9th EDF


Statement by Ms Jana Hybaskova

Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Namibia

On the occasion of the

Signature of a Financing Agreement amounting to N$ 400 million aimed at supporting Early Childhood Development and Pre-Primary Education

Director of Ceremonies

Hon. Minister in the Presidency in charge of Economic Planning & the National Planning Commission, Tom Alweendo

Hon Minister of Education, Katrina Hanse-Himarwa

Hon. Minister of Gender Equality & Child Welfare, Doreen Sioka

Senior Government representatives

Members of the Media

Ladies and Gentlemen

I am very pleased and grateful that we can sign a Financing Agreement today with the National Planning Commission that will avail N$ 400 million in support of Early Childhood Development and Pre-Primary Education in Namibia. At the outset I want to thank the Namibian Government and all stakeholders for their commitment and support to finalize this agreement and Education Support Programme.

From the EU side I want to stress that this support to the Education sector and in particular to Early Childhood Development and Pre-Primary Education is about Much More than Education, but a vital tool to target one the most serious challenges Namibia faces – namely the high income inequality and social disparity that exists in the country. Globally it is recognized that Early Childhood Development (ECD) is a key instrument to increase social mobility, and with immediate effect decrease social disparities. ECD is a distinct way of assisting and empowering previously disadvantaged social, ethnic and religious groups globally, thus leading to rapid positive effects on social inclusion and social stability. ECD is recognized both inside and outside OECED countries as the key contributor for increasing the educational and thus social opportunities of every child. Children who miss out on ECD education also have much higher chances for drop-outs. This makes ECD more vital socially than secondary or even university education.

ECD is no doubt also in line with key strategies and targets of the Harambee Prosperity Plan and to achieve objectives such as social inclusiveness, social equality, job creation and the eradication of poverty. We commend the Namibian Government for their commitment and prioritisation of ECD and Pre-Primary Education in their Development Agenda, Programmes and budgetary allocations. The EU Delegation is honoured to partner and complement Government's efforts in our mutual endeavour to have a well-educated and skilled society in Namibia.

Our funding will be made available as budget support, with specific aims and objectives and performance indicators as agreed between the EU and Namibia. The assistance will include among others, expanding Pre-Primary Education in primary schools through additional construction and renovation of classes, supporting the construction of an increased number of free, public, strategically located ECD Centres that will focus on regions and constituencies with the most disadvantaged children, the development of additional model ECD Centres in some of the poorest regions of the country, provision of subsidies to Educarers, provision of teaching and learning materials in all ECD centres and PPE classes, supporting the setting of learning assessment and education standards in pre-primary and ECD, supporting the development of continuous curriculum, research and professional development of teaching staff in PPE and ECD.

The European Union has been a long standing partner of Government in the Education Sector and we are committed to continue our cooperation in this vital sector.

I thank you.


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