Week –(beginning 29nd June 2020)Pupils will be expected to complete the work set during the week and they can make independent choice as to when they complete the activities and in which order. Regular daily sessions are advised. During the day, staff will be checking emails and will occasionally be online to support pupils with their work.LiteracyNumeracyOtherMondayY1& 2– Spelling- get an adult to test you on the common exception word list. (handwriting booklet)Download the high frequency common exception handwriting booklets complete p1.. Year 1 and 2 –Log onto Oxford Reading Buddy and choose at least one book to read with your family. Please don’t forget to answer the quiz at the end. () It is important that you read little and often. Complete numeracy games 2 – Year 2 Abacus Homework workbook Week 19 Complete page 1 Counting hops. Practice your 2 , 3 , 4 ,5 and 10 times tables and write out different number sentences relating to the times tables.Year 1 Download Maths Year 1 week 8 zip file. The maths is differentiated according to ability. Children have Mild / Hot and Bit stuck activities. Children who need a little support with the concept to complete mild section. Children who need a challenge to complete Hot sectionThere is a Bit stuck section if you need support from your parents. Day 1 Monday Add using number factsSome children will be returning to school over the next few weeks. It is important that they feel safe and secure, so I have included some information about social distancing and a story to help the children deal with their worries. See poster and PPT on Social distancing. Follow the youtube link to the story called Worrysaurus. saying ‘what if’? Overcome your fears with this anxious little dino. It’s a beautiful day, and Worrysaurus has planned a special picnic. But it’s not long before a familiar small butterfly of worry starts fluttering in his tummy. What if he hasn’t brought enough to eat? What if he gets lost in the jungle? What if he trips and falls? What if it rains? Poor Worrysaurus! Can our cuddly hero find a way to chase away his fears and have fun? We have a worry monster in class and children can write out their worries on a piece of paper and he gobbles them up. Mrs Treadwell will do her best to then talk to the child about any and concerns. Because we are not back in school fully it is important to discuss and recognise any worries or concerns you child may have. The Worrysaurus story will give parents an opportunity to talk to their children about their worries or concerns. See questions below to discuss with your child. Recap on the story and watch it again if necessary. How is Worrysaurus feeling at the start of the story? Can you tell me a time when you have felt happy or excited? Do you like to know what is coming or do you like surprises? Why? Have you ever felt scared like Worrysaurus? What made you scared? How does Worrysaurus feel when he is scared? TuesdayThere are New Read Write Inc Sound videos on the Ruth Miskin Site. These now include hold a sentence which is something that we do in school. It is a simple sentence writing activity. The links are on the class page. I have uploaded an activity on the school website. Please fill in the coming back to school activity. My name is …My favourite thing about being at home is...and something I’ve found tricky…This will give the children Things I want to tell you…Things I am looking forward to…Questions I’d like to ask you…Please email me if you have any concerns. I can address these when the children return to school. Year 2 Abacus homework workbook Add the coins and find the totals. Giving change week 20 p1 and p2 Year 1 Download Maths Year 1 week 8 zip file. Day 2 Add using number facts (2) Play Simon Says and get your child to point to the correct part of their body. Arm, leg, head , face, hand, foot, chest, abdomen, knee, elbow, ankle, wrist, knuckle, thigh, shin, calf, shoulder, brow, forehead. Year 1 Science (see home learning pack) Animals, Including Humans ( Learning from home booklet) Please read notes for parents Complete pages 9-10 Me and My Body Learn the words for different parts of the body. Year 2 children to draw a person or draw around yourself with chalk. Children to label the different parts of the body WednesdayIn language, literacy and communication this week we will be focusing on alliteration. Play the I spy challenge and tick off the checklist items beginning with different letters. Download and try out some of the linked alliteration home learning challenges FS 1 ( year 1 ) and FS2 ( Year 2), they are differentiated.Year 2 Abacus homework book Comparing numbers week 21 p1 and p2Year 1 Download Maths Year 1 week 8 zip file. Day 3- Telling the time k/uploads/files/CRICKETCOMP%20.pdf Click onto the above link to take part in various activities. This is a competition, but you do not need to enter it. Try out the Clap Catching and High Catching.ThursdayThe alliteration task may take two days to complete. Watch the PPT – Powerpoint presentations on the website about alliteration .Create your own monster or animal and use alliteration to describe it. What does it look like? Has it any good or bad habits? Where does it live? What does it like eating? Etc.Let your creativity run wild. See Youtube link. Alliteration is when words start with the same sound: For example, Sammy the slippery snake came sliding. Year 1 Download Maths Year 1 week 8 zip file. Day 4 -Days of the weekOr you can try out the Cluster- physical lockdown competition. Can you log onto our twitter feed hps or E to find out the challenge for the week. Please tweet your videos remembering to state which school you are from. You can send a photo to admin who can tweet for you if you are not on twitter. Reading Reminder – Please read with your child little and often throughout the week. Log onto Oxford Reading Buddy FridayDesign you own worry monster or Worrysaurus.Use alliteration. As above Year 2 Abacus Homework workbook Week 22 Complete page 1 and 2 Adding to 15 / a sweet puzzle p1 and p2 Year 1 Download Maths Year 1 week 8 zip file. Day – 5 Months of the year Minecraft Education EditionMinecraft Education Edition can be downloaded onto any device as well as a desktop for free. All children can log in using their username and small password.E.g. username@ Password - **** (4 digits)Click on settings and change to Creative mode to allow children access to build freely. DailyReading and sounds (20 mins) Please above schedule to practice RWI sounds. If you are unsure of which sets of sounds your child should be practising, please ask. If your child is confident with all the reading books that have been sent home please access Oxford Reading Buddy (), where you will be able to access hundreds of books from the reading scheme. Spelling (10 mins) Your child has spelling words stuck into their spelling books. If you are unsure of which patterns/sounds they should be learning please ask. Number Bonds to 10 /20. Counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s Year 2 children to practice 2, 3 ,5 and 10 times tables. Big Maths Learn Its Year 1 6+6=12, 7+7= 14, 8+8= 16, 9+9= 18, Year 2 5+7=12, 5+8=13, 5+9=14, 6+8=14, 6+9=15, 7+9=17. Please complete switchers, and fact families in relation to the Learn Its. Physical Activity (60mins) – PE with Joe and/or The Funs for Everyone programme Cosmic Yoga - watch or any other form of physical activity that you wish. PSD – Complete a Thrive activity from Thrive page. An assembly/picture news page has now also been added if you wish to access these. There are also Fairtrade and ECO activities on our website if you wish to access them. Please remember to present your work neatly. Put the short date and write your first name and surname with each piece of work. Diolch! ................

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