Katie E

Curriculum Vita

Katie E. Steed

Department Counseling Psychology & Special Education

Brigham Young University

340 MCKB

Provo, UT 84602

(801) 422-3857



Master of Science, 2004

Brigham Young University

Major: Special Education, Severe/Profound

Thesis Title: Instructing Teachers of Children with Disabilities within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Committee: Drs. Tina Taylor Dyches, Lynn Wilder, and Lynette Erickson

Bachelor of Science, 2000

Brigham Young University

Major: Elementary Education

Minor: Special Education


April 2009-Present

Associate Clinical Professor of Special Education

Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education

Brigham Young University

• Continuing Faculty Status Granted April 2009

• Teach undergraduate courses

• Performing service in and out of the university as an SCEC faculty advisor

• Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) state board member

• Coordinate summer practicum experience for students certifying in severe

• Supervise student teachers and interns.

August 2003 to April 2009

Assistant Clinical Professor of Special Education

Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education

Brigham Young University

• Teach undergraduate courses

• Performing service in and out of the university as an SCEC faculty advisor

• Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) state board member

• Coordinate summer practicum experience for students certifying in severe

• Supervise student teachers and interns.

August 2001-2003 (Summer months)

Assistant Coordinator of Summer Practicum

Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education

Brigham Young University

• Supervise students

• Liaison between university and school districts

• Instruct students on various teaching methods

• Coordinate sites

August 2000-August 2003

Inclusion Specialist

Severe/Profound Intellectual Disability Unit

Alpine School District

• Implement the IEP goals for each student on unit

• Coordinate the daily inclusion of each student between 12 general education teachers and four specialty teachers

August 2001-May 2003

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Brigham Young University

• Assist with the grading and instruction for two Special Education undergraduate courses: CPSE 400 (Introduction to Special Education) and CPSE 420 (Assessment in Special Education)

1995-1998 (Summer months)

Camp Director

Tualatin Parks and Recreation

Portland, Oregon

• Organize and manage a camp of 100 children and adults with disabilities and 24 staff counselors


April-July 2015


Star Rise. School for children with Autism

Consulted with the principal, teachers and parents on how to strengthen: instruction, behavior management, curriculum and organization of their school. Guangzhou, China.

June 2014-present


Kids on The Move

Consultant with educators and other professionals who serve young children with disabilities in Orem, Utah.

July 2013-July 2015


Acacia Shade

Consultant for volunteers who serve children with disabilities in orphanages throughout Ghana.

January 2012-September 2012


National Council for Teacher Quality

Online researcher for the National Review of Teacher Preparation Programs


Brigham Young University

Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education (CPSE)

Courses Taught

CPSE 300 (2 hrs.) Exceptional Students: Principles of Collaboration

CPSE 400 (2 hrs.) Exceptional Students: Principles of Collaboration

CPSE 420 (3 hrs.) Assessment, Diagnosis, and Evaluation of Students with Exceptional Needs

CPSE 430 (3 hrs.) Teaching Reading and Language Arts to Students with Disabilities

CPSE 440 (3 hrs.) Curriculum and Instruction for Secondary Students with Disabilities

CPSE 453 (3 hrs.) Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Severe Disabilities

CPSE 470 (3 hrs.) Legal Issues in Special Education

CPSE 490 (1 hr.) Educating Individuals with Disabilities-Capstone Seminar

Field Work Supervised

CPSE 447R (1 hr.) Secondary Practicum

CPSE 467R (4 hrs.) Teaching Students with Severe Disabilities Practicum

CPSE 487R (12 hrs.) Student Teaching: Severe Disabilities

ECE 422 (8 hrs.) Preschool or Kindergarten Student Teaching

EL ED 400R (8 hrs.) Elementary Education Student Teaching

SC ED 476 R (8 hrs.) Secondary Student Teaching

TELL 477R (3 hrs.) TESOL K-12 Student Teaching



Steed, K., Steed, M. (2016, November). Effective reading instruction and assessments for children with disabilities, follow up. Ministry of Education. Georgetown, Guyana.

Kellems, R., Steed, K., Steed, M. (2016, November). Providing support for parents of children with disabilities in Guyana. Ministry of Education. Georgetown, Guyana.

