HISTORY PAPER 311/1MARKING SCHEME1. Two reasons for the migration of the Borana from Ethiopia to Kenya -Heavy taxation by Menelik -Spirit of adventure(2x1=2mks)2. Name two earliest inhabitants of Kenya -Southern Cushites(sanye or Dahallo -Gumba - Khoisan -Dorobo(any 2x1+2mks)3. Main dispersal area of the Luo in Kenya - Ramogi hills(1x1=1mk)4. The main function of the age-set system among the Bantu -Age-set system provided warriors whose responsibility was defending the community from external attacks and also raided other communities.(1x1=1mk)5. The main characteristics of a clan among traditional African community -One ancestry/common ancestry(1x1=1mk)6. Which community in Kenya was the most active in the long distance trade in the 19trth century? - Akamba(1x1=1mk)7. State one way in which mission stations promoted the spread of Christianity in Kenya. -The needy found homes and thus they were converted. - The stations were centres of learning where learners/calechits were preached to(any 1x1=1mk)8. State two factors that contributed to the Portuguese success in their conquest of the KenyanCoast. -Portuguese had superior weapons/arms -They had well trained soldiers -Ruthless attacks by the Portuguese scared coastal dwellers. -Disunity among the coastal towns weakened them. - Reinforcement of the Portuguese from Goa. - Portuguese launched surprise attacks catching coastal towns unawares. - Turkish and Persian navies in the Indian Ocean were too weak to offer meaningful help to the East African Coastal towns. -The Portuguese knew the geography of the east coast of Africa very well from information given by Vasco Da Gama.(any 2 x 1=2mks)9. Give one archaeological evidence that shows that the Kenyan Coast had contacts with outside world by 1500. -Remains of Chinese coins -Fragments of Chinese Pottery - Remains of beads(any 2x1=2mks)10. Name the missionary society that established a home for freed slaves at Frere town during the 19th Century. -Church missionary society (abbreviation no mark) (1x1=1mk)11. Give two ways in which Islam spread to Africa in the 19th century -Trading activities -Migration and settlement of Muslims in Africa -Jihads/holy wars in West Africa. -Intermarriages - Establishment of Islamic centres of learning through Muslim scholars. -Influence of converted African rules.(any 2x1=2mks)12. One reason the government may limit the freedom of speech. -If ones speech incite the public against the state. -If one discloses confidential information relating to the state. -If one spread false information about the state/individuals. - Incitement to violence. -Hate speech(any 1x1=1mk)13. State two circumstances in which Kenyan citizenship by birth can be revoked -if acquired through fraud. -If the nationality or parents becomes known and reveals the child was not a Kenyan citizen. -If presumed, it is discovered the person was over 8 years when found within the Kenyan boundaries.(any 2x1=1mk)14. One type of representative democracy -Presidential system -Parliamentary system(any 2x1=1mk)15. Give two houses of parliament according to the new constitution 2010 -National assembly -The senate(any 1x1=1mk)16. Name two categories of prisons that cater for young in Kenya -Borstal institutions -Youth institutions(2x1=2mks)17. Name one basic social problem that the government of Kenya has tried to solve since independence -Insecurity -Influx of refugees -Spread of HIV/AIDS/diseases -Problems of internally displaced people -Poverty eradication - Gender imbalance. - Illiteracy(any 1x1=1mk)SECTION B18. (a) Name three Highland Nilotic groups that remained in Mount Elgon as communities were migrating -Bok -Bongomek -Kony(3x1=3mks) (b) Describe the political organization of the Kamba during the pre-colonial period. -They had decentralized system of government. - The clan was formed according to their occupation e.g. Amuunda(farmers) Atwii(iron workers) - The clans were ruled by a council of elders – There were various grades of elders according to age e.g. junior elders, medium, full and senior elders. - The medium (Nthele) full elders (Kivalo) elders dealt with administration work and passing judgement. They also maintained law and order. -The senior most elders dealt with religious functions and other serious matters affecting the community like war. -The junior warriors(Anake) formed the military organization they defended the community and conducted raids. -The smallest political unit was the family.(Any 6x2=12mks)19.(a) Name three types of land holdings as provided in the new constitution. -Public land -Community land -Private land(3x1=3mks) (b) Outline the main constitutional changes reflected in the new constitution of Kenya (2010) - Reduction of the presidents executive powers. -Devolution of power to counties i.e. creation of national and county government. - Creation of the senate. - Establishment of their judicial service commission (JSC) for effective and transparent administration of justice. - Citizenship by birth and registration as the only way of attaining Kenyan citizenship while dual citizenship is constitutionally recognized. - Creation of land commission to ensure effective land use. - Recognition of Kadhis courts as subordinate court in the judicial court system. - An expanded of Rights to guarantee rights and freedom of citizens. -The Supreme Court as the highest court in Kenya’s judicial structure.(Any 6x2=12mks)20. (a) Identify three roles played by African chiefs in Kenya during the colonial period. - Collected taxes. - Recruitment labour for settlers farms. -Maintenance of law and order. -Settled minor disputes. - Persuaded Africans to accept foreign ideas e.g. Western education medicine etc.