No: 135 B U L L E T I N Monday 29th March 2004

Bulletin No: 103 B U L L E T I N Thursday 19th March 2020



Library Bookfair: -The Bookfair that was due to take place in the library from 26th March has now been cancelled

S Shiels

Library: - Reading is a great activity for continued learning out of school and during holidays. Reading can help you feel less alone, reduces stress and is a great way to switch off if you have a lot on your mind. If you read for between 15-30 minutes every day you will find you’ll get through stories quicker, feel more confident and get a better sleep.

Can’t get to the library? You will have access to the Edinburgh Libraries Overdrive and Press Reader apps on your iPads (pupils and staff). To access Overdrive and Press Reader out with the school you will need your Edinburgh Library card and PIN. I can give you a PIN reminder or join you up here in the school library.

Remember to follow the library on twitter too @RoyalHS_Library and share what you have been reading!

S Shiels


Scripture Union (SU) Group: - This group has been cancelled until further notice.

H Crow

Minecraft Club: - This club will run on Thursday lunch time in computing room 3. Come along, bring your lunch and play some amazing Minecraft. There will be challenges every week.

K Fraser

Table Tennis Club: - This club has been cancelled until further notice.

M McLachlan

School Captains: - Some of the S6 Captains and Nation Captains will be in Room 41 every Friday at break so feel free to come along if you have any questions or want to raise any issues.

L Krauth

Eco Club: -Every Thursday in Room 29. This is a fun way to get involved in a variety of projects such as beach cleans, reducing our carbon foot print and looking after the biodiversity of the school grounds. There are leadership opportunities for Senior pupils. Bring lunch and your Eco ideas! 

C Ewart

Knitting and Crochet Club: - This club is cancelled until further notice.

A Collins


Extra-Curricular Sports Clubs – Cancelled: -All extra-curricular sport at The Royal High School will be cancelled until further notice. This includes morning, lunch and after school sessions.

M McLachlan


The Young Film Makers Club: - This club is cancelled until further notice.

J Stables

Crichton Cup: Any Crichton Cup point requests for this term are to be handed into the Office by Friday 27th March for them to be included in the competition for the end of term prize – it’s close! Get your forms in!

L Quinn

S6 Ball: The final payment of £45 is due by the 23rd March for S6 pupils who have already paid the £10 deposit for the leavers ball. This can be done through parent pay or by cheque/cash in an envelope (with your name, form class and amount on it) to the office. If anyone needs financial assistance, please speak to a member of the guidance team. 

The Ball Committee

Teenage Booster & Meningitis: Catch ups will take place on the 18th March for anyone who was missed or off sick on 19th February.

A Pannozzo

HPV Immunisations: On Wednesday, 20th May 2020 the HPV Immunisation Programme will be as follows:

• S1 Girls & Boys – 1st dose.

• S2 Girls – 2nd dose

• S3, S4, S5 & S6 – Girls only - Catch-up appointments 

A Pannozzo

Lost Property reminder: All lost property gets taken to the boxes outside the Janitors office. On a Friday, it is displayed in The Grubby until the Sunday where it is bagged and recycled. Anything expensive like glasses, watches etc are given to the main office for safe keeping. Anything named WILL be reunited with its owner (last week we got 15 items back to their owners) so it is in your best interests to name your items.

L Quinn

English & History Departments: The English and History corridor is out of bounds at break and lunch every day, unless you have a pre-arranged appointment with a teacher or a club to attend. This does not affect library access.

D Arbuckle

The S6 Captains have set up email addresses so if you have any concerns or questions feel free to contact us:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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