Introduction In 2014, the Shelby County Schools Board of Education adopted a set of ambitious, yet attainable goals for school and student performance. The District is committed to these goals, as further described in our strategic plan, Destination 2025. In order to achieve these ambitious goals, we must collectively work to provide our students with high quality, College and Career Ready standards-aligned instruction. The Tennessee State Standards provide a common set of expectations for what students will know and be able to do at the end of a grade. College and Career Ready Standards are rooted in the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in post-secondary study or careers. While the academic standards establish desired learning outcomes, the curriculum provides instructional planning designed to help students reach these outcomes. The curriculum maps contain components to ensure that instruction focuses students toward college and career readiness. Educators will use this guide and the standards as a roadmap for curriculum and instruction. The sequence of learning is strategically positioned so that necessary foundational skills are spiraled in order to facilitate student mastery of the standards. Our collective goal is to ensure our students graduate ready for college and career. The standards for science practice describe varieties of expertise that science educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding importance in science education. The Science Framework emphasizes process standards of which include planning investigations, using models, asking questions and communicating information. The science maps contain components to ensure that instruction focuses students toward college and career readiness. The maps are centered around four basic components: the state standards and framework (Tennessee Curriculum Center), components of the 5E instructional model (performance tasks), scientific investigations (real world experiences), and informational text (specific writing activities). The Science Framework for K-12 Science Education provides the blueprint for developing the effective science practices. The Framework expresses a vision in science education that requires students to operate at the nexus of three dimensions of learning: Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas. The Framework identified a small number of disciplinary core ideas that all students should learn with increasing depth and sophistication, from Kindergarten through grade twelve. Key to the vision expressed in the Framework is for students to learn these disciplinary core ideas in the context of science and engineering practices. The importance of combining science and engineering practices and disciplinary core ideas is stated in the Framework as follows:Standards and performance expectations that are aligned to the framework must take into account that students cannot fully understand scientific and engineering ideas without engaging in the practices of inquiry and the discourses by which such ideas are developed and refined. At the same time, they cannot learn or show competence in practices except in the context of specific content. (NRC Framework, 2012, p. 218)To develop the skills and dispositions to use scientific and engineering practices needed to further their learning and to solve problems, students need to experience instruction in which they use multiple practices in developing a particular core idea and apply each practice in the context of multiple core ideas. We use the term “practices” instead of a term such as “skills” to emphasize that engaging in scientific investigation requires not only skill but also knowledge that is specific to each practice. Students in grades K-12 should engage in all eight practices over each grade band. This guide provides specific goals for science learning in the form of grade level expectations, statements about what students should know and be able to do at each grade level.236537510795000An instructional model or learning cycle, such as the 5E model is a sequence of stages teachers may go through to help students develop a full understanding of a lesson concept. Instructional models are a form of scaffolding, a technique a teacher uses that enables a student to go beyond what he or she could do independently. Some instructional models are based on the constructivist approach to learning, which says that learners build or construct new ideas on top of their old ideas. Engage captures the students’ attention. Gets the students focused on a situation, event, demonstration, of problem that involves the content and abilities that are the goals of instruction. In the explore phase, students participate in activities that provide the time and an opportunities to conducts activities, predicts, and forms hypotheses or makes generalizations. The explain phase connects students’ prior knowledge and background to new discoveries. Students explain their observations and findings in their own words. Elaborate, in this phase the students are involved in learning experience that expand and enrich the concepts and abilities developed in the prior phases. Evaluate, in this phase, teachers and students receive feedback on the adequacy of their explanations and abilities. The components of instructional models are found in the content and connection columns of the curriculum maps.Science is not taught in isolation. There are commonalities among the practices of science (science and engineering), mathematics (practices), and English Language Arts (student portraits). There is an early focus on informative