1. Name Ajay Pandey


2. Educational background

• Master of Arts in Development Studies (M.Devts.)

Year of Graduation: 2000 (62%)

University: University College Dublin, Ireland

• Masters of Population Studies (M.P.S.)

Year of Graduation: 1996 (74%)

University: International Institute for Population Sciences, Bombay, India

• Masters of Science in Statistics (M.Sc.)

Year of Graduation: 1994 (71%)

University: Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

• Bachelors of Science in Statistics with Hons. (B.Sc. Honors)

Year of Graduation: 1992 (77%)

University: Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

• Was pursuing Ph.D. at Department of Sociology, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, USA under US Government Fellowship administered by East West Center, Hawaii, Honolulu (2007-11). (Had to discontinue in-between due to leave of absence issue from employer)

3. Core Skills

My cores skills include providing policy options for expanding reach and quality care services in health to poor and marginalized sections of the society. Apart from the management of surveys I can analyze large scale datasets for policy framing and report writing. I am familiar with various statistical tools, packages (SPSS & STATA) and survey methodologies. I have knowledge working with Excel.

4. Key Qualifications

I have been working extensively for providing policy inputs and policy options for health sector program in India. My experience includes designing public private partnerships projects for the Government of India in order to expand the reach and access of Reproductive, Child Health and Family Planning services in poor settings. I have been part of various baseline and evaluation studies focusing on health sector in India.

I have contributed to various papers and books and have received fellowships from national and international organizations like Government of India, Irish Government (through Ministry of HRD GOI), University Grants Commission-JRF, IASP-Population Council, East West Centre, Hawaii, USA, Toufiq and Ulrike Siddiqi degree fellow award, East West Center Graduate Degree Fellow Award, Hawaii, USA.

5. Work Experience

• December 31, 2008 and continuing: Assistant Director, Population Research Centre, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (Tenure)

• September 2005 till May 2007: State Advisor/Manager- Operations Research & Evaluation, Futures Group International, Lucknow, under USAID’s-ITAP at Uttar Pradesh, India

• May 2001 to September 2004: Full Time Consultant (Demography/ Statistics), National Commission on Population (NCP), at Planning Commission, Government of India. NCP was created in May 2000 under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister of India Sh. Atal B Bajpai.

• August 1999 to September 1999: Research Officer, International Institute for Population Sciences

• October 1996 to July 1999: Research Scholar, International Institute for Population Sciences in the Department of Mathematical Demography and Statistics.

6. Fellowships Awarded

• Received East West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship for pursuing PhD from University of Hawaii at Manoa. August 2007

• Received USD 2500 Toufiq and Ulrike Siddiqi degree fellow award as one time grant to study at University of Hawaii, East West Center, Hawaii USA. August 2007

• Received Travel Grant from Irish Aid to visit the Demography Program for the period from July 2, 2000 to July 16, 2000 at Research School of Social Sciences. Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

• Received Fellowship (Tuition Waiver) from East West Centre, Hawaii, USA to attend the 31st Summer Seminar on Population at East West Center, Hawaii on "Economic Analysis of Reproductive Health Program", from 1st June to 1st July 2000.

• Received Fellowship from Irish Government to attend the 31st Summer Seminar on Population at East West Center, Hawaii on "Economic Analysis of Reproductive Health Program", from 1st June to 1st July 2000.

• Received Irish Government Fellowship (Sept. 1999 until Dec. 2000) through Ministry of Human Resource Development, India to study Masters in Development Studies, University College Dublin, Ireland.

• Received University Grants Commission (UGC) – Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for the period from 14th April 1999 to September 21, 1999 for pursuing research in Population Studies on “Modelling Age Patterns of Marriage in India” at IIPS*, Mumbai, India.

• Received IASP-Population Council Fellowship, New York, from 1st August 1997 until 13th April 1999 for pursuing research in Population Studies on “Modelling Age Patterns of Marriage in India” at IIPS, Mumbai. India.

• Received Government of India Fellowship in the Year 1996 for pursing research, in Population Studies Studies on “Modelling Age Patterns of Marriage in India”at IIPS, Mumbai and continued the award until 31st July 1997.

