obtain the schematic. A schematic is the blueprint of a fusion. There are two types of schematics: Regular schematics are only obtainable from Zone Dungeons and Raids that contain the related familiars used as components in the schematic.[9][10] World Boss, Invasion, and Expedition schematics are only obtainable from the areas where the fusion appears regardless of the components. Once you obtained the schematic you may see and use it by selecting the FAMILIARS icon and then the FUSION button; or by speaking to Prof. Haile in town. Recommended Fusions There are over 500 different fusions to create. New players often struggle which familiar is better. Therefore, below a few recommendations for different stages in the game: Early game Borlan: A fusion of Bob (Z1D2) + Mer'lan (Z1D3), a low stamina and decent healer due to the reduced cost of his healing skill. Shrampz: A fusion of Shrump (Z1D2) + Grampz (Z2D2), throughout the early and mid game a great front line meatshield with a chance to Block incoming attacks. Mid-game Remmyt: A fusion of Rexie (Z4D1) + Emmyt (Z5D1). This healer doesn't require any Raid familiars to assemble which makes it easier to create and just as good as Velk or Squibbo. Velk: A fusion of six Staeus (Z4D3) + 10 Hobbit Foot (Orlag Clan world boss). Although harder to make as Remmyt it is a versatile healer with a spread heal and target an enemy skill. ?lairius: A fusion 3 rare familiars. Negrim, Varlos, and Larzhul are all found in the same dungeon (Z6D3), ?lairius is an easy accessible deflect tank which is especially handy for use in the harsher zones (e.g. The Gooz or King Brimby). Scort: A fusion of Scorpius (Z7D1) + 10 Mini Syrum. This tank has a solid Damage Reduction base to build upon and isn't all that difficult to grind for. After mid-game This beginner guide will not go in further detail because once you reached T10 you are no longer considered a beginner. To get an idea of other fusions after mid-game (T10+) see the Mundane guide by Fel. Tips Focus on capturing familiars on days with increased Capture Rate (=Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday) Don't worry if a schematic doesn't drop. It might take a while. Mounts Mounts provide additional movement speed, stats matching their tier, a secondary stats, and a unique skill. The tier of a mount is determined by the highest zone a player has completed. For example, a player will automatically upgrade to a Tier 5 mount by clearing Zone 4 (Ashvale). The total stats of a mount are equal to gear of the same rarity and tier. Mounts are crafted and upgraded using mount guts or bought in the Shop with . When you craft a mount of a given quality, it will randomize the result between three mounts each having their own unique once-per-run skill. Crafted mounts can be re-rolled to change their stat distribution and secondary stats. Mounts can also be exchanged to obtain new materials and mount guts. Tips Always use a mount because they are an additional source of stat points Craft a common mount ASAP to obtain a mount skill and extra stats After you crafted a common mount save mount guts to upgrade a legendary shop mount. Don't waste mount guts by crafting & upgrading a rare or epic mount. Recommended shop mounts are Xardax for DPS and Mi-Sh3ll for Tanks/Baits Pets Pets are equipment that provide a chance to assist the player in combat. Pets are either offensive or defensive. For example, Sir Quackers () is defensive because he provides 10% chance to heal team when you get hit. While an offensive pet like Pritza () offers 30% chance to attack closest enemy per turn. There are four different pet procs: When you get hit = If you get hit, the pet's skill procs regardless if it activates a mechanic (e.g. evade/block) When you hit = If you hit, the pet's skill procs. If you hit a player, but the attack a mechanism activates the pet skill might not proc (e.g. evade/block). In other words, if you hit and deal damage the pet procs Per turn = Whenever it is your turn, the pet's skill procs. It is your turn whenever you use a skill When you get hit, When you hit, and Per turn = A combination of all the three procs mentioned before What procs is based on the mechanic of a pets. Pets can give 1 or a mix of those mechanics: heal, shield, attack, and enrage. Heal and shield can be applied in two ways: Spread mechanic: Usually between 44 and 48% of . The mechanic is spread between players who need it. 1 player can receive it all. Team mechanic: Usually between 20 and 23% of . The mechanic is equally applied to every member of the team. Especially strong the more players there are. Another noteworthy mechanic are the keywords strongest and weakest which mean the currently highest and lowest health respectively. You can only buy a pet from the Shop with or Guild Shop with . Defense pets will help you sustain your multiple-battle dungeon runs, which is what most of this game is about. Offense pets aren't bad by any means, but they trade off the long-term survivability you get with the Defense pets for burst damage. Tips Do not buy Guild shop pets because they have limited usefulness. Only the common pet is recommended to fill up your pet slot until you can afford a Large/Hyper Egg. Always get a defensive legendary pet before you consider an offensive pet Accessories Main article: Accessories Accessories are equipment that add secondary stats e.g/ Dual Strike or Damage Reduction. Accessories are either offensive or defensive. An offensive accessory provides a secondary stat which makes your character deal more damage (e.g. Dual Strike or Empower Chance). While defensive accessories provide a secondary stat which allows your character to sustain more damage (e.g. Damage Reduction or Deflect). You can only buy an accessory from the Shop with or Guild Shop with . Tips Accessories from the Guild Shop have limited usefulness. The common accessory is recommended to fill up your accessory slot until you can afford an Large/Hyper Box. Some players