Minecraft morph mod 1. 14. 4


Minecraft morph mod 1. 14. 4

Sometimes, you just want to have an out-of-body experience. The Morph mod for Minecraft allows you to do this by allowing you to turn your player character literally into any other crowd in the game. You want to be a villager? Just make the selection and you will be huffing and sighing like a professional in no flat time. Do you want to be a chicken, a cow or a pig? Sheep also work well. This mod isn't just limited to friendly entities: you can become a skeleton, zombie, ghast, or even an Ender Dragon if you wish. You don't just look like creatures; you get all their attacks too! To turn into another entity, you must first kill her. Once you kill a zombie, for example, you can turn into a zombie. You can do this whenever you want and you don't need to kill another zombie every time you want to turn into one. This will also allow you to transform into other players, even if you won't get the equipment they're carrying, unfortunately. The Morph mod is even compatible with custom mobs from mods like Twilight Forest, Mo' Creatures, Hours Spawn, and others, meaning you can literally become dozens of different entities at the push of a button. Morph Mod Update Logs Fix AbilitySunburn freezes if you wear a helmet and breaks. Fix the limit of the loseMorphsOnDeath range. Fix loseMorphsOnDeath type 1 by removing all morphs, including your own. Solve incidents with the mafia grinders of some mods trying to capture a crowd he killed. Fix crashes due to controls for a null audio event. How to install Morph Mod? Download forge setup, open it, and install it. Open the Minecraft launcher and select Forge from the list of profiles. Click Edit Profile, and then open Game Dir, which opens the game folder. Create a new folder called mods. Download mods and iChunUtil and put it in the mods folder. Sometimes, you just want to have an out-of-body experience. The Morph mod for Minecraft allows you to do this by allowing you to turn your player character literally into any other crowd in the game. You want to be a villager? Just make the selection and you will be huffing and sighing like a professional in no flat time. Do you want to be a chicken, a cow or a pig? Sheep also work well. This mod isn't just limited to friendly entities: you can become a skeleton, zombie, ghast, or even an Ender Dragon if you wish. You don't just look like creatures; you get all their attacks too! To turn into another entity, you must first kill her. Once you kill a zombie, for example, you can turn into a zombie. You can do this whenever you want and you don't need to kill another zombie every time you want to turn into one. This will also allow you to transform yourself into other even if you won't get the equipment they're carrying, unfortunately. The Morph mod is even compatible with custom mobs from mods like Twilight Forest, Mo' Creatures, Hours Spawn, and others, meaning you can literally become dozens of different entities at the push of a button. Morph Mod Update Logs Fix AbilitySunburn crashing if you wear a helmet and and Fix the limit of the loseMorphsOnDeath range. Fix loseMorphsOnDeath type 1 by removing all morphs, including your own. Solve incidents with the mafia grinders of some mods trying to capture a crowd he killed. Fix crashes due to controls for a null audio event. How to install Morph Mod? Download forge setup, open it, and install it. Open the Minecraft launcher and select Forge from the list of profiles. Click Edit Profile, and then open Game Dir, which opens the game folder. Create a new folder called mods. Download mods and iChunUtil and put it in the mods folder. Morph Mod allows you to take on the shape and abilities of various mobs during the game. Once you kill a crowd you absorb its essence and you will immediately become it! Each crowd has special skills that you will give once you have transformed. Being a chicken, for example, will allow you to gently float on the ground instead of to death. Spider will allow you to climb the walls. And swimming can be accomplished by being a squid. But with good there are inevitably some negative effects with certain mafias. If you wanted to be a zombie or skeleton, you might be stuck staying in the house or only going out at night. And Enderman's a little sensitive to water. You can also turn yourself into previous mobs that you've already delivered yourself to with the easy-to-use GUI. This way you can keep the crowd where you would like to turn into the back pocket whenever you need it. All you have to do is tap the keys in the parenthesis [ or right ] on the left to scroll through the options. Then press send for morphing. This mod also requires the installation of the iChun API, found (here). DownloadForumInstall Guide Morph Mod, 4.00/5 (6256 votes) Join Planet Minecraft! We are a community of creatives who share all minecraft! Even if you don't post your creations, we appreciate the feedback on ours. Join us! Added Poisonous Resistance, Matching Resistance, Step Ability. Added a new radial menu, showing the player's default player and favorite morphs, opened with the ~ key by default. Added a favorite system. Use ~ on a morph in the Morph selection gui to favor/cancel it to favor it. Skill icons have been moved next to the crowd rather than under the group name. Large mob morphs are now slightly scaled in Gui. The original size is displayed when morphing is selected. EnderDragon really fits the survival inventory now! Added a mod mob support mapping system. Some mob mods now have abilities mapped to them! Contribute to them here. Added a new Keybind menu. Open it by clicking the keyframe setting for Morph in Controls. Added option configuration of the mob class on the blacklist. Added whitelist player for Morphing skill option. Added configuration to prevent Moscow ability until a player has reached the nether. Fixed an issue where mobs made the lock when they were under some blocks, only for non-humanoid mafias. Fixed a first-person morph arm recoloring issue. Fixed morphing issues in the player on MCPC+. Fixed bounding boxes for players who reset themselves when