MR.DEPPE'S PAGE - Humanities 7

The Birth of a Nation Design to Survive Project – Part 2Your civilization has survived its infancy. You have learned to modify the land that you settled on. As your village grows into a city and your colonies begin to expand, the task before you is to keep your people happy. Your civilization is in the process of forming a government based on ancient government from the past, and with a government comes laws and rules that apply to all citizens of your great land. You must keep your citizens happy, and you must keep them safe. This is no easy task. Part 2 of your quest in your Design to Survive Project is to add essential structures and spaces to your growing city in the hope that soon, if fortune favors your efforts, you will rise to become an empire! InstructionsFollow the steps below as you design historically inspired structures and spaces for your civilization as it becomes a nation. You will have approximately 2-3 design sessions to complete this daunting task. At the culmination of Part 2 of your project, you will create a movie trailer in iMovie as a project/formative grade in History. Good luck; you’ll need it!Remember, you may not use any futuristic design elements that did not exist in this period of history (Roman Empire).Step 1 – ProtectionYour city is thriving, but as your population grows, so do your enemies. In order to protect your civilization, you must build a wall that protects the most vulnerable side of your main village. The wall must be constructed of stone. It should be 5-7 blocks tall, and should be at least 50 blocks long. You should create 1 door or gate in your wall, and you should also create a path that goes from the gate to your main house. At 2-3 points on top of the wall, you should build small towers, or parapets, that are no more than 4 blocks taller than the wall. Place 1 villager inside each tower, and add torches to each tower. Once your wall, your door, your path, and your towers are complete, move to step 2.Step 2 – Public Spaces #1 - AmphitheaterNow you have protection against invaders, but the citizens inside your civilization must have places to gather in order to share important ideas, vote, debate, and socialize. Within 50 blocks of your main house/villagers houses, build an amphitheater out of stone where your citizens can assembly to vote as part of a council senate. Your amphitheater should be shaped like a semi-circle (think a rainbow), and it should have 5 curved rows of blocks that are between 10-15 blocks long. Build a small, flat, stone stage in front of the amphitheater for speakers to stand on when addressing the council or senate. Once you have complete your amphitheater and stage, build a path that connects them to your main house, and then move to step 3.Step 3 – Public Works #1 – FountainsYour people can now gather to share ideas and vote on laws for your growing nation. But all of your building cannot be purely functional. Your citizens should have pleasant structures to gather around as well. Within 20 blocks of any existing structure within your civilization (or your colony), build 2 unique and creative fountains where citizens can gather to enjoy the soothing sound of flowing water. Make sure your fountains are not located close to one another, and for each fountain build 4 small benches, or sitting areas, where citizens can sit to rest. Once you have completed your fountains and small benches, build a path that connects them to your main house, and then move to step 4.Step 4 – Public Works #2 – Roman BathsNow that your citizens have protection, a gathering place to debate, and fountains to relax at, it is time to clean them up a bit. Roman baths provided large gathering areas where patricians and plebeians alike could bathe, socialize, and improve their overall hygiene. Within 50 blocks of your main house (or the houses in your colony), construct a Roman Bath. Your Roman Bath should consist on one rectangular pool of water that is 8x12 blocks in diameter. Build one row of seats made out of marble around the perimeter of your Roman Bath, and build marble columns that are 4-6 blocks tall around the perimeter of your Roman Bath. Once you have completed your Roman Bath, your row of seats, and your columns, build a path that connects them to your main house/colony, and then move to step 5.Step 5 – Public Spaces #2 – Victory ArchYour Nation is growing! You have constructed defenses, public spaces, and public works. News of your burgeoning power is spreading throughout the ancient world, and to top it off your legions of soldiers have recently won a hard fought victory over a menacing nation that threatened your very existence. To commemorate your victory, you will build a Victory Arch made of stone or marble within 25 blocks of the main door to your wall (outside of your village). Your arch should be 10-12 blocks tall, and each pillar should be 2x2 blocks in width. Once you have completed your Victory Arch, build a wide stone road that leads from the Victory Arch to the door to your wall. Congratulations! You have completed the steps necessary to help your civilization evolve into a nation! With the public spaces, defenses, and public works you have created, you are well on your way to becoming, dare I say, an empire! Your citizens can now assemble, they can vote, they can socialize, and they can enjoy life in your civilization. As your government strives to pass laws that will fairly and justly govern your citizens, .Success! If you completed Steps 1-5 ahead of other civilizations, then proceed to the Bonus Step: the Coliseum, so you can provide your citizens with a gathering place truly deserving of the splendor and might of your great nation! With this grand construction, you will truly rival all other nations! Let the games begin!Step 7 – BONUS STEP! – The Coliseum Your nation is grand indeed, but to truly stand out from all other nations, you must construct a gathering place that allows all citizens to visit and be entertained; you must build a coliseum. Within 50 blocks of your main village or your colony, build a stone or marble coliseum that is 20 blocks wide by 30 blocks long, with curved edges. Your coliseum should include 6-8 rows of seats on each side, it should have a dirt or grass floor, and it should have 2 open entrances with no doors. You may place 6-8 citizens on your coliseum’s dirt floor who will act as gladiators. Once you have completed your coliseum, sit back, bask in your achievements, and know that the future is bright! Or is it… ................

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