
Eg: /pg turretMode 3Thanks to Valve for the original game concept and sounds.Now with achievements!Image is outdated though.The "Uncooperative Coop" achievement is tribute to all the testers, especially to my private testing team, which have been there with me since I rounded us up back in 1.5_01. Cheers to you fellows!- Congrats to MrUhNonUhMuhs for first discovering the "Let My Eggs Go!" plete PortalCraft by Leggos_My_Eggos to get it!- Congrats to ail_t for first discovering and posting about the "Redemption" and "Serenade" achievements.Get an Oracle Turret to randomly appear when you are placing a turret to get Redemption!Get 4 of them to face the same direction and they start singing!- You get the "Transmission Received" achievement by fizzling a radio!(To get the MEG achievements you need it set to Mode 2)========================================Now for the good stuff:Default Portal GunApparently mixing redstone with lapis lazuli produces an interesting substance.Harvested properly, this substance has the ability to create a pair of portals on most areas in the minecraft world!You press the G key to "flick the switch" on the gun and use the portal of the other colour.You press the R key to reboot the gun, wiping out the current portals.========================================Single Coloured Portal GunsSlightly offsetting the ratio of lapis lazuli/redstone will still form a Mysterious substance, but of a different property.Used in the recipe to make a Portal Gun, these guns only fire a single colour.If 2 different coloured portal guns are found in your inventory, they will automatically merge (can be disabled) into a fully functional dual portal gun. They can also be crafted together.========================================Co-op GunsIntroducing the well known Portal Guns held by Cooperative partners Atlas and P-body!They can be made by adding a dash of dye to the default portal gun.Atlas' Gun.P-Body's Gun.========================================PotatoBaconGunWait what's this? A BACON GUN!?Attaching a raw piece of pork to the top claw of the Portal Gun will build a unique chain with the wielder of the Gun.This special chain links the wielder to a completely new set of portals!Each player (in SMP) would be able to use the same gun to generate seperate types of portals!These portals would last even after the player leaves the server.Colour of portals is configurable in the properties file.========================================Portal Gun PedestalsThese pedestals automatically fire portals if you place a portal gun on them. You right click them with any type of portal gun and they will accept them.These need to be powered by redstone and will give you a portal gun if you walk into them.========================================Portal SpawnersThese blocks will spawn portals on them, if powered by redstone. Their Portals last even after the redstone power supplied is cut! (configurable)The colour portal that spawns is toggled using a pickaxe.========================================Advanced Knee ReplacementsCraft yourself a pair of AKRs!*1They will absorb ALL your falling damage! The wonders of technology!Thanks to SpinBuilder for the new texture.========================================Weighted Cubes*1Make yourself a weighted storage cube!Giving the weighted storage cube a rose (right click it) will turn it into a weighted companion cube!(Congrats to Atkana and LOgesCompany for figuring this out)It loves and cares for you so much, every 5 seconds it heals you by half a heart if its in your inventory! (Note: multiple companions have the same effect )(Congrats to jaconok for initially discovering it and Entourage for completing his discovery.)Smelting the cube (how could you D:) will give you a Music Disc!(Congrats to JammyJames97 for discovering this)Smelting the disc, will deteriorate the plastic and produce a completely different audio track!(Congrats to CGuangJun for discovering this)Getting two Portal discs will grant you a Portal 2 disc! No, really! (Portal + Portal = Portal 2)========================================RadiosMake them radios which loop unnecessarily!This radio can be placed on blocks, glass, etc and they play an audio track, on loop continuously.Have it at home just to set the ambience, or just plain to annoy the hell out of you.If set to invincible hitting it with a pickaxe will still break it. Right clicking it with a pickaxe will switch it on or off.(Note: The audio may glitch/stutter occasionally, I have tried my best to fix it. [Thats what you get for playing a burnt disc])========================================Material Emancipation GridCreate the MEG. This grid has several methods, only erase portals as you walk through it, or erase portals AND incinerate everything that touches it! (except you, your gun, and itself)(How do I change it the mode? Read the FAQ [Yes its mentioned there])The ultimate creeper shield!P.S: You destroy the block its on or let water flow through it to remove it.========================================High Energy PelletCreate the High Energy Pellet launcher and catcher!LauncherCatcherWhen the launcher is powered it will release a high energy pellet which kills (or knocks back, depending on mode) on impact. Bounces off blocks too When it bounces too many times, travels too far or too long it becomes unstable and spontaneously combusts. If caught in the catcher the catcher will start generating redstone power, yes, its that simple! You can release the captured HEP by right clicking the catcher with a pickaxe.No, the catcher will not time out after a while.========================================Electronic Intelligence IndicatorMake a sign that intelligently tells you Yes, or No, the Electronic Intelligence Indicator(I couldn't find the official name)! Needs to be redstone powered.Warning: Will not increase your intelligence if ingested.========================================Sentry Turrets*1Holy crap, Sentry Turrets!These turrets will just shoot at anything alive, even you! (configurable)At a rate of 20 bullets a second, these turrets will take down anything in its sights.Though very unstable and may fall over when pushed, these turrets are able to scan a 90 degree radius for targets.And plus, they TALK!(Making them not shoot certain stuff is possible by changing the turretMode in properties)[Model made in Techne by ZeuX]If these turrets are smelted, all their circuits and stuff get messed up to form Defective Turrets.These turrets are unable to shoot due to the lack of bullets, but they make up for it with their hilarious dialouge!========================================Aerial Faith PlatesThese plates have the power of a thousand pounds to launch anything into the air at any four directions.Can be placed on walls facing up and down, and can be considered a "quick" mode of transport!Remember to wear your Advanced Knee Replacements when falling, though!Its power can be configured by right clicking it with Pickaxes or Shovels (horizontal and vertical height respectively)Can be configured to be activated with redstone input only.========================================Checkpoint BlocksThese blocks are crafted with a bit of mixed up stuff to form a checkpoint blocks. They use the transparency of glass to "steal" the texture of the block below them, so they blend right in!Walk on them to set a new checkpoint.It comes with two modes, a temporary checkpoint, and a permanent spawn point replacer.Mainly made for use of maps. Can erase portals if you die and respawn on them.They can now also power redstone the same way as pressure pads! (Only player activated)Toggle their status with a pickaxe, you'll be informed that you have. ................

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