Steed, K., Steed, M. (2016, April). Effective reading instruction and assessments for children with disabilities. Ministry of Education. Georgetown, Guyana.

Steed, K., Steed, M. (2015, July). An overview of effective autism interventions for Chinese children: A guide for parents. Children’s Palace Parent Support. Guangzhou, China.

Steed, K., Steed, M. (2015, June). An overview of effective autism interventions for Chinese students: A guide for teachers. Rise School for Children with Autism. Guangzhou, China.

Steed, K., (2015, June). Reading instruction for Chinese secondary students who are English language learners. Clifford International School. Guangzhou, China.

Steed, K., (2015, June). Reading instruction for Chinese elementary students who are English language learners. Clifford International School. Guangzhou, China.

Steed, K. (2015, January). Keynote Speaker: Reaching the one helping members with disabilities access their religion. Kids on the Move Practical Methods for Including Children with Special Needs in a Church Setting. Orem, UT.

Steed, K., Hansen, B., Kellems, R., Snow, A. (2014, June). Supporting members with disabilities and their families in religious settings. 138th Annual Meeting for American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Orlando, FL.

Steed, K. (2014, June). Effective teaching strategies for teaching members with disabilities in a religious setting. Fifth Annual Summer Institute on Theology and Disability. Dallas, TX.

Steed, K. (2013, August). Helping members with disabilities fully access the blessings available in the gospel. Brigham Young University Campus Education Week. Provo, UT.

Steed, K. & Abraham, H. (2012, November). Bullying Prevention for Students Classified with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 13th Annual Suicide Prevention Conference. Provo, UT.

Smith, B. & Steed, K. (2012, June). Teaching the Spirits. Salt Lake Valley Seminary and Institute Special Education Conference. Salt Lake City, UT.

Smith, B., Shreeve, J., Sumner, A., Steed, K. (2012, June). Disabilities 101. Salt Lake Valley Seminary and Institute Special Education Conference. Salt Lake City, UT.

Steed, K. (2012, January). Teaching the Spirits. Inservice to The Primary General Board of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, UT.

Steed, K. (2012, January). Teaching the Spirits. Inservice to The Disability Curriculum Committee of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, UT.

Steed, K. (2011, October). Disabilities 101. LDS Special Needs Mutual Workshop. Salt Lake City, UT.

Smith, L., Steed, K., Crandall, L. (2011, April). A Comprehensive Approach to Reading Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. UVU Autism Conference. Orem, UT.

Smith, L., Steed, K., Crandall, L. (2011, April). A Comprehensive Approach to Reading Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. McKay School Mentored Research Conference. Provo, UT.

Steed, K. & Huntsman, E. (2010, December). Christmas with Autism. Thirty minute radio program as part of the Mormon Channel Radio Show, , Provo, UT.

Steed, K. & Abraham, H. (2010, August).  Inclusive Education.  One hour television program as part of the Ask Eleven Television Show, KBYU Television, Provo, UT.


Crandall, L., Steed, K. (2009, March). Accessing reading for all students with severe disabilities. Utah Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Murray, UT.

Abraham, H., Steed, K. (2007, March). How to make and keep a successful SCEC chapter. Utah Council for Exceptional Children Conference. St. George, UT.

Steed, K. (2007, February) But did they ever really know? Practical ways to ensure your paraprofessionals know what is really expected of them. Tenth International Conference on Cognitive Disabilities/Mental Retardation, Autism, and Other Developmental Disabilities. Kona, HI.

Sampson, K., Bell, B., Osthed, K., Foulk, G. (2006, April). How to make and keep a successful SCEC chapter. Council for Exceptional Children National Conference. Salt Lake City, UT. This was an invited presentation that was given with three students.

Sampson, K. (2006, February). I am only one, but I am one. Brigham Young University’s Office Professional Advisory Committee Brown Bag Luncheon. Provo, UT.

Sampson, K. (2005, October). Instructing religious teachers of individuals with disabilities. Utah County Special Needs Conference. Orem, UT.

