Josiah V - RootsWeb

Josiah V. Thompson

Uniontown, Pa

Family Record Book


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At residence of Kilby Blaine Edgington, S.W. Cor Second and Walnut Streets, opposite the old Stone Pres Ch, West Union, O Oct 19, 1925 1 PM

Mrs Edgington was Mary Levi, dau of Alex C. Levi & his wife Barbara Clark, one of the three children, two boys, Robert & Frank & one daughter, Barbara, as above, that lived, of the widow of James Finley, son of Major Joseph L. Finley by her second marriage to Clark, whose name I had as Samuel, but she thinks was James. She says her grandmother's name was Eliza Rothwell & says she & her husband are buried in the old cem here & have a marker. Mrs Edgington gives me the names of the Finley children in the order of their ages viz:

1. Jane, called Aunt Jennie was oldest

2. Sarah Caroline next & then

3. Joseph

4. Margaret

5. Hannah

She thinks there were no other children.

1. Jane married Aaron Wiley an only child & she died in the winter, Dec at the dairy farm out from Columbus, O of 14 A bought by Fred of pneumonia. Her child, an only one, died in infancy & Mr Wiley had died before she did. She was living with her sister Hannah McNiel & her husband at a soldier's home & was invited by Fred to come visit him & did so & died in three days. She was supposed to have abt $50,000, but her relatives never found it.

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She & Aaron Wiley, her husband, were buried at Urbana, O (although Mrs E. thought it was Indiana)

2. Sarah Caroline Finley married on Apr 29, 1860, Noah Maddox & the Maddox bible record which Mrs E. has here recites that:

Sarah Caroline Finley was born Nov 26, 1838

Noah Maddox was born June 17, 1840

Their children:

1. Annabell Maddox was born Feby 16, 1861

2. Joseph Harrison Maddox was born Aug 4, 1863

3. William Henry Maddox was born July 17, 1866

4. John Armsby Maddox was born May 27, 1868

5. Margaret Jane Maddox was born Aug 13, 1870

6. Sarah Eliza Maddox was born Aug 29, 1872

7. Louis Denman Maddox was born Feby 28, 1875

8. Luther Burns Maddox was born Dec 30, 1877

Joseph H. was born in West Union, O & Mrs E. thinks the children were all born here.


John Armsby Maddox died Oct 5, 1903

Anna Bell Maddox died Feby 28, 1909

Noah (our Father) died Aug 4, 1910

Sarah Caroline (our Mother) died Jany 29, 1915

Margaret Jane Maddox died Jany 20, 1907

Louis D. Maddox died June 15, 1910

Joseph H. Maddox died July 24, 1922

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1. Annabell Maddox died unmarried

2. Joseph Harrison Maddox died unmarried

3. William Henry Maddox married Oct 29, 1902 Mrs Emma Wilson of Indianapolis, Ind. Both living now in Florida where he preaches. No issue. He is an evangelist.

4. John A. Maddox died unmarried. He was an inventor, Invented the Eureka Churns & washing machines. He was run over by a RR train & killed & was buried in the new cem. here.

5. Margaret Jane Maddox married Joe Thomas May 5, 1890

6. Sarah Eliza Maddox married on Oct 10, 1895 to Charles C. Wagner & both living & get their mail at 224 Grant St Cincin, O where he has been a printer & storekeeper. Have no children.

7. Louis D. Maddox was married to Emma. Ask Mrs Wagner. He died in a hospital at Cin., O. He was a lineman & was stretching a wire which struck him in the eye & pierced the brain from which he died. No issue.

8. Luther B. Maddox is also a lineman & when last heard from was living at Akron, O. He is single.

3. Joseph Finley [son of James & Eliza Rothwell Finley] married Charlotte______. He died at Indianapolis, Ind & thinks she is dead too. He had but one child, Minnie Finley who married an Ensley & is living in Indianapolis, Ind. Ask Mrs Wagner.

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4. Margaret Finley married Samuel Kincaid & moved to Mt Oreb, O & thinks they died there. She had three sons & a little girl, Ida who died young, The children were:



Ida, d.y.

Stewart, last she heard, he was at Mt Oreb O.

5. Hannah Finley married Thomas McNiel who was a Civil War veteran & they both lived at the Soldier's Home at Dayton, O. Her sister, Jane Wiley bought her a home in Urbana, O & where the three were living when she went in a Dec to visit Fred who had lived with the Wileys since he was 18 yrs old, but do not think he was adopted by the Wileys. She says her Aunt Hannah has died, but is not sure whether her Uncle Thomas is living or not. Don't know whether they had any children. Thinks they had an adopted boy.

Mrs. E. says her grandfather Julius Levy was a full blooded Jew & was banished for marrying a Gentile. Says see her father Alex C. Levi who lives out across from the old cemetery.

Leaving 2:37 PM

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At residence of Mrs C.B. Holliday, Mulberry St, West Union, O Oct 19, 1925 2:45 PM

I found Mrs Holliday a good sensible woman, at work cleaning house. She is well informed, but cannot give dates. She says Andrew Jack had a sister who married Dan Bayless & they had a daughter who married a Piatt & their daughter married William Holmes & the proprietress of our hotel, Mrs Rose Moore, who said yesterday that she was a childless divorcee is her daughter.

Andrew Jack had a daughter Margaret who mar 1st a Compton & had a son named, she thought, Lewis Compton. Mar 2d, a Van Horn by whom she had 5 or 6 children, some of whom went west & some to Huntington, WVA. Another of Andrew Jack's daughters, Hannah Jack married Sam Young & both died in Wheeling, WVA. They had 3 children: Rose who married, Laura & a son. Think they live at Whg. Wm McKee Jack, son of Andrew, lived in Topeka, Kan. Both dead, leaving four children one of whom has died since. She referred me to Mrs Flanigan living back of her on next street who is a sister of Wm McKee Jack's wife for their address, etc. Mrs Holliday is a

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daughter of Charles Stevenson by his first wife. He married for his second wife Elizabeth Jack, daughter of Andrew Jack & they had one child, a daughter who died young. Both are buried in the new cem here & have markers. Charles Stevenson was son of William Stephenson [sic] & his wife Hannah Miller. She thinks that her daughter, Mrs Nellie young, living at the old Jack home might have some records. She is going to telephone her & said for me to call tomorrow. She says George Jack is a grandson of Andrew.

Leaving 3:15 PM

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[fermata mark appears here in upper left margin]

At residence of Mrs Ellen Flanagan, North Street, West Union, O Oct 19, 1925 3:22 PM

Mrs Flanigan's [variation in spelling noted] sister Harriet Amanda Reed was daughter of James Reed & his wife Lavina Collins & was born in West Union, O. She married Wm McKee Jack & they lived at Topeka, Kansas. He died in San Antonio, Tex, but is buried at Topeka, Kan. She preceded him in death & is also buried there. He was a day laborer a son of Andrew Jack & left four children, one of them since dead viz:

1. Florence Jack mar J.N. Graft both living in Topeka at 406 Thomas Ave Oakland, Kansas the proper address which is a suburb of Topeka. Write to her for record.

[fermata appears here beside #2 in left margin]

2. Lavina mar Geo Bell. She died at San Antonio, Tex. He is living there. Two children, Ruby & Frank.

3. Andrew Reed Jack married & lives in Colorado. Thinks Denver

4. Ella mar a Mr Young & live in California.

Mrs Flanigan thinks George Jack's father's name was James. Another son of Andrew was Williamson Jack who died in St Louis, Mo years ago. Was married & thinks had two children.

Leaving 3:40 PM

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At residence of Mrs Margaret Matthews, N.W. corner of town of West Union, O Oct 19, 1925 3:50 PM

This is a fine brick house painted on the corner & Mrs Moore knew the daughter when she said this forenoon that she was queer & would probably insult me. The screen door was hooked & to it on the front porch is all the farther I got. She said her mother was 84 yrs old, had an ulcer on her face, was not well & hard of hearing, but for the several things I asked her to ask her, there was no loud talking. She said her mother was a daughter of John H. Kincaid & he was son of John Kincaid, John H. Kincaid had four sons, brothers of her mother, John? (or James or Wm?) Thomas, Dr Williamson & Dr Wilson Kincaid & that Thomas was the father of Samuel Kincaid who married Margaret Finley & went to Mt Oreb to live & had three sons, John, Stewart & Joe. Said Stewart was an undertaker at Hillsboro, O & she thought Joe was at Hamersville, O. Did not know anything about the Kincaid who married Thos Jack. Said to see W. Scott Kincaid first cousin of her mother abt two miles west of town who she said had the Kincaid family records.

Left 4 PM

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At office of Dr O.T. Sproull, West Union, O Oct 19, 1925 4:42 PM

I came in here some 20 minutes or so ago & Dr introduced me to County Supt of Schools Nesbit, who says his ancestors came from Washington Co, Pa. He says Geo Crawford, living at Manchester, O with his son Okey, has been bedfast for two years, but still keeps up his reputation as "Swearing George" who says he is 90, but Supt Nesbit says he is 85 or 86. He says he tells that he is great grandson of Col Wm Crawford & I suppose then that his father was a son of John. He says to see Okey's wife & she will get me what records they have. He says Geo had a brother, Womatt or some such name who was said to have been hung in the west for killing a man, but George won't tell me anything about that, but says to see Womatt? Scott who is a relative & can tell me about the family. Doctor had Evans Hist of Adams Co, O & on Page 670, it speaks of John Treber, son of orig John & brother of Jacob & Joseph went to Butler Co, O & married Elizabeth Crawford. Investigate the records there & see if she could be daughter of Oliver or Hugh Crawford, brothers of Esther & Anna who married the Thoromans & on page 669, it stated

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that the original John, a Hollander, located in Lancaster Co, Pa & from there to Maryland & thence to Allegheny Co, Pa & then came down the Ohio to Limestone, Ky & that his first wife was a Miss Campbell & she became the mother of Jacob, John, Joseph, Anna etc in fact all of his children except Joel who was by his third wife Katherine Williams. His second wife, Miss Earle bore him no children.

The Doctor said to hunt up Milton Traber at Hamilton, O. Says he lives across the main bridge, one square & turn to right, who can give information.

He said to also see Mrs Cal Stewart who is in her 70s nee Caroline Hood, who knows more about old West Union families than anyone here. He said if I would come around tonight, he would drive me to her home. He said too, that Mrs Sarah Frame lived just opposite his office.

Left 5 PM

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At residence of Chas E. Frame Mulberry St, West Union, O Oct 19, 1925 7:11 PM

Mrs Frame has given me the balance of data to complete record of her sons & daughter having sent her granddaughter Virginia Wickerham to get the dates for James S? record & I have entered same in the genealogical table in book 14 page 355.

She says her husband is the youngest of twelve children of James Frame born in May 30, 1818 & died Sept 21, 1872 who was married to Nancy Meek Maddox & the record of births of their children taken from his bible printed by Nat. Pub Co Cincinnati, O 1870 which she has & I copy as she reads:

1. Elizabeth Frame born Mch 5, 1842

2. Randolph Frame born May 5, 1843

3. Catharine Frame born Aug 16, 1844

4. William Frame born Jany 1, 1846

5. Robert Kincaid Frame born Aug 18, 1847

6. Mary Frame born Apr 24, 1849

7. Jennie Frame born Mch 26, 1851

8. Thompson Frame born Apr 18, 1853

9. Caroline Frame born July 14, 1858

10. Luvicy [sic] Frame born May 3, 1860

11. Jessie Fremont Frame born Mch 3, 1862

12. Charles Emery Frame born Aug 1, 1866


Catherine Boyles died Feby 9, 1902

Mary Kleinknecht died May, 1914

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William Frame died Nov 25, 1847

Randolph Frame died June 11, 1883

Jennie Conner died June 1913

Nancy Meek Frame died Dec 27, 1901


Jacob Klenknecht & Mary Frame Dec 18, 1873

J.M. Boyles & Catharine Frame Feby 1, 1866

Mrs Frame says that a daughter of Lysle Lodwick unmarried viz: Amy Lodwick lives in the Old Ladies Home on Walnut Hills Cincinnati, O & is very old. Mrs Frame's sister, Mrs Thompson visits her. She had a sister who married an Overend & lived in Cincinnati, O & had 3 children, Mamie, Charles & another boy. Thinks Mr & Mrs Overend are both dead. The other boy was Marion.

Preston Lodwick had one child, Kady [sic] Ross Lodwick, Kady being the family name of his mother. The last she knew of him, he was an undertaker in Cin, O signing his name K. Ross Lodwick. His place of business was in West End of Cin, O near Price Hill, but in Mill Creek Valley, this side of Sedansville, O.

Mrs McCabe had but one child, a son & Mrs Peebles also had but one child, William. Knows nothing about Joseph Lodwick's children. Mrs F. concludes that it was Samuel B. Finley buried next to his father Maj Joseph L. Finley who had epilepsy.

Leaving 8:40 PM

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Just as I was leaving, I asked Mrs Frame about the Patterson children buried out near her great grandfather, Jos L. Finley, viz: Algernon S., James McCrea, & Stephen H. & she thought they were children of her Uncle Joseph P. Patterson, by his first wife Effa Ann C. who was from these parts, but she didn't know her name. Her Uncle had a daughter Alice, by her, who married Wheeler Collier. she died at Miamisville, O but there are none of the family there now. She had a daughter, Mary who married a Foster & thinks lives in Penna. She also had two sons.

Her Uncle Jos P's second wife was from Butler, Pa & a son he had by her lives in Penna. Thinks Clarence Smith can give record of these.

I then went across again to Dr Sproull's office & he said that "Dad" Thompson, who lived down by the Sproull bridge had several sons among them Robert, Moses & Aaron.

Mrs Frame said her husband didn't know the name of his grandfather Frame. I had called in S.S. Jones store this afternoon before supper & he was in the County, so he came in Dr Sproull's office while I was over at Mrs Frame's & he wrote down seven note size pages of what he told him. I am comparing with what the doctor told me at Pages 536 & 552 to 554. The former record given on Book 14 pages 552 -554 is only a skeleton in proportion so I give it completely:

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Matthew Jones married Sallie Thoroman & they are probably buried at Beatty cemetery.

S.S. Jones gave me the list of their children as follows:

Bk 14 p 552 His No. Dr S's No mar 1. mar 2.

1 6 Samuel Clark Mrs Calloway

2 14 Jehu

3 12 Matthew Jackson 1830-1902

4 6 Paul K. Clark

5 13 William Wallace Hedges

6 John, died young

7 3 Jane Blake

8 17 Matilda David Pendle

9 15 Elizabeth Wm Brownlee

10 9 Rachel Calvert

11 11 Sarah Henry Newland

He lists John 6, which is probably same as David 10 & he does not get at all:

1. Anna

2. Mariah

4. Ellen

5. Thomas

8. Esther

16. Cerdda [sic]

which see making 17.

1. Samuel Jones, see sketch in Adams Co history by Evans Page 770 where it says he was born in Tiffin Tp Dec 2, 1825 the tenth of the 17 children of his parents. He married 1st Sophia Clark & had 8 children. He married 2d Mrs Margaret Calloway nee Purtee & had 6 children:

1. Jane mar John Holt

2. Matthew James mar Holt

3. John William mar Cora McPherson

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4. mar Frank Bradney

5. Sadie mar Henry Jobe

6. Paul Kameron mar Ralston

7. Dal Green mar 1. Wamsley, 2 Newman

8. Edward.

By 2d wife:

9. George mar Lola Henry

10. Samuel, dead

11. Leilia, mar Frank Ellison

12. Ella, mar Jesse Wamsley

13. Melissa

14. Levia, dead mar Trofz, dead. no issue.

2. Jehu lived & died on Turkey Creek. Had children:

1. Wilson married Locke

2. Cyrus married Wright

3. Charles

4. Sarelda, never married.

4. Paul K. married Clark

1. Frank, dead

2. Sumner

I. Charlie

II. Clarice

III. Alfred

3. Dora, Iowa

4. Ocie, married Chas A. Ryan

I. Ethel

II. Jessie

III. Frank, dead

IV. Elvin

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3. Matthew Jackson Jones [son of Matthew Jones] born 1830 died 1902 mar 1. Margaret Roderick Born 1841 died 1884. 9 children. Mar 2.

1. William David mar Ella Greenlee

I. Clyde mar Turner

II. Cliston, not married

III. Eva mar Walter Hughes

IV. dead

2. Annie E. died Aug 1903 mar N. Sherman McGovney

I. Coleman mar Haines

II. Cecil mar Elmore

III. Cola [sic] mar Levi

IV. dau mar Cluxton

V. dau

3. Samuel Sherman mar Elizabeth _______

I. Winnie A. Jones born Jany 1890 ob Aug 1891

II. Ocie Lucille Jones born Oct 23, 1892 ob Dec 6, 1907

4. Ines mar Walter Ellison

I. Ottis

II. Vernon

5. Henry Edward mar Toler & have 5 children

I. Cleo

II. Edgar

III. Russell

IV. Dau

V. Dau

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6. John Newton, dead

7. James Carey, dead

8. Jennie, dead

9. Earnest, dead

5. William Jones [son of Matthew Jones] mar 1. Wallace, mar 2 Hedges

I. Thomas

II. Mary

6. John? died young

7. Jane, mar Blake, no issue

8. Matilda mar Dave Pendle

I. William

II. George, mar Riddle

III. Zimmerman, dead

IV. Rebecca

V. Sadie

9. Elisabeth, mar Wm Brownlee

I. Jack

II. Joseph, dead

III. James mar Laurch [best guess]

IV. Eliza mar John

V. West

10. Rachel Jones mar Calvert & went to Vincennes, Ind. Had a small family.

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11. Sarah Jones [dau of Matthew] mar Henry Freeland

I. John Will mar Newman

II. Isaac

III. Lina

IV. Harvey

Given me at my office Oct 19, 1925 by S.S. Jones O.T.S.

See Book 15 Page 583 top.

In the Evans History of Adams Co, Page 763 & 764 with his photo facing is a fine article on the life & character of John Holmes here referred to & his wife Elizabeth Treber which says he worked more hours than any man in Adams Co & that he was the son of Thomas Holmes & his wife Margaret McClanahan & was born in Adams Co, O Nov 30, 1820 & died in Mercer Co, Ills Jany 6, 1896. On July 22, 1846, he married Elizabeth Treber, dau of Jacob Treber & his wife Jane Thoroman, who was born in Adams Co Mch 12, 1824 & died in Mercer Co, Ills Mch 24, 1897. They had ten children, two born on Lick Fork & eight, two miles east of West Union in Tiffin Tp, eight of whom, five sons & three daughters survived them viz:

Louis D. their eldest son, a lawyer in Omaha, Neb, Thomas a lawyer in

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Chicago, ills, John F., Charles E. & Wm H. Holmes are prosperous farmers in Mercer Co, Ills. The three daughters are married to excellent husbands. He had 22 grandchildren when he died.

On page 765 of the same Adams Co History in an article on William Holmes 1802-1872 who married Nancy N. Chaney & among their 8 children was William Holmes, who for this third wife married Miss Piatt of French descent & had six children, on of them being Rose Moore, proprietress of this hotel. Her mother's father was Benj Piatt who married Myra Bayless & her mother was a sister of Andrew Jack. See page 5 & 6. Benj Piatt's father was Benj Piatt a Revolutionary soldier from Virginia who died in Adams Co where he came in 1810 in 1851 or 1861 aged 98 yrs see page 336 same history.

I walked out this morning early a mile to the new cemetery N.E. corner of the town & had a repetition of my experience on Nov 13, 1919 in the big cemetery at Wooster, O. It froze ice here last night & I had no over coat the cemetery is on a hill & it was cold & windy & my fingers got so numb I could not hold the pencil with them toward the last holding it by the hand. My notations follow. It has just struck 2 Am 20th

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The New Odd Fellows Cemetery, West Union, O Oct 19, 1925 7:37 AM 37. Robert W. Treber 1846-1923

Margaret J. Treber 1853-1924

38. W.J. Young

Mary J., his wife 1846-1923

39. Lewis A. Behm. This is evidently what Guy T. Behm of Covington, Ky was here about the day I came.

40. Geo W. Crawford 1839-19--

Margaret, his wife 1842-1918

Lizzie Agnes, dau of S.W. & M. Crawford B Jany 1, 1883, ob Sept 5, 1900

See page 251

40 1/2. W.H.H. Thoroman B July 29, 1830, ob June 26, 1901

Alice Vaughen, his wife B Aug 17, 1855 ob Feby 10, 1919

41. John C. Cumings, May 7, 1857, Aug 5, 1910

Jennie C., his wife, Aug 23, 1852, Apr 14, 1900

42. Daniel Thompson, July 1, 1823, Aug 25, 1908

Sarah Jane, his wife, Aug 3, 1828, Nov 14, 1899

43. J.W. McClung Co E. 70th O.V.I. Mch 28, 1831, Sept 7, 1913

Nancy A., his wife Sept 4, 1838, Feby 18, 1911

Jennie B., daughter of J.W. McC. Oct 2, 1873, Aug 11, 1898

44. Archibald Thompson, B Nov 17, 1819, July 6, 1902

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Mary, daughter of L & V.C. Thompson, b Nov 11, 1830 ob June 5, 1894

45. Robert Crawford, B Apr 6, 1813, ob Mch 9, 1901

Lillie A. Fuster, his wife, B Apr 29, 1830, ob Oct 23, 1897

Sarah Nettig, wife of Eliz M. Crawford B July 18, 1876, ob Oct 21, 1894

46. John B. Washburn 1857-1918

Ella, his wife 1867-19--

47. Samuel A. Crawford 1858-1907

Samuel C. Crawford 1817-1894

Christina McF. Crawford 1818-1901

Geo N. Crawford 1850-1923

Ellen H. Crawford 1851-1915

Robert J. Crawford 1855-1898

Geo A. Crawford ob Jany 11, 1888 ae 29 yrs 7 mos & 4 days

48. James M. Thoroman Co D 191 O.V.I. May 26, 1844 - Oct 4, 1945

Infant dau of J.M. & M.E. Thoroman died Nov 3, 1866

Mary Eliza, wife of J.M. Thoroman ob Nov 14, 1886 ae 23 yrs 4 mos 6 days

49. William Thoroman Co D 191 Rev O.V.I. B May 26, 1844 ob Apr 6, 1865 In Island Hospital, Harpers Ferry, Va

Jane, wife of S. Thoroman ob Mch 30, 1893 aged 57

Samuel Thoroman B Aug 10, 1816 ob Apr 14, 1902

Thomas S. son of S & J Thoroman B Jany 10, 1847 ob Jany 25, 1870

Wm McC Thoroman Oct 23, 1870 - Nov 16, 1912

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50. Edward Crawford, June 10, 1881 - Nov 25, 1910

Lela A. Crawford, 1854-1903

Frank B. Crawford, 1874-1893

Geo H. Crawford, 1876-1898

Tillie M. Crawford, 1878-1899

51. Surmounted by a beautiful kneeling virgin, the sunshine of our home Osa Lucile, dau of S.S. & Elizabeth R. Jones June 23, 1892, Dec 6, 1907

52. William Cummings 1813-1908

Gulallma, his wife 1815-1910

Rebecca Cumings [sic] 1837-1915

53. Harriet Trotter, wife of J.C. Thompson 1858-1912

54. John Crawford 1825-1921

Letitia Crawford 1832-1916

55. Robert Crawford Jany 8, 1833, Jany 8, 1912

Elizabeth, his wife July 9, 1848 she to whom I talked yesterday

56. J.P. Campbell 1848-1917

Martha J. his wife 1852-1909

pt of 40. Thomas Wiley Crawford 1866-1916

Leaving 9:22 AM

Finished transcribing 3:30 AM Aug 20, 1925 JVT

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At residence of Celia E. Holliday, Mulberry St, West Union, O Oct 20, 1925 8 AM

Mrs Holliday says that Will Bayless, a carpenter by trade, living about 3 squares N.E. of here & aged about 70 is a son of Dan Bayless & a grandson of the sister of Andrew Jack, so I am going from here to see him. Mrs Holliday has given me a little tintype of Andrew Jack & a photo of his daughter Margaret, who married (a Van Horn) 1st Geo L. Compton who died when his only child, Wm Lewis Compton was about 1 1/2 yrs old & he was taken to the old Jack home on Poplar Ridge where Mrs H's dau Nellie M. Young now lives 5 miles fr here & raised by his Aunt Elizabeth Jack & his grandmother & grandfather, Deborah & Andrew Jack. Deborah was a daughter of Wm McGarry & his wife, Margaret ______.

Andrew died shortly after W. Lewis Compton was married about 53 yrs ago or over. He was buried on Poplar Ridge at the McGarry g.y. about one mile from the Jack home & his wife who died 10 or 12 yrs after his death is buried there too & have a marker. He was a soldier probably in the War of 1812 & after his death, his widow secured a pension. She was over 89 when she died & he was probably 80 or over when

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he died. Mrs H. thinks her older sister, Mary Stevenson, who took care of their step-mother, Elizabeth Jack Stevenson who was an invalid 3 yrs probably gave the Jack bible to some of the grandchildren, possibly Wm McKee Jack's dau, but if Nellie Young finds it, she will let me know & I am leaving my address. W. Lew Compton was married in Nov? 1870 to Margaret Anderson who survived him & died May 9, 1925 in West Union aged 73 yrs. She was dau of Daniel Anderson & his wife Mary______. They had 3 children.

1. Ella born on Poplar Ridge born in Nov 1871 & she mar 1. Melvin Van Horn & had a little girl Mabel by him who died aged 3 yrs. Mar 2. Virgil Vane but had no issue by him. She died 9 yrs ago here in West Union at her father's. Melvin Van Horn was son of Samuel. Virgil Vane was son of William.

2. Geo L. named for his grandfather was born on Gift Ridge about 1873 & died in Indiana aged 2 or 3 yrs

3. Mabel born here in West Union in August about 1880. She died on Brush Creek in Oct or Nov aged a little over 3 yrs

W. Lew Compton died Dec 15, 1921 here in West Union aged 78 yrs & is

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buried in the old cem here & has she thinks a marker. The lot is in west corner of cem to the right of entrance steps. There is a marker she is sure for his little girl & for Ella's little girl. He died from a stroke of apoplexy.

Mrs Holliday, my informant, says her father, Charles J. Stevenson was born Sept 29, 1830 in Monroe Tp this Co & died at the old Jack farm in Tiffin Tp Nov 23, 1914. On Jany 31, 1871, he married for his 2d wife, Elizabeth Jack, daughter of Andrew who was born on above farm Jany 4, 1831 & died there Mch 4, 1895 & both are buried in Odd Fellows Cem here & have a marker. Lot is in main part of cem about 4 lots up a little to east & have a tall monument. She had one child: Matilda born June 24, 1872 at old Jack farm & died Apr 13, 1922 unmarried & is buried in same lot, no marker. She was an invalid from time she was 10 yrs old.

Margaret Compton mar for her 2d husband a Van Horn from Eastern Ohio & had several children by him, she thinks 4 girls & 1 boy. She died up the River. Children were: Samuel, Martha, & Alice & thinks may be at Huntington, WVA. The order of

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ages of Andrew Jack's children were: Margaret was oldest

James? (father of George) was next

Hannah, young

Elizabeth, next

Thos Williamson, thinks next to Margaret

Wm McKee Jack youngest

Thinks that was all.

Williamson went away & was married & lived at St Louis, Mo & left some children. He died at his brother Wm McKee Jack's in Indiana, she thinks about Frankfort, says write to Florence. Never heard what Andrew's father's name was, but heard her stepmother speak often of her grandmother Jack.

Mr Holliday was born on Beasley's Fork in Monroe Tp this Co Dec 15, 1860. She says the best way to go to the McGarry g.y. is to go to her daughter, Nellie Young's & walk up the hill about a mile from there. Says Wm Santee, living off the main road, a bachelor living by himself aged abt 67 has a good memory & has paid attention to matters relating to old soldiers & could give much information with dates which he remembers. She says she could go down tomorrow morning with me to Nellie's & to Santee's with whom she went to school. Says Williams & Homer Piatt & Bill Francis hires cares. Can go at 8 AM

Leaving 9:22 AM

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I went east on Mulberry street passing an old frame tobacco warehouse 250 ft on Mulberry St & 190 ft on Boyd st which Mr Bayless told me was used now simply for the growers to bring their leaf tobacco to for marketing. I stopped at a little store of Mrs Will Bayless on the corner & was told by a man there that he had just left the store, so I walked four blocks, short ones, out Boyd St & came to the:

Residence of Will Bayless on Boyd St corner of Poplar, West Union, O Oct 20, 1925 9:40 AM

Just as I arrived at his residence, a large frame one, with porch around both street sides, he, coming from beyond on Boyd St with his daughter, met me & took me in the house. Talking with him, both he & his daughter were much interested & she said she would want to get a book. She had to go with her little boy. He is a tall active, virile man about my age & said he had seen me working at the Court House last week & said his name appeared on the books there more than anyone else because of the large amount of property he had bought & sold. He had matters demanding his attention today, but arranged to go in the morning to his Wilson cousins in the country about 5 miles out who have the bible with record of his grandfather

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Daniel Bayless who married Jennie Jack a sister of Andrew Jack & a daughter of Thomas Jack, the old Revolutionary soldier, he being the first one to be able to give the name of Andrew's father. He said Andrew & his grandmother had a brother James Jack & regretted that I had not come three years sooner, as his father, also Daniel Bayless had died a couple of years ago aged 92 yrs & often told him of what his grandfather, Thomas Jack, had related to him about his services in the Revolutionary War. He said too that the widow of Thos Jack lived with my informant's grandmother, her daughter Jennie Jack Bayless after her husband's death. I think he said that his grandfather had six children. His said his great grandfather, Thomas Jack, was buried out a g.y. by or near New Harmony, but there was no marker, but Wm Santee knows which is his grave. He said Thomas Jack used to talk much about a witty Irishman that was in the war with him & his exploits. I had occasion to go to his privy & was well relieved. He walked on about another square along Boyd St & he pointed out that he owned a circular area of land running from the Wilson Children's Home around us & said he had built 70 houses in the neighborhood & had owned 40 of them & owns yet a dozen or more. He took me to the

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Residence of Mrs Eva O'Brian, Boyd St, West Union, O Oct 20, 1925 10:30 AM

And introduced me to her. She was cleaning house in the kitchen & was very kindly disposed. She said she was the daughter of Quincy Kincaid & that her Uncle W. Scott Kincaid living abt 2 miles west of town, had the old Kincaid records. It was through them & the information he gave, that Mrs O'Brian got in the D.A.R. She said if she could do anything further to assist, to call on her.

I then walked over to Dr Sproull's office stopping to speak to Dr Coleman, a descendant of Judge Coryell's 2d wife by her first husband, who just drove up in his fine car & he said he was taking Wm C. Coryell, son of the judge by his first wife home with him to Loveland, O near Cincin, O. Dr Sproull said he was 6 ft 1/2 inches in his stocking feet & he said if I was ever in Kansas City, Mo to see Lafayette Treber's descendants there. He descends from Jacob through his 2d wife, not in our line.

About 11:40 AM, W.C. Coryell & his friends came in the hotel for dinner just before leaving for Cincin, O or Loveland for a few days recuperation. Asking him about the Darlintons, he said he expected he knew more about the family than they did themselves & that while the first Darlintons here, Joseph & his wife Sarah Wilson were of high repute, the later generations were not. He said the Bronner boys here were about the only descendants in town.

Dr Sproull thought the Author of the novel "The Parson of Klein Wood" described Rev I. Newton Darlington. [sic]

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At Ford Garage S.E. corner of Public square, West Union, O Oct 20, 1925 1:30 PM

I came in here to see Mr Woodrow B. Thompson. He is a fine strong young man son of LeGrand Thompson & grandson of Thos W. whose father was Isaac. He said his first cousin Eugene Thompson, son of Jno Duncan Thompson working in the mill at Manchester, O might give fuller information.

Left 1:35 PM

At restaurant of Wesley McKenzie South Side of public square, West Union, O Oct 20, 1925 1:44 PM

Mrs McKenzie is the daughter of W.H.H. Thoroman. She gives me the record of his three marriages as follows: taken from his bible record from which she reads:

Wm H. Harrison Thoroman was born July 29, 1830 mar 1st Dec 19, 1867 by Rev F. Fear D.D. to Mrs Margaret Holmes, widow of Thomas Franklin Holmes & daughter of Joseph Compton & his wife Rachel_____. She was born Sept 16, 1837 & died Aug 15, 1878. They had but two children, twins. Mar 2d Oct 19, 1879, Miss Melissa F. Thoroman who died June 25, 1884

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& is buried at Treber g.y. & has a marker. (His first wife is buried at Unity by her first husband). She was daughter of Wilson Thoroman & wife Hester Black. Had one son, who lived but 3 mos, she dying in June & it in Sept. Was Named Harvey Allen & is buried at Treber g.y. Mar 3d Nov 26, 1885 to Alice Vaughan born Aug 17, 1855 & died Feby 10, 1919 daughter of Archibald Vaughan & his wife Margaret Ann?_______ No issue.

His children were:

I. Oliver Joseph twin born Sept 7, 1868

II. Cynthia Ann, twin born Sept 7, 1868

III. Harvey Allen died

II. Cynthia Ann Thoroman was married May 6, 1891 in Tiffin Tp by Rev J.W. Shoemaker to Wesley McKenzie born Aug 13, 1868 in Tiffin Tp, son of Daniel McKenzie & wife Mary Satterfield. Have had two children both born in West Union, O.

1. Claude DeVallis McKenzie born Nov 17, 1891

2. Albert Harrison McKenzie born Aug 9, 1895

1. Claude DeV. died July 13, 1892

2. Albert Harrison was married 1st Mch 25, 1916 to Corine Stivers daughter of E.B. Stivers, the historian & his wife Ida McCormick? They had two children, the oldest born in hospital in Cincin, O & the younger at Seaman, O Divorced Mch 25, 1920

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Mar 2d Nov 27, 1922 to Mrs Lillian Burling, widow of Edward Burling & daughter of _______Larkin. Both living in Cincinnati, O at No 24 W 9th St where he is attending the college of embalming. No issue. His children:

I. Albert Richard born Nov 17, 1916

II. Jene, a girl, born Oct 2, 1918

Leaving 2:30 PM

I then went to Piatt's garage & he had no suitable car & then to Bill Francis & hired a car to take me out to Nellie Young's & the Wilson's with Mrs Holliday & Will Bayless to get some Jack records at 8 o'c in the morning. Asking him to drive me out to Alex C. Levi's, he said he had just brought him in & he was now at the probate judge's office. Going there, the probate Judge to whom I had not introduced myself when there Monday & Tuesday of last week said his name was Robert Cramer Vance, son of George Vance & that he was born in Fayette Co, Pa two miles N.E. of Smithfield at Reeses Hill on the Morgantown road & the middle part of his name was Cramer for his Uncle Godfey Cramer about whose family he asked. His parents

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brought him to this county when he was 6 yrs old & he had never been back there until last July. His mother was a Harris & he spoke also of the Burchinal Uncle. I then went to Dr Sproull's office & he drove me to:

House on Boyd St where Mrs Caroline Stewart now rooms, West Union, O Oct 20, 1925 3:30 PM

Mrs Stewart had been in bed & had just arisen & dressed. She looks rather frail, but her mind is active & good. She said Genl Joseph Darlinton was an aristocrat & a fine man, but sd the later generations of the family had greatly deteriorated. Speaking of Genl Darlinton's children, she mentioned Doddridge, called "Dodge" & Sarah Margaret, who died unmarried. She said Gabriel, a son of Doddridge was killed here by a boy named Johnny Ryan who hit him with a barber pole. She said Gabriel married a Shubert & left two girls who are living in Chicago, but inconsequential. She said Adaline ______, kin to the Darlintons married? Dr Wilson & lived at Ironton, O but had no issue. Mrs Stewart said she was born in West Union, O Feby 25, 1845 & her father, James Hood was born in

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Connellsville, Pa in Dec 1802 & died in July 1890. He came to Ohio in 1806. He was son of John Hood & his wife Hannah Page & John was son of James Hood who lived in the North of Ireland 27 miles from Scotland. He never came to the U.S. nor did his sons Archibald & William unless they came later. John came to Connellsville, Pa where he married Hannah Page who had come from new Jersey abt 20 miles from Princeton, NJ. Either the Hoods or Pages came to Connellsville because the founder, Zachariah Connell owed them a debt which he could not pay in money & they came & took land in settlement. She said the Mausoleum at the bottom of old cemetery which I saw Sunday was erected by her father, James Hood, then the richest man in town. Dr Sproull said in 1865, the workman who built it being John Black, a brother of Benj Cole Black, see Sunday 18th record. She said Ellen Flanigan, who I went to see yesterday see page 7 was out to see her today, having walked out & said she was 6 mos older than she was, being born in Aug 1844. She said Robert Wilson worked for her father at work in his cellar & died suddenly of cholera in 1851. He was father of Finley Wilson.

Left 4:30 PM

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Dr Sproull then drove me around through the fine grounds of the children's home & right by the large building & by the soldiers monument which was erected by the terms of the John Wilson will from the million dollar fund he left. He made his money as a merchant running a store at Tranquility, O. He was married & had but one child which died young. He then drove me by the old brick home at the east end of Main Street of "Dodge" Darlinton erected by him. Mrs Stewart said the two Brawner brothers were descendants of the Darlintons. Dr then drove me by the old woolen mill on Main St & out Cherry Street past the Branson home (Mrs Branson being an older sister of Mrs Stewart) saying they came from our county & past the old cemetery to the home of Alex C. Levi in the edge of the town & 300 feet beyond his house is the Tp line where Cherry ST turns to the Manchester road.

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At residence of Alexr Campbell Levi, on Manchester road in West Union, called Cherry St, Oct 20, 1925 5 PM

Mr Levi says Mrs Richard Fristoe aged abt 70, widow living in Jacktown, O is a dau of Saml P. Clark once com of this Co who was a first cousin of James Clark who married the widow of James Finley & their daughter Barbara was Mr Levi's first wife. He was son of Robert Clark. Mrs Finley-Clark was Eliza Rothwell, daughter of Isaac Rothwell & his wife. She was born In Penna & her mother died in Pa & her father started back fr here to Penna to settle up an estate & when going over this mountain near Pgh, he kneeled down & took a drink from a spring & died in 3 minutes. She was then raised by her maiden Aunt, Sallie Rothwell, who lived to see her grand nieces & nephews go back to illiteracy in these Ohio hills notwithstanding she & her brother Isaac were well educated. She died July 1864 of cancer of the breast & is buried in the old cem near the grave of Maj Jos L. Finley

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& has a slab marker. Thinks she was not much over 50 yrs old. Her daughter Barbara was born in 1852. Her oldest child by Clark was Francis Marion born in 1849 & her youngest was Robert born in 1856. Don't know date of James Finley's death. His children by his wife Eliza Rothwell were five in order of age viz:

Jane, oldest

Margaret, next

Caroline, next


Hannah, the youngest

the above is the correct order of their births.

He says it is 5 or 6 yrs since Jane died, & he thinks she was buried. He was buried there too. Would have markers [doesn't say where she was buried]

Says Joseph Finley & his wife both died & are buried in Indianapolis & wd have markers as he was a Civil

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War veteran & served fr 1862 until July 4, 1865 in 7th Ohio Cavalry. Was in Andersonville Prison 14 mos as long as any of them. Starved until his sisters didn't know him. He says he had three children, but only recalls the name of Minnie, was a boy & another girl.

Says that Margaret & her husband, Saml Kincaid never went to Mt Oreb, but to Hamersville where there [sic] youngest son Joe Finley lives now, a bachelor, is a painter.

Stewart is in the furniture business at Hillbsoro, O & has one son who is in business with his father. Stewart has retired & lets the boy do the work. Says he can give a good record of all. He married Annie May Gillen of near Ripley, O. Thinks she is dead.

John, bro of Stewart is in a town in Ills, connected with the P.O. Dept. Says he is married but don't know to who or whether he has a family.

He thinks Hannah is still living & also her husbnad. The last he heard of them they were living in Kokomo, Ind where he thinks they owned their own home. Don't think they were

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ever in Dayton, O home or at Urbana, O but says Jane once owned property at Urbana, O. No issue. He says to ask Stewart Kincaid who can give reliable information.

Leaving 5:54 Pm

Both Mr & Mrs Levi were very kind & insistently asked me to stay all night. He showed me the picture of his grandmother Levi on the wall of their front room. Her maiden name was Hannah Scott, a first cousin of Genl Winfield Scott & with her big broad strong face, she looks much like, him, her father & his father being brothers & she would not marry his grandfather John Levi unless he renounced Judaism, which he did. His father, the great grandfather of my informant was Judas Levi, a Jew, who served through the Revolutionary War & had a government position at Maysville, Ky in 1793 & had been settled there some years before that. My informant's father was also Judas Levi, not Julius as his daughter told me yesterday. When I told him I was going out to the old Jack farm in the morning, he said he had been born at the foot of the hill there & knew Andrew Jack like a book. I should see him again. He said his wife's mother was

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buried in the old cem just east of the entrance steps & had a slab marker, wife of James Clark.

Leaving at 6 PM, it was so dark I could not keep in the road & a dozen times got to one side or the other in the grass, run once against a telegraph pole alongside the road & once fell getting up two or three steps I run on to, I got to the city lights & pavement & made then good time reaching the hotel at 6:11 PM & Mrs Moore said W. Scott Kincaid had been in asking for me & had left 3 minutes before & also that Will Bayless had phoned that he could not get over tonight but would be ready to go with me in the morning.

I then went in to supper & the young school girl waitress sat down to eat at the same table & on inquiry, she said she was in the 8th grade & that her name was Lucile Doss. Just as I finished supper, W.S. Kinkead came in with his cousin Wm Edwin Kincaid. He did not know of Thomas Jack marrying Jane Kincaid & said she could not have married him here in 1787 as there were no settlements here until 1793 & thought them they must have been married east. When I showed him the record of the mar-

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riage on page 336 Evans Hist of Adams County, he said the enlistments of service in the Revolutionary War of Thomas Jack & the persons he served under were the same as of his great grandfather Thomas Kincaid & the battles in which he fought were the same. He thought Jane Kincaid was a sister of this Thomas. His father was John. This Thos was the father of Col John Kincaid who served in the War of 1812 & his son of John H. was the father of my informant & his son (ie Col John's son). Thomas was twice married to McClanahans who were first cousins. Wm Edwin Kincaid who accompanied W.S. is a grandson of this Thomas. He went out & phoned his maiden Aunt, Elizabeth Kincaid living two miles out of town & coming back reported that she told him that the first wife of her father, Thomas Kincaid was Elizabeth McClanahan & her son Samuel Williamson Kincaid is the one that married Margaret Finley. He was named for an Uncle who bore that name. his Aunt has her father's bible & Wm E. arranged to come 6:30 to 7 o'c tomorrow evening to take me out.

Mrs Stewart said today that Rev Newton W. Darlington was a grandson of Genl Joseph Darlinton see book 14 p 598 item 12. Mrs Stewart said last Saturday Oct 10, 1925 was the coldest Oct 10 in these parts for 50 yrs.

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West Union, O Northside Hotel writing room Oct 21, 1925 6:50 Am

O.J. Thoroman was half hour late getting in with the mail this morning & has handed me his record, written down as follows:

Oliver Joseph Thoroman born Sept 7, 1868 mar July 5, 1906 to Maggie Kirker who was born Mch 11, 1884, daughter of Russell Kirker & his wife Elizabeth Crawford. They have had two children viz:

I. Clara Martha Thoroman, born Jany 6, 1909

II. Margaret Grace Thoroman, born Jany 30, 1918

Mr O. Joe Thoroman is son of Oliver Thoroman & he was son of Samuel Senr & his wife Anna Crawford. Mrs McKenzie said yesterday that O.J. her twin brother was named for his two grandfather & she was named for her two grandmothers.

At 7:55 AM, John Will Francis came for me in his auto with curtains & we drove to the residences of Mrs Holliday & "Will" Bayless & got them & started for Tiffin & Monroe Tps. Four miles out, Mr Bayless got out & went up a hollow a mile to the old Willson home & got the old bibles see page 46 & Mrs Holliday & myself went on to her daughter's & I continued through the fields a mile to:

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McGarry Graveyard, Tiffin Tp, Adams Co, O, Oct 21, 1925 9 AM 57. Andrew Jack Born Apr 4, 1792, died May 13, 1871 Also government marker Andrew Jack Ohio Mil. War of 1812.

Deby Jack, no dates Legibly cut in an irregular shaped sandstone.

The graveyard, a small one is full of common undressed sandstone markers but none with any inscriptions except the Andrew Jack stone the only marble marker.

Leaving 9:05 AM

Walking back to the Nellie M. Young home, the old Andrew Jack farm & she daughter of Mrs Holliday, Mr Francis acting as my guide said his people came from Pennsylvania & his grandfather, John Francis died when he was a young boy, aged 103 yrs & that his father William Francis died Jany 1, 1925 aged 76 yrs. He himself, John William Francis was born in this Co at or near Jefferson Tp May 26, 1885.

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At residence of Mrs Nellie M. Young (wife of Roby Young) Tiffin Tp, Adams Co, O Oct 21, 1925 9:42 AM

I got back here some 20 minutes ago & having been looking over some old Stevenson papers & Andrew Jack deeds. Mrs Holliday says that Deborah Jack nee McGarry wife of Andrew Jack died in May 1877 about six yrs after he did & when her granddaughter Matilda McC Stevenson was 5 yrs old.

The Bible of Elizabeth A. Jack (Stevenson) printed by American Bible Soc NY 1860 says:

"Elizabeth A. Jack was born Jany 3, 1832

Her daughter Matilda McGarry Stevenson born June 2, 1872.

Mrs Holliday says Deborah Jack was 89 yrs old when she died.

Andrew's mother Jane Jack nee Kincaid lived with him in the old log house which stood about 400 ft beyond this house across a small stream coming from a clump of small trees & bushes after her husband died. They built a room for her, on one side of the house (which after her death was used as a kitchen) with a big chimney & fire place to burn logs in & in the wall of this chimney was an opening about 8 inches wide & 12 inches high left there as a place for her to put her pipe. The foundation of this house in the edge of a young orchard is there & the bottom ten feet of a big chimney. It is on a

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slightly higher elevation that that on which the present frame house built 25 yrs ago stands. The place where the old house stood was never farmed as the forest trees were cut down to make a place for & were used in the building & then cleared out about it. They didn't know when she died, but I learned at the next house I went to see next page bottom. When at the pension office, Wash D.C. investigate & find how old she was.

Elizabeth Ann Jack was 38 or 39 yrs old when she married Chas J. Stevenson say in 1871. The date of her marriage was Jany 31, 1871 Mrs Holliday remembers. She is not sure where she was buried. Thinks Jane Jack, widow of Thos Jack was buried at McGarry g.y. Said to ask the Wilsons.

Left 10:05 AM

Thomas Jack is buried over at New Harmony but has no marker but Wm Santee living in that neighborhood knows the location of it. He gives much attention to the graves of all old soldiers. He was away today cutting off or shucking corn.

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At residence of Chas E. Leonard & sisters, Monroe Tp, Adams Co (P.O. Manchester, O Route 2) Oct 21, 1925 10:36 AM

Mr Will Bayless went a half mile up the valley to his first cousin's the Willson girls, one of them, Rebecca Jane & brought down here a very old well preserved bible printed at Brattleborough Vermont, by John Holbrook but no date. It is the old Testament, the Apocrypha & New Testament. It has more of the Thomas Jack record, but only deaths, than anything else. Mr Bayless & Mrs Holliday, who is here, say there was an epidemic of cholera on Poplar Ridge in Tiffin Tp & they think it caused the three Jack deaths in Aug 1831. This is about a mile from an old Methodist Epis Ch at New Harmony where Wm Santee says Thomas Jack is buried, but there is no marker to his grave, but he knows which is his grave. The bible record is:

"Thomas Jack died Aug 11, 1831 in the 84th year of his age Nancy Jack died Aug 8, 1831

Betsy Jack died Aug 9, 1831

George Jack died Oct 28, 1838

George Jack was Born Sept 12, 1820

Jane Jack died Jany 15, 1844. This is the widow of Thomas Jack nee Jane Kincaid.

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John W. Willson (John Harrison, called Harrison) died Feby 17, 1889 aged 76 yrs 2 mos 23 days. (He married a dau of Danl Bayless Senr & Jane Jack

Ad (Addison) Willson died Jany 26, 1891 aged 49 yrs 9 mos & 24 days (He was son of above & died of the measles.)

Harriett A. Willson was born Aug 23, 1851

Hettie A. Willson was born Sept 29, 1856

These two sisters live above here & had this bible. Harriet is a widow without children & Hettie was never married. They are daughters of Jno H. above.

Mary Balis [sic] died May 15, 1854 in 23d yr

John Baylis [sic] died May 21, 1865 aged 44 yrs

Jane Bayles [sic] died June 30, 1870 aged 72 yrs 6 mos & 17 days.

This was Jane Jack & Mary & John were her children. Mary never married.

David Bayles died June 12, 1875 aged 77 yrs 4 mos 11 days (This was husband of Jane Jack & grandfather of Will Bayless)

Another old one, but small & more dilapidated that Mr B. brought down was printed by the Amer Bible Soc Ny in 1816 & has the following written on the front & back fly leaves there being no place in centre for record.

"Daniel Bayless & Jane Jack were united in the bonds of matrimony Nov 20, 1817.

The record of the earlier children is gone then follows the births of the 4 youngest:

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Daniel Bayles was born Sept 19, 1827

Nancy Bayles was born Nov 25, 1829

Mary Bayles was born Nov 22,

Sarah Amanda was born Mch 31, 1837. This was the youngest & Daniel was father of Will who is with me.

Nancy Bayles died Apr 12, 1837

ob A. Bayles died Oct 9, 1829

Another of the children of Daniel Bayless Sen & his wife Jane Jack was Rebecca Jane Bayless born Sept 16, 1818 & died in this Tp where the girls live at the age of 89 yrs 7 mos & 3 days. She was the oldest of the family & married John Harrison Willson. They had five children all born in this Tp & in order of ages were as follows:

Thomas James Willson born July 22, 1838

Addison Willson

Mary Elizabeth Willson born Aug 12, 1848

Harriet Amanda Willson

Hettie Ann Willson

1. Thomas James married Caroline Brozee & had 5 children. He is dead, but his widow lives in Bentonville & makes her home with her daughter. He died July 4, 1913 at Bentonville. He was married Feby 20, 1862

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2. Addison married Mahala Lewis. Both dead. Had 5 children. A daughter Ida Hamilton, wife of Hamilton married 2 or 3 yrs ago live in Manchester, O where he runs a dairy. She had first married a Crawford from whom she separated. Other children live in west.

4. Harriet Amanda married in Feby 1883 Edward Smith Young born Aug 13, 1848 & died Mch 10, 1922. He was son of Amos Young & wife Lucinda Storer. No issue. At old home.

5. Hettie Ann is at the old home & is unmarried.

3. Mary Elizabeth Willson died Nov 12, 1921. On Oct 1867, she married Alfred Leonard born Apr 2, 1839 in Belgium (France) & died Oct 29, 1893 in this house, son of John Leonard & his wife Margaret_____. They had twelve children all born on this farm except the oldest who was born at Wrightsville, O.

1. Jennie Margaret Leonard, was born Aug 8, 1868

2. Hattie Amanda Leonard was born Aug 14, 1870

3. John W. only an initial Leonard was born Nov 9, 1872

4. James William Leonard was born Oct 23, 1874

5. George Garfield Leonard was born July 14, 1877

6, Ida May Leonard was born July 31, 1879

7. Mary Pearl Leonard was born Feby 3, 1882

8. Charles Edward Leonard was born Jany 25, 1884

9. Ora Chester (a boy) Leonard was born Apr 24, 1885

10. Cora Lee Leonard was born Apr 24, 1885 [twins]

11. Bertha Lillian Leonard was born Dec 1, 1887

12. Frank Earl Leonard was born Jany 29, 1890

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The above record is taken from their well preserved well bound small bible printed in French in Ny in 1854 by the Sociate Billigque Americaine.


John W. Leonard died Jany 18, 1874

Cora Lee Leonard died Aug 9, 1885

Frank Earl Leonard died Apr 18, 1913

Hattie Amanda, Mary Pearl & Chas Edward are all here at the old home & are unmarried.

The other six children are married & have children & I have left my address with Miss Mary P. & she will get me the data at her convenience & send it to me.

They gave us an excellent dinner.

Leaving 1:15 PM

They got us a wonderfully good dinner on short notice. Had good country ham, excellent bread & butter & apple butter & jelly, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, sliced tomatoes, buttered beets, excellent stewed pears & quinces, pickles, apple pie & custard pie & everything was good. Both Mr Bayless & Mrs Holliday said there was nobody in the township who in any way approached the excellence of their meals.

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At 2:10 PM today, 21st, I went to the square back of the one the Hotel stands on & met John Brawner who is a descendant on Gen Joseph Darlinton but he is not able to give his line, but says to ask Wm C. Coryell who can tell. He said his mother was a Darlinton. He says too that he has a pair of steel yards over home that had belonged to Meredith Darlinton, the father of Genl Joseph who he spoke of as "the first clerk of the courts"

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West Union, Northside Hotel office Oct 21st, 1925 2:50 PM

On page 51 of the Caldwell Atlas Hist of Adams Co 1880 hereafter called the Atlas 1880 history of Robert Anderson Glasgow which states that the original Robert Glasgow came to Ohio in 1796 & settled in Scott Tp where he died in 1804. He was a soldier of the Revolution, having come to us from County Down Ireland in 1765. His eldest child, Joseph, oldest of 5 sons & 5 daus was a soldier in War of 1812 & died in 1820. He left a widow & 8 children. She died in 1877 aged 90 yrs. Robert A. second son of Joseph & Nancy was born Sept 19, 1813. On 1834, he married Dorcas Finley & had by her 5 children, all dying in infancy except Joseph who died in Memphis, Tenn while serving in U.S. army.

In said Atlas 1880 History on page 56, is a sketch of John N. Darlinton, grandson of Genl Joseph Darlinton first clerk of the courts of the county which office he held for over 40 yrs. He bought early 1000 A of land on which in 1815 he laid off the village of Winchester, O on part of it, named evidently from the town in vicinity of his native home, Winchester, Va. Just as the defeated rival for the hand of his wife, Sarah Wilson, Albert Gallatin, had named New Geneva in our Co. The remainder of the land he divided among his

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children, one of whom, John M. Darlinton on Jany 27, 1818 married Polly Beard & in Mch of that year moved to his new home on a part of this 1000 A where she died some ten months after their marriage. He married 2d Feby 10, 1820, Mary Naylor by whom he had six children, three of whom survived in 1880 viz: Harvey A., Newton M., & John N. Darlinton. The last named the subject of this sketch on Feby 28, 1872 married Rachel A. Smith & they have three children, George Edward, Mary Nancy & George Wilson. (evidently some mistake as there would hardly be two Georges). He occupies a portion of the old home farm adjg Winchester O.

On Page 24, same "Atlas Hist" on an Article on John McClanahan it states that his grandfather John McClanahan was married twice & the family was of Irish origin. By his first marriage he had 5 children: Andrew, Robert, John, Sydney & Elizabeth. Andrew, the oldest. Andrew never came to this country. His second wife was Elizabeth Thompson. They were the parents of four children. William, Martha, Rebecca & Margaret. This grandfather John bought 100 A of Gen Massie two miles west of West Union. On Sept 28, 1814 he deeded 50 A of this land to his son William by 2d marriage. William married Nancy Paull Jany 15, 1809 & died on it in June 1858. He had 5 children, the youngest, John being subject of this sketch & further record given.

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On page 26, is a column article on Jane McClung, then in her 85th yr. She was the daughter of Samuel & Sarah Clark & was born in Rockbridge Co, VA Sept 13, 1794. Her father, Samuel Clark came to this county in 1806 & settled 3 miles north of West Union, O. He had seven sons & six daughters & this article proceeds to give the record of each.

Mary, the oldest daughter married Archibald Caruthers, a widower with two children. They reared a family of five children, three sons & two daughters, all deceased, but two, Hugh & Erwin, the first of whom lives in Illinois, the latter in Oregon. Jane, the subject of this sketch, the youngest of the family & the only survivor was married on Jany 4, 1827 by Rev Wm Baldridge to John McClung. After living many years near Cherry Fork, they moved to the Caruthers farm in Oliver Tp 4 miles north of West Union where he died Feby 8, 1873 in his 88th year having been a member of the Church for 70 yrs. They had two sons & three daughters, all living except Samuel, the eldest son who died June 29, 1869. Both of her sons enlisted in Co E, 70 Ohio Reg on Nov 1, 1861 & served three years. The two youngest daughters live with her on the farm. Her devotion to her Government is only equalled by her devotion to her Lord & Master.

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On Page 546, Evans 1900 History of Adams Co, O is an article on Geo W. Darlinton. I take it that W. in his name is for Wilson. He was born Nov 18, 1793 in Fayette Co, Pa & died Nov 8, 1881 at Winchester, O while on a temporary visit there & is buried in the old cemetery here at West Union, O. He was never married. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church & a strict adherent to its tenets. He belonged to a family of remarkable longevity:

His father, Genl Joseph Darlinton died at 87 yrs.

One brother died at 90 yrs.

Another brother died at 91 yrs

His sister, Mrs Sarah Van Deman of Delaware, O died at 86 yrs

& himself at 88 yrs.

He was the second son of Genl Darlinton. Not long after his birth, his father moved to the North West Ter settling near West Union, O in 1797. For awhile, he was in dry goods business with his brother Carey in Newark, O. This was dissolved & Carey went to Montana Ter & he, George W., to Greenup Co, Ky where he for many years was Sheriff & collector of Internal Rev. Was of fine commanding appearance. Through the instructions of his father & a mother of more than ordinary wisdom & literary tastes, he was a man of intellectual superiority.

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At Residence of John William Bayless, corner Boyd Ave & Poplar St, West Union, O Oct 21, 1925 8:22 PM

Mary Edna Abraham has gathered up some lips of births & deaths that her educated sister Rebecca had gathered up about her father's grandparent's family, some of it is duplication of what I got today.

John Bayless, born July or Jany 30, 1820 & died May 21, 1865.

Jane Bayless (the mother) died June 30, 1870

Daniel Bayless (the father) died June 12, 1875 aged 77 yrs 4 mos 11 days

Lemiah Bayliss [sic] born Dec 5, 1825

Sarah A. Bayliss born Mch 31, 1837

Daniel Thomas Bayless & Jane Jack were married Nov 20, 1817

Nancy Bayless, born Nov 25, 1829 & died Apr 12, 1837

Mary Bayless born Nov 22,

Eliza Ann Bayless born Jany 9, 1821

Jacob A. Bayless born Feby 21, 1823

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Daniel Bayless, son of Daniel T. Bayless & his wife Jane Jack born Sept 19, 1827 was married Mch 17, 1855 by Hosea Moore J.P. to Mary Ellen Osman who was born Jany 28, 1838, daughter of Jabez Darly Osman & his wife Maria Grooms. She died Jany 9, 1920. He died Sept 8, 1918.

They had ten children. The first two children were born in Tiffin Tp & the other eight in Monroe Tp.

1. John William Bayless born Nov 21, 1857

2. George Coleman Bayless born Oct 17, 1859

3. Flora Ann Bayless born Nov 2, 1861

4. Franklin Homer Bayless born June 15, 1864

5. Charles Allison Bayless born May 15, 1867

6. Hattie E. Bayless born May 15, 1867

7. Milton Daniel Bayless born Mch 13, 1870

8. Josephine Maria Bayless born Oct 25, 1872

9. Clarence Alphonso Bayless born Dec 6, 1874

10. Vivian Alfred Bayless born Nov 19, 1877


Flora Ann Bayless died Aug 2, 1865

Hattie Hoffman died May 25, 1903

Josephine Maria Varvil died July 29, 1915

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John William Bayless mar 1. Sept 1, 1880 to Emma Florence Nixon born in Monroe Tp, Jany 12, 1863 & died in West Union, O June 3, 1891 & is buried in Odd Fellows Cem here dau of James Nixon & his wife Elizabeth McNutt. Had 5 children. Mar 2d Sept 12, 1892 to Alice Shiray born Aug 6, 1852 & died Aug 14, 1917 aged 64 yrs 11 mos & 23 days. She was born in Johnstown, Pa, dau of Joseph Shirey & his wife Isabel Doak. Had two children. Mar 3d Feby 21, 1920 to Mrs Emma Whittaker Day, widow of William Day, her 3d husband who was killed in California & daughter of Dr Daniel Hamer Woods & his wife Vianna Turner West. She was born in Cabin Creek, Ky in Lewis Co, Apr 3, 1864. They are not living together. No issue. The three oldest children were born in Monroe & the other four in West Union, O as follows:

1. Mary Edna Bayless born July 17, 1881

2. Dessie May Bayless born Oct 4, 1883

3. Lizzie Cassandra Bayless born July 26, 1885

4. Ethel May Bayless born Dec 10, 1887

5. James Harvey Conner Bayless born May 15, 1890

6. Helen Pearl Bayless born Apr 12, 1893

7. Nora Ione Bayless born Apr 5, 1896


Dessie May Bayless died July 2, 1884

James Harvey Conner Bayless died July 31, 1891

Ethel May Bayless died Nov 1891

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1. Mary Edna Bayless mar 1. Sept 21, 1904 to Lee Augustus Jones born at Speed, N.C. Sept 18, 1861 divorced 1910. No issue. Mar 2 Mch 21, 1920 to Samuel Abraham born Apr 5, 1875 in Baltimore, Md. No issue. Living here with her father.

3. Lizzie Cassandra Bayless mar 1. May 9, 1904 Shiloh Osman son of Wm Jeddar Osman & wife Vine Kennedy. He living in Xenia, O & divorced. Shiloh was born Sept 8, 1886 Divorced July 5, 1909. One child. Mar 2. Sept 19, 1910 Ben Mains, died Jany 14, 1920 aged abt 70 killed by "horses running off" Two children. Mar 3d July 7, 1922 to Okey O. Moore, son of John Newton Moore & his wife Jane Compton. Both living at Wilmington, O Clinton Co where he works for a Bridge Co. Champion Bridge Works.

I. Hartford Osman, born Aug 13, 1905 in Balto, Md. He was the husband of our hotel proprietress. mar May 27, 1925 Nellie Fay Rothwell born Jany 2, 1909 dau of Henry Rothwell & his wife Mary Elizabeth Rogers. No issue.

II. Clyde Mains born June 4, 1911

III. Mary Louise Mains born Aug 1916.

Helen Pearl Bayless mar July 1919 to George Thomas Brownlee born June 21, 1899 son of James Brownlee & his wife Laura Jarrell. Both living at Wilmington, O & have 1 child born there. He is a school teacher. He was born in Adams Co, O.

I. Georgia Ruth, born May 13, 1922

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7. Nora Ione Bayless mar Jany 10, 1921 to Oscar Sheeley born June 18, 1899 son of John Sheeley and his wife Caroline Steck. Have two children. They live here where he is a farmer.

I. John William born Oct 28, 1922

II. Alice Jean born Mch 16, 1924

Left 10:33 PM

Oct 22/25 see page 70

Back at residence of J. William Bayless cor Boyd Ave & Poplar St, West Union, O Oct 22, 1925 8:40 PM

We had to change tires in the darkness coming in from Harry McClung's & lost a half hour & more so I didn't get back to West Union until 8:30 PM & not stopping for supper, walked over here. See page 70 et seq.

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In Evans 1900 History of Adams Co, on page 251 to 256 is an article on Gen Joseph Darlinton, the first part of which I noted in book 14 page 399, where I listed his first two children. He had 8 children & am here giving some data of the other six.

His first son, John Meredith married three times.

His 3d son, Gabriel Doddridge was born Feby 1, 1796 & mar Oct 2, 1823. Sarah Edwards, his full cousin.

His 4th son, Carey A. was born Oct 2, 1797 & on May 5, 1829 mar Eliza Holmes.

His daughter Sarah was born Jany 26, 1802 & on Nov 2, 1824 mar Rev Henry VanDeman & two of her sons John D. & Joseph H. have sketches in this same work. She died July 23, 1888.

His daughter Eliza born Jany 22, 1804 & died Apr 2, 1884. Never married

David N. the 8th child was born Dec 10, 1806 & died in 1853 without issue.

The General was clerk of the courts for 48 yrs fr Aug 1803 to Aug 1851.

See article on J.H. VanDeman page 893.