• Received Government of India Fellowship in the Year 1995 for pursuing Masters program in Population Studies from IIPS, Mumbai, India.

* IIPS: International Institute for Population Sciences Mumbai, India ()

9. Workshop Attended, Papers Presented & Conferences Organised/Attended

• Invited by the International Organizing Committee of the European Population Conference 2012 to Chair Session 58 on Infant and Maternal Health/Mortality at Stockholm University, Sweden. June 13-16, 2012.

• Attended three day workshop on Multilevel Analysis of HIV/AIDS data in India organized jointly by CDC Atlanta, SGPGIMS Lucknow, WHO, NACO and NIMS Delhi at SGPGIMS Lucknow in December 2007

• Attended a three day (October 8-10, 2006) workshop on developing “Behavior Change Communication Strategy”, for Uttar Pradesh India organized by Communications Department -Johns Hopkins University, USA.

• Attended International Workshop on Social Franchisee for Public Private Partnership in Health, JP Palace Hotel Agra, April 3-7 2006, organized by Constella Futures, India.

• Attended a workshop on SPECTRUM model for Projection (Population, HIV/AIDS/ etc.) developed by John Stover of Futures Group International, Washington DC, December 2005. Training imparted by John Stover himself.

• Attended a 3-day RCH training workshop from July 21-23, 2005 organized by the Department of Public Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh at Satpuda Bhavan, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh India.

• Made a presentation & organized a Conference of NGO’s & SHG’s on 27th Dec. 2002 for National Commission on Population, Government of India at Hotel Ashoka in New Delhi.

• Made a presentation on Demographic Disparity in India & organized the First Conference of State Population Commissions / Councils on 25th Sept. 2002 for National Commission on Population, Government of India at Hotel Ashoka in New Delhi.

• Attended the 50th National Development Councils meeting Chaired by the then Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Sri A B Vaajpaee at Vigyan Bhavan on December 21, 2002.

• Attended the National Institute of Medical Statistics Sliver Jubilee & XX Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Medical Statistics held at AIIMS New Delhi, Dec. 19-22, 2002.

• Made a presentation at Planning Commission, on “Ranking of Districts based on key Socio-economic and Demographic indicators and Composite Index”, for National Commission on Population on 11th July 2001.

• Made a presentation for National Commission on Population (NCP), at Yojana Bhavan, Planning Commission, GOI, to Review the Family Welfare Programme in India on 9th August 2001 in the presence of the then Health Minister Sh. C.P. Thakur and Chaired by the then Dy. Chairman Planning Commission & Vice Chairman NCP, Shri. K.C. Pant.

• Attended the National Consultative Meeting on “Public-Private Sector partnership in Population Policy and RCH Care” December 12-13, 2001 at India International Centre organized by Centre for Policy Research, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.

• Made a presentation on Behalf of National Commission on Population in the session, “Population Policy and Findings from Census 2001” at the 19th annual conference on Indian Society for Medical Statistics & 6th International Biometric Society held at SGPGI, Lucknow, from Dec. 1-3, 2001.

• Made a presentation & organized a Conference on 4th Oct. 2001 for National Commission on Population, Government of India at Hotel Kanishka in New Delhi on the theme, “Convergence of Social Sector Programme in India”.

• “Attended a series of Lecture Seminar on HIV/AIDS and Development" by Dr. Patrick O Sculiian at Centre for Development Studies, University College Dublin, Ireland, March, 2000.

• Attended the 31st Summer Seminar on Population at East West Center, Hawaii, USA on Economic Analysis of Reproductive Health Program, from 1st June to 1st July 2000.

• "Caregivers Burden: Cost of HIV/AIDS Family Caregiving to Person Living With HIV/AIDS in Mumbai, India", Research Proposal presented at 31st Summer Seminar on Population at East West Center, Hawaii, USA.

• "Analysing Female Nuptiality in NFHS at Micro Level: A Case of Uttar Pradesh", Paper presented at "International Conference on Population Issues on the Eve of Twenty First Century & XX1 Annual Conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Population". February 9-12, 1998.