Stoker, W., Sampson, K., & Dyches, T. T. (2004, October). Portable schedules using Pringles cans. Ninth International Conference on Cognitive Disabilities/Mental Retardation, Autism, and Other Developmental Disabilities. Las Vegas, NV.

Sampson, K., Alfandre, C., Pead, T. (2004, October). Data Collection and IEP Goals. The Utah Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders annual conference. Salt Lake City, UT.

Hamblin, E., Sampson, K. (2004, April). What about the sibs? Council for Exceptional Children National Conference. New Orleans, LA.


Hansen, B., Steed, K., Dyches, T. “Parent Directed Instruction of Critical Early Literacy Skills for Children with Intellectual Disabilities” $36,900 over 2 years (2014-2015). 

Abraham, H., Steed, K., & Munk, J., Steed, M. "The Effects of Using an iPad to Collect Field Experience Data:  A Fun New Gadget or a Powerful Tool" $4,000.00. (2010).


Steed, K. (2012, March). Advice for dad. . Retrieved March 16, 2012, from

Sampson, K. (2006, February). CEC helps to mentor your career. The Utah Special Educator, vol. 27.

Audio/Visual Media Productions:

Steed, K. (2014). Reaching The One. A published website to provide resources and training materials on how to support members with disabilities in a religious setting.


Steed, K. (2013). Special Challenges. Produced a video aimed at helping to promote awareness of the challenges individuals with disabilities and their families face when accessing religion. This is now featured on .



January 2016-present

LDS Charities Technical Specialist

• Upon invitation from The Guyana Ministry of Education, I was sent by LDS Charities as a Technical Specialist to Guyana to assess their needs for strengthening the special education system in their country. (January, 2016)

• In Collaboration with The Guyana Ministry of Education, we organized and presented a weeklong inservice on working with children with disabilities. (April, 2016)

• Training was provided to: teachers, administrators and parents from every district within the country of Guyana. (April, 2016)

• A follow-up visit is scheduled to provide on-site training to teachers, administrators and parents. (November, 2016)

September 2016-present

School Community Council Member

• I have been nominated and elected to serve on the community council for Edgemont Elementary School in Provo School District. We make decisions and recommendations for school improvement and spending.

September 2014-present

Advisory Council for LDS Seminaries and Institutes

• I have been asked to serve as a member of an advisory council that will help in the teacher training and curriculum materials that will be used for students with disabilities within seminaries and institutes for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.

September 2014-present

PTA Special Needs Representative

• I have been asked to serve as the Special Needs Representative for The Edgemont Elementary School in Provo, UT. I am helping to develop and oversee a volunteer reading tutoring program and support the school with accommodations for students with special needs participating in PTA sponsored events.

December 2012-present

Stake Disabilities Specialist

• Serve as a consultant to support the needs of individuals with disabilities and their families in a religious setting. Bonneville LDS Stake and Edgemont Stake, Provo, UT.

April 2016-August 2016

BYU Study Abroad Director, China Student Teaching

• Supervised eight BYU students in Guangzhou, China as they completed various field assignments for their degrees in education.

• Supervision consisted of: four students completing student teaching in elementary education, one student completing student teaching in early childhood, one student completing their student teaching in secondary art education and two students completing their special education practicum.


Religion Institute Teacher

• Teach weekly LDS religion class to approximately 150 undergraduate students from Brigham Young University and Utah Valley University, LDS Institutes of Religion, Young Single Adult 7th Stake, Provo, UT.


State Delegate

• Nominated and elected through neighborhood caucus to serve as a state delegate for The Utah Republican Party.

• Provide information regarding upcoming elections to neighborhood caucus.

• Attend various meetings to meet the candidates, hear their views and share concerns.

• Attend the Utah State Republican Party Convention as a voting delegate for various races (e.g.: governor, senators, congress, etc).



• Collaborate with The LDS Disabilities Curriculum Committee on concerns and questions as needed.


Provo Mayor’s Young Adult Advisory Board

• Nominated by the Mayor to serve on the board for one year.

• Board focused on resolving concerns and issues related to young adults within Provo city.