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At residence of Cary Finley Campbell, Oliver Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. West Union Route 3) Oct 22, 1925 4:25 PM

Mr Campbell was born in this Tp Aug 18, 1874, son of James Patton Campbell & his wife Mattie Thompson of Penna. He was married Aug 31, 1901 to Anna D. Thoroman born Apr 22, 1863 in Tiffin Tp, daughter of J. Wesley Thoroman & his wife Almira Mason. They have had but one child born in Tiffin Tp viz:

1. Wesley Thoroman Campbell born Apr 14, 1903 & died Mch 20, 1906. Mr Campell is a farmer.

Leaving 4:35 PM

John Wesley Thoroman, son of Oliver Thoroman & Annie Treber was born Mch 21, 1828 & died Nov 28, 1890 & was married Mch 3, 1853 to Almira Mason daughter of Samuel Mason & his wife Miss Lucinda Smith. Almira was born in Tiffin Tp Aug 5, 1830 & died Feby 8, 1912. Both buried at Treber g.y. They had seven children all born in Tiffin as follows:

1. Lyman Oliver Thoroman born Dec 18, 1853

2. Theodore Mason Thoroman born Sept 29, 1855

3. Sarah Jane Thoroman born Nov 13, 1858

4. Wm Henry Harrison Thoroman born Mch 14, 1861

5. Annie Thoroman born Apr 22, 1863

6. Thomas Jefferson born Sept 17, 1865

7. Florence Thoroman born July 24, 1867 & died Aug 11, 1867

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Other Deaths

Sarah Jane Thoroman Aug 28, 1881

Wm Henry Harrison Thoroman Mch 18, 1896


Lyman Oliver Thoroman to Ella Salisbury & have three boys & live at Waterville, Lucas Co, O. She is dau of Dr J. Newton Salisbury. Have sons Newton, Carl & Robert.

Theodore Mason Thoroman to Bertha Hiatt & have one child. Live at Rainsboro Highland Co, O. She is daughter of John Hiatt.

Wm Henry Harrison Thoroman to Elizabeth Seaman, dau of Chase Seaman & wife Frances Compton. Had but one child, Ocie who married Cecil Trefz & live at Peebles, O & have 3 girls.

Thos Jefferson Thoroman to Caroline Ralphy & both living at 2338 Kempter Lane, Cincin, O, where he is a carpenter. She is dau of John Ralphy. No issue. Sarah Jane was never married.

The above record was taken from Jno Wesley Thoroman's bible & supplemented by Mrs Campbell's memory.

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At residence of Harry Elmer McClung, Oliver Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. West Union RD 2) Oct 22, 1925 5:25 PM

Mr McClung is a son of James Wilson McClung & his wife Nancy A. Clark, & his father was a son of John McClung who came from Co Tyrone, Ireland & his wife Jane Clark. Both grandparents buried here at Unity & were both 88 yrs old. His parents are also buried there. Mr McClung said he helped to lay out James Carothers who died, over the hill half a mile from here abt 25 yrs ago. He was married twice & was abt 77 when he died. Mr McClung settled his estate. He is buried at Unity & had sons James & Joe. Joe died in the west. James is married & is an Indian trader in the State of Washington & is reported worth half a million dollars. Had a daughter by first wife who married here a Wm Ames & moved to Kansas. None of them about here now. His second wife was Jane Smart.

Says there is a Mrs Martha Glasgow living at Cherry Fork Cr near to 80 who might tell about them.

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On Sept 28, 1902, Harry E. McClung born Aug 3, 1860 in this Tp married Annie Edith Campbell also born in this Tp, daughter of James Patton Campbell & his wife Martha Jane Thompson.

Wm Ross Campbell has just brought from his brother Bruce K. Campbell living on the adjg farm the bible of his father published by A.J. Holman & Co, Phila in 1876, the record in which is as follows:

James P. Campbell of Wheat Ridge, O & Mattie J. Thompson of Wheat Ridge, O were married Oct 2, 1873 at J.H.B. Crisswell's, Oliver Tp by Rev J.P. Finny


James Patton Campbell born July 12, 1848

Martha Jane (wife) born Aug 6, 1852

Their children:

1. Carey Finley Campbell born Aug 18, 1874

2. Annie Edith Campbell born Jany 22, 1876

3. Maggie May Campbell born Jany 28, 1878

4. Ollie Earl Campbell born Apr 5, 1882

5. Mary Emma Jane Campbell born Nov 24, 1885

6. William Ross Campbell born Dec 31, 1888

7. Alma Campbell born Sept 1, 1891

8. Bruce Kenneth Campbell born June 17, 1894

9. Hubert Laird Campbell born July 4, 1898

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Maggie May Campbell died June 26, 1892

Hubert Laird Campbell died May 18, 1911 [or 1919 hard to read]

He was not married.

J. Mattie J. Campbell died July 3, 1909

James Patton Campbell died Apr 23, 1917


Carey F. Campbell & Annie Thoroman Aug 1901

Mary Emma Jane & Dr Samuel Clark Sept

H.E. McClung & Annie Campbell Sept 29, 1902

Ollie E. Campbell & Belle McCann Apr 8, 1908

Bruce K. Campbell & Ethel Kerr Feby 7, 1917

Alma E. Campbell & Ola Davis Sept 5, 1917

William Ross Campbell is single & here.

Mr & Mrs McClung have had but one child, who is here born in this Tp:

Wanda Thelma McClung born June 9, 1909.

Mrs McClung says her brother, Ollie E. Campbell, running a garage in Seaman, O is settling the estate of their Aunt Sarah Margaret Campbell & he has some slips of paper found among her papers giving dates of her own & sister Martha Ann's births. Wanda thinks there may be some letters among the old trash still in the house. Mrs McClung says her grandmother, Martha Campbell had five children, one of whom

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died in infancy; in order of age:

1. Dorcas

2. Martha Ann, never married

3. Sarah Margaret, never married

4. Mary? d.y.

5. James Patton.

Dorcas married James Leech & lived in this Co & she died at Harshville, O & is buried at Cherry Fork or Unity & he is buried beside her. Had four or five children, of which the first one died.

Rosecoe lives over by Cherry Fork a farmer, married

Laura, married Will Cox & has died & is buried at Unity. No issue.

Jessie Leech mar 1. Orma Troutman, 2. Ora McCreight, & live at Tranquility in the edge of the village where he is a farmer. One child.

Tina, mar Helmey. Live in the west. Has two children.

Martha Campbell had two brothers, William Finley & Porter Finley & the following sisters:



Sarah married David Porter in Iowa & lived & died in Iowa but had no issue. He had children by a former marriage.

Mary married a Glasgow, she thinks

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Robert & they moved to the west & had some children.

William Finley married Deborah Thompson & she died without issue & thinks is buried at Cherry Fork. Mar 2. Malinda Pilson widow of Sam? Pilson & daughter of Ed Darlinton, a son of G. Dodge Darlinton. He is buried at Cherry Fork. He married a Foster after his death. No issue.

Porter Finley mar Elizabeth Watt & both are buried at Cherry Fork or Tranquility. No issue. Say that Pilson was related to the Finleys.

They say Miss Sarah McSurely aged near 80, living in the edge of Unity is well informed & thinks can tell about the early families.

Leaving 6:33 PM

Mrs McClung says her mother came from York Co, Pa & that her father's name was William Thompson who married Margaret Laird. His sons were Oliver, living in Balto, Lemuel living near Phila, Pa & 3 girls, Emma mar a Warner, his 2d wife, Laura, mar the same Warner first, Martha Jane mar J.P. Campbell.

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From page 60

2. George Coleman Bayless was mar 1st 1881 Mollie Sutterfield born in West Union, dau of Willis Sutterfield & his wife Jane Grooms. She died 1886. See page 93. Had one child born in West Union, O. Mar 2d Apr 20, 1890 to Mary Addie Fleming born Apr 20, in Jefferson Tp dau of Levi Fleming & his wife Malissa J. Grimes. Both living here where he is a farmer. Seven children, all born in West Union, O.

1. Carey Ernest Bayless born June 11, 1883

2. Clara Odella Bayless born Dec 2, 1891

3. William Lawrence Bayless born May 14, 1893

4. Bertha May Bayless born Jany 31, 1898

5. Elma Matilda Bayless born Aug 7, 1901

6. Alma Ellanora Bayless born Aug 7, 1901

7. Dewey Winfrey Bayless born May 26, 1904

8. Edna Lottie Bayless born Feby 28, 1908

1. Carey Ernest was married in St Louis, Mo where he is an expert workman in a shoe factory.

2. Clara Odella married in 1910 to Leo Eskew & both living in Indianapolis, Ind where [he] is a boss in a rubber works. Have 4 children born there.

I. Leo David Eskew born July 9, 1912

II. Martha Adaline Eskew born June 7, 1915

III. Ruth Oma Eskew born May 7, 1920

IV. Infant Eskew born Oct 1, 1925 & died same day

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3. William Lawrence, mar May 29, 1914 to Asha Brewer born in Adams Co dau of Sam Brewer & wife Alice Easter. Both living at Wilmington, Clinton, O where he is a farmer. Have 3 children, the first two born in Adams Co & the last one in Clinton, Co.

I. Elva May born Feby 19, 1915

II. Ernest born Aug 21, 1919

III. Ralph Lewis born Feby 5, 1925

Bertha May mar Nov 21, 1912 Harry Woods born in West Union, son of John Woods & wife Minnie Houser. Both living here where he is a farmer. Have four children all born [here?] except the oldest which was born in Columbus, O.

I. Dorothy Woods born Mch 11, 1915

II. Ruth Woods born Sept 12, 1917

III. Robert Woods born Sept 6, 1923

IV. Charles Woods born Sept 6, 1923

5. Elma Matilda, mar Feby 28, 1920 to Hall Francis son of Wm Francis & Lulu Piatt, his wife. They live here where [he] is a carpenter. He was in World War. He was born July 2, 1894. Was abroad in the World War & was gassed. Have two children living & one dead, all born in West Union.

II. Wynoma Marjorie born Oct 29, 1922

I. Robert Melvin born Sept 16, 1921 ob Sept 28, 1921

III. Geneva Norma born July 31, 1924

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6. Alma Ellanora was married Mch 28, 1920 to Francis Nehus son of Henry Nehus & wife Ida Beebe. Both living here where he is a mechanic. Have 3 children born in Tiffin Tp.

I. George Lawrence born Dec 28, 1920

II. Mary Louise born Sept 25, 1922

III. Margaret born May 23, 1924

7. Dewey W. is single

8. Edna Lottie mar Mch 31, 1924 to Harlan Jackson son of Delmar Jackson & wife Edith Pence. Have one child born in Tiffin Tp.

I. Effa Jean born Apr 28, 1925.

4. Franklin Hamar Roscoe [Bayless, son of Daniel & Mary Ellen Osman Bayless see page 57] married Aug 7, 1889 to Margaret Jane Leonard, dau of John Alfred Leonard & wife Lizzie Willson & have seven children born in Monroe Tp. Both living here where he is a farmer.

1. John Allison Bayless born Nov 18, 1889

2. James Roscoe Bayless born Aug 5, 1891

3. William Alfred Bayless born May 1, 1895

4. Cora Lee Bayless born Jun 6, 1897

5. George Garfield Bayless born Oct 10, 1901

6. Nellie Pearl Bayless born Sept 24, 1904

7. Charles Edward Bayless born Oct 20, 1907

The last three are at home, unmarried.

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1. John Allison Bayless married Nov 9, 1911 Ida Crawford daughter of James Crawford & wife Lizzie Nixon. Ida died Nov. He lives in West Union & is a mechanician [sic] Have 5 children all born in West Union.

I. Lucile Gladys Bayless born Dec 15, 1912

II. Oma Louise Bayless born June 17, 1914

III. Mary Virginia Bayless born Jany 13, 1916

IV. Margaret Wyvon Bayless born Feby 15, 1920

V. Edna June Bayless born May 16, 1923

All at home, single.

2. James Roscoe married Sept 7, 1912 to Sophie McDine dau of Wm McDine & wife Lida Richardson. Both living at Cincinnati. He is a laborer. Have two children born at Cincinnati, O.

II. Mabel Jeannette born Jany 11, 1917

I. Ruth Lida born Sept 7, 1914

3. William Alfred died June 27, 1914 unmarried.

4. Cora Lee had a natural son by Leslie Woods & she was married Sept 2, 1918 to Harley Freeland who left same day for France in World War. He is living, son of Sam Freeland & wife Elizabeth Scott. Lives here & is a laborer. She died July 17, 1919.

I. Cary Woods born Feby 4, 1915

II. Cora Elizabeth Freeland born Mch 16, 1919 & died July 17, 1919. Cora Lee the mother died Mch 16, 1919

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5. Charles Allison Bayless [son of Daniel & Mary E. Osman Bayless see page 57] married Nov 15, 1894 to Miss Mary E. Young born July 31, 1872 daughter of Hosea Young & his wife Rachel Miller. She is living here. He was a fine carpenter & died from lockjaw caused by running a rusty nail in his foot, on Oct 2, 1923. They had seven children all born in West Union:

I. Clem Bayless born May 17, 1896

II. Mary Ocie Ann Bayless born June 10, 1897

III. Nellie Hattie Bayless born Oct 9, 1898

IV. Harry Joseph Bayless born Sept 3, 1901

V. Clyde Daniel Bayless born Sept 21, 1904

VI. Charles Allison Bayless Jr born Apr 27, 1906

VII. Rachel Elizabeth Ellen Bayless born June 3, 1913

The last four children at home single.

Clem Bayless died May 18, 1896

Nellie Hattie Bayless died July 19, 1899

II. Mary Ocie Ann married Apr 4, 1921 to Albert Young son of Elhanna Young & wife Warah Rilla Russell. Both living in Tiffin Tp where he is a farmer. Have two children born in Tiffin Tp.

i. Marie Young born Feby 14, 1922

ii. Infant son born May 24, 1924 & died same day.

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6. Hattie E. Bayless [dau of Daniel & Mary E. Osman see page 57] married to James William Huffman. He is living in Greenfield, O & has remarried. She died about May 26, 1902. Had two children born in Oliver Tp.

I. Bessie Huffman, born abt 1890

II. Anna Huffman died when 20 yrs old unmarried abt 3 yrs ago.

I. Bessie mar in 1908 to Luther Nuckles. Both living at Fruitdale, O where he works on the RR. Have four children born in Fruitdale, O.

i. James William

ii. Lottie

iii. Joseph

iv. Mary Ellen who died.

7. Milton Daniel [Bayless] married Apr 10, 1913 to Daisy Maranda, natural dau of Emma Maranda. She was about 15 yrs old when married. Have four children born in West Union:

I. Mildred Bayless born Oct 23, 1914

II. Melvin Daniel Bayless born Apr 16, 1916

III. Nellie Bayless born Feby 29, 1920

IV. Rufus Bayless born Mch 20, 1922.

He is farming for my informant. Some of the children they say are not his. Her mother too is a bad one & is illegitimate herself.

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8. Josephine Marie [Bayless dau of Daniel see page 57] had a natural son before marriage who was in the World War but did not get overseas. She mar Oct 17, 1900 to George Varvel. She had six children. She died. He died.

I. Virgil Bayless born Feby 17, 1895

II. Sylvia Varvel

III. Goldie Varvel

IV. Richard Varvel

V. Daniel Varvel

VI. Ellen Ruth Varvel who died in infancy.

9. Clarence A. [Bayless, see page 57] is a bachelor living in Springfield, O. He is a skilled plasterer & carpenter and a contractor.

10. Vivian Alfred [Bayless, see page 57] is a contractor & a member of the union & lives at Portsmouth, O & is single. He & Clarence learned their trade from my informant.

Mary Edna has been most efficient in gathering & giving me these records.

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Jane Jack the daughter of Thos Jack married Daniel Bayless & had the following children:

1. Rebecca Jane mar John H. Willson & we got her record yesterday.

2. John Bayless married a Seaman, sister of Frank Seaman for whom Seaman O was named. He died in Tiffin Tp & left one boy & two girls. The boy was named Perry & died when a young man, unmarried. One of the girls married.

3. Eliza Ann Bayless. Thinks she married a Jack & went of & was never heard of afterwards. Ask Tom Cooper.

4. Jacob A. Bayless. Don't know about him unless he died young. Ask Tom Cooper. See page 48 line 9

5. Lemiah [best guess] Bayless. This is the grandmother of Rose Moore. See her mother.

6. Daniel Bayless whose record his son & granddaughter have just given me.

7. Nancy Bayless, d.y. see page 48

8. Mary Bayless, don't know. Ask Tom Cooper see page 47 line 16

9. Sarah Amanda married Lorenzo Dow Cooper about the same time that her brother Daniel was married in 1855 because their oldest child James was about the same time my informant was. She, S. Amanda & her husband lived in Tiffin Tp & had about 4 boys

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& 4 girls viz: Wm, Thomas, Lorenzo Dow Jr. The party to give the record of this family is Thomas Cooper of Manchester, O aged abt 65 yrs who keeps a little store on 2d ST up this way.

Leaving 2 AM

I told Mr Bayless & his daughter abt my financial troubles & my conference with A.W. Mellon. He loaned me his flashlight to get back to hotel within the darkness.

Left 2:33 AM Oct 23, 1925

At residence of J.H. Conner, Mulberry St, East, West Union, O Oct 22, 1925 10:40 Am

Dr Sproull brought me out here & Mr C.H. Conner says he was born in Dec 1842. The Grimes lived up the river from Manchester at the mouth of Brush Creek. Blanche Perry, a dau of Grier B. Grimes lives here in West Union, but Doctor Sproull says she don't know anything but to write to her brother Smith Grimes at Portsmouth, O aged 90 yrs who can. Mr Conner says there are two Doctor Grimes in Cincin, O grandsons of Samuel Grimes. He says the general graveyard at Manchester, O is at the Pres Church. He says for me to see Frank Williams aged 88 yrs bright & intelligent & a Civil War veteran, son-in-law of Grier B. Grimes who lives at Manchester, O. Also says Chas Ellis at Aberdeen, O a Pension

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Agt there who could give information.

Leaving 11:11 AM

West Union, O Office Oct 23, 1925 3:55 AM Northside Hotel

Coming over yesterday at noon from Mr Conner's Dr Sproull introduced me to Alex Black in front of the P.O. He said his mother was Elizabeth Thompson, sister of Dugald Thompson, who married John Black. Her father, Peter Thompson came from Scotland when they had but one child & settled at Island Creek. Doctor then took me to his home & I had dinner with him & his wife. He showed me there, some five vols of a recent Hist of Ohio by Randall & Ryan? which is exhaustive & complete & chapter 17 in vol 2 treats of the burning of Col Crawford. I then came to the hotel & went over several pages of vol 14, making slips until the doctor got through with some patients & about 3:45 PM when we started for Wheat Ridge, see pages 62-68. We stopped first at John Campbell who is a son of William Campbell by his 2d wife, his first wife having been Martha Finley, dau of Wm Finley. Dr S. said Alice Burge, aged near 80 living in Greenville, Darke Co, O was a dau of Hazlett Sproul, & said also to see Rev Jasper McSurely at Oxford, O aged 94 son of Hugh McSurely by his 1st wife who can tell abt the early Finley at Cherry Fork. 4:11 AM

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At Jewelry store of Robert Anderson McClelland, East side of public square, Oct 23, 1925 10 AM

Mr McClelland says he was born in Ohio Tp on Aug 23, 1847, the son of James Brown McClelland & his wife Elizabeth Burns. He was married Nov 19, 1868 by Rev Jonathan Stewart, pastor of the U.P. Church at Unity to Mary Jackman born Dec 15, 1845, born Also in Oliver Tp near Dunkinsville, O & died Aug 1, 1906. She was daughter of Simeon Jackman & his wife Elizabeth Thoroman, dau of Samuel Thoroman & his wife Anna Crawford. She died May 21, 1881 aged 81 yrs which would make date of her birth 1800. Simeon Jackman was the son of Samuel Jackman who came to Ohio from Beaver Co, Pa & his wife whose maiden name was Elizabeth Jackman, who was also from Beaver Co, Pa. Samuel & Elizabeth had but two children viz: Simeon above & Barbara who married John Treber, the oldest son of Jacob Treber & his wife Jennie Thoroman, daughter of Samuel & wife Ann Crawford.

Mr McC & his son say to see Jacob Treber out by Evergreen Church at Steam Furnace who they say is the oldest brother of Mrs Dr O.T. Sproull who can give more they think about

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his grandfather Jacob Treber's early records than anyone else. R.A. McC does not think Jacob would have had any bible as he was in infidel.

Mr McClelland says that Mrs Simeon Jackman told him herself about the year 1865, after the war was over & before he was married to her daughter & at numerous times thereafter when at their home, that her own mother, Anna Crawford Thoroman was a sister of Col Wm Crawford. I explained to him that her tombstone record would make date of her birth 1770 which was 38 yrs later that Col Crawford's birth in 1732, indicating her to be of the next generation. She also thought the Harper Crawford was of the same family, but the Robert Crawfords were of another family & no relation. Mr McClelland had but two children, both born in Oliver Tp, viz:

1. Edgar Stewart McClelland born Aug 22, 1869

2. Margaret Belle McClelland born May 15, 1871

1. Edgar Stewart was married Sept 15, 1894 Rev J.W. Shoemaker, Christian Union denomination, to Lena Crawford, born in Tiffin Tp Nov 10, 1874, daughter of Samuel Crawford, & his wife Lida Phillips (Samuel was of the Irish family) Both living & he is in the store here with his father. Has but one child born in West Union, O viz:

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I. Elvas Crawford McClelland born July 9, 1900. On June 3, 1925, he married May Ruth Brook born Nov 11, 1903, daughter of M. Omer Brook & his wife Mary Weaver. Elvas C. is supt of the high school at Lawshe, O.

2. Margaret Belle McClelland was married May 5, 1890 by Rev J.W. Shoemaker to Frank C. Loney born Nov 5, 1866 son of Johnson Loney & his wife. Both living at Chillicothe, Mo where he is a plasterer & paper hanger. They have four girls born as follows, the oldest in West Union, O the next two in Oliver Tp & the youngest in Andrew Co, MO on a farm viz:

1. Phyllis Cloe Loney, born July 18, 1891

2. Bonnie Floe Loney, born Nov 4, 1893

3. Bernice Zoe Loney, born Mch 20, 1896

4. Mary Louise Loney, born Nov 25, 1901

1. Phyllis Cloe married on June 14, 1914 Charles Grover Goodner, born Aug 28, 1887 son of George Washington Goodner & his wife Jennie Noble. Both living at Colorado Springs Col where he is a barber. Have two children, oldest born in Chillicothe, Mo & the youngest at Colorado Springs, Colo.

I. Charles Grover Goodner Jr born Oct 15, 1917

II. William Francis Goodner born Mch 12, 1924

2. Bonnie Floe married Oct 5, 1913 to William Duncan Borden born Apr 8, 1890 son of Rev Geo Washington Borden & wife Margaret Jean. Both living in Chickasha, Oklahoma where he is a city mail

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carrier. He is a graduate of three colleges. His father was raised a U.P. in NJ & a full cousin of Borden of Malted Milk fame. Bonnie has two children both born in Piedmont, Okla.

I. Frank Loney Borden born Jany 28, 1915

II. Margaret Isabella Borden born Nov 30, 1916

3. Bernice Zoe married Sept 11, 1920 Oscar N. Anderson born Mch 20, 1896 son of John A. Anderson & his wife Anna. Both living at Sioux City, Iowa where he is a traveling salesman. Have three children all born at Sioux City, Iowa

I. Bettie Anderson born July 9, 1921

II. Cameron Robert Anderson born Oct 22, 1922

III. Jeane Anderson born Mch 9, 1924

4. Mary Louise married Aug 1, 1925 to Virgil Thomas Myres born Jany 12, 1894 son of William Myres & his wife Mattie. No issue.

Mr McClelland says that a Miss Lizzie, youngest sister of William & Porter Finley, Martha Campbell & Mary Glasgow married late in life Rev Waddle, a U.P. preacher. Married late in life & had no children. He is sure of her name & of being a sister of above & says she was a remarkably handsome woman. Mr McC thinks that Finley Glasgow was a son of the above Mary Glasgow. A daughter of S. Dyer McIntire married

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Dr Frank Downing, dentist of Peebles, O is a very bright intelligent woman & is they think the oldest of his children.

A sister of S. Dyer McIntire, the youngest of the family, Ruth, married Henry Huston Brown & are both living at Huntington, WVA where he is an agent for a Stove Co. His address is: "H.H. Brown, Agency Mgr Bankers Life Co 502 First Natl Bank Bldg, Huntington, WVA"

H.H. Brown is a second cousin of my informant R.A. McC (their fathers being first cousins) & he was son of William Baker Brown & his wife Ellen Blake.

A sister of H.H. Brown, nee Maggie Brown, now wife of Charles Barnes, lives here on Main St west of the C&A & next to the last house on the right as you go west & this side of the Baptist. She is probably in her 70s & can tell about the Finleys as she was born & raised at Unity.

Mr McClelland writes Feby 17, 1926 that he wants a history of the Crawfords when completed.

Belle Jackman sister of Mr McC's wife living on East Mulberry St opposite the J.H. Conner residence had a stroke of paralysis about a year ago & her memory has been impaired. She was born in Oliver Tp Dec 15, 1843 & never married & never wd tell her age. He overheard her tell this to his brother, born same year & never forgot it.

[there is a line written at bottom of page consisting of about 6 words, written very cramped & blotted, unreadable, may say now leaving 12:05 PM]

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At residence of Mrs Polly Ann Holmes, Cross Street, West Union, O Oct 23, 1925 2:15 PM

Mrs Holmes is the daughter of Benj Piatt & Lemira Bayless. She was the daughter of Daniel Bayless & his wife Jennie Jack. Mrs Holmes remembers them both & says her grandmother was a large fleshy woman weighing 160 to 180 lbs rather tall & died of the flux in her home on Poplar Ridge, Tiffin Tp where she reared her family. Mrs H. went to see her after she herself was married. Her grandfather Bayless was rather tall, but lean. He survived his wife. Benjamin Piatt was the son of Benjamin Piatt & his wife Polly Chaney. They had eight children all born in Tiffin Tp & in the order of their ages were:

1. Cravens Piatt

2. Martha Frances Piatt

3. Sarah Jane Piatt

4. Polly Ann Piatt

5. Jackson Pierce Piatt

6. Isabel Piatt

7. Betsy Margaret Piatt

8. Luella, the youngest

1. Cravens died when an infant.

2. Martha Frances mar Otto Blake a soldier in the Civil War

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She was born in a March & died Sept 10, 1923 aged 74 yrs 6 mos. Is buried at Odd Fellow Cem & has a fine monument erected by her son. They separated & he married again. He was son of Joseph Blake & his wife Eliza. She never married again. Had 2 boys & 3 girls. The four oldest born in Tiffin Tp & Eliza, the youngest in Ky across from Concord, O.

1. Janey Blake

2. Mary Blake

3. Lewis Blake

4. Joseph Blake

5. Eliza Blake

1. Janey was never married abt a year ago in Maysville, Ky aged perhaps over 50.

2. Mary married Jack McDine & raised a family of about 7 children in Cincinnati & moved to a farm near Stone Chapel in this Co. Both living. Think it is in Tiffin Tp.

3. Lewis married Ora? Redden. He is dead in Cincinnati & she lives there. Don't think she remarried. Had 3 children, one died small & there was a girl & a boy.

4. Joseph never married. Lives in Cincinnati & has worked 8 or 9 yrs for one Co. Is abt 40. Lived with his mother.

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Eliza married John Miller son of Wm Miller. She died in this Co when young & had 2 children.

I. Floyd went to World War & was gassed & died over in France. Single.

II. Cora Miller mar a nice Cincin fellow. Both living in Cincin, O & has one child.

3. Sarah Jane [Piatt, see page 85] mar Abram Haines & lived on Wheat Ridge. She died many years ago without issue. He was much older than her & died before she did.

4. Polly Ann Piatt was born Feby 14, 1852 & on Feby 24, 1870 by Rev John Shultz [was married] to William Holmes being his third wife. He was son of William Holmes & his wife Nancy Chaney? He was born in Highland Co, O Nov 17, 1833 & died in Tiffin Tp on Beasly's Fork where he was a farmer & carpenter Jany 22, 1912 of paralyses & kidney trouble. They had 7 children all born in Tiffin Tp viz:

1. Margaret Alice Holmes born Sept 10, 1871

2. Mary Jane Holmes born Oct 13, 1873

3. John Clinton Holmes born Jany 19, 1876

4. Laura Belle Holmes born Nov 19, 1878

5. Carey McGovney Holmes born Jany 1, 1880

6. William Lewis Holmes born Apr 16, 1883

7. Rosanna Holmes born Apr 14, 1886

The record of above was written by Mr Holmes in bible printed at NY 1854 by Am Bible Soc.

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1. Margaret Alice mar Wm Nixon. He was son of Andrew J. Nixon & his wife Cassandra Woods. Both living over near Wrightsville, O where he owns big farms. Have 7 children, all born on the farms.

I. Bryan Nixon born Sept, married Ella Osman dau of Shiloh Osman. They live on one of the farms & has one child:

a. Betty

II. Cora May mar James Marson son of Wm Marson & wife Mary Jane Crawford. Both living on one of his father's farms & now lives Mowreystown, O near Cin, O. Have 5 children:

a. Mary Alice

b. Woodrow

c. Charles

d. a son

e. Beulah

III. Mary mar Samuel Trefz & have one little girl. He is son of Benj Trefz & wife Mary Mosier. Both living in Tiffin Tp where he is a farmer.

a. Elizabeth "a smart little tacky"

IV. Valverda mar Charley Mack. Both living in Manchester, O was a soldier in World War. Was gassed & crippled & has tuberculosis, owns property in Manchester. 3 children born at & near Manchester




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V. Ralph Nixon, single & at home, aged abt 21, was here today with a load of wood for his grandmother.

VI. Polly Nixon, educated by her Aunt Rose & is now a teacher for Mr Jones at the deaf & dumb in Columbus, O. single. Is about 19.

VII. Elizabeth, the youngest, not 16 yet, still in school.

2. Mary Jane Holmes [see page 87] mar Carey Lemons from Bentonville, O son of "Jacky" Lemons & wife Josephine Tolle. Both living near Bentonville, O 2 miles out where he owns a farm & have 7 children all born on the farm there.

II. Clinton Jackson Lemons, married & lived in Portsmouth, O where he bought property. Mar 2 yrs ago. No issue.

I. Clarence, died aged 2 yrs, oldest

III. Nellie mar a Wesley Gaffin & are living near Bentonville, O where he bought a farm & have one child born there.

a. Thelma Gaffin aged abt 3 yrs

IV. William, away from home, single

V. Charles at home, single

VI. Sherman, at home, single

VII. Woodrow, at home single aged 8.

3. John Clinton [Holmes see page 87] when last heard from in 1911 was at Yellowstone Park where he had mines.

4. Laura Belle [Holmes see page 87] died Jany 4, 1879

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5. Carey McGoveny Holmes mar Cora Rader from Beasley Fork. Both living where he is a blacksmith & owns property just this side of the Wilson Children's Home where the roads fork. No issue. Have been married abt 17 yrs. She is dau of Joseph Rader & wife Adaline Monroe

6. William Lewis Holmes mar Vida Charles dau of Sam Charles & wife Margaret DeAtley & live here in West Union, where he works in the Creamery. Have one child born in Tiffin Tp.

I. Everett Arthur Holmes born Nov on Thanksgiving Day 1909.

7. Rosanna Holmes married Feby 2, 1903 to Okey O. Moore son of John Moore & his wife Melvina Compton. Divorced May 1920. He then married a daughter of J. Will Bayless. Rose had no children. Says she married before she was 16. She is the good proprietress of the Northside Hotel here where I have been stopping since Oct 11th.

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5. Jackson Pierce Piatt [see page 85] m.1. Barbara Shamlin, a twin dau of Marcus Shamlin & wife Emeline Palmer. She died 4 or 5 yrs ago. Had 2 boys & 3 or 4 girls. M.2. about a yr ago & are separated. Of the children were:

I. Benjamin Piatt

II. William Piatt

III. Marcus S. Piatt

IV. Cora Piatt

V. Emeline Piatt

VI. Eliza Piatt

He lives on Blacks Run & works for a saw mill owner.

6. Isabel [Piatt, see page 85] never married, died a good many years ago aged abt 20 yrs.

7. Betsy Margaret Piatt married Willis Sutterfield, died. She was his 2d wife. Charley is his son by his first wife. Betsy Margaret lives on West Mulberry St, where she owns her own home. She had but one child, born in Tiffin Tp.

I. Mary Sutterfield, mar 1. Charles Camphouse. Divorced. Had one child. Mar 2. & has a little boy. She lives in Cincinnati, O.

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a. Rowena Camphouse born in Mch 1910, lives here with her grandmother & goes to school

b. Charles, aged abt 5 yrs.

8. Luella Piatt [see page 85] m.1. John Francis. He died. They had 3 boys & 2? daughters. M.2. Jim Shultz, a son of Wm Shultz & his first wife thinks McCarty. He, Jim is grandson of Rev John Shultz. Both living in Illinois. No issue. married about a year ago.

I. Anna Bell Francis, married

II. Izella Francis, married

III. Carey Hall Francis, married a Bayless & lives here in West Union, was in World War & was gassed.

IV. Jesse, mar a Young

V. Evans Francis, the oldest boy who lives in Manchester, O. married.

Leaving 4:44 PM

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At basement at court house, West Union, O Oct 23, 1925 12:45 PM

I went over to see Charley Sutterfield & he said his father was Willis Sutterfield & his first wife, his mother was Jane Grooms. He said his sister, Mollie Sutterfield (see page 70) died in May 1886 & was 25 yrs old when she died.

Finished 12:50 PM

At residence of Mrs Chas L. Barnes Northside of West End of Main St West Union, O Oct 23, 1925 1:20 PM

Mrs Barnes says that Andrew McIntire at Manchester, O is son of S. Dyer McIntire. She says to see Stewart & Arthur Glasgow aged 65 to 70 who live at upper end of Cherry Fork. They are brothers of J. Gilmore Glasgow & are sons of Robert A. Glasgow who mar 1.______ & mar 2. Dorcas ______.

Leaving 1:33 PM

Walking down Main St, I met Alex C. Levi at N.W. corner of Main & Cherry Sts & he says the slab marker of Mrs Eliza Rothwell Finley Clark [says she] was born Feby 1812 & died July 3, 1864. I met him at 1:40 PM & Finished 1:42 PM

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I walked around on east Main St to see the old home of Genl Joseph Darlinton & it is the 2d house east of 2d St on the left hand side of Main & a retaining wall abt 5 ft high is built in front & 10 or 12 ft is taken off of the street which makes the yard in front. Mrs Kincaid now lives there.

Coming to the North side at 5:20 PM, Mrs Moore says the Stivers Hotel at Cherry Fork is better than anything they have at Seaman which is concurred by the road man here whose home is at Seaman & who says his name is Knechtle. He says to see at Seaman for information:

Wm Snedaker aged 90 yrs

C.W. Howard, aged 84 yrs born & raised there.

El Washburn.

He says there is a very old g.y abt 1/2 mile this side of Tranquillity on a hill among some trees.

Also Mt Zion Cem West of Seaman one mile toward Winchester.

Also Mt Leigh Cem of more recent date.

It is now 6:06 PM & I will go in to dinner.

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At residence of Mr Roebuck, corner Cross St & West Union, O Oct 23, 1925 8:45 PM

Dr Sproull came down here with me, but Mr Roebuck was not in. Mrs Roebuck aged apparently 70 yrs, said she was the daughter of Washburn Simeral, who had a brother, Allen Simeral, who was a teacher & married in Illinois, came back here & raised a family & then went back to where he got his wife in Ills. The father of Washburn & Allen was Hiram Simeral & he married a Wade. She remembers him & says he died when she was 18 & was apparently 75 yrs old, born say about 1800?

Left 9:15 PM

We walked back then to the Hotel & I gave Doctor my address & bade him goodbye. He said to see Robert Ellison at Manchester, O.

Oct 24, 1925, 6:22 AM

Have worked all night & finished all slips to here. JVT

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Nov 4/25 8:44 PM at Room 1250 Wm Penn Hotel Pgh, Pa commencing to read over & make slips from here on. JVT

At residence of Stewart Graham Glasgow, Main St, Cherry Fork, Adams Co, O Oct 24, 1925 9 AM

I left West Union, O with J. Will Francis at 8 AM & arrived here about 20 minutes ago. Mr Glasgow is the son of Robt Anderson Glasgow by his second wife Jane Smiley. His first wife was Dorcas Finley, daughter of Wm Finley & sister of Porter Finley, William Finley, Martha Campbell, Mary Glasgow et al. He & Dorcas had four children as he recalls. Three of whom died young & the other, Joseph L. Glasgow died in the Civil War. He married Angeline Cunningham after he enlisted, but had no issue. She afterwards married Jeff Morrison & died at Mattoon, Ills & probably buried there. Had a son & daughter by him. Robt A. Glasgow mar Margaret Steele for his 3d wife & she had no issue, but took his bible with family record with her to Oskaloosa, Iowa where she lived in the family of Rev John Gilmore. She died there & Rev Gilmore & his wife, who was a sister of the 3d Mrs Glasgow also died there leaving a son Jno? Steele Gilmore & a daughter Clara who mar a Rev Calhoun, a U.P. minister. The last he heard of her she had lost her mind & was in a sanitarium out at Topeka, Kan. The Robt A. Glasgow bible would, no doubt be with one of them. Dorcas was buried in the old part of the cem here & has a flat slab over her grave. Robt Glasgow son of Finley Glasgow mar Phebe, dau of Glasgow Finley & he died abt two yrs ago at Seaman, O & he with

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his wife, who died many years before are buried at Tranquility. His son J. Ora Glasgow lives at Mt Oreb, O. Had also a dau Tiny, single who might be about Seaman. Had 5 or 6 children died young. Says Silas Dyer McIntire was mar twice & had 4 children that he knows of by 1st wife, & six by last wife & his son Herbert by 2d wife lives on a part of the old farm & another son Wilbur lives at the old home. Mr Glasgow was born Sept 17, 1854 & his brother Arthur born 1852, lives in the town & his bro J. Gilmore who I saw on 11th at Seaman is younger. Says Mrs Martha Glasgow nee Wasson aged 84 widow of J. Steele Glasgow (whose father he thinks was 1st cousin to his own father) is well informed & can probably tell more of the old connection. Mr G's wife was a Brown.

Leaving 9:29 AM

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At residence of Mrs Martha Melvina Glasgow, Main St, Cherry Fork, O Oct 24, 1925 9:55 AM

I came across the street from Stewart G. Glasgow's 20 minutes ago. Mrs Glasgow is the widow of John Steele Glasgow & he & his brother James were first cousins of Robert A. Glasgow, the father of Stuart G. Glasgow. James Glasgow had a son Robert Glasgow who married Mary, the daughter of William Finley of Robert Sr & she distinctly remembers that he was a first cousin of her husband. He & Mary went when she was a young girl with some children to Washington, Iowa where she eat [sic] a dinner after returning from church & died. He died one morning shortly thereafter & both are buried at Washington, Iowa. Says some of them went away west a long time ago, but there may be some of them there yet. Don't know what relation they were to Finley Glasgow. Neither Mrs G> nor Stewart G., who has come across know of any brothers of Finley Glasgow, except Stuart Glasgow who went to Peoria, Ills. His first wife was Elizabeth Askain [best guess] of this section & he mar 2d Edith McCullough. He died at Peoria, Ills 2 or 3 yrs ago. Mr G. says his brother, John Smiley Glasgow, the oldest of the second wife's

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children got up a history of the Glasgow family back for over 100 years. He died 10 yrs ago at Olney, Ills & the last Mr G. heard of it was about 4 yrs ago when Everett Fenton Glasgow, son of John I. visited my informant's daughter at Cincin, O when he told her he had this record. He then lived & does yet, at Pontiac, Michigan. Neither one remembers of any brothers or sisters of Glasgow Finley.

Mr G. says that Finley Glasgow married Jane Campbell who was a younger half sister of his father, Robert A. Glasgow, his grandfather's widow having married a Campbell. Mrs Glasgow says that William Campbell who married Martha Finley, dau of Wm, was a brother of her mother, Martha Campbell. Their parents were James Campbell & Martha Patton, but were not related, so far as they know to the Campbell that Mr Glasgow's grandmother, Martha Campbell, married, Thomas Campbell Wasson & she, my informant was born in Wayne Tp, Feby 8, 1840. On Oct 18, 1860, she married John Steele Glasgow, born May 27, 1838 & died Apr 5, 1909. He was son of John Glasgow, & his wife. An obituary notice of the death of Robert Glasgow (which Mrs G. says was a few yrs after his wife died) taken from "Washington, Iowa Press" speaks of the death of his wife on the lounge on May 5, 1884 & says he was born in Adams Co, O Apr 12, 1820, the son of James & Mary McNeil Glasgow,

[margin note reads:] *Dec 11/25 Mr S.G. Glasgow writes Dec 8/25 small env filed that his daughter is Mrs H.C. Smith, 3606 Edwards Road, Hyde Park, Cincinnati, O

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also natives of Adams Co but says his grandfather came from Ireland & fought in the Revolution & was an early comer to Ohio. The father, James, staid [sic] on the paternal farm until 1856 when he came to Wayne Co, Iowa. In 1840, Robert married Miss Mary R. Finley & staid on the farm until 1854 when he came here. Had 5 children, James, William F., Martha, Lorenzo G. & Mrs Allen White. Mrs G. has to get up.

Leaving 12:05 PM

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At residence of Robert Arthur Glasgow, Main St, Cherry Fork, Adams Co, O Oct 24, 1925 11:42 AM

I arrived here in the rain half an hour ago & Mrs Glasgow who was a Caskey, has along with her husband succeeded in getting the Glasgow connection straightened out. Mr Glasgow says that his grandfather was Joseph Glasgow & after his death, his widow married a Campbell & one of her Campbell children married Wm Porter Breckenridge & Ed S. Breckenridge & Araminta McIntire of Seaman are their children. Mrs G. says that Mary R. Finley, sister of Porter was bridesmaid to her mother & also recall of having heard her mother often speak of Rosanna Finley (who according to my records is an Aunt of Mary R.) & who married Robert Glasgow & became the mother of Finley Glasgow & Stuart Glasgow (first cousins of Robt A., my informant's father) & thus then is proved up that Robert who married Rosanna Finley (dau of the elder Robert Finley of the 17 children) was the brother of Joseph & both were sons of Robert who came out from Ireland in 1765 & came to this Co abt 1793 & died abt 1806 see Evans 1900 Hist of Adams Co. Mrs G. says a Mrs Finley died leaving a baby

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girl & at the same time the baby of Phebe Patton (grandmother of my informant Mrs G.) had died & she took the Finley child, suckled & raised it & gave it her name "Phebe" Finley. The father came a year or so after & took the baby home & it cried all night, would not sleep & wanted to go "back to mother", so the next morning, he took her back & "gave her to Mrs Patton" who wouldn't take her on any other terms. She grew up & married & had an only child, John Patton Pinkerton who lived at Monmouth, Ills. They speak of "Aunt Chris" Clark, who was Christina? Smiley, sister of R. Arthur's mother who is a widow, aged 84 or 85, now living in the county home at Monmouth, Ills. She was a charter member of Monmouth college. Her father was Wm Smiley. Think she could give the Finley connections.

Reading to him about the heirs of John Finley in 1817, 2 boys & 4 girls, they say the last one, James Smiley who married Polly Finley was the Uncle of my informant., R. Arthur who was a bro of "Aunt Chris" above. Arthur says he & other Smileys lived in Hamilton Co, O & he moved to Monmouth, Ills where he died & they don't know about what family they left, but they say to see his sister, Mrs.

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Sadie Kendall living in Seaman, O with her husband J. Ed Kendall in a big house, third house from Mrs McIntire. Arthur says his father visited Robt Glasgow in Washington, Iowa once. Arthur when at the general assembly in Des Moines, Iowa 24 yrs or so ago, he (in 1901) met another member named Finley, living near there he thinks in Iowa, who said he was a first cousin of Porter Finley.

Leaving 12:42 PM

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At residence of Wilbur Andrew McIntire, Wayne Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Winchester, O Route 3) Oct 24, 1925 1:44 PM

Wilbur Andrew McIntire is the son of Silas Dyer McIntire & grandson of Andrew McIntire & his wife Elizabeth Finley. He was born here Mch 6, 1879 & on Mch 4, 1909 married Anna Margaret Wickerham, born in Franklin Tp Dec 16, 1889, the daughter of Robert McIntire Wickerham & his wife Belle Campbell & have had one child, also born here viz:

Cecil Dyer McIntire born Oct 20, 1910

Leaving 2 PM

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At residence of Carl Herbert McIntire, Wayne Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Winchester RFD 3) Oct 24, 1925 2:15 PM

Mr Wilbur A. McIntire has come over with me & we have met his brother & three daughters. They have the bible of their father, Silas Dyer McIntire here. It was printed in NY by A.J. Johnson 1872. The record is as follows:

Silas Dyer McIntire born Dec 31, 1824

Phebe Caroline Patton born July 29, 1835 They were married Mch 3, 1852 at the residence of the Bride's father by Rev Arbuthnot.

Silas D. McIntire & Sarah Ann Marlatt were married Aug 1, 1867 by Rev D. Macdill

Their children:

1. Ambrose Pinkerton McIntire Feby 25, 1853

2. Ruth McIntire, Aug 12, 1856

3. Phebe Elizabeth McIntire, Dec 1, 1860

4. May McIntire, Aug 31, 1863

5. Lelah Pearl McIntire, Oct 5, 1871

6. Jennie Fay McIntire, Apr 7, 1873

7. Anna Laura McIntire, Oct 28, 1874

8. Carl Herbert McIntire, Feby 28, 1877

9. Wilbur Andrew McIntire, Mch 6, 1879

10. Homer Marlatt McIntire, Mch 14, 1882

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Ambrose P. McIntire & Mary Frances Kirker by Rev Gibson Dec 17, 1874

Ruth McIntire & Henry H. Brown by Rev David McDill Sept 16, 1875

Phebe Elizabeth McIntire & John Gilmore Glasgow by Rev J.S. Martin Dec 1, 1881

Mary McIntire & J. Harry Morrison by Rev J.S. Martin Jany 31, 1883

Lelah Pearl McIntire & Dr E.F. Downing by Rev Mr Watson June 27,1895

Carl Herbert McIntire & Ethel Patton by Rev Grey Nov 5, 1902

Anna Laura McIntire & Roscoe Finley Leach by Rev W.G. Kennedy Apr 2, 1908

Wilbur Andrew McIntire & Anna Margaret Wickerham Mch 4, 1909

Jennie Fay McIntire & J. Ervin Kyle by Rev Kennedy Mch 11, 1909

Homer Marlatt McIntire & Eileen Matthews July 10, 1917


Sarah Ann Marlatt born Mch 25, 1839


Phebe Caroline McIntire, Oct 28, 1865

Silas Dyer McIntire, Mch 2, 1883

Sarah Ann McIntire, Feby 25, 1901

Ambrose P. McIntire, May 18, 1918

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Ethel Patton was born Sept 10, 1879 in Scott Tp, daughter of Armstrong Taylor Patton & his wife Keturah Gustin.

Children of Carl Herbert & Ethel McIntire all born in this Tp:

1. Helen McIntire, Aug 19, 1903

2. Thelma McIntire, Aug 6, 1905

3. Ethelena McIntire, Aug 28, 1908

4. Imogene Ruth McIntire, May 25, 1918

5. Carl Patton McIntire, May 31, 1923


Thelma McIntire died Feby 27, 1913

The D.A.R. papers say that Elizabeth Finley was born 1787 & died 1849 & Col Andrew McIntire was born 1786 & died in 1849.

John W. Harsha at Seaman, O has gathered the McIntire family records. See him.

Leaving 3:05 PM

Nov 5/25 1:15 AM Made slips to here. JVT

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[fermata mark appears here]

At residence of Roscoe Finley Leach, Wayne Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Winchester, O RFD 3) Oct 24, 1925 7:40 PM

I find here the following bible record of Archibald Leech which I am copying. He was the grandfather of my informant Roscoe who says the correct spelling of the name is Leach.

Archibald Leech born Feby 9, 1804, Wednesday night

Sally Leach (nee Kirkpatrick) born July 8, 1803

They were married Feby 25, 1830

Their children:

John Harvey Leech, June 4, 1831

Adam Rankin Leech, Feby 26, 1833

Rosanna Patton Leech, Mch 16, 1835

William Fullerton Leech, June 18, 1837

Sarah Elizabeth Leech, Sept 17, 1839

James Archibald Leech, Nov 29, 1841

Mary Adaline Leech, Oct 29, 1843


Rosanna P. Leech died Nov 8, 1839

Sarah E. Leech died July 19, 1841

William D. Leech died June 14, 1906

James A. Leech died Dec 14, 1907

Adam Rankin Leech died Dec 19, 1916

Adaline McCreight died Oct 4, 1915

Father & Mother

Archibald Leach died Jany 17, 1864

Sarah Leach died Mch 25, 1878

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James Archibald Leach was married Feby 1866 to Dorcas Jane Campbell born Aug 3, 1840 & died May 10, 1917, daughter of William Campbell by his first wife Martha Finley, who was daughter of William Finley of Robert of William of Michael Sr the emigrant. [margin note reads:] May 28/26, wrong deduction. This marriage occurred a year after his return from the war in which he enlisted in 1861 for one year & after a years service & three days at home in the harvest field during which Morgan raided his home territory he re-enlisted & served until the war closed & recd his discharge on June 26, 1865. He was in 26 battles & started with Sherman to the sea & his limbs gave out. He had five children all born on his farm in Oliver Tp.

1. Unnamed son born June 13, 1867 & died, stillborn, buried at Unity Ch Cem.

2. Laura L. Leach born June 5, 1868

3. Tiny Albertine Leach born Oct 5, 1870

4. Roscoe Finley Leach born May 5, 1876

5. Jessie Pearl Leach born Dec 1, 1877

2. Laura L. Leach was married Feby 3, 1897 to William T. Cox born Nov 29, 1873? son of _______ Cox & wife Martha Cornelius. Laura L. died 6 yrs ago Mch 4, 1919 aged 50 yrs plus. No issue. He has remarried & lives at Harshaville, O.

3. Tiny Albertine was mar Feby 15, 1899 to

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Clement Ellsworth Helmley born Jany 11, 1874 at Ripley, O son of Lenhart Helmley & wife Anna Coryell. Both living near Hazelton, Kansas where he is a farmer. They have two children:

1. Nellie Grace Helmley born June 1, 1901

2. Robert Leach Helmley born Mch 26, 1903 at Seaman, O.

Nellie Grace was born at Cherry Fork, O

1. Nellie G. Helmley married Mch 1, 1922 to John Leslie Thomas Pearson born Sept 23, 1901 at Pana, Ills son of John William Pearson & wife Susan Elizabeth Lowrey & both at Corwin Kan where he is a barber. Have two children see bottom next page.

2. Robert is at home single.

4. Roscoe F. was married Apr 2, 1908 to [1]e Conner died June 1913(D_#gE_

of Silas Dyer McIntire & his 2d wife Sarah Ann Marlatt. Have had:

I. stillborn boy born June 27, 1910

II. stillborn girl born Oct 27, 1915

III. Dorothy June Leach born June 24, 1914 legally adopted Mch 1917. Have never given out her parentage.

5. Jessie Pearl was mar 1. to Orzma John Troutman born July 6, 1877 & died Nov 25, 1904 son of George Troutman & wife Harriet Thompson. No issue. m.2. Orrie McCreight Jany 16, 1907 son of John A. McCreight & wife Martha Steen. He was born July 29, 1869. Both living at Tranquility, O on a farm (P.O. Seaman route 2). Have one child:

I. stillborn girl born Feby 23, 1909

II. DeLoos, born Apr 1, 1913

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Mrs Downing & her husband are here & her record is:

Lelah Pearl McIntire daughter of Silas Dyer McIntire & his 2d wife Sarah Ann Marlatt was married June 27, 1895 to Dr Enoch Francis Downing born in Oliver Tp near Unity, Jany 8, 1862 son of John Bell Downing & his wife Shrelda Ames. Have two children both born in Peebles, O viz:

I. Harold Francis born Oct 18, 1897

II. Marion Eloise born Aug 20, 1902

Both single. He is an M.D. in Cincinnati, O & she is a teacher at Youngstown, O.

Dr Downing is a dentist at Peebles, O.

Carl Herbert McIntire has come in & he says that his first cousin, Mrs Mary George aged 92, daughter of his Uncle Robert McIntire lives at Olathe, Kansas with her daughter Ruhamah McMillan in the town & can tell more about the early ancestry than anyone else.

Leaving 9 PM

See page 110 lines 8 to 12 above the children of Nellie G. Helmley & her husband J.L.T. Pearson are:

1. John Leslie Thomas Pearson Jr born Mch 6, 1923 at Ohlman, Ills

2. Betty Jean Pearson born Feby 11, 1925 at Anthony, Kans

She, Mrs C.E. Helmley wants to know the price of the books & to let her know when they are published.

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Cherry Fork Cemetery, Wayne Tp, Cherry Fork, Ohio, Oct 25, 1925 9:15 AM

60? Joseph M. Thompson, B Feby 10, 1826 ob Feby 2, 1856

Polly Ann, wife of John Thompson ob 1858

61. William Pilson ob Aug 19 *63 aged 96th yr or 26 yr of age

Ester, dau of W & E Pilson b Nov 27, 1815 ob Jany 31, 1857

Elizabeth, wife of Wm Pilson born Se[t 2, 1783 (or 1785) ob 1849

Jane, dau of W & E Pilson B Nov 27, 1815 ob July 26, 1860

62. Elizabeth, wife of Andrew McIntire ob July 30, 1849 ae about 62 yrs

Andrew McIntire ob July 30, 1849 aged 68 yrs 2 mos 12 days

Samuel F. McIntire ob July 29, 1849 ae 29 yrs 6 mos 27 days

Martha McIntire B Jany 25, 1817 ob July 12, 1884

John L. McIntire ob Aug 24, 1854 ae 39 yrs 11 mos 24 days

Jane F. McIntire b Mch 2, 1811, ob Oct 30, 1879

Wm McIntire (father) ob Oct 1, 1852 ae 52 yrs 10 mos 7 days

Martha S. McIntire, mother ob Feby 2, 1890 ae 79 yrs 20 mos 28 days

63. Alexander C. Kirkpatrick 1819-1865

Catharine Liggett, his wife 1823-1912

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See Book 14 p 570. See book 18 p 514-5

64. Samuel S. Finley ob Apr 17, 1838 in his 64th yr.

65. Dorcas A. wife of Robt A. Glasgow ob Feby 20, 1842 aged 26 yrs

66. Jane McClung, consort of James McClung ob Oct 8, 1846 ae 41 yrs & 2 mos.

67. Sarah Finley ob Jany 26, 1835 ae 66 yrs & 3 mos

See book 11 p 121

Phebe, wife of Robert Finley ob Nov 4, 1832 ae 39 yrs

Mary, consort of Samuel G. Finley ob May 29, 1809 aged 18 yrs (might be 48)

See Book 11 page 121

Robert Finley ob Nov 15, 1815, aged 72 yrs

Martha, consort of Robert Finley ob Feby 16, 1824 aged 78 yrs

68. David D. Finley ob Mch 16, 1847 ae 40 yrs 5 mos 21 days

Dorcas F. Finley, dau of David D. & Marinda Finley, ob Sept 24, 1837 ae 6 mos 25 days

See page 518

James Finley born July 4, 1776 ob Mch 6, 1853 in 77th yr

Dorcas, late consort of James Finley ob Aug 24, 1835 in her 50th yr

69. William Thompson ob Dec 17, 1846 ae 37 yrs 1 mo 14 days

Agnes, consort of Wm Thompson ob Aug 2, 1844 ae 28 yrs 4 mos 21 days

Robert W. Thompson ob Mch 15, 1880 ae 41 yrs 5 mos 11 days

70. Robert Thompson ob June 19, 1832 in 46th yr

Mary, wife of Robert Thompson ob Nov 18, 1867 ae 83 yrs 3 mos 20 days

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71. Joseph W. Darlinton ob Apr 30, 1870 ae 47 yrs 10 mo 28 day

Mary Darlinton ob Nov 13, 1873

John M. Darlinton, ob July 3, 1864 ae 72 yrs 5 mos 19 days

Mary, wife of J.M. Darlinton ob Apr 15, 1839 ae 42 yrs 2 mos 7 days

David Doddridge Darlinton ob Mch 19, 1831

72. Daniel Bayles ob Dec 2, 1879 ae 78 yrs 4 mos 3 days

Mary R. wife of Daniel Bayles ob Apr 15, 1870 ae 60 yrs 11 mos 23 days

73. James McClung ob June 6, 1855 ae 65 yrs

74. Arthur Black ob Mch 17, 1857 ae 76 yrs 10 mos 15 days

75. Robert B. McClung ob Feby 26, 1898 aged 71 yrs 5 mos 5 days

Elizabeth, his wife, ob Oct 7, 1910 ae 83 yrs 7 mos 17 days

Geo H. son of R.B. & E. McClung ob Mch 9, 1884 ae 22 yrs 1 mo 27 days

Also Samuel M. & Mary Jane

76. Andrew McIntire ob July 15, 1892 (might be 1872) aged 63 yrs 4 mos 29 days

Mary J. McIntire ob Apr 1, 1909 ae 75 yrs 10 mos 13 days

Chas R. McIntire ob Feby 25, 1892 ae 19 yrs 9 day.

77. Robert P. Finley (known as "Porter") B July 8, 1831 ob Nov 5, 1902

Elizabeth Watt, his wife b Oct 1, 1837, ob June 11, 1897.

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See Book 19 p 41

William J. Finley b Aug 2, 1834 ob May 1, 1909

Deborah, his wife B Mch 17, 1839 ob Apr 17, 1903

78. S.D. McIntire ob Mch 2, 1883 ae 58 yrs 2 mos 2 days

Sarah Marlatt, his wife B Mch 28, 1839, ob Feby 25, 1901

Leaving 11:11 AM

To page 125

At residence of Chilton W. Stivers, Main St Cherry Fork, Adams Co, Ohio Oct 25, 1925 12:06 PM

Dr Clark happened in here where I am stopping & I had him give me his record as follows:

Mary Emma Jane Campbell see page 64 was married Sept 26, 1914 by Rev John L. Hartzook to Dr Samuel Crawford Clark, my informant, who said he was born in Oliver Tp July 17, 1888, son of Marion Mitchell Clark & his wife Mary Frances Crawford. They have had two children born here in Cherry Fork where he is practicing medicine.

1. Samuel Patton Clark born Dec 26, 1915 & died Jany 6, 1916

2. Mary Christina Clark born July 4, 1917

The Doctor's mother Mary Frances Clark is dau of Samuel Crawford whose father Samuel came to America 1843 & was brother of the elder Robert who came over in 1840 all fr Co Tyrone, Ireland.

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At residence of Horace Daniel Kirkpatrick, Church St, Cherry Fork, Adams Co, O Oct 25, 1925 3:50 PM

Mrs Kirkpatrick says her grandmother was Esther Balph & she was a daughter of Benjamin Jack of Butler Co. Pa. See book 9 page 255. The children of Benjamin Jack were: Esther, Cochran, Samuel, William, Flora, Sallie & two other daughters, names not known, one married an Emery & the other an Armstrong.

Sallie Jack mar David Emery & lived in New Castle, Pa. Her daughter "Phene" mar a Nessle & some of her children are there now, one named Sam & Dave & Frank, 60 County line Street, was at New Castle.

Don't know whether she married or died in early life. Don't know about Wm & Samuel, but thinks Will Jack at Mendota, Ills 10 yrs ago is a son of Cochran & he has a sister Maggie.

Esther Jack married John Balph & lived first in Butler Co but moved to New Castle where they died. They had children:

Eliza, died unm at New Castle, Pa

Sallie, died unm at New Castle, Pa

Maggie, died unm at New Castle, Pa

Benjamin mar, descendants live in Indianapolis.

Mary, born Oct 17, 1835 & died Dec 4, 1890

James, d.y. unm at New Wilmington, Pa with some scourge thinks cholera & his father died of it at same time

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Mary Balph married James Milligan Maxwell on July 22d, 1865. He was born in Wilmington, Del July 22, 1830 & died Apr 13, 1905. He was son of Andrew Maxwell & his wife Eliza Ann Milligan. They had four children all born in Worth Tp, Jacksville, Butler Co, Pa

1. Clara Maude Maxwell born Aug 2, 1866

2. Ada Belle Maxwell born Jany 11, 1868

3. Anna Flora Maxwell born Oct 10, 1871

4. James Ernest Maxwell who died when 3 yrs old.

2. Ada Belle is single & lives with her sister at Ironton, O

3. Anna Flora mar Sept 3, 1896 to Talma Elsworth Baldridge, son of Samuel Turner Baldridge & wife Sarah Russel. He died Dec 30, 1896, & she has never remarried. Lives at Ironton, O with her sister Ada Belle. No issue. He was born Aug 25, 1869.

1. Clara Maud, my informant married On Oct 21, 1897 to Horace Daniel Kirkpatrick born Sept 24, 1855 in Wayne Tp Adams Co, O son of Alexander Campbell Kirkpatrick & his wife Catharine Thompson (dau of Daniel) buried here) No issue.

Mr Kirkpatrick said that Wm Liggett was his step father having become the second husband of his mother, for his 2d wife. He had, by his first wife, a son Albert who lived & died at Decatur, O in Brison Co.

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about 7 miles west of here. Mr & Mrs Stivers, my hosts, who used to live there & gave me this lead, say that Decatur was laid out for the county seat of Adams Co when it included all of the present Brown Co, O. Mr K. remembers that his stepfather was related to the Kerrs, the McCagues, & the Smileys, of whom he has often heard him talk. There was a Rev Thomas McCague, a U.P. preacher who he says went to Nebraska & Mrs K. thinks it was to Omaha he went. She said he one time pursued his work in Egypt. They used to live at Ripley, O where the Kerr's also lived & he thinks there are some elderly Kerrs living there now. He thinks Albert's grandchildren, the Williams boys living in the old home, a big brick in Decatur, O Brown Co would have the old Liggett Bible, so I have arranged to go over there in the morning. Albert had but one child, a daughter & she married J. Robert Williams, a lawyer there. Albert had been a school teacher. He would be able to give information. Mrs K. says to write to: Miss Margaret E. Liggett, 363 S. Grant St, Denver Colorado who is a daughter of Wm Liggett, is aged over 73 yrs & a sister of Albert. She lives with some cousins named Wright, their mother having been a sister of Wm Liggett's first wife who was a Bayne.

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An old bible that Mrs K. brought in stated that William Liggett was born Mch 28, 1814 & that William Liggett & Catharine Kirkpatrick were married Dec 9, 1867 & that he died Sept 9, 1894. Mr K. said he was buried at Decatur, O. William Liggett had four children:

1. John who was killed in the Civil War & was unmarried.

2. Albert, who died at Decatur, O

3. Margaret E. above referred to &

4. Mary, who married & is buried in Ford Co, Ills at Lodi, Ills a small town where they lived or at Paxton, Ills 5 miles from Lodi. She married & both she & her husband died shortly thereafter of consumption without issue.

Albert's daughter was Mary but always went by the name of "Friday". Mr K. said he was born in 1855. He thinks Mary was the name of Wm Liggett's first wife & I feel sure he was the son of Wm Liggett who married Betsy the daughter of John Finley.

Mrs K. wants me to send her the address of Dr Jack in Denver Col. Mr K. said that Wm J. Finley, bro of Porter, was his Uncle, he having married Deborah Thompson, dau of Daniel Thompson who lived to be very old & is buried here. She being a sister of Mr K's mother.

Left 5:05 PM

Mr H.D. Kirkpatrick died Nov 2nd, 1925 JVT Nov 30/25

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At C.W. Stivers, Cherry Fork, Ohio Oct 25, 1925 9:05 PM

Mr Stuart Glasgow said at Church tonight that Stuart Glasgow, a brother of Finley Glasgow went to Peoria, Ills & died there. He had a son Huston Glasgow who came back here & died at his Uncle Finley Glasgow's when a young man aged 26 yrs, unmarried.

Mrs Stivers says Malinda Darlinton of the West Union Darlintons mar 1. Samuel Pilson who died in Byrd or Jefferson Tp, Brown Co, O & left one son Harry Pilson who went to Dayton, O & is married & is they think now living there. Mar 2, Frank Crissman, from Wayne Tp, Adams Co, O & they separated. No issue. Mar 3, Wm J. Finley being his 2d wife. He died May 1, 1909 see p 115 lines 1 & 2. See Book 19 ps 38-43. Mar 4 Robert J. Foster of this Tp. They have separated & he has remarried. She then went to live with her son at Dayton, O & is supposed to be there now.

When at Harry McClung's he loaned me the "McClung Genealogy by Rev William McClung, Pittsburgh, Pa, McClung Printing Co 1904 296 pages" on page 11 of which is shown the marriage of Esther Caruthers to Henry McClung. I am leaving the book here with Mrs Stivers to give to Mrs Dr Clark sister of Mrs McClung to be returned.

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[fermata mark appears here]

Residence of John Robert Williams Byrd Tp, Brown Co, O (P.O. Decatur, Brown Co, O) Oct 26, 1925 8:25 AM

I left Cherry Fork at 7:40 this morning driven over by S.C. Davis. Mr Williams' first wife was Mary Evans Liggett, the only child of Albert Liggett. Mr Williams second wife who received me has gone to the attic & hunted out the old Liggett bible, a large leather backed one well preserved & was printed at Hartford in 1835 by R. White & Hutchison & Divier. The record is as follows:

"William Liggett Junior was born in 1777 in the State of Penna

Elizabeth Liggett, his wife was born Mch 13, 1780 in the State of Virginia.