writing in ELA and science. There’s a common core in all of the standards documents (ELA, Math, and Science). At the core is: reasoning with evidence; building arguments and critiquing the arguments of others; and participating in reasoning-oriented practices with others. The standards in science, math, and ELA provide opportunities for students to make sense of the content through solving problems in science and mathematics by reading, speaking, listening, and writing. Early writing in science can focus on topic specific details as well use of domain specific vocabulary. Scaffold up as students begin writing arguments using evidence during middle school. In the early grades, science and mathematics aligns as students are learning to use measurements as well as representing and gathering data. As students’ progress into middle school, their use of variables and relationships between variables will be reinforced consistently in science class. Elements of the commonalities between science, mathematics and ELA are embedded in the standards, outcomes, content, and connections sections of the curriculum maps.Science Curriculum Maps OverviewThe science maps contain components to ensure that instruction focuses students toward college and career readiness. The maps are centered around four basic components: the state standards and framework (Tennessee Curriculum Center), components of the 5E instructional model (performance tasks), scientific investigations (real world experiences), informational text (specific writing activities), and NGSS (science practices). At the end of the elementary science experience, students can observe and measure phenomena using appropriate tools. They are able to organize objects and ideas into broad concepts first by single properties and later by multiple properties. They can create and interpret graphs and models that explain phenomena. Students can keep notebooks to record sequential observations and identify simple patterns. They are able to design and conduct investigations, analyze results, and communicate the results to others. Students will carry their curiosity, interest and enjoyment of the scientific world view, scientific inquiry, and the scientific enterprise into middle school. At the end of the middle school science experience, students can discover relationships by making observations and by the systematic gathering of data. They can identify relevant evidence and valid arguments. Their focus has shifted from the general to the specific and from the simple to the complex. They use scientific information to make wise decision related to conservation of the natural world. They recognize that there are both negative and positive implications to new technologies.As an SCS graduate, former students should be literate in science, understand key science ideas, aware that science and technology are interdependent human enterprises with strengths and limitations, familiar with the natural world and recognizes both its diversity and unity, and able to apply scientific knowledge and ways of thinking for individual and social purposes. Purpose of the Science Curriculum MapsThe Shelby County Schools curriculum maps are intended to guide planning, pacing, and sequencing, reinforcing grade level expectations of the grade/subject. Curriculum maps are NOT meant to replace teacher preparation or judgment; however, they serve as a resource for good first teaching and making instructional decisions based on best practices, and student learning needs and progress. Teachers should consistently use student data differentiate and scaffold instruction to meet the needs of students. The curriculum maps should be referenced each week as you plan your daily lessons, as well as daily when instructional support and resources are needed to adjust instruction based on the needs of your students. How to Use the Science Curriculum MapsTennessee State StandardsThe TN State Standards are located in the first three columns. Each content standard is identified as the following: grade level expectations, embedded standards, and outcomes of the grade/subject. Embedded standards are standards that allow students to apply science practices. Therefore, you will see embedded standards that support all science content. It is the teachers' responsibility to examine the standards and skills needed in order to ensure student mastery of the indicated standard. ContentThe performance tasks blend content, practices, and concepts in science with mathematics and literacy. Performance tasks should be included in your plans. These can be found under the column content and/or connections. Best practices tell us that making objectives measureable increases student mastery.ConnectionsDistrict and web-based resources have been provided in the Instructional Support and Resources column. The additional resources provided are supplementary and should be used as needed for content support and differentiation.State StandardsEmbedded StandardsOutcomesContentConnectionsStandard 7 – Rocks and MineralsGLE 0707.7.1 Describe the physical properties of minerals.GLE 0707.Inq.1 Design and conduct open-ended scientific investigations.GLE 0707.Inq.2 Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, organize, analyze, and interpret data.GLE 0707.Inq.5 Communicate scientific understanding using descriptions, explanations, and models.Use a table of physical properties to classify minerals.Conduct tests to determine the physical properties of selected mineral samples.Justify the identification of an unknown mineral sample by its physical properties. Aligned resources:Tennessee Holt Science