2007 (Summer/Fall Semesters)

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Trainer

• Organize and conduct two-day inservice for two local partnership districts

• Train attendees in the administration and proper use of DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills).

July 2007

LDS Church Humanitarian Service Missionary

• Organize a weeklong inservice on working with children with severe disabilities

• Travel and present inservice to a group of teachers, doctors, nurses, psychologists, speech therapists and parents in Tirana, Albania.


LDS Stake and Ward Inservice Presenter

• Share my thesis research and conclusions with various LDS ward and stake auxiliaries on effectively teaching children with special needs in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

2003 (Fall Semester)

Kids on the Move

• Present to a parent support group on effectively teaching children with special needs in the Primary setting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

January-June 1998

Volunteer English Teacher

• Teach English in Taiwan as a Head Teacher

• Supervise three other teachers.

1997-1998, 2003-2006

LDS Service Missionary

• Tutor adult missionaries in the Provo Missionary Training Center who struggled with reading.

University Committees and Associations

• Chair, Counseling Psychology and Special Education Department Rank and Status Committee, (August 2015-present)

• Committee Member, McKay School of Education Faculty Consulting Committee, (August 2015-present)

• On-site Director, BYU McKay School China Study Abroad, (October 2014-August 2015)

• Search Committee Chair, Faculty Position Search, Counseling Psychology and Special Education, (December 2013-January 2014)

• Faculty Advisor, Best Buddies, BYU (2012-present)

• Member, Early Childhood Education/Early Childhood Special Education Exploration Committee, BYU (2011-2013)

• Brigham Young University Independent Study Consultant on Individual Education and 504 Plans, (2007-2010)

• Presenter, Brigham Young University Freshman Orientation, Habits of the Mind. Provo, UT. Summer Term, (2006-2007)

• Mentor, Brigham Young University, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Severe Undergraduate Students, (August 2005-present)

• Faculty Advisor, Brigham Young University’s Chapter of Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC), (2003-present)

• Faculty Advisor, Brigham Young University’s Teach for America program, (2005-2010)

• Committee Chair, Severe Summer Practicum Committee, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, (August 2003-present)

• Member, Counseling Psychology and Special Education Continuing Faculty Status Committee (2012-2013)

• Member, Assessment Committee, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, (August 2005-2010)

• Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, (August 2003-2010)

• Member, Undergraduate Curriculum and Assessment Committee, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, (August 2010-present)

• Committee Chair, Admissions Committee, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, August (2003-October 2007)

• Committee Chair, Undergraduate Recruitment Committee, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, (August 2003-August 2006)

• Member, Council for Exceptional Children BYU reception, (August 2005-2006)

Invited Lectures

CPSE 400 Principles of Collaboration in Special Education

Guest Speaker asked by Cade Charlton to speak supporting members with disabilities to more fully access their faith, Fall 2015.

CPSE 403 Intro to Special Education

Guest Speaker asked by Barbara Smith to speak on Autism, Fall 2013 and 2014.

CPSE 606 Pyschoeducational Foundations

Guest speaker asked to speak on Developmental Delays and Early Childhood Issues in Special Education, Winter 2009-present.

CPSE 622 Theory Learning and Cognition

Guest speaker asked to speak on Functional Academic Behavioral Plans, Direct Instruction as well as Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, Fall 2007.

CPSE 679R Advanced Practicum Consultation School Psychology

Panel discussion member asked by Melissa Heath to discuss the field of Special Education, Fall 2006.

CPSE 400 Special Education Introductory Course

Guest Speaker asked by Dr. Michelle Marchant, Shelly Reier and JoAnn Munk to speak on Autism, Fall 2005-2011.

CPSE 402 Educating Students with Disabilities in Secondary Education

Guest Speaker asked by Heidi Abraham to speak on Autism, Winter 2005-2010.

CPSE 402 Educating Students with Disabilities in Secondary Education

Guest Speaker asked by Darlene Anderson to speak on Autism, Fall 2006-2010.

Salt Lake Community College: Special Education Introductory Course

Guest Speaker asked by Shelly Reier to speak on Autism, Summer 2005- 2007.

CPSE 490 Special Education Capstone Seminar

Guest Speaker asked by JoAnn Munk to speak on Autism, Fall 2004.