• "Analysing Female Nuptiality for the Mixture of Cohorts in Uttar Pradesh: Application of Coale McNeils three parameter marriage model". Paper presented at the "National Conference on Recent Development in Statistical Inference", Department of Statistics, Karnatak University, Dharwad. November 27-29,1997.

• "Analysing Female Nuptiality for the Mixture of Cohorts in Uttar Pradesh: Application of Coale McNeils three parameter marriage model". Paper presented at the "National Conference on Recent Development in Statistical Inference", Department of Statistics, Karnatak University, Dharwad. November 27-29,1997.

• Presented a paper at IIPS, Mumbai, in the year 1996, "Determinants of Female age at Marriage in two Indian States: Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh", paper submitted for the award of "Masters Degree in Population Studies".

10. Details of Articles / Research Work Published

• Reproductive and Child Health Status in Slum, Non-Slum and Rural Areas of Kanpur Nagar: Baseline Survey 2006 by V Jayachandran, Ajay Pandey, Shuvi Sharma, N Khan and M Das. Prepared by Constella Futures and published by USAID India, September 2007.

• Reproductive and Child Health Status in Slum, Non-Slum and Rural Areas of Agra: Baseline Survey-2006 by K Anil Kumar, V Jayachandran, N Khan and Ajay Pandey. Prepared by Constella Futures and published by USAID India, September 2007.

• Knowledge about RCH services Provided and Media Exposure: A study of greassroot level Health Workers: Uttar Pradesh by Anju Singh, V Jayachandran, Juan Carlos, Shailaja Maru and Ajay Pandey. Publication prepared for USAID India by Constella Futures, August 2007

• Knowledge and Perceptions about Reproductive Health Issues, and Media Reach among Mother in Laws-Uttar Pradesh” a baseline survey report prepared by Madhumita Das, V Jayachandran, Ajay Pandey and N Khan. Published for USAID India by Constella Futures. July 2007

• “Training of Auxiliary Nurse Midwives: Enhancing family Planning Clinical Skills” by Ajay Pandey in Ideas, Insight and Innovation: Documentation of IFPS-1 activities: Publication prepared for USAID India by Constella Futures. December 2006

• Reproductive Health Indicator Survey, 2005 a baseline survey report prepared by V Jayachandra & Ajay Pandey et., al. Publication prepared for USAID India by Constella Futures. December 2005

• “An examination of the WHO Guidelines for “Exclusive Breast Feeding In Relation to Child Survival in India” by Prof. Arvind Pandey et.al (Indian Council of Medical Research)., Prof. B.N Bhattacharya et.al (Indian Statistical Institute) and Ajay Pandey (National Commission on Population Government of India). A project report submitted/presented to the National Commission on Population, GOI January 2005. The report was published by National Institute of Medical Statistics, ICMR, New Delhi India

• Prepared a book “Demographic Scenario in India; Proceedings of the State Population Councils/commission”, published by the National Commission on Population, Government of India. Jan, 2003. The book was also laid in the Parliament House.

• Prepared a book Vital rates in India 1971-1999 published by the National Commission on Population, Government of India Oct. 2002

• Prepared a document on “District Wise Socio-economic & Demographic Indicators”, brought out by the National Commission on Population, Government of India and formally released by Dr. K. Venkatasubramanian. Ex-Member (Health&Education), Planning Commission, GOI on July11, 2001. The book was also laid in the Parliament House by the then Honble Health Minister Sri. C P Thakur.

• Assisted Professor Ashish Bose on his book India’s Billion Plus People: 2001 Census Highlights, Methodology and Media Coverage, Published on 10th May 2001.

• "Analysing Female Nuptiality in India at Micro Level: A Case of Uttar Pradesh" by Ajay Pandey & Arvind Pandey, Indian Association of Social Science Institutions (IASSI) Quarterly, Vol. 16(3-4), January-June issue of the Journal on the theme Population Research and Population Policy, pp. 212-225.