and Technology TE, Chapter 13, Section 1: What is a Mineral? Section 2: Identifying Minerals pp. 336-343.Glencoe Tennessee Science Grade 7 TWE, Chapter 9, Section 1: Minerals-Earth's Jewels, pp. 268 – 276Additional Background Information on Rocks and minerals: Archaeology12 Links to Scholastic Study Jam Interactive Science Activities: MineralsRecommended activities:Science Activity a Day investigation:Mineral Hardness (Mineral Ranks) p. 163-164Labs:Mineral identification labEarth science – Physical properties and identification Mineral lab – Students will use a dichotomous key to identify rmational text from Readworks: Water: A Give and TakeFace to FossilAssessment questions:This resource provides twenty questions on the standard. Rocks and mineralsOnline quiz helps compare rocks and minerals. You will learn the three types of rocks and find out the properties used to identify and classify minerals. Rock and mineral quizPink Palace Field trips:Permanent exhibit – GeologyLab or theater program – Sound, rocks, and mineralsPink Palace Museum Outreach:Suitcase exhibit (free)- Rocks and MineralsCoon Creek Science CenterField Paleontology (in-depth study of fossil deposits)Connection to academic competition:Young Scientist ChallengeAcademic vocabulary: mineral, element, compound, rock, crystal, gem, orePerformance task: Properties of minerals Use the table in the mineral identification tab to classify your minerals.Performance task: Kids love rocks! Give students an opportunity to research information on specific physical characteristics on minerals.Performance task: Complete this project during this lesson as a method of assessing how well students can distinguish Mighty mineralPerformance task: Identifying minerals – Place a piece of wood, a fossil, a piece of bone, a piece of granite, and a quartz crystal on a table. Organize the class into groups of two or three students. Tell the students to examine the objects and to determine which ones are minerals by using the following questions: Is it nonliving material? Is it a solid? Does it have a crystalline structure? Is it formed in nature?Performance task: Take students on a field trip to the Lichterman Nature Center. Allow them to explore the self-guided tours in groups. Use the activity sheets provided by the tour guide to record learning responses from the students. Upon return to the classroom, Provide an opportunity for students to create presentation based on each learning station of the field trip.Standard 7: Geologic ChangeGLE0707.7.2 Summarize the basic events that occur during the rock cycleGLE 0707.7.3 Analyze the characteristics of the earth’s layers and the location of the major plates.GLE 0707.7.4 Explain how earthquakes, mountain building, volcanoes, and sea floor spreading are associated with movements of the earth’s major plates.GLE 0607.Inq.5 Communicate scientific understanding using descriptions, explanations, and models.GLE 0707.T/E.1 Explore how technology responds to social, political, and economic needs.Label a diagram that depicts the three different rock types.Identify the major processes that drive the rock cycle.Differentiate among the characteristics of the earth’s three layers.Explain how plate boundaries result in earthquakes, mountain building, volcanoes, and sea floor spreading.Aligned resources:Tennessee Holt Science and Technology TE, Chapter 14, The Rock Cycle pp. 360-367, Igneous rock pp. 368-371, Sedimentary rock pp. 372-375, Metamorphic rock pp. 376-381Glencoe Tennessee Science Grade 7 TWE, Chapter 9, Section 3: Metamorphic Rocks and the Rock Cycle, pp. 284 – 288Recommended activities:Science Activity a Day:Core sampling (Seeing inside the cupcake) p. 158Metamorphic rocks (Pressure and the candy bar) p. 159Sedimentation (Making sedimentary rocks) p. 160Other resources:A simple description of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rock formation (quiz included). Rock cycle activityInteractive Rock Cycle: reviews types of rocks and the processes of the rock cycle with students. Online InteractivesA variety of activities, animations, and quizzes geared towards increasing the students understanding of the major processes that drive the rock. Rock cycle and processesAn interactive rock cycle tutorial allowing students to see the various routes igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks take through the rock cycle. Rock cycleA kid’s geography website with four quizzes (earth’s structure, volcanoes, earthquakes, and plate tectonics). Great for independent or collaborative instructional time. rock lab activity – Online activity that addresses the basic materials of EarthInformational text:ReadWorks passage and comprehension questions RocksVideosEvidence of plate movement. Plate tectonicsStructures of the Earth A game that assesses student understanding of earth’s layers. May be used in a whole or small group setting. (Rags to Riches format.) Earth's layersTennessee Holt Science and Technology TE, Chapter 15, Plate Tectonics pp. 390-415. Chapter 16, Section 1: What are Earthquakes? pp. 424-441 Glencoe Tennessee Science Grade 7 TWE, Chapter 10, Section 1: Continental Drift and Section 2: Seafloor Spreading and Section 3: Theory of Plate Tectonics, pp.300-317An assortment of lesson plans, labs, and student activities on plate tectonics. Plate tectonicsLesson Plan on Plate Tectonics with multimedia resources: An excellent resource for students to research convergent, divergent, and transform boundary movement (especially when used with a cloze activity). Illustrations are included. PlatesInformational text: ReadWorks passage and comprehension questions