IAS (International Area Studies) 360R Preparation Course for Romanian Interns

Guest Speaker asked to address methods of teaching individuals with severe disabilities to future Romanian Interns, Winter 2004-present.

CPSE 503 Special Education Capstone Seminar

Guest Speaker asked by JoAnn Munk to speak on Autism, Winter 2004.

CPSE 610 Consultation in School, Family, and Organizational Systems

Guest Speaker asked by Dr. Lynn Wilder and Dr. Rachel Crook to speak on working with students who have severe behavioral issues. I also followed-up by providing ongoing consultation for their students along and feedback on student reports, Fall 2003.

CPSE 679 Advanced Practicum: Counseling and School Psychology:

Guest Speaker asked by Dr. Tim Smith and Dr. Aaron Jackson to speak on working with students who have severe behavioral issues, Fall 2003.

CPSE 514/415 Special Topics: Autism:

Assisted in teaching a two-week class on autism with Dr. Tina Taylor Dyches, August 2001.


Brigham Young University McKay School Nancy Peery Marriott Outstanding Teacher Award 2014

Utah Council for Exceptional Children Hilda B. Jones Special Educator of the Year 2009


National Committees and Associations:

Reviewer, Proposals for the Strategies for Entry to the Special Education Career Strand for the Council for Exceptional Children International Convention, Louisville, KY, 2007.

Member, Council for Exceptional Children 2006 National Planning Committee Conference, January 2005-August 2006.

Conferences Attended:

• 138th Annual Meeting for American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Orlando, FL, June 2014.

• Fifth Annual Summer Institute on Theology and Disability. Dallas, TX, June 2014

• Council for Exceptional Children International Convention. San Antonio, TX, April 2013.

• Council for Exceptional Children International Convention. Boston, MA, April 2008.

• Utah CEC Wellness and Education Fair. Murray, UT, April 2008.

• Access to the General Curriculum for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities. Salt Lake City, UT, April, 2007.

• Council for Exceptional Children International Convention. Louisville, KY, April 2007.

• Utah CEC Wellness and Education Fair. St. George, UT, March 2007.

• Tenth International Conference on Cognitive Disabilities/Mental Retardation, Autism, and Other Developmental Disabilities. Kona, HI, February, 2007.

• Council for Exceptional Children National Conference. Salt Lake City, UT, April 2006.

• Utah County Special Needs Conference. Orem, UT, October 2005.

• Associates: BYU CITES, Park City, UT, August 2005-June 2006 (6 sessions total).

• Brigham Young University Writing Seminar. Provo, UT, June 2005.

• CBM/DIBELS Institute Training. Salt Lake City, UT, August 2005.

• Council for Exceptional Children National Conference. Baltimore, MD, April 2005.

• Wellness and Education Fair. St. George, UT, March 2005.

• Annual Northern Utah Autism Conference 2004. Presented by the Utah Parent Center and the Utah State Office of Education. Salt Lake City, UT, November 11, 2004.

• Council for Exceptional Children National Conference. New Orleans, LA, April 2004.

• Wellness and Education Fair. St. George, UT, March 2004.


• Utah Division on Developmental Disabilities 2004-2012

• Council for Exceptional Children 2003- 2014

• Utah Education Association, 2000-2001

Professional Leadership and Service:

• Invited External Reviewer for Tenure and/or Promotion, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Department of Special Education, Honolulu, HI (September, 2012 and September 2013)

• Utah CEC Past-President, 2009-2010

• Utah CEC Past-President, 2008-2009

• Utah CEC President, 2007-2008

• Utah SCEC Student Advisor, 2006-2007

• Utah CEC President-Elect, 2006-2007

• Utah CEC Vice President, 2005-2006

• Utah DDD Past President, 2007-2008

• Utah DDD President, 2006-2007

• Utah DDD President-Elect, 2005-2006

• Utah DDD Vice President, 2004-2005

• NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education Grant Peer Reviewer, 2005-2011


• Special Education Certificate, K-12, State of Utah, 2000-2010

• Elementary Education, 1-5, State of Utah, 2000-2010


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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