They were married Jany 18, 1809 in Adams Co, Ohio

Family of above:

1. John Liggett was born in Adams Co, O Sept 27, 1811

2. William Liggett was born in same Co Mch 28, 1814

3. Mary Ann Liggett was born in same Co July 21, 1816

4. James Liggett was born in Brown Co, O Dec 10, 1818

5. Margaret Finley Liggett was born in Brown Co, O Aug 29, 1821

6. Elizabeth Liggett was born in Brown Co, O Mch 5, 1826


William Liggett Sen died Aug 18, 1836 at the residence of his son William in Brown Co, O aged 88 yrs buried in Cherry Fork, Adams Co, O

William Liggett Jr died suddenly Jany 24, 1843

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at his residence in Brown Co, O aged 66 yrs 9 mos & 8 days. Buried as above.

James Liggett, son of above died May 15, 1849 at the residence of his brother in Cincinnati, O of cholera after a sickness of eight hours in the 31st year of his age & buried in Spring Grove cemetery.

Elizabeth Liggett, daughter of above died Oct 22, 1852 of erysipelas an illness of 12 days at her mother's in Cincinnati. Buried at Spring Grove Cemetery in her 27th year.

John Liggett, eldest son of William & Elizabeth Liggett, died Sept 13, 1853 at New Orleans after a short illness of yellow fever in the 43 yr of his age. His remains removed to Spring Grove cem.

Margaret F. Liggett died June 11, 1857 by drowning, buried at Spring Grove cem aged 35 yrs 9 mos 13 days

Elizabeth Liggett died July 28, 1858 of bilious dysentery in the 79th year of her age. Buried in Spring Grove cem.

Mary Ann Liggett died date unknown.


John Liggett & Julia Johnson were married Dec 20, 1836 by Rev Claybaugh D.D.

Albert F. Liggett & Maggie F. Shofstall were married Dec 25, 1867 by Henry Osborn. License issued Dec 21, 1867 by David Turbull probate judge of Brown Co, O

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Albert Finley Liggett, son of William Liggett was born Sept 15, 1841 in Decatur, O.

Mary Evans Liggett daughter of A.F. Liggett was born at Decatur, O Oct 23, 1868

Paul Liggett Williams son of Mary E.L. Williams was born at West Liberty, O Sept 18, 1895

John Robert Williams, son of Mary E.L. Williams was born at West Liberty, O Apr 27, 1901


Albert Finley Liggett died of heart trouble Apr 24, 1911

Mary E. Liggett Williams died Aug 28, 1906

William Liggett, son of William Liggett Jr died at North Liberty, Adams Co, O of general debility, Sept 9, 1894 aged 80 yrs 6 mos 11 days. Buried at Decatur, O.

Mrs Williams showed me an old white linen coverlet worked by Elizabeth Finley with her initials E.F. worked in done before she was married to which is pinned:

"This spread is to go to Mary Evans Williams when she is 18 yrs of age if because of its age & associations she cares for it.

It is probable that it originally belonged to Elizabeth Liggett, Mary's ggggmother. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Finley. The initials E.F. seem to indicate that it belonged to her before her marriage which took place in 1809. It

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came into the possession of her daughter Mary Ann Liggett & later to her granddaughter Margaret E. Liggett who now passes it on to Mary E. Williams"

9:40 AM. Mr Williams has just come in & he says John Liggett, a brother of Albert F. was killed in the Civil War at Atlanta, Ga when on picket duty & is buried here in Decatur, O.

Mary Evans Liggett was married Oct 25, 1894 to John Robert Williams my informant born Dec 4, 1865 at Russelville, O son of William Preston Williams & his wife Mary McBride.

Paul Liggett Williams was married Aug 28, 1917 to Mabel Bloom born June 16, 1897 in Byrd Tp dau of Oscar L. Bloom & his wife Rachel Pittenger. Have two children born in this house viz:

1. Mary Evans Williams born May 26, 1918

2. Margaret Winifred Williams born Nov 10, 1919

John Robert Williams Jr was married Nov 29, 1923 to Mary Elizabeth Pearson born Nov 12, 1902 at Georgetown, O dau of Charles Walker Pearson & his wife Caroline Gidwell. Have one child born in Columbus, O viz:

1. Carolyn Williams born Sept 3, 1924

Mr Williams doesn't know of the whereabouts of the Kerrs, McCagues, etc.

Mr Williams said he would take a book.

Leaving 9:55 AM

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From page 115

Back at Cherry Fork Cemetery, Cherry Fork, O, Oct 26, 1925 10:44 Am

I stopped here on my way back from Decatur, O

79. Mary, wife of Daniel Thompson ob Apr 3, 1853 aged 49 yrs top of stone broken off, died 1855 aged 30 yrs 6 mos 7 days, son of Daniel & Mary Thompson

Martha J. Thompson ob June 24, 186y0 ae 23 yrs 3 mos 6 days

Mary R. wife of Robert Thompson ob Feby 2, 1873 in 24th yr

80. Eliza J. Ralston, dau of William & Jane Finley born Sept 13, 1826 ob Nov 20, 1855

See page 142. See Book 21 p 131

Jane, wife of William Finley ob Oct 4, 1871 in her 73d yr

William Finley ob Aug 24, 1863 in his 76th yr (might be 78th)

Agnes Munroe, wife of J.R. Gates born Feby 28, 1830 ob Mch 18, 1859

See Book 19 p 42

Leaving 11 AM

I failed to find a marker for Daniel Thompson himself, but fortunately did find under the first fir tree as you go in the gate those of Wm Finley, wife & daughter which in the strong wind of yesterday, I missed.

I then walked down to the first bridge below the cemetery & turned to the right along an unused road & coming to the first house on the left was:

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At residence of Mrs Mary Jane Thompson, Cherry Fork, O Oct 26, 1925 11:11 AM

Mrs Thompson says her mother's father, Thomas Neeper went to mill in Westmoreland Co, Pa taking his twin & never was heard of. Think he was killed or carried off by Indians. His daughter, Dorcas Neeper married Peter Sowers who came over the Allegheny mountains & then to Ripley, O & he came later. They were married at Ripley, O & my informant was born in Brown Co 5 miles this side of Ripley, O viz:

Mary Jane Sowers born Jany 14, 1835 & was married Oct 4, 1854 to Robert Thompson (being his 2d wife) who was born near the old mill here Mch 20, 1823 & died Aug 13, 1885. He was a miller. His father was Robert Thompson, a millwright, who came here from Westmoreland Co, Pa at an early day & build the old mill here "a water mill". Her daughter thinks he was buried here. He was married twice & his second wife was Mary Robinson of Westd Co & she was the mother of my informant's husband Robert. She says that Daniel Thompson, the father of Mrs Alex C. Kirkpatrick was a brother of Robert's father. Does not know of any other brothers of her husband's father. See page 113 No 70.

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Her husband, Robert Thompson mar 1, Margaret Finley, sister of John Finley, Rebecca Finley, mar to William Finney & Dorcas Finley never married.

John Finley was "a raker" worked around at days works & had a big family.

Rebecca Finley & Wm Finney had several children, but only two that lived

1. Sadie Finney married Anderson Kirkpatrick, Uncle to Horace D. & died in about a year without issue.

2. John Finney married & went to Rushville, Ind. He has been dead some time, but think his wife & children are living there yet. Had two girls &U one boy all married viz: Sarah Jane, Ada & harry Finney, but don't know who they married.

John Finley died in cincin, O & was brought back & buried at Cherry Fork Cem & the children did not come back here. The father of Margaret, John & Rebecca owned a big farm between here & Seaman, O & went someone's security & it broke him up & he died soon after & the children being small were put out in different families to raise.

Margaret Thompson died from the measles which settled on her lungs, at the same time my informant had the measles at the same time. [sic] She thinks it was when she was near 18, but thinks his wife had been dead 3 yrs when she was married.

Robert & Margaret had but two children.

[margin note reads:] Anderson Kirkpatrick was not an Uncle of Horace D. he was son of Nathaniel Kirkpatrick & his wife Margaret Patton.

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1. William Thompson was in the Civil War "Lincoln War" she called it. He moved to Frankfort, Ind & was married. He came back here on a visit & had a stroke of paralysis & died here. He had two children & they & his wife have died, one an infant & Robert died unmarried when 22 yrs old. William Thompson was born Dec 19, 1846 in Adams Co, O son of Robert & Margaret Finley Thompson. He got the old family bible of his grandfather Robert Thompson & also the old desk of his great grandfather Thompson. He gave the bible to my informant's daughter, his 1/2 sister, Anna Belle McCutchen, who died in New Mexico where she went for her health from her home in Muskogee, (Will Thompson died May 19, 1918) Oklahoma. She had 3 sons:

Loggie McCutchen, living at Roswell NM mar & has 6 children

Paul McCutchen, living at Roswell, NM married but no issue.

Frank McCutchen married but no issue. Lives at Kansas City, Mo, at with [sic] U.S. Veterans Hospital 11th & Harrison ST, Kansas City Mo. when a letter to Miss Emma Thompson was imparted on May 20, 1925

They don't know which one got the old Thompson bible. She went to New Mexico a yr or two before her death & took Frank, the youngest with her & Paul stayed with Loggie who was married.

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[fermata mark appears here]

2. Julia Thompson, daughter of Robert & Margaret Finley Thompson was born June 15, 1847 & died June 26, 1917 in Omaha, Neb married Feby 16, 1871 to George Lawell & had seven children. He died in Omaha, Jany 16, 1924. He was a farmer, owned a big farm. After his wife's death, he sold the farm & lived among his children:

1. Regenia F. Lawell born Feby 13, 1872

2. John R. Lawell born Sept 29, 1873

3. Oliver Grant Lawell

4. Julia Esther Lawell

5. Hester A. Lawell

6. Ora A. Lawell

1. Mrs T. says her husband had an older brother, Wm Thompson who lived here married a Agnes Wilson & lived here & had two children, a boy & a girl, who died of diptheria & they boy Wilson mar & had 5 children.

Robert's sisters were:

Nancy Thompson mar a bro of Daniel Bayless viz Asel Bayless. Had 6 children.

Margaret Thompson mar Sylvester Mathews. Had 4 girls & 4 boys

Sallie Thompson mar Jonathan Postlewaite & had 4 girls & 4 boys

Polly Thompson died of consumption unmarried.

two sisters whose names she don't recall

Mrs Thompson had 11 children as follows:

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[numbering begins with 3] 3. Nunnie (none so fair) born June 3, 1857

4. Dorcas Thompson born July 5, 1859

5. Mary Thompson born Aug 24, 1861

6. Martha Thompson born Dec 14, 1863

7. Sarah Emma Thompson born Feby 14, 1866

8. Robert Grant Thompson born Sept 20, 1868

9. Annie Belle Thompson born July 10, 1870

10. Debbie Thompson born Dec 16, 1872

11. James Edgar Thompson born May 14, 1875

12. Tyry [sic] Newton Thompson born Feby 28, 1878

13. Stillborn girl the oldest


Mary Thompson died Oct 7, 1923

Martha Thompson died May 16, 1880

Robert Grant Thompson died Aug 21, 1869

Anna Bell Thompson died.


Nunnie Thompson to Jno Gaffin Apr 18, 1877

Dorcas Thompson to Tyry Watson Jany 1, 1879

Mary Thompson to Alex Hilling Jany 15, 885

Anna Belle Thompson to Cary McCutchen Aug 13, 1888

Debbie Thompson to Edwin Gregg, Oct 18, 1892

James Edgar Thompson to Anna Rebecca Jacobs Oct 8, 1916

Tyry Newton Thompson to Jennetta Ong Oct 8, 1913

Births of Grand Children.

Robert Hilling born Jany 22, 1886

Nellie Hilling born Jany 12, 1889

Dickie Hilling born Feby 27, 1893

Bruce Hilling born Aug 26, 1895

Rutherford Hilling born May 12, 1903

Helen Hilling born Oct 7, 1904

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Loggie McCutchen, born Feby 20, 1889

Mary McCutchen, born Mch 5, 1891

Paul McCutchen, born Nov 26, 1899

Frank McCutchen, born Aug 8, 1903

Hazel Gregg born Aug 2, 1894

Olga Gregg born Jany 3, 1896

Helen Gregg born Aug 9, 1900

Robert Thompson Gregg born May 6, 1903

Dorcas Watson has no children

J. Edgar Thompson has no children

Tyry Newton Thompson has one son:

Robert Harry Thompson born Oct 6, 1914

Nunnie's children

May Gaffin

Jennie Gaffin

Wilbur Gaffin

John Gaffin

Bird, a girl Gaffin

Earl Gaffin

Dorcas, youngest

Mrs Thompson says that her husband's grandfather Thompson served in the Revolutionary War. She was told so by his mother.

S. Emma had child's paralysis when 2 yrs old & says she has been an invalid 57 yrs. I have given her my address & if her mother thinks of anything, she will write me.

Leaving 1:20 PM

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I then walked up town to the Stivers residence & bade Mrs Stivers & two of her daughters goodbye. Mr Stivers is the postmaster.

Mrs Mary Jane Thompson is a fine old lady, rather small build, but not at all feeble & she is the first of all the Thompsons I have seen on this Ohio trip who was able to tell where her Thompsons had come from with exactness. Her daughter's left hand is frightfully distorted, every finger stiff & pointing a different direction. Mrs Thompson has a clear mind & gave valuable information.

I then got Mr L.C. Davis to drive me over here to Seaman, O arriving at 2 PM going to John Harsha's place of business where I expected to get the McIntire record but was told he was out of town & would not be back until the late train tomorrow night. I then came here to the Davis Hotel kept by Mrs Daulton, where I am now at 6 o'c writing & got a room. Then went around on Forest St to the home of Wm H. Snedaker, who celebrated his 90th anniversary last week, but he could not tell anything about the early Finleys. He had, however lived at Ripley, O in his young days & said he knew old "Billy" Kerr who he said was a son of Samuel Kerr & who himself had a son Samuel Kerr who lived & died on a farm near here.

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At residence of Wm H. Kerr, Forest St, Seaman, O Oct 26, 1925 4:05 PM

Mr Kerr said he was born in Highland Co, O Mch 13, 1837 the son of Charles Kerr, who died Jany 1867 near Lewisville, Bratton Tp, (which I can't find) aged 74 yrs. He had two brothers, David, who had fits & William & a sister Mary. He had too ten children viz:

Mary Ann, Nicholas, Catharine, Louisa, Nancy, Eliza Jane, Adaline, Wm H., my informant, Rebecca & Martha, the youngest.

My informant & his wife who was there had ten children also viz:

Frank, Charles, Emma, Pearl, John, William, Mary, Ellen, Marguerite, the youngest, evidently failed to get one. He has a nephew. Wm H. Kerr who lives at 411 Roundtree St Hillsboro, Ills. His sister Eliza Jane married Joseph McAdow & they had a son Finley McAdow who died a year or so ago & also a son Joseph McAdow, who they say lives in Chicago, Ills, but he doesn't know why he was called "Finley". Both he & his wife are well preserved & vigorous for their ages.

He said his mother was _______ Lee Carter a first cousin of Genl Robert E. Lee.

Leaving 4:03 PM

I then walked back past the hotel some three doors & was:

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At residence of Cyrus Washington Howard, corner Main & 2d? Streets, Seaman, O oct 26, 1925 4:44 PM

Mr Howard is a small man in stature & avoirdupois & is the father of the banker here & a Civil War veteran having served over three years & his regiment was at Richmond when Lee surrendered. He said he was born in Preston Co, WVA near Tunnelton, Apr 5, 1841 & that his father, Chas A. Howard was born across in Penna near Uniontown, Pa in 1818. Nicholas, a brother of his father went to Louisville, Ky. His father was married twice, his wives being sisters named Wilkins & he had sons John, & William who was a half brother. Mr Howard, my informant was shot in the right leg about his ankle breaking the bone & was laid up at Lynchburg, Va for 3 mos & was sent to Richmond & paroled as they didn't think he could live. He came here after the war hence he is not able to tell me anything about the old Finleys. Says his son bought & owns the R. Porter Finley farm.

Left 4:55 PM

I then came to the hotel here & Cary Williams came in & I made arrangements for him to come in the morning at 7 AM to take me to Mt Zion & Unity Cems. Have had my supper, written this up & will now, 7:11 PM go to Mrs Satterfield's

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At residence of Mrs Harriet Satterfield, corner Main & Tener Streets Seaman O Oct 26, 1925 7:42 PM

Mrs Satterfield is the widow of John R. Satterfield & daughter of 1. John Treber, who was son of Jacob Treber & his wife Jennie Thoroman. She does not have her father's bible, but says her mother died at the home of her son Oliver Treber (brother of my informant) & gave the family bible to him. He died at Peebles, O abt 30 yrs or more ago leaving one child by his first wife & three by his second. He mar 1st Addie Sproull, daughter of Joseph Sproull & his wife Mary Ann Black & their child, Lillie Treber, mar Joseph Fristoe, son of George Fristoe & Augusta Thoroman. She has gone from Peebles, O to Huntingdon [sic] WVA to live with one of her daughters. She said but 2 children, Babe & ______ her husband ran off with another woman & never came back. Mar 2d Mrs Jane Fitch widow, & she had two children by her first husband. Had:

1. Jessie Fitch, mar Scott McGovney. Both living at Peebles, who is a miller & whose mill burned there recently. They think Jessie would know who got the bible or might have it.

2. James Fitch who is representative in Congress fr Peebles

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Oliver had three children by his second wife viz:

2. Annie who married Charles Berry, son of Dr Berry & wife. Both living on a farm near to Peebles. No issue. Think she may have gotten the John Treber bible from her father.

3. Lottie married Omer Crawford's son of Walker Crawford & his wife Mary Crawford (her maiden name). Walker was son of Capt Jim of the Irish family. Both living in Peebles where he is a traveling salesman. Have one child, a boy, Ralph. Think she might have gotten the old bible, but say to ask Lillie's mother-in-law Augusta Fristoe.

4. Oliver Cromwell Treber (called "Bud" for a nickname) He is unmarried & lives in Peebles. He was overseas in the World War. Ask him about the bible.

My informant, Harriet Treber was born in Oliver Tp Apr 4, 1850 & on Dec 22, 1870 she married John R. (initial only) Satterfield, born Mch 22, 1842 in Tiffin Tp, son of Wesley Satterfield & his wife Margaret Ralston & he died Apr 11, 1919. He was a large man & at one time weighed 300 lbs.

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See Martha McCullough at Youngsville, O aged abt 70.

Also see Luther L. Mason at Youngsville in old Finley home.

Mr Chas E. Satterfield who has come in says to see C.O. Rector, rural mail carrier who has always lived here, also to see Fenton Elmore, living in town.

Harriet & John R. had six children. The first four were born in Tiffin Tp & the last two in Jefferson Tp viz:

See book 20 p 485

1. Charles E. Satterfield born Apr 16, 1871

2. Wesley Satterfield born Aug 11, 1872

3. James Henry Satterfield born June 30, 1874

4. Stella May Satterfield born Jany 4, 1876

5. John Treber Satterfield born Nov 28, 1878

6. Ernest Satterfield, born Nov 8, 1879

1. Charles E. was married Oct 1, 1891 by Rev J.W. Shoemaker, Christian Union at West Union, O to Florence Lou Crummie born in Jefferson Tp on Mch 25, 1871 dau of John Crummie & his wife Anna Collier. Both living here where he is a retired farmer & have had two children both born in Tiffin Tp.

1. Nelle [sic] Ione Satterfield born Feby 20, 1894

2. Carl Bruce Satterfield born Mch 21, 1907 & he died Feby 26? 1908.

1. Nelle Ione was married Feby 1914 to Wilbur E. Greenlee, son of Joseph R. Greenlee & his wife Emma Kratz. No issue. He is a farmer & live in Scott Tp one mile out.

2. Wesley was married Mch 9, 1893 to Cora Edna Seaman, daughter of J. Chase

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Seaman & his wife Mary Frances Compton. They have had three children born in Tiffin Tp. She was born July 15, 1874 in Tiffin Tp.

1. stillborn boy born Sept 22, 1894

2. Bessie May born Aug 27, 1896

3. Harley John born Aug 20, 1900

2. Bessie May was married Oct 8, 1914 to William S. Nevil born near Mineral Springs in this Co Mch 1894 son of Thomas Nevil & his wife Emma Lawrence. Both living near Youngsville, O where he is a farmer (P.O. Peebles, O Route 5) Have three children, the oldest & youngest born in Wayne Tp & the middle one in Oliver Tp.

I. stillborn son born July 4, 1916

II. stillborn son born Feby 19, 1918

III. Mary Evelyn Nevil born July 27, 1921

IV. Thomas Wesley Nevil born May 11, 1923

V. Emma Edna Nevil born Aug 23, 1925

3. Harley John was married Dec 22, 1920 to Mary Ellen Elmore born May 18, 1899 in Scott Tp this county dau of Fenton Elmore & his wife Minnie McCreight. Both living in town where he is a painter. Have one child born here in Seaman, O.

I. Pauline Marie, born Oct 3, 1921

Says her mother was a daughter of Alexr Compton & he was a first cousin of W. Lou Compton

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The bible record of marriages gives in addition to above two:

"James H. Satterfield & Susie J. Seaman Dec 25, 1894

L.L. Mason & Stella May Satterfield Dec 14, 1905

Ernest Satterfield & Effie Morrison Jany 19, 1906

John T. Satterfield & Berda Holmes.


Earnest Satterfield died Jany 18, 1914

Stella May Mason died Apr? 1924

Fred Moore was born to Stella May out of wedlock Dec 31, 1897

Chas E. says:

Susie J. Seaman is dau of Henry Seaman & his wife Caroline McCarty.

Luther L. Mason is son of John W. Mason & his wife _____ Moore.

Effie Morrison is dau of John Morrison & his wife _____ Pollard

Berda Holmes is the dau of Nathan Holmes & his wife ______ Malone.

See James H. Satterfield in Manchester, O where he has a store & filling sta. See page 366.

Leaving 9:42 PM

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Davis Hotel office, Seaman, O Oct 26, 1925 11:11 PM

After securing my room here this afternoon, I walked out Main St to the Citizens garage to see Ollie Campbell. He said the Sarah Margaret Campbell house at Unity was locked up but that Delbert McClelland had the key & he would telephone him to let me in to look over the old papers & letters that might be there. He gave me a line from his sister, Mrs McClung which I am noting here & some legal papers he found which I am also making note of. He said there was three or four old bibles up at his home & if I would go there, his sister wd show them to me. I did so & she was very nice & kind but there was no record in any of them. One was a big well preserved bible printed in Edinburgh in 1791 & looked as though it might have been the elder Robert Finley's, but it had written in the front "Robert Finley 1840". The letter from Anna McClung is:

"Mary Finley married (R.) Anderson Glasgow, one son was born, his name was Joseph. He died or was killed in the Civil War. His mother died when he was small.

There was another sister. She was

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Eliza. She married a man by the name of Ralston.

There was also another brother. His name was Samuel. He died of cholera or they supposed it was. These were brother & sisters of Grandmother Campbell. This is information I got since Mr Thompson was at our place".

The papers Ollie Campbell loaned me were:

1. Guardians letters of Robert Glasgow of William F. Glasgow who on Mch 21, 1864 as William F. Glasgow in Washington Co, Iowa, stating that he was 16 years old & that his grandfather, William Finley, late of Adams Co, O died Aug 21, 1863 & by his will gave him $50. The court appointed Robert Glasgow Gdn with bond in $100.

2. Paper signed by John M. Smith, probate judge states that on Oct 1, 1863 the will of Wm Finley was produced in Court & now Oct 16, 1863 letters testamentary are granted to Robert P. Finley. Will witnessed by T.F. Ralston, M.E. Gray.

3. Appraisement of sd estate showing notes & cash aggregating $4,292.75

5. Certified copy of the will of R.P. Finley of Youngsville, O

2d directs his farm on Buck Run be sold & proceeds go equally to boards of Foreign missions, Home missions & church exten of U.P. Ch 3d my 18 A farm at Youngsville, O to go to my nieces Sarah Margaret Campbell & Martha Ann Campbell. Dated Oct 11, 1902 Probated Dec 2, 1902

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At Decatur Cemetery, Decatur, Brown Co, Ohio Oct 26, 1925 10:05 AM This cemetery is at the edge of the town & I came to get merely the Liggett record & didn't look further.

81. William Liggett, father 1814-1894

Mary Liggett, mother 1818-1865

See page 159

John P. Liggett, their son killed in Civil War 1843-1864

Left 10:08 AM

Nov 17, 1925 11:55 PM made all slips to here JVT

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At residence of Nathan Foster Malone, Youngsville, Wayne Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Seaman RFD 2) Oct 27, 1925 7:11 AM

Mr Malone's wife is Sarah Jane, dau of Hiram Thoroman. He died Feby 4, 1914 aged 87 years at Upland, Indiana & his son John Bruff Thoroman, living in the town of Upland, Ind owning & running a farm near got his father's bible record. He is married & has a family all grown up & married & living thereabout. Hiram's son Frank Thoroman, a plasterer by trade, same as was his father, lives at Trotwood, a suburb of Dayton, O is married & has five children.

Sarah Jane Thoroman named for her mother Sarah Jane Robertson was born in Meigs? Tp Dec 28, 1865 married on Nov 15, 1882 at West Union, O by S.B. Grooms J.P. to Nathan Foster Malone, my informant, who was born in Tiffin Tp Jany 4, 1856, son of Henry Malone & his wife Frances Baldwin. Both living here. (Mrs Malone being away on a visit) where Mr Malone is a farmer. (Mr M. says that Williamson Malone, the father of Mrs Robert O. Black is his brother.)

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Have had seven children all born in Tiffin Tp viz:

1. Anna Frances Malone born Nov 21, 1883

2. Owney Elvis Malone born Sept 16, 1885

3. Etta Malone born Sept 26, 1887

4. Hulda Elizabeth Malone born Oct 7, 1890

5. Jesse Malone born Oct 27, 1891

6. Nathan Marion Malone born Mch 22, 1894

7. Edna Lorene Malone born June 10, 1905


Etta Malone died Oct 23, 1890

Jesse Malone died Feby 23, 1895

1. Anna Frances mar on Mch 12, 1902 Joseph Wesley thatcher born Mch 5, 1871 son of [2]son_Z4Z_#(Z_#%_(__ 11. Leilia, mar Frank Ellison

Both living in Scott Tp one mile north of Seaman where he is a farmer. Have eight children, the two oldest born in Cincin, O & the others in Tiffin Tp all single except the oldest girl.

1. [3] 1. Wilson married Locke([_#-[_# _ 2. Joseph Foster Thatcher born Nov 12, 1905

3. Treber Jennings Thatcher born July 8, 1908

4. Sarah Eleanor Thatcher born Dec 17, 1910

5. Truman Thatcher born July 15, 1913

6. Wesley Nobel Thatcher born Feby 22, 1919

7. Francis Marion Thatcher born Mch 1, 1922

8. Esta Viola Thatcher born Aug 8, 1923

(His P.O. RFD 1 Seaman O. Lives on the road to Belfast, O.)

9. Morris Lee Thatcher born Nov 22, 1925

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2. Owney E. was married Oct 24, 1909 to Ocie D. Moore, daughter of Andrew Moore & wife Jennie Thoroman dau of Nelson Thoroman (don't think Nelson had any brothers or sisters & don't know his father's name). Both living over by Steam Furnace abt 3 miles south of Peebles, where he is a farmer (P.O. Peebles, O RD 2) & have four children viz:

1. Elvas Malone born in Meigs Tp

2. May Malone born in Oliver Tp

3. "Mack" Malone born in Oliver Tp (twin)

4. Mabel Malone born in Oliver Tp (twin)

4. Hulda E. was married Sept 28, 1921 to Austin Abraham Dunkin born Dec 22, 1894 son of James Dunkin & his wife Maggie Leedom. Both living in Meigs Tp (P.O. Peebles, O RD 2) where he is a farmer. Have two boys born in Wayne Tp viz:

1. Leroy Abraham Dunkin born May 27, 1922

2. Austin James Dunkin born Dec 31, 1923

6. Nathan M. was married Feby 14, 1917 to Ethel Black born Jany 18, 1900, daughter of Benj Black & his wife Minnie Tumbleson. Both living near Sinking Springs in Highland Co, O (P.O. Peebles, O Rd4) where he owns a little farm. Have 3 children born in Brush Creek Tp, Highland Co, viz:

1. Owney Wilson, a boy, born Nov 17, 1918

2. John Lee Malone born Oct 21, 1921

3. Wm Russell Malone born Nov 17, 1923

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7. Edna L. was married at Maysville, Ky Apr 19, 1924 to Charles Ray Hasson born Apr 22, 1904 at Winchester, O son of Charles Hasson & his wife Edna Cox. Both living in Springfield, O at No 133 N. Light St where he works in a garage & where Mrs Malone now is on a visit. Have one child born in Springfield, O.

1. Dean Ray Hasson born Oct 18, 1925

Henry Malone, father died Aug 6, 1902 aged 87

Frances Baldwin Malone, mother died Mch 6, 1915 aged 93 yrs

Hiram Thoroman died Feby 4, 1914 aged 87 yrs

Thomas Thoroman (his son) died Nov 17, 1908 aged 55 yrs

(His wife, Rebecca White died a year before he did. There were no children. He buried at Jacktown & she in Highland Co near Belfast, O)

The above records of birth, marriage & death are taken from Mr Malone's large bible

Leaving 8:20 PM

At residence of Wesley Satterfield, Main St, Seaman, O Oct 27, 1925 4:26 PM

Mrs Satterfield is completing the record started last night at her mother-in-law's where I met her & I am entering what she tells me on page 138.

Leaving 4:50 PM

At residence of Clarence Conkle, Columbia Ave, Cor Glasgow Road Seaman, O Oct 27, 1925 5:33 PM

Mr Conkle rents this house fr our Tina Glasgow, who he says now lives at Prineville, Oregon & her father, Robt W. Glasgow died in this house. She retains a couple of rooms here & Mrs Conkle has brought two old bibles from which I am copying the records.

The older bible has a leather cover & is very much dilapidated & was printed at Belfast in 1751 by James Blow & for George Grierson. Printer to the King at the end of the Old Testament are evidences of two or three leaves being torn out.

At Finis following table of scripture weights, measures & coins is written: "Marget Henrey was boren Nov 25, 1792"

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In the other bible printed by the American bible Soc NY in 1882 which is torn asunder is the following record:

"Robert W. Glasgow & Phebe J. Finley were married Dec 24, 1868. Married Apr 5, 1900 Miss Myrta E. Montgomery to Mr Ora I. Glasgow


I.O. (Idelina Oral) Glasgow was born Jan 7, 1870

Mary Ivie Glasgow was born Oct 11, 1871

William Finley Glasgow was born Dec 19, 1873

Cora Anne Palina Glasgow was born Jany 1, 1875

Nancy Albertine Glasgow was born Oct 11, 1877

Carey Leander Glasgow was born Mch 2, 1880

Mackarthur Glasgow was born Apr 10, 1881

Robert Renwick Glasgow was born May 21, 1882

Bertha Annis Glasgow was born Nov 10, 1883

Charles Wilbur Glasgow was born June 2, 1885

See page 164 item 109.

Mrs P.J. Glasgow was born Aug 25, 1850

R.W. Glasgow was born June 6, 1847

Born to Ora & Myrta

Sylvia Marie Glasgow born Mch 12, 1901

Orval Lloyd Glasgow born Aug 10, 1903

Eliza Ann Breckenridge born Jany 13, 1831

W.P. Breckenridge born Oct 7, 1831

Mrs Phebe J. Glasgow died May 6, 1907

Mary Ina Glasgow died May 24, 1885

Leaving 6:15 PM

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At residence of J. Gilmore Glasgow, corner Columbia Ave & Glasgow Road Seaman, O Oct 27, 1925 7:11 PM

Mrs Glasgow came across the street to Mr Conkle's & asked me to come over & have supper with them which I did & had a fine good meal. She called up & told a neighbor to tell Mrs Daulton at the hotel that I wouldn't be there for supper. She has gotten out their big cumbersome bible which is without date & the record is as follows:

J.G. Glasgow of Youngsville, & Lizzie McIntire of Cherry Fork, O were married Dec 1, 1881.


James Gilmore Glasgow was born Nov 13, 1858

Phoebe Elizabeth McIntire was born Dec 1, 1860

Their children:

1. an infant son born Aug 25, 1882

2. Olive McIntire Glasgow born Nov 27, 1884

3. Lucia May Glasgow born May 30, 1887

4. Willard Dyer Glasgow born Mch 1, 1899

5. Robert Anderson Glasgow born Jany 10, 1902


Infant son died Aug 26, 1882

Willard Dyer Glasgow died Feby 20, 1902

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2. Olive McIntire Glasgow was married July 6, 1910 to Murray Thurston Titus born Sept 19, 1886 at Batavia, O son of Frank Titus & his wife. Both living at Moradabad, India where he is a missionary being a minister of the Meth Epis Ch. Olive is a graduate of Park College Mo in class of 1910. Their only child was born in India

1. Carol Elizabeth Shanti Titus born Sept 1, 1924

3. Lucia May was married Oct 18, 1911 to Harry Allen Grooms born in Scott Tp Sept 15, 1890 son of Eli F. Grooms & his wife Susie Seaman. Both living in Scott Tp near Seaman, O where he is a farmer. They have four children all born in Scott Tp.

1. Gordon Allen Grooms born Sept 9, 1912

2. Mary Elizabeth Grooms born June 7, 1914

3. Wayne Glasgow Grooms born Jany 10, 1922

4. Don McIntire Grooms born July 22, 1924

5. Robert Anderson Glasgow was married Mch 7, 1922 to Ruth Finney born Aug 9, 1899 in Greene Co, O daughter of William J. Finney & his wife Nancy Caroline King. They live in Scott Tp on their 280 A farm partly in Scott Tp & partly in Wayne. They have two children born in Scott Tp.

1. McIntire Finney Glasgow born Nov 24, 1923

2. Esther Mae Glasgow born Mch 27, 1925

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Mrs Glasgow says her grandparents, Andrew & Elizabeth Finley McIntire had the following children:

1. Robert

2. Jane, unmarried

3. John Lindsey, unmarried

4. Martha, unmarried

5. Samuel, unmarried

6. William

7. Silas Dyer

see item 62 page 112

1. Robert was bitten on the back of his hand by a rattlesnake & they drew out the poison by cutting open several chickens across the back & applying them, turning the meat green. He died a year later & it was thought from this bite. He had but one child, Mary McIntire who married John George, who had died, but she is living with her daughter, Ruhama Milligan at Olathe, Kansas & is aged 90 yrs or over. She had twelve children, but only four are living. Robert's widow married Andrew McIntire, only distantly related, if at all.

6. William McIntire married Ann McCague from Ripley, O. He taught school & may have thus become acquainted with her. Don't know her parentage nor names of any brothers & sisters, but do know that she was related

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to Rev Thos McCague, the missionary who was also from about Ripley, O. See Book 14 p 522 & where on Nov 23, 1817 Ann Finley, a daughter of John Finley mar Wm McCague.

William died in Scott Tp & is buried at Tranquility, O died before my informants were married, dying they say 46 or 48 yrs ago. He had typhoid fever, raised up in bed & his heart failed. His children were:

1. Andrew, living now at Manchester, O 75

2. Allie mar Buchan Harsha & their son John W. Harsha lives here & their daughter, Mrs Yankee & lives in Calif.

3. Oscar, lives at Colorado Springs, Colo

4. John lives in Kansas

5. Mary Elizabeth mar Anderson G. Campbell.

7. Silas Dyer see pages 105-107 referring to page 107 bottom, John W. Harsha got home tonight from Flint, Mich & upon calling him from here, he says his wife who is out at a Lodge meeting has put the record away & he don't know where, but will bring me a copy of what he has to Davis Hotel before I leave at 6:45 in the morning for Peebles & consequently am not taking from Mrs Glasgow any further record of her father's family. Gave Mr G. the 5 papers to hand back to Ollie E. Campbell.

Leaving 8:55 PM

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At Davis Hotel office desk, Seaman, O Oct 27, 1925 11 PM

Mrs Daulton, proprietress of this hotel, with whom I have been talking for an hour since getting in from Mr & Mrs Glasgow's says her maiden name was Austin & her mother's maiden name was McChesney from Beaver, Pa related to the Buchanans, Wallaces, & McClures there.

Just as I was leaving, J. Gilmore Glasgow's, I thought to ask him what his mother's name was & he said it was Jane Smiley, she being the second wife of Robert Anderson Glasgow.

I find in my pocket, a card Mrs H.D. Kirkpatrick sent Mrs Stivers Sunday evg for me who she wanted to to see on the Jack History viz: W.C. Brownfield No 1764 Nobel road East Cleveland, O Phone Eddy 4434J

I am mistaken the card was sent me 23d inst by Mrs O.C. Robuck to the Northside Hotel, West Union, O to see him about the Simeral family.

I am entering now in orderly procedure the conferences I penciled down as & when had & then the records gotten in the four cemeteries visited.

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In front of residence of Luther Lawrence Mason, Youngsville, Adams Co, O Oct 27, 1925 7 AM

We met Mr Mason just coming out of his home & leaving. He said he was born in Tiffin Tp Oct 14, 1876 son of John Wesley Mason & his wife Adaline Moore & on Dec 14, 1905 married Stella May Satterfield see pages 137 & 139 who died June 6, 1924. They had one child born in Jefferson Tp viz:

1. Agnes Louise Mason born Sept 6, 1907. At home single. He is a farmer & has taught school.

Left 7:05 AM

At residence of Mrs Martha McCollough, Youngsville, O Oct 27, 1925 8:30 AM

Mrs McCullough was not able to give anything on the early Finley line.

Left 8:37 AM

Driving from Youngsville, O to Unity, O, I asked my auto man his full name & he said it was Carey Glasgow Williams born May 18, 1870 in Scott Tp. He says David Kerr's wife's name was Allie & not Etta Foster, dau of Robert, whose record of birth & death we found at Mt Leigh Cem.

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David was son of old William Kerr (whose father Samuel Kerr married Isabella Finley) & brother of Samuel Kerr who lived in these parts. We found tombstone of David & wife at Unity g.y. which see. His children were: Fannie Kerr, who is single, Edna who is married.

When we got in town at 4 PM, we went to Mrs W.L. Brown's on Main St & she gave us address of Miss Fannie Kerr Macon, Georgia, c/o Benden Smith & Co. Mrs Brown is a niece of their mother.

We arrived at Unity at 10 AM

After going through Unity g.y. we went in the back door of the Sarah Margaret Campbell old home there which was unlocked & looked through the old papers scattered around from 11:15 to 11:30 AM but found nothing of any benefit.

We then drove out the road a short distance to:

Residence of Miss Sarah A. McSurely, Unity, Oliver Tp, Oct 27, 1925 11:40 AM

Miss McSurely says she knew William Finley & his wife who lived

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adjoining the farm of her father Hugh McSurely in Wayne Tp

Hugh McSurely her father, mar 1. Mary Clark dau of John Clark who was a brother of Jane McClung. This was my informant's mother. Mar 2, Ann McClanahan daughter of William McClanahan.

My informant said she was born Feby 11, 1845 & her brother Rev Jasper McSurely was born Sept 1, 1834 & lives now in Oxford, O. She says William Finley's wife was Jane Pilsen. She knew their sons Wm J. Finley & R. Porter Finley & also their daughter Eliza Finley who married a Ralston, who she said did not have any children. Also knew Sarah Finley, a daughter who married a Porter & went to Iowa, where she died without issue. She thinks Samuel Finley their brother was dead before she was born. Said her father helped to wait on Samuel when the Doctor refused to come to see him thinking he had the cholera. Her father thought he died of typhoid fever when he was a young man & was not married. She called in Miss Maggie or Martha McCullough who lives in the house with her & is well advanced in years. She said Eliza Finley's husband's name was James Ralston son of Thomas Ralston & his wife Rebecca Glasgow. Rebecca Glasgow was a sister of Robert Anderson

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Glasgow, the father of J. Gilmore Glasgow, Rebecca's sister Rosanna married Robert Ralston a brother of Thomas & another sister Polly or Mary married John Williams & Margaret, another sister married Patterson McClure. They had a brother Wm Barclay Glasgow. Finley Glasgow had Robert W. father of Tiny.

Miss McSurely says that John Carothers married her mother's sister Jane Clark & he was an invalid lying in bed ever since she could remember. He had four daughters & no son viz:

1. Elizabeth Carothers married James Haggerty & moved to Indiana & died there. Had two children.

2. The second daughter could not recall her name, married a John Compton who was killed in the Civil War.

3. Susan Carothers married a Nesbit & went to Indiana. No issue.

4. Sarah Ellen died young, unmarried. Thinks she was about her own age. Her Aunt Jane Carothers survived her husband.

Leaving 12:20 PM

When we drove in town at 3:55 PM, we met Clarence Conkle living in the Robt W. Glasgow home, the man I came here expecting to see & he said Tina Glasgow was at Prineville, Oregon & I. Ora Glasgow lived one mile east of Mt Oreb, O on the state road.

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2 o'clock AM 28th, have just burned the wrong sheet which had a half page of memoranda on & don't recall what it was, so will now record the inscriptions taken at the five g.y.s visited today.

What I burned was the important data I penciled down at Mrs McIntire's. too bad Nov 18/25 See page 310 conference with I.O. Glasgow from whom I got the same information.

From page 142

Mt Zion Cemetery, Scott Tp Oct 17, 1925 6:55 AM 82. Chas A. Howard, ob Mar 1, 1884 aged 67 yrs 11 mos 4 days. This is the father of C.W. Howard who I interviewed yesterday & who was born at Uniontown, Pa.

Mt Leigh Cemetery, Scott Tp, Oct 27, 1925 7:13 AM 83. Esther, wife of Wm McNitt B Apr 30, 1789, ob Dec 16, 1871

Wm R McNitt ob Sept 11, 1862 ae 81 yrs 2 mos 20 days

84. R.M. Foster B May 28, 1830 ob Mch 18, 1895 (his sister Allie was wife of David Kerr of Wm of Saml)

Susan R. his wife B May 2, 1836 ob Jany 15, 1905

85. Cora A. wife of V.E. Silcott B Nov 26, 1858 ob June 13, 1895

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Wilbur C. Silcott 1892-1908, Killed on RR jumped on a freight, fell under & was cut in bits.

86. Robinson Thompson ob July 6, 1886 ae 74 yrs 10 mos 21 days

Harriet, wife of R. Thompson ob Jany 21, 1910 ae 77 yrs 9 mos 11 days. She was a Burbage.

Silas S. son of above (a school teacher) ob May 20, 1917 ae 64 yrs 5 mos 8 days. He was an old bachelor.

87. Iskea, wife of Thomas M. Jones & dau of S & M Beatty ob Mch 12, 1873 ae 24 yrs 8 mos 22 days

88. Wm L. Brown, He is lying at the point of death today. 1861-19--

[4]e hotel for dinnerV¦_#__#=___(just before leaving for Cinc address, 1868-19--

Mary R. Brown 1894-1915

Leaving 7:44 AM

Unity or Wheat Ridge Cemetery, Oliver Tp, Adams Co, O Oct 27, 1925 10 AM

89. Israel Thompson 1819-1905

Nancy A., his wife 1827-1903

Maggie, wife of D.B. Thompson B May 15, 1856, ob Dec 27, 1891

90. Catharine, wife of Wm McClanahan, ob Apr 1, 1870 ae 66 yrs

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91. Hugh McSurely, Co E 70th Reg O.V.I. B July 14, 1806, ob Dec 5, 1896 Same regiment in which Mr Williams father served ie Wm Simpson Williams

Mary Clark, wife of Hugh McSurely B July 13, 1806 ob Aug 19, 1865

Ann McClanahan, wife of Hugh McSurely born July 31, 1824 ob Dec 18, 1908.

92. Jane, wife of William Thompson ob Nov 22, 1864 ae 31 yrs 26 days

93. John Carothers, ob Aug 9, 1856 in 43d yr

Jane, wife of John Carothers ob Nov 8, 1856 aged 44 yrs 10 mos 14 days.

Sarah Ellen dau of John & Jane Carothers ob Apr 12, 1853 ae 8 yrs 2 mos 6 days

94. Martha, consort of John L. Compton ob Aug 8, 1863 ae 23 yrs 6 mos 9 days

95. James A. Leach Nov 29, 1841 - Dec 14, 1907

Dorcas J. his wife Aug 3, 1842 - May 10, 1917

Their infant son June 13, 1867

96. Samuel McClung, ob Sept 14, 1809 ae 83

Samuel McClung ob June 29, 1869 ae 41 yrs 9 mos

John McClung ob Feby 9, 1873 ae 88 yrs 1 mos 6 days

See book 20 p 463 & book 21 p 267

Jane, wife of John McClung ob July 29, 1880 ae 85 yrs 10 mos 16 days

Sarah J. McClung 1833-1911

Mary A. McClung 1836-19--

97. David Kerr B Sept 22, 1850 ob Aug 25, 1895

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Alice B., wife of David Kerr B May 31, 1849 ob Sept 11, 1893

Martha G. dau of Wm & Igerpene [sic] Kerr ob Sept 19, 1871 in her 26th yr.

98. Elizabeth McClanahan 1836-1921

99. Orma Troutman, July 6, 1877, Nov 27, 1904

Geo S. Troutman 1855-19--

Harriet A. his wife 1857-1924

100. James Crothers, father B May 18, 1814, ob Dec 1895

Jane Crothers, mother B May 16, 1823 ob June 4, 1901

101. Margaret A. wife of Wm H.H. Thoroman ob Aug 15, 1878 aged 40 yrs 10 mos 29 days

102. Margaret W., dau of Wm N. & M Jones ob May 11, 1856 ae 1 mos 25 days

103. William S. Campbell Mch 4, 1820, Aug 11, 1900

Martha M. Campbell July 3, 1830, Nov 11, 1890

Martha A. Campbell 1844-1918

Sarah Margaret Campbell 1845-1925

104. James A. Thurman ob Nov 5, 1884 ae 24 yrs 1 mos 25 days

105. Thomas Thompson Sept 10, 1818, Jany 30, 1902

Ann Elizabeth, his wife Dec 7, 1818, Aug 6, 1899

Leaving 11:11 AM

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Old Covenanter Graveyard, Scott Tp, Oct 27, 1925 1:05 PM 106. Margaret, wife of Andrew Steel ob July 9, 1856 in 65th yr

107. Matthew Hemphill, ob Sept 10, 1875 in his 80th yr

David R. Hemphill, son of Matthew & Martha Hemphill ob May 27, 1877 in his 31st yr.

Richard G. son of Matthew & Martha H. ob Oct 1842 aged 22 mos

Richard Hemphill ob Oct 8, 1855 in 67th yr

John D. Hemphill son of M & M Hemphill ob Mch 2, 1856 in 22d yr

Wm S. Hemphill son of M & M Hemphill ob Nov 8, 1862 ae 25 yrs 1 mo 10 days

Margaret E. wife of John J. Aikin & dau of Matthew & Martha Hemphill ob Jany 14, 1864 ae 20 yrs 3 mos 22 days

Perlina A. wife of T.H. Hemphill dau of D.S. & M. Collins ob Jany 13, 1872 in 30th yr.

Leaving 1:20 PM

Tranquility Cemetery, Scott Tp, Oct 27, 1925 1:30 PM

108. Glasgow Finley B Mch 25, 1816 ob Aug 26, 1888

Mary P, wife of Glasgow Finley B Aug 20, 1822 ob Oct 4, 1885

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Mary, dau of Glasgow & Esther Finley ob Mch 1, 1866 ae 26 yrs 19 days

Esther, wife of Glasgow Finley ob Oct 7, 1861 ae 44 yrs 4 mos 5 days

109. William F. Glasgow, Feby 9, 1874, Dec 9, 1874

Cora A. Glasgow Jany 1, 1875, June 29, 1877

See page 149

Carey L. Glasgow Mch 2, 1880, Mch 21, 1880

MackArthur Glasgow, Apr 10, 1881, June 18, 1881

Robert R. Glasgow, May 2, 1882, June 12, 1882

Bertha A. Glasgow, Nov 10 1883, Dec 2, 1883

110. John T. Wilson Capt Co E 70th Reg O.V.I. ob Oct 6, 1891 ae 80 yrs 5 mos 20 days. He loved his God, his country & the people. His old stone house home built by him is near the cem entrance. He made his money keeping store, loaning money at 8% & always collecting his debt taking horses, cattle hogs & farms galore. He gave a half million to a million dollars to found the childrens home at West Union.

Hadassah G. wife of John T. Wilson ob Mch 23, 1849 ae 30 yrs 4 mos Blessed are the dead which died in the Lord. Her maiden name was Dryden.

Spencer H. son of J.T. & H.G. Wilson ob Mch 4, 1862 ae 19 yrs 5 mos 21 days 1st Sergeant Co B 33d Reg O.V.I. He gave his life for his country.

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111. John McCreight, (grandfather of C.G.W.) ob May 14, 1882 ae 69 yrs 6 mos 16 days

Nicassa, wife of John McCreight ob Sept 29, 1898 ae 81 yrs 4 mos 19 days sister of Mrs John T. Wilson, nee Dryden & mother of my chauffeur C.G. Williams' mother.

112. Melissa J. Carothers, daughter of Sarah McClelland ob July 23, 1845 ae 3 yrs 9 mos 16 days.

113. Nancy J. wife of Robert F. Glasgow ob May 7, 1862 ae 36 yrs 3 mos 6 days

Infant son of R.F. & N.J. Glasgow ob Aug 22, 1862 ae 3 mos 22 days

114. Jane, wife of A.J. McIntire, B May 26, 1849 ob Jany 27, 1871

115. David Gaston, B Dec 21, 1825 ob Feby 19, 1899

Nancy Elizabeth Watt, his wife, B Feby 7, 1834

116. Mattie J. wife of Dr J.A. Glasgow ob Apr 13, 1878 in 27th yr. She was dau of Margaret Glasgow & her husband Patterson McClure

Nannie M. wife of Dr J.A. Glasgow ob Mch 11, 1883 in 26th yr. She was dau of Finley Glasgow & sister of Robt W. (Tiny's father) C.G. Williams says his father raised her. Dr J.A. Glasgow had for his 4th wife Mattie Duffey who is still living in Seaman aged upwards of 60 yrs. The Dr died abt 4 yrs ago but had no issue by either of his

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four wives. His name was Dr Joseph A. Glasgow & he was son of Wm Barclay Glasgow who was a son of the first original Joseph.

117. William McIntire ob Sept 21, 1877 ae 57 yrs 3 mos 1 day. This is Mrs J. Gilmore Glasgow's Uncle see page 153. The William buried at Cherry Fork was his cousin & not in our line.

Anna, wife of William McIntire ob Sept 25, 1886 aged 60 yrs

118. Rosetta, dau of W.Q. & H.J. Thompson B Nov 30, 1882, ob Dec 2, 1882

119. James C. McIntire ob Apr 4, 1844 ae 60 yrs 2 mos 4 days

Nancy, wife of James C. McIntire ob Apr 11, 1853 ae 67 yrs 7 mos

120. John H. son of John & Elizabeth Hemphill ob July 29, 1862 ae 20 yrs 28 days.

121. Levi Smith, ob Nov 4, 1838 in 68th yr

122. William Glasgow, ob Jany 13, 1853 ae 77 yrs 9 mos 29 days

Rhoda, wife of Wm Glasgow ob Feby 13, 1846 ae 65 yr 2 mos 19 days

123. Robert Campbell 1791-1855

Nancy Campbell 1788-1877

Grandparents of Mrs Minta McIntire & she widow of 1st Joseph Glasgow.

124. John Glasgow ob Jany 4, 1859 ae 62 yrs 10 mos 17 days

Margaret, wife of J.M. Glasgow ob May 16, 1851 in 42d yr

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Elizabeth, wife of John Glasgow ob Jany 6, 1852 ae 55 yrs 9 mos 11 days

125. Rosanna D. dau of R.F. & N.J. Glasgow, ob Feby 8, 1853, aged 2 yrs 1 mo 13 days

126. Phebe, wife of R.B. Glasgow ob Nov 14, 1854 ae 47 yrs 1 mo 17 days

127. James B. Ralston, ob Mch 27, 1853, aged 23 yrs 10 mos 12 days. No doubt the husband of Eliza Finley, see page 125 item 80 & my talk at Unity today.

Robert W., son of Thomas & Rebecca Ralston ob Sept 9, 1855 ae 22 yrs 3 mos 16 days.

128. Rosannah N. Ralston ob Jany 5, 1892, ae 84 yrs 3 mos 4 days

Robert C. Ralston, ob Sept 12, 1855 ae 50 yrs 10 mos 28 days

Joseph E. Ralston, ob Sept 12, 1855 ae 15 yrs 3 mos 4 days

Eleanor C. dau of R.G. & R.N. Ralston ob Mch 13, 1847 (in ground)

129. Jessie Sweet, dau of C.E. & M. Silcott, ob June 7, 1879 ae 11 yrs 3 mos 10 days

Elizabeth Silcott, wife of Craven Silcott ob Oct 5, 1848 ae 36 yrs 9 mos 5 days

Craven Silcott, ob July 14, 1868 ae 63 yrs 5 mos 16 days, on monument is 1806-1862 & Sarah A. his wife 1827 -

C.G.W. says she died 15 yrs ago.

130. I. Ora Glasgow, 1870 - living at Mt Oreb, O

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Myrta E., his wife (she was dau of Spencer Montgomery) 1877-1911

131. Mary F. Williams (nee Glasgow May 22, 1811, Feby 15, 1900

(grandmother of C.G. Williams)

J.G. Williams (her youngest son) 1849-1914

Mary E., his wife Dau of W.B. Glasgow 1848-1923

Wm Simpson Williams (father of C.G.W.) 1835-1916

Kezia E. Williams (nee McCreight, mother of C.G.W.) 1838-1910

Dryden Williams (brother) 1865-1890

132. Wm Porter Breckenridge Oct 7, 1831, Oct 5, 1903

Eliza Ann, his wife June 13, 1831, Aug 29, 1908

Parents of Mrs Araminta McIntire.

133. William Barclay Glasgow 1816-1907

Marian McIntire, his wife 1818-1855

Grizzell Milligan, his wife 1811-1901

Joseph A. Glasgow M.D. (his son) 1842-1921

Mrs Judith A. his wife 1851-1905

134. Robert W. Glasgow (son of Finley) 1847 ob Abt 1923

Phebe J., his wife 1850-1907

Mary Ivie, their dau, 1871-1885

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135. [5]5 Page 8_-@-_#_-_#¾_(__ V15 P Sarah W, wife of Jas H. McIntire nee Smiley ob May 27, 1895 ae 57 yrs 1 mo 18 days.

See page 216

Leaving 3:33 PM

Finished at 6:11 AM 28th after writing all night & Mrs Daulton has just said my breakfast was ready. JVT

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At residence of Ole Crayton Thoroman, Church St, Peebles, O Oct 28, 1925 1:46 PM

Ole C. Thoroman was born in Meigs Tp, Adams Co, O Mch 31, 1873, son of Wm Tucker Thoroman & his wife Harriet Catharine Elliott. Wm T. Thoroman was born Feby 14, 1844 in Oliver Tp & died May 1, 1919. Harriet Catharine Elliott was born May 1, 1854 & is still living.

Wm's father was John Thoroman & was born 1825 & is buried in Lick Fork Baptist Ch g.y. in Oliver Tp. He mar Rosanna Hamilton.

John was a son of William Thoroman & his wife Sarah Tucker. John had a brother Crawford Thoroman who died at Coffeyville, Kansas, past 90 yrs of age, some 10 or 15 yrs ago. William was son of Samuel Thoroman & his wife Anna Crawford. Mr T. says that he has heard his father & William Treber & his great Uncle Samuel Thoroman all say that Anne Crawford was a sister of Capt Wm Crawford who was burned at the stake.

O.C. Thoroman was married July 10, 1898 to Lucy Treber, born Aug 25, 1871 in Tiffin Tp, dau of Wm Treber & his wife Melissa Thoroman. They have had three children all born in Oliver Tp as follows:

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1. Philip Sousa Thoroman born Sept 24, 1900

2. Carlos Treber Thoroman born Oct 28, 1901

3. Mary Agnes Thoroman born Nov 4, 1903

1. Philip Sousa was married Dec 2, 1922 to Catherine Claire Brodt born Sept 23, 1900 at West Union, O, dau of Samuel Brodt & his wife Clara Roderick. Both live here where he is in the lumber & building material business. Have had two children born here in Peebles, viz:

I. Philip Samuel born Aug 2, 1923 & died Feby 6th, 1924

II. Phyllis Louise born Sept 3, 1924.

He wants a book.

2 & 3. Carlos T. & Mary Agnes are at home single.

Mr T. thinks his Aunt Agnes Thoroman got his grandfather's bible which he remembers seeing. Agnes married Charles Swisher & when last seen 4 or 5 yrs ago was living in Cincin. Agnes died 20 yrs or more ago leaving three children. He remarried.

Says he has an Aunt, Mrs Adelaide Coe, living in Bookwalter, Fayette Co, Ohio who may have gotten the bible. His father was the only boy in the family & six girls, Mary, Jane, Rosa, Eliza, Emma & Agnes & Adelaide.

Leaving 2:42 PM

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At residence of Miss Anna Florence Treber, Church St, Peebles, O Oct 28, 1925 2:55 PM

Miss Treber is a large heavy set woman, not tall & is hard of hearing. She is a sister of Mrs Dr O.T. Sproull & has the family bible of her father, William Treber which is a small one & was printed by the American Bible Society, NY in 1883. The record is on four leaves which have become detached & covers the first three leaves ie six pages note size & is as follows:

"William Traber [sic] & Melissa A. Thoroman were married Jany 10, 1856 William Traber was born Aug 10, 1825

Melissa A. Thoroman was born Mch 22, 1834

Their children:

1. Luella Traber was born Feby 13, 1857

2. Rachel Jane Traber was born June 12, 1858

3. Annie Florence was born Dec 12, 1859

4. Agnes Bell Traber was born Aug 29, 1861

5. Sallie Traber was born Feby 27, 1863

6. Lizzie Traber was born Oct 30, 1864

7. Clara Traber was born Feby 15, 1867

8. Jacob Traber was born Sept 26, 1868

9. Lucy Traber was born Aug 25, 1870

10. Stella Traber was born Feby 29, 1872

11. Lyman Traber was born Apr 2, 1874


Luella Traber died Sept 19, 1864

Rachel J. Traber died Apr 30, 1876

Sallie Traber died Apr 9, 1900

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Melissa Traber died Sept 10, 1912

William Treber died Mch 31, 1916

Oliver Thoroman born May 15, 1881

Stanley Treber McCann born Feby 13, 1896

Oliver T. Sproull & Agnes B. Traber were married Aug 22, 1888

Cameron Tucker & Clara Traber were married Apr 8, 1894

Jacob Traber & Maggie Chapman were married June 3, 1896

Treber C. Crawford & Stella Traber were married Mch 21, 1897

Lyman Traber & Lulu D. Gaffin were married Sept 29, 1897

Ole C. Thoroman & Lucy Traber were married Juy 10, 1898

Leaving 3:44 Pm

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At residence of Cecil Bamford Trefz, McMillen Street Peebles, O Oct 28, 1925 4:30 PM

Mrs Thoroman & her daughter Mrs Trefz have brought out there [sic] respective bibles from which I am taking data.

William B. Thoroman, son of J. Wesley Thoroman was born Mch 14, 1861 & on Dec 27, 1888, he married Lizzie Florence Seaman, born Dec 19, 1868 in Tiffin Tp, daughter of Silas Chase Seaman & his wife Mary Frances Compton Mr Thoroman died Mch 18, 1896 at Sinking Springs & is buried at Stone Chapel Tiffin Tp. They had two children born in Brush Creek Tp, Highland Co, O viz:

1. Ocie Gay Thoroman born Mch 15, 1892

2. Infant daughter Thoroman born July 26, 1895 & died Oct 16, 1895.

1. Ocie Gay married on June 3, 1915 to Cecil Bamford Trefz, born Nov 9, 1892 in Tiffin Tp, son of John Trefz his wife Elizabeth Ann Trotter. Both live here where Mr Trefz has a garage & is in the undertaking business. Have had three children, the oldest born in Belfast, Highland Co, O & the other two here in Peebles, O.

1. Ermaline Elizabeth Trefz born Aug 1, 1918

2. Margaret Marie Trefz born Jany 1, 1922

3. Kathryn Luella Trefz born Nov 29, 1923

Leaving 4:55 PM

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At residence of Mrs Clara Fristoe, Jacksonville, O, Adams Co, Oct 28, 1925 9:30 AM

Mrs Fristoe is a handsome woman. She says her father, Geo H. Thoroman, son of "Shff" Jim Thoroman was born July 16, 1857 & died Dec 2, 1919 aged 62 yrs. He mar Frankie M. Foster, born Apr 6, daughter of Harvey Foster. See pages 197 & 198. She died Aug 21, 1923 aged 56 yrs. Had but one child viz: born in Meigs Tp.

1. Clara Thoroman born May 15, 1887, married Oct 29, 1910 to Richard Clark Fristoe, born 1886, son of Richd Fristoe & wife Ora A. Clark. No issue. She says Mrs Flora O'Leary has gone to Florida to visit her daughter.

Leaving 9:40 AM

Coming from Ocie Trefz at suggestion of her & her mother, I went up High St & called on E. Walker Crawford, who is of the Irish family as is his wife who is a daughter of the John who lived to be 96 1/2. They said James Nobel Crawford, had a good record of the family, going away back. He lives at Madisonville, Sta Route 1, a suburb of Cincin, O. I then came to the Martin Hotel here & had a fine supper of pigs feet & sauerkraut, which I had ordered. After supper, I went with P.O. Thomas across to the:

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Residence of Wm Allen Thompson, Main St, Peebles, O Oct 28, 1925 7:11 PM

I had been out to Tick Ridge on Oct 10th to see his brother Josephus to which refer (Book 14 p 454). He said he was born in Brush Creek Tp, Scioto Co, O Mch 7, 1861 & mar 1st Sept 9, 1886, Rachel Jane Garvin, born July 16, 1860 & died July 6, 1923, daughter of William Garvin & his wife Amanda Deer. They had one son born in Brush Creek Tp, Scioto, Co, O viz:

1. Charles Coleman Thompson, born Jany 13, 1888. He married abt 1908 to Evaline Hoop daughter of Peter Hoop & his wife Ella. Both living in Meigs Tp where he is a farmer on a farm of his father's & have one child born in said Tp, Audrey Thompson, a girl born July 1914. Wm A. mar 2d July 23, 1924 to Mrs Anna Garvin, widow of John Garvin, who died Dec 7, 1921 & daughter of Andrew Jackson Salsbury & wife Sarah Morgan. She was born in Scioto Co, O on Apr 12, 1870. No issue. She has six children by her first husband.

Mr T. said the old bible record which his father snatched & threw in the fire went back several generations.

Leaving 7:30 PM

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At residence of Jacob Traber, Meigs Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Peebles, O RD 3) Oct 29, 1925 6:40 AM

Mr Traber is a son of William Traber & a grandson of Jacob Traber & his wife Jennie Thoroman. Mr Traber was born in Tiffin Tp Sept 26, 1868 & was married on June 3, 1896 to Margaret Jane Chapman born Nov 13, 1872 in Meigs Tp, dau of Samuel A. Chapman & wife Josephine Wittenmyer & have had two children, the oldest born in this Tp & the youngest in Franklin Tp viz:

1. William Samuel born Apr 8, 1897 & mar Aug 13, 1921 to Nola Faye Nevil, born Apr 1, 1900 dau of Thomas H. Nevil & wife Emily Lawrence. Both living at Angola, Ind, where he is a student in the Tri-State School of Technology. No issue.

2. Mary Magdalene born Oct 22, 1901 mar Dec 29, 1919 to Henry Earle Gaffin, born Apr 10, 1894 in this Tp son of Henry Bascom Gaffin & his wife Lillian Sparks. Both living in Peebles, O where he is a merchant. Have two children born in Peebles, O.

1. Norman Wilson born Feby 14, 1921

2. Marian Bartlett born Mch 10, 1923

He says his grandfather, Jacob Treber

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was born in Lancaster Co, Pa near the city of Lancaster Jany 29, 1780, son of John Treber & wife Mary Campbell. He died in Jany 1875 & his monument is the third Cedar tree in the Treber g.y. The first tree is John Treber, his father who was a Rev Soldier. The second tree is Jane Thoroman wife of Jacob Treber who died in 1829. Jacob Treber mar Jane Thoroman in 1810 & had the following children:

[margin note which is partially cut off reads:] ..... Jacob Traber is omitted.

1. John Thoroman Treber born 1812

2. Henry Treber born 1814

3. Samuel Treber, d.y. born 1816

4. Mary Ann Treber, born 1818

5. Oliver Treber born 1820

6. Joseph Treber born 1821

7. Sallie Treber born 1822

8. Elizabeth Treber born 1823

9. William Treber born Aug 10, 1825

10. Thomas Jefferson Treber born Jany 1827

11. Minerva Treber born 1829

Her mother died shortly after her birth & her sister, Mary Ann, took care of her until her father remarried.