on Plate Tectonics: Our Changing EarthTennessee Holt Science and Technology TE, Chapter 17, Section 1: Volcanic Eruptions and Section 3: Causes of Volcanic Eruptions, pp. 424-467Glencoe Tennessee Science Grade 7 TWE, Chapter 11, Section 1: Earthquakes and Section 2: Volcanoes and Section 3: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Plate Tectonics, pp. 328-349Recommended activities:Science Activity a Day:Bottle Eruption (Volcanic activity) p. 170Informational textThe History of Planet Earth (passage from the Earth and Science domain)Supervolcano (Newsela text)Earthquake-engineer (Newsela text)Lesson:Stick-slip movement (A lesson form FEMA/AGU earthquake curriculum for teachers of grades 7-12.)Pink Palace Field trips:Permanent exhibit – GeologyLab or theater program – Sound, rocks, and mineralsPink Palace Museum Outreach:Suitcase exhibit (free)- Rocks and MineralsAssessment questions:50-item test sampler that provides a variety of test items. Rocks and mineralsOnline quiz Rock cycleThis resource contains questions about the rock cycle. Ride the Rock CycleRock Cycle Quiz: Assesses student understanding of the conditions required for rock to change from one type to another. Rock cycle quizMineral Quiz: Characteristic propertiesThis is a list of key ideas related to Weathering Erosion, and Deposition. For each key idea, you will find a list of sub-ideas, a list of items, results from the AAAS field-testing, and a list of student misconceptions. Questions items provided can be used to assess student understanding. HYPERLINK "" \l "/" AAAS science assessmentAcademic Vocabulary: igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, earth layers, earthquake, mountain building, plate, seafloor spreading, volcanoPerformance task: Students will investigate the scientific view of how the earth’s surface is formed by describing the processes that change rocks and the surface of the earth. Rocks and Minerals Rock Cycle DramaPerformance task: Complete assessment task 4 and 5 over a three-day time span. Explain the details and the outcomes to the students. NGSS Task ExamplePerformance task: This is a Layers of the Earth foldable illustrating the mantles’ convection currents. A color-coded key is included.Graphic organizer - Earth layersPerformance task: Allow students to construct an earthquake and answer the investigative questions. They should answer how earthquakes, mountain building, volcanoes, and sea floor spreading are resulting formations. Earthquake CityPerformance task: This is a mini-project requiring students to research a particular mineral, create an advertisement for its common uses, and describe its characteristic properties: Science spotPerformance task: A great introductory activity on plate tectonics for students. Plate tectonic puzzleStandard 7: Earth ResourcesGLE 0707.7.5 Differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable resources in terms of their use by man.GLE 0707.7.6 Evaluate how human activities affect the earth’s land, oceans, and atmosphere.GLE 0707.Inq.5 Communicate scientific understanding using descriptions, explanations, and models.GLE 0707.T/E.3 Compare the intended benefits with the unintended consequences of a new technology.Describe the relationship between plate movements and earthquakes, mountain building, volcanoes, and sea floor spreading.Analyze and evaluate the impact of man’s use of the earth’s land, water, and atmospheric resources.Aligned resources:Tennessee Holt Science and Technology TE, Chapter 18, Section 1: Natural Resources and Section 2, Fossil Fuels and Section 3 The Three R's of Conservation, pp. 476-497Glencoe Tennessee Science Grade 7 TWE, Chapter 12, Section 1: Resources and Section 2 Pollution, pp. 360-376Recommended activities:A PowerPoint lesson about renewable and nonrenewable resources, ending with a check for understanding. Renewable and nonrenewableThis website uses a chart to list renewable and non-renewable resources. It identifies natural resource origins and the advantages and disadvantages of consuming them. ResourcesAn interactive website from Manchester University focusing on energy and the environment. Provides an overview of natural resources and how they are refined and used by consumers. An excellent introduction to natural resources. Renewable and nonrenewableOther resources:Teach students about Earth's resources with Teacher Vision lessons on energy, power, and electricity (renewable and non-renewable resources).HYPERLINK ""TeacherVisionMaps and illustrations to explore a virtual town and pick up a few tips from the locals. on fossil fuels:Assessments:Earthquakes - multiple choice questionsRenewable resources – 20 item assessmentAcademic vocabulary: natural resource, non-renewable resource, renewable resource, recyclingPerformance task: Have students trace the process of producing electricity using a turbine generator. They should identify the points of the process different energy sources can be used to generate the energy.Performance task: Use a pinwheel and a fan to show how wind can be used to turn a turbine. Provide students with pinwheels to students and ask them to find the spot on the school grounds that would be best for generating electricity.Performance task: This activity will allow students to be active participants as they find examples of energy and its sources. Renewable energy Performance task: Variety of activities to increase students’ ability to determine the impact of man's use of renewable and nonrenewable resources on future supplies. Renewable and nonrenewable activities ................

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