(Any 3x1=3mks) (b) Explain six factors that enabled Mau Mau freedom fighters to fight the British for a long time. -The movement was led by able leaders. -Fighters used guerrilla warfare which made it difficult for British government to contain them. -Mt. Kenya and Aberdare forest provided good hide out for the fighters. -Oathing united people and made them committed to the cause. - Some fighters were ex-servicemen and therefore were experienced. - Civilian population sustained the rebellion by supplying food weapons and information. -The movement received moral and material support from independent African countries.(Any 6x2=12mks)21. (a) Explain five reasons why the government of Kenya establishes parastatals. -To create employment -To generate revenue for the government. - To control the key sectors of the economy. -To provide capital/loans to Kenyans e.g. AFC and I.C.D.C. -To invest money through parastatals.(any 5x1=5mks) (b)Five factors that contributed to the development of multi-party democracy in Kenya in the early 1990s - Allegations of rigging of the 1988 election led to discontent among the losers. -KANU failed to listen to criticism and the critics were either suspended or expelled from the party. -The influence from Western Europe and the collapse of the Soviet Union led to the introduction of multi-party democracy. -The events which were taking place in Zambia and Togo inspired advocates of multi partyism. -The end of the cold war brought new wave of democracy which spread to Kenya. - The pressure from multi-party activities drawn from the civil society, political and legal fraternity forced the government to change. - The failure by the government to adopt all the recommendations which were forwarded by the public to the Saitoti Review Commission of 1990 led to the agitation for democracy. - The pressure on the government from the donor community to demonstrate as a condition for aiding resumption made it to oblige. -Repealing of section 2(a) of the constitution (any 5x1=10mks)SECTION C22. (a) Objectives of devolution of government in Kenya -To promote democratic and accountable exercise of power. -To foster national unity by recognizing diversity. -To give power of self-governance to the people and enhance participation to the people in the exercise of powers of the state. -To recognize the rights of the communities to manage their own affairs and to further their development. -To provide social and economic development and accessible services throughout Kenya and local resources throughout Kenya. -To facilitate decentralization of state organs their functions and series from the capital. -To enhance checks and balances and the separation of powers.(5x1=5mks) (b) Explain six powers and functions of county government -Developing transport in the counties. -Promoting agriculture, livestock and fisheries in the county. -Regulating and controlling air and noise pollution. -Facilitating cultural activities, public entertainment and amenities in the county. -Ensuring animal control and welfare e.g. licencing dogs. -Developing Trade County planning and developing through survey and mapping. -Making by-laws to promote education. -Controlling drug usage and access to phonography. -Regulating disaster management policy.(6x2=12mks)23.(a) State three reasons why the budget is prepared by the government -To enable the government to prioritize its needs in order of importance. -To help the government identify sources of government revenue to meet as obligations. -To enable the government identify development projects that require financing. -To help members of parliament discuss government expenditure before it is put to use. -To help the government balance in revenue and expenditure. -To enable government explain to the public about government tax structure. -To help the government asses the previous budget and rectifying mistakes.(3x1=3mks) (b) Describe six ways through which the government of Kenya ensures its revenue is not misused - Parliament is empowered to exercise control over public finance by approving Government estimates and expenditure. -Parliament approves supplementary estimates. - Parliament demand for auditing of government expenditure. -The controller and auditor general use in charge of auditing public expenditure. -The government has introduced tendering system to prevent any irregular financial deals by tendering officials. -The cabinet secretaries use the Chief accounting officers in the ministries. -Government money is spent by only those authorized to spend it. -Establishment of the Kenya Anti-corruption commission to probe and prosecute those who misuse public funds.(6x2=12mks)24. Give the composition of the National Security Council -The president -Deputy President -Cabinet secretary responsible for defence. -Cabinet secretary responsible for internal security. -Attorney general. -The chief of Kenya defence force. -Director General of national intelligence service. -Inspector general of the national police service.(5x1=5mks) (b) Explain five challenges faci9ng the Kenya Defence forces -Political interference on top ranking jobs and decision making. -Corruption especially during recruitment. -Lack of physical fitness-always in barracks. -Indiscipline –coup 1982. -Gender discrimination –has few women. -Tribalism, nepotism in promotion. -Violation of human rights. -Poor remuneration.(5x1=10mks) ................

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