Mr T. says to see Mrs Flo O'Leary for family line of her grandfather Wm Thoroman, son of Saml & Anna Crawford.

He says Wm Henry Thoroman lives at Youngsville, son of Charles who was a son of Samuel & Anna Crawford.

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Mr Traber is teaching in this Tp & walks three miles to his school in this Tp. Josephine Wittenmyer, the mother of Mrs Traber, was a dau of Isaac Wittenmyer & his wife Eliza Jane Thoroman, who was a daughter of Thos Thoroman of Thomas & Esther Crawford. Mrs Traber has a bible record, so far as could be obtained, taken from the old bible of Isaac Wittenmyer & his wife Eliza Jane which got so old & dilapidated that it was burned up record & all which is as follows:

Isaac Wittenmyer was born Aug 29, 1816

Eliza Jane Thoroman was born Oct 8, 1819

They were married Sept 1, 1836

and their children born at "Jacktown" [Jacksonville] were as follows:

1. Sarah Jane Wittenmyer born Nov 20, 1837.

2. George Frank Wittenmyer born Apr 12, 1840

4. [6]*Angeline Wittenmyer born Apr 19, 1844

3. Margaret A. Wittenmyer born Mch 27, 1842

5. Eliza Jane Wittenmyer born Jany 22, 1846

6. Josephine Wittenmyer born Jany 12, 1848

7. America Wittenmyer born Jany 27, 1850

8. Isaac Daniel Wittenmyer born Dec 10, 1851

9. Thomas William Wittenmyer born May 5, 1854

Isaac Wittenmyer, father, died Apr 12, 1856

Isaac D. Wittenmyer, son, died Apr 3, 1884

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3. Margaret A. Wittenmyer mar Dec 5, 1861 Saml J. McAdow, born Oct 4, 1842. They had children:

1. Geo Franklin McAdow, B Nov 28, 1863, ob Aug 31, 1864

2. Lou Ella McAdow, B Jany 9, 1865.

They had other children born later, one of them, Jennie Broomhall, lives in Hillsboro, O & can give record. Her husband, Stewart Broomhall is a barber & her son Herbert works in a bank.

A. son, Oscar McAdow lives at Middletown, O

1. Sarah Jane, married on Mch 27, 1853 Geo Andrew Thomas & we expect to go to Tillie Gayman's for their family record.

8. Isaac D. married Daisy Cooley who remarried to Dr Ray Long & are divorced in Detroit, or Mt Clemons, Mich. Isaac had but one child, Carlos Wittenmyer who is with his mother, Styled Daisy Long.

9. Thos William, is living at Centerville, Iowa in the town. m. 1st & had 3 children, m. 2d & has 2 boys. Was in the R.E. business.

4. Angeline is dead 4 yrs ago, mar John B. Mitchell & he too is dead. Have 3 children living & 3 or more dead.

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Her daughter, Lida Peterson, wife of Geo Peterson lives in Peebles, O & have one child. She could give record of her mother's family.

See pages 372-4

7. America, the youngest girl, married John Johnson. He is dead & she is living at Indland, Neb, & has three? children viz: Ada, Cleo & [not named]

6. Josephine Wittenmyer, mother of my informant on Jany 21, 1866 married Samuel Arthur Chapman, born July 13, 1842 son of Wm Chapman & his wife Margaret Crawford. They had 7 children all born in Meigs Tp, as follows:

1. Fannie Dell Chapman born June 7, 1870

2. Margaret Jane Chapman born Nov 13, 1872

3. Eliza Chapman born June 25, 1875

4. Sarah Matilda Chapman born Oct 16, 1877

5. James Wittenmyer Chapman born Oct 28, 1880

6. Marie Chapman born Oct 22, 1883 7. John Arthur Chapman born Dec 15, 1899

There were three stillborn children before Fannie.

Grandchildren's births

Quincey Lindsey, born Feby 3, 1896

Belva Lindsey born Sept 5, 1897

William S. Traber born Apr 8, 1897

Mary M. Traber born Oct 22, 1901

Joy Evangeline Cooper born Sept 10, 1905

Harold Edward Marietta born Dec 2, 1905

Francis Guthrie Reis born Apr 25, 1906

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Katherine Chapman born Sept 6, 1912

James Robinson Chapman born Apr 8, 1916

John Arthur Chapman born Oct 19, 1919


Fannie D. Chapman Lindsey Mch 4, 1903

Samuel Arthur Lindsey Aug 1899 aged abt 11 mos

Samuel A. Chapman (father) Jany 29, 1912

John Arthur Chapman Sept 14, 1918 died in France at Paris from wounds recd in World War.

Mary Josephine Chapman (mother) Mch 14, 1921. She always wrote her name Mary Josephine.


Fannie D. Chapman & Charles Lindsey May 2, 1895

Margaret J. Chapman & Jacob Traber June 3, 1896

Eliza Chapman & William Cooper May 10, 1901

Sarah M. Chapman & Herman Reis Dec 25, 1896

Marie Chapman & Harry R. Marietta Apr 21, 1905

Janes W. Chapman & Ethel Robinson Dec 29, 1910

Herman Reis was son of Joseph Reis of Portsmouth, O

Harry R. Marietta's father & mother are living in Dayton, O.

Leaving 8:25 AM

Nov 19, 1925 12:44 Am made slips to here JVT

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[fermata mark appears here]

At residence of George Washington Jack, Meigs Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Peebles O RD 3) Oct 29, 1925 8:42 AM

Mr Jack says he was born in Shelby Co, Ills Aug 6, 1855 the son of James Jack who died out here when my informant was 3 or 4 mos old & is buried there. James Jack's wife was Barbara Thatcher. She was the daughter of ________Thatcher & wife Sallie, who ended her days with her daughter Barbara & was near 90 yrs old. Barbara was born on Beasley's Fork & after Jas Jack died, she came back here & married William Bentley & died in August 1906 aged near 80 & is buried in McKee g.y. at Waggoners Ripple, Green Tp, but does not have a marker. She drew a pension from her husband, Wm Bentley who was in the Civil War. His father, James Jack was born on Poplar Ridge, but he don't know dates of his father's birth or death nor his age. His mother had two children by her first husband & two by the last viz:

1. Srilda born in Shelby Co, Ills say in 1846, as she was 9 yrs older than my informant who says she was married & had a lot of children scattered all over the world.

2. Geo W. Jack born Aug 6, 1855

3. Samuel Bentley, born say in 1858

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4. Walter Bentley born say in 1860 mar & lives at Lynx, P.O. Jefferson Tp where he is a farmer & is "well off" & has a large family "enough to run a Texans ranch", the daughter says. He would have the bible record of his mother. Write him.

3. Samuel living at Cincin, O "monkeys around & does most anything"

1. Srilda married James Poole. Both dead. She died up by Rome, O in Green Tp & he died there later & both are buried in McKee G.y. above mentioned but don't know whether they have markers or not. He was son of Richard Poole, (grandfather of Mrs Jack) & his wife Ruth Judge. Srilda died about 21 yrs ago & James Poole died 1915 or 1916. He was a brother of Mrs Jack's mother. They had twelve children all born in Greene Tp:

1. Lizzie, died unm when a babe

2. Eunice, mar [7]*Charley Ross. Both living at Rome, O where he is a farmer & have 3 children living, Srilda, Melvin & Edna.

3. Andrew Poole, mar Ruth Davis both living at Rome, O where he runs a truck. Three children: Goldie, Silvia, & William Henry. Ruth is dau of Wm Davis & Sallie Poole. His address is Stout P.O. Box 261. See pages 510 & 511.

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4. Anna Belle, born Mch 15, 1873, mar Henry Ross, born Mch 8, 1866 bro of Charley & son of Josephine. Both living up by Stouts Run, close to Rome, O where he is a farmer. Have one child, James Earl Ross born may 13, 1893 P.O. Stout, O Box 253.

5. Georgietta, mar Mose [sic] Solsberry. Both living, parted. She had two children & "she left her man & went off".

6. Ruth mar George Davis, son of Wm Davis & wife Sallie Poole. Both living at Waggoners Ripple in Monroe Tp where he is a farmer. No issue.

7. "Mag" mar Wm Blanton. Both living at Stouts Run near Rome, O where he is a farmer. Have two boys.

8. Flora mar a Guyner. Both living in Portsmouth, O

9. Maud, went away & don't know where she is.

10. Harrison Poole, got drowned in Ohio River between here & Cin, O aged abt 19 unmarried. Fell off steamboat.

11. Cleveland, mar an Easter & live up by Stouts Run towards Rome, O where he is a farmer & has had a large family, five dead & five or more living.

12. William, mar Flossie Cole. She is living. He died over on Stouts Run & thinks he did not have any children.

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2. Geo W. Jack [son of James] was brought back to this County shortly after his father's death & was raised by his grandfather, Andrew Jack with whom he lived until he died & then went & lived with his mother, I think, 2 or 3 yrs & then struck out for himself.

Married Nov 6, 1878 to Margaret Davis, born in Monroe Tp Sept 21, 1862, dau of William Davis & his first wife Mary Poole (after Mary's death which occurred while he was in the Civil War, he married her sister, Sallie Poole). Have had four children all born in Greene Tp viz:

1. Minnie Mabel Jack born Sept 15, 1879

2. William Jack born Oct 9, 1881

3. Wiley Alfred Jack born Mch 16, 1885

4. Floyd Crayton Jack born Mch 28, 1892 & died June 16, 1893

1. Minnie Mabel married Jany 29, 1900 James Rothwell, son of Simeon Peter Rothwell & his wife Jane Abbott. Both living at Arena, Wis where he is a farmer & have 8 children living & 1 dead. All born in Adams Co, O but one.

1. James Floyd Rothwell born Nov 6, 1900

2. Noah Washington Rothwell born Feby 22, 1903

3. Roy Rothwell born Apr 30, 1905

4. Mary Jane Rothwell, ob aged 3 wks

5. Joseph Ora Rothwell, born Feby 17, 1908

6. May Rothwell, born May 16, 1911

7. Samuel Rothwell born July 2, 1913

8. Anna Laura Rothwell

9. John Rothwell

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1 & 2 James & Noah are married. The others are at home single.

2. William Jack [son of Geo W. Jack] married Jany 16, 1907 to Lucinda Grooms born Mch 26, 1889 dau of Edward Grooms & his wife Martha Abbott. Both living in Oliver Tp (P.O. West Union, O RD 3) where he is a farmer & has five children, the three oldest born in Tiffin Tp & the two younger in Wayne Tp viz:

I. Opal Mae Jack born Mch 1, 1907

II. Margaret Mabel Jack born Oct 10, 1908

III. Harry Edgar Jack born Oct 12, 1917

IV. Nellie Roberta Jack born Jany 23, 1922

V. Lucile Ione Jack born Nov 10, 1924

All single

3. Wiley Alfred [son of Geo W. Jack] mar Mch 16, 1907 to Jessie Thornton, dau of Nicholas Thornton & his wife Ella Shiveley. Both living at Calvary, near Seaman, O where he is a farmer. Have seven children all born in different Tps of Adams Co viz:

I. George W. Jack born Mch 16, 1908

II. Bert Thornton Jack born July 2, 1911

III. Harry Nicholas Jack born Apr 12, 1915

IV. Paul Jack born Dec 16, 1917

V. Phyllis Pauline Jack born Sept 12, 1919

VI. Howard Jack born Oct 31, 1921

VII. Donald Jack born Feby 28, 1923

All at home single.

Opal Mae who is here, gave me most of the above dates from their small bible. She makes her home here.

Leaving 10:25 AM

V15 Page 188

At residence of Abel Samuel Gaymann, Meigs Tp, Adams Co O (P.O. Peebles RD 1) Oct 29, 1925 12:07 PM

We arrived here half an hour or so ago & have had an excellent dinner which Mrs Gaymann had just ready when we came in. Mr Gaymann is a fine strong, big able & intelligent man. He is sawing logs & has just left to go to work with the men he has working with him. He says his father came to America in 1833 & when he was 19 yrs old. His parents came over later. He & his wife were both from Torboine? in Lorraine France.

Abel S. Gaymann says he was born in White Oak Tp, Highland Co, O June 22, 1868 son of Charles Gúemann & his wife Mary E. Goux. On Feby 7, 1924, he married Tillie Bess Thomas born on this farm Sept 2, 1867 dau of Geo A. Thomas & his wife Sarah Jane Wittenmyer, being Mr Gaymann's 2d wife. No issue, nor did he have any by his first wife.

They have brought out the old bible of Mrs Gaymann's father & grandfather which was printed for Matthew Carey, Phila Pa Oct 27, 1802. On that page is written: "James Moore from Aughnady, County Tyrone, Parish of Carranteel & Barony of Dungannon, Ireland".

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The records are:

"James Moore married to Elizabeth Travers on Easter Monday Apr 15, 1805.

Andrew Mitchell married to Jane Coulhoon Nov 18, 1806

William Thomas married to Margaret Mitchell Mch 1st, 1825


James Moore born June 24, 1777

Peggy Mitchell, dau of Andrew & Jane Mitchell born May 26, 1808 fifty five minutes past five in the morning.

William Mitchell was born Aug 6, 1814.

There are births of several other Mitchells & of eleven children of William Thomas, the third one being:

George Thomas born Nov 26, 1832 whose well preserved family bible medium large size printed in NY by A.J. Johnson in 1872. It is rather not a bible but is Hitchcock's new & complete analysis of the bible has a wonderfully plainly printed record plainer than print, was written she says by Ed Potts who is now dead & is as follows:

Births George Andrew Thomas was born Nov 26, 1832

Sarah Jane Thomas (nee Wittenmyer) was born Nov 20, 1837

Their children follows:

V15 Page 190

1. Isaac William Thomas was born Feby 10, 1855

2. George Franklin Thomas was born Jany 23, 1857

3. John Richard Thomas was born Nov 25, 1858

4. Daniel Buel Thomas was born June 5, 1862

5. Perry Odle Thomas was born Aug 16, 1864

6. Tilliza Thomas was born Sept 2, 1867

7. James Sheridan Thomas was born May 31, 1870

8. Stephen Sherman Thomas was born May 31, 1870


George Andrew Thomas & Sarah Jane Wittenmyer were married Mch 27, 1853 by Rev Timothy Wous

Isaac William Thomas & Lavica C. Thoroman were married Mch 25, 1875 by Rev Wm J. Quarry.


Daniel B. Thomas died Feby 19, 1900

Tillie Stone died Feby 19, 1913

Elizabeth Albertine Hamilton Thomas died Sept 20, 1881

Sally Graham Thomas died May 10, 1884

Ida May Jackman Thomas died June 25, 1902

Christine Clowe Thomas died Apr 23, 1905

Ella Mathias Thomas died June 29, 1908

Isaac W. Thomas died Dec 23, 1916

George Andrew Thomas died Jany 20, 1922

Sarah Jane Thomas died Jany 17, 1922

Both [last two above] buried in the same grave on Jany 22, 1922 at the Evergreen cemetery.

Mrs Gaymann has brought an old big backless bible in which is the record of her brother Isaac W. Thomas, father of my guide, P.O.T. who had 13 children which shows:

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Births Lavica Cola [sic] Thoroman was born May 1, 1855.

The children of her & her husband Isaac William Thomas are:

1. Anna Ethel Thomas born Feby 22, 1876

2. Tillie Belle Thomas born June 4, 1878

3. George Ewing Thomas born June 8, 1880

4. James Edward Thomas born Nov 20, 1881

5. Nancy Jane Thomas born Nov 20, 1881

6. Jay Washington Thomas born Aug 30, 1883

7. Twin brother Thomas born Aug 30, 1883

8. Alice Thomas born Oct 11, 1886

11. Perry Odle Thomas born Dec 29, 1888

12. Ralph Bouzer [Bouyer?] Thomas born Dec 29, 1888

9. Berkley Thomas born Feby 19, 1888

10. Twin brother stillborn born Feby 19, 1888

13. Herbert Wilson Thomas born Dec 8, 1891

[4 sets of twins!]


Elizabeth Albertine Thomas died Sept 20, 1882, 1st wife of John R.

Ella Mathias Thomas died June 29, 1906 2d wife of John R.

Sallie Graham Thomas died May 10, 1884 1st wife of Dr Geo F.

Ida May Jackman Thomas died June 23, 1902 wife of Daniel B.

Christine Clowe Thomas died Apr 23, 1905 wife of Stephen S.

Daniel Buel Thomas died Feby 19, 1906

Isaac William Thomas died Dec 23, 1916


John R. Thomas & Elizabeth Albertine Hamilton Sept 15, 1880 by Rev S.J. McAdow

George F. Thomas & Sallie Graham Oct 18, 1883 by Rev Hyfres.

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John R. Thomas & Ella Mathias Dec 1888 by Rev Wm P. Jackson

Daniel B. Thomas & Ida M. Jackman Mch 27, 1859 by Rev Wm P. Jackson

George F. Thomas & Agnes Reynolds

Stephen S. Thomas & Christina Clowe, July 11

Perry Odle Thomas & Lucy Stockstill July 4, 1889

James S. Thomas (the judge) & Bertha Lafevre Aug 17, 1900. She died Sunday Oct 11, 1925 at Portsmouth, O

Ivy Jane Thomas (John R's dau by his 1st wife) & Sanford J. Stone Dec 27, 1899 by Rev English.


Tillie Blanche Thomas (dau of D.B.) born Dec 2, 1890.

Tina Thomas (dau of Jno R. by 2d wife) born Feby 2, 1891

Lucile Thomas (dau of Jno R. by 2d wife) born July 19, 1890

Page 190

Geo F's first wife, Sallie Graham was dau of William Graham & wife Martha Hooper.

His 2d wife is Agnes Reynolds dau of Stephen Reynolds & wife Maria Moore.

He is a practicing M.D. in Peebles, O & has no issue by either wife.

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3. John R's first wife was Elizabeth A. Hamilton dau of John Hamilton & wife. One child, who married & has 5 or 6 children & lives in Armstrong, Ky. He mar 2d Ella Mathias, dau of James Mathias & wife Ellen. Had 3 children, oldest died & other two are married. He mar 3d Margaret Burwell dau of Samuel Burwell & wife. No issue.

4. Daniel B. mar Ida May Jackman dau of Samuel Jackman & wife Alice Haines?. Both dead. One child, Blanche who mar Ray Stewart & has children: Howard, Thelma, Russell, George & Bess. Their P.O. Peebles RD 3 write Blanche.

5. Perry Odle mar Lucy Stockstill in Calif. Both living. No issue. He is living at Red Bluff, Calif where he is in the R.E. business. They were married July 4, 1889. Lucy Stockstill was born in Dadeville, Mo Mch 8, 1872 dau of John N. Stockstill & wife Mary Adeline Dicus.

6. Tilliza. Got her record today.

7. James Sheridan mar Aug 17, 1900 by Rev Frank Arnold of 1st Pres Ch to Bertha Lafevre, dau of James LeFevre [sic] & wife Agnes Wells. He is serving his 3d term (of 6 yrs each) as Pres judge of C.P. court [common pleas] Portsmouth, Scioto Co, O. He is a Democrat & it is a Republican Co & he has been elected each time by large majority. No issue. He went on the bench Feby 8, 1913 & his 3d term expires in 1831. [Think he means 1931.] His wife was born Apr 10, 1879 in Portsmouth, O.

[note: the surname LeFevre was added later & is probably the correct spelling.]

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8. Stephen Sherman mar 1st Christine Clowe, Mar 2d Laura Carley of Ellisville, Miss. Both living at Lebanon, O is inventor of Eco-Thermal stove, which is a fireless cooker. No issue by either wife.

Page 191

1. Anna Ethel mar Simuel [sic] Ormon Jackman son of Samuel Jackman & wife Alice Haines. She dead & he has married twice since & now lives at Old Jackman homestead in Oliver Tp P.O. Peebles O route 3. She had 3 children:

I. Alvin died aged 8 yrs

II. Carlos Ormond Jackman living in Balto, unm. Ex-World War veteran, was in service 24 months as an expert drillman on this side.

III. Stella, mar Emil Burris. Both living at Cincinnati, O where he is a St car conductor.

2. Tillie Bell mar Robert Blevins. Both living at Shreveport, La at No 2627 W. College St where he is a street car conductor. No issue.

3. George Ewing, died when 8 yrs old

4. James Edward mar 1st Clara Strait of Sapulpa, Okla on Oct 5, 1905. She was born Apr 3, 1886 & died

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Dec 17, 1910, dau of W.P. Strait & his wife Martha Castiller. Her two children & his third child born at Sapulpa, Okla & his 4th child born at Ft Smith, Ark. She died out there & had two children:

I. Roberta Pauline single & living Ft Smith, Ark. born Jany 2, 1907

II. Allen Culver, single & living Ft Smith, Ark. born Mch 2, 1908

Mar 2d Aug 19, 1911 Mattie Brown at her home in Sapulpa. Both living at Ft Smith, Ark with his 4 children where he is Asst RR Supt Frisco Road. Have 2 children:

III. Farrel Brown, at home, born June 17, 1912

IV. Valeria Rachel, at home, born Nov 14, 1916

Mattie Brown was born Oct 18, 1886 dau of Wm H. Brown & wife Fannie McKnight.

5. Nancy Jane, see her at Martin Hotel.

6. Jay Washington, mar 1st Elizabeth Lighthill. Had 3 children:

I. Robbie, a girl

II. Bobbie, a girl

III. a girl

They then separated & she took the three children & mar. again & was living in Calif. [He] mar 2d Lucy______ from Texas, Ft Worth. Both living in Afton, Okla where he is a RR frt conductor. One child:

IV. Jay Washington Jr

8. Alice died aged abt 1 yr (P.O. can't find dates)

9. Berkley died in infancy (P.O. can't find dates)

11. Perry Odle Mar June 19, 1910 by S.A. Chapman J.P. to Ora Ethel Taylor born May 25, 1891 in Meigs Tp, dau of Robert Franklin Taylor & his wife Addie F. Greene. Both living on Main St, Peebles, O & he knows the country & how to get over it as I can well testify. Has one child born

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in the old homestead of 105 A in this Tp which we saw as we came along & which P.O. owns.

I. George H. Thomas born Aug 21, 1919

12. Ralph Bouzer mar Virgie White dau of Wm White & wife Vine_____. Both living but separated. P.O., my informant, has not heard of his whereabouts since 1910. Had three children, oldest & second born in this Tp & youngest in Highland Co.

I. Ernest

II. Bruce

III. a son.

13. Herbert Wilson mar Dec 7, 1912 Mabel L. Crawford[8]* dau of Warren Andrew Crawford & his wife Rena Scott. Both living in Bratton Tp, this Co where he is a farmer & have two children, the oldest born in this Tp & the youngest in Bratton Tp, Warren A. is of the Irish Crawfords.

I. Warren Herbert, born Aug 19, 1913

II. Daniel Wilson born Sept 18, 1924

Leaving 3 PM

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At residence of James T. Thoroman, Meigs Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Peebles, O RD 3) Oct 29, 1925, 3:30 PM

Mr T. has the old Bible printed in 1869 by the U.S. Pub Co NY. Cincin & St Louis of his father, Shff James Thomas Thoroman & he was a son of Thomas whose father was Thomas Thoroman who married Esther Crawford. The record is as follows:

Marriages Refer to page 208 & 531

James T. Thoroman & Nancy Ivers married Apr 20, 1854

Isaac W. Thomas & Levica Cola [sic] Thoroman married Mch 27, 1875.


James Thomas Thoroman, Mch 7, 1831

Nancy (Ivers) Thoroman, Nov 28, 1833

Their children:

1. Lavica Cola Thoroman May 1, 1855

2. Ocy Belle Thoroman May 1, 1855

3. George Henry Thoroman July 16, 1857

4. John Buck Thoroman June 30, 1861

5. James W. (changed to T.) Thoroman Feby 15, 1863

6. Washington Thoroman May 23, 1865

7. Maggie Thoroman Nov 21, 1868

8. Ralph Boyer Thoroman Nov 24, 1872

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Icy [sic] Belle Thoroman died Aug 21, 1863

James T. Thoroman (father) died Dec 3, 1872

Ralph B. Thoroman died 1879

Maggie Thoroman Hoop died Apr 17, 1911

Nancy Thoroman (mother) died Aug 31, 1912

George H. Thoroman died Dec 2, 1919

John B. Thoroman died Mch 7, 1923

Lacia C. Thoroman Thomas died Jany 26, 1925

1. P.O. has just given me her record.

3. Geo H. his dau Clara Fristoe gave me his record yesterday see page 175

4. John B. Thoroman, never married

5. James T. Thoroman, never married

6. Washington Thoroman, never married.

7. Maggie, married Ulysses Grant Hoop born May 12, 1887, son of William Hoop & his wife Anna D. Newland. Maggie died Apr 17, 1911 see above leaving five children born in this Tp as follows:

I. Fronetta Hoop born Mch 17, 1888

II. Lyman Grant Hoop born Jany 30, 1890

III. John Richard Hoop born Apr 15, 1892

IV. Dolla Hoop, a girl born Apr 28, 1895

V. Nancy Alice Hoop born Feby 22, 1897

Ulysses G. Hoop has never remarried. He is a farmer & lives in this Tp P.O. Peebles, O RD 1. His children are all married & he is living with another family.

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I. Fronetta Hoop mar June 1913 Otis Marie & she had died without issue on Nov 17, 1915 & he has married again & works at the Feeble minded Institution at Columbus, O. He was born near Dunkinsville, O Mch 3, 1883, son of Charles Marie & wife Julia A. Mahaffey. He says he was born in WVA. See book 16 page 200.

II. Lyman Grant [9]*mar Ora Trickler & both living at Dunkinsville, O Oliver Tp where he is a farmer P.O. Peebles RD 1. Have two girls, oldest born in this Tp & youngest in Scott Tp.

I. Magdalena born June 5, 1911 at Cherry Fork, O

II. Eva Madolyn born July 14, 1913 near Peebles, O

III. John Richard [Hoop] mar 1. Fora [sic] Purtee dau of William Purtee, a Civil War veteran, still living & wife _______Miller. She is dead & he has mar 2nd Zelman Carothers, born 1900, dau of William Carothers & wife Lillie Boyd. Both living in Peebles, O where he works at Bassic Stone Co. Has two children born in Meigs Tp & thinks three by 2d also born in this Tp.

1. Thelma

2. a girl




He lives near John R. Thomas, undertaker.

IV. Dolla [Hoop] mar Jany 10, 1914 John Young

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born June 14, 1892, son of Ira Franklin Young & his wife Sara [sic] Shriner. Both living in Oliver Tp where he is a farmer. P.O. West Union, RD 3. Have one child born in Oliver Tp.

I. Fernetta Young born Dec 23, 1915

V. Nancy Alice Hoop mar Aug 28, 1915 Moses M. Hohn born March 8, 1893 son of Ollie J. Hohn & his wife Inez Waldron. Both living in this Tp where he is a farmer. P.O. Peebles, O RD 3 Have three children he thinks.

1. Firmar Harold Hohn born Mch 13, 1918

2. Pauline Ruth Hohn born July 26, 1921

3. Olive Kathalene Hohn born Aug 27, 1925

Mr T's father was Shff for two terms of one year each about the time our informant was 7 yrs old which would be abt 1870. He was not Shff when he died. He thought Clara Fristoe got the bible that his Uncle G. Wash Thoroman had. Don't know anything about who got his grandfather Thomas Thoroman's bible.

Leaving 4:20 PM

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At residence of Ray Stewart, Meigs Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Peebles, O RD 3) Oct 29, 1925 5 PM

Mrs Stewart says her mother's mother was Alice Shriver & she married Samuel Jackman. Her dau, Ida May Jackman mar Daniel Bud Thomas & their only child was my informant.

Tillie Blanche Thomas born in this Tp Dec 2, 1890 & mar Jany 29, 1909 to William Ray Stewart, born Dec 21, 1890 in this house, son of Armanus Preston Stewart & his wife Agnes Mitchell. Have had five children, all born in this house four living & one dead.

1. Howard Ray born Jany 22, 1910

2. Agnes Thelma born Nov 6, 1911

3. Russell Armanus born July 6, 1913. He died Oct 1, 1914

4. George William born Jany 12, 1916

5. Lela Bess born July 2, 1921

Leaving 5:15 PM

Nov 20, 1925 12:25 AM All slips made to here JVT

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[fermata mark appears here]

At residence of Thomas Washburn, at Jacksonville, Meigs Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Peebles, O RD 1) Oct 29, 1925 6:44 PM

See page 210 & read in here JVT 11 PM Mr Washburn says his great grandfather, Thomas Thoroman is buried about 1 1/2 miles beyond here in this Tp near a bridge over the main branch of Brush Creek where Mr W. says he owned a big lot of land. The g.y. is on a high knoll & was fenced a few years ago by his Uncle John Thoroman when he was in on a visit home from Illinois. The farm now belongs to Ozro Young. His Uncle, John Thoroman lived in Brown Co, Illinois near Mt Sterling, Ills.

My informant, Thomas Washburn was born in Highland Co, near Butler Springs, O Oct 26, 1839 & was married Feby 16, 1860 to Eliza Jane McGown born in this Tp June 1, 1841 the dau of Nathaniel McGown & his first wife Eva Thomas. She died when Ed was 8 yrs old which would make it 1888. He had 8 children all born in this Tp as follows:

1. Mary Levanda Washburn born Nov 17, 1860 2. Sarah Elizabeth Washburn born May 27, 1862

3. George Collins Washburn born Apr 12, 1864

4. Eliza Jane Washburn born Feby 27, 1875

5. Samuel Leftie Washburn born June 5, 1879

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6. Nathaniel Douglass Washburn born June 5, 1879

7. Thomas Edward Washburn born Nov 8, 1881

8. John Washburn born Jany 27, 1884

Mary Ann Washburn, mother of my informant died Feby 25, 1901. She was born Dec 10, 1815.

1. Mary Lavanda died unmarried aged 25 yrs see tombstone here.

2. Sarah Elizabeth married Vincent Thompson son of Solomon Thompson & his wife. Both buried in the cemetery here. She has a marker, but he hasn't. Had one child born in this Tp.

I. Jennie Thompson born 1886 & mar to J.P. Dawson in Smackover, Arkansas. He is 25 & she 39. She went away 19 yrs ago & has been married several times & has 2 or 3 girls in school in Michigan.

3. George Collins married Sarah Susan Pence dau of David Pence of this Co & his wife. Both living. Separated & both married again. He has had 4 children, 3 living & one dead.

1. Sadie (twin) born in this Tp

2. Mary (twin) born in this Tp

3. Thomas Bruce born in this Tp

4. Merle, a boy born in this Tp & died at Aledo, Ills aged abt 3 yrs.

Geo Collins when last heard form he was at Highland, Ills. His father says he heard he had left here & gone to Indiana.

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4. Eliza Jane married to John Jobe, son of Sylvester Jobe & wife Sarah Campbell. Both living at Centerville, Iowa, where he has had charge of the big cemetery there for past four years. Have two children:

1. Lorena, married

2. Beatrice, single

5. Samuel Leftie died unmarried aged abt 16 & is buried in cemetery here.

6. Nathaniel Douglass died aged 2 mos & is buried in cemetery here & has marker.

7. Edward Washburn was married Sept 30, 1904 by Rev Ross at Maysville, Ky to Mary Frances Hoop born May 30, 1886 in this Tp daughter of Thomas Gillespie Hoop & his wife Phoebe Smith Herndon. Both living here & he is in the produce business in Peebles, O. Have had three children all born in this house two dead & one living.

1. Harry Owen Washburn born Aug 16, 1904

2. Beulah Ruby Washburn born May 21, 1914

3. Ethel May Washburn born Sept 18, 1917


Harry Owen died June 5, 1913

Beulah Ruby died Oct 1, 1916

Thomas Washburn was in Co G. 187th Reg O.V.I. serving abt one year at latter part of the war. Were at Nashville, Tenn most of the time.

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8. John Washburn mar 1st July 4, 1903 to Zylpha Smalley born Apr 29, 1886 in this Tp dau of Wm Smalley & his wife Addie Sproull (a niece of Dr O.T. Sproull) Both living but separated having had one child born near Aledo, Ills. Mar 2d May 1918 to Clara Evans. Her parents live in Mo. Both living in St Louis Mo at 816 Hickory St where he is a coffin maker. They have no issue. He simply grades the lumber for four different grades.

1. Dora Washburn born 1906. Hear she is married, but don't know certainly.

[Not sure who these following Washburns are. Siblings of Thomas? Maybe JVT tells us later on. See page 210 & 211.] 4. George Washington Washburn was born 1841 & was married to Lida Murfin dau of Josiah Murfin & his wife. Both dead at Shenandoah, Iowa (she died first) & are buried there & have markers. Had one child born near Shenandoah, Iowa viz:

1. Mabel married "Capt" Harris son of Captain Harris & his wife. Both living at Arkansas. Have one child, Vera. Mabel ran through with the fortune of her father & also that of his father.

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5. Collins Washburn was born say in 1843. Married Emma Redrick who lived at the Locust Grove where he sold liquor. Both died at Belleville, Kansas, where he was a retired farmer. He served 4 yrs in Civil War & was in many big battles.

Geo W. his brother, served between 3 & 4 yrs.

John, the older brother went out in the first encampment at Cincin, O & re-enlisted & served until the war was over, over 4 yrs. Had eleven children. Two to four born in this Co, some in Mo & some near Belleville, Kan.

1. Annie

2. Nora

3. Emma, a girl

4. Oscar

5. Robert

6. George

7. Charles

8. Callie, a girl

9. Flossie mar a Williams, a music dealer


11. Clyde

They say to write to Mrs Flossie Williams for the record of the family.

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6. James Washburn was born Sept 29, 1845 & married 1870. Sarah A. Black, daughter of James Black & his wife. He died at Bellville, Kan Mch 21, 1925 leaving three children living & had one dead viz:

1. Etta Leota, died in infancy

2. Rolla A.

3. Cora, married to Bert Smith

4. Isa, married to Alfred Seaman son of Sylvester Seaman of Peebles O & his wife Lucinda Dunbar. Write to Rolla A. Washburn,

Bellville, Kansas for record of the family & ask him what became of the bible of his grandfather, Benjamin.

7. Mary Ann Washburn is now 76 yrs old. She is the youngest of the family. She married June 13, 1867. John Oliver, born 1841. (She is now 84 yrs old.) son of John Oliver & his wife. Both living at Wauneta, Neb. They have seven children, living & one dead.

1. John

2. Delbert

3. Walter

4. James, dead

5. Leota

6. Myrtle

7. May


Write Miss May Oliver, Wauneta, Neb for record of family.

V15 Page 208

See page 216 item 136

Thomas Thoroman married Sarah Smith & had eleven children.

1. Sallie, oldest married a Simmons who lived up on George Creek & went to Brown Co, Ills, Aledo.

2. John, married a Catherine Thomas, lived in this Tp. Had 4 or 5 children. Buried in Illinois at a small town where some of the descendants still live. Ask Angie Wright who is abt 78 & lives here on East side of Main St 4th house to the right. She is dau of Wesley Thoroman

3. Geo Washington see page 241 item 163, who died June 5, 1914 aged 91 yrs. He married Eliza Jane Thoroman a sister of old Saml down by Dunkinsville, O. No issue.

4. Wesley, see page 217 item 141, married Tamzan Jenney born Jany 13, 1826 & died July 12, 1865. Both buried at Steam Furnace Cem. Had children. He was married twice & had children by both wives. His 2d wife was Nichols dau of John Nichols & his wife. Ask Angie Wright who is one of them.

5. James T., Shff Jim see p 216 item 136, got his record today. See pages 197 to 200. Born Mch 7, 1831 died Dec 3, 1872

6. Eliza see p 217 item 140, born Oct 8, 1819 married 1st Isaac Wittenmyer. married 2d Dr Samuel Lewis by whom she had three. She died Nov 9, 1900

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1. Swan Lewis, d.y. unmarried.

2. Douglas Lewis married a daughter of John Rogers & had two children, thinks one is living & one dead. The boy living.

3. Pierce Lewis d.y. unmarried.

7. Mary Ann Thoroman born Dec 10, 1815 mar Benjamin Washburn. Have gotten her record tonight. Died Feby 25, 1901 see page 202 et seq.

8. Hiram Thoroman married Jane Robison. He went to Indiana to live with one of his sons & thinks he & his wife both died there but don't know town or Co.

9. Angeline, married John McMillen. Thinks they are buried at Steam Furnace Cem. Thinks she had 4 or 5 girls & boys.

10. another child

11. R. Smith Thoroman who Mr Washburn says was his grandfather's baby or youngest child. He got bit by a mad dog when abt 17. The dog ran in the house when Angeline was washing & bit him on both hips. They killed the dog. He recovered & married Sallie Fulton He was born July 19, 1833 & died Nov 6, 1868. See page 216 item 136.

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[Sallie Fulton] was of Georges Creek, a widow woman who was mother of old Doc Fulton, a root doctor & of Joe Fulton who went to preaching. He died of lung trouble & had three boys. They went west to Illinois after their mother had married _____ Collins for her second husband who was son of old hoss doctor Collins who lived over on Wheat Ridge. Don't know anything further about the boys.

Leaving 9:55 PM

When I first arrived here at 6:44 PM, I penciled down what Mr Washburn first told me & now at 11 PM at office of Martin Hotel at Peebles, O am transcribing it & it should be read in at top of page 202.

Mr Washburn at first talked of three brothers coming to Manchester together & one of them, he thought John, was his great grandfather, but later talk convinced me that he meant his grandfather, as he later so alluded to him. He said he went to a place about three miles straight north of Sinking Springs, to a place in Highland Co which his son T. Ed says is Butler springs, O & took up a large tract of land & he & a little child are buried on it. & which he went

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to from Manchester, O & where a child also is buried. He & two other brothers first stopped at Manchester & the other two settled between Bentonville, & Georgetown, but nearer to Bentonville. One of the brothers was "Jake". He thought his grandfather's name was John. His father was Benjamin Washburn. He doesn't have his father's bible. Says his brother, John Washburn took it west with him to Blanchard, Iowa, where he died an old bachelor & the oldest boy of the family, who died there about 1908 aged 70 years. His father died when he was about 10 yrs old of lung trouble say abt 1849 & is buried in the cemetery here at "Jacktown" & has a monument. His mother died in Nebraska at her daughters & they brought her back to Coyne, Iowa for burial, the cemetery there being on the edge of the town & she has a marker & was 88 yrs old, so Mrs "Ed" Washburn says. They daughter moved back from Nebraska to Iowa. He says the children of his parents were:

1. John Washburn, bachelor, buried at Coyne Iowa & has nice marker.

2. a little girl died when 6 or 8 mos old with the croup in Highland Co, Ohio.

3. Thomas, my informant

4. George Washington

5. Collins

6. James

7. Mary Ann, the youngest.

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The mother, nee Mary Ann Thoroman daughter of Thomas, who was son of Thomas & his wife Esther Crawford was born Dec 10, 1815 so "Ed's" wife says. Mr W. says his great grandfather was married twice & his last wife's name was Charlotte, I think it was his grandfather Thomas whose second wife was Charlotte. No, he was right. It was his ggf.

John took the old bible & after John died, he thinks Geo W. got it. (or possibly his sister, Mary Ann Oliver may have gotten it) Geo W. is dead but probably gave bible to his brother James's son Rolla, who lives at Bellville, Kansas, where he is a farmer. They have a fine photo of the five brothers standing & the one sister seated taken in 1910 at Bellville Kan when my informant was there on a visit all large men. It would be a good picture for my Crawford book.

Another picture for my book is a fine photo of Mr & Mrs Collins Washburn seated with nine of their eleven children standing back of them, also taken they say at Bellville, Kan.

V15 Page 213

At residence of Edgar Allen Poe Black, Meigs Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Peebles, O RD 1) Oct 29, 1925 4:30 PM

We have just arrived here from James T. Thoroman's & find Mr Black driving in to the stable with a sled load of fodder & his wife out milking & he said he wd have to continue & finish up his work before it got dark, but he went in the house & lit two lamps, put some wood on a smouldering fire & got out the big old bible of his mother's father, Samuel Thompson, which was printed by John B. Perry Phila 1858. He said he was sure his grandfather Samuel Thompson came from Penna but don't know from what town or county nor when he came here, nor does he know of any brothers or sisters or the name of his father. Said his wife was Lantz, also from Penna. The bible does not disclose anything, but what I got from his nephew, Robert O. Black near the Sproull bridge on Oct 18th.

Left 4:40 PM

We then drove back & stopped at W. Ray Stewart's, see page 201 & from there, came to "Wash" Thoroman's & found the house dark & locked up & noticed his auto at the edge of town as we drove in, but didn't see him.

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Back at "Jack" Weber's, Martin Hotel, Peebles O Oct 29, 1925 5:30 PM

Among the bright spots & outstanding features of the day were the superior characters we met in both Mr & Mrs Jacob Traber & Mr & Mrs Abel S. Gayman. Mr Traber is a strong character & has a wonderful memory. He has this one year more to teach (he is getting $100 a month & he will then have taught long enough to entitle him to a pension.) By reason of our conference, he was 15 minutes late getting off on this three mile walk to his school & started out across the fields on a run at his age & the thermometer at 17 above zero. Mr Gayman is a big strong intelligent man & was very kind. His wife, Tilliza is a treasure. She is of the average size neither fleshy or lean & is a very superior cook & housekeeper. Her biscuits were the lightest & largest & best I have ever eaten & she served them good & hot. She had too, a very tasty & good butter or preserves made from ground berries. Just as I went out to go, I had a call of nature & went to their privy about 20 to 25 feet deep & had a good full passage, but the surprise was that the privy was scrubbed as clean as a kitchen bread bowl & swept as clean as a parlor.

Coming in, P.O. said that Daniel B.

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Thomas was insured in the Modern Woodman of America & Mrs W. Ray Stewart, his only child, got the $3000 insurance money. W. Ray Stewart has over 400 A of good land & is well fixed financially. Their son & daughter there were fine bright children & the boy, Geo Wm has an exceptionally bright face. Their oldest son lives with his grandmother (Ray's mother) in the fine brick house, this side of the good frame house (old home) where Ray lives. P.O. says he, the son, has lived there since he was weaned with his grandmother.

P.O.'s father, Isaac Wm Thomas was in the Royal Arcanum & they got $3000 insurance money. He says if everyone were of the excellent citizenship that Geo H., John B., James T. & Washington Thoroman, brothers, bore & bear they could dispense with the Sheriff's office.

I got in from Mr Washburn's Jacktown at 10:30 PM 29th & commenced writing at page 210 & the lights went out at midnight so I had to go to bed after eating a few chestnuts in the dark.

I got up at 4 AM this Oct 30th & have continued transcribing & writing & it is now 6 AM & I will transcribe what I penciled down at the Steam Furnace cemetery.

V15 Page 216

Refer to page 169

Steam Furnace Graveyard, Meigs Tp, Adams Co, Ohio, Oct 29, 1925 10:37 AM

We are transcribing with snow six inches deep on the grass & an inch thick on many tombstones which we had to brush off in order to read the inscriptions.

136. James T. Thoroman (Shff "Jim") B Mch 7, 1831 ob Dec 3, 1872

Nancy Thoroman, his wife B Nov 28, 1833, ob Aug 31, 1912

Thomas Thoroman (this is son of Thos & Esther) B Feby 4, 1789, ob Sept 15, 1880. See page 208 & 530

Sarah Thoroman, his wife ob Feby 19, 1877, aged 86 yrs 6 mos 9 days

Lizzie, dau of R.S. & S. Thoroman ob July 22, 1869 aged 1 yr 10 mos 17 days

R. Smith Thoroman see page 531 b July 19, 1833 ob Nov 6, 1868

Aggie, dau of Smith & Sarah Thoroman ob Mch 4, 1861 aged 2 yrs 7 mos 27 days Icy Bell, daughter of James Thoroman & Nancy Thoroman (twin sister of P.O.'s mother) ob Aug 21, 1863 aged 8 yrs 3 mos 20 days

Maggie D. Hoop, 1868-1911, another sister of P.O.T's mother. The above are enclosed with an iron picket fence.

137. B.C. Black aged 78 yrs 1891

138. Mezzie E., wife of Wheeler Grooms ob Apr 5, 1891 aged 25 yrs 11 mos 19 days

V15 Page 217

139. Sallie E. wife of Dr G.F. Thomas B. Dec 18, 1858 ob May 12, 1884

Tina, wife of J.R. Thomas (the undertaker) ob Sept 20, 1882 aged 22 yrs 7 mos 25 days.

Margaret, wife of William Thomas ob Aug 20, 1875 aged 66 yrs 2 mos 24 days.

William Thomas ob Apr 25, 1894 aged 91 yrs 3 mos 20 days

P.O. thinks this is his great grandfather.

Margaret, wife of William Thomas ob Aug 20, 1875 ae 66 yrs 2 mos 24 days.

On tombstones & monuments both.

140. Eliza J. Lewis (nee Thoroman & then Mrs Wittenmyer) see page 530 b Oct 8, 1819 ob Nov 9, 1900

Mar 1. Wittenmyer who is buried at Jacktown

Mar 2, Lewis who is buried at Jacktown

141. Tamson, wife of Wesley Thoroman b Jany 13, 1826 ob July 12, 1865

142. Isaac William Thomas 1855-1916

Cola, his wife 1855-19-- She died Jany 26, 1925 These are P.O.'s parents.

143. Elizabeth T. Miller Jany 1, 1826, Apr 23, 1906

Horace Homer Williams, ob Mch 10, 1881 aged 25 yrs 8 mos 1 day

The above on a small monument & on a big flat stone on foundation 3 ft high is one big flat thick stone abt 8 by 10 ft on which on one side is "Elizabeth T. Miller, for 37 yrs a successful school teacher in the schools of Adams Co" This is the mother of Mrs Flo O'Leary.

V15 Page 218

144. Abraham Roderick ob Jany 21, 1862 ae 66 yrs 10 mos 12 days

145. Fannie Chapman Lindsey 1870-1903

Samuel A., her son, 1898-1899

146. Samuel A. Chapman Co K 60th Reg O.V.I. 1842-1912

Mary J. his wife 1848-1921

Lieut John A. 120 M.G. Bn 1889-1918 died in Paris, France.

Leaving 11:20 AM

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At Martin Hotel, Peebles, O Oct 30, 1925 7:11 AM

Nancy Jane Thomas mar 1. Apr 22, 1900 to Robert Harrison Hamilton, born in Tiffin Tp Mch 8, 1880 & is living separated & divorced Jany 27, 1915 son of William Hamilton & his wife Margaret Smalley. Had six children, the two oldest born in Dunkinsville, O & the other four near Hillsboro, Highland Co, O

1. Cola Alice Hamilton born Apr 28, 1901

2. Loe Hazel Hamilton born Mch 28, 1902

3. Lizzie Belle Hamilton born Apr 23, 1903

4. Lucy Ellen Hamilton born July 30, 1905

5. George Edward Hamilton born Sept 22, 1906

6. Isaac William Hamilton born Feby 11, 1908

Mar 2d Nov 9, 1917 to Jacob Weber, born in Johnstown, Pa Aug 9, 1864 son of Jacob Weber Senr & his wife Katherine Trimba. No issue.

1. Cola Alice died Aug 25, 1901

2. Loe Hazel died May 27, 1923 unmarried.

3. Lizzie Belle, married Apr 1, 1921 to DeWitt Smith. Both living near Centerville, Highland Co, O where he is a farmer. Has two children born in Highland Co, O.

1. Jane Smith born Mch? 1922

2. Jimmy Smith born Aug? 1925

V15 Page 220

4. Lucy Ellen [Hamilton] married Aug 25, 1924 to George Smith, a brother of DeWitt. Both living near Centerville, Highland Co, O where he is a painter & paper hanger. Have one child born there viz:

1. John Smith born Aug 1925

5. George Edward [Hamilton] is unmarried, living at Home in Centerville, O

6. Isaac William [Hamilton] is unmarried with his father & is at home at Centerville, O where his father has a grocery.

Leaving 7:42 AM

V15 Page 221

At residence of Mrs Augusta Sumerville Fristoe, South Walnut St, Peebles, O Oct 30th, 1925 8 AM

I find the same careful attention to outward approaches here as with Miss Eliza Jane Bierer at home, with all the snow swept off of the sidewalks around both sides of the house & across the walk crossing the street & Mrs Fristoe out at the pump & about her work with shawls over her head, just as Miss Bierer & the snow falling, notwithstanding she was born in 1849. She has brought out the big leather backed bible of her grandfather Samuel Thoroman (who was son of Samuel & his wife Ann Crawford) which was published by the American bible Soc NY in 1880 & is perfectly preserved. It has the record of Samuel Thoroman Jr & his wife, with the record of births of his 12 children & also the record of his eldest son Joseph Thoroman whose only child is my informant Augusta S. Fristoe. The bible record is as follows:

Samuel Thoroman born May 26, 1797, died Sept 16, 1869 aged 72 yrs 3 mos 20 days

Rachel Thoroman (nee Flora, don't know parentage) born June 12, 1796 & died Jany 28, 1875 aged 78 yrs 7 mos 16 days

Their children:

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1. Joseph Thurman born Oct 9, 1822 & died Dec 25, 1910 aged 88 yrs 2 mos 16 days.

2. William Thoroman born Jany 6, 1824 died Oct 9, 1888 aged 64 yrs 9 mos 3 days

3. John Thoroman born May 12, 1825

4. Ruth Ann Thoroman born Oct 13, 1826 died Feby 16, 1899 aged 72 yrs 4 mos 3 days

5. Wilson Thoroman born Mch 27, 1828 died May 14, 1892 aged 64 yrs 0 mos 13 days

6. Crawford Thoroman born Aug 30, 1829

7. Mary Ann Thoroman born March 18, 1831, died May 3, 1909 aged 78 yrs 10 mo 15 days

8. Elizabeth Ann Thoroman born Aug 30, 1832

9. Melissa Ann Thoroman born Mar 22, 1834

10. Rachel Thoroman born Nov 28, 1835

11. James Thoroman born Jany 27, 1838

12. Samuel Thoroman born Jany 27, 1838

Joseph Thurman & Margaret Ann Thomas, his wife, were married Dec 7, 1848.

Margaret Ann Thomas, wife of Joseph Thurman born Feby 25, 1827 & died Apr 25!! 1893 aged 66 yrs 2 mos 00 days. She was born in Meigs Tp, the daughter of William Thomas & his wife. [JVT doesn't explain exclamation marks.]

Their only child is my informant

1. Augusta Sumerville Thurman born Dec 7, 1849

Mrs F. says her father wrote the record above from memory.

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2. William Thoroman mar Margaret Thoroman, his full first cousin, buried at Treber g.y. Had 4 or 5 children. She doesn't know who got the Charles Thoroman bible. Thinks Ole here could best give record.

3. John died young, 12 or 13 buried on the farm in Tiffin above Dunkinsville, Vaughn's Hill, Vaughn's Chapel, Farm now owned by Jennies Jones, a dau of her father's brother.

4. Ruth Ann, mar a Phillips, moved about. Don't know where they died nor the names of their several children.

5. Wilson, see book 14 p 604, married Hester Black. Buried at Treber g.y. Had four children,

1. Jennie mar a Jones & she owns the home farm near Vaughns Chapel. Her P.O. would be Peebles RFD 1. She is a widow. She wd be best able to give record of her father.

2. Ella mar Oscar Storer. Both living in Akron, O. One child.

6. Crawford, d.y. unm. Buried on the old farm. Thinks had scarlet fever. Were three corpses in the house at same time.

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7. Mary Ann. Don't recall about her

8. Elizabeth Ann. Don't know.

9. Melissa Ann mar William Treber & is buried at Treber G.y.

10. Rachel mar a Riley Jones, lived in Kansas & died there. Had 3 children.

11. James married a Grooms, buried at Treber g.y. Had two children. See book 14 p 604

1. Clara mar twice

2. Lyman a school teacher, married & separated.

12. Samuel. Don't know.

1. Augusta S. Thoroman, my informant mar Apr 22, 1864 to George William Fristoe born Apr 17, 1843 by Fristoe bridge, Meigs Tp, son of Richard Fristoe & his wife Ann Semple. Had three children, two boys & a girl all born in Meigs Tp at & near Jacktown.

1. William Fristoe, born July 3, 1866

2. Joseph Richard Fristoe born June 22, 1868

3. May Tillie Fristoe born Jany 13, 1871

1. William died Sept 16, 1866

2. Joseph Richard married Nov 20, 1889 to Miss Lillian J. Traber born Sept 17, aged abt 54 or 55. Don't tell her age.

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She is daughter of Oliver Cromwell Traber & his first wife Addie Sproull. They are separated & he is living & she also. Had two children. The oldest born here in Peebles & the younger in Dunkinsville.

I. Lola Treber Fristoe born May 6, 1892

II. Mae Charlotte Fristoe born Aug 25, 1894

I. Lola T. was married June 17, 1920 to Paul Patton Yankie born at Sinking Springs, Highland Co, O May 26, 1891 son of Joseph Trimble Yankie & his wife, Margaret V. (an initial only) Patton. They are living here with her grandmother & are my joint informants with her. He is engaged in road construction State Highway work. No issue.

II. Mae Charlotte married on May 29, 1919, Harry Alvin Clark, born Sept 18, 1893 in Oliver Tp on Wheat Ridge, son of Warren A. Clark & his wife _______ Matthews. Both living at Huntington, WVA where he is sales mgr for WVA Seating Co selling school furniture & her mother who lives here is there now helping to care for a young baby. Have one child.

a. Eugene Fristoe Clark born Feby 19, 1924, a very sweet child.

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3. Mary Tillie [see page 224] was married June 26, 1889 to Sheridan Shell. She died Dec 18, 1894. No issue. He died four years before she did. He was a corpse on June 26, 1890. Just one year after his marriage from the measles. He was a teacher & was taking a normal course at North Liberty, O.

Let them know when book is ready.

Leaving 9:55 AM

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At residence of George William Thoroman, Meigs Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Peebles, O RD 1) Oct 30, 1925 10:46 AM

Mr Thoroman is son of Samuel Hamer Thoroman & he was son of Samuel, who was son of Thos Thoroman Sr & his wife Esther Crawford. Mr T. says his grandfather, Samuel Thoroman mar 1. a Cynthia McDaniel who died in 1848, presumes she is buried at Jacktown cem where he is buried. They had eight children all born in Meigs Tp, three of whom died in infancy & five grew up. The farm on which they were born in just east of the Young farm, the old home of his father. Mar 2. The widow Thomas, whose maiden name was Wisecup. Her name was Elizabeth. This marriage occurred prior to 1855 when S. Hamer was married. They had no issue. Thinks she is buried at Jacktown.

The children in order of their ages except that he didn't or doesn't know where the three who d.y. come in:

1. William Zenas, oldest b Apr 4, 1827 ob Jany 29, 1900

2. Samuel Hamer, second

3. Ellen

4. Salvadore

5. Cynthia

6. a child died in infancy

7. a child died in infancy

8. a child died in infancy

V15 Page 228

1. William Zenas married Feby 14, 1850 Susan Thomas born June 8, 1830 & died Aug 6, 1917. Thinks they are buried at Jacktown. He died Jany 29, 1900. she was the daughter of Samuel Thomas & his wife Elizabeth Wisecup. They had 7 children, 2 boys & 5 girls

1. Thomas married Burgett. He lives abt Dayton, O & has 4 boys & 1 girl.

2. Mary married Chas Copas both dead without issue.

3. Tabitha married 1 Lewis Bowman, married 2 P.C. Foster. She is buried Copas Cem at Blue Creek.

5. Leota, married Samuel Newland. No issue, both living in Peebles O. She is sick with tuberculosis at Peebles, O.

6. Cora, married Carey Beckman. Both living in Indiana near Marion, Ind.

7. John married Bradney. Both living in Peebles, O. Have 3 children.

4. Susan, married Marion Cook. Both living in Peebles, O where he teams & has a farm & have 3 girls. She is the one to write to for the family record. See book 16 page 246 for table JVT Apr 2/26

Nov 20/25 11:58 PM slips made to made.

[fermata mark appears here in left margin]

2. Samuel Hamer Thoroman was born Sept 12, 1830 & died Jany 28, 1912. He married March 25, 1855 to Lydia Potts born Aug 5, 1836 & died Dec 1905. Both buried at the city g.y. at Manchester, O. She was dau of Enos Potts & his wife Martha Taverner. They had 5 children, one dying in infancy. The first three born in Meigs Tp & the other two in Oliver Tp.

1. Florence, born Mch 25, 1856

2. George M. born June 17, 1858

3. Fenton died aged 18 mos buried at Steam Furnace Cem No marker.

4. Ida Frances born Apr 7, 1867

5. Albert Clayton born Dec 9, 1869

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1. Florence married John Thompson born in Ky in Lewis Co, son of John Duncan Thompson & his wife. Both living at Eureka, Calif when last heard from 11 yrs ago.

2. George William was married 1 Aug 25, 1881 to Elizabeth Halls born in Ills say 1856 two yrs older than he & died Aug 7, 1888. Buried at Locust Grove Cem. Had 3 children. She was widow of Wm Hall & daughter of Jacob Mathias & wife Clementine Sanderson. Mar 2. Dec 20, 1888 to Mrs Mabel Wright, widow of Ellsworth Wright & dau of James Franklin Hill & his wife Susan Virginia Carter, who was born July 5, 1863 & have one child.

I. Edna Frances born June 1, 1882

II. Clayton Blaine born Oct 11, 1884

III. Chalmers Hamer born Feby 4, 1887

IV. Ida Beatrice born May 26, 1894

I. Edna F. is at home single

II. Clayton B. married Sept 20, 1908 to Mabel Walker B Oct 29, 1881 dau of Wm S. Walker & wife Flora Cain. Both live at Moores Hills, Ind where he is an iron moulder. Have 5 children, the 3rd one born at Wash, C.H. O & two youngest out there & also the second.

a. George William b Sept 27, 1909 at Wilmington, O

b. Charles Wendell b Apr 12, 1911 at Moores Hill, Ind

c. Evelyn Ione b Jany 20, 1913 at Washington C.H. O

d. James Ralph b May 12, 1915 at Moores Hill, Ind

e. Mark Blaine b Sept 25, 1919 at Moore Hill, Ind

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III. Chalmers Hamer married June 20, 1910 to Tillie Mae Pullin born May 26, 1884 near Manchester, O daughter of A.W. Pullin & wife Elizabeth Potts now of Delaware, Ind. Both living at Washington C.H., O where he is a traveling salesman. Have one child born in Clermont, Co, O near Bethany [best guess]

a. Elizabeth Mae born Aug 11, 1914 at Mt Holly, Clermont Co, O

IV. Ida Beatrice married Nov 5, 1913 to Warren A. Handley born Dec 29, 1890 son of Clifton M. Handley & wife McChesney McClintic [sic]. Both living at present at Winter Haven Florida. Have three children who are now in Ohio, born in Meigs Tp.

a. Thoroman Ashton born July 26,1914

b. Janice Margaret born Nov 28, 1916

c. Marjorie McClintic born Sept 28, 1920

3.Ellen [see page 227] see book 22 p 50, married Thomas Green son of James Green & wife. Both dead & buried at Steam Furnace Cemetery. Had abt ten children, all born in this Tp in same house.

1. James Samuel, married

2. Nancy Agnes, married, dead

3. John William, married

4. Thomas Lewis, d.y. aged 5 or 6 yrs

5. Mary Ellen, married

6. Frank Hamer, married

7. Martha Belle, married

8. Rosy Alice, married

9. Anna, died in young womanhood unmarried.

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10. Daisy, married

11. Isa, married

Frank Hamer Green, a farmer in this Tp, P.O. Peebles, O RD 3 is the one to write to for a record of the family.

4. Salvadore [see page 227] married Elizabeth Thomas a daughter of the 2d wife of his father & a sister of Wm Z's wife. Both dead & buried up here at Jacktown. Mr T. thinks he wd have gotten the bible of his father Samuel & after he died wd go to his wife, who would give it to her sister, the wife of Wm Zenas from whom it would go to one of his daughters most probably. No issue.

5. Cynthia Thoroman married 1 George Wright, son of John Wright & wife Charlotte Lantz. He died leaving 2 children born in this Tp. Married 2d George Wisecup. Both dead. Had 4 or 5 children, thinks all born in this Tp.

1. Ella Wright married David Gardner. He dead & she living abt Rarden, O.

2. George Wright

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a regular scalawag. Married in Cincin & has served 3 or 4 terms in the penitentiary.

3. Stephen Wisecup

4. Grace Wisecup

5. John Wisecup

6. girl Wisecup

7. Wisecup

Leaving 12:20 PM

I overlooked asking him about the two younger members of his family & as I was leaving, Edna F. called my attention to her father's sister, Ida Frances bottom of page 228 & said she was unmarried & was living at Manchester O at NO 202 1/2 E. Washington St upstairs just by the town pumps. See her & ask about Albert Clayton's record. Page 228 bottom.

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At residence of Mrs Elizabeth Angeline Wright, Main St, Jacksonville, Meigs Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Peebles, O RFD 1) Oct 30, 1925 1:40 PM

Mrs Wright says this town was Jacksonville & the P.O. used to be Dunbarton, so named for a Dunbar family early settlers here. She is the daughter of Wesley Thoroman & his wife Sarah Smith, who had brothers Joel & Reuben Smith. Thomas was the son of Thomas Senr & his wife Esther Crawford. She says her grandfather Thomas Thoroman had Andrew, William Samuel as his brothers. She remembers seeing her grandfather's old bible which she says was covered with Colt Springs. She says he lived with his daughter, Eliza, who first married Isaac Wittenmyer & then married Dr Samuel Lewis & after Dr Lewis died he & his wife went to live with Mrs Lewis & later went to his son Geo Washington Thoroman's & died there very suddenly & both are buried out at Steam Furnace Cem. Says they had eleven children. Says Sallie first, then John, Mary Ann Washburn, Esther Lynch was next to the oldest girl. She died out at Evergreen & she & her husband

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are buried there. They had three girls. Sarah Jane, oldest, married Thos McMillen & had 3 children. Darsie, Spencer & Allie, who married John Custer. He lives at Peebles, O. Mary Ann next, married John Matthews & had 3 children, a boy & 2 girls.

Hester married John Mitchell & her daughter, Agnes married Armanns Preston Stewart & is now living in the brick house I passed yesterday & is the mother of W. Ray Stewart. She is in her 60s & could give full information about her family P.O. Peebles RD 3, O

Page 208. 1. Says Mrs Sarah Harper, a widow, 83 or 84 she thinks, living in Mt Sterling, Ills could give the Simmons record. Has several children.

2. Thinks name of John's wife's father was William Thomas. Says John's son, Thomas lives in Mt Sterling with his son. Is very old.

8. Says a son of Hiram lives at or near Marion, Ind. Thinks his name is James. Called him "G" for a nickname.

Mrs Wright has brought out the well preserved bible of her father, Wesley Thoroman pub by T. Carleton & J. Porter

V15 Pate 235

NY City, no date. The record being read to me by P.O. Thomas is as follows:


Wesley Thoroman & Tamson Jenney, Dec 31, 1846

Thomas Jefferson Wright & Angie Thoroman Nov 16, 1865

Wesley Thoroman married 2 Jane Nichols Feby 8, 1866 Wesley Thoroman born Nov 16, 1823

Tamson Thoroman born Jany 13, 1826

Their children

1. Elizabeth Angeline Thoroman born Jany 2, 1848

2. James Thomas Thoroman born Jany 13, 1850

3. Sarah Eliza Thoroman born Nov 6, 1851

4. Mary Melvina Thoroman born May 4, 1854

5. Anna Belle Thoroman born Mch 16, 1856

6. John Wesley Thoroman born Jany 29, 1861

7. George Washington Thoroman born Jany 13, 1863

The above by first wife, Those below by 2d wife.

8. Ella May Thoroman born Nov 24, 1866

9. Charles Wesley Thoroman born Aug 25, 1869

Jane Thoroman (nee Nichols) born Oct 19, 1840

Thomas J. Wright born May 16, 1844

Children of Mrs Wright

Elmer Ellsworth Wright born Dec 17, 1866

Myrtie Della Wright born Nov 17, 1868

Roscoe Carlos Wright born July 18, 1872

V15 Page 236


Tamson Thoroman died July 12, 1865

Wesley Thoroman died Aug 26, 1869

Elmer Ellsworth Wright died May 18, 1869

Thomas J. Ellsworth Wright died Feby 23, 1915

From memory Mrs W. says:

Sarah E. Thoroman, her sister, died 1876 & is buried at Steam Furnace, unmarried.

Thomas J. Wright was son of David Wright & his wife Matilda Harrison.

Myrta Della Wright married Aug 28, 1893 to James Miller Gibboney, son of John L. Gibboney & his wife Margaret J. Miller. He was born Oct 26, 1872 & died Feby 28, 1913. She is living at West Union, O. Has one child born in Wayne Tp, Emerson Thomas Gibboney born Jany 12, 1895 who is a dentist in West Union, Married July 2, 1918 & has 1 child. Write Myrta D. His wife is Dorothy E. McManis, born Feby 5, 1901 dau of Oscar McManis & wife Elizabeth Edgington, see line 31 below.

Roscoe C. Wright married Oct 8, 1920 to Cora Gaffin, dau of ______Purdon She is living. No issue.