11. Paper Acceptance at the Population Association of America (PAA) annual meeting

“Higher Decadal Population Growth Rate in Bihar, Northern State in India, during 1991-2001: An Investigation for Possible Reasons from the Preliminary Census 2001 Data” by Ajay Pandey, National Commission on Population. Accepted for poster presentation at 68th Annual Meeting of the PAA, Hilton Towers Minnesota May 1-3, 2003.

“An Intergenerational Perspective of Age at Marriage in India: A case of Rajasthan” by Ajay Pandey, National Commission on Population. Accepted for poster presentation at 67th Annual Meeting of the PAA, Atlanta Hilton & Towers, Atlanta Georgia May 9-11, 2002.

“Adjustments made by the Families of Child Labourers / Potential Child Labourers whose Children were mainstreamed to Formal Schools in Calcutta by Ajay Pandey, K P Pappu & Partha K Roy. Accepted for poster presentation at 66th Annual Meeting of the PAA, Washington DC March 29-31 2001

12. Maters Theses

• “Caregivers Burden: Burden of Caregiving to Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in Mumbai, India” thesis submitted to Centre for Development Studies, University College Dublin, Ireland for the award of Maters in Development Studies. Dec. 2000

• Conducted a survey & prepared a project report on "Comparative Study of Breast Feeding and Weaning Practices among Schedule Caste and Backward Caste females in Varanasi" in the year 1994. Dissertation submitted for the award of Masters Degree in Statistics.

• Conducted a survey in Varanasi & prepared a project report on "Opinion Survey on Terrorism in India: Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab" in the year 1992. Dissertation submitted for the award of Bachelors Degree in Statistics.

13) Important Visits to States in India

a) Visited the State of Tamil Nadu as a team leader of 3-member high powered delegation constituted by the National Commission on Population, Government of India to review the Health Management Information System and the programmes / policies in the State relating to population, health and family welfare sectors. The best practices adopted by the State of Tamil Nadu for Population Stabilization were also examined. Meetings were held with the Secretary, Director and range of other health and family welfare dignitaries & officials. Three days extensive field visits to the rural as well as urban health facilities were organised along with the State Govt. Officials. Ajay Pandey, Consultant NCP headed the delegation.

February 2004.

b) Visited the State of Andhra Pradesh as a part of 5-member high-powered delegation constituted by the National Commission on Population, Government of India to review the programmes and policies in the State, relating to population, health and family welfare sectors & also to examine the best practices adopted for Population Stabilization. The other members of the delegation included the Ex-Chief Secretaries of the Government of Madhya Pradesh (Dr. Ishwar Das), Rajasthan (Sri M.L. Mehta) & Bihar (Dr. Abhimanyu Singh). The meetings were held with the then Chief Minister Sri. Chandra Babu Naidu, Rural Development Minster, the Chief Secretary, Principle Secretary, Secretary and range of other Health & FW dignitaries/officials. One-week extensive evaluation of the existing health facilities was undertaken. The Member Secretary NCP Sri. Surendra Nath headed the delegation.

November 2003.

c) Visited the State of Chhattisgarh as a part of 3-member delegation to examine the feasibility of the implementation of the NCP’s Pilot Project of Maternal, Child Health, Immunization and Contraception Services through Public-Private Partnership in Raipur District of Chhattisgarh through the State Government. Meetings were held with the then Chief Minister of the state Sri. Ajit Jogi. Secretary (H&FW) Sri Alok Shukla discussed the proposal in the presence of the officials from the various Government departments. The then District Collector Raipur was also present. The Member Secretary NCP Sri. Surendra Nath headed the delegation.

The PPP project launched in the State of Chhattisgarh with the approval of the Union Health & Family Welfare Ministry on the pilot basis with the primary aim of evolving a model, to be replicated and up scaled in other EAG States.

August 2003.

14. Qualified the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Population Studies of University Grants Commission in Dec. 1998 and have qualified twice the National Eligibility Test for faculty ship conducted by University Grants Commission, India in Population Studies in December 1998 & June 1998.


1 Professor Satish K Tripathi


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