Golazo football penalty shootout unblocked


Golazo football penalty shootout unblocked

In the World Cup 2010 Penalty Shootout game, use the mouse pointer to control while hitting the ball, click on the each moving bar to adjust and it will hit the ball in the same direction and with the same force. While playing as a goalkeeper, use the mouse pointer to save the goal. World Cup 2010 Penalty Shootout Description: Games are won and lost due to penalty shots all the time... Make those shots of you, not your opponent's! Controls:Stiker: Space to set direction, height and power of your shotGoalie: Click where the X appears to block your next shot The whistle sounds... the crowd can not bear to watch ... You stand twelve meters from the goal with only the keeper to beat ... it's all come to you, and you.....! Arguably the most dramatic way to finish a football match, the infamous penalty shoot-out is purely sporting theatre. Penalty Fever Plus is a very challenging football-based skill game where every match is decided by a penalty shoot-out competition. Each team has 5 kicks on goal, and the team that scores the most penalties is declared the winner. You control both the penalty-takers and the keeper from your chosen side, so glory and defeat are literally in your hands! Can you stand the immense pressure? This surprisingly tricky mouse-clicking sports game is not only a test of your quick reactions and reflexes, but also of your decision-making skills under pressure. For the penalty takers, you have to decide which corner to aim for, and whether to try and fool the opposition goalie. When you take control of the goalkeeper, you only have a split second to decide which way to dive for the ball. Decisions, decisions! For die-hard football fans, it's hard to even watch the nail-biting action of the dreaded shoot-out, let alone participate in it! Only players with nerves of steel rule in this metaphorical cauldron of pressure... the question is; Are you one of those ice cream cool customers? How to play: Before you start the goal-kicking action, you need to select your football team. There are 10 different leagues to choose from, and more than 300 different teams. You choose to play as a country in the World Cup, or as a club team in famous matches such as the European Cup or the English Cup. All legendary teams of club and international football are available for selection (Brazil, Germany, Argentina, Italy, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester United, Liverpool, Bayern Munich, Juventus...). Once you've chosen your favorite team, the computer randomly generates an opponent in a 32-team straight knockout competition. In every game, your team takes the first penalty, and the teams switch between kicks. In the first shoot-out, both teams have 5 kicks on goal, and the team that scores the most penalties is winner. However, if both teams are level after 5 kicks each, the shoot-out continues in 'sudden death' until there is a winner. The shoot-out can end early if one team is out of sight , for example; if one team wins 3-1 only one more penalty ? the game is over. When shooting, a small Green Arrow quickly sweeps across the game screen in front of the target. In the movement of hitting the ball, you choose to make two 'clicks'. The first click stops the Green Arrow, and makes your player move toward the ball. If you don't make a second click, the ball will move in the direction where the original Green Arrow was stopped. However, if you make a second click, the ball will move in the direction of a SECOND Green Arrow that appears after the first click is created. This 'second click' option gives you the ability to fool the opposition goalkeeper. Both actions happen within a fraction of a second of each other, so it can take a few shots to get used to the double click trick. When playing as the goalkeeper appears a flashing red circle shortly before the opponent takes his shot. Just click your mouse in the direction of this red circle to make your keeper dive or move in this direction. It's winner takes everything - Good luck! If this Flash game stops working on the IE11 or Chrome browser on your PC/MAC, try playing Firefox browser with adobe flash player installed. Have fun In our new unblocked gamesIn line with your request, we've uploaded the latest and most popular games among students to our unblocked site. We fixed all the bugs in the games. We're constantly reviewing new games for you and adding them to our UnblockedGames77Play site. 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This unblocked game contains many different levels, strategies, and most importantly, very fun. It's very easy to play. You play this unblocked game at your school or workplace without software. We have completely unblocked every game on our UnblockedGames77Play site. What is Unblocked Games? The unblocked Games77Play is specifically designed to play Flash games. It doesn't matter if you're at your school or at your workplace, you enjoy the game whenever you want. Just a few simple click, your device, computer or mobile, you are starting to enjoy in our our Website. Your school or workplace can't stop you from playing games. We've already unblocked thousands of games for your enjoyment. Good luck, and enjoy that Unblocked game. How is playing unblocked games? This Unblocked game is very easy to play. Once you've entered the game, the controls are simple. You will find a tutorial or detailed instructions in the main menu. 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Beat the challenges, play as a kicker or defend. Watch out and win the World Cup! Just swipe and watch the ball fly right next to the defender. Flip to the side to control the trajectory of the ball. It's easy to control the goalkeeper, too: just slide in the direction where the ball goes and slot like a fifa champion. + Extremely realistic physical ball + Simple and intuitive controls: swipe and flick + Defeat the myriad football challenges + Play as the kicker or defender + Forehand of the defense and scoring the goal + Become a star with your favorite national team + Manage your player through an epic careerFor more info Google PlaySupported Android {2.3.3 and UP} Supported Android version:- Gingerbread (2.3.3-2.3.7))- Honeycomb (3.0?3.2.6)- Ice cream Sandwich (4.0?4.0.4)- Jelly Bean(4.1?4.3.1)- KitKat (4.4?4.4.4)- Lollipop (5.0?5.0.2) or UPFULL APK + Hack MOD Unlimited Goldpenalty-kick-soccer-football-v1-02-full.apkMODpenalty-kick-soccer-soccer-v1-02-mod.apkDeveloper : Version : Google Play : PlayStore Golazo! - interesting arcade football game with easy touch controls, done in retro style. The user will be able to experience the incredible atmosphere of a number one sport, which participates in dynamic battles between teams from different countries. Players in each team will see legendary players the opportunity to get every match. There are only 52 teams, each of which can be used in any of the existing modes or in tournaments. a dynamic arcade football game that is played on medium pitches without errors or offside, really in harmony with old football matches from the 90s. And the main feature of the game is humor and the It's so much fun to play! MOD TYPE: Money Supported Android {4.0 and UP} Supported Android Version:- Jelly Bean(4.1? 4.3.1)- KitKat (4.4?4.4.4)- Lollipop (5.0?5.0.2) - Marshmallow (6.0 - 6.0.1) - Nougat (7.0 ? 7.1.1) - Oreo (8.0-8.1) - Past (9.0) (9.0) (9.0)

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