Mr Thos J. Wright was in the Civil War 3 yrs.

From line 22 above. They have one child born in West Union, O. Thomas McManis Gibboney born Sept 22d 1919.

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2. James T. married Mahala McCoy in Ills & both are living at Versailles, Ills in the town, Brown Co & have 5 children all married.

4. Mary Melvina married Albert Sprinkle, son of David Sprinkle & wife. Both dead & buried at Jacktown. Have but one child born at Rome, Adams Co, O viz:

1. Delbert Sprinkle, married. Both living in Brown Co, Ill same RFD a few miles from Mt Sterling, Ill & is a farmer.

5. Anna Bell married Charles Kendall. Both living at Versailles, Ills. Was a Civil War veteran. Have 3 children.

6. John Wesley married June 4, 1885 to Mattie Alice Furman born Mch 20, 1865 & both are living in the town of Tecumseh, Mich where he had a big hotel. Have 3 children, 2 girls & a boy. See page 514 table.

7. Geo W. married Jennie Williams, She dead & he lives at Tecumseh, Mich. Has 2 children, a boy & a girl.

8. Ella My married Jany 1887 Herman N. Bower. Both living at Wamsley, O have 4 or 5 children see page 370.

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9. Charles Wesley, married. Both living & have a big family who are married. Lives at Wamsley, O on a farm.

Leaving 3:15 PM

P.O. said we could not get across the creek to the old g.y. on the Thos Thoroman Senr farm near the Fristoe bridge, so he filled up his Ford with gasoline & oil & at 3:25 PM, we started for Manchester, arriving at Dunkinsville, we had to detour through Unity & over the rough Wheat Ridge road, came through West Union & had to detour through Bentonville & arrived here at Manchester, O 5:35 PM. I arranged with P.O. Thomas to get the inscriptions as the old Thoroman g.y. at Fristoe bridge & send to me. Dec 10, 1925 he writes Dec 4, 1925 small env filed that the only markers in the old g.y. are two plain rough stones & without names.

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At Jacksonville, Meigs Tp, Cemetery, Adams Co, O Oct 30, 1925 12:30 PM I came up here from Geo W. Thoroman's & took off the following inscription which I am now, 6:35 PM, transcribing in the office of the Central Hotel, Manchester, O where I arrived 5:25 PM driven down by P.O. Thomas & have had a good supper.

147. Sylvester Jobe 1843-19--

Sarah, his wife 1840-1916

148. Olen B., son of J.W. & Stella Newland Jany 2, 1899, Feby 22, 1899

149. Ottis, son of C.C. & Cora Beekman ob Aug 21, 1894 aged 1 yr 3 mos

150. Bertie McAdow Jany 23, 1870, Jany 2, 1890

151. Willm [sic] Z. Thoroman Co H 182 Reg 1827-1900 see Bk 16 p 246

Susan Thomas, his wife 1830-1917. She is dead

152. Geo F. Wittenmyer (bro of P.O.'s grandmother) B Apr 12, 1840- P.O. says he died June 1925

Mahala J. his wife b Jany 30, 1850, ob June 28, 1912. He married three times, two dead, one living.

152 1/2. Thomas Washburn 1839-

Eliza J., his wife 1841-1888

Sarah E. 1862-1892

Samuel L. 1878-1894

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Nathaniel D., son of T. & E.J. Washburn B Jany 5, 1878, ob Aug 7, 1878.

Mary L. dau of T & E.J. Washburn B Nov 17, 1860, ob Apr 9, 1885

153. Benjamin Washburn ob July 11, 1850 aged 38 yrs 5 mos

Benj F. son of B & M Washburn ob Jany 16, 1848 aged 4 mos 22 days

154. Sarah, wife of Daniel Wittenmyer ob July 18, 1863 in 76th yr

Daniel Wittenmyer ob Feby 6, 1866 in 72nd yr

155. Dr Samuel Lewis ob June 16, 1864 aged 38 yrs see page 530

Isaac Wittenmyer, ob Apr 12, 1856, aged 39 yrs 7 mos 13 days

Joseph W., son of Wm & Margaret Wittenmyer ob Aug 30, 1841 aged 1 yr 2 mos 1 day

Margaret, consort of Wm Wittenmyer ob July 8, 1844 aged 29 yrs 6 mos 6 days. 3 yrs a member of Meth Epis Ch.

156. Infant twins of S.J. & H.A. McAdow born & died Jany 4, 1874

157. U.S. Thoroman G.A.R. ob Aug 2, 1888 aged 53 yrs 6 mos 10 days Member Co G 182 Reg O.V.I.

Elizabeth Thoroman B Jany 21, 1837 ob Jany 28, 1898

158. Samuel Thoroman ob Dec 12, 1881 aged 86 yrs 6 mos 21 days see b 16 p 246.

159. Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Thurman ob Apr 21, 1878 born Feby 16, 1800

160. Samuel Thomas ob Aug 13, 1849 in 51st yr

William son of Wm & Margaret Thomas ob Mch 12, 1850, aged 13 yrs 15 days

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161. Nancy Wisecup, wife of Jacob Wisecup, B July 4m 1799 ob (underground)

162. James Graham Wittenmyer 1887-1916

Rebecca Wittenmyer, Dec 5, 1822, Feby 2, 1903


Daniel G. Wittenmyer Sept 1, 1820, Mch 6, 1898

163. G.W. Thoroman "Wash" Oct 21, 1821 see page 208. He died June 5, 1914.

Eliza J., his wife, July 23, 1821, Mch 2, 1906

164. Margaret A. Thoroman B Sept 10, 1828, ob Feby 10, 1911

165. William Thompson, 1867-

Lulu, his wife 1874-1916

166. Miss Josephine Thomas ob Nov 18, 1901 aged 50 yrs 9 mos 21 days

Samuel N. Thomas (brother of P.O.'s grandfather) 1847-1917

Sarah E., his wife 1848-19--. She is living

167. Thomas A. Thurman B Dec 22, 1856, ob Nov 17, 1908

Leaving 1:33 PM

We then went to Mrs Angie Wright's, Jacktown.

Finished transcribing 8 PM

V15 Page 242 [blank]

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At residence of Oakley Crawford, No 511 E &th St, Manchester, O Adams Co, O Oct 31, 1925 11 AM

I arrived here at 9:30 AM & have been looking through some old papers & letters & also the bible of his father Geo W. Crawford born Apr 22, 1839 who is here & of his father, George Washington Crawford, the records from both of which I am copying here.

George W. Crawford & Winny Morrison was married Dec 4, 1817 Their children:

1. John Morrison Crawford, born Sept 17th 1818

2. Mary Ann Crawford born Apr 14, 1821

3. Moses Crawford born Sept 18, 1823

4. Eley Jane Crawford born Dec 17, 1824

5. Mott M. Crawford born Jany 26, 1826

6. William Crawford born Aug 26, 1828

7. Julyann Crawford born Aug 28, 1830

8. Richard Crawford born Nov 28, 1833

9. Harriet G. Crawford born Aug 2, 1834

10. George W. Crawford born Apr 22, 1839

11. Noble G. Crawford born June 9, 1841

12. Melina Crawford born Jany 13, 1844

13. Caroline Crawford born Aug 30, 1846

This is all the inscription on the loose leaves bible record of Geo W. Crawford's father, George Crawford, both backs being off & it is in two pieces. Going 11:35 AM to cemetery with "Okey"

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Mr Geo W. Crawford's bible is also without backs but has date of Jerusalem Chambers, Westminster Abbey, Nov 11, 1880 & the record is as follows:

"George W. Crawford of Brush Creek & Margaret Holmes of West Union, O were married May 2, 1865 by Rev George Taylor. Marriages

Nan Crawford & Dan Sheely June 5, 1888

Wiley Crawford & Ada Pool Jany 3, 1889

Frances Crawford & J.E. Comer, Nov 29, 1893

Will Crawford & Ida Willson Oct 9, 1894

Mary Crawford & Millard O. Bryan Apr 27, 1898

Nora Crawford & Worthy Sanborn Mch 29, 1899

Oakley Crawford & Sarah Amanda Shultz Apr 8, 1914


G.W. Crawford born Apr 22, 1839

Margaret Crawford (Holmes) born Nov 19, 1842

Their children:

1. Wiley Thomas Crawford born Jany 25, 1866

2. Nancy Ann Crawford born Feby 10, 1867

3. Winnie Morrison Crawford born Feby 12, 1868

4. William George Crawford born Aug 11, 1870

5. Nora Crawford born Feby 14, 1872

6. Baby Crawford born Jany 23, 1874

7. Frances Caroline Crawford born Jany 27, 1875

8. Mary Drennon Crawford born Nov 23, 1877

9. Mott Aning [sic] Crawford born Dec 11, 1879

10. John Crawford born Aug 12, 1881

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11. Lizzie Agnes Crawford born Jany 1, 1883

12. Oakley Crawford born Apr 2, 1888


Winnie May Crawford, Aug 24, 1869

John Crawford, died Nov 10, 1881

Lizzie Agnes Crawford died Sept 5, 1900

T. Wiley Crawford died Mch 28, 1916

Margaret Crawford died Aug 4, 1918

Mr Crawford has a copy of the will of Col Wm Crawford among his papers.

I find a letter to George Crawford, Wrightsville, O dated Nashville, O Aug 4, 1905 from Joshua Crawford, who Oakley says has died he thinks in 1918, well written in a good plain hand who said he was trying to obtain records of all the Crawfords in America to be printed in E.A. Crawford's book. Says he learns from the Butterfield Hist of the Crawford campaign that Capt John Crawford (son of Col Wm Crawford who was burned at the stake by the Indians) emigrated to near the mouth of Brush Creek In Adams Co, O. Says if you are John Crawford's grandson, can you not tell what year he settled there. Asks if he can get an old family bible that wd give name of his wife & each of his children. Says he is not a descendant of Col Wm Crawford, but is a kinsman & belongs to same line. Says can write him, if he desires, many facts connected with Crawford Hist.

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Find a small $17 note dated Dec 30, 1846 to Richard M. Crawford & assigned by him on May 13, 1847 to David Cows.

Also a letter dated Spring Valley, Douglas Co, Colorado Apr 17, 1884 from his brother Mott M. Crawford.

I now find the envelope of the Joshua Crawford letter with the following in upper left hand corner "After 5 days return to: Rev Joshua Crawford, Nashville, Holmes Co, Ohio"

7 PM Back at Mr Crawford's

"Oaky" was not ready to start at 11:35 AM & Mrs Crawford insisted on staying for dinner & she got in a royal one. In the meantime, I finished copying the records from the bible & the letters as indicated above. Then shortly after 2 PM, Oakley started with me & we went up the River to the old Crawford farm (& the graveyard on it) of 500 A being I take it, the 500 A willed by Col Wm Crawford to his son John, who is buried there. We then went further up the river past the Grimes farm & to the Grimes g.y. in the grove on the hillside, but there was no inscription on the one rough stone we found. Mr Geo W. Crawford says he & his brothers & sisters were all born on that farm which is

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in Monroe Tp, Adams Co, O. He says he thinks his father, Geo W. Crawford was born in Penna. I am asking him now about his brothers & sisters descendants.

1. John M. Crawford, his brother, married a Vance, daughter of old Davy Vance & lived up by Concord, O in this Co. He moved out to Iowa. Had a large family of children, was called Prairie LaPort "or Guttenburg which is the same" & had lived at Frenchtown on the upper Mississippi but thinks he died at Guttenberg, Iowa. He was out there in 1858. He then went to war in 1861 & was in war to 1865 & fighting all the time in Mo, Tenn etc. & he got letters during the Civil War from him, but none afterwards.

2. Mary Ann see bk 20 page [cut off 08] William Drennon. They lived & died at Manchester, O & had children viz:

I. Walter, married & his dau [sic]

II. Jim married & had a daughter who is teaching school here now. Another married a Bob Cole's son & lives here.

III. A daughter married a man up by Rome.

3. Moses married out in Iowa & lived at Guttenberg or Prairie LaPort, Oakley says they got a letter in 1918 that he had died & left four children. Don't know names.

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4. Eley Jane married Alphonso S. Scott & they lived here & died here & Oakley says are buried in DeKalb Cem here. They had children:

I. Sarah Scott married a Mr Hines & he is dead, but she lives here & has two sons.

II. John C. Scott went out to his Uncle Mott Crawford in Douglas Co, Colo & G.W.C. thinks went with the Indians.

III. Mott Scott. He lives about one mile from Peebles, O with his son-in-law Elmer Potts where he is very sick with high blood pressure & stomach trouble. Mrs Potts is his only child.

5. Mott Morrison moved to Douglas Co, Col. Thinks he never married & is dead without issue.

6. William married a Tesaul. He ran on the river & married down there & lived at Washington, Louisiana where he died. Had children.

7. Julyann. Thinks she never married but lived to be of age & thinks is buried at Concord, O & has a marker, he thinks.

8. Richard. Thinks died unmarried.

9. Harriet G. see page 255. She never married, Buried at g.y. on farm.

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11. Noble G. went to the Civil War in, he thinks, 1864 when the war was nearly over. Married a Stout, daughter of old John Stout, who lived in Ky opposite Rome, O. Thinks he died at Rome, O this Co.

1. Anna married & lives at Portsmouth, O

2. John, thinks went to Colorado.

[fermata mark appears here]

12. Melina married Charles Taylor who died of the small pox. Thinks she died about Higginsport, O.

13. Caroline, see bk 10 p 309, married Samuel Stevenson. Think they are buried here.

1. Sallie married W. Ross Mowery

2. Ida married Al Lockhart

3. Julia never married

4. William married dau of Leonard Stricklet

5. Seth married Ada Ogle, living on part of old Crawford place at Pleasant Bottom.

See page 244

NO 10 243

1. Wiley Thomas Crawford married 1 Adelaide Poole dau of Wm Pool [sic] & his wife Susan. No issue. Married 2 Martha Vance, daughter of Al Vance & his wife. Had three children born in Monroe Tp. He is dead & she is living at Rome (P.O. Stout, O)

I. Margaret married to Porter Siniger

II. Luther, not married

III. Loberta, not married.

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2. Nancy Ann Crawford see page 365. married 1 June 5, 1888 to Dan Sheeley. 6 or 7 children. Married 2 Dec 31, 1901 Alexander Fleming who was born Oct 1838 & died Dec 21, 1912, 2 children. Married 3 Apr 8, 1916 John Miller No issue. Both living here in Manchester, O.

4. William Morrison married Oct 9, 1894 Ida W. Moon. They have separated & she married Pete Hamilton. He has not remarried. Lives in Monroe Tp. 3 children born in Monroe Tp

I. Fred, married

II. Clara, married

III. Mott, married

Can get record from Mrs Hamilton see pages 269 & 270.

5. Nora, married Mch 29, 1899 Worthy Clifton Sanborn, son of Peter Sanborn & wife Nancy Margaret Taylor. No issue.

6. Baby died same day

7. Frances Caroline married Nov 29, 1893 Rev Joseph E. Comer. Both living at 15 E Washington St, Ashland, O where he is a United Brethren preacher.

I. Paul

II. George

III. Howard, dead.

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IV. Ralph, dead

V. Ruth

VI. Lois

VII. some are dead.

8. Mary D. married Apr 27, 1898 Millard O. Bryan. Both living near Athens, O where he is an electrician & miner. P.O. Athens, O. Have children:

I. Irma

II. Jennie

III. Carrie

IV. Mott Oakley

V. one, dead

9. Mott Aning married 1 Grace Bryan (sister of Millard O.) one child which was drowned. Married 2 Wenie Swaiger. Both living in Boulder Co, Col at Lafayette Col. No issue.

10. John, d.y. Buried on old farm Monroe Tp.

11. Lizzie A. died unm & buried in Odd Fellows Cem, West Union, O ob Sept 5, 1900 see page 20 item 40

12. Oakley, gave his record above.

Geo W. has heard of having Cumings relatives, but don't know where they are.

Leaving 9 PM

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Just as I was leaving, Geo W. Crawford said his Uncles John & Wm Crawford (he called him "Bill") were plow makers & worked in Haws shop in East Maysville, Ky where he used to visit them & stayed with them for a time. He says they have hosts of descendants there. Also said their brother, also his Uncle Vance Crawford, lived at Lexington, Ky. The Thatchers were also Crawford relatives & lived above Concord, O and Oakley says Nobel Thatcher lives here in town & is one of them aged abt 50 yrs.

Oaky Crawford's wife Sallie said that Mrs Rev J.E. Comer, the United Brethren preacher, was Frances Caroline Crawford, a sister of Oakley (& named for her Aunt, Mrs Stevenson) lives at 15 E Washington St Ashland, O.

Aug 10, 1931. Sallie A. Brown writing abt Dec 1, 1927 says her Uncle, Geo W. Crawford died June 7, 1927.

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At office of John K. Dunbar, Second St, Manchester, O Oct 31, 1925 8:42 AM

Mr Dunbar is a well preserved man for the 77 yrs he says he has passed. He says the Warner nieces are now living in Cincinnati, O but says Mrs Rev James Tomlin on South side of East 2d St being 3d house after passing last street is a daughter of Mrs Kilgore & to see her. Says Miss Mary E. Grimes a granddaughter of Grier Grimes lives at Concord, Ky. She is dau of Dr Lewis A. Grimes.

Leaving 8:55 AM

At residence of Rank Ewart Williams East 7th St Manchester, O Oct 31, 1925 1 PM

Oakey came across the street from his own home a half square further east with me to see Mr Williams who I wanted to ask about the Hugh Thompson incident as he had married a dau of Grier B. Grimes. He, however had never heard of it, but his wife's sister, Mrs Blanche Perry of West Union, O said she had heard her mother tell of it. She said to write to her brother Smith Grimes at 927 3d ST Portsmouth O. He was

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born Jany 27, 1835. Her grandfather, she said was William Grimes, one of the three children who came here direct from Scotland with their mother Elizabeth. She says she is 73 yrs old, born May 10, 1852. Frank Ewart Williams has a fine face & a remarkably good shaped long head. He says he was born in Wetzel Co, Va now WVA Nov 16, 1835, son of Jeremiah Williams whose father, Jeremiah Williams Senr was a Revolutionary Soldier. He himself was in the Civil War over 3 yrs. George Perry, Blanche's' husband was also in the Civil War. Mr Williams said his Williams were from descendants of Roger Williams & his grandmother Williams was Mary Ewart who came over from England & who was a near relative of Wm Ewart Gladstone. He said when he was once in England, he got proof of the relationship, but said he was afraid to go to see Gladstone himself. Speaking of the distinctive Williams type, he mentioned meeting an Uncle whom he had never seen on the street in Cincinnati & asked him if he was not a Williams. The same thing occurred in Conn with a Williams he met there.

Leaving 1:20 PM

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At Crawford Graveyard, on Old Crawford farm, Monroe Tp, Adams Co, O Oct 31, 1925 3:15 PM

This g.y. is located abt nine miles up the river & beyond Wrightsville, O I think it is the 500 A tract willed by Col Wm Crawford in May 1782 to his son John Crawford who is buried on it. The inscriptions are:

168. Geo W. Crawford (this is son of Lieut Jno Crawford) B June 4, 1790 ob Sept 20, 1871

Winny, wife of Geo W. Crawford B Mch 4, 1801, ob Aug 6, 1871. The departed, the departed, they visit us in dreams and the glide above our memories like shadows over streams. But when the cheerful lights of home in constant luster burn, the departed, the departed can never more return.

Jno Can on marble monument. [sic]

Harriet G. dhtr of Geo W. & Winny Crawford ob Aug 26, 1860 aged 26 yrs & 24 days see page 248.

Richard, son of G.W. & W. Crawford B Nov 28, 1833, nothing more

Jno Crawford Lieut in R.A. died Sept 22, 1816 aged 66 1/3 years.

Effie Crawford died Nov 22, 1822

This is son of Col Wm Crawford & his wife nee Effa Grimes.

Hannah P. Crawford died July 16, 1826

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Moses Crawford did 1808

Sarah Rowland late Sarah Crawford died

Thomas, son of Sarah Rowland died.

by G. Gregory, Rockville, O wonderful workmanship on a wonderful stone, which Okey said is mined at Rockville, O.

William Rowland b Dec 25, 1775 ob Nov 27, 1886 (this date is wrong)

Infant son born Feby 15, 1865 died Feby 28, 1865

Infant son born Feby 4, 1869 died Feby 20, 1869

sons of C & U Taylor

Hattie M. dau of L & A. Courtney B May 18, 1874 ob Oct 30, 1878

This last has well preserved wooden fence around it & is within a barbed wire fence about 60 by 40 feet, the enclosure being chuck full of wild plum trees with long sharp thorns on them G.W.C. says Jacob Cline, owner of the farm planted all the seeds he could find over the graves.

Leaving 3:44 PM

We then walked down the lane to the old brick house on the banks of the Ohio River, fine location & went in the house containing 12 rooms with fine old stair way & stair rail of walnut probably & perfectly ceiled with fence board width, which Oakley sd were cut off the farm. At the head of the stairs is a dark room which was used as a bee room where

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many bees were kept & Geo W.C. said there were holes left through the brick walls for the bees to enter through. He said this house was built by his father Geo W. Crawford & he thought all of his father's children were born there. The house is occupied by Jasper N. Gregory, wife & children. Mrs Gregory & children showed us through the house. She said the present owner was Ben Blye who had recently bought it. It is located 3/4 of a mile or more from the Pike or road & a muddy lane leads down to it which we walked down & back. The g.y. is along west side of lane 3/4 way down. We then drove on past the Grimes farm & turned to the left & going up in the timber found the fence posts & one crude sandstone marker, no inscriptions in the old Grimes Graveyard. The Grimes had been buried down on the river & when the caskets were washed to view & they moved them to this high ground. We drove back to Oakey's & found Mrs C. Had supper about ready at 6:15 & we ate & she at 7 went out dressed as were the others, girls who had gathered in fantastically [sic] with the others downtown to Halloween & I questioned & wrote down what G.W.C. & Oakley could tell me from 7 to 9 when Oakley walked in town with me to Murphys store where they told me Andrew McIntire had left a month ago

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for Norton, Mass to spend the winter with his son where he could be addressed care of said son Prof W.O.? McIntire

I then came to the hotel & Mrs Cooper, the clerk showing me where Tom Coopers little grocery store was out east second st on the south side opposite the Presbyterian Church, I walked up in the cold & found him standing by the fire (stove) & two men sitting by who proved to be Ben Blye & Lewis Young, the latter of Manchester & I talked with the three an hour until 11 PM. Ben Blye said he had recently bought the old Crawford house & 225 to 227 A of it & the Grimes farm from a brother of Jacob Cline, living at Batavia, Ohio who is settling his estate for $10,000 (Oakey sd he pd $2000 down & gave mtge for $10,000) which he said figure of $44.44 per acre for 225 A but it ran 227 A. He said the deed reserved access to the g.y. for the Crawfords. He said he was building a house for a home on the line half on the Crawford farm & half on the Grimes.

Mr Tom Cooper said his mother was a daughter of Dan Bayless & Jane Jack & there were eleven children in their family & while he did not have their family bible, he could give record of their birth children etc from memory & would come to my room 21 when I am writing by a fire Clark

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Cooper built at 11 o'c when I came back between 7 & 8 in the morning. He said he had a chest at home that was brought over from Ireland, he thought County Tyrone, but wasn't sure, by his grandmother, [10] Bayless great grandmother Jack. We had a very interesting talk for an hour. Mr Young said there was an old Mr Stevenson who lived to be over 90 who knew well the early history of these parts but he died a few yrs ago, but he would see what he could learn from the family & write me.

It is now 4:30 AM Nov 1, & I will get ready for bed as I left a call for 7 o'clock. JVT

Nov 21, 1925 9:17 PM Have made all slips to here

The steam has gone off & the radiators are cold & I will go to my room, start fire & read J.K. Johnston's Kilgore History.

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[fermata mark appears here]

At Central Hotel, Room 21, Manchester, O Sunday, Nov 1, 1925 8:22 AM

Mr Thomas Willson Cooper has come in to give me the record of his mother's family. She was Sarah Amanda Bayless, the eleventh & youngest of four boys & seven girls of Daniel Bayless & his wife Jane Jack. Sarah Amanda was born Feby 7, say 1837 (Dec 11/25 Rothwells say she was born 1836 which seems to be right see line 23 below & note. [line 23 appears as underlined below]) & died Dec 10, 1915 aged 79 yrs lacking fr sd Dec 10 to Feby 7. She was born on Poplar Ridge in Tiffin Tp & died in Jefferson Tp on Brush Creek & is buried in the Cooper g.y. in Tiffin Tp known as the Coop & Wamsley g.y. which is on the edge of the two farms & used for the two families. No marker with inscriptions, but, he says he is going to erect one himself. She was married Dec 25, 1856 to Lorenzo Dow Cooper born Mch 5, 1833 three years older, he says than his wife. He died Dec 6, 1914. & he was 81 yrs 9 mos & 1 day old. He was born on Poplar Ridge & is buried where his wife is buried. They had eleven children, nine born on Poplar Ridge, Tiffin Tp & the 11th in Green Tp. My informant who was the second child was born on Ellisons Ridge about half a mile from the mouth of Moores Run in Monroe Tp on a farm his father then owned but sold to Wm Baldwin & bought a farm from him on Poplar Ridge. Their children were:

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1. Maria Jane Cooper born Nov 20, 1857

2. Thomas Willson Cooper born Aug 10, 1859

3. Rebecca Cooper born Feby 28, 1861

4. Laura Ann Cooper born Oct 22, 1863

5. Mary Cooper born Oct 20? 1865

6. Melissa Cooper born Feby 28, 1867

8. "Jack" Cooper born Dec 16, 1869

9. Lorenzo Dow Cooper Jr born Dec 11, 1872

10. William Arthur Cooper born Feby 4, 1874

7. Mahala Cooper born Oct 4, 1868

11. Sarah Alice Cooper born Oct 28, 1877

1. Maria Jane was married Feby 1877 to Willson Taylor son of William Taylor & his wife ______ Copas. He died Oct 10, 1916. She died Dec 23, 1919 & both buried in Mt Armenia g.y. in Jefferson Tp. Had six children 3 girls & 3 boys, the two oldest born in Greene Tp & the other four in Jefferson Tp.

1. Edward Taylor born Nov 1877

2. Cora Alice Taylor born July 1879

3. Henry Foster Taylor born Dec 25, 1881

4. Carry Taylor, a girl [no date]

5. Minnie Taylor born Sept 10, 1891

6. Thomas Taylor, [no date]

1. Edward married Catherine Knox daughter of Leander Knox & his wife Samantha Abbott. Both living in Tiffin Tp where he is a farmer. P.O. West Union, Route 4. No issue.

[upside down fermata mark appears here. No idea what it signifies]

2. Cora All, d.y., unmarried

3. Henry Foster married Gertrude Bentley

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daughter of Walter Bentley & his wife _______ Easter. Both living in Jefferson Tp where he is a farmer & jack of all trades. P.O. West Union, O Route 4. Have four children or more.






4. Carry [Taylor] married Alfred Rothwell son of William Rothwell & wife ______ Copas. Both living in Jefferson Tp where he is a farmer. P.O. West Union, O Route 4 have three children:




5. Minnie married Sept 11, 1909 Turner Cleveland Pollard, born Mch 7, 1885, son of William Henry Pollard & wife Luvina Carter. He died 6 or 7 yrs Oct 8, 1921. Had five children born in Green Tp where she lives P.O. Tulip, O Star Route. All girls.

I. Edna Fay Pollard born July 19, 1910

II. Eva Jane Pollard born Jany 9, 1912

III. Cora Marie Pollard born Aug 28, 1913

IV. Wavie Izella Pollard born Dec 5, 1915

V. Vernie Edith Pollard born Jany 23, 1919

VI. Mary Luvina Pollard born Mch 15, 1921

6. Thomas married to Vedia Cooper daughter of Bill Cooper & wife. Both living in Tiffin Tp

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where he is a farmer. P.O. West Union, O Route 4. Have one child, born in Tiffin Tp, a boy.

2. Thomas Willson Cooper [see page 261] my informant married June 2, 1892 to Annie L. Piatt, born Aug 5, 1870? in Tiffin Tp on Beasleys' Fork, 2 miles from West Union, O daughter of Lewis Piatt & his wife Scottie Ann Baldwin. Have been separated for 18 yrs & she is over by Dayton, O. Got hard on his hands, drinking beer & whiskey at the saloons & he divorced her in Mch 1915. No issue. Says he has read the Bible through 3 or 4 times & he can't find anywhere that any grounds for divorced are authorized except for adultery & drinking. She has married again. His father, L.D. Cooper was son of William Cooper & his wife Maria McCarty.

3. Rebecca [Cooper see page 261] married Oct 23 1879 William H. Rothwell born at Cedar Mills, Adams Co 1857 son of Jacob Rothwell & wife Nancy Sutterfield. Both living in Jefferson Tp near Cedar Mills, P.O. Wamsley, O route 1, where he is a farmer. Have eleven children all born in Jefferson Tp four married, 2 boys & 2 girls & others all died in childhood.

I. [no name given]

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II. Lucy Adaline b July 10, 1881 & died Nov 2, 1883

III. Mercy Rothwell born Feby 5, 1883

IV. Lorenzo D. born Apr 2, 1885 & died Jany 25, 1891

V. Ethel Rothwell, born Sept 6, 1887

VI. Myrtle [no date]

VII. Elmer, born Dec 9, 1889

VIII. Arthur Stanley born July 22, 1892, school teacher

IX. Sarah Rothwell born Mch 15, 1895, ob Mar 4, 1899

X. Henry Rothwell born Apr 24, 1897, ob Sept 29, 1898

XI. Cecil Rothwell born Oct 12, 1899 ob Oct 22, 1899

Ethel Rothwell & J.W. Francis married Sept 6, 1901. No issue.

Mercy Rothwell & Richard Taylor married Sept 19, 1901, 9 children See page 368

Elmer Rothwell & Orpha Robinson married Mch 8, 1916, 2 children see page 364

Arthur S. Rothwell & Etta Kerr married July 16, 1923. No issue.

4. Laura Ann [Cooper see page 261] married Nelson McDaniel son of Lorenzo Dow McDaniel & wife. Both dead. She at Rarden, O & he in Jefferson Tp where he had been a farmer. Had one child born in Jefferson Tp. She died in Aug 1889.

I. a daughter, Nora married Kelly Henderson, born in Ky son of John Henderson & his wife ______ Stone. She died abt 12 yrs ago. Kelly Henderson has been married three times sine & lives here in Manchester, O. His 2d wife died in 1 yr. 3d was divorced & has several children by 4th. Had but one child by Nora, born here in Manchester, O.

a. A son living here in Manchester, O aged 19 yrs.

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5. Mary [Cooper see page 261] married June 7, 1890 Wesley Sylvester Caplinger, a twin, born Jany 8, 1852 in Tiffin Tp, son of Moses Caplinger & his wife Ibbie Dillon. He died 3 yrs ago last Mch 5th 1923 in Green Tp where he was a farmer & she lives on the farm with two of her boys, P.O. West Union, O route 4 & has he thinks five children, three boys living & two girls dead.

I. Purnell Arthur Caplinger, married Apr 27, 1916 to a girl in Indiana viz Flossie Kirchandall of Forest Ind who was born Dec 24, 1893. He was born May 22, 1891

II. Ernest Oakley, born Dec 24, 1893. At home with his mother, unmarried.

III. Albert Raymond born Apr 6, 1902 at home with his mother, unmarried.



6. Melissa [Cooper see page 261] married Thomas Hayslip son of John Hayslip & his wife ______ Sutterfield, a sister of Billie Rothwell's mother. Both living in Jefferson Tp on Galley Hill, near Scioto Co line. Their P.O. is Otway, O but don't know Route. He is a farmer & had eleven children some of them dead.

I. Myrtle married Esten Fields & has 11 children.

II. Coleman married







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Several of the children are married.

7. Mahala [Cooper see page 261] died unmarried on Aug 16, 1887 aged almost 19 yrs & is buried at the Wamsleys & Cooper g.y. on Poplar Ridge.

8. Jack. He didn't like John & always went by Jack. Married to Orpha Hayslip, daughter of James Hayslip & wife ______ Taylor, a sister of Willson Taylor. Both living in Norwood or Cincinnati, O where he has junk dump. Don't know P.O. number. Have had one child born in Greene Tp & died before it was a year old.


9. Lorenzo D. Jr [Cooper see page 261] married Henrietta Abbott daughter of Reason Abbot & his wife Betsy Grooms. Both living in Greene Tp where he is a farmer. P.O. Tulip, O Star Route. Have two children, a girl & boy born in that Tp viz:

I. [no name given] married Frank Henderson, a brother of Kelly Henderson here & live in Green, same Tulip, O Star Route P.O. where

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he is a farmer. Have two children.



II. Leroy, at home, single with his parents.

10. William Arthur [Cooper, see page 261] married Verdi Paris daughter of Hugh Paris & wife Samantha Abbot, a sister of Henrietta above. Both living in Tiffin Tp near West Union, O where he is a farmer P.O. West Union, O. Lives within a half mile of West Union. Have children.

II. Dessie May, married Emer Hillen a natural son of Emma Satterfield by a Hillen.

I. a girl died aged abt 3 wks

III. Vedie at home single

IV. Coleman, married




11. Sarah Alice [Cooper see page 261] married 1 Joshua Copas son of Isaac Copas & wife Jane Hayslip. He died in Jefferson Tp leaving two children. Married 2 Wiley Rothwell son of Simon Peter Rothwell & wife Jane Abbott. He is living. Was in Ills & may have moved back to Northern Ohio.

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She died Sept between 10th & 14th, 1920 left two children by first husband & four by last, they being small at her death.

I. Earl Copas aged abt 22 single & with his step-father

II. Lucy Copas married her step-father, Wiley Rothwell

My informant heard Wiley was trying to force her to marry him & he went to her & Earl & offered to buy the 96 A farm & move on it with them & give them the entire proceeds, but she didn't want to have her four half bros & sisters, the youngest but a year old, so in a short time, they were married. He thinks she has one child.

My informant, Thos W. lives just back of his store, which is at No 400 East Second St. He is a Democrat. The old chest is made of black walnut & without nails, all dovetailed together, but the bottom is of yellow poplar worn very thin by long usage.

He says Ida Hamilton lives out East Second Street beyond his place on same side at the 3d crossing & on West side of the street there that runs to the river.

Finished 11 AM

V15 Page 269

At residence of Albert Hamilton, No 516 East 2d St, Manchester, O Nov 1, 1925 1 PM

Mr Hamilton admitted me ten minutes ago & his wife has come in pushing a chair with a sprained ankle. She was Ida Wilson, born Feby 22, 1877, daughter of Daniel Addison Wilson & his wife Mahala Lewis. She was married 1st Oct 9, 1894 to Wm George Crawford see page 244, son of George W. Crawford & his wife Margaret Holmes. After a wedded life of 19 yrs, they separated & were divorced Mch 26, 1915. Had three children, all born in Monroe Tp. Married 2 Mch 20, 1919 to Albert Hamilton born in Minerva, Mason Co, Ky on June 27, 1875, son of Charles E. Hamilton & his wife Elizabeth Mengue. Both living here. No issue.

1. Fred Crawford born Feby 4, 1896

2. Clara Crawford born June 21, 1899

3. Mott Aning Crawford born Aug 18, 1903

1. Fred married in Portsmouth, O to Della Hicks. Both living in Portsmouth, O, where he is a laborer, P.O. 1121 Mill St. No issue.

V15 Page 270

2. Clara married Feby 17, 1921 here to Orville Perry Hoop born May 4, 1900 at Trinity, Lewis Co, Ky, son of Robert Perry Hoop & wife Ona Herbert. Both parents died when he was a baby. Both living at 15349 Lincoln Ave, Brightmore Mich c/o Detroit where he is a mart man. No issue.

3. Mott A. married June 1922 here to Clara McElroy born Dec ______, daughter of Hayes McElroy & wife ______ Williams. Both living at New Boston, O at Steel Mill P.O. 3751 Rhodes Ave, New Boston, O. Have one child born at New Boston, O viz:

1. Helen Louise born Dec 24, 1924

Leaving 1:33 PM

V15 Page 271

Thomas W. Cooper said his grandmother, Jane Jack Bayless died July 2, & was buried July 4th at Harmony g.y. 55 yrs ago say 1870. He spoke of having had a book entitled "Western Adventure" etc 500 to 600 pages which tells about Kenton & Leachman, who fought to see which one should have have the girl they were both courting. Perhaps, I have the book at home.

I walked over with Tom W. Cooper to the "bachelor" room in which he lives & he showed me the plain old chest that his ancestors brought from Ireland. It is sixteen inches deep & sixteen inches wide & 3 feet long. As he said, it wasn't worth a dollar, but he wouldn't take a hundred for it. I then went across the street to the Pres Ch g.y. meeting the people coming out at 11:30 as I went up the walk as the g.y. comes right up to & back of the Church. A big strong 6 foot man seeing me, came over & helped hunt out inscriptions & turn over fallen stones. He said his name was Simbil & that he had lived once on Allen Simeral's farm near West Union & that he had a son George Simeral & also that there was a Simeral marker at the far end of the g.y. which I found, fallen, laying on the ground.

V15 Page 272

Presbyterian Church Graveyard on East Second Street, Northside Manchester O Nov 1, 1925 11:33 AM

169. John Thompson, b 1705 ob Sept 16, 1836

170. Israel Donalson, born in New Jersey, Feby 2, 1767 died Feby 9, 1860

Mrs Ann Donalson, late consort of Israel Donalson ob Apr 11, 1824 in her 42d year.

171. Jane Ellison, wife of David Sinton B Aug 1, 1826, ob May 28, 1853

172. Anna, dau of J & M McClung B Aug 10, 1836, ob Oct 13, 1851

173. Alexander Thompson, ob Sept 19, 1863 aged 28 yrs 10 mos 3 days

He was a private soldier in Co D. 243 Ohio Vol Reg.

Daniel Thompson ob Feby 22, 1839 in 17th yr

These are back of the church.

174. Robert Robinson, ob Sept 18, 1833 in 63 yr

Mary, consort of Robert Robinson ob Apr 11, 1849 in 80th yr

175. William B. Willson, ob July 21, 1840 in 51st year

Eleanor C. Wilson, ob Feby 9, 1827 in 6th yr

176. Andrew Stevenson ob May 13, 1829 in 23d yr

Euclid Stevenson ob Sept 19, 1837 in 23d yr

Samuel Stevenson B Sept 7, 1825, ob Dec 22, 1863

Charles Stevenson B Dec 2, 1815 ob Sept 18, 1865

V15 Page 273

177. Nancy Dean Finley, ob June 16, 1819, aged 26 yrs

178. Mrs Mary Williamson, wife of Rev Wm Williamson ob Mch 21, 1815 in 52d yr

179. old Indian marker of an Indian Chief said to be the oldest in the g.y. V.N.A.T. L.A.____X.I.A. Born A.D. 1772 ob Mch 3, 1815

180. Jane, wife of William Anderson B 1762 ob May 17, 1836

H.L. Anderson B Mch 7, 1799 ob Mch 1824

William Anderson B May 6, 1752 ob Nov 6, 1836

181. Jane Butler consort of Jno C. Butler ob July 22, 1834 in 22d yr

182. America A. dau of T.B. & Elizabeth Scott ob May 13, 1846 aged 2 yrs 1 mo 25 days

Sarah E. dau of T.B. & Elizabeth Scott ob July 24, 1851 aged 4 yrs 11 mos 20 days.

183. Margaret, wife of H. Simeral, ob Oct 23, 1839 in her 37th yr

Leaving 12:36 PM

I then walked down to Mrs Ida Hamilton's see page 269 & from there continued on out east 2d Street to:

V15 Page 274

Residence of Rev James Tomlin No 704 E. 2d Street Manchester, Ohio Nov 1, 1925 1:44 PM

Mr & Mrs Tomlin say that Mrs Kilgore had first married a Bradford & her daughter Edith Bradford married a Brittingham & became the mother of Mrs Tomlin. Mrs Bradford then married 2d Oliver Kilgore & had the following children: Frank, Bill & Jim & Emeline, the latter marrying a Warner, and Asael Kilgore is still living in Mason Co, Ky aged 79 yrs. He lives Charstown Bottoms 2 miles below Maysville, Ky & they suppose their P.O. address wd by Maysville by RFD

Leaving 2 PM

Emeline's children were Mamie Warner & Lulu Warner both single & aged & living together in Cincinnati, O.

I then walked up to Oakley Crawford's & bade him & his father goodbye. He, Oakley, had taken Sallie this morning to Mr Reed's, her Uncle for a visit. Oakley's father, Geo W. was riding a young colt in 1923 & was thrown & broke his hip & it is that which makes him bedfast. His hair is white & a little sparse. I walked up Main St & on S.W. corner of Main & E. 7th is Frank E. Williams home.

Left 2:22 PM

V15 Page 275

I recall that P.O. Thomas said Thursday 29th ulto that they would not allow a nigger in Meigs Tp & there were none there. I left Manchester, O at 3 PM on the belated 2:44 bus & reached the Bank Hotel, Ripley, O where I am writing in Room 19 at 4:25 PM

Phoned Irvin E. Blackburn No 237 S. 2d St Tel 159 Ripley, O Nov 1, 1925 6:20 PM

The garage man answered saying he went Saturday night to Russellville, O to visit his son-in-law & would not be back until Monday.

Rang off 6:22 PM

Phoned W.V. Maddox, No 15 N 4th ST Tel 148-R Nov 1, 1925 6:25 PM

Nov 2, 1925 6 Am

Bank Hotel Room 19 Ripley, O. continuing transcribing as the light went off at midnight last night.

W.V. Maddox was lying down sick. His son of the drug store who answered didn't know whether he was descended fr Noah Maddox & a Finley or not. Said to call Frank Stivers of the Bank, whose mother was a Maddox. Later, at 8:30 PM when I saw him at the drug store, he said to call at Stivers & see a Miss Maddox aged 60 who lives there & is related to the Frames [best guess, might be Francis]

Rang off 6:28 PM

V15 Page 276

Phoned Frank A. Stivers NO 136 N. Front St, Tel 88 R Ripley, O Nov 1, 1925 6:31 PM

Mrs Stivers took the message & reports that he doesn't know about Noah Maddox or the Finleys & does not think he is descended from them.

Rang off 6:35 PM

Phoned C.H. Liggett No 217 N 2d St Ripley, O Nov 1, 1925 6:36 PM

He said he was son of Wm Wilson Liggett, who was from Goose Lick 5 miles from here & said to call Liggett. Liggett, his first cousin whose father was a brother of his father & he could tell. He said Joseph N. Liggett was a son of A. Newton Liggett & was a 2d cousin of his.

Rang off 6:40 PM

Phoned A. Newton Liggett 5 miles out on Altona Road near Ripley, O Nov 1, 1925 6:44 PM

He said his grandfather Alexander Liggett married Ruhamah Moore & was a brother of William who married Elizabeth Finley & consequently he was not in our line. He said Jos N. Liggett of the Bank here was his son. He said his daughter wished to talk to me & she said Ruhamah was daughter of James Moore & said further that

V15 Page 277

there was a lady here a few years ago hunting up the Liggett descendants & I could probably get her address from Mr Jennings at Georgetown, O who assisted her.

Rang off 6:57 PM

Bank Hotel, office Ripley, O Nov 1, 1925 7 PM

Mrs Kirkpatrick, hearing me phoning about the Finleys & having been introduced to me by Mr Bowers of the hotel as we went in to supper at 5:40 PM came out of the parlor & said her husband's name was John Evans Kirkpatrick & his mother was Nancy Finley. She says Nancy had an Uncle Rustin Finley & an Aunt Polly Finley, neither of whom ever married & she said Aunt Polly lived to be 97 yrs old & rode twice to Penna on horseback when well up in years to visit relatives there. They had a big farm out by Red Oak this Co abt 5 miles out. She thinks Aunt Polly is buried in the new cemetery here as are the McCagues who have a monument & says there might be some buried in the old cem here but she is sure there are many of the Finleys buried in the g.y. at Old Stone Pres Ch at Red Oak, O. She says to see Martin Luther Kirkpatrick, Upland St, Walnut Hills Cincin, O who can tell about the family.

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He is a brother of her husband, John E. & I think she said was 78. She had a tree of the family gotten from Lawyer McNutt of Terre Haute, Ind but she gave it to her son John Finley Kirkpatrick of Cincinnati, who Mr Bowers says will be here Monday. She is a gray haired aristocratic woman & retired to the parlor at 7:15 PM.

Mr Bowers has gotten out Historical Collections of Ohio by Henry Howe, Vol 2 & 3 combined 1891 published by Henry Howe & Son, Columbus, O & on page 124, Preble Co is an article on "Father Finley" the Itinerant & Indian Missionary with this photo & the Lowry monument in Mound Cem, Eaton, O facing. He copied the following inscription from his monument "Rev James B. Finley died Sept 6, 1857 aged 76 yrs 1 mos 20 days on Northside & on the south side is "Hannah his wife born in 1783 died in 1861."

Finished 7:30 PM

See book 19 p 90

Phoned Finney Brothers, no 109 N 2d St Ripley, O Tel 165 Nov 1, 1925 7:33 PM

Their mother answered & said they came from Cherry Fork, so I arranged to go around to see her &

Rang off at 7:36 PM

V15 Page 279

At residence of Mrs Tammie Finney, No 109 N 2d St Ripley, O Nov 1, 1925 7:50 PM

Mrs Finney is apparently between 50 & 60 yrs of age & is the widow of Andrew Potts Finney who was son of John Finney & his wife Mary Potts & it was John's brother, William Finney who married a Shafer & both are buried here in the new cem. His mother, Mrs Margaret Shafer is still living here in Hestoria or South Ripley, O, across the creek bridge as you go to the cem. She is abt 84 yrs old & could tell about the Finley family into which her eldest son married. They had several children, A son "Arch" lives in Cincin, O, a dau married in Toledo? & another son in Indiana.

William Finney & Rebecca Finley had but two children who grew up viz a daughter Sadie who married Anderson Kirkpatrick of Cherry Fork O & died a year later when twin stillborn babies were born to her. He married again, but died at Cherry Fork. The son, John Finney married at Cherry Fork, Artemisia Secrest & went to Anderson, Ind where he was 12 yrs ago when last heard from. Mrs F's daughter-in-law came in abt 8 o'c.

Leaving 8:11 PM

Finished transcribing 7:30 & will go to breakfast.

V15 Page 280

Probate Judges Office Georgetown, Brown Co, O Nov 2, 1925 3:54 PM

Index to Wills

*Campbell, William Vol 1 Page 37

n Elliott, Thomas Vol 3 Page 211

*Finley, John E. Vol 1 Page 1

*Finley, John Vol 5 Page 84

*Kerr, James M. Vol 3 Page 250

*Kerr, Margaret Vol 8 Page 463

*Kerr, John Vol 9 Page 338

*Liggett, Peggy Vol 9 Page 338

n Liggett, Margaret W. Vol 4 Page 49

*McCague, Thomas Vol 4 Page 179

*McCague, Geo K. Vol 6 Page 15

*Thompson, John Vol 1 Page 13

*Tweed, Archibald Vol 1 Page 159

*Tweed, A.C. Vol 1 Page 377

n Thompson, James Vol 2 Page 189 N Washburn, Isaac Vol 1 Page 72

Will of John E. Finley Book 1 P 1

Recites he is of Adams Co, O & is frail of body. Appoints sons James Finley & John Finley Exrs.

Wills son John Finley 80 A & the horses he claims

Wills wife Elizabeth 1/3 bals for life in lieu of dower

wills daughter Mary 1/4 residue not devised to John

wills daughter Hannah 1/4 land on which I now live not devised to John

wills daughter Elizabeth Budd 1/4 land on which I now live not devised to John

wills to son James in trust for son Job Rustin the remaining 1/4 & then to the heirs of his body.

John E. Finley. Dated Jany 5, 1818. The county was organized 1818.

V15 Page 281

Will of John Thompson Book 1 p 13 says he is of Byrd Tp, Brown Co wills:

To wife Catherine for her support & education of children until of free age 1/3 of farm on which I live & 1/3 personal property during widowhood.

To my three eldest children, Andrew, Sally & George $1 each directs personally [sic] property be sold & to equally to my eight youngest children viz; Elisha, Aaron, Anny, Jane, Susannah, Nancy, Abdalla & Polly.

To Pres Ch of Ohio for Missionary purposes $50

Appoints Robert Gilliland & John Laughlin Exrs. Dated June 4, 1818

John Thompson (seal)

Will of Archibald Tweed Book 1 P 159 covers 5 pages gives many children & married names of daughters. Dated May 14, 1828. Probated Mch 2, 1831 Witnesses who proved it were Thos McConnell & Archibald Liggett.

Will of Archibald C. Tweed Vol 1 p 377. He is son of Archibald above recites he is of Union Tp. He wills to beloved wife Polly, my farm on which I live ctg 167 A being all the lands I own to be in her control until son Wm Wilson Tweed comes of age, when he is to have 1/3 when son John To comes of age, he to have 1/3 & when wife died they two to have farm entire.

To page 293

V15 Page 282

At residence of Mrs Margaret Shafer, River ST, Ripley O Nov 2, 1925 8:25 AM

I walked out South 2d St after breakfast, crossing a 180 ft bridge over Red Oak Creek with 30 ft of deep water & the balance ravine, & turned to the right, down Assupulption [best guess] St, one square, then to the left or south a square & found Mrs Shafer aged 84, qa small spry woman of about 100 lbs & her daughter, Miss Jennie Shafer who was hanging out her Monday morning washing to dry. Mrs Shafer said her son, James married Mrs Cora Finley Wright, whose maiden name was Cora Finley, but she had first married a Wright by whom she had one child, Otto, who is dead. She married 2d James Shafer & had 4 children. He was born Aug 31, 1862 & died Dec 12, 1911. Is buried in old part of cem here but there is marker. They say to see:

Mrs Rebecca Brown in Cincin, O oldest sister of Cora, also to see:

Mrs Effie Hines, another sister, who lives on Drake Ave, where they own property they have lived [on] many years.

Another sister lives at Winchester, but can't recall her married name.

Another sister is Myrtle & there are still others & some boys

The children of Cora & James Shafer were or are:

V15 Page 283

1. Archibald Shafer, oldest, married & lives 202 Pearl St, Cincin, O.

2. John (twin) married

3. Margaret (twin)

4. Kate, Married

Jennie had to go hang out her washing & a neighbor came in to see Mrs Shafer & I

Left at 8:35 AM

I then walked out to cemetery & will record notations see page 284.

After finishing at cemetery, I walked in, it is a mile, got my dinner & walked down Front St on the Ohio River bank to:

Residence of Frank A. Stivers V.Pt of Citizens NBK Ripley, O No 136 N. Front St Nov 2, 1925 1:15 PM

I came here to see Miss Isabella Maddox, aged I should judge 65 to 70, a well built heavy matronly woman who says she is a daughter of John Maddox & a granddaughter of John T. Maddox & knows of no Finley connection. Mrs Stivers was present.

Left 1:25 PM

At No 112 Front St is a tablet marking site of home of U.S. Senator Alexr Campbell, a Virginian by birth, an anti-slavery man who freed his slaves & came here in 1803, was U.S. senator 1809-1813. On the burning of Washington by the British, he rode out of Washington never to return.

V15 Page 284

At Ripley, Ohio Cemetery, Nov 2, 1925 8:46 AM 184. Archibald Liggett, B Jany 18, 1797 ob Jany 12, 1877

Judith F. wife of Archibald Liggett B Apr 4, 1803 ob Aug 4, 1840

Elizabeth F. wife of Archibald Liggett b July 30, 1815, ob May 5, 1896

Children of Archibald & Judith F.

Robert Daniel B Aug 31, 1831 ob Mch 19, 1834

Isabella Darrah B Dec 22, 1833 ob Sept 17, 1834

Charles James B July 9, 1837 ob Sept 18, 1838

Archibald Henry B Oct 24, 1829 ob July 27 1850

Children of Archibald & Elizabeth F.

Elizabeth Taylor, b July 20, 1842 ob Aug 10, 1842

Anna Taylor B May 31, 1846 ob Nov 23, 1849

Archibald b July 27, 1851 ob Mch 28, 1853

& on back of monument:

John Chambers Liggett 1843-1917

Anna Bennington, dau of J.C. & L.B. Liggett B Feby 10, 1876 ob Dec 15, 1904

Other stones;

Francis Taylor B Mch 25, 1769 ob May 15, 1850

Judith, wife of Francis Taylor B Feby 14, 1774 ob Aug 25, 1852

Anne E. wife of John Plunkett B July 9, 1805, ob Dec 29, 1848

V15 Page 285

On this lot is monument of Wm Wirt Liggett b Oct 31, 1835 ob Sept 20, 1852 (think should be 1862) Killed at South Mountain.

Algernon Sidney Liggett, Lieut U.S.A. B May 8, 1827, killed in Battle Dec 31, 1862 Stone River.

185. Samuel Hemphill ob Sept 26, 1879 aged 65 yrs

Sarah A.W. Hemphill ob Jany 6, 1891 aged 60 yrs

Elizabeth H. Pearce B Jany 10, 1842 ob Dec 4, 1908

Campbells on other side same monument.

186. Archibald Tweed ob Feby 19, 1838 aged 55 yrs 6 days

Mary M. wife of Archibald Tweed ob Feby 13, 1859 aged 72 yrs

John T. Tweed ob Jany 28, 1885 in 63d yr

187. John Rugh, Sen, ob Mch 12, 1881 aged 79 yrs

Kate, wife of John Rugh Jr

Katie Rugh, ob Dec 25, 1883 aged 19 yrs 3 mos 2 days

Maggie Rugh ob May 17, 1886 aged 19 yrs 2 mos & 3 days

188. Capt Boyd. C.W. Boyd, Father 1834-1894

Margaret F. Boyd, mother 1837-1897

E. Etta , dau of C.W. & M.F. Boyd B Mch 18, 1873 ob July 6, 1873

Will C. Boyd 1868-1920

James P. Boyd 1858-1917

V15 Page 286

188 1/2. Thomas S. Thomson [sic] 1861-1909

Jane Browning

James Boyd, father 1787-1839

Margaret B. Boyd, mother 1798-1866

189. V. Kerr monument

V. Kerr B Dec 1, 1809 ob Dec 8, 1866

Margaret, wife of Varner Kerr B Mch 27, 1807 ob Aug 20, 1886

David, son of Varner Kerr & Margaret Kerr B May 12, 1841 aged 1 mo 20 days.

190. Hayelen [sic] Thompson born in Va B Nov 17, 1803 ob Sept 26, 1880

191. Priscilla, wife of L.E. Crawford B 1819, ob Mch 11, 1893

Andrew Fulton ob Jany 18, 1877 aged 74 yrs 11 mos 16 days

Jane Kerr wife of Andrew Fulton ob Nov 18, 1870 aged 68 yrs

192. Alexander Campbell ob Nov 5, 1857 in 79th yr

Mary, wife of Alexander Campbell born Dec 22, 1784 ob Nov 12 1860

193. Thomas McCague ob Mch 9, 1864 in 71st yr

Catharine Platter, wife of Thos McCague B Aug 7, 1792 ob Nov 12, 1879

George R., son of Thos McCague, ob Dec 29, 1874 aged 48 yrs 2 mos 12 days

Wm H. McCague, husband ob Dec 13, 1879 aged 60 yrs 2 mos 3 days

Agnes Gay Dickens, wife of Wm H. McCague ob Oct 3, 1857 aged 34 yrs 4 mos 23 days

V15 Page 287

Geo A. son of Wm H. & A. McCague ob Sept 2, 1848 aged 1 y4 2 mos 7 days.

194. Thomas Crawford Co B 34th Reg O.V.I. ob in Ripley, O Apr 29, 1879 aged 57 yrs wounded at Battle of Fayetteville, Sept 10, 1862

Nancy S., wife of Thos Crawford ob in Ripley, O Feby 14, 1917 aged 81 yrs 5 mos

195. John Patterson B June 15, 1796 ob July 28, 1847

Maria Patterson B Oct 1, 1802 ob Apr 14, 1891

Henry C. Patterson, son of John & Maria Patterson ob Mch 27, 1886 aged 26 yrs 9 mos 20 days

Maria Luella Patterson wife of W.H. Kinkead 1845-1902

Narcissa D. Kinkead Feby 11, 1843, Oct 22, 1918

Archie H. Kinkead Apr 16, 1838, Feby 23, 1913

196. Wm F. Gaddis B in Lancaster Pa Nov 8, 1809 ob Ripley, O July 4, 1885.

Tamson R. wife of Wm F. Gaddis B Mch 12, 1817 ob Feby 18, 1894

Many other Gaddises.

197. T.D. Thompson ob June 23, 1880 aged 62 yrs 8 mos 23 days

Mary, wife of T.D. Thompson B May 24, 1818 ob Aug 20, 1889

John W. son of T.D. & Mary Thompson ob June 9, 1860 aged 17 yrs 18 days

On monument:

Thomas M. Thompson 1845-1924

Virginia M. Thompson 1844-19--

Robert A. Thompson 1841-1916

Sarah Bell, his wife 1844-19--

Cora Konmmert [sic] 1868-1901

V15 Page 288

198. James Levi Maddox B Oct 21, 1867, Ob Sept 6, 1884

Our little Mattie, dau of John & Mary E. Maddox ob Aug 11, 1859 aged 1 yr 3 mos 4 days.

Our little Grantie, son of John & Mary E. Maddox ob Jany 12, 1863 aged 1 yr 1 mos 3 days

Mary E. wife of John Maddox, mother 1829-1895

John Maddox 1825-1907, Parents I think of Isabella on whom I called this afternoon.

William Maddox B Nov 4, 1820, ob Mch 28, 1883

Adaline, wife of Wm Maddox B Mch 5, 1829, ob July 13, 1902

William Elmer Maddox 1853-1913

John T. Maddox (grandfather of Isabella) B July 24, 1798 ob Dec 3, 1871

Sophia, wife of John T. Maddox B Jany 16, 1797 ob Aug 18, 1882

Elizabeth Maddox, dau of Jno T. & Sophia ob Nov 25, 1832 aged 5 yrs 3 mos

199. John Rankin 1793-1886. Black bust on top. He was the underground railway magnate.

Jean Lowrey, his wife 1795-1878

Freedoms Heroes

Capt R.C. Rankin 1821-1899

America, his wife 1828-1911

V15 Page 289

200. Doc Power ob Dec 24, 1886 aged 38 yrs 7 mos 6 days

201. Andrew Potts Finney 1856-1919

202. Soldiers & Sailors monument, a fine tall one

East side 1861-1865

South side Union Soldiers & sailors

West side Our Fallen Heroes

North side G.A.R.

203. Judith F. Leggett Tyler, Nov 2, 1917 a true lady.

204. Mary P. Bechtle, mother wife of G.H. Kinkead 1820-1902

Elizabeth G. Kinkead wife of C.A. Newcomb 1861 (or 1841)- 1903

205. John E. Kirkpatrick, 1847-1914 Husband of the lady I met at the hotel last night a fine monument & marker.

206. Leon Stivers Wiles 1878-1918

Are Wiles galore in old part of cem.

207. George W. Grimes Jany 15, 1836, Dec 14, 1917

This is a big cemetery 10 A probably or more but I have covered it thoroughly & am:

Leaving 12:11 PM

I stepped partly & estimated it as 600 ft wide and 1100 ft long.

After seeing Miss Maddox, see page 283, I got an auto & drove to:

V15 Page 290

The Old Stone Presbyterian Church Graveyard near Red Oak, Brown Co, Ohio Nov 2, 1925 2 PM

This church is beautiful for location & is a wide one story building & in gable front is "A.D. 1817". Crossing over the stone steps built in the stone wall in front of the old cemetery, I came immediately to:

208. John Finley ob Dec 13, 1868 aged 75 or 85 yrs

Catherine, wife of John Finley B 1800 ob Feby 25, 1863

Lizzie, wife of C.F. McNutt & daughter of John & Catherine Finley B. Oct 15, 1833, ob June 20, 1861

Hannah Finley ob Mch 23, 1859 in 70th yr

Job R Finley ob Oct 14, 1864 in 78th yr

Sarah, Dau of Alex & Mary McNutt B Jany 5, 1805 ob Oct 12, 1875

Elizabeth, wife of John E. Finley ob Apr 7, 1845 aged 86 yrs.

209. Archibald Hopkins ob Jany 25, 1848 in 88th year, Va. Mil Rev War.

Margaret, wife of Archibald Hopkins ob Mch 9, 1854 in 84th yr

Father John Hopkins 1801-1884

Mother Nancy C.M. Hopkins 1788-1851

Edwin Hopkins, b Sept 30, 1810 ob July 10, 1846

V15 Page 291

210. Washington Tweed, ob Dec 28, 1868 aged 73 yrs 8 mos 18 days

211. Samuel G. Kirkpatrick ob Dec 9, 1861 in 32d yr

Charles T. son of Samuel G & Nancy C. Kirkpatrick ob Nov 1, 1872 aged 22 yrs 1 mo 1 day

Priscilla, dau of John & Nancy Kirkpatrick B Apr 6, 1840 ob June 26, 1841.

212. Rachel, consort of John Liggett ob Apr 25, 1837 in 73d yr.

Leaving Old part 2:46 PM

In New Cemetery in front of church 2:54 PM

213. Alexander Kirkpatrick 1808-1888

Sarah, his wife 1822-1896

Nancy A. 1844-1921

T. Scott 1858-1922

Leaving 2:55 PM

[Margin note reads:] Guessed No wrong on page 300 & skipped 15 nos. JVT

My driver this PM colored, Lee Dana Clark says we passed the very old cem at Ripley as we drove out & which I missed, but I gave him a dollar & the names desired to take off & send me.

As we drove away from the g.y., we stopped at a farm house on the right had side belonging to Joseph L. DeVore P.O. Ripley, O Route 1, who is 76 yrs old to ask if there are any Kerrs

V15 Page 292

or McCagues about Red Oak & both he & his son said there were not. I arranged to write him so he could inform me if possible where they went.

Mr Bower at the Bank Hotel had a history of Brown Co, O by W.H. Beers & Co Chicago 1833 I may have one at home.

I got in Georgetown, O at 3:30 PM & went right to the Court House see page 280 & am to go back at 8:30 In the morning. Have been writing in Room 5 Biehm Hotel transcribing & it is now 1 AM NO 3 & I will go to bed. JVT

Dec 1, 1925 Lee Dana Clark wrote Nov 3, 1925 reporting In Old g.y. at Ripley, O as follows:

214. Lewis H. Kirkpatrick, Nov 8, 1856

215. Mary Gaddis, cousin of Robert Gaddis Oct 10, 1839 aged 74 yrs.

216. James M. Findley (I think he spells it wrong) July 2, 1819 aged 19 mos

Oliver Findley Mch 22, 1849 age 19 yrs 13 mos

217. Thomas Cambers [sic] born in VA Nov 11, 1774 died July 5, 1845

218. Marthy Woods Apr 15, 1818 age 90 yrs.

"There is certainly a bunch of old names in the cemetery".

V15 Page 293

From Page 281

To my daughter Eliza Tweed $300 & a $65 horse

to my two daughters Sallie Lilley & Eleanor Dixon each $200 in addition to what they have recd.

to my son Samuel Patterson Tweed $600 etc when of age

to my two daughters Nancy Tweed & Mary Ann Tweed each $300 & a $65 horse etc

Appoints bro John Tweed Exr. Dated Feby 11, 1838 A. Tweed. Probated Mch 9, 1838.

Will of James M. Kerr Book 3 P 250 States he is of Huntingdon Tp, Brown Co, O & lives on 7 A on Eagle Creek Directs executor to buy out of proceeds of personal property a section of 640 A in Territory of Kansas title to be made to his 3 children, Robert W. Kerr, Thomas J. Kerr & Martha Jane Kerr. Wife is Katharine Kerr. Appoints James Kerr of Brown Co, Exr. Dated July 22, 1856 James M. Kerr (seal) Probated Mch 23, 1857

Will of Thos McCague, book 4 p 179

States he is of Union Tp & Ripley, Brown Co, O wills: 1st to wife Katherine household & kitchen furniture & family library.

2d & 1/2 of my stock in Farmers Branch of State Bank of Ohio at Ripley, O

3d to G.K. McCague $10,541 the same being given to make my sd son G.K. equal with my son Wm H. McCague.

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4th to my sons Wm H. & Geo K. all rest of my estate real & personal equally.

5th Appoints sd two sons Exrs without bond. Dated Feby 1, 1864 Thomas McCague (seal) Witnessed by John McCague & David Gould & proven by them Apr 23, 1864

Will of Geo K. McCague Book 6 P 15

Recites he is of Ripley O & wills of his bank stock in Farmers Natl bank to:

to his mother, Catherine McCague as above for her use

2. to my brother Wm H. McCague & his children equally all rest of my estate. Dated Aug 18, 1871 Geo K. McCague (seal) Probated Jany 18, 1875

Will of John Finley Book 5 P 184 He directs a farm he got in 1824 to be sold & gives:

To Pres Ch Red Oak $100

to sister Mary 1/5 of bals of sd proceeds

to my daughter Louise Robinson 1/5

to my daughter Mary Kirker 1/5

to my two grandsons Gilbert & Alexander McNutt jointly & equally 1/5

to my sister-in-law Sarah McNutt 1/5

Gives remainder of farm ctg 115 A

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stock & all to my sister Mary & my daughter Louisa Robinson & my sister-in-law Sarah McNutt. If one or more die to go to survivor & if all die to go to my heirs. Directs that no part of the money willed to grandsons Gilbert & Alexr McNutt be paid to their father but some other gdn be appointed. Appoints Thomas G. Kirker & Wm W. Gilliland Exrs. Dated Sept 4, 1868 John Finley (seal) Witness Samuel Dragoo, A.B. Martin. Probated Feby 9, 1869

Will of Margaret Kerr Book 8 p 463 Am giving probate judge Waters my address & asking him to send me a copy of this record, several pages. pd him $2 for it.