players woke up touch the water making you think about the game you're in the water after demorfing from a small crowd. Fixed an issue where morphTarget did not work when instaMorph = 0Fissi resolved with morphs due to bukkit tagging NBT. Fixed an issue where morph morphing/capture made many extra parts unrendered by the crowd. (E.g. donkey parts when acquiring a morphe, etc.) Fixed mod issues that use RenderWorldLastEvent. In particular Chunk Borders and Mob Spawn Overlay by NEI, the lamps of Project Red, the health bars of TukMC. Fixed an issue where small mobs were getting head rendering in opaque bulk when pressing against a solid ceiling. Fixed the in block/entity highlight function that looked from the wrong location. Fixed an issue with interaction with ChickenBone mods, especially EnderTanks/Chests and ForgeMultiPartFixed with other mods replacing EntityRenderer. However, this requires an update of MCForge that will remove modloader compatibility. Changed the Fly ability. Now it consumes hunger and slows down the flight in the water. Changed the Swimming ability. Some Swim mobs can now keep their depth in the water and move faster in the water. Some mafias that cannot survive out of the water have an impact on their earth's speed of movement. Some configuration settings now have a better description! Attempt to fix the player's morphs stuck in a dead position. Use Forge FakePlayer to prevent potential issues. Various changes and fixes. Have you ever dreamed of being able to play as a zombie or skeleton and not like the usual steve? Have you ever dreamed of being able to swim with the freedom of a drowned man? If the answer is yes, this add-on is for you! This add-on adds the ability to transform into other mafias. Can you transform into: Zombie Husk Zombie Pigman Drowned Enderman Skeleton Stray Wither Skeleton Creeper Blaze Cow Pig Sheep Chicken Iron Golem Villager Zombie Villager Witch Vindicator Evoker Pillager How to Transform? To turn yourself into other mafias, you need to create a new object called the Identity Absorber. Here's the recipe: After right-clicking on the crowd you want to transform into with identity absorber with a main hand. If you want to get back to normal you have to do the same with a crowd like the one you're turned into. (Example: If you are a zombie you have to find another zombie to return the normal player) or die. Totem player Sometimes it is difficult to find a crowd like which you turn and you are forced to die. But now you can create the Player Totem. When you hold this item, you immediately return to the player form. This is the recipe: each of these mobs gives you new skills but also new weakness. For example, in a monster it is very advantageous because no monster will attack you, but iron golems will. Zombies Usually Ignored by Monsters Attacked by Iron Golems Burns in Daylight Killing a Villager Causes His Zombification Attack Damage = 1.5 Abject Hearts Usually Ignored by Monsters Attacked by Iron Golems Killing a Villager Causes His Zombie Attack Damage = 1.5 Hearts Attack Other Players Give Them Hunger Effect Hunger Usually ignored by monsters Attacked by iron golems Burns in daylight Killing a villager causes his zombification Attack damage = 1.5 hearts Breath in water Fast swim Zombified Piglin Usually ignored by monsters Attacked by iron golems Immune to fire and lava Kill a villager cause his zombie attack damage = 2.5 hearts (the model used is the zombie pig but the characteristics come from the old piglet zombies) Enderman Usually ignored by monsters Attacked by Iron Golems Life = 20 Hearts Attack Damage = 3.5 Hearts Height 3 blocks, you can't go through the Skeleton gate Usually ignored by monsters Attacked by iron golems Burns in daylight Arrows had the same damage and trajectory as arrows fired from normal skeletons Attack damage = 1.5 Stray hearts Usually ignored by monsters Attacked by iron golems Burns in light of the Day Arrows had the same damage and trajectory as arrows fired from normal skeletons All arrows fired give slow effect to target attack damage = 1.5 hearts Wither skeleton Usually ignored by monsters attacked by iron golems Immune to fire and lava attack give smoothed effect to target Attack Damage = 2 hearts taller than 2 Creeper blocks Usually ignored by monsters Only these features right now , but you can scare your friends! Blaze Usually ignored by monsters Attacked by iron golems Immune to fire and lava If you sneak in you start flying Attack damage = 3 cow hearts Usually ignored by monsters Life = 5 pig hearts Usually ignored by monsters Life = 5 hearts Shorter than 1 block Chicken Usually ignored by monsters Life = 2 hearts Shorter than 1 block Drops eggs Sheep Usually ignored by monsters Life = 4 hearts Iron golem life = 50 hearts Attack damage varies between 7 and 21 Resistance to repelled 3 blocks high 1.5 blocks large Village dweller Only zombies will attack you New features will be added in the next versions Zombie Villager Usually ignored by Monsters Attacked by Iron Golems Burns in Daylight Killing a Villager Causes His Zombification Attack Damage = 1.5 Witch Hearts Usually Ignored by Monsters Attacked by Iron Golems Life = 13 Vindicator hearts Usually ignored by life monsters = 12 hearts Attacked by iron golems Attack damage = 2.5 hearts Entering a village triggers an Summoner raid Usually ignored by monsters Life = 12 hearts Attacked by Iron Golems Damage attack = 1 hearts Entering a village triggers a raid Interact with a blue sheep cause it to enter a red pillager village Usually ignored by monsters Life = 12 hearts Attacked by iron golems Attack damage = 1.5 hearts Entering a village triggers a raid Info: This add-in is in beta. Now there are a lot of buggy animations and there aren't all the mobs I'd add. Please send me bug reports and suggest new features! Known issues When used when the player's skin is person or Steve/Alex there is a head rendering bug (This is a 1.16 issue and we have to wait mojang to fix) Some mobs have dormable animations/stealthily glitch Iron golemmorph animations are not the same as

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