choose to buy the legendary guild accessory while they use their gems for other important things. This accessory is equivalent to a rare defensive accessory plus an epic offensive accessory combined. If you save your guild honor from lvl 1, you should get it by lvl 130. Enchants Enchants are items that provide a small stat boost and bonuses when equipped. Enchants can be found in Dungeons, Raids, Trials and Gauntlet, and World Boss. Higher tiered enchants have higher base stats. Enchants can be re-rolled for different stats, but cannot be upgraded in rarity or tier. With each re-roll on the same enchant the cost will increase. NOTE: enchants have to be identified before they can be equipped Tips Equip whatever has the highest stat total and/or the best extra bonuses Do not re-roll enchants because re-rolls are expensive and require sparse materials Runes Runes provide a boost to the player when active in their rune table. Runes only effect the player that has them equipped. Runes may be permanently inserted into a slot, but may not be moved to another slot once placed. The player may have multiple runes in the same slot of their rune table, but only one rune may be active at any time. There are fives different types of runes: Minor Major Meta Relic Artifact Runes are crafted with Rune Fragments and obtained as weekly event rewards. Crafting will provide a random rune of the chosen type and rarity. Inserted runes can be destroyed for materials by using the 'Exchange' button in the Craft menu. Only inactive runes can be exchanged. When exchanged, runes return 20% of their rune fragment crafting cost. For example, a legendary Minor/Major rune will return 100 rune fragments when exchanged. Tips Do not craft common, rare, and epic runes Obtain all your runes as rewards by simply participating in weekly events Only craft non-elemental Legendary and Mythic Runes World Chat You need to beat the Grimz Crossing (Z1D1) to get access to the world chat (WC). There are three different WC's in-game. There is a /help command in the in-game chat. This shows you a list of chat command. Within a chat window there are three different colors: Blue: Other players Red: You Orange: Player with active Permagor Green: Moderators Cyan: Developers Interacting in friendly and positive ways with the community tends to get you some really nice friends in return. We're all people that want to have fun too. Whenever you use this world chat the Terms Of Service apply. By not following these rules you could get a temporary or permanent mute by a moderator. Note: Impersonating a Dev or Mod, trying to hack, doing intentional or repeatable chargebacks, attempting to exploit a game mechanic or system, or trying to sell accounts is an automatic bannable offense. Tips When joining a WC try to follow these tips: Each room has its own core group and culture. Respect the norms. 'Listen' for a bit before 'speaking' until you get the hang of the room. Try to ask your question in one post. Don't spam (e.g random letters/numbers/symbols, excessive use of caps, or multiples of the same letters) Thank those who give you good information/advice. Additional tips There is no player to player trading in Bit Heroes. Skeleton keys are used to unlock red chats found rarely in dungeons, providing you with a guaranteed Epic equipment drop among other things. It is suggested to save this key for use later on, ideally using them only in Raids (Raid chest have a minuscule chance at Legendary gear). Especially, at the start of a tier they can be useful. Do not buy more with gems, as they won't be likely to advance your game in a meaningful enough way compared to other gem purchases. When you want to take a short break from the battle grind, you can go take part in the Fishing mini-game. Each day you can claim 20 bait of varying qualities to go fish with. In order to claim bait you need to press FISHING or locate yourself on the fishing island. It's recommended to at least take part in each fishing contest (which are two-week seasons); the more you fish, the more chances you get at potentially landing a big one. Your biggest fish is what determines your rank, and therefore most of your prize in these contests. Upgrading your equipment should be the main focus of your game. Getting a legendary pet and accessory, and grinding for set drops from the current tier content. Both of these are pretty much endless gem sinks. However, the pet/accessory will always scale up with you while the equipment drops remain static and eventually become obsolete. That's why it's recommended to prioritize pets and accessories as they're much less likely to lose value in the long run. After your main character that focus mostly on upgrading and stabling fusions as they help you rank better in PvP, Trials, and Gauntlet. Notes Not to be confused with Stat Point, which permanently increase your total stats by 1. Legendary items have the same stats points as Set, Mythic, and Ancient items Item find affects the quality of the item, not the quantity. Capture Rate does not alter the chance to persuade or bribe a familiar Unless you're using Expedition fusions which come pre-built with brain augment 6000 boxes have the highest chance of obtaining a legendary, however 1000 boxes have the better gem to mats ratio Only available for mobile or via emulators Advanced: Sometimes instead of normal/base-level/unfused familiars, your previously fused-familiars will be used for fusion. "Fused-familiars" are often referred to as just "familiars" or "fusions" in this wiki, or by their individual names in chat rooms. Example 1: the Shrampz schematic (using Shrump + Grampz) can be obtained from (Zone 1/Dungeon 2) Z1D2 (Shrump location), Z1D4 (contains all Z1 familiars), Z2D2 (Grampz location), and Z2D4 (contains all Z2 familiars). Example 2: the Gelbos schematic (using Gelvins and 3 Robot Sprockets) can be obtained from (Raid 5) R5 plus 3 Robot Sprockets.

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