Will of John Kerr Book 9 P 338

Recites he is of Union Tp wills:

to niece Sarah Senteny wife of Benjamin Senteny, all personal property & money, dated Feby 26, 1886 John Kerr (seal) Probated Mch 21, 1889. Next of kin are:

Sarah Senteny niece, Ripley, O

Joe Kerr, nephew Ripley, O

Mary Kerr niece, Ripley, O

H.F. Daulton, nephew, Ripley, O

Emma Fitch niece, Ripley, O.

Leaving 11:50 AM

Nov 23, 1925 12:15 Am made all slips to here JVT

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At residence of Joseph Carleton Kincaid, Main St, Hamersville, Brown Co, O Nov 3, 1925 2:11 PM

Mr Kincaid is a bachelor & lives here in a nice little cottage house alone. He says he was born in Des Moines City, Iowa on the Des Moines River on Oct 20, 1859 where John & Steward were also born & Henry & Ida were born in West Union, Adams Co & are buried in the old cem there, in the old cem & had markers. Lillie the youngest child was born in Byrd Tp near Russellville, O where his father owned a farm. Joe is a son of Samuel Williamson Kincaid & his wife Margaret Finley, daughter of James of Major Joseph L.. Joe says Carleton is for the Doctor Carleton who officiated at his birth. He says his parents moved back here when he was about a year old & his father went in the Civil War, going out with the 60 day men.

He has their old bible printed by A.J. Holman & Co Phila 1874. The only record in it is of births & deaths & is as follows:

1. John Blair Kincaid born Feby 1855

2. Steward Kincaid born Oct 28, 1856

3. Joseph Carleton Kincaid born Oct 20, 1859

4. Henry Kincaid born Feby 21, 1861

5. Ida Kincaid born Aug 12, 1864

6. Lillie Kincaid born Aug 2, 1880

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Samuel W. Kincaid died Apr 25, 1906

Margaret Kincaid died Aug 18, 1906

Henry Kincaid died Oct 7, 1865

Ida Kincaid died Mch 24, 1866

He don't know who got the bible of his grandfather James Finley unless it was some of his mother's sisters. He says his Aunt Hannah died at Urbana, O but don't know whether her husband, Thomas McNiel is dead or not. Didn't know him. Never saw him. His Uncle Joe Finley for whom he was named died in Rushville, Ind & thinks he has a marker as he was well to do. He married abt 2 miles from Rushville, Ind & she survived him & may be living yet. He is buried there & wd have a marker. Don't think they had any children. He was an old bachelor when he got married & she too was up in years.

1. John Blair Kincaid married Lutie Parish who died & is buried in Pekin, Ill & has a marker. She was daughter of John Parish & wife. He is living in Pekin, Ill a widower with 3 children, a boy & 2 girls all born in Jefferson Tp this Co near Russellville, O.

I. Bert, married

II. married

III. married.

He was a Quaker.

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2. Steward married Anna Gilleland dau of James Gilleland & wife ____Hopkins. Both living in Hillsboro, O where he is in the Furniture business. Have but one child born in Jefferson Tp near Russellville, O.

I. Walter, married.

3. Joseph C. has lived here about 30 yrs & is a day laborer. Is a tanner by trade & fell from a roof & broke the bones of his right hand & has a badly crippled thumb. He was raised a Presbyterian. I told him he should go to Red Oak O & join the Pres Ch there.

4. Henry F. died with the flux Oct 7, 1865

5. Ida Luella got scalded on the breast & died from the effects of it. Pulled something from the stove when her mother's back was turned. Died Mch 24, 1866 see book 14 page 597 item 5.

6. Lillie, married Edward ("Ned") DeVore, son of Frank DeVore & his wife. Both living in Clark Tp this Co (P.O. Georgetown, O route 21) where he owns a 96 A farm & runs it. Have two children born in Clark Tp viz:

I. Franklin aged abt 15

II. Edward aged abt 10

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He says his father & mother were both members of the Pres Ch at Red Oak where his father was an Elder for years & years when they lived at Russellville, O. He was a Trustee & was one who laid out the cem at Russellville, O where he & his wife are buried & have a big monument right along the pike. He was 72 yrs old when he died. & she was 70 yrs old when she died. He ate a hearty dinner & laid down in this house & died in ten minutes

She died of dropsy, had been an invalid for many years. She was medium size. He was my height & weighed 200 lbs. There are no dates on the monument. Joe bought the lot for $150 & put up the monument. He has a scar under the left eye, which he got when he fell from the roof at which time he was unconscious for 12 hours.

Leaving 3:11 PM

Hotel Sinton Room 320 Cincinnati, O Nov 3, 1925 10:54 PM

I reached here at 9:40 PM & will now commence transcribing in order of occurrence my work of the day. JVT

What a comfort to get to a hotel like this.

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From page 291

Georgetown, Ohio Old Cemetery, on the west side of town, Georgetown, Brown Co, O Nov 3, 1925 7:27 AM

228. James V. Smiley Co C 89th Reg O.V.I. B July 24, 1837 ob Feby 1, 1893

Margaret A. Smiley b Feby 1, 1836 died _______

Sarah B., wife of John T. Smiley my mother, ob Aug 4, 1891 ae 74 yrs 11 mos 24 days.

229. Rosannah Roney (down) ob Sept 24, 1859 aged 88 yrs

230. Robert Ralston, who was drowned in White Oak Creek Jany 25, 1848 aged 50 yrs 7 mos 28 days.

Several other Ralstons

231. Mary Ann, wife of Skippington Holderniss ob Aug 12, 1849 aged 38 yrs 6 mos 18 days

232. On a lot 50x15 ft enclosed with iron fence:

Edward Thompson b Dec 25, 1781 ob Sept 5, 1863

Susannah, consort of Edward Thompson & a daughter of Capt Daniel Feagins ob Oct 29, 1855 ae 75 yrs 5 mos 4 days

Edward B., son of J.F. & Mary Thompson ob May 2, 1847 ae 16 yrs 11 mos 7 days

James F. Thompson B June 20, 1805 ob July 27, 1865

Mary, wife of James Thompson B Dec 14, 1805 ob Jany 17, 1885

Mary, wife of John Thompson ob Mch 19, 1856 aged 41 yrs 10 mos 11


233. James Crawford (make mein [sic] to look or write for will) B Dec 23, 1796 ob Aug 6, 1875

Elizabeth, wife of James Crawford Ob Sept 17, 1869 in 71st yr.

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234. Benjamin Penn, born in Montgomery Co, Md Apr 16, 1776, ob May 21, 1862 in 87th yr. Immigrated to Ohio in 1812

Anna Phillips, wife of Benj Penn ob Aug 16, 1874 in 90th yr

235. John H., son of D & M Markley ob July 22, 1858 ae 18 yrs 1 mos 2 days.

236. Elder N. Dawson B Oct 12, 1810 ob Sept 10, 1880 his record is on High.

Sarah, wife of N. Dawson B Oct 3, 1813 ob May 10, 1899

237. Genl Thomas L. Hamer, ob Dec 2, 1846

Lydia Bruce Higgins, wife of Thomas L. Hamer ob Jany 3, 1845. Stonewall concreted inside, say 40 X 20 feet around this lot.

238. Sacred to the memory of James W. Elliott son of A.H. & Ruth W. Elliott, b Dec 28, 1842 ob Nov 4, 1863 in the Christian Faith, at Annapolis, Md on other side & on other side:

E.J. Voohees [sic] ob Jany 17, 1871 aged 33 yrs & 11 days Above 88th Reg O.V.I.

239. Lucinda B. Power 1829-1901

Finished 9 Am with much benumbed fingers. [Bless your heart JVT!]

Ctd on page 359

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Probate Judges office Georgetown, O Nov 3, 1925 10 Am

Mr Carskaddon [sic] to whom Judge Waters introduced me in the office here thinks there are some McCagues at Utopia, Clermont Co, O. Judge Howard Dunn Waters says there is a Raymond Kerr who is probate judge of Miami Co, O at Troy, O. Write him. He also says that Charles A. Linn, an atty abt 75 yrs old at Ripley, O could give trace of the Wm H. McCague children. Read Geo K. McCague's will & write him, Co. Commissioner Geo Frank who is from Ripley, O says there were a John McCague & a Wm McCague at Ripley when he was a boy (he is now about 55). Says Nathan Ridgway of Falmouth, Ky married one girl and Martin Luther Kirkpatrick, aged say 75 yrs large loose tobacco mfr on Cincin, O married another of the McCague girls (daughters perhaps of William). Both of above wives are dead. M. Luther K. lives at Cincin, O with interests at Huntington WVA & may be Pres of First NBK Ripley, O. He is the same party Mrs K. at Ripley told me to see, brother of her late husband.

Judge Waters referred to the mar-

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riage docket (which I did not have time to examine) & said that marriage license no 10 page 534 was for A.G. McCague to M.L. Kirkpatrick abt 1878 1879. Mr Carskaddon says can find him in the Provident Bank Building where they have an office where his son William would be in if he wasn't.

Judge Waters took me upstairs at 11:55 AM & introduced me to Col H.L. Jennings who he called out of the court room where he is bailiff ortipstave [sic] & he said to wait five minutes until court adjourned which I did. He has no recollection of any lady talking to him about the Liggetts & thinks Miss Liggett is mistaken or it might have been some other Jennings.

Closed 12:12 PM

I then walked out the street & was:

At residence of Mrs A.D. Crouch No 401 S. Main ST George Tp On O. Nov 3, 1925 12:22 PM

This house adjoins the Presbyterian Church which has massive colonial columns in front. Mrs Crouch is a well preserved woman for her age & says her father.

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was John Thompson who died aged abt 75 yrs. Her grandfather she says was Edward Thompson. Her grandfather had three sons viz:

James Thompson oldest

William Thompson next

John Thompson youngest

They came here from Germantown, KY & they had sisters:

Violette Thompson who married Jas Richards and

Margaret who married John Foster who had lived at Washington C.H. O.

She thinks Edward's father was James & said he was a Baptists preacher & got drowned in a swollen creek. He, Edward, had a mill & each of his three sons built mills here & lived at White Oak, a mile from here & all three mills were near together & they took their flour to New Orleans, La to market.

She says her Uncle William's daughter Mrs Susan McCoggin, a widow aged 83 yrs had three children, all of whom have died & she lives with a niece & a grandson at Rushville, Ind in the town. Her husband McCoggin was a Civil War veteran & she gets a pension. She says her grandmother Thompson was Susannah Feagins whose father

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was a recruiting officer & got 1000 A of land from the government & another great grandfather had gotten 1000 A also for his services & both grants were located right near Georgetown, O. This great grandfather`s name was Robert Curry who died comparatively young, aged she thought 35 to 40 years. Her brother, Charles Dimmitt Thompson lived in Ky & his son whose full name as I see on a $10 bill gotten in change at Georgetown, O is Charles L. Thompson Asst Cashr of the First Natl Bank, Georgetown, O who she wished me to see. They wanted to give her great grandfather, Capt Feagins his 1000 A in Ky & he refused to accept it in a slave state, hence it was given to him in this county. It was located where the Fair Ground is, which adjoins the cemetery where I was this morning & included the Pres Ch adjoining & her home where she is now telling me & he was buried in the orchard down in the present Fair Grounds. He died of what they then called the "Cold Plague" congestion of the lungs, known now as pneumonia which was then she said so called. She said in those early days, the Indians would get on top of the house & would smoke them out.

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Her maiden name was Elizabeth Thompson & her husband was Aaron DeWitt Crouch & she said she was born on Bald Point a mile north of here in Lewis Tp on Mch 21, 1840 where her cousin Victor Thompson, son of her Uncle William recently died. Mr Waters showed me the home this afternoon as we drove out. She is a most inveterate talker & I could hardly get her stopped long enough to say goodbye. She said she wanted a book & when I said it would be 4 or 5 yrs before I could get it out, she said she wouldn't be living then, but I think she will.

Left at 12:46 PM

Coming from her home to the Biehn Hotel where I was stopping, I noted that the fine tall Hamer monument stands on the N.W. corner of the court house square & bears the inscription 1800-----1846 . To Brigadier General Thomas Lyon Hamer, speaker of Ohio House of Representatives 1828, member of Congress 1833-1839, Re-elected 1846. nominated U.S. Grant as a cadet to West Point, commander of Ohio volunteers in Mexican War. Died at Monterey, Mexico Dec 2, 1846.

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I read it as I passed & stepped across the street to the hotel & wrote it down while waiting for them to bring my dinner in.

A man from Marion, O, a lawyer, I think who sat same table with me last night for supper & this morning for breakfast said that Gov "Vic" Donahey was neither a brilliant, nor an able man, but was inherently an absolutely honest man & having that reputation as being a fair square man, he had won both races for Governor & is now serving the first year of his second two year term & says if he runs again, he would surely be elected again as his Ohio constituency prefer a man they know as honest, rather than risk an abler man who might not prove to be honest. He said he himself was a Republican, but had voted for Donahey. He said Donahey was first elected Auditor of the State advertising himself by Post card photo of himself with his 12 to 15 children surrounding him & his strength, which commended him to the voters was in knowing how to raise children.

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As I went into lunch, Mr & Mrs Jno Bodey, Prop of the hotel Biehn & their handsome red-haired daughter were sitting in the hall & I asked Mr Bodey to get me a taxi man to drive me to Hamersville & Mt Oreb & possible [sic] back to Georgetown, if we didn't get through in time to take the N&W train at Mt Oreb, so when I came out, the man was waiting & Mrs Bodey told me to pay her daughter, which I did & I started & upon asking the driver of the Ford his name, I found he was the father of the Judge I had been with, his name being as I wrote down at 3:44 PM as we passed through Shiloh, O William Robert Waters born on N. Main St, Georgetown, O May 22, 1869. He said his son the Probate Judge, Howard Dunn Waters, a handsome man, had been educated & put through Ohio University at some sacrifice, but he was their only child was now 32 yrs old & five yrs ago when 27 yrs old, was elected probate judge for a 4 yr term & was re-elected a year ago. They are Democrats & say the County is Democratic. Mr W.R.W's wife is a D.A.R. through a Hamilton ancestor. She was a Dunn. Her people having lived out by New Hope 7 miles out & her grandmother (he thought the mother of her father was a daughter or Robert Hamilton a Rev. Soldier,

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& when I mentioned that three Hamilton brothers at an early day had settled in Westnd Co, Pa he thought that was the location he has heard them mention.

He said Genl Grant was born at Point Pleasant, O in Clermont, the adjoining Co on the Ohio river &his father moved his family here to Georgetown, O when U.S. was 2 yrs old, which would be in 1824. Grant attended the Public schools. Two of the schoolhouses he attended are still standing, one in good state of preservation & the other in poor repair. They are occupied as residences.

Mr Waters was Deputy Treas of the County from 1890 to 1902 for 12 yrs & was elected County Treasurer in 1902 & served 4 yrs to Jany 1, 1906. As we were passing through Mt Oreb at 4:04 PM going out to the wrong Glascos, being misdirected by Frank Dyke who he called to the car, he said that when he ran in 1902, & his son in 1920 & 1924 they always each time got the vote of Greene Tp surrounding almost every vote. We had dinner out the Williamsburg Pike two miles to A.R. Glasco's whose real name had been Glasscock & he changed it, so we drove back to the opposite side of the town & turned to the left a quarter of a mile on a bad dirt road & were at the:

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Residence of I. Ora Glasgow, Green Tp Brown Co, O (P.O. Mt Oreb RFD 3 Box 13 Ohio) Nov 3, 1925 4:42 PM

A handsome young girl came to the door & was cautious & lothe [sic] to admit me, but finally did. She said she was Mr G's step-daughter & that he & her mother were at the poll voting & would soon be back, but when I explained my urgency to get back to Georgetown to take the 7 o'c street car, upon questioning her, she said Mr Glasgow had four children by his first wife & one by his second wife. Edith, a very pretty young girl who came in from the room back, so the two girls answered giving names as follows:

By 1st wife:

1. Sylvia now in the ST Elizabeth Hospital at Dayton, O where she has been employed at the 5 & 10 ct store there.

2. Orval, In Oregon with his Uncle & Aunt Charles & Tina

3. Ray, In Oregon with his Uncle & Aunt Charles & Tina

4. A girl, d.y.

& by 2d wife, his present helpmeet

5. Edith Colleen Glasgow born Oct 19, 1914.

Edith said her mother was Roxalena Hatfield, a daughter of Joseph Marion Hatfield & his wife Roxalena Mather & that she was born Oct 1, 1884 in Huntington, WVA & as the step-daughter now said was first married to

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her father, Benjamin Franklin Almond who died when my informant, one of three children (two living & one dead) was two years old about 1909 being killed by the train. My informant said her name was Geneva Jane Almond born at Greensburg, Indiana Dec 31, 1908.

Edith said her father & mother were married Mch 13, 1913

We had gotten to this juncture & I had made out a questionnaire for Mr G. when at 5:11 PM he came in with his wife. He is a tall rawboned six footer & I explained my mission & of my having gotten a letter some two years ago from Jno A. Finley of Briscoe, Mo referring me to his father, who I learned when at Seaman, O had died & upon telling him my urgency to catch the train at Georgetown & would have to do in some 20 minutes, he gave me the following inf. on my questioning him. His name is he said

Idelma Ora Glasgow born Jany 7, 1870 in Scott Tp, Adams Co, O son of Robert Washington Glasgow & his wife Phebe Jane Finley. He married 1st Apr 5, 1900 Myrta Montgomery daughter of Spencer Montgomery & his wife Sarah Ziles who died Feby 9, 1910 aged 23 yrs. Their children were:

See page 168, top

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1. Sylvia born Mch 12, 1902

2. Orval born Aug 10, 1904

3. Ray born Aug? 15, 1906

4. Unnamed daughter born Feby 7, 1910 & died Feby 12, 1910 three days after the death of her mother.

See page 168. top

He married Second Mrs Roxelena Almond see above on Mch 13, 1913 & has one child

5. Edith Colleen born Oct 19, 1914.

he said his grandfather Finley Glasgow was married twice. Married 1 a Campbell & had 6 children. Married 2 couldn't recall her name & had 6 more children. as follows:

By 1st wife:

1. Robert Washington Glasgow, my infs father

2. William Glasgow, still living

3. Nancy Glasgow, married "Doc" Glasgow

4. Allie married Orlando Garrett & is living

5. Grier died in Kansas. No issue.

6. John died when a small boy

By 2d wife he had

7. Tina, mar Lemuel Odaffer & live at Clinton, Ill (ask Wm)

8. Cora was married, but died in North West, Ohio

9. Edgar, living with his mother near Clinton, Ills

10. Anise, married & living

11. "Sis" oldest girl married James Dickey & was living Decatur, Ills 2 children.

12. Another girl, married & left two children. Was Killed in South Dakota. Her husband was harrowing & a flock of birds or geese appearing, he called to his wife to bring out his gun which she did & he took it & told her to hold the horses which she stepped

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on the harrow to do. The swish of the birds scared the horses & they ran off with the harrow & her & she was killed.

Finley Glasgow, his grandfather, the father of above children died at Weldon, DeWitt Co, Ills & Ora thinks his family bible would be with his Uncle William Glasgow who lives right in Weldon, Ills a retired farmer aged abt 70 & who has six children. I would guess that it was with the widow & Edgar.

Ora thinks his Aunt Allie is living in Cisco, Ills near Weldon.

He said Finley Glasgow's brothers & sisters were:

1. Anderson Glasgow and

2. Another son who lived in Peoria Co, Ills & was a great big man. It came time. I had to go & I left my address & asked him to write me & send me a list of the brothers & sisters of Finley Glasgow & Glasgow Finley his two grandfathers. He said his sister Tina had a full history of the Glasgow family back to Richmond, VA & from the way he spoke of it, I infer it is in book form & printed. See page 364

Left 5:40 PM

We reached Georgetown at 6:30 PM & I got a good supper & was driven by Mr Waters assistant to the C.G.&P Traction Sta & took the 7 Pm car for Cincinnati, O.

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I was the sole occupant half the way when a smooth faced sharp nosed man got on in Clermont Co & striking up a conversation with him, I learned he was Charles F. Hieatt of Amelia, Clermont Co, O who was going into Cincin to his work, he being night clerk form 11 PM to 7 AM at the Elks Temple.

He said his father-in-law is Dr T.E. Thompson, Kentontown, Robertson Co, Ky who he says has an excellent memory & can give much of his Thompson line. He was raised in Pendleton Co, KY.

Nearing Cincinnati, 8:54 PM

We took a street car at or near the traction terminal & it is six miles out. We arrived here at the hotel about 9:30 PM & when at the desk registering was accosted by a man of about 30, the son of Rufus C. Crawford who says he had been here since May last.

I have completed my transcribing & writing up my cash acct book from Oct 24th & it is 6:46 AM 4th as I left a call for 7 Am so as to go on the 9 AM train to Pgh I will not go to bed, but slip & take a bath which I have not had the opportunity for a month of having. JVT

Above written at Hotel Sinton

Cincinnati, O Room 320 Nov 3 & 4, 1925

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Nov 23, 1925 1 PM made all slips to here JVT

Oak Hill, Nov 11, 1925 3:33 AM

Wm H. Hogg of Mountain Lake, NJ has been with me here since 3:30 PM yesterday 10th & has just gone to bed in the French room. He is son of Wm Hogg (see book 5 p 464) who on Oct 20, 1879 when aged 59 yrs shot Wm H., my informant, then 12 yrs old born Jany 1867, through the head, putting his arm around his head & firing, the bullet entering at base of right ear front & coming out at top of left ear front, scars still visible, also shooting my informant's sister in the right ear taking a downward course neither fatal & then shot himself dead, as told me Sept 29, 1921 by cousin Albert Lincoln Moore at Bloomington, Ills. They had by reason of financial reverses, moved the day before from Bloomington, Ill to Normal, Ill to a house which had been occupied by a negro tenant. He remembers stepping over his father's dead body & running screaming across the street where he fell unconscious. Said he & his sister walked up from Normal & his father went up on a mule or freight street car & overtaking them stopped the car & asked them to get on which they declined. Wm H. was playing in the attic when he heard a shot & ran down with his playmate Abe Rosenthal (Reed)

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His father did not arrive at the house until two hours after they did & they learned afterwards, he had been to a hardware store & bought a revolver, his second wife who he had married four months before having taken from him a revolver she found him handling a few nights before. His father, Wm Hogg 1820-1879 was the son of John Hogg who his rich Uncle Wm Hogg of Brownsville, Pa the merchant, had had come over from England in 1807 when 18 yrs old & who went to Mt Pleasant O & started a store & was one of the executors of his Uncle William's will a copy of which my informant has. This John, was a son of Percival Hogg, a brother of William of Brownsville, Pa, who John later brought over from England & whose grave at Mt Pleasant, O, I saw in August last. Percival's brother John also came over & located at Newark, O & was known as "John of Newark".

John of Mt Pleasant, O had a dau who mar Robert Vincent Simeral first & married second & had children George Simeral.

Robert Carrithers came to Mt Pleasant, O about 1796 as died Jesse Thomas & others & it was decided by lot that

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Robert Carrithers take title to the land from the government & the town was first called "Jesse-Bob-Town" & later changed to Mt Pleasant. They came from Pennsylvania. I think from Washington Co, Pa see my records book 11 p 565 in which it shows their oldest child Samuel was born in 1783.

Wm H. Says his father was not a spiritualist & that he was always neat & tidy in his dress, but his second wife while a good woman was not of the neat type, he was. He says Harriet Niccolls dau of John & Maria Niccolls, book 5 p 464 was known as "Hattie" & her husband H.G. Reeves was he thinks a member of congress. He says to ask Robt E. Niccolls as to whether he had issue.

Page 466 Book 5 Jno Niccolls last & 8th child was James Elliott Niccolls & he married my informant's sister, Sarah Eleanor Hogg for his first wife & married 2d Marietta Albertson from the Quaker settlement of Indiana.

He married his first wife in 1875 & she is buried in Carthage, Mo & he at Kansas City, Mo. There were two children by the first wife & one by the second viz:

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1. Robert Elliott Niccolls who married Beatrice Howell & live at 188 Third Ave, Brooklyn, NY where he is with the Manifold Supplies Co, I think they have one child, a son Robt E. Jr.

2. Eleanor Niccolls who married Henry Wright & live at 4701 Foster Ave, Long Island City, NY & have I believe four children. He is a very fine man & has business that often takes him west making the trips by auto.

3. Rolland Niccolls. He says there were no other children.

Eleanor's children are:

1. Eleanor now in Bernard College, which is the female Dept of Columbia University, NY city.

2. Elliott in the engineering Dept of the Cincinnati, University.

3. Henry Wright, now a junior in the Long Island High School

4. Marian Wright. In the Horace Mann Grammar School of Columbia University NY

He gave me the address of: Ed L. Finley Attorney at Law Sinclair Building Steubenville, O

He thinks there was a Henry Zoll at Sedalia, Mo see book 11 p 565. Wm H's wife is a daughter of Judge Shirk of Sedalia, Mo is a large

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buxom, flirtatious, woman of 180 lbs who has a position in Gimbel Bros Store NY & he weighs 142 lbs & is not as tall as I am but is dressed very neatly. He has four sons & four daughters, including twin boys all born within ten years & I think he said he was married in 1895 & he says his wife has since had the doctors take three from her prematurely.

I went out to Spring Dale this morning & was at brother Will's from 10:20 to 10:42 AM. I think he went home from the hospital last week after being there seventeen days after having an operation performed in which they removed his gall bladder which had adhered to the stomach & thus causing the severe excruciating pain from which he suffered last summer & last month in which he said he lost 25 lbs in ten days & now weighs but 148, they also removed his appendix. Will completes his 74 yrs on Friday 13th inst.

One Sunday in Oct while I was gone, he went in town to S.S. & then officiated at communion, came out on the street car & walked across the field to the house, got his dinner & went to afternoon S.S. at Sandy Hill of which he is Supt, then went in to the hospital that evening & went on the operating table on the next day, Monday afternoon.

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Wm H. Hogg told me he had secured at Cadiz or Steubenville, the Benj Mitchell Church book in which the sessions minutes were recorded & read therein, that his Aunt Sarah Anne Hogg Simeral had been reinstated in Church on her penitent contrition, having after Mr Simeral's death, been read out of church for pre-nuptial fornication, but she afterwards married the man Withrow & the child which was thereby legitimatized & married Smith, the blacksmith. He told me his wife's mother died when she was nine years old & her nature of extravagant expenditures has caused both her father & himself untold humiliation & misery & he virtually left home last June & has been on family research work since, after finding proof of criminal liaisons she has had with several different men who wait upon & flatter her to which she is very susceptible. It is now 5:25 AM Nov 11, 1925 JVT

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Oak Hill Nov 13, 1925 12:33 AM

Wm H. Hogg still here has just gone to bed. This is the 74th anniversary of my brother Will's birth.

I. have been looking through my Anjou books tonight & anent my researches at Portsmouth, O & West Union, O find as follows:


In the Wilson Vol, Lancaster Co, Pa etc, stored in bookcase in DuBarry dressing room bottom compartment in the western of the tree stacks third book from top. On page 20, James Wilson brother of my ggggmother Mary Wilson Thompson see page 1 is sketched & his 5th child, George Wilson is mentioned on page 32 & on the next page 33 in his will, he mentions his daughter, Sarah, the heiress who Gen Joseph Darlinton of West Union, Adams Co, O won over Albert Gallatin & which makes her second cousin to my great grandfather William Thompson. Her father George Wilson is one of the three Georges for whom Georges Creek was named.

2d In the Crawford History stored in 4th drawer from the top in dresser in S.W. corner of my room on pages 117 & 118 mention is made of Robert Crawford next older brother of my gggfather Edward Crawford locating Esther & Ann

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Crawford mentioned in the preceeding pages as marrying Thomas & Samuel Thoroman respectively as his daughters, they thus being then first cousins of my gg mother Ruth Crawford who married William Elliott.

In my search through the Anjou books in the dressing room above mentioned, the dresser as well & the the several drawers in the wardrobe in my room, I did not find the Crawford volume which treats of the Butler family & at the first opportunity will look it up in those stored in the DuBarry room wardrobe. I was at Pgh Pa today (ie yesterday 12th) & had conferences with B.F. Hoffacker, H.C. McEldowney, Saml McClay, & with M.G. Warden & W.K. Field of the Pgh coal Co about selling & exchanging some coal & B.F. is preparing some maps to be used in better presenting it to them next week.

Wm H. Hogg born Jany 16? 1867 in pursuing his Hogg Family researches has several of their family inter-marrying with our lines, so in talking to him on Wednesday & Wednesday night the 11th, I noted what concerned our lines from his records & will now transcribe what I jotted down from them & as he talked.

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Samuel Carrithers married Hannah Brown Feby 15, 1826 by Rev David McMasters, Pastor of the Methodist Church, Mt Pleasant O. She was born Mch 16, 1794 & died Jany 13, 1861. Had 4 children. She was sister of Miriam Brown, the wife of John Hogg, grandmother of my informant. They were daughters of Barbara Ann Schurmann born Feby 15, 1761 in Germany who married 1st _______ Bridtler & had two children, viz: Elizabeth & Catherine. Married 2d Joel Brown, who was born at Allerton Parish, Bedlington, England May 28, 1762 & had 8 children.

5. Daniel Brown Born Jany 21, 1798 married an Uptegraft & had 3 children.

1. Lida Brown B Nov 8, 1789 married a Harry & had 7 children & among them was John B. or James B.

2. Miriam Brown B Dec 7, 1791 at Winchester, Va. Married July 11, 1815 to John Hogg & had 13 children. She died Jany 13, 1867

3. Hannah Brown B Mch 16, 1794 m. Feby 15, 1826 Samuel Carithers & had 4 children. She died June 13, 1861

4. Joel Brown Jr B Apr 11, 1796 married 1 Leah Hester & had 4 children, John, George, Caroline & Minnie? (or Miriam) Married 2 Oct 6, 1832 Mary

McConkel by Rev Barry Mitchell Pres Ch Mt Pleasant O & had Washington & Nancy.

It is 2:22 AM & I am sleepy & will go to bed.

It is 9:05 AM & I am resuming.

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6. Rachel Brown born May 19, 1800 married June 23, 1824 Nobel Carithers.

7. Cassaline Brown born Oct 4, 1802 married Feby 1, 1825 by Rev James Roberts to Wm B. Kirlin

8. Warner Brown born June 8, 1805

Barbara Ann Schumann Brown, the mother of above children died Jany 30, 1847 & is buried in the Seceder Cem at Mt Pleasant, Ohio. Her husband Joel Brown is buried in Short Creek Cem near Mt Pleasant Ohio.

Mr Hogg gives me the following records which he says are of people buried in the Highland Cemetery at Mt Pleasant, O. He may have the names of the two cemeteries there confused.

A. Eli Kirk died Nov 13, 1838 in 18th year

B. Johnson, son of Robert & Mary Carithers died Aug 18, 1823? aged (worn off)

C. Sacred to memory of Samuel Carithers Sr who died July 2, 1836 in his 53d yr

D. Mary, consort of Samuel & Mary Carithers died May 6, 1825 in her 37th year.

E. Martha, dau of Samuel & Mary Carithers died Apr 21, 1825 aged 3 mos 13 days

F. Robert, son of Samuel & Mary Carithers died Feby 1, 1827 aged 18 yrs 4 mos 12 days

G. Elizabeth Althisa, dau of Samuel & Hannah Carithers died Mch 1, 1835 aged 1 yr 4 mos & 2 days

H. John Carithers, son of Samuel & Mary Carithers, ob Sept 16, 1840 aged 22 yrs 4 mos 26 days

I. Hannah Elizabeth, dau, of W.F. & M.A. Carothers died June 23, 1852 aged 1 yr+

J. William Carothers died June 5, 1853 aged 26 yrs 6 mos 26 days

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K. Noble Carithers Brown 1829-1912

L. Caroline Brown 1835-1900

M. Elizabeth H. Brown 1856-1915

N. John Brown was 93 yrs old

O. Catherine Brown dau of John 1824-1902

P. William Reid Esq, admr & legal pilferer of John Hogg's estate B Apr 2, 1807 ob Sept 2, 1891

Burials in Seceder Church Cemetery Q. Mary Wilson wife of Andrew Wilson ob June 21, 1842 aged 29 yrs 1 mo 7 days. She was daughter of Robert Patterson & granddaughter of James Patterson of Brooke Co, Va (now WVA) & sister of Marie Eliza Patterson Hogg, mother of Wm H. Hogg, my informant.

R. Mary Carithers, wife of Wm McKee ob Jany 17, 1855 ae 38 yrs

S. Eli Noble, son of Timothy & Rachel C. Kirk B 1849 ob 1850 or 1853

T. Martha J. wife of Noble C. Brown ob Oct 22, 1876 aged 45 yrs. on same stone is "Freddie"

10:40 AM 13th going in to my office

3:46 PM 13th just returned & resuming.

Mr Hogg gives me the following data taken from the marriage license docket of Jefferson Co, O.

Rachel Crothers Hogg (dau of John Hogg) married Apr 6, 1847 Timothy Kirk by Rev John Burns. She was born Sept 29, 1828 & died Aug 24, 1854

Eleanor Hogg (dau of John & Miriam Hogg) married

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Dec 11, 1843 by Rev Benj Mitchell Pres, Mt Pleasant, O Hon Robert Carithers Kirk who later was Lieut Gov of Ohio & minister to the Argentines (or Brazil) under Prest Lincoln. She was born Nov 8, 1818 & died July 13, 1892 at Mt Vernon, O & buried there.

Timothy Kirk married 2d Nancy Gill & she is still living in Steubenville, O aged over 80 but still dressy & vain.

He says Samuel Gill was born on June 7, 1817 & died Nov 8, 1863.

He says that Goe W. Dillworth, son-in-law, broke the will of John Hogg & forced everything to sale & sacrifice.

Samuel Gill & Wm Reid Esq were appointed adms by the courts & Reid manipulated matters so that he greatly benefited thereby.

Mr Hogg says the Short Creek Cem is one mile out from Mt Pleasant on the concrete road toward Cadiz, O & is known as the Quaker Cem. He also referred me to the History of the Hanna family by Charles Elmer Rice Alliance, O 1900? & look up record of Rachel Crothers, the playwright in "Who's who" in America. He thinks her father's name was Samuel instead of Eli & says his father was partner with him in a drugstore at Bloomington, Ills & had a disagreement with him.

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He says Samuel Wilson married on Oct 1, 1794 Elizabeth Dickinson as further shown by the records ceremony by Rev Dr Joseph Doddridge see book 11 p 532.

He had a copy of the will of his grandfather John Hogg of Mt Pleasant O Jefferson Co, from which I make the following notations:

To my son-in-law, Timothy Kirk in one year from my death, I also release son Robert C. Kirk & his wife Ellen from all indebtedness to me.

To my daughter Sarah Ann Simeral several lots enumerated in Mt Pleasant, O & release her from all indebtedness.

To my grandchildren, Mary Ann Simeral, George Hogg Simeral, James Vincent Simeral & Elizabeth Simeral my farm of 122 A near Union Vale, Harrison Co, O

To my son-in-law Timothy Kirk all my real estate in & near Mt Vernon, O except the lot & residence occupied by my sister Susanna Rodgers, also 60 shares of stock in the bank of Pittsburgh, Pa & release him from all indebtedness on condition that he pay his brother Robt C. $6000. Dated Oct 5, 1855 John Hogg (seal) Witnessed by J.M. Estep & Jonathan Binns. Probably filed Oct 24, 1857. Appointed sons William & George Thomas Hogg Exrs. Will broken & Saml Gill & Wm Reid appointed Admrs July 11, 1860 bond $150,000.

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Will of Miriam Hogg Vol 7 page 119 To daughter Elinor Kirk $1 also same to sons William & George Thomas Hogg & dau Thirza Chandler.

To my daughter Evaline H. Dillworth $2000 & $1300 to her children & same to daughter Sarah Ann Withrow (formerly Simeral) & her children.

13th to my grandsons Wm Robert Kirk $400 & to John Hogg Kirk $400 which with the amounts already paid to their father Timothy Kirk I consider is their share. Appoints George W. Dillworth & Finley H. Fogle Exrs. Dated Oct 20, 1866 Miriam Hogg (seal) She died Jany 13, 1867. He says his address now will be Wm H. Hogg 620 Mills building Washington D.C.

Further marriages from the records:

John Simeral & Mary Ann Brown married Mch 19, 1831 Jefferson Co, O

Robert Carothers & Jane Humphrey married Feby 11, 1836 by Rev Joseph Clokey of the Seceder Church, Mt Pleasant, O.

John J. Kirk & Johanna Dungan Oct 6, 1853 by Wm Lorimer Jeff Co, O

Rev? David Uptegraff & Martha Ann Kirk married Sept 14, 1847 by Rev Benj Mitchell.

Eli Kirk & Martha Carithers married May 20, 1818 by Rev David McMasters.

Samuel Gill, & Deborah Watkins married Oct 30, 1845 by Elisha Betz?

Their son James Watkins Gill, very

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wealthy, lives now in Steubenville, O where he is president of Ohio Valley Clay Co. Had a son who went through the World War safely & then got drowned at Steubenville, I think.

Timothy Kirk married 1st Rachel Crothers Hogg 7 had three children: 1. John Hogg Kirk of Chicago, Ills

2. Eli Nobel Kirk died at Mt Pleasant, O

3. Wm Robert Kirk died at Chicago, Ills

Timothy Kirk married 2d Nancy Hannah Gill & had four children:

4. Mary Kirk married Thomas E.C. Waller of River Forest, a suburb of Chicago, Ills. He is very rich & controls or owns the rookery Building Chicago, Ills & the Home Insurance Building opposite.

5. Nancy Gill Kirk married James Watkins Gill above mentioned of Steubenville, O

6. Abbie B. Kirk married Edward Hulbert of Evanston, Ills

7. James Gill Kirk married Mabel Hensen, Chicago, Ills.

Timothy Kirk, the father accidentally fell down the elevator shaft at Chicago & was killed.

Joseph Gill, father of Thomas & John Gill was Uncle of Samuel Gill.

"Tiggie" (Phoebe) Gill, daughter of James Gill married John Hogg Kirk son of Robert C. Kirk.

Ollie Updegraff of Topeka, Kansas is sister of Mrs Nancy Gill, 2d wife of Timothy Kirk.

He reports the

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History of Hanna family by Chas Elmer Rice, Alliance, O 1905 published by Adam Pinn & Co Printers Damascus, O small book perhaps 500 pages limited edition every copy numbered.

Robert Vincent Simeral married Sarah Ann Hogg daughter of John & Miriam Hogg of Mt Pleasant, O & had children:

[11]1913. He died Oct 1, 1914╥╖_#I╕_#%_(_(4.

2. George Hogg Simeral married Margaret Kidd, daughter of Rev Dr Kidd of Pana, Ills & died in Bloomington, Ills

3. James Vincent Simeral married Ella M. Carney & died in Decatur, Ills. He had one child, Mercy who married Charles Parkhill of John V. Farwell Co, Chicago, Ills.

4. Elizabeth Hogg Simeral who never married. She went in the restaurant business in Mt Pleasant, O with her younger half sister, Withrow & a man who became attentive to her was grabbed up & married by the half sister with the result that Elizabeth never again spoke to her. Elizabeth died at Mt Pleasant, O June 18, 1920.

1. Mary Ann Simeral [see above] was born at Cadiz, O Nov 26, 1848, married John H. Jenkins Mch 3, 1870 & had the following children:

1. Mary Elmer, Alliance, O

2. Gertrude E. Jenkins, Alliance, O

3. John Porter Jenkins married Nessa Miskelly & live at Sebring, O

4. Harry Vincent Simeral Jenkins married Hattie Applegate, Alliance, O.

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5. Charles Jenkins married 1st Lottie Brandon, married 2d Viola Tressel, Alliance, O.

A memorial of Rev Benj Mitchell, D.D. 1800-1884. born in York Co, Pa & Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Mt Pleasant, O for 55 yrs from 1829 to 1884 by Jas B. Rodgers Printing Co Phila 1888 on page 24 says that in 1829 John Alexander & Jacob Zull were made elders (This is our Jacob Zoll who married Elizabeth, daughter of Uncle Peter Markle, and who sold their possessions in 1834 & went to Ipana, Ills).

Robert C. Kirk married Rachel Crothers Hogg. Their children were: 1. John Hogg Kirk married Mary Phebe (called "Tiggie") Gill & had 4 children. Her second husband is Mr Ollie Updegraff of Topeka, Kansas where she probably still lives.

2. Desault Badlock Kirk married May Cooper dau? of the C&G Cooper Corliss Engineers firm. He died at Mt Vernon, O & she is dead. Had four children.

3. William Hogg Kirk married a beautiful girl & he shot & killed himself. Says he never heard of any children. Perhaps it was in Chicago on his wedding trip that he killed himself.

4. George Plympton Kirk married a cripple. thinks living at Mt Vernon, O or in Iowa.

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Wm H. Hogg called my attention to the fatalities attending those bearing his name that he mentioned viz:

1st William Hogg, father of Chas M. Hogg late of Cadiz, O & grandfather of Alberta Hogg Lynn, shot & killed himself when his son Chas M. was 9 yrs old. He says they have not been able to learn how he connects with their family if at all.

2d William Hogg, his own father shot his daughter & his son, my informant, the ball going through his head from ear to ear & then shot & killed himself at Bloomington, Ills on Oct 20, 1879.

3d Wm Hogg Kirk shot & killed himself probably at Chicago, Ills

4th William A. Hogg shot & killed himself at Uniontown, Pa on or about Oct 26? 1904. He was son of John T. Hogg who was son of George Hogg & he son of John Hogg of Newark, O who was brother of Percival Hogg ggfather of my informant & also brother of William Hogg of Brownsville, Pa a native of England 1755-1841, the founder of the Hogg fortune. I was guardian of Wm A. Hogg's two sons John T. & Frederick K. Hogg.

Dec 18/25 another brother of Wm, John of Newark, & Percivel was Thomas Hogg see our Fay Co will book no 1.

Wm H. also reports that Joseph R. Gill married Susan E. Kirk born Aug 17, 1851 who is still living at Toledo, O but he is dead.

Also that James Watkins Gill Jr died Aug 31, 1919 son of James Watkins Gill

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& Nancy Kirk Gill of Steubenville, O. This is probably the World War veteran who was drowned. This Nancy Kirk was daughter of Timothy Kirk & his second wife see page 329 lines 18 & 19.

W.H.H. also said that Dr Saml K. Crawford, now dead, & once Mayor of Sedalia, MO was a very excellent man. He had formerly lived at Warsaw, Mo whence he came from Penna. Thinks his children are at Sedalia, Mo. He was a contemporary of Wm H's father-in-law Judge William Stauffer Shirk, whose name he said had been shortened from Sherrick. He also gave me the address of John A. Simeral 4410 Forest Ave, Pgh, Pa (Bellevue Tel Linden 1414) who prepared "The Simeral Family" to whom he was referred by Miss Emma L. Grimes Regent of the D.A.R. Steubenville, O whose brother Latimer L. Grimes is Prest of Peoples Natl Bank, Steubenville, O. Wm H. had dropped me a line on Oct 17, 1925 from Cadiz, O reporting that:

William Kilgore who lived in Virginia married Nancy Kelley who was born in 1769 & died Jany 23, 1848 & is buried at Clarkson, O. She married 1st William Kilgore & married 2d Mathew Lynes & had children:[12](T 1. Daniel Kilgore born May 24, 1794 & died 1850 buried at Steubenville, O married 1st Mary Pritchard, married 2d Ellen Hill.

2. William Kilgore born 1796 married Anna_______

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3. Elizabeth Kilgore born 1797 & died Sept 26, 1854 buried at Steubenville, O married James Gaston, Clarkson, O

4. Robert Lynes buried Cadiz, O

5. Mathew Lynes, Maryland

6. Joseph Lynes, Illinois

7. Richard Lynes, Clarkson, Ohio

I was in Pgh Thursday 14th inst & phoned Jno A Simeral who said his book only treated of the descendants of his great grandfather Alexander Simeral & did not give those of his brother Thomas Simeral. I ordered the book notwithstanding its cost of $25 & it came today 14th but I have not opened it yet.

Nov 14, 1925 8:30 PM JVT

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Oak Hill, Nov 16, 1925 11:57 PM

I have been reading the Simeral book tonight & think I have found trace of Samuel Thompson's daughter Sarah Simeral on page 9 where it states that William Simeral the son of Alexander Simeral & his wife Jena Lindsay & to whom they conveyed their farm in 1783 see deed book A p 337 Gbg P in Huntingdon Tp & who dying intestate in 1796, letters of Admr were granted Dec 15, that year to Sarah Simeral & George Blummer. Look up Adm records. Also see book 14 p 72 to 77 where Alexander there referred to as having 11 children is one of the sons under 16 yrs of age referred to in the census of 1790. Look up particularly the conveyance by his heirs of the farm that his father deeded him in 1783 & see who went on Sarah Simeral's bond. Make slip for this & also for going to Penn Sta without delay & see if his eleventh & youngest child, Ann who married John? Saeger is still living see book 14 p 73. This eliminates Robert Vincent Simeral who married Sarah Ann Hogg see page 330 this book as we see on page 11 of the Simeral hist that he is son of James, who was son of Alexander Jr who was a brother of William above named who died in 1796.

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Oak Hill Nov 17, 1925 9:05 PM

When in Pgh today, I went up to the right of R.S. Euler's office to see A.B. Shaw of their bond dept at 12 o'c noon & he said he had been with the Union Trust Co for 25 yrs & had charge of the securities & was now doing two mens work. He said Wm H? Shaw, 86 yr old Civil War veteran of Connellsville, Pa who died this month was his cousin & they were both descendants of Moses McCormick (I think he said McCormick, not Crawford) & that Province McCormick, the ancestor of the late Henry P. Snyder was also, & he said he had a record of the family & descendants, much of the data for which he said he got from a very old relative with a wonderful memory living in Ohio several years ago. He at first didn't know why I wanted it, but when I explained about my efforts down the Ohio River last month & what I was wanting to do, he said he would gladly cooperate with me & I said I would be glad to have him prepare the needful sketch for their branch which were pleased him [sic]. I said if he wd let me have his records, I would copy same & return original to him with one or two carbon copies. He said Col Crawford, only had one full brother, Valentine Crawford, which if Correct upsets Anjou's placing of him & I felt Anjou's birth date was not right. He said the Col's father married Honora Grimes

who he said was a strapping big raw boned woman who after

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the death of Col Crawford's father married a Stevenson by whom she had five sons, half brothers of Col Crawford, most or all of whom went south mostly to Kentucky. He said Mr Cogley who told me of Mr Shaw having these records was his nephew, possibly by marriage but may be by blood. Look up my Connellsville, Pa history in hall book case & see what it reveals. Nov 23/25 there is nothing biographical or genealogical in it.

Oak Hill Nov 20, 1925 midnight

Wm H. Hogg gave me three letters to read from our mutual relatives which shows there [sic] addresses to be:

Henry Wright 4701 Foster Ave, Long Island City, NY

Robert Elliott Niccolls 188 3rd Ave Brooklyn NY

Nov 23, 1925 8:46 PM Have made all slips to here & they are many. JVT

Dec 18, 1925 missed this & have remade slips fr Nov 11/25 p 315 9:40 PM JVT

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[Descendant Chart]

James Caruthers born near Glasgow, Scotland so his granddaughter, Miss Julia R. Edgmon of Quincy, Ill writes Nov 24, 1925 & when six yrs old came with his parents to Tennessee, town & Co not known to her, & remained there until his parents died & afterwards settled in Madison Co, Ills & later moved to Morgan Co, Ills where he took up 400 A near Waverly Ill & lived many years acting as a doctor to the community in the absence of a physician & died there of apoplexy Nov 28, 1849 aged 57 yrs & is buried in their home g.y. on the farm. He had 4 sons & 5 daughters. He had a fine slab marker surmounting a wall built for it. He had one sister who in the 40s went overland to Oregon settling in what is now the heart of the city of Portland & evidently died without issue as in 1860 to 1865, her heirs in Illinois recd portions of her estate. He married __________, who died Jany 8, 1857. Mrs Jane Caruthers Carter aged 78 says through Mrs Goldsmith that her grandmother was from Scotland & that her grandfather was born in Tenn. I incline however to think Miss Edgmon also in her 70s is right. Mrs Goldsmith says his children were born in Illinois. He settled near Troy, Madison Co, when he first came to Ills. See b 25 pages 364-8 & 412-5. His father was James see b 25 p 366.


Samuel Robert Caruthers B June 21, 1812 ob 1873 married.

Newton, ob unmarried

Caroline, married Wilcox, aged 84. Lives Berlin or New Berlin, Ills. 2 children.

Lou Wilcox, married N.W. Foutch. Live New Berlin, Ill

Warren Wilcox, ob

George A., married, aged 82. Lives Los Angeles Calif 4 children No 1145 N. Hoover St

Thomas, Los Angeles, Calif

Lucy, Texas

George Jr, Oklahoma

Kate, Ruchler? Mo

Amos, ob

Jane Caruthers, married Carter. Aged 78. Lives Waverly Ill. 3 children.

Effie Carter, married to Crain Live Springfield, Ills

Dr Carter Crain, Chicago, Ills

Albert Carter, married. Live St Louis, Mo

Ethel Carter, East St Louis, Ills

Wayne Carter, married, lives Waverly, Ills

Florence, aged 14 yrs

Jane Carter, aged 4 yrs

Rachel Caruthers [dau of James of Scotland] ob. Married Thomas Anderson of Carlinville, Ills see b 25 p 364

Matilda Caruthers, ob. Married Joshua Wilcox see book 25 p 364

Malinda Caruthers, ob Sept 10, 1931. M. Oct 1, 1847 to Alexander Edgmon B Dec 5, 1819 & ob Dec 6, 1885, son of Wm Edgmon. Malinda was born in Arkansas.

Julia R. Edgmon, B Sept 29, 1851 unmarried. Lives at 418 Washington St Quincy, Ills ob June 29, 1927 in Old Peoples home Quincey Ills see b 25 p 364-8

Allen Caruthers, ob. No issue. Married Mary Jane Chambers dau of Rev Jno M. Chambers a pioneer associate of Rev Peter Cartwright.

Narcissa Caruthers, ob 1903 m. John Chilton. See B 25 p 366

Newton, b 1834 ob 1846

Margaret, ob who died in infancy

John M. Caruthers, ob, youngest son. He bough out the other heirs & owned the home farm & bought more which he left to his sons, George & Walter who now own it. Married. She died.

William Caruthers, ob. Married. Had 4 children.

Dau, married to Ralph McCormick Waverly, Ills

Dau, married D.M. Thorne

Betty Jane

J.R., married Ida ______ Peoria, Ills, No issue

Alma, married G.B. Goldsmith Waverly, Ills 298 W. State St. No issue.

William Jr, ob

George Caruthers, live near Waverly, Ills 65 yrs. Married. Have 3 children all single. He & Walter own the old James Caruthers farm on which he is buried.




Walter Caruthers, married. Lives near Waverly, Ill. One child. he & Geo own their grandfather's old farm. Aged 59.

Frank Caruthers

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Oak Hill Nov 29, 1925 10:25 PM

In going over the family letters laid aside on the 5th inst on my return from Ohio, I find notice from Mrs Isabella Churchill mailed Sept 30, 1925 announcing the death of my dear Mary's first cousin Oliver James Stough born in Ohio Apr 18, 1828 & died at his home 2170 Fourth Ave, corner of Ivy St, San Diego, Calif Friday Sept 25, 1925 aged 97 yrs 5 mos & 7 days. I infer from the newspaper article that he was cremated Monday Sept 28, 1925.

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[Descendant Chart]

William Granville Jack, son of William of John & Polly Jack see book 5 pages 580 & 566. B May 13, 1822 ob Sept 27, 1905 at Buffalo, Ills & both he & wife buried in Mechanicsburg, Ill Cem. Married 1852 Anne Eliza Hill at Mechanicsburg, Ills. She was born Nov 10, 1835 in NJ & came to Wabash Co, Ills with her parents where her father died & her mother, Dorcas married a second time to a Wiley & moved to Hillsboro, Ills with an older sister named Bradley.


Harriet Frances, B Feby 16, 1856. ob May 12, 1878 at Buffalo, Ills m. Oct 1877 to Orville Priest, son of Fred Priest. No issue. He remarried & had children by 2d wife, but he is now dead.

Thomas Albert Jack, B May 15, 1854 m.1. Dec 15, 1880 at Buffalo Hart, Ills to Mattie S. Constant, born Oct 31, 1855 & died Jany 15, 1892 dau of John T. Constant & wife Elizabeth Catharine Burns. They had two children born at Buffalo, Ills. M.2. Apr 8, 1895 to Gertrude Lee North Born Mch 8, 1873 & died Dec 30, 1901 dau of Jno Wesley North & his wife Maria McDaniel. There were two children by this marriage born at Buffalo, Ills.

Olive R. Jack, B Oct 31, 1881 m. Sept 19, 1905 at Springfield, Ills to Orville S. Rogers. Lived at Buffalo Hart, Ills.

Orville Robert Rogers, B Apr 19, 1914 at Washington D.C.

Robert Granville Jack, B Dec 26, 1885 m. Mch 24, 1917 at Pinckney, Mich to Irene Josephine Carr.

Roberta Georgia Jack, B Jany 4, 1925 15 Pinckney, Mich

Gertrude Geneva Jack, B Apr 1, 1900. M. May 17, 1922 to Alva Guy Cross born Oct 22, 1897 son of H.I. Cross & wife Hattie Henning. One child born at Decatur, Ills Live at 354 W. Garfield Ave, Decatur, Ills.

Jack Irvin Cross, B Aug 12, 1923

Rachel Lee Jack, B Mch 28, 1901. m. Mch 15, 1922 at Bloomington, Ills to William Mark Nugent born May 19, 1894 at Troy, NY son of William Nugent & wife Ann Velecia. Both living at 2547 Yale Blvd, Springfield, Ills.

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Oak Hill Dec 2, 1925 9 PM

A letter from Miss Mabel Stedman No 203 Clark St Toronto, O see book 13 page 466 dated Sept 19, 1925 small env filed, in answer to mine of Sept 15/25 asking her to get record of her next door neighbor the widow of Charles L. Bray reports that:

Charles L. Bray (son of John, who was a son of John Bray & his wife Elizabeth Finley daughter of John Finley & Mary Power see book 13 p 466-7 & book 12 p 130) was born on Island Creek (or at Browns Sta) on June 7, 1853 & died at his home in Toronto, O Sept 17, 1922 without issue as I understand. He married May 6, 1880 at Lisbon, O Theodosia Dawson born Aug 24, 1862 in Newburg now Toronto, O daughter of J.W. Dawson & his wife Abigail Garee. She is still living next door to my informant, Miss Stedman in Toronto, O who says to see Chas L's sister Mrs Emma Robinson, widow of Willis Robinson No 208 N 2d St Dennison, O whose grandson, John Robinson died Aug 25, 1925 aged 7 yrs. Thinks she will be able to give entire Bray record.

A letter from Samuel B. Taylor Esq of Fontana, San Bernadino Co, Calif see book 13 p 468 dated Sept 26, 1925 small env filed in answer to one from me gives the following for his record:

Mercy Bray was born at Steubenville, O Jany 8, 1834

Wellington Cooper was born Feby 3, 1832

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Their daughter, Mary V. Cooper was born Dec 25, 1854 & on Oct 6, 1880, she married Samuel B. Taylor, my informant, who was born in Ross Tp, Jefferson Co, O May 17, 1852, the son of John Taylor & his wife ____ Henderson. They had children:

1. Eleanor Mae, born Aug 25, 1881 at Browns Island WVA. She married Aug 25, 1915 to Roy H. Criss & they have two children:

I. Mary Jane Criss born May 28, 1916

II. Virginia Mae Criss born Feby 21, 1919

2. Jay Wellington Taylor died in infancy

Oak Hill Dec 15, 1925 7:42 PM

A letter dated Dec 12, 1925 small env filed from harry M. Maginnis P.O. Box 107 Mt Clemens, Mich says that all the John & Elizabeth Finley Bray records were left at the Miser home in Steubenville, O when Aunt Rachel (Miser) died & Margaret Karl, now Mrs Frye, was in charge of the house, everything being left to her & him & he never went back to claim his part, so she had everything. Says she lived at 508 Madison Ave (It is no 511, see book 13 p 487 & her statement) He gives the record of his family as follows: see book 13 p 468.

Susan Matilda Cooper, born Apr 23, 1866 on Browns Island WVA daughter of Wellington Cooper & wife Mercy Affiels [sic] Bray & died Jany 13, 1923. She married on June 20, 1895 Harry Morton Maginnis, my informant by letter, born

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Aug 8, 1864 in Beaver Co, Pa son of Luther Maginnis & wife Catherine Ann Morton. They had 7 children all born on Browns Island, WVA.

1. Pauline Cooper Maginnis born Aug 1, 1896. Married Robert Prosser. No issue. Both living at Weirton, WVA. P.O. Box 113.

2. James Wellington Maginnis born Jany 21, 1898 married Elizabeth Richardson. Have two children. They live at Dundal, Md.

I. James Wellington Jr

II. Margaret

3. Katherine Ann B Aug 16, 1899, ob Feby 11, 1911

4. Mercy Elizabeth, b Nov 10, 1901, unmarried. Address Olympia Annex 10 North Ave Mt Clemens, Mich.

5. Rachel, b Mch 28, 1903 married Dec 20, 1922 to George Edward Hayward born Jany 20, 1890 at Freesoil, Mich son of John Hayward & wife Bertha Sperling. No issue. Both living 20108 12th ST Brightmoor, Mich. He is a jeweler & optician.

6. Frances Henderson, b Aug 2, 1905. Married June 20, 1923 Howard Folck, son of Perry Folck & wife Bertha Shaw Have one child. Both living at Mt Clemens, Mich P.O. Box 107.

I. Jean Mary Folck

7. Elma Matilda b Nov 25, 1907 married Jany 13, 1924 to Joseph Sophia. Have one child. Both living Mt Clemens Mich Box 107.

I. Joseph Harry Sophia Jr

V15 Page 348

Oak Hill Dec 3, 1925 6:11 PM

By a special act of the legislature, an adjourned term of the Supreme Court of Tenn was held at Columbia Tenn Mch 4, 1822 with the following officers: Thomas Anderson, judge, John Haywood, Judge, Madison Caruthers, clerk, Nimrod Porter, Shff

From Col N.W. Jones History of Mt Pleasant, Tenn.

Make Mem to see if any Caruthers at Mt Pleasant Tenn

Sent me Oct 2, 1925 by Estelle Finley small env filed.

Mrs Clara L. Hamilton of Kokomo, Ind writes under date of Oct 7, 1925 that their oldest daughter, Miriam was married Sept 2, 1925 to Robert Trees & that their second daughter, Isabel is to be married on Oct 18, 1925 to Ralph Clifford, that being the 25th anniversary of her marriage to Dr Hamilton.

She says their young son will be 10 yrs old on Dec 8, 1925.

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Oak Hill, Dec 4, 1925 12:22 PM

Yesterday evening, James B. Robinson handed me a letter dated 1st inst from Miss Stella Robinson Fox of 619 North Salisbury St Lafayette (or West Lafayette) Indiana asking information abt her Robinson ancestors. She mentions the following Robinson family:


Robert, went to Adams Co, Ohio


Joshua, killed by Indians

John (who married Mary McClain)

Mary, married Baird or Beard

Rachel married McClain

William born Aug 7, 1764

The last is her ancestor, I believe. Their father was a native of Ireland. They first settled near Carlisle & then came to Westmoreland Co. She says the records at Hbg show that James, Joseph, Thomas & James Jr served in the Revolution fr Westnd Co. James Jr might be the one mentioned above & James possibly his father. She gives record of William's having married 1st Jane Carson on Sept 4, 1787 & she died Dec 8, 1795. 5 children. He married 2d Sally Conwell on Aug 29, 1797 who was born June 6, 1772 dau of Capt Wm Conwell & Comfort Coulter of Fayette Co, Pa. 9 children.

1. Sally, born July 29, 1788 married Robertson

2. Jane born May 1, 1790 married James Stewart

3. Mary Finley born Dec 25, 1791 married Gillespie

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4. Rachel born Dec 3, 1793 married Adam Steele

5. Elizabeth Dodd born Nov 6, 1795 married Noah Evans

6. Henry Kennedy born Aug 10, 1798, died Aug 24, 1812

7. James Allen born Aug 31, 1800 drowned Apr 19, 1802

8. Comfort born June 10, 1802 married Oliver Morrison Mch 22, 1827

9. William M. born June 20, 1804 married Mary Crumpton June 29, 1824

10. Lydia born Mch 8, 1806 married Wm Mitchell July 26, 1825

11. James Kennedy born Apr 17, 1808, married Ann Jane Morrison Dec 20, 1832

12. Joshua Campbell born Feby 3, 1810 married Eliza Ann Stitt June 19, 1834

13. Margaret Coulter born Nov 20, 1813, unmarried.

14. Sally Ann born Apr 30, 1816 married Joel Carman Elam Mch 22, 1848

She says Wm Robinson went to near Chillicothe, Ross Co, O & later made permanent settlement near Bloomingburg, Fayette Co, O where he died Aug 8, 1822 & is buried in union meeting house cem Ross Co, O. Sally Conwell Robinson died Jany 12, 1845 & is buried at Bloomingburg, O Nelson's Big 1900 Bio Hist of Fayette Co Pa at Page 1091 on article abt Col James Robinson says his father, John Robinson was born near Carlisle, Pa in 1775 & moved to Westmoreland Co, Pa in 1780 & then came to George Tp, Fay Co, in 1805, married Mary McClain, dau of John McClain fr Va & had 2 sons, James born 1806 & Samuel 1808. This is my Uncle Samuel.

She says the Fayette Co records show:

In 1796, Wm Robinson was appointed Gdn of John, James, Robert Finley, Sarah & Joshua Robinson, minor children of Joshua Robinson decd. The next year.

[margin note reads:] *This, Miss Fox says is her grandfather [however, there is no corresponding asterisk to indicate which one is meant.]

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James Robinson filed his account as Admr of Joshua Robinson.

In Sept 1801, John Robinson of Georges Tp was appointed gdn of same minors in Lieu of those formerly appointed. In 1811 in a proceeding for partition of estate of Joshua Robinson, it appears that Joshua left a widow Elizabeth (was she a Finley or was it his mother who was a Finley) & five children, James H. John, Sarah, Joshua & Robert Finley, the last named of whom was then dead without issue.

V15 Page 352

Oak Hill Dec 6, 1925 11:55 PM

I have spent the whole day on two long letters of May 30th & June 24, 1925 (in answer to mine of May 4) from Edwd C. Finley of 212 W 64th St Los Angeles, Calif & am answering them today & will keep a carbon copy & file with the letters, large envelopes. I just came today to another letter from him, large env, making inquiry abt above letters, written Sept 21, the day after I left on my 2d trip this fall to Ohio. On page IV of his May 30th letter, he gives will Prerogative will 1670 of James Finlay of Willishandra Co Cavan, Ireland, merchant who gives:

to my mother Agnes Finlay of Killishandra, widow £100

to children of my bro-in-law James Cambell & Jennett, his wife £100

to children of my bro-in-law Wm Berry of Killishandra & Agnes Finley, his wife £200

to my nephew James Finlay, son of my bro Matthew Finlay £20.

I appoint my brothers William & John Finlay Exrs, signed Aug 13, 1670 James Finlay Proven Aug 23, 1670

Prerogative will of John Finley of Carnafenoge [best guess] Co Fermanaugh 1768

I, John Finlay of Carnafenoge Co Fermanaugh merchant, wills

to my wife Sarah Finlay my dwelling house & half of my farm in Carnafenoge & all my furniture except two large chests &

to my son William Finlay one large chest

to my son James Finlay, the other large chest

V15 Page 353

to my sd wife Sarah £8 yearly to be pd by my sons Matthew & Charles.

to my son-in-law John Irwin the part of Carnefenoge he lives on

to my daughter Margaret Irwin £39

to my son William Finlay £37

to my son John Finlay £52

to my brother David Finlay in the Co Down £10

to my son James Finlay remainder of Carnafenoge

to my son Matthew Finlay £183

to my son Charles Finlay £ 183

to my granddaughter Susannah Finlay £50

to my grandson William Finlay, her bro, son of my son Robert £30.

Appoints Henry Crawford & wife Sarah Exrs. signed May 13, 1745 John Finlay Sworn Oct 24, 1745 witnessed Jason Hassard, James Graydon, James Thompson.

I think these both no doubt descend from Alexander Finlay born May 7, 1534. see Anjou's Finley History p 15,

Page V [of the letter]

Abraham Finlay of Cavan married Margaret Johnson "Stone" 4.8.1699 (say Aug 4, 1699) see Anjou's Finley Hist p 16.

Pave VI

Family record found in copy of Jonathan Edwards sermons printed 1793

Jany 12, year 1761, I Clements Finley was married Apr 9th at one of the clock in the afternoon. My daughter was born (Elizabeth) (I think it was 1762) May 18, 1766 at three o'clock in the afternoon. My son John was born June 12, 1775 at 8 o'clock in the morning, my daughter Martha was born

Clements Finley departed this life Aug 11, 1775 aged 40 yrs & 5 mos.

V15 Page 354

Aug 6, 1792, James Power Finley was born

July 16, 1794 Jenny Finley was born

Nov 17, 1796 Clements Finley was born

Jany 28, 1799 Mary Finley was born

The above are the first four of the eight children of John Finley born May 18, 1766 & died in South Huntingdon Tp Westd Co, Pa Sept 9, 1813. His son Clements above had died Aug 30? 1813. His wife nee Mary Power had died about 13 mos before. see book 12 page [not given]

Reynolds Ross was born Apr 2, 1755. He was born in Ireland & was 20 yrs older than his wife Martha Finley above. He came over in the first ship after the peace. This information was written to Edwd C. Finley Jany 5, 1912 in a three page letter by Henry Wallace, grandson of Reynolds & Martha from Des Moines, Iowa, who said he got it from his cousin, Geo A. Ross living there, "who is rather curious about these matters of family history". I am copying the letter & filing copy with letter & also copy of my answer. Henry Wallace was father of Henry C. Wallace, late secy of Agriculture who died about a year ago.

on VII page

Is an acct of some Texas Finleys & a contest for 160 A in Phila which had been leased for 99 yrs in which several heirs are named.

V15 Page 355

Also Hills Plantation of Ulster gives the names of John & Patrick Finley as having got a lease for 7 yrs of the pole of Tullylurgan (a pole means a town land) from John Hamilton in 1620 in the vicinity of Killeshandra. The land owned by John Hamilton had been originally granted to John Ralston in 1608 & sold by him to Hamilton. Most of the land in Cavan was granted to relatives of the Stuart family. The property near Ralstons belonged to Esme Stuart, Lord Aubigny & Duke of Lennox, & Gordon. The Hamilton family was the same as the Duke of Abercorn. These families all came from Ayrshire. This is the first mention of a Patrick Finley I have seen abroad & maybe a forbear of Patrick Finley great great grandfather of Mrs Waite's & Mrs Barrett see book 13 p 82 & give a clue to the place from which he came & acct for the Lordship story.

In his letter of June 24th bottom of page, large env filed, he recommends Edward Houston, Esq of 26 Sandymount Ave, Ballsbridge, Dublin, as very efficient in getting records & reasonable. Says he has done work for him & he can recommend him to anyone. I am writing him to send him to Co Cavan to run down Alexr Finlay's descendants from 1568.

I have made note on Page III of this letter that his ancestor, George, might be a grandson of John Finley born Apr 9, 1636, bro of my Robert, see Anjou Hist P 341 refer to this letter in large env filed. See page IX.

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At residence of Mrs Emma Higinbotham, Redstone Tp, Fayette Co, Pa (P.O. Grindstone, Pa RFD 1 Box 42) Dec 8, 1925 10:40 AM

We left home at 10 o'clock & took the first right hand road beyond the old Leonard Lenhart place & going down the hill a mile, & passing the old stone house across a ravine to the left, we find a small new frame house on the left (the next house) is her home. She, Mrs Emma Higinbotham was born Dec 28, 1850, the youngest, she says of fourteen children of William Colvin, who was son of William Colvin & he in turn was son of William Colvin, the original Colvin to come to Fayette Co, Pa coming from Scotland. (She don't know from what town or Co). She does not think any of his relatives accompanied him & believes he married after coming here.

Her father had the following brothers & sisters:

Samuel who went to Ohio & had a son who was a Presbyterian preacher in Ohio.

Trudie, married Turner Brown & went to Guernsey Co, O

Hannah married Otho Brashear, an uncle of Otho R. Brashear (Cherry's father) & went to Guernsey Co, O

Sallie married Jesse Forsythe & went to Ohio but don't know what Co.

Rebecca married Joseph Dunn & went to Ohio

V15 Page 357

Harriet married John Townsend, a brother of Aaron & lived at Flatwoods, Pa

Crable Colvin lived & died on the old homestead just in sight of here & almost adjg laying N.N.E. from here.

Levi Colvin who had three boys, Levi, William & Joseph T. all dead.

Joseph T. was Pres of Pgh NBK of Commerce married but died without issue. I knew him very well.

Mrs Higinbotham's own bro, A. Jackson Colvin, went to California with another bro in 1849, were shipwrecked, the brother died & "Jack" came back here & died at his son's who lived at Sugar Grove, Green Co, Pa (adjg this Co). He wrote a history of the Colvin family which he gave to his daughter Julia Hathaway living in Illinois, but Mrs H. didn't know what town or county.

Her husband, Geo Higinbotham was son of James, who was a bro of Uriah, Wm G., Theophilus K., et al. Her son Robert J. or Robt G. who was working on the road turning up the hill at her home & who lives in the old home further up that road, took me in to see his mother, whose left side has been paralyzed for a yr or two. He is a fine strong stalwart man. Minnie Hadden is her daughter & her husband Tom, who was buried on 21st ulto & he was 11 yrs older than his mother-in-law. Left 11:11 AM

We retraced & drove in to the stone house

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At Laughlin Graveyard, Redstone Tp, Fayette Co, Pa, Dec 8, 1925 11:30 AM

This g.y. is on what I understand was the old Hugh Laughlin farm, but I found no tombstone or marker with his name. The farm was owned 25 yrs ago by Clark B. Campbell when I bought the coal & I believe it was encumbered by a Higinbotham dower (perhaps mother of George). The shff sold C.B. out & it got in the hands of John Phillips who sold 50 A including the g.y. & buildings, old stone house, which he sold 12 yrs ago to David or Daniel Buriff of High House then, who with his wife, both of whom I saw today, live there. The graves are up across the field to the left & west of the house & are enclosed in a substantial & enduring stone wall, masonry built 5 ft high 2 ft think 12 ft wide & 25 ft long. Inside across the south end are the graves of Mary Breading & Nathaniel Breading, covered with good perfectly preserved slabs supported by walls some 3 ft high built under them & beyond, the upright tombstone of Wm Breading, their son, I suppose. No other markers within, but Mr Buriff says he thinks a Gribble who once lived there buried a child or two in the north end of the enclosure. He don't know who built the

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old stone house, but says he had been told it was 150 yrs old. I think it probably more likely that it was built 130 to 135 yrs ago. The inscriptions are:

From page 301 240. Sacred to the memory of Nathaniel Breading who departed this life Apr 22, A.D. 1821, aged 70 yrs & 1 mos

In memory of Mary Breading, relict of Nathl Breading w.d.t.l. Aug 31 A.D. 1845 in the 78th yr of her age

In memory of William Breading w.d.t.l. Jany 24, A.D. 1817 aged 25 yrs 1 mos 25 days

Left 11:40 PM

We then drove out past E.N. Newcomer's, the old Elijah Craft home, Dunlap's Creek Church & through Merrittstown, crossing the creek & turning to the left, hunting the old original Hibbs (Aaron) tombstone where the first church was located, but couldn't find it & will have to get Jno Newton Hibbs of Menallen Tp great grandson who says he has seen it, to go with me to look it up.

Then went to the 1 1/4 A lot this side of Republic on which I counted 11 dead trees & concluded could sell 60x120 ft along the road, next to Orient running back 120 ft along Orient. Then drove to the former Evans W. Hess brick house & were:

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At the Old Moore Graveyard in Redstone, Tp Fayette, Co, Pa Dec 8, 1925 1 PM

241. Abraham Moore B May 17, 1823, ob Aug 28, 1902

Adeline, wife of Abraham Moore B Apr 2, 1823 ob Dec 24, 1895

Aaron Moore 1777-1872

Mary, his wife 1786-1873

Rezin Moore ob Aug 28, 1870 in his 80th yr

Mary, wife of Rezin Moore ob May 6, 1880, in her 88th yr

Infant son of G.C. & M. Moore ob Nov 27, 1877

Jeffries, son of G.C. & M. Moore, ob Sept 2, 1862 aged 5 yrs 3 mos 4 days.

242. Mary, wife of Elijah Gadd B June 25, 1804, ob Oct 15, 1888

Elijah Gadd, ob Sept 30, 1868 aged 66 yrs

Samuel Gadd, son of Elijah & Mary Gadd ob Dec 15, 1844 aged 17 yrs 10 mos 13 days

Lewis C. Gadd ob Jany 6, 1860, aged 20 yrs 9 mos 14 days

243. Peter Hess, ob Aug 8, 1825, aged 68 yrs & 3 mos

Susannah Hess ob Jany 23, 1800 aged 42 yrs 6 mos

V15 Page 361

244. In memory of Capt Jno Moore d.t.l. May 20, 1801, aged 64 yrs.

In memory of Margaret Moore consort of John Moore w.d.t.l. Nov 12, 1823 aged 78 yrs.

In memory of John Moore w.d.t.l. May 1, 1828 aged 58 yrs & 6 mos

William Moore Senr ob Nov 27, 1864 in his 91st yr

In memory of Aaron Moore Jr w.d.t.l. Aug 17, 1834 aged 16 yrs 7 mos

245. George Hess ob Oct 21, 1858 in his 68th yr.

Mary, wife of George Hess ob Nov 6, 1865 in her 80th yr

David Hess B Feby 22, 1816 ob June 5, 1896

246. Aaron Moore, father B Mch 18, 1797 ob June 13, 1884

Rebecca, wife of Aaron Moore, mother B Apr 1, 1808, ob Apr 21, 1869

247. Adeline M. Moore beloved wife of Alex F. Black B May 24, 1848 ob Feby 12, 1906. She lingered by the wayside and the angels took her home.

248. John A. Moore (my old friend) B Apr 10, 1808 ob Dec 29, 1889

Jane, wife of John A. Moore B Jany 27, 1810, ob May 18, 1859

Leaving 1:33 PM

We then drove across by Saml H. Moore's, Jane Moore's Windy Hill school house, Walter Huston's & were soon:

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At residence of Mrs Eliza Jane Keener, German Tp, Fayette Co, Pa (P.O. McClellandtown, Pa RFD No 1) Dec 8, 1925 2 PM

As we drove up, Addie F. was waiting on the porch, I having written her on Saturday that I would be there today if it didn't rain. She said her brother Alpheus H. had just gone to the funeral of Laura Dearth Moser, wife of J. Frank Moser. I went in & met her mother who was active & spry & didn't look her years by ten or fifteen. They said they had quite a party & big dinner week before last on Thanksgiving Day Nov 26, her birthday celebrating the close of her 88th year, born Nov 26, 1873, natural daughter of Elizabeth Brown (dau of Wm of James & Elizabeth) see book 9 at May 2, 1923 by Dr Jeremiah Boyd see Apr 9, 1925 book 13 page 112.

She wanted to tell me about a cupboard or desk that her Uncle Dan Flick had which was made out of 40 different kinds of wood. She said her first cousin, Wm Brown Flick, had it & I told her that when passing through Beallsville, Pa sometime, I would stop & see his widow & see if it was about the house yet. She said Rachel J. Huston was

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living alone in the big brick house beyond her, since her husband, Hugh Thompson Huston had died. She said her father John W. Lynch, the squire had married a Sharpnack & I think now that I recall that his wife was a sister of my old friend Daniel Sharpnack. She said her natural son, Wm Wilson was much away from home, selling lamp wicks & burners & she thought he was not at home today, but when I came by at 5:05 PM, I saw a light in his house where he lives alone, all of his eight children, but one being married. She said he was at his daughter's in Masontown, Pa for turkey dinner on Thanksgiving.

She was very anxious to hear about Dr Jerry Boyd, but Addie was around most of the time & there was not much chance. I told her I would write out about him for her but it didn't occur until now that she being blind, would have to get someone to read it for her. Alpheus H. came home from the funeral a little before four & from 4 to 4:45 PM, we had a bountiful excellent dinner that Addie had prepared & everything was extra good & I ate of everything, much too bountifully, stuffed chicken tender, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, sausage, apple sauce, Cole slaw, good rolls & butter, celery, spiced apples, pickles, gravy, apple pie, pumpkin pie, jelly cake & good water etc. They asked me to come back & I told them I wd. Pallini ate with us.

Left 5:05 PM

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Oak Hill, Dec 9, 1925 7:42 PM

A letter of 7th inst from I. Ora Glasgow, Mt Orab, O small env filed answering mine of 3d inst, says that the children of Anderson Glasgow brother of his grandfather Finley Glasgow were, see page 313.

"Gilmore Glasgow lives in Seaman"

"Arthur Glasgow lives in Cherry Fork, O" so that Anderson is the same as Robert Anderson Glasgow, father of J. Gilmore Glasgow & Robert Arthur

Glasgow, referred to above.

1. He says R. Anderson above

2. Barkley ie Wm Barclay see page 168 item 133

3. Rosey Ralston, see page 167 item 128

4. Polly Williams see page 168 item 131

5. Margaret McClure

were brothers & sisters, half brothers & sisters to my grandmother Glasgow whose name was Campbell.

He then says his grandfather Glasgow had two brothers: Steward & Steel. Both of whom lived in Peoria Co, Ills & both are dead & he has no recollection of any more of the family. He says the Glasgow History was written by William Glasgow of Richmond, Va a lawyer, who had two sons who were lawyers. He said his grandfather Glasgow Finley had "quite a few" brothers & sisters but he is only able to

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give the names of but 3 bros & 1 sister, Mack, Anderson & Leander & Martha Patton, most of whom had gone west before he was born & he only knows of them from hearing his parents & grandparents talk.

Letter of Dec 7, 1925 small env filed from Mr or Mrs John Miller, see page 250 top.

The children of Nancy Ann Crawford by her first husband were:

1. Ida May Sheely born Apr 5, 1889 died Mch 4, 1921

2. Anna B. Sheely born June 2, 1891

3. Jerry Lee Sheely born June 14, 1893

4. Elizabeth A. Sheely born Sept 26, 1895

5. Elanora Sheely born Dec 3, 1897 all born in Monroe Tp, Adams Co, O

Her children by her second husband Alexander Fleming were:

6. George Fleming born July 27, 1905

7. Mildred B. Fleming born Feby 15, 1907

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Oak Hill, Dec 10, 1925 11:30 AM

James H. Satterfield see page 139 bottom, writes Dec 4/25 from Manchester, O small env filed stating that his wife Susie J. Seaman was born Nov 9, 1876 & had the following children.

1. Claude Earl Satterfield born June 29, 1896. He married Mch 21, 1921 to Alma Lee Leming, born Dec 8, 1905 dau of Jessie Leming & wife Eva Pangburn.

2. Maud Pearl Satterfield born Apr 3, 1898. She married Aug 28, 1916 Clarence Seaman son of George Seaman & his wife Minnie.

3. Treaber Seaman Satterfield born June 11, 1901 & died Oct 4, 1902

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Oak Hill, Dec 10, 1925 10:10 PM

Mrs Sadie Kendall of Seaman, O writes Dec 5, 1925 s. env that her mother was the oldest sister of James Smiley & she is her youngest child. She says she always heard her Uncle James Smiley's wife spoken of as Aunt Rosannah. My records give her as Polly or Mary Finley & this was verified on Oct 24, at Cherry Fork in mentioning her as Aunt "Polly". Says she has heard her mother speak of two of their children, a son Robert & a daughter Mary. Says they lived in Ills. She never heard of Samuel Kerr. She said that 3 yrs ago John Smiley bro of her Uncle James was living in Topeka, Kan where he had children.

Charles A. Linn Atty Ripley, O writes Dec 4, 1925 for me to communicate with M. Luther Kirkpatrick Prest Ripley Natl Bank & Trust Co, cor 7th & Vine Sts, Cincinnati, O & says his first wife was a daughter of Wm H. McCague.

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Oak Hill, Dec 11, 1925 10:30 AM

In a letter of Dec 8th from Mr & Mrs Wm H. Rothwell S. env filed, Wamsley, Adams Co, O Route 1 see pages 263 & 264, they give the record of their grandchildren as follows:

Mercy Rothwell on Sept 19, 1901 married Richard Taylor. They have nine children.

1. Henry Taylor born July 30, 1903 r

2. Ruth Taylor (now Copas) born July 5, 1905.

3. Sarah Taylor born Jany 26, 1908

4. William Taylor born July 15, 1910

5. Luther Taylor born Oct 7, 1912

6. Jessie Taylor born Feby 21, 1915. She died

7. Ethel Taylor born Mch 21, 1916

8. Ray Taylor born Sept 12, 1920

9. Aruel Taylor born July 11, 1922

V15 Page 369

See page 264

Elmer Rothwell on Mch 8, 1916 married Orpha Robinson. They have two children:

1. Sylva Rothwell born July 27, 1918

2. Arthur Rothwell born Apr 8, 1920

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Oak Hill, Dec 11, 1925 11:07 PM

A letter of Dec 7, 1925 small env filed from Herman N. Brower, see page 237, bottom, says he & Ella May Thoroman were married Jany 1887 & that he was born Jany 22, 1853 son of Elijah Brower born 1829 & his wife Christina Ann Cook & Elijah was son of Charles Brower born 1802 & his wife Hannah Cook. Herman N. & Ella May had issue:

1. Arminta Brower, born Dec 22, 1887 and died Jany 15, 1919, unmarried.

2. Ada Anne Brower born Apr 18, 1890 married Mch 12, 1910 to Arthur Brunton born Sept 20, 1889 in Jefferson Tp, Adams Co, O son of George Brunton & wife Jane Cross. They have four children born in Brush Creek Tp, Adams Co, O.

1. Garnet Celeste Brunton born Nov 3, 1910

2. Clarice Fay Brunton born Apr 1, 1912

3. Tyrus Tinker Brunton born Mch 15, 1914

4. Arthur Noble Brunton Jr born Aug 20, 1918

3. George Albert Brower was born Feby 16, 1894 married June 30, 1917 to Bessie Louise Morrison, born Apr 6, 1889 at Meigs Tp, Adams Co, dau of David Albert Morrison & his wife Sarah Caroline billings. Have four children born as follows, the first two in Jefferson Tp, the third in Brush Creek Tp & the 4th in Peebles, in Adams Co, O.

V15 Page 371

1. Carolyn Elizabeth Brower born Dec 18, 1918

2. Wendell Nelson Brower born Sept 13, 1920

3. Mary Ellen Brower born Sept 21, 1922

4. Coema [sic] Ruth Brower born Feby 22, 1925

4. Freeman Wesley Brower born June 1, 1899 not married.

5. John Mathias Brower born Sept 20, 1902, not married.

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Oak Hill, Dec 15, 1925 10:15 Pm

A letter dated Dec 12, 1925 small env filed from Mrs Lida Peterson of Peebles, O whose mother, Angeline Wittenmyer dau of Eliza Jane Thoroman & Isaac Wittenmyer, see page 180 & 179, gives dates of birth of her grandparents family which I had on page 179, but it also gives record of her parents, Angeline who married John B. Mitchell which I am entering in a table on pages 374 & 5 as I suppose some of her bros & sisters are married & have children & am writing her for their records.

V15 Page 373 [blank]

V15 Page 374 & V15 Page 375

[descendant chart]

Angeline Wittenmyer born Apr 19, 1844 see pages 179 & 180 died Mch 22, 1922 married Mch 4, 1864 John B. Mitchell, born June 15, 1843 & died Dec 7, 1913.


1. William C. Mitchell, B Apr 13, 1865

3. Eliza J., b May 4, 1870 my informant, m. Aug 31, 1890 to George Peterson born Dec 29, 1867

2. Leota B., B. Aug 3, 1867, ob

4. Isaac B., B Sept 16, 1874.

5. Alta F., B Feby 22, 1878, ob

V15 Page 376

Oak Hill, Dec 17, 1925 6:30 PM

I have a letter today dated Dec 14, 1925, small env filed from Robert Carruthers of 520 Bloom Ave Sciotoville, Scioto Co, O in which he says:

His grandfather, James Carruthers lived at Carlisle, Eng where he was a Reed manufacturer. He mentioned the following as his children:

His own father, James Carruthers lived at Hayward, Eng where he kept a confectionery.

His Uncle Ryland lived at Ratliff, Eng where he was a reed manufacturer.

His Aunt Rebecca lived in Ratliff, Eng where she kept a confectionery.

His Uncle David lived in Blackburn where he was a reed maker.

His Uncle Joseph lived in Darwin & was an Auctioneer

Mrs Ammerton lived at Preston.

Said he had a cousin who was a cotton broker in Phila, but he didn't know his name & he gives no dates at all.

Dec 18, 1925 11:30 PM

Have made all slips to here. JVT

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Oak Hill Dec 22, 1925 9:09 PM

Edmund Hayes Bell of Washington D.C. formerly of Phila Pa, came out to Brownsville, Pa with his wife to visit at her old home "Nemacolin". He said her ancestor, Jacob Bowman, had been employed by Col Robert Elliott, of Hagerstown, Md, brother of Great grandfather, Wm Elliott. He said that Isabella Lowry & her sister, Martha, I believe set sail from the North of Ireland to Join two brothers who had gone to Jamaica, West Indies & were landed at Balto, Md where Martha died & word came too that the brothers had died of yellow fever at Jamaica & Isabella, aged 17 was left alone. Robt Elliott who was a relative, sent for her to come to Hagerstown & tutor his daughter which he had to his first wife. He said Matthew Elliott of Pgh who joined the British army in the Revolutionary War was a brother of Col. Robert & Mr Bell when in Europe this summer (he rtd in Oct) found his affidavit & claim vs the British Government for his property at Pgh which had been taken by the U.S. & which was paid by the English Gov. In this affidavit, he said he was a native of Donegal, Ireland. Jacob Bowman, son of Simon Bowman, worked for Robt Elliott at Ha-

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gerstown, Md, married Isabella Lowry. Elliott & Bowman were partners at Brownsville, Pa as Indian traders. Isabella's mother was, I believe a Blair & their home in Donegal was, I think, Castle Finn? He, Col Robert was the father of Com. Jesse Duncan Elliott.

He tried when in England, Scotland, & Ireland, to find something of his great grandfather, Gen Wm Thompson, but without success. He said Gen Wm was only a half brother of Dr Robert Thompson of Lancaster, Pa & that Wm's mother was a Hamilton of the nobility. He said Rev Samuel Thomson [sic] who died in 1787 aged over 100 yrs, was a brother of Genl Wm's father. He said further that Robert's sister Mary, born 1729 reported by Anjou as marrying Geo Stevenson in 1748 did not marry Crookson, her first husband, until 1753 & after his death (his will is on record at Lancaster, Pa I think) she married Geo Stevenson. We went out to Masontown, Pa at 12 o'c noon & called on Dr Geo W. Neff & he came in with us a little after 1 PM & I had them both with me to lunch at the White Swan Hotel Coffee Shop & I walked around at 2:30 PM with the doctor to Dr Peter F. Smith's to attend his funeral which the doctor came for.

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At residence of Clarence N. Stairs, No 552 Trenton Ave, Wilkinsburg, Pa Dec 23, 1923 4 PM

I walked in after rapping several times & found Mrs Stairs down in cellar finishing up her pre Xmas washing. She called her mother-in-law Mrs Mary Stairs, a medium sized woman now in her 88th year & she came downstairs & seems well enough physically, but mentally, she says her memory is impaired. She could not tell what her grandparents names were certainly. Her maiden name was Mary Byerly born in 1838, daughter of Michael Byerly who she says lived in Mt Pleasant Tp, Westnd Co, Pa & she supposes she was born there. His wife was Margaret Washabaugh & her mother was Mary Ann ________. Michael & his wives are buried in the Baptists g.y. at Pennsville, Pa where he has a monument. She thought Michael's father was John or Michael, but was not sure, but didn't know who his wife was. When I asked her if it was Mary Finley, she didn't know. Said she was named for some of her forbears. Said her father was in his 77th year when he died. His oldest son, her brother John Byerly died in Greensburgh

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Pa & had three children:

Margaret Wible, lives on 3d St there, Cor Eicher.

Harriet Grier, lives in Gbg, Pa

Hannah Jones, lives in Gbg, Pa

Charles Byerly, lives in Gbg, Pa

William Byerly decd, did live in Gbg, Pa. His widow liver there on Brown Ave. Just below the station & their daughter, Harriet Byerly, an old maid school teacher lives with her & is much interested in tracing their family genealogy. She teaches at Braddock but goes home every night so that evening would be the best time to go.

Mrs Stairs says further that she had these brothers:

Adam, who died at Connellsville, Pa

Jacob Byerly who died at Uniontown, Pa

David Byerly who died at or near Butler, Pa

Barbara Byerly, a sister of her father, I think, married a Wallace & died near Greensburgh, Pa abt 10 yrs ago. Very old. She had three children who, she thinks are all dead. She says her mother survived her husband, Michael Byerly several years & was 64 when she died.

See Book 13 p 377

See book 12 p _____

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William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa Room 1462, Dec 23, 1925 10 PM

I was disappointed in the paucity of the information which Mrs Stairs could give, but hope I can work something out of the references given.

I went out at 12:10 PM today on the PRR to Penn Sta arriving there at 1:45 PM. An elderly man who was wheeling the mail bags away said that Mrs Anna Saeger, wife of Henry Saeger died several years ago, but he said an unmarried daughter, aged 50 to 60 yrs, Dosia Saeger, lived with Jim McKissock who married her niece, about one mile out from Jeannette, Pa on the Harrison City _Pike, near the old John Myers farm, so after abt 20 minutes, I got a street car to Jeannette & a taxi man there phoned & found that Jim McKissock & Dosia with him had moved to Export, Pa 12 miles away, so I waited for the PRR to come along & took it at 2:50 PM for Wilkinsburg, Pa C.W. McGrew came in with a letter about the 20,000 A of Wash Co Pa coal lands which I wrote he could sell at $325 per acre & wd give them $25 com. He said his mother's remedy, hogs lard & turpentine mixed in equal parts & rubbed thoroughly over chest & shoulders & run in for 2 hrs will cure pneumonia. [I don't doubt that it would help. 2 hours of rubbing should loosen the phlegm in the lungs & help keep them clear. CW]

See book 15 P 335

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At residence of Mrs Elizabeth Gregg. No 1561 Shelby St, Indianapolis, Indiana, Christmas, Dec 25, 1925 1 PM

I arrived here 12:05 PM on the street car & was admitted by Mrs Gregg's son Thomas who is unmarried & lives with her & met Mrs Gregg who is of medium size & spare. She is active & not at all feeble for one in her 86th year. She & her son are getting dinner. They had heard from her brother, Thomas Finley of Aston, WVA, who had sent her my letter & they were expecting me.

Yesterday, when at the office of the Republic Iron & Steel Co at Youngstown, O, I asked Thos J. Bray, Prest of the Co of his Brays came from Jefferson Co, Ohio & he said his father came here from Wales, but he himself was born in America. He said the name was French or Norman so he then is not a descendant of John Bray & his wife Elizabeth Finley of Island Creek, Jefferson Co, O.

Mrs Gregg said she was born Elizabeth Finley on Mch 22, 1840 fourteen months younger than her brother John Finley on her father's farm at Waterford, Westnd Co, Pa near Ligonier, Pa & 20 miles from Johnstown, Pa. She said there was so much talk of going to Kansas, that her parents with

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their family went to Pittsburgh in May 1858 & went down the Ohio, up the Mississippi & up the Missouri Rivers to Leavenworth Kansas where they landed & after experiencing a very severe storm there, they concluded to return, leaving two weeks after arrival by boat. Stopping several places on the way to look at land both in Mo & Evansville, Ind & finally stopped at Point Pleasant, Mason Co, VA (now WVA). Her brother, Thomas at this time was 4 yrs old. They located in Mason Co opposite Gallipolis, O & when the Civil War came on, her mother becoming alarmed about the rebels insisted on coming over to Ohio, which they did, locating in Gallia Co where her father died in the spring about 2 or 3 yrs after the close of the war say in 1868 aged 65 yrs & is buried in Gallipolis, O in the lot of her brother, John, but she says there is no marker. She said there was a fort at Ligonier & her grandfather Finley, whose name she doesn't remember, but thinks it was probably Samuel & her grandfather with another man were out at a hut attending to the farm & one morning they drew lots to decide as was their custom who should go after the horses & who should get breakfast & while he was doing so, the horses came tearing up to the hut snorting & he anticipating the Indians had killed his companion grabbed a bridle & putting it on one of the horses,

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Jumped on bare back & fled at top speed & on crossing the creek at daybreak, was fired on by the Indians laying in wait there by numerous arrows. Coming to a woman with a child on the road, he told her to get on behind, him or the Indians would kill them. She handed him the child & got on & he fled with such terrific speed that she was so frightened & said that she would as leave be killed by the Indians as that way & slid off the horse & looking back he saw her scalped by the Indians but he escaped to the fort with the child which was raised in the fort & grew up. She says her father told her this.

Thomas T. Gregg, her son says his great grandfather Finley served in the Revolutionary War in a short campaign under Mad Anthony Wayne against the Five Nations in Western New York, because of the depredations of the Indians who were offered $10 per head for the scalps of the whites. He received one or two thousand acres of land in Westmoreland Co, Pa for his services, where he located & his home was not far from the farm of his son Thomas in Waterford, on the road toward Lauglintown, where he built a big stone house. His son, Samuel got this farm & the stone house (Look at Greensburgh, Pa for deeds to or from him & his will) Samuel

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sold this farm to Francis Smith who I met Sept 5?, 1897 in Ligonier Pa, he being then 90 yrs old. He tore down the old stone house, which Mrs Gregg remembers being in, & built a brick house on the same foundation. Mrs Gregg remembers Francis Smith & says she went to school with his son Matthew. Her Uncle Sam then went to Jefferson Co, Pa where he engaged in the pine timber business which he rafted down the rivers. He was back on a visit to his brother Thomas at Waterford, when my informant Mrs Gregg was a little girl several years before they went to Kansas. He went back to Jefferson Co, Pa & died shortly thereafter. His daughter, Mary Jane, a very beautiful girl, died there about the same time aged about twenty, unmarried of consumption. Her brother, ie Mary Jane's bro, Alex also died of consumption unmarried. There was another brother, Cameron who she thinks was married. Then there was Susan who married a Hunter, an undertaker, now dead & Mrs Gregg has several letters from her, dated July 13, 1904 to Jany 11, 1909 all written from 902 Huey St, McKeesport, Pa. In her letter of July 13, 1904, she says her father died when she was a child & she never knew her father's relatives. Says that two weeks ago, she was in the Ligonier Valley & saw her cousin Barbara Blair

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who was well & a "very sweet looking old lady". Mrs Gregg says Barbara's mother was Isabella Finley, a sister of her father Thomas Finley. She married a McCurdy & among her children were this Barbara who married a Blair & William McCurdy who had a daughter who had a daughter, both of whom Mrs Hunter met. Mrs hunter says her sister Sadie, who Mrs Gregg says was the youngest of the family, was making her home with her, she being a widow, but had one daughter married, living in Indiana, Pa. Says she had lived in Mckeesport 40 yrs. Says she can't tell anything about her Uncle James Finley family, but next time she sees Cousin Barbara, will ask her, who she says will be 80 yrs old Sept next, born then Sept 1824. Says she has no children, but her husband has one son married. Says Barbara Blair has a married daughter living in Monongahela, 12 miles from here.

In her letter of Oct 6, 1904, says her sister Sadie's daughter has a son 11 yrs old.

A letter dated Jany 11, 1909 speaks of having been out in the Ligonier Valley last summer to visit her cousin Barbara who she says is now 85 yrs old. Says her cousin Barbara said their grandfather Finley was in the Revolutionary War. Evidently her cousin Barbara could not give the name of their grand-

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father Finley.

Mrs Gregg said there was a Thomas McDowell who lived on his farm with a big brick house adjoining their farm at Waterford who was a first cousin of her father, his mother being a sister of her grandfather Finley & she thought her name was Martha. He had been a school teacher in his young days & was an invalid for years from consumption, but ran a brick yard or two from his sick bed & became wealthy & when the farm of my informant's father was sold on a security debt that he had gone on for a professed or feigned preacher from Phila Thomas McDowell bought it. After he died, his wife, Jane, married a Wilson who moved in the brick house with his five children & her one child by Thomas McDowell, Mary Jane by name, about 10 or 12 yrs younger than my informant, was driven out & went to Fairfield, some six miles away where she married & lived. I am starting a genealogical table on page 390 from what she tells me.

Mrs Gregg & Thomas tell me that her grandfather Finley was driving a supply wagon for Waynes army when a big Indian with painted face broke out of the brush on the road as he came along the road & he told the Indian there were armed soldiers ahead & behind

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& giving him a flask of whisky from his supply train, told him to make all haste through the brush & get away or he would be killed. Some years after this, Finley was captured by the Indians & they all decided to burn him at the stake, but took him to their chief for his approval. When the chief saw him, he recognized him as the man who gave him the whisky & saved his life & he said "No, this is a good man, we no burn him", so they let him go.

Samuel McCurdy died near Brazil, Ind abt 12 yrs ago & left a widow, Eva, who went to the soldiers home at Lafayette, Ind & died there two yrs later. They had no issue.

William McCurdy lived at Brazil, Ind unmarried.

Robert McCurdy also brother of Samuel & William moved to near Brazil, Ind perhaps 4 miles out & owned a farm. His wife, Bell Ernhart survived him (he dying 20 yrs or more ago) & had five children. See page 440 & 441.

Gail, a boy, living in Brazil with his mother.

Another son married & moved to Florida

A daughter married & live in Brazil, Ind

A daughter married & live in Brazil, Ind

A daughter married & live in Brazil, Ind

Another son.

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Mrs G. says that her Aunt Jane Finley "one of the best women that ever lived", was buried at the Presbyterian g.y. about 4 miles from Waterford toward New Florence, Pa where there was a Seceder Church right close by.

Mrs Gregg knew Rev Joseph Scroggs who preached at Ligonier, Pa for 57 yrs or more & went to school with his daughter, Jemima Scroggs, who was a little younger than her & would sometimes come home with her from school for dinner. Jemima had an older sister, Julia.

Thomas says to take the (north) Illinois car if marked Fairview, get off at Crown Hill which is the East entrance of the cem where they [best guess] complete records of burials.

Thomas says that his grandfather, Geo Gregg was the only son in the family & had four sisters, one, Harriet, married a Taylor of near Eaton, another married a Gable. Their father died when they were young & their mother living in Penna raised them. Thinks they came from WVA. Thomas says his father told him that his, A.W.'s grandfather was the first J.P. in Pa west of the Allegheny Mts. Geo was born in 1800.

Thomas says Woodruff Place, an incorporated town is inside the city with a stone wall around it.

Leaving 8:30 PM. Left 9 PM

See page 394

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[Descendant Chart]

Finley, served in the Revolutionary War under Gen Anthony Wayne in which he drove a supply train. Lived at Waterford, Westnd Co, Pa abt 3 miles from Lauglintown & Ligonier was 3 or 4 miles the other direction to Ligonier, Pa. He died when his son, Thomas was 2 yrs old. say 1805, so Thomas's son, Thomas wrote Dec 5/25. See book 23 p 311.


Samuel Finley, was oldest, ob. He went to Jefferson Co, Pa & died there in the fifties. Thinks he was married twice & thought his wife's name was Mickey. See Book 16 p 499.

Alexander, died of Consumption in Jeff Co, Pa unmarried.

Cameron, ob, married. Died in Jeff Co, Pa of consumption

Mary Jane, ob. Took cold a McDowell's & died unmarried of consumption in Jeff Co, Pa just after her father's death.

Sadie, ob, married. She had a daughter.

A daughter, ob. married & lived in Indiana, Pa

one son, B abt 1893

Susan, married Hunter who was an undertaker in McKeesport, Pa where she wrote in 1904 that she had lived for 40 yrs at 902 Huey St. No issue. but he had a married son.

James Finley ob married to Eliza Conway, a widow with 2 children. He had 4 children, all born in that vicinity in Westnd Co, Pa. He moved to the farm of his sister Jane, but after it was sold, she don't know where he moved to. Eliza's children were: Isaac & Van Conway. He was a very large man, tall & broad. He moved in to the house on his sister Jane's farm the morning Thos Finley & family moved out going to Kansas in 1858.

Jane Ann, ob married to a man down by Bolivar, Pa. Says she didn't live long & think did not have any children.

Martha, B Mch 1, 1840 as she was 3 weeks older than Mrs G. Married a Miller, a carpenter by trade & moved to a town 20 miles fr Pgh to she thinks Millerstown. Had 3 boys the last she heard.

Samuel, ob. my informant dreamed one night in 1860 that she saw him & told her mother as she was going out to mile & he & his half brother, Ike Conway came in with her & stayed 6 weeks. A year later, he went in the war & was killed in the Battle of Richmond. Was unmarried.

William, ob? Was 5 yrs old in 1858 when they left Penna. Was a delicate boy.

Isabella Finley, ob. Married to a McCurdy, a farmer in Westnd Co, Pa. She had 4 children that she heard of.

Adam, married a McDowell

William, ob. married Sarah Jane Luther. Thinks remained in Westnd

Co, Pa

James McCurdy, ob. Married she thinks before she was born. Sarah. Lived out from Ligonier, Pa


Thomas, was in Civil War

Both [above] died near Brazil, Ind

A daughter

A daughter


Barbara Ann McCurdy, B Sept 1824 ob. Married Blair. Thinks she had 7 children.

A daughter, married & in 1904 was living in Monongahela

John [son of the original Finley on this chart] ob. Married a woman near Covington, Ky. He died of Cholera near Cincinnati, O shortly after he was married.

Mary Jane Thomas Finley, Born two or three months after her father died. Lived on a farm near Covington, Ky. Heard she had married & her mother lived with her.

Mary Ellen Finley, ob. She thinks during the War in Westnd Co, Pa, unmarried. She lived with Thos McDowell & with his widow until she remarried. Was a fine seamstress.

Jane Finley, ob 1847 when my informant was 7 yrs old. She lived in a 2 story log house on her own farm which was part of the land her father took up 125 to 150 A. She was abt 60 or almost when she died. She made a will giving her bro James the use of her farm. The farm was sold in Aug 1858 to a German. She was unmarried & was buried at the Pres g.y. see page 389.

Robert Finley, b 1800 was 2 1/2 yrs older than his brother Thos. Had epileptic fits & never developed either physically or mentally. He had a gdn viz: Capt Clark & his keeping was changed on some of the land. He died about Jany or Feby 1858. He was also buried at the old Pres g.y. aforesaid where she thinks her grandparents are buried & wd have markers. He was unmarried.

Thomas Finley, B say 1803 ob May? 1868? near Chambersburg, Gallia Co, O of pneumonia after a week's illness & was buried in Gallipolis, O in a lot his son John had bought for his child. He was married abt 2 miles from Waterford to Sarah Walker, who was born Sept 30, in Penna near Harrisburg, Pa dau of Henry Walker & his wife who was an only child of a rich scotch family in Scotland who disinherited her for marrying him. She died at her son Samuel's near Milton, Cecil [best guess] Co, WVA 20 odd years ago aged 84 yrs. Died there on Mud River & was buried there because of high water & a week later was dug up & brought to Ashton, WVA & reburied. Thos says she lived in 1900 or before. All their children born at Waterford except the last who was born in Va. Mrs S. thinks she was 22 when married.

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[Descendant Chart]

Thomas Finley, see preceding page & also book 14 p 427


John Finley, B Jany 13, 1839 in Westnd Co, Pa, ob May 9, 1898 at Angola, O. aged 59 yrs & 3 mos 26 days. Married July 15, 1861 to Caroline Danforth B Apr 1, 1842 & died abt 7 or 8 yrs ago near Chambersburg, O & both are buried at Clay Chapel abt one mile fr Chambersburg, O & have markers. He was a farmer & a Methodist. They had ten children all born in Gallia Co, O. She was born near Zanesville, O & died Mch 20, 1918.

Sarah Jane, B July 19, 1861 ob July 6, 1863 aged 1 yr, was born in Macon Co, WVA

Chloe, B May 29, 1865, Married June 13, 1893 Wm Tilton. Both living on a farm near Zanesville, O. Have 2 girls & 1 boy. He was born Mch 6, 1858 & was raised by grandparents. Don't know his parents names. Had 4 children born in Gallia Co, O the 1st three at Raccoon Island & 4th Gallipolis, O Star Route.

Fern Tilton, B May 16, 1894

Jane Tilton, B Feby 17, 1897 married Feby 17, 1917 John L. Curtis, B Sept 14, 1897 at Columbus, O son of Steven C. Curtis & wife Ella Kennedy. Have 3 children:

Ellen Louise, Born Apr 29, 1919 Zanesville, O Route 9.

Dorothy Ann, B May 8, 1921 at Columbus, O

William Lee, B Oct 20, 1923 at Reynoldsburg, O

Glen Tilton, B July 21, 1898 ob Jany 6, 1900

Sidney Tilton, B Oct 11, 1903

Mary Elizabeth [dau of John Finley b 1839] B Sept 20, 1867 Married Dec 19, 1891 Sidney Root, b July 14, 1884 ob Jany 13, 1914. She lives on her 20 A farm on Ohio River in Gallia Co P.O. Gallipolis, O RD 1



See b 21 p 243

Carrie Arabella, B Dec 28, 1869 Married Oct 12, 1890 to Lawson Alva Chevalier. Both living at or near Gallipolis. He born in Gallia Co, O Mch 11, 1864 son of John Chevalier & wife Permelia Frances Brown. see b 21 p 242

Finley Brading, B July 22, 1891 at Eureka, O Married Dec 25, 1913. His wife is dead.

Ella, ob d.y. [two short unreadable lines]

Eva Ellen Finley B Dec 5, 1872 Married Dec 23, 1888 to Edward F. Burnett B. Oct 8, 1864 ob July 22, 1912. Has 2 boys & 1 girl. She lives at 1081 Hunter Ave, Columbus, O. Go abt 6 to 7 PM to find her at home. See book 16 p 126.

Roy Foraker, B Oct 18, 1889

Carrie Adaline, B Aug 18, 1891, married Apr 10, 1915

Flody McKinley, B Oct 18, 1894, unmarried.

John Henry Thomas, B Mch 6, 1875. Married. Both living at Chambersburg, O. Farmer. Has two girls & a boy P.O. is Eureka, O.

George Alexander, B Aug 7, 1877. Married. Both living near Chambersburg, O. a farmer. 2 children. P.O. Eureka, O.

Jessie King, B Sept 26, 1879 ob 1880 d.y.

Edward Graham, B Aug 5, 1881 ob Mch 28, 1925 m. Feby 2, 1908. He got the home place & his widow lives there.

Marie, only child abt 15. See b 21 p 243

Elizabeth Finley [dau of Thomas Finley original subject of this chart] B Mch 22, 1840 ob May 5, 1926. Buried May 8, 1926 married Aug 23, 1865 near Rodney, O to Rev Andrew Wrossen Gregg born May 10, 1825 in Fayette Co, Pa & died Oct 27, 1890 on this Shelby St a dozen houses below in Indianapolis, Ind & is buried in Crown Hill cem, the big cem here. He was son of George Gregg & his wife Euphemia Minor. He was chaplain of the 7th WVA Cavalry. Had three children all born in Gallia Co, O. Lives No 1561 Shelby, O Indianapolis, Ind.

Thomas F., B June 26, 1866 unmarried, lives here.

Mary Belle, B Aug 1, 1868 ob Nov 16, 1890 unmarried.

George Ross Gregg, B Oct 9, 1871. Is living 175 miles fr Anchorage in Alaska where he is engaged in Placer mining. Not married as far as they know. He went there in 1898 & has been back but once.

Alexander F. [son of Thomas Finley] B Sept 1846, ob. Married. I got this from his son Jno F. at Portsmouth, O.

Samuel Finley, B Mch 17, 1849 ob 1919? abt 6 yrs ago. Married Nancy Porter, ob. Had 10 children 6 boys & 4 girls. Write Lulu Dunn at Milton, WVA & ask her to give the inf. or give to her sister who would.

Sarah Jane, ob. aged abt 1 yr near & is buried at the old Pres g.y. near there.

Thomas Finley, B Nov 11, 1855 at Waterford, Westnd Co, Pa. Lives at Ashton, Mason Co WVA where owns & lives on a farm. Married twice & has nine children. He gave me Mrs G's address. In answering his letter, get his own record. Married 1st Oct 13, 1878 Emma Rilla Cobb B July 6, 1855 at Ashton, WVA dau of Augustus Cobb & his wife Rhoda Elmore. She died Jany 17, 1896. Had 5 children. Married 2d June 9, 1896 to Rose Sturgeon B Aug 20, 1861 at Ashton, WVA dau of Saml Sturgeon & wife Mary N. Jordan. Have four children. His first child was born at Eureka, O the other eight at Ashton, WVA. see page 536. He thinks I should send him a book.

Mary Ellen Finley, but being born in Virginia, they called her Jane. B Aug 7, 1859 in Mason Co, Va, now WVA. Married Nov 11, 1880 to George Washington King living at Vinton, Gallia Co, Ohio where he is a farmer. Ask her brother, Tom or write her. Mrs Gregg says that Caroline, her brother John's wife said that Mrs King got her father's bible & some of her children tore it up. Feby 5/26. She says she didn't get her parents bible. Says her mother had it with her when she died abt 24 yrs ago. Says her husband Geo W. King was born Oct 9, 1858, son of Wince [sic] King & wife Betsy Wallace. He was born in VA now WVA. Have but one child born in WVA. Their P.O. address is RFD 3 Box 41.

William Ashton King, B Sept 26, 1881 married Nov 13, 1912 to Emma Lewis born in Londons, O May 26, 1895 daughter of Dawson Lewis & wife Katy Amburg. Have 3 children born the two oldest in Madison Co, O & the youngest in Gallia Co, O.

Bessie King, B Feby 4, 1914

Mabel King, B Sept 25, 1915

Finley King, B May 3, 1923

V15 Page 394

From page 389

As I was leaving, Thomas said there was one Genl Gregg in the Civil War from Penna on the Union side & one a Genl Gregg on the confederate side who met while in the service & on comparing notes, found they were cousins & he said that his grandfather, George Gregg was a first cousin to the fathers of each. I think the Genl from Penna was Genl David McMintire [sic] Gregg of Reading, Pa, my relative so I must look this up. They gave me some circulars from the "Gregg Genalogical Co 132 Front St Ny City L.L. Gregg Genl manager, who were writing for data for publishing a "history of the Gregg Family in America" to be published by the Gregg Genalogical Co of St Louis, Mo. which I must look up when I get there. This latter Co of St Louis, Mo was organized Nov 8, 1897 & the prospectus was dated fr office of L.L. Gregg as above Jany 1898 & was never answered by them, but Mrs Gregg now says she wants a book if published. The St Louis Co incorporated for 50 yrs having purchased all the data & correspondence & other property accumulated by the late Gregg Genealogy Co of Boston Mass since its organization in May 1893 (of which Co they were the principal officers & stockholders) with increased capital will now

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carry the work to completion. The officers & stockholders of the Co were:

Wm H. Gregg of St Louis Mo for many years prest of the Southern White Lead Co.

Norris B. Gregg of St Louis, Mo pres of the Mound City, Paint & Color Co of St Louis, Mo

Wm H. Gregg Jr of St Louis, Mo Vice Prest of latter Co

L.L. Gregg for abt 30 yrs a Tea broker of NY & now of 132 Front St NY editor of the work &

Isaac P. Gregg Pres of the Cape Breton Copper Co of 53 State St, Boston, Mass.

It is now 1 Pm 26th & I will go to bed. Room 733 Claypool Hotel Indianapolis, Ind. JVT

See book 14 p 425

Mrs Gregg said that her husband's mother nee Euphemia Minor see page 392 when 10 to 12 yrs old went several miles through the woods with her father when he went in the War of 1812 & bade him goodbye in the woods & he was killed in the service a very short time thereafter.

V15 Page 396

Claypool Hotel, Room 733, Indianapolis, Ind Dec 26, 1925 9:11 AM

I phoned at 8:55 AM to Washington 5260 Marietta D. Finley & a lady answered saying she had left at 4 PM yesterday for New Orleans, La so I unfortunately missed seeing her & making a friendly social kinship call. She is 3 1/2 miles out at 614 E. 32d St reached by taking College Ave car two blocks from here.

Room 733 Dec 26, 1925 10:40 AM

The 1925 City Directory gave Mrs Mary M. Ensley as living at 619 N. Alabama St. I went out & finding the side door open, went in & found the house vacated. A lady next door beyond said Mrs Ensley had moved out about a yr ago & a son had gone to his father's, she being a divorced woman, married to a second husband. The lady said Mrs Ensley's maiden name was Wasson, so she evidently is not the daughter of Joe Finley that I am hunting. Ask Mrs Driesback

V15 Page 397

At residence of Solomon Dill Rouls, No 316 N. Main ST Tipton, Indiana, Dec 26, 1925 7:07 PM

I arrived in Tipton on the Inter Urban about 2:30 PM & was met there by Mr & Mrs Dill. He took me across to the store room of many implements where I met his brother-in-law, Wm Wiggins & his two sons & Ray's wife and his nephew, Leland S. Gunning. I was there over an hour & they all gave me their records which I penciled down & will now record. I then came down here with Mr Rouls in a stiff wind with the thermometer four degrees above zero arriving about 4:20 PM & at 6 o'c had supper with Mr & Mrs Rouls & their young daughter, Jane Alice

Ann Alice Rouls (sister of S.D. Rouls) born in Cicero Tp, Tipton Co, Indiana Nov 8, 1867 & died in same Tp Jany 21, 1921 & is buried in Fairview Cem Tipton, Ind. married Mch 12, 1890 to William Wiggins, my informant, along with his sons Walter & Ray, born Oct 18, 1866 in Millersburg, Hamilton Co, Ind, son of David L. Wiggins & his wife Mary Nagle. They had four children all born in Cicero Tp, Tipton Co, Ind viz:

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1. Walter Ralph Wiggins born Apr 1, 1891

2. Mabel Fern Wiggins born Mch 4, 1894

3. William Ray Wiggins born Oct 25, 1896

4. Clifford Mount Wiggins born Feby 26, 1905

1. Walter R. Married Mch 7, 1914 to Oma Grace Morris born June 24, 1893 in Madison Tp, Tipton Co, dau of John F. Morris & wife Cora Fouch. Have 3 children born in Cicero Tp.

1. Roscoe Othello Wiggins born Dec 24, 1914

2. Sylva Margaret Wiggins born May 5, 1919

3. James Connare Wiggins born Dec 11, 1921. He is a farmer in Cicero Tp.

2. Mabel F. is single & lives at No 1143 Kaila St, Honolulu, where she has been for 4 yrs as a missionary of the Meth. Epis Church.

3. Wm Ray married Aug 24, 1918 to Bessie Maurine Cochran born Apr 16, 1900 in Cicero Tp dau of George Cassius Cochran & wife Mary Parthenia Potts. Have two children, the oldest born in White River Tp, Hamilton Co, Ind & the second in Cicero Tp this Co where he is a farmer.

1. Hope Amelia Wiggins born Oct 27, 1919

2. Joe Wade Wiggins born Sept 11, 1921

4. Clifford M. lives here in Tipton & works for the Nickle Plate RR. Is unmarried.

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Mr Wiggins is in the mercantile implement business here, these notes being taken in his store room & he lives at No 324 E. Jefferson St here. He married again Mch 1922.

Sarah Caroline Rouls (sister of S.D. Rouls) was born in Arcadia, Hamilton Co, Ind Sept 20, 1864 & died May 11, 1803 in Cicero Tp & is buried in the Hobbs Cem, Madison Tp. Married Aug 9, 1887 to Thomas Gunning born Jany 12, 1859 in Shelby Co, Ind son of David Gunning & wife Martha Frances McCombs. She had six children the two oldest born in Madison Tp & the other four in Cicero Tp viz:

1. Elva Frances Gunning born May 19, 1889

2. Everett Guy Gunning born Oct 26, 1891

3. Earl Glenn Gunning born Sept 8, 1894

4. Leland Stanford Gunning born Jany 21, 1897

5. Russell Thomas Gunning born May 8, 1900

6. Ralph Marion Gunning born Oct 5, 1902

1. Elva F. married Nov 14, 1923 to Henry Ray Boring born May 29, 1891 in Logansport, Shelby Co, Ind, son of Jacob Lee Boring & wife Frances Jane Hutton. Both living in Indianapolis, Ind at 65 South LaSalle St where he is a mechanician [sic]. No issue. Apr 4/26 see her letter of Feby 12/26 small env filed.

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2. Everett Guy was married 1922 to Mildred Hutchinson in Wild Cat Tp, Tipton Co, Ind daughter of Thomas Hutchinson & wife Mollie Hall. Have one child born in Wild Cat Tp where both live & he is a farmer.

1. died when 2 or 3 days old

3. Earl Glenn married Feby 1, 1922 to Ethel Wisman daughter of Peter Wisman & wife Mary? Billhymer. Have two children born in Jackson Tp, Hamilton Co, Ind, where he is a farmer.

1. Basel Wisman Gunning born Jany 1923

2. Betty Jane Gunning born Aug 4, 1924

4. Leland S. married Aug 30, 1917 to Violet Evangeline McCarty born Apr 22, 1898 daughter of Robert McCarty & wife Minnie Huntzinger. Have one child born in Jackson Tp, Ham., Co where he is a faremr & he & his wife were my informants.

1. Donald Stanford Gunning B June 3, 1918

5. Russell T. was married June 28, 1921 to Mary Opal Wilburn born May 19, 1899 in Madison Tp daughter of James Madison Wilburn & wife Sarah Jane Edmondson. Have two children born in Cicero Tp where he is a farmer.

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1. Jane Thomas Gunning born Sept 22, 1922

2. Phyllis Jane Gunning born Aug 23, 1924

6. Ralph M. was married Apr 5? 1925 to Eula Leonard, daughter of Earl Leonard & wife. Live in White River Tp, Ham. Co where he is a farmer.

Mr Gunning remarried about 17 yrs ago to Mrs Iva Queer nee Jones.

Frances Rouls (sister of S.D. Rouls) born Sept 25, 1860 & married on Apr 13, 1891 to Lewis A. Orr. Both living in Union Co, Ind where he is a farmer & have four children.

Phebe Lucretia Dill, daughter of Solomon Dill & his wife Sarah Markle was born Jany 14, 1833 in Schuylkill Co, Pa & died Mch 25, 1875 in Cicero Tp aged 42 yrs 2 mos 11 days & married Apr 5, 1852 to William Henry Rouls born Dec 5, 1818 in Staat Altenberg son of Henry Rouls & wife. He died in Jackson Tp, Ham. Co Dec 31, 1892. They had seven children the four oldest born in Arcadia, Ham. Co & the other 3 in Cicero Tp viz:

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1. Solomon Dill Rouls born Apr 25, 1857

2. Louisa Rouls born Jany 13, 1859

3. Frances Rouls born Sept 25, 1860

4. Sarah Caroline Rouls born Sept 20, 1864

5. Ann Alice Rouls born Nov 7, 1867

6. Lydia Margery Rouls born Apr 25, 1871

7. [not listed]

1. Solomon D. was married 1st May 30, 1888 to Mary Henrietta Lilly born Sept 3, 1857 in Madison Tp daughter of Greenbury Lilly & his wife Sarah Eliza Wright. She died Mch 3, 1905 & is buried in Fairview Cem Tipton, Ind. Had three children all born in Tipton, Ind. Married 2d Dec 30, 1908 to Eva Ardella Hogg, born Feby 4, 1876 at Kokomo, Ind, daughter of Taylor North Hogg & his wife Eliza Jane Price. Both living here, my hosts & informants where he is in the real estate business. Have one child born in Tipton [then goes on to list 4 children]

1. Lilly Rouls born Mch 13, 1889 & died Mch 18, 1889

2. Fred Rouls born Feby 27, 1892

3. Mary Gwendolyn Rouls born May 30, 1893

4. Janalyse Rouls born July 25, 1912

2. Fred was married Oct 18, 1914 to Hazel Huff born Mch ___ at Tipton, Ind daughter of _____ Huff & wife Mary Ramsay. Have two children, the oldest born in North

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Bend Tp Stark Co, Ind & the other in Liberty Tp, Tipton Co. Fed lives at 4517 Townsend Ave Detroit Mich where he is a painter.

I. Frederick Benton Rouls born May 10, 1917

II. William Dill Rouls born Oct 3, 1921

3. Mary Gwendolyn was married Aug 6, 1920 to Stanley Springer born in Cicero Tp son of Isaac N. Springer & his wife Ella Wiggins. They have two children born in Detroit where he is mgr of a Kroger grocery store.

I. Joan Springer born Apr 25, 1921

II. Thomas David Springer born Feby 7, 1923

Solomon Dill & Sarah Markle had nine children as follows:

1. Eliza Dill married Henry Pross

2. Israel Mainte [best guess] Dill married Thirza Cottingham

3. Phoebe Lucretia Dill (twin) married Wm Henry Rouls

4. Stillborn daughter (twin) see page 586 was Daniel lived 6 mos.

5. David Dill killed in Civil War unmarried.

6. Louisa Dill married John Davis

7. Benjamin Franklin Dill married Sarah Smith

8. Caroline Dill married Philip Ballard

9. John Dill married.

Quitting 10:15 PM

9 AM 27th, Mrs Rouls was a Presbyterian but has since gone with her husband to the Methodist Church of which he is a trustee. He is a Republican & was elected City Clerk here in 1888, the year

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after he came to Tipton by 8 majority, the first Republican ever elected to office in Tipton. Four years later, in 1892, he was elected Republican Mayor by 108 majority & twenty five years later in 1917 he was again elected Mayor by a majority of 208 votes, both four year terms. He has been chairman of the Republican county Com. In a 636 page history of Tipton Co, Ind by M.W. Perching, published in 1914 by B.F. Bowen & Co Inc Indianapolis is a 2 1/2 page article 334-336 on Mr Rouls in which it says his maternal grandparents, Solomon Dill & his wife Sarah Markle were natives of Penna & of German descent. He was a farmer & ran a blacksmith shop on his farm In Hamilton Co, Ind. In 1857, he moved to Cambridge, Iowa where he followed blacksmithing for a time & in 1868 went to Kansas & bought land in Labette Co where Mrs Dill died in 1869 & he in 1871. all of their four sons were in the Civil War, one of them David, being killed in the conflict. His son Israel Markle Dill is dead, another, Benj Franklin called Frank is a widower over 80 living in Prescott, Arkansas all of whose children are married. The

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youngest child, John Dill is a farmer & lives near to Chanute, Kansas & has his parents bible with record therein.

See book 9 pages 210-211.

Jany 3, 1926 made all slips to here JVT

V15 Page 406

Hotel Deming, Room 608 Terre Haute, Ind Dec 27, 1925 10:07 PM

I arrived here at 9:22 PM over two hours late as the 5:25 PM St Louis Mail on the PRR train did not leave Indianapolis until 7:35 PM. I left Tipton on the Inter Urban at 3 Pm which reached Indianapolis at 5:05 being 25 minutes late. Mr & Mrs Hamilton of Kokomo, Ind abt 20 miles from Tipton arrived at Mr & Mrs Rouls a little before 1 PM on invitation by phone last night from Mrs Rouls who phoned them . I was there. We all had dinner together & had a pleasant two hours visit. Mrs Hamilton says she first got my address from Miss Robins of Cambridge, O. She says she is the daughter of Josiah Laughlin who was the son of Alexander & he was son of John Laughlin & his wife Deborah Wilson the daughter of Alexander Wilson 1727-1815.

The thermometer last night at 10:30 o'c when we went to bed at Mr Rouls was ten degrees below zero.

I phoned to Finley A. McNutt's residence Wabash 4 from this room at 9:30 PM & Mrs McNutt answered very cordially saying he had gone to bed & I asked to see him in the morning & make an appointment to see me.

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Hotel Deming, Room 608 Terre Haute, Ind Dec 28, 1925 12:38 PM

Finley A. McNutt Esq came in here at 8:30 this morning. He is a typical Finley & from all I have read of his ancestor, Rev James Finley, he is an exact prototype, I should judge but 5 ft tall very full broad face & frame, neat & tasty in his dress. He says he was, or is a graduate of Annapolis, Md & served five yrs in the Navy & has been for 39 yrs attorney for the different RRs here which now form the Penna System. He had just gotten home last evening from St Louis, Mo where he & his wife had been for a week, visiting their daughter. He very kindly offered to take six or seven of the books when they were completed for his own family & to give to other relatives & will help in any way he can.

He told me about Miss Marietta David Finley, daughter of Leighton & said her mother was a daughter of a brother of Genl Jeff C. Davis of the Union Army who during the war shot & killed Genl Nelson in the Galt House, Louisville, Ky. Nelson was his superior officer & met Davis in the lobby of the hotel & asked him how many men he had & upon his saying he didn't know

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Nelson struck him in the face with his gloves. Davis went to his room, strapped his revolver to his waist & going downstairs met Genl Nelson on the stairs & shot him dead. He said he knew a Harry Finley in the Navy, a descendant of Joseph Finley of Ebenezer of Rev James who returned from the Orient & committed suicide here. He was, I think unmarried. He phoned Geo Shannon, Atty, who came to his office in Erwin Block where we had gone on Wabash Ave Corner 5th St & he came over fr his office, Wabash Ave corner of 4th where I arranged to meet him at 2 PM. His mother was a daughter of Alexander Dunlap son of Samuel Dunlap & Hannah Lecky.

I left Mr McNutt's office at 11 Am & took a S 7th Car to the end of the line & walked two blocks to the present residence of Orville? or Oliver Franklin McCurdy, a Penna RR conductor at No 2835 S 8th St. He says his father, William Franklin McCurdy aged 61 yrs lives at Linton, Greene Co, Ind abt 50 miles south of here he being a son of an elder Wm Franklin McCurdy who was from Penna & probably a bro of the McCurdy who married Isabella Finley. He says one of his father's sisters has the old McCurdy record & he will find out which one & get for me a copy of the record.

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I came back to Mr McNutt's office & got the History of Vigo County, Ind by H.C. Bradsby 1018 pages published in 1891 by S.B. Nelson & Co Chicago Ills which he offered to loan me & in which are articles on James Carithers & Major Abraham Markle & others.

Aug 22, 1927 a letter of July 9, 1927 from Maj A.F. France says that Finley A. McNutt died May 15, 1927 see book 21 p 273.

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At residence of Charles Connor Carrithers, 2409 Jefferson St, Terre Haute, Ind Dec 28, 1925 4:35 PM

Mr Carrithers was born May 29, 1885 in Terre Haute, Ind son of Carrithers, Charles, who died in this Co about 25 yrs ago. He was a brother of Joseph Carrithers & Mary Carpenter, both of Jeffersontown, Ky & both living.

Chas C. Carrithers was married Jany 2, 1912 in Terre Haute, Ind to Edna Lizzie Maink born Jany 2,1889 in Vigo Co, daughter of Charles Maink & his wife Florence Emma Hutton. They have had six children all born in Terre Haute, Ind.

1. Alma Fern born Oct 5, 1912

2. Mary Alice born Aug 6, 1914

3. Edna Nadine born July 24, 1816

4. Catharine Lucile born Oct 12, 1918

5. Betty Ruth born Oct 6, 1921

6. Cyrus Connor born May 1, 1923

Mr C. was a brick mason on Mch 13, 1925 he was taken to Woodmere Sanitarium at Evansville, Ind but his mind is so that he writes he will soon be able to return home.

Leaving 4:55 PM

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Room 608 7:15 PM

As I was leaving Alma Fern said she was down at Jeffersontown, Ky last year to see her great Aunt Mary Carpenter who was then 81 & now 82 yrs old. Mrs Carrithers said Mrs Carpenter was in poor health & that Joseph Carrithers above named was her younger half brother.

At 2 o'c, I went to Room 9 Meyers Block on Wabash Ave, corner of 4th St to the Law office of George D. Shannon & he showed me a letter written Jany 24, 1871 from his grandfather, Alexr Dunlap & signed by him, written Geo D. says from Carmichael, Pa giving dates of birth of himself, & wife & of all of their children & some deaths, all of which Geo D. typed off & gave me & which I am using as a basis for a genealogical table on page 414. See book 9 p 370.

He said he had the old bible at his home & he would get what further record there was & bring to his office at 8 o'c in the morning where I am to go to get it.

I then came back to my room & called up Joseph W. Finley's residence n 1215 Locust Tel Wabash 8058-4 & his wife answered saying he was out & would be home at 5:30 PM but said I might find him at Kings Hat store 503 Wabash. Going there, I

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found him & he said he could not give anything, but said to see his father, Thomas Finley aged I think 61 or 71 who lived here but came from Troy NY & he could tell. Said he had just recently moved. He said he would get his address & said to call his wife in the morning & get it. I tried to get Chas C. Carrithers on the phone, but was informed that the phone had been taken out, so I took the street car at 4 PM & went out & got his record on page 410 from his wife. After returning, I got shaved got my dinner & at 7 PM called Robert Caruthers 26th ST & Maple Ave Tel Wabash 7646-X. He said he was born in England. He could not tell where, on Apr 15, 1880 & was 45 yrs old & a coal miner. He said his father, John Caruthers died in England & his mother's people being here, they came over when he was 6 yrs old & located at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Said his brothers & sisters were John, Alexander, James, William, Mary & Kate.

He said to see Squire Carithers who while not related to him would be able to give me much information & said "to take a N. 13 St car & get off at Maple Ave where he lived N 19th"

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Going out on a S 3d St car at 4 o'clock, I went to the end of the line & then walked ahead one block to Voorhees St & turning to the right walked five blocks west over much ice to Jefferson Ave No 2409 being the next St beyond Thompson St. Mr McNutt called a Mrs Markle on the phone who said a Mr Hansel at Markles Mill 6 or 7 miles N.E. of here has the Markle record & then said to see the widow of W.D. Markle, who was living there, the mother of her husband from whom she is divorced. W.D. was a son of Maj Abraham Markle. To reach her, take the Crawfordsville bus leaving here at 7 Am & 12:20 PM

V15 Page 414 & V15 Page 415

[descendant chart]

Hannah Lecky married Samuel Dunlap see book 9 p 370


Alexander Dunlap, born Feby 1, 1810. He died Aug 23, 1879 married to ____ Rex. Born Aug 17, 1811 & died Feby 20, 1869

Martha Jane Dunlap, B June 7, 1836, ob Sept 3, 1859

Hannah Lecky, B Sept 27, 1835

John Randolph, B Aug 12, 1840

Mary Margaret, b June 11, 1842 ob Oct 13, 1891

Samuel Rex, B Apr 30, 1844 ob Jany 13, 1863 in the Government Hospital, NY City while a soldier in the Civil War. Unmarried.

Sara [sic] Ann, b Aug 6, 1846 ob May 8, 1877

George Washington, B Mch 13, 1848

Joseph Alexander, B Mch 7, 1850

Andrew Jackson, B May 25, 1852

Elizabeth Katherine, B Dec 1854 ob Nov 18, 1877

Louisa, B Jany 1, 1857

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Room 608 10:15 PM

In the history of Vigo county, Indiana by H.C. Bradsby 1018 pages published by S.B. Nelson & Co Chicago 1891, I take the following references.

James Carithers page 697

He is a farmer & stock grower of Nevins Tp P.O. Fontanet & one of the oldest settlers. He was born in West Tennessee on May 19, 1830 son of David Carithers & his wife Elizabeth Philips, natives of Tennessee & of Irish & Dutch descent. His father, David was a blacksmith & gun smith who came to Nevins Tp when James was a child & died there Nov 24, 1876. He reared five children & the family was much respected. James first bought 40 A & in 1891 owned 450 A. He married Mch 8, 1856 Miss Mary F., daughter of Squire Smith of English descent. She died in 1877 a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Their children living in 1891 were:

Mary B. wife of Anderson Faris

Squire J.






Mr Carithers is a Democrat.

V15 Page 417

Major Abraham Markle page 147 He brought his second wife when he came to Vigo Co. His sons were: William, Abraham, Henry, George, Frederick, Joseph & Buonaparte [sic]. The Markle family, John Dickson & family & Isaac Lambert & family settled on Otter Creek. They came in 1816 coming down the Allegheny & Ohio, disembarked at Evansville & came by land to Vincennes. Major Markle built a mill on Otter Creek which for some years was the dependence of the neighborhood for bread for miles around.

Pages 164 & 165 etc.

Major Abraham Markle was born in Ulster Co NY in 1769 of one of the most prominent families in the County. When a very young man, he emigrated to Upper Canada where he soon acquired fame & fortune. He bore a conspicuous part in opposition to the rule of England in the dominion & the oppression of the people by English rulers. He became a member of the Provincial Parliament & on all occasions gave unmistakable evidence of the spirit of freedom & independence that had culminated in the Independence of the colonies. Immediately on the Declaration of War in 1812, he returned to his old home in NY & entered the army with the rank of Major. In his command

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were his two sons William & Abraham. When the war was over, he came at once to Fort Harrison with his family of seven sons & two daughters. For his action in the war, the English confiscated his land in Canada & the U.S. Congress granted him a large quantity of scrip & extra pay. These land warrants he located on Wabash lands as soon as he arrived becoming the owner of several sections in & about Fort Harrison including the lands in & about where the Union Depot now stands & the land on which Fort Harrison stood. He died Mch 26, 1826 aged 57 years. He was a large man physically & mentally & would have risen to prominence anywhere or any time as his commanding military figure would arrest attention at any gathering of men. His temperament was fiery & chivalric [sic] impulsive, but as warm & generous of heart as any man that lived. He would go to great trouble to meet a foe he thought was hunting him & twice as far to meet a friend who wanted his assistance. His nature was social & jovial & a beautiful woman only could divide his affections for a fine horse. Liberal in all his ideas, with a high sense of honor, he was born to command men & not to follow. His eldest daughter

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married Nathaniel Huntington, noted as the first lawyer who opened an office in Terre Haute. He was a man of fine abilities who soon ranked among the ablest in the profession. He was cheated of great eminence by his early death. Col. Huntington loved military affairs & often drilled his militia regiment in the open ground where the Terre Haute House now stands.

F.F. Markle Page 851 He is a miller of Otter Creek Tp, P.O. Terre Haute. He is the owner of the Markle Mills in Otter Creek Tp where he was born May 22, 1848 & where Abraham Markle, his grandfather built the second mill in the county. He is the son of Frederick Markle born in Canada & his wife Sarah B. Denny born in Ohio. His father, Frederick here mentioned died in 1866 & the old mill which he owned & ran was bought by his sons F.F. & W.D.. F.F. Markle married in 1877 Miss Mary M. daughter of Jonathan Musgrave & they have three children, viz: Francis Lehman, Jonathan & Robert. Mrs Markle is a member of the Methodist Epis. Ch. Mr Markle is a Republican & a Master Mason.

V15 Page 420

Judge Cyrus F. McNutt Page 845 Was born in Johnson Co, Indiana July 29, 1837 son of John McNutt a native of Ohio & his wife Mahala Hensley a native of Ky. He came to Terre Haute in 1877 & at once took rank as they leader of the bar & still retains it being now (1891) of the firm of McNutt & McNutt his associates being his two sons John G. & Finley A. McNutt.

Hon Richard W. Thompson Page 959 This is a ten page article on Richd W. Thompson of Culpeper Co, VA Sec of the Navy. It states that both of his grandfathers were in the Revolutionary War, the paternal grandfather, Scotch Irish being a Major. His father married for his second wife a great niece of George Washington viz Mildred Ball, a daughter of Col Burgess Ball, a distinguished soldier of the Revolution, by whom were three children, only one a sister surviving resides near Washington D.C. in London Co, VA

1 AM 29th

V15 Page 421

At residence of Thomas Finley, Room No 4 at 13 1/2 N 3d ST Terre Haute, Ind Dec 29, 1925 8:30 AM

Mr Finley says he is son of Patrick Finley who came from Dublin, Ireland in 1838 with his wife & settled in Hartford, Conn. He was a stone cutter & polisher & his eleven children were born in this country. He later lived in Troy, NY & died at Anderson, Ind aged 57 when my informant was probably 8 or 9 yrs old. His wife was Elizabeth Beragin? from Co Wexford, Ireland. She died at Limedale, Ind 2 1/2 miles from Green Castle, Ind aged 82 yrs in the nineties. They had eleven children:

1. Caroline married a Booth, a jeweler & have a son by her first husband viz: Benj Stack living in Indianapolis. She dead.

2. Elizabeth, dead, married Wm Goodman. No issue.

3. Michael, died in infancy

4. William, died in infancy

5. A child died in infancy

6. John W. He died in Kansas City, Mo. His son Oscar Finley & Carrie Finley married & perhaps his widow nee Mollie Callahan may be living there. Oscar installs ice boxes.

7. Patrick Henry 4 yrs older than my informant. Car inspector for Troy & Eastern RR born in Troy & never married.

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8. Thomas Finley my informant born in Troy NY May 1, 1856, married Nov 19, 1882 at Terre Haute by Father Logan to Margaret King born 1857 & died Nov 19, 1891 in Terre Haute, Ind aged 33. She was daughter of Hugh King & his wife Annie Johnson. Had four children all born in Terre Haute.

1. Patrick Henry goes by "Harry" born in 1882 & now lives in Detroit, Mich where he is an upholsterer & works for the Fisher Body Co. Married Myrtle Douglass & has one child, Ralph.

2. Joseph W. Finley born say in 1886 & lives here at No 1215 Locust St where he is a salesman for Levine Bros. Married Fannie Stevenson. No issue.

3. Thomas C. Finley born say 1888 lives Milwaukee, Wis where he is Asst Supt of the South Shore Electric Line. Married Emma Herrin. No issue.

4. Frank Finley, the youngest born abt 1890 & died aged 6 mos.

9. Margaret Ella [dau of Patrick Finley]. She is living in Limedale, Ind. Was married to Edward Jackson. He thinks they separated. No issue. She is living in the home where her mother died & got all the family belongings including bible records if there were any. An old lady here active & spry who says she is 77 says she knows more about the family than any of them. She signs her name Della Jackson P.O. Limedale, Ind.

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10. Jeremiah Finley died aged 39 here in Terre Haute, Ind. Thinks in year 1907. Unmarried. Was a telegraph operator. Worked on Monon & Penna. He was the baby of the family.

11. Another child died in infancy.

Leaving 9:20 AM

I then went to the motor bus Sta corner Wabash & 9 1/2 St & the 9:30 bus for Brazil had just gone, so I took a North 13th st car to Maple Ave & walked seven blocks to 19th St where I was directed back two blocks where a man who kept a boarding house said that Squire J. Carithers was Deputy Shff & I would find him at the Sheriffs office at the court house. I took a street car back & went to:

Sheriffs Office Court House, Terre Haute, Ind Dec 29, 1925 11 AM

Here I found Squire James Carithers, tall & of Caruthers build 6 ft who was very kind but knew no more of his ancestors than was given in the article on his father James Carithers in the Vigo Co History. He said he thought his grandfather David Carithers came from West Tenn. (he did not know town or Co) when his father was 3 yrs old & died

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a comparatively rich man for his time. He did not know the name of David's father, nor of any brothers & sisters. He said his father was in the courts for many years with his brother-in-law but when he died he had $10,000 in cash & 800 A of land, all underlaid with coal but he didn't know it. Said he got $100 per acre for the coal & $50 an acre for the surface of the share he got. He wrote down for me the names of his parents & their children from which I am starting a genealogical table on page 426. He said he had the record of births etc of his children & other information at home & said he would write & give me fuller information.

Left 11:20 AM

I then went to the Deming & got the Vigo Co Hist & took it to Mr McNutt's office & gave it to him & he walked back to the hotel with me & told me of his father going to Los Angeles, Calif in 1896 & practicing law there until he died. He & his sister in Settling his estate employed the surviving member of the firm, a Catholic as their attorney & his filing the inventory showing but $2000 due as fees from the firm excited his suspicions, but he "played foxy" & collected $20,000 after sd partner carried it to U.S. Supreme Court to avoid payment.

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At residence of Mrs Anna E. Markle at Markles Mill (P.O. Terre Haute, Ind Route 3 Box 120) Dec 29, 1925 1:11 PM

I came out here on the bus & was met at the door of the big brick house by Mrs Markle & her colored woman servant & she called her son David D. & finally got out her big bible & gave me this record.

Her husband, Wm Denny Markle, son of Frederick who was son of Maj Abraham died Feby 13, 1922 aged 80 yrs 5 mos & 26 days being born Aug 20, 1841 son of Frederick Markle & his wife Sarah Denny. He married Apr 29, 1869, Ann Elizabeth Rogers, my informant born Aug 21, 1847 in Harrison Tp, Vigo Co, Ind daughter of Milton Rogers & his wife Mary Simmons. Had six children all born in this, Otter Creek Tp viz:

1. Mary Helen Markle, born Mch 9, 1870, ob Dec 17, 1874

2. Frederick Markle born Oct 8, 1871, ob Sept 16, 1872

3. Herbert Milton Markle born Jany 4, 1873

4. David Denny Markle born Sept 7, 1875

5. Mabel Markle born Jany 1, 1878

6. Charles Raymond born Aug 25, 1885


Mabel Markle to Wm Curtis Weir Jany 1, 1902

Herbert M. Markle to Anna M. Thickston June 17, 1916

Chas Raymond Markle to Mary Louise Evans Aug 3, 1923 at Denver, Colorado. She was born Dec 18, 1895 at Union City, Tenn, daughter of Chas Everett Evans & wife Alice M. Bond. No issue.

Mabel Lives at Norman, Okla & has a daughter, Anna Mabel Weir born Oct 15, 1903 who was married about a year ago. See page 436.

V15 Page 426 & V15 Page 427

[descendant chart]

James Hickey Carithers born May 19, 1836 according to bible record in Tenn, don't know town or Co, son of David Carithers & died Jany 5, 1905. He married Mch 8, 1857 Mary Frances Smith, born Apr 5, 1841 & died Jany 18, 1879


Anna Maria, B Jany 8, 1858 ob Aug 22, 1862

David, B July 20, 1859 ob Mch 19, 1865

Mary Belle, B July 4, 1861. Married Ambrose Faris on Aug 5, 1886 & had 3 children.

Myrtle Faris, B July 17, 1887 married Aug 18, 1912 to John Ohern. Have two children.

Lela Ohern, B July 17, 1913

Leo Faris Ohern, B Sept 12, 1914

Marion Faris, B July 27, 1889 ob Aug 30, 1891

Muriel Faris, B Oct 23, 1892 living. Married June 9, 1920 to Rose White.

Lillian Rose Faris, B May 1, 1921

Muriel Leland, B July 6, 1922 [probably a boy]

Squire James, B Mch 3, 1863 married Aug 3, 1886 Mary Matilda Kendrick, b May 5, 1865 in Crawford Co, Ills & died Apr 7, 1915 & had 7 children. He has not remarried.

Charles Owen, B July 10, 1887 married June 24, 1916 to Pearl Agnes Howe. No issue.

James Henry Grover, B Dec 27, 1888 married July 18, 1911 5o Myrtle James & have 2 children

Mary Dolores, B May 15, 1912

Lorrine Maria, B Sept 7, 1917

Bessie Carle, B June 15, 1893 married July 12, 1916 Hubert Jessup. Have one child.

Laverne Hubert, B Mch 8, 1917

George Raymond, B Aug 27, 1895 ob June 4, 1905. was drowned.

William Squire, B Oct 21, 1898 married Oct 21, 1922 to Eunice ____. Have one child. They live at Texas.

Rosemary, B Aug 13, 1923

Edward Deloss, B Dec 8, 1902 unmarried.

Frankie Kendrick, B Apr 22, 1905 ob Aug 5, 1905

Rosella Gertrude, B Feby 11, 1866 ob Mch 31, 1923 Married Chas Mulvihill. No issue.

Cora May Carithers, B July 20, 1868 married June 20, 1891 to Wm Webster. Have 3 children.

Mabel Estella, b May 2, 1892

Harry L. Webster, B Mch 17, 1898 married Nov 26, 1919 to Bertha Harland.

Edward Harland [Webster] B Dec 4, 1921

Dollie May, B May 28, 1906 married Mch 31, 1923 to Harry Homer Tribble

Margaret Amanda, B Nov 2, 1870 married Oct 25, 1890 to Daniel C. Adams & have 4 children.

Pearl A. Adams, B Oct 17, 1891 ob Nov 9, 1915

Raymond C. B May 22, 1893

Lawrence E. B Sept 20, 1897

Aris Elwood, B Jany 4, 1903 married Mch 28, 1924 to Loree Vantress.

David Francis [Carithers, son of James Hickey Carithers] B Nov 5, 1872. He got his father's bible. Lives near Fontanet Ind Married Mch 2, 1898 to Clara Chastain who died Sept 23, 1925. 2 children.

Lillie Marie, B Feby 2, 1899

Paul J. Carithers, B July 21, 1901 married Dec 25, 1922 to Olive Adams.

Eleanor Lavon, B Sept 15, 1923

Grace Beatrice, B Oct 20, 1877, married Mch 3, 1902 to Charles Allen & have 3 girls.

Opal Allen, B Jany 20, 1902 married Feby 7, 1925 to Vern Hayne.

June Allen, B June 2, 1905, single

A daughter, Ruth Genevive, Born Mch 3, 1920

[descendant chart]

David Carithers, father of James Hickey Carithers see page 416 was born in Tennessee in 1800 & died Nov 24, 1876 in Nevins Tp, Vigo Co, Indiana. He was a blacksmith.


William B., ob. married Lydia Baker.




Thomas H.

James B.

David L.





Mary Carithers

Leander [son of David Carithers] ob, unmarried.

James Hickey, see page 426-7

Sarah Ann, ob. married Roland Vansell. No issue

Maria, married Law Rukes. Both dead. No issue that they know of.

V15 Page 428 & V15 Page 429

[descendant chart]

Abraham Markle was born in Ulster Co NY Oct 26, 1770 & died in Otter Creek Tp Vigo Co, Ind Mch 26, 1826 & is buried in sd Tp in Markle g.y. about half a mile west of Markles Mill. The best information, my informant Augustus Robert Markle has is that his father's name was Frederick. Knows nothing of any brothers & sisters. While it is reported that he was married twice, they have no definite information of any wife but Catharine, who survived him 20 yrs & died at the Otter Creek home & is buried beside her husband & the tombstone record states that she was born May 28, 1772 & died June 26, 1846. They do not know her maiden name. His tombstone states that he was born in Ulster Co NY. Mr M. has record of his membership as a Mason in Lodge No 4 under the Provincial warrant of upper Canada given in our lodge at Niagara May 16, 1794. Has a deed to him dated Dec 23, 1795 fr Peter Himefraugh [best guess] of Ulyses [sic] Tp Onandaga Co NY for land in that Tp stating that Abraham Markle was of the same place. A deed dated Oct 31, 1803 fr John Mackay for 400 A for which he paid £400 in Lancaster Dist, Hamilton Is the Co seat. Deeds also of May 26, 1806 & Apr 8, 1809. Show purchases in same dist. as do these dated Feby 24, 1812. Mr M. has these original deeds found among his papers & also a P/A fr Amelia Smith to him dated Feby 22, 1813. He also has his com as a member of the provincial parliament dated June 18, 1812 which is the day before the Declaration of War. He served in the session meeting June 30, 1812 at York (now Toronto) & also at a special session fr July 27 to Aug 5 E.A. Cruikshank Canadian Historian says Abraham Markle was arrested & removed to Lower Canada for giving information to the enemy in the latter part of July 1813. He was Com as Capt Dec 12, 1813 in the U.S. Army in Wilcox's volunteers serving on the Niagara front. On Apr 19, 1814, he was commissioned Major of Volunteers which com. was signed by James Madison & John Armstrong & which Mr M. has. Mr M. has recent inf. fr Adjutant Generals office, Wash D.C. that he was in the service as late as the summer of 1815, as shown by the pay account. On Mch 9, 1815, Gov. Brown of NY at the instance of Maj Markle wrote the Sec of War recommending that some recompense be given to the Canadian volunteers & early in Jany 1816, Maj Markle appeared before Congress & on Jany 24, 1816 Mr Troop, Chairman of the Com reported a bill which was amended giving pay in accordance with rank & not as measured by losses was passed by the House Feby 21, 1816 & by the Senate Mch 1, & signed by the Pres Mch 5, 1816 & known as the bill for the relief of the Canadian volunteers, out of 436 applicants there were 268 approved & issued giving land grants & 3 mos pay 800 A for a major & 320 A for a private, Caleb Hopkins of Pittsford, NY, Joseph Richardson, also of Ontario Co, NY & Maj Abraham Markle pushed these claims & through purchases of certain soldiers rights, Maj Markle laid warrants for 2800 A & which within 2 yrs was increased to 4000 A. He borrowed money on this land from Fredk Rapp of New Harmony, Ind & dying intestate in 1826 from rupture of a blood vessel in his brain when pulling posts, some of the mortgages were fore closed in 1832. He had ten children, William by the first wife & the other nine by his second wife Catherine.


William Markle, ob Apr 1, 1820 unmarried & no issue. Will dated Feby 1820. He was a Lieut under his father.

Sarah Markle, B June 13, 1795, most probably in NY State ob Mch 24, 1848 in Vigo Co, Ind. Married 1. James Pettingill. Married 2 June 1, 1830 Jonathan E. Green see page 430.

Abraham Markle Pettingill, B Feby 17, 1817 ob Jany 4, 1862

Niles Burk Green, B July 29, 1831 ob Dec 20, 1902

Lucetta Green, B Mch 11, 1834 ob Aug 11, 1908.

Abraham A. Markle, B Sept 9, 1796 ob Nov 9, 1844 married Apr 30, 1819 to Luna Jones daughter of Ezra Jones. 4 children. See page 432. She died Aug 5, 1877 see b 25 p 517.

Henry Markle, B Aug 30, 1799 ob. Married Mch 16, 1825 to Amanda Tuttle, daughter of Gershom Tuttle. She died in 1887. Had 5 children. See page 433.

Aula [sic] Markle B Sept 22, 1802 ob Sept 20, 1820. married Nathaniel Huntington. No issue. see pages 418-419.

George Markle, B Oct 7, 1803 ob Oct 15, 1838. Killed in Vigo Co by Wesley Neice. Married 1 & she died July 1828. Married 2 Oct 15, 1829 to Hannah E. Hickox. Had 4 children by 2d wife. born in Vigo Co near Markle Mills see page 434. She died abt 1889.

Nelson Markle, b Nov 27, 1807 ob Feby 16, 1878. Married Jany 10, 1830 to Matilda Annon Bennett B Dec 3, 1811 near Cayuga, NY ob Jany 17, 1881 at Bowling Green, Ind where he died. Daughter of Wm Plunkett Bennett & his wife Ann Harris, daughter of Saml of John Senr. Had 13 children 5 of whom died in infancy. See page 452. The above was John Harris at Hbg, [Harrisburg] Pa

Frederick C. Markle B Nov 27, 1809 ob Oct 12, 1866 married Jany 28, 1839 to Sarah B. Denny B July 30, 1816 & ob Mch 30, 1888. Had 10 children. See b 23 p 420.

Joseph W. Markle, B Mch 30, 1812 ob Dec 2, 1867 married Feby 27, 1853 Ann Robbins. Had 3 children. See b 23 page 426

Napoleon Buonaparte [sic] Markle B June 1, 1819 in Vigo Co, Ind. ob thinks in New Mexico. Married May 14, 1841 to Mary Ann McFadden b 1819 first white child born in Vigo Co after its formation. Had 9 children born in Otter Creek Tp only one of whom grew to maturity. See page 562. see bk 23 p 427.

V15 Page 430 & V15 Page 431

[descendant chart]

Sarah Markle see page 428


Abraham Markle Pettingill, called "Mark" married 1 Mch 30, 1847 to Melissa S. Pierce B Oct 23, 1820 ob May 8, 1856, daughter of Stephen Pierce & wife Catherine Onley. Married 2 Elizabeth Dixon McFadden. 3 children by 1st wife & 2 by 2d wife.

2. Kate Pettingill, b Sept 23, 1849 Married Dec 25, 1871 to James Henshiles Morgan B May 12, 1837 ob Feby 3, 1916 son of Preston Morgan & wife Rhoda Chinn. She is living 440 Ross Ave Evansville, Ind.

Horace M. B Nov 16, 1875 Married Feby 8, 1902 to Laura Lillian Eads B Aug 3, 1874 see b 16 p 258.

Bertha Catherine, B Oct 29, 1902

Walter Algy, B Aug 16, 1877 married Jany 2, 1909 to Edna Sherrill see b 16 p 258.

Hester Alberta, B Oct 16, 1913

Carolyn Lee, B Dec 7, 1918

Preston C., B Jany 21, 1881 ob July 1, 1898 at Brazil, Ind.

1. Sarah Pettingill B Jany 3, 1848 married May 24, 1864 to Sylvanus Williamson. Both living at 290 S. Chicago Ave Kankakee, Ills.



A. Markle Pettingill, B Feby 14, 1855. Lives at Texas Creek, Col. Married to Anna _____

Arthur, ob.



Mary Elizabeth, B Nov 6, 1859 ob July 8, 1871

Wm Lucien, lives at 2807 Hickory St Omaha Neb. see bk 16 p 36-38

Niles Burk Green [son of Sarah Markle] born July 29, 1831 in Park Co, Ind & died Dec 21, 1902 in Kansas City, MO & is buried in Terre Haute on N 3d St in Greenlawn or Greenwood Cem. Married 1 Oct 24, 1852 to Caroline Brotherton, b Aug 10, & died Jany 1862 daughter of Abel Brotherton & wife Sarah Jessup. Had 7 children all born in Vigo Co. Married 2 Jany 4, 1864 Alma Storey Durren B July 29, 1839 & is now living at no 3339 Garfield Ave, Kansas City, Mo. She had 5 children all in K.C., Mo one being decorator at Muelbach Hotel. All 5 born in Terre Haute, Ind See page 563 etc

1. Walter Bruce, B July 26, 1854 ob. married Oct 24, 1878 to Mary Louisa Brown, daughter of Eli Brown & wife Amy Moore. She is living in Akron, O with her daughter Bertha.

Minnie C., ob.

Bertha A. B Oct 12, 1881 Married Nov 29, 1905 to Byrl Hornberger & live in Akron, O.

Myrtle Edith, B Nov 11, 1884 married Apr 29, 1902 to C.P. Tanner & live in Terre Haute, Ind

Harry Niles, B Apr 28, 1892 married & lives in Akron, O.

Walter Augustus, B July 8, 1894 married & lives in Terre haute & has a family.

2. William W. [son of Niles Burk Green] B Dec 17, 1855 see page 566

Sarah E. Green, B Nov 16, ob Dec 9, 1891 aged 36 yrs

Chas Eddy Green, B Sept 22, see page 566


Niles B., B July 21, 1860 ob May 20, 1909 at Kansas City, MO married Mch 27, 1887 to Mattie Amy Perry Zaner b Dec 25, 1870 whose maiden name was Perry adopted by Zaner. She is living at Ft Wayne, Ind at No 1803 ST Marys Ave. Had 3 girls & a boy, the 3 oldest born in Ft Wayne & the youngest in K.C. Mo The above is her daughter. Helen's address on July 15, 1923. She gave her address as 1328 South Anthony Blvd see page 567. They were married at Wharton, O.

Frederick, B Jany 1862, ob Jany 1862 aged two days

8. Harry Curtis, B Nov 6, 1864 married 1 Jany 4, 1883 to Leonora Ellen Kidd born Dec 1, 1861 & ob Apr 8, 1914 daughter of John Kidd & wife. She had two daughters born at Trinidad Col. Married 2d July 17, 1916 at Chicago, Ills to [13]now own it. Married. She di born Apr 26, 1816 Glasgow, Ills. daughter of Campbell Young & wife Cornelia Jane Whiteside. No issue by her. He lives in Oklahoma City & her too at 1005 W 24th St.

Zoa Green, B Nov 26, 1888 married July 25, 1914 to Archie Spence. Both living in Chicago Ills at 794 S. Elizabeth St. She can give Phyllis records, so her father reports. He was born July 6, 1882 son of John N. Spence & wife Elizabeth Ann McGrew. Have two children.

Beth Ellen Spence, B Aug 11, 1915

Vivian Spence, B Mch 27, 1918

Phyllis Green, B Dec 3, 1898 married Apr 5, 1920 to John L. Manning. Live in Ohio at Sugar Grove Lake, Galion, O where he is a radio expert salesman. He was of Pana, Ills, son of John Lewis Manning & his wife Lula Mathis. No issue.

9. Chauncey Rose [son of Niles Burk Green] B July 4, 1867 c/o Muelbache Hotel. He is unmarried now. He married 1st Dec 22, 1900 to Isabella Dodson, a widow with 3 children. She died. Married 2d Mch 29, 1915 to May Irvin, widow. He divorced her in Oct 1922. No issue by either wife.

11. Grace E. Green, B Oct 23, 1878 (twin) married Apr 29, 1903 in K.C. Mo by Rev Dr Dinwiddie Meth to Emery Hunting born Feby 22, 1871 at Wellesley Hill, Mass son of Emery Ficke Hunting & wife Louisa Almeda Foristall. Both living & she has bought this house from her mother & will move in soon. Have but one child born in K.C., Mo. He is with Peet Bros here, soap mfrs with whom he has been 3 yrs.

Alma Louise Hunting, B Sept 10, 1904, unmarried & is stenographer for Sears Roebuck & Co.

12. Herbert (twin) B Oct 23, 1878 ob Aug 10, 1879

10. Cora Lucetta Green, B Sept 22, 1873 ob Mch 4, 1878.

Lucetta Green [dau of Sarah Markle & her second husband] married Dr John Van Wagener, of Morristown, New Jersey, where she died without issue.

V15 Page 432

[descendant chart]

Abraham A. Markle see page 428. In 1840, he was running a little hotel in Chicago. He teamed fr here to Chicago.


Henry Markle


Ann Markle, ob 1906 married a Norton

Mary Ann

A.R. Markle of Terre Haute, Ind. Writes Feby 15, 1926 that he has no further knowledge of the 4 children above of Abraham A.

V15 Page 433

[descendant chart]

Henry Markle see page 428


John Markle, ob 1886 in Arizona or California. Married Aug 31, 1851 to Isabella Crammer, ob Nov 15, 1851 Married Martha Harvey who divorced him.

Millard Fillmore B Oct 19, ob May 10, 1923 married Oct 18

Louis F. Lives 5017 Ridge St St Louis, Mo.

A daughter, married G.H. Whitcomb. Lives 546 North & South Road, St Louis, MO.

Gershom, B 1841 ob Aug 22, 1893 married Ella I. Richetts ob Feby 1905. Had 2 children.

Herbert, lives, he thinks in Bluefield, WVA with Appalachia Power Co.

A daughter, married to Oscar Armstrong. Live 1116 N. Shartel Ave Oklahoma City.

Amelia, married Ambrose Cunning

Sarah E., married Wm F. Browning who was over 80 10 yrs ago, was city clk at Bloomington, Ind where some of his 5 children live.



Laura J.


Wm Lincoln

Kate Markle, ob at Martinsville, Ind, married a Douglass

Edward Douglass

V15 Page 434 & V15 Page 435

[descendant chart]

George W. Markle see page 429


Thaddeus Warsaw Markle, B Aug 29, 1830 ob 1911 married Nov 27, 1851 to Nancy Rogers B Oct 4, 1829 ob Oct? 1911 daughter of Jonathan Rogers & wife. They died at Waupan, Wis. Had 4 children.

Helen Markle, B Dec 1, 1852, married Dec 24, 1872 to Freeborn S. Keach, ob. by whom she had 3 children. married 2 Mch 14, 1897 to Mark Lovell, ob. She is living at No 1 Cypress Road, Wellesley Hills, Mass. No issue by 2d husband.

Olive, B July 3, 1874 ob July 7, 1874

Bessie, B July 27, 1878, married Jany 10, 1907 to Paul V. Bacon, a publisher, Boston, Live No 1 Cypress Road, Wellesley Hills, Mass. No issue.

Myra, B June 9, 1880 ob May 16, 1889

Harvey D. Markle, B Dec 12, 1854 married 1878 to Inez Rich. He lives at Oshkosh, Wis.

George Edward, B Sept 7, 1879 of New London Wis

George, ob. d.y.

Edward, ob. d.y.

Mary Markle [dau of George W. subject of this chart] b Oct 4, 1832 ob Feby 16, 1883 at Otter Creek Tp. Married Aug 18, 1852 to Stephen Douglas Denehie. B Dec 4, 1828 & ob Jany 4, 1879, son of Benjamin Austin Denehie & wife Hannah Burnett. Had 6 children, all born in Parke Co, Ind.

Edwin, B 1853, ob 1853

George, B Oct 4, 1855, living in Indianapolis, Ind, unmarried. Was clerk at Spencer House.

Anna Elizabeth, B Aug 12, 1857 married Dec 12, 1872 to Saml Cleghorn, B Aug 23, 1852, son of Joseph Cleghorn & wife Nancy Catharine Doty. Both living at Rosedale, Ind.

Norval Doty, B Sept 24, 1875 married Apr 26, 1896 to Lulu B. Ogden, daughter of Samuel Ogden & wife Margaret Burch. Live at Rosedale, Ind. She born Sept.

Otto Ogden Doty, B Dec 27, 1900, at Rosedale, Ind. Single..

Mary S. Doty, B Aug 26, 1902 at Rosedale, Ind. ob Sept

23, 1905

Henry Wallace Doty, B Jany 2, 1878, married Jany 15, 1903 Dorothy Smith. (Live Rosedale, Ind) She B. May 10, 1885 daughter of Chas E. Smith & wife Sarah Roe. Two children born at Rosedale, Ind.

Charles Raymond Doty, B July 29, 1905 married Aug 26, 1923 Inez Bennett born Oct 10, 1903 at Petersburg, Ind, daughter of Wm Bennett & wife Flora Belle Quackenbush.

Alberta Vera Doty, B Aug 18, 1924

Edward Auston Doty, B Nov 29, 1908, ob Nov 29, 1909

Herman, B Oct 3, 1880 married Dec 24, 1903 to Lillie Lewis. Live Rosedale, Ind. Born Aug 28, 1881 daughter of Geo Lewis & wife Cynthia Jessup. 2 children born at Rosedale, Ind.

Clara Odessa Doty, B June 26, 1905 ob Aug 18, 1908 George Samuel Doty, B June 30, 1908

Aula H. Denehie [dau of Mary Markle & Stephen D. Denehie] B July 31, 1859 ob Aug 22, 1880 d.y. unmarried.

May Alice Denehie, B Nov 14, 1862 married 1 Apr 6, 1879 to James Oliver Denman b Apr 21,1853 & ob Feby 14, 1894. Had 5 children born in Terre Haute, Ind. Married 2 Aug 21, 1904 to Felix Zollicoffer Thorp, B Apr 9, 1861. No issue. Live at West Baden, Ind. F.Z. Thorp is son of Lee Thorp & wife Eveline V. Brown. James Oliver Denman was son of James Denman & wife Martha Ann Spears.

Maud Edna Denman, B June 6, 1880 ob Mch 16, 1885

Charles Emmett Denman, B Aug 2, 1883 ob Jany 30, 1884

George Abram Denman, B Apr 23, 1885 married Apr 12, 1911 to Blanche Edna Sparks B Feby 16, 1891 daughter of Xerxes C. Sparks & wife Anarpa [sic] French. Both living in Denver, Colo. Have 2 children born in Terre Haute, Ind.

Margyl Beatrice Denman, B Jany 25, 1912

Ruth Mary Denman, B Oct 16, 1913

Harry James Denman, B Sept 12, 1887 ob Aug 26, 1889

Raymond Oliver Denman B May 29, 1891 married Apr 11, 1910 to Hazel Fields B Jany 17, 1892. Both living in Terre Haute. Have a son.

Iran Arthur, B Sept 17, 1910

Lulu Amanda Denehie, [dau of Mary Markle & Stephen D. Denehie} B Dec 21, 1867 ob Feby 15, 1893 married Dec 9, 1883 to Cornelius R. Hanger. 3 children.

Carl Ernest Hanger, B June 20, 1885, married

Dorothy Hanger, B Dec 17, 1908

Harley Otto Hanger, B Apr 25, 1888

Nellie Marguerite Hanger, B Sept 2, 1890

Amanda Markle, [dau of George W., subject of this chart] died Nov 1917, the day before Thanksgiving in Green Lake Wis & is buried there. Was living 10 yrs ago at Green Lake, Wis with a daughter. Married July 26, 1857 to Hiram H. Schnebly. He was a miller. Had two children born at Glenbeulah, Wis. Hiram H. was son of James Schnebley, [sic] a Capt in War of 1812 & wife Katherine Dunn.

Caroline Schnebly, B May 24, 1858 ob Mch 18,1893. Thinks unmarried. Never married. [last statement added later, a confirmation apparently]

Elizabeth Schnebly, B Dec 23, 1859 married Oct 5, 1876 to Albert Stillman see book 16 p 250

1. Mabel Jessie Stillman, B Apr 12, 1877 at Fond du Lac, Wis ob Jany 13, 1887

2. May Aleen Stillman, B Mch 31, 1878 married Jany 27, 1904 to Stephen C. Duley, born June 29, 1871 at Sussex Eng. son of James & Mary Duley

Robert Stillman Duley, B Oct 9, 1910 in Granite, Ind.

5. Helen Mildred Stillman, B Feby 2, 1884 married Aug 31, 1905 to Jacob Germane Born B Aug 30, 1876 at Fond du Lac, Wis, son of Anthony Born & wife Rosalie A. Burnbaum.

Marion Elizabeth Born, B May 16, 1910 at [cut off]

4. Hiram Franklin Stillman, B May 4, 1881 at St Cloud, Wis. Now Atty at Law 635 Gdn Bldg Cleveland, O. married Dec 9, 1908 at Cleveland, O Edna Amelia Fritz, B Aug 15, 1882 daughter of John F. Fritz & wife Barbara M. Measley. Have 3 children all born at Cleveland, O.

Elizabeth Stillman, B Nov 25, 1912

Alice Barbara Stillman, B June 20, 1914

Mary Louise Stillman, B June 21, 1923

3. Clara Belle, B Nov 11, 1879 unmarried P.O. address c/o Hotel Morrison, Chicago.

6. Fred Clayton Stillman, B Jany 15, 1892 married Aug 1, 1921 at Indianapolis, Ind to Bertha Bishop, b Mch 31, 1894 at Crottersville, Ind, dau of Henry Jones Bishop & wife Susan Elizabeth Davis. He is a RR conductor. Live RR 5 Box 300, Indianapolis, Ind.

Ann Markle [dau of George W., subject of this chart] B Apr 10, 18-- married Mch 4, 1857 to John Law who died at Soldiers Home, Danville, Ills. Had 5 children, all born in Otter Creek Tp.

Florence Law, B June 3, 1858 married abt 1882 to James Herring. Both dead. 3 children born in Terre Haute

Walter Herring, B Oct 27, 1883 Clara Law, B Aug 17, 1860, married Feby 24, 1880 to Walter B. McHenry. He was living in St Louis 10 yrs ago a train dispatcher. She died Dec 1, 1889.

Roy McHenry, B July 24, 1881

Albert McHenry, B Sept 11, 1883

Minnie Law, B June 29, 1869 married to Blumenrader. Both living at 209 1st St Peoria, Ills. Thinks no issue.

William Law, B Mch 20, ob aged abt 15 yrs

Burt Law, B Sept 3, d.y. at say 18.

V15 Page 436

From page 425

Herbert M. has one child, viz:

1. Mariana Markle, born Apr 10, 1920.

He works for the Am. Ex Co & lives in Terre Haute, Ind. He & his wife have separated.

Charles Raymond lives at 1430 Garfield St, Denver, Col. He is a surveyor & works for the city in the engineering dept

She said Augustus R. Markle living at Ferguson Hill 3 miles west of Terre Haute, was a fiend in gathering Markle data & told me to go to see him & she phoned him at Dresser 1513 & his wife said he was in the city. She invited me to stay for dinner & asked me to call again, but I excused myself &

Left at 1:33 PM

I went across to the mill & met Mr C.D. Hansel who owns the old mill which has run continuously since 1816 & is now turning out 25 BBls [sic] of flour a day. He showed me the old day books & ledger of Maj Abram Markle & his son Frederick which showed sales of much whisky which Mr Hansel said he made. I then took a jitney [sic] to North Terre Haute & got a bus there & came to the hotel & phoned Mr A.R. Markle, but his wife said he had not come home, but at 3:50 he phoned & I went out & was:

V15 Page 437

At residence of Augusts R. Markle, Sugar Creek Tp, Vigo Co, Ind (P.O. Terre Haute, Ind Box 506) Dec 29, 1925 4:30 PM

I found Mrs Markle, her son & husband here. Mr Markle has gathered a wealth of records & has them card indexed & gave me the records tabled 428 to 435 inclusive & it came 10:20 & I had to go to the last car in, at 10:40 PM & he said he would make out the records of the last four sons of Maj Abraham. The one we had just come to, Nelson, was his grandfather & Theodore, his father.

Geo W. whose record I just completed on page 435 had been in town & lost the hub band of one of his wheels & going back, met Wesley Neice in his wagon & asked him if he had seen it & he said he had not, but Geo W. looking in his wagon, saw it, whereupon Neice threw it at him, hitting him on the head & fractured his skull & killing him. A.R.'s version of who got the Abraham Markle Bible is different from Mrs Annie E. Markle's & I must call her & see who it is that she said had it. A.R. walked down to the street car Sta with me which is about half a mile fr his house.

Left 10:30 PM

It is now 2:22 AM Dec 30, 1925

V15 Page 438

At residence of Mrs Belle Lowry 1704 E. National Road, Brazil Ind, Dec 30, 1925 11:11 AM

Mrs Lowry is a widow for the second time, her first husband having been Robert McCurdy & she has his bible record. She has the big bible of her husband's brother, Samuel McCurdy who married her sister Eva & in it, he has written down the dates of birth of his brothers & sisters & deaths of his parents. I am starting from the basis given by Mrs Gregg on page 390 & making a table on page 440 et seq. She says a Sadie McDowell, a relative, dead some years ago has a daughter, Eva, married to Henry Martin, both living at Caseyville, Ind aged 40 to 50.

Candasa [sic] Ernhart, born Apr 18, 1852, sister of Mrs Lowry married 1st John W. Trindle whose mother was a cousin she thinks of Sarah Blair McCurdy & his father was a cousin of James McCurdy.

Married 2 George W. Givens. He is over 80 & both are living in Vermilion, Ills on the inter urban line from Terre Haute to Paris, Ill. Mrs Lowry thinks she can give record of early members of the family

V15 Page 439

as she lived in Penna, not in Westnd Co, but she thinks at Nineveh. They live right in Vermilion. Get off the Inter Urban at the Sta & come back to first side walk going north & follow it around to where it turns east & theirs is the first house on the south side

Mrs Lowry was married 2d on Nov 8, 1913 to George Edwd Lowry who died Feby 29, 1916.

Leaving 12:52 PM

Jany 26, 1926 1:25 AM, made all slips to here. JVT

V15 Page 440 & V15 Page 441

[descendant chart]

Isabella Finley, see page 390, married McCurdy


A daughter, married McDowell

Sadie McDowell

Eva, married Henry Martin, Live at Caseyville, Ind see page 438.


James McCurdy, B say Mch 1817 ob May 14, 1879 aged 62 yrs 2 mos. married to Sarah Blair b say 1819 & ob Feby 20, 1897 aged 78 yrs. He died in the country at Reelsville, Putnam Co, Ind & she died at Benwood, Clay Co, Ind. Had 5 children. Thinks all born in Westmoreland Co, Pa.

Samuel McCurdy, B Oct 17, 1845 ob Dec 28, 1912, married Oct 27, 1874 to Eva Ernhart B Dec 9, 1850 in Clay Co, Ind & died Apr at the Soldiers Home at Lafayette, Ind 9 or 10 yrs ago. No issue.

Mary Elizabeth, B Jany 20, 1849, ob July 4, 1917 at Seeleyville, Ind. Married Nov 9, 1871 to Harry Hice who lives near Seeleyville. Have 3 boys, all married. His P.O. is Seeleyville, Ind aged over 70. He was born May 31, 1846 in Indiana Co, Pa son of Geo W. Hice & wife Phoebe Sutton, see next page 441.

Julia Ann McCurdy, B Mch 27, 1852 ob Feby 20, 1879 married 1874 to Thomas Rice who she thinks lives in Urbana, Ills. Had 2 boys see bk 16 p 252.

Irvin, lives in Clinton, Ind

Elza, lives in Ills

Robert McCurdy, B Mch 29, 1855 ob June 21, 1908 married Dec 5, 1878 to Belle Ernhart B July 9, 1860, my informant for this record, daughter of Manuel F. Ernhart & his wife Mary Harris. He was a farmer. Had 8 children all born in Washington Tp near Reelsville, Putnam, Co, Ind.

Frank, B Aug 28, 1879 ob Sept 2, 1879

John McCurdy, B Aug 3, 1880 ob Aug 3, 1880

Samuel Walter, B Oct 10, 1883 married May 1910 to Mary King. Both living in Jacksonville, Fla where he is carpenter for the W.U. Tel Co. Have 2 children born in Indianapolis, Ind.

Floyd, B Mch 1913

Mildred, B June 1915

Mary Blanche, B Feby 18, 1886 married Dec 8, 1903 to Harley Heese B June 28, 1879 son of Lewis Heese & wife Sarah Anna Crouse. Both living Reelsville, Ind where he is a farmer. Have 4 children all born near Reelsville, Ind except 3s born near Lena, Ind.

Florence Marie, B Sept 3, 1904 married May 17, 1925 to Corland Chew (& live here ) B Oct 29, 1896 son of Add Chew & wife Laura Jane Smith

Robert Lewis, B June 7, 1910

Raymond Harold, B July 26, 1913

Helen Lorene, B Dec 1, 1914

Candasa McCurdy, [dau of Robert b 1855] B Aug 22, 1888 married May 12, 1907 to Harry Young, B Sept 30, 1886, son of John Young & wife Elizabeth Lowry. P.O. Brazil, Route 3.

Lora Young, Born Aug 24, 1909

Helen McCurdy, B Apr 8, 1894, married Apr 8, 1913 to Henry Edwin Downing born Aug 14, 1892 son of John A. Downing & wife Annie Anderson. Both living P.O. Brazil, Ind route 5. Have 2 children born in Clay Co, Ind.

Ruth Dorene Downing, B July 26, 1913

Stanley Paul Downing, B Dec 28, 1914

William Gayle McCurdy, B Sept 28, 1896 married Dec 24, 1918 to Edith Hoffman, born Sept 23, 1900, daughter of Edward

Hoffman & wife Estella May Shores. Living just across the street. He is a painter & decorator.

Robert Edward McCurdy, B Sept 28, 1919

Ralph Howard McCurdy, B May 20, 1922

James Ralph, B Oct 7, 1901 unmarried. Lives here with his mother. He is a decorator.

William Blair McCurdy [son of James McCurdy b Mch 1817] B Apr 23, 1861 ob Feby 20, 1922 in Terre Haute, but is buried in Bee Ridge Cem near here. Unmarried.

Barbara Ann McCurdy [dau of Isabella Finley McCurdy] b 1824

[descendant chart]

Mary Elizabeth McCurdy, married Harry Hice see page 440 Had 3 sons all born in Clay Co, Ind.


Stewart S. Hice, B Dec 21, 1874 married Dec 11, 1898 to Mattie Williams

Albert Hice, B Mch 6, 1878 married Nov 19, 1903 to Minnie Price

Frank Hice, B Nov 28, 1880 married Dec 2, 1922 to Ella Deal.

V15 Page 442

At residence of Maria Elizabeth Belk, Van Buren Tp, Clay Co, Ind (P.O. Brazil, route 7, Ind) Dec 30, 1925 2 PM

Mr John Albert Finley younger half brother of Mrs Belk brought me out in his car & we have here the old bible from N.C. she says of her grandfather, George Finley, Revolutionary soldier. They do not know they maiden name of his first wife Margaret, by whom he had two children, William & France. He married second, Mrs Mary Ross, widow of John Ross who had two children by her first husband, viz:

Aaron Ross born Aug 25, 1800

Rebecca Ross born June 13, 1802

Mrs Ross, maiden name was Mary Bishop. I am starting a genealogical table of George Finley's family on page 444 et seq.

Mrs Belk says her grandfather, George Finley had brothers, James, Joseph & John & a sister Elizabeth, who married a Cunningham. Their father died in Guilford, Co N.C. His wife survived him & after visiting her different children in the neighborhood, she stopped at her son George's & remained with him, bedfast, until she died being "pretty old".

James Finley, brother of George died in N.C. & had but one son, John

V15 Page 443

who went to California & never got back, was a young man & unmarried, went for gold & it is supposed he was killed. James had also four girls, good looking & who worked out on the farm.

Joseph had two boys. He was married twice. He died in N.C. willing the farm to his 2d wife for life & then to go to his boys by 1st wife. She married again & sold her life estate & the purchaser about used it up.

John was married & lived in Guilford Co, N.C. but Mrs B. can't recall anything about his family.

Elizabeth Cunningham had a family & lived in Guilford Co, N.C.

Tabitha, first wife of Wm was bitten by a snake she stepped on when going to the spring house & died.

Louie Nichols, dau of Wm by his 2d wife lives in Putnam Co abt 1 1/2 miles fr Fillmore, Ind, her husband Henry also living. She is in her 85th yr. Has 6 children living.

Charles, the youngest child by 3d wife was the only other child of Wm living a yr or so ago.

John Thomas & George Finley Heath lives on farms out fr Muncie & well to do. P.O. wd be Muncie RFD. Mary is a widow & lives in Muncie. Her husband was John DeWitt.

Leaving 4:30 PM

V15 Page 444 & V15 Page 445

[descendant chart]

George Finley was born Dec 15, 1757 & died Jany 28, 1833. He was from Kent Co, Md & moved to Guilford Co, N.C. where he had a farm near Guilford Co & where the battle of Guilford was fought. He served in the Revolutionary War. Married 1 Margaret ______ who bore him two children, a son & a daughter. Married 2 Mary Ross nee Bishop widow of John Ross. She was born May 31, 1778 & died Apr 20, 1866 aged 88 yrs. Mrs B. thinks she was born in Maryland. She died less than a mile from here in Washington Tp, Putnam Co, Ind & is buried in Wash. Tp, Putnam Co. He died in Guilford Co N.C. & is buried there. His children were all born in N.C. & Mrs B's father was then 12 yrs old. After her husband's death, they left N.C. the morning stars fell in Oct? 1833 & went to Preble Co, O where her father, Robert Bishop lived. Her mother was his first wife. She rented a farm there on the state line where she remained 8 yrs & then in 1842 removed to Washington Tp, Putnam Co, Ind & entered land.


William Finley by 1st wife, B Jany 27, 1797, ob Oct 30, 1874 married 1 in N.C. to Tabitha Watherly. Married 2 in N.C. to Adah Bishop, daughter of Aaron Bishop. He moved to Delaware Co, Ind abt 1829 or 30 & he died in Delaware Co. Married 3 in Ind, Mrs Martha Graves who survived him. Had 3 children by 1st & 3 by last wife, but don't know by 2d, but thinks 5 or 6. Some of the children died in N.C. The children by 1st wife see book 16 p 221.




See bk 19 pages 280-291

John (by 2d wife) married, ob.


3 other children

Sylvanus (by 2d wife) ob.

Elizabeth, (by 2d wife), ob

Louise, (by 3d wife) married Nichols P.O. Mt Meridian, Ind 90 yrs old see bk 19 p 400-107

Charles (by 3d wife)

France Finley, daughter [of George Finley] by 1st wife, B June 11, 1798 ob 1868 aged 70. M. Souther Tomilson. Lived in Henry Co, Ind & died. He was a widower with 4 children, but she had no issue. Had one child who died in infancy.

Robert Bishop, B Dec 18, 1806 ob 1814 aged 8 yrs

Elizabeth Cunningham, B Sept 24, 1887 ob Aug 28, 1852 married Mch 16, 1837 to James Phillips. She died here & he in Ills. see p 446.

Mary Jane, ob.

George, ob

Martha, ob Nov 24, 1925 in Idaho

James, ob

John, living at Harmony, Ind, blind. Can give record. Wife living Runs Tel Ex.

David, living in Vigo Co, a coal miner & a "Scalawag"

John Breaden [son of George Finley] B Sept 7, 1809 ob Jany 1, 1858. Married Emily Wright, daughter of Isaac Wright & wife Rachel. He died near Ellis Grove, Randolph Co, Ills. Had 8 children all dead but one & he is blind.

George W., aged abt 70. P.O. Ellis Grove, Ills. His wife writes. See page 532.

George Washington Finley, B Mch 31, 1812, ob Sept 21, 1879 aged 67 yrs 5 mos 20 days. He died in this Co, unmarried.

Araminta Bishop Finley, B Feby 14, 1814 ob Dec 13, 1905 married October 1840 Harvey Heath who died Feby 25, 1903. He was born in N.C. Mch 13, say 1813 as he as abt 90 when he died. Died in Muncie, Ind at their daughter's. See page 447.

Robert, ob.



Jaines, [sic] ob

A boy, ob


Eleanor Emily Finley, B Apr 11, 1816 ob in Janesville, Ill aged abt 70. married David Barnett & had 4 children, raised but two & only one living. see book 16 p 224.

2. Mary Marinda, B Oct 15, 1845 ob. married Welcome McElroy

3. Maria Frances, B July 21, 1847 married Frank Snyder. He is dead & she lives at Toledo, Ills & can give record.

1. John Lenox, B Feby 28, 1844 ob 1846

4. Candasa Ellen, B Aug 9, 1849 ob Sept 20, 1849

Mary Finley, B Sept 15, 1818, ob May 15, 1819

James Milton Finley, B Aug 29, 1820 ob Dec 29, 1907 married 1 Oct 15, 1842 to Irzrelda Gordon B Feby 23, 1822 ob Apr 17, 1845 aged 22 yrs. She was born in Union Con, Ind on the state line daughter of Chas Gordon & wife Rachel Gard. Mrs B., my informant was her only child. Married 2 abt 1847 just before his brother Joseph B. died to Sarah Ann Belk born Feby 10, 1824 & died Apr 18, 1910 aged 86, daughter of Wm Belk & wife Elizabeth Bolin. He had but one child by 1st wife & 6 children by 2d wife.

Maria Elizabeth Finley, B July 6, 1843 married Oct 25, 1877 to Benjamin Franklin Belk born Apr 5, 1840 & ob Apr 6, 1896 son of Wm & Elizabeth above named. Have had 2 children born in this Tp viz:

Mary Lillis, B Feby 16, 1881

James Arthur, B June 15, 1883

Both at home unmarried.

Joseph Riley Finley, B Oct 17, 1848 ob May 12, 1912 see book 16 p 225

Rhoda Elizabeth Finley, B Mch 21, 1853 ob Apr 15, 1855

George William Finley, B Apr 29, 1855 married Sept 28, 1881 to Emma Belle Bragdon born July 22, 1856 in Clermont Co, O daughter of Jotham Bragdon & wife Asenath Fairfield

Dorothy Pearl, B Dec 21, 1883

Lois Ruby, B Feby 3, 1887

Reba Crystal, B Oct 11, 1891

John Albert Finley, B Apr 5, 1808 married 1 Aug 10, 1882 to Martha Davis B Apr 9, 1860 ob Oct 10, 1910 aged 49 yrs & had 3 children, daughter of Eleazer Davis & wife Ann Griffith. married 2 June 13, 1915 to Martha Denson, widow of Edward Denson & daughter of Cyrus Edwards & his wife Sarah Elizabeth Pritchert. She was born Feby 4, 1875. No issue by 2d wife.

Gladys, B Nov 29, 1884 ob Aug 29, 1885 aged 21 mos

Vita Ethel, B Dec 2, 1890 an extra good expert teacher now teaching in St Joe, MO

John Myron, B June 7, 1897 at home single

James Franklin Finley [son of James Milton Finley, b Mch 30, 1862, ob Aug 20, 1866 aged 6? yrs

Robert Elza Finley, B Aug 30, 1865 see book 16 p 225.

Joseph Bishop Finley, [son of George Finley] B June 29, 1826 ob Apr 26, 1848 aged 21, unmarried was 1st corpse Mrs B. ever saw.

V15 Page 446 & V15 Page 447

[descendant chart]

George Finley 1757-1833 married Mary Ross nee Bishop see page 444.


Elizabeth Cunningham Finley, married James Phillips. Had six children.

Mary Jane Phillips ob. married to John Carr, ob. Have 4 children.

Harriet, married Criss. No issue. Her address: Harriet Carr Chryst [sic] 2438 Central Ave, Indianapolis, Ind. [address apparently added later & probably has correct surname spelling]

Elizabeth, married. Have one daughter

Charles, married. Have 5 children

Florence, married. Have 2 children.

George Phillips, ob of small pox aged 10 yrs

Martha Ellen Phillips, ob. married Green Belk, ob. son of Wm & Betsy Belk. Had 2 children.

James Franklin, m.1. Margt T. Ellis, m.2 Angeline Powell. Had 4 children by 1st wife.

Jenny Myrtle

Margaret Telitha

Clarence Franklin

Martha Ellen

William, ob. 1918 by falling fr a ladder at his home in Boise Idaho. Unmarried.

Janies [sic] Lewis Phillips [son of Elizabeth C. Finley & James Phillips] ob. married Melissa Rummel. Have 6 children.

Clem, married Maria Brann


Anna, married Axton Payne. Have 4 sons, 1 day

Hester married Ed Brown


Phronia, married Sam Wellings

George Phillips, married Hazel Trout


Helen M.

John Henry Phillips, married Carrie Lucas. 2 children.

Jennie, married to Scott. No issue

Elizabeth, married. Have one child.


David Nelson Phillips married Sentor. Pencil marks indicate 5 children. [not listed]

Araminta Bishop Finley [dau of George & Mary Bishop Ross] see page 445 see book 19 P 324-338 & 348-354. Married Oct 1840 Harvey Heath, born Mch 18, 1814 & died Feby 25, 1905, son of Robert Heath & wife Amillie ____ See bk 19 p 370 item 172. Had 7 children.

1. Robert Washington Heath, B Sept 2, 1842 ob Aug 18, 1891 married June 26, 1864 Mary E. Sentor. Have 2 sons & a daughter.

May, They had 10 children see bk 19 p 375-8 & p 394 for bible record. [2 sons mentioned above not listed]

2. John Thomas Heath, b Mch 28, 1844. Living. married Apr 8, 1869 Delilah Pitzer see b 19 p 326-9.

1. Charles G., B Mch 15, 1870 ob Apr 20, 1871.

2. Laura M., B Apr 24, 1872 ob Feby 1, 1873

3. Merritt, B. Dec 26, 1873 married Nov 10, 1895. Have 7 children see book 19 p 330-1

Crystal, B Nov 16, 1896

Grace P., B Mch 10, 1901

Edith A., B Jany 6, 1906

Gladys M., B July 31, 1903

Howard W., B June 29, 1908

Lorene Alberta Pauline, B Aug 30, 1912

Ralph 4. Addie, B May 8, 1876 married Feby 18, 1897

5. Edward E., B Apr 13, 1878 married Dec 24, 1902. Have 2 children.

6. Jesse C. B. Sept 6, 1880 married Dec 24, 1903. Have 3 children.

5. George Finley Heath [son of Araminta B. Finley & Harvey Heath] B July 16, 1850. m.1. m.2. m.3. see bk 19 p 332-8



4 other children

See Bk 19 p 332 for bible record & births of 11 children in all.

Amelia[14] _¦__#-_#u____ George A., married, aged


Elza, married


3. Mary Emalia Heath, b Jany 3, 1846 married Oct 13, 1867 to John W. DeWitt see book 19 p 321-314 [sic]

8. Rebecca A. Heath B Mch 16, 1856 married John H. Duff. She died Oct 26, 1906.

Robert C., ob 1918 at Fresno, Calif. aged 18 yrs

9. Levina E. Heath, B Apr 3, 1858 married James H. Richman B 1858 ob 19 [sic] No issue. She died 1924. See bk 19 p 373 item 190

4. Frances Ellen Heath, B July 11, 1848 married Abe McConnell see bk 19 p 320 & 348-52. She died May 14, 1886. Married Feby 16, 1870 Abraham McConnell being his 2d wife, son of John McConnell & wife Elizabeth Covalt. He was born June 17, 1843 & died May 10, 1921. Both buried in Tomlinson Cem & her 9 children were born in this Co. Their full names & bible record are at b 19 p 348 & no room to enter here.

Infant son, Born & died Aug 20, 1870

Infant son, born & died Apr 3, 1871

Dessie, B Jany 28, 1872

Bertha, B Nov 2, 1873

Retta, B Nov 25, 1874

Harvey, B Sept 17, 1877

Charles, B Mch 8, 1880

Curtis B June 12, 1882 ob Dec 28, 1882

Jesse, B Sept 2, 1883

6. James Allen Heath [son of Araminta B. Finley & Harvey Heath] B Apr 12, 1852 ob July 11, 1871 d.y. aged 19 yrs 2 mos 29 days

7. Wm Younger Heath, B Feby 27, 1854 ob Oct 28, 1855 d.y. see bk 19 p 369 item 168.

V15 Page 448

Jany 28, 1926 12:38 AM, have made all slips to here JVT

Room 608, Hotel Deming, Terre Haute, Ind Dec 30, 1925 8:30 PM

Mr A.R. Markle has kindly come in from Ferguson Hill to continue the record from his grandfather, Nelson Markle & to give some further information that he gathered today.

The service of Abraham Markle in the U.S. army in War of 1812 began with his enlistment as Capt Dec 12, 1813 probably very shortly after coming from Canada in Lieut Col Willcox's detachment in U.S. Vol (Canadians) & was paid as Capt to Apr 19, 1814 & thereafter as Major & ended June 30, 1814, but as we have heretofore stated, he drew pay until June 15, 1815. See C.K. Gardner's Dictionary of Army & Navy officers Pub NY 1853, Disbanded June 15, 1815.

Further, Wm Markle, son of Abraham, 2d Lieut of Canadian Volunteers Apr 19, 1814 retained May 1815 in rifles resigned Mch 31, 1817. Mr Markle gave me the six pages of record page 452 to 457 inclusive of the descendants of his grandfather Nelson Markle & by that time it was 12:30 AM the 31st & his son Richard Theodore becoming impatient (& he

V15 Page 449

having driven his father in in their auto) they left at 12:44 Am giving me a batch of card index cards, 49 in number, covering the descendants of his great uncles Frederick C., Joseph W. & Napoleon Buonaparte, from which to make up their records.

On arrival in Brazil at abt 9:30 Am 30th, I went to office of Fr G.W. Finley 18 1/2 E. National upstairs & found him with a patient & some waiting. After seeing them, I had a fine talk with him. He has the Finley aspect & a face seared with up & down wrinkles. He told me that Robt McCurdy's widow, Belle had married again & was now the widow Lowry, living with her son at 1704 E. National. The doctors own residence is 115 E Kruzan St. Brazil, Ind. His brother, John A. is also on 2d floor of Citizens NBK building a few steps beyond where he took me & introduced me & upon his telling me his sister aged 83 living six miles out in the country had the old bible of their grandfather George Finley 1757-1833 Revolutionary soldier, I arranged for John A. to take me out in his auto at 1 PM.

Dr Finley showed me a letter from Mrs A.M. Honeywell 610 E. Penn St, Hoopeston, Ills. She was Mary Finley, sister of Chas R. Finley there, who is

V15 Page 450

President of Grant Tp, mutual Fire Ins Co Hoopeston, Ills

She wrote Dr Geo W. Finley Sept 1, 1925 in which she says descendants of Archibald Finley's sons, John & Henry went to North Carolina. She said Archibald's other sons, Alexander & Archibald never left Penna (see if she can give their sons). She names his son John Findley as her gr gr grandfather & does not think he went to N.C. to live but only to visit Daniel Boone who he had known in Penna. Says she has not found out how many children, he had, but says there was her great grandfather, John & one girl who married a Mr Brown, who raised my grandfather, David Finley. She signed the letter "Mary Finley Honeywell". She says Henry Finley, 2d, son of Archibald was born in Ireland abt 1721 or 1722 & came to America in 1734, settling in upper part of Warrington Tp, Buck Co, Pa & married Elizabeth, daughter of Wm Walker before 1752. In 1758, he lived in Hilltown Tp. Soon after, he moved with his family to London Co, Va & from there to Kentucky in 1788 as recited in the "American Ararat". Little is known of his family except that one of his daughters married Lieut John Wallace, who removed with

V15 Page 451

the family to Ky (Look for wills of both Henry Finley & John Wallace or deeds to & from at Williamsburg, Ky). I recall that Finley A. McNutt said he felt very sure that the mother of Cyrus H. McCormick was a Finley or that he was a Finley descendant & he says his son Harold McCormick has the Finley aspect. Look this up in "Who's Who" in America or else where.

John A. Finley said he commenced teaching school when 17 yrs old & taught for 20 yrs, the last & as Principal of the Brazil Schools & then went in the R.E. & Insurance business in which he has continued. He said there was a Ross Caruthers in Brazil who is Supt of a hydraulic plant. Write him. I got in from Mrs Belk's at 5 PM & went to Dr Finley's residence where I met him & his wife & he loaned me the record made up by his daughter D. Pearl to supplement my table on pages 444-5 & then return. He & his wife gave me names & dates of their three daughters, all unmarried as shown on page 445. The doctor also said there is a Dr Palmer Findley, a noted surgeon in Omaha, Neb. Also that he had a brother in Indianapolis where there were many other Finleys. He wanted me to stay for supper, but I could not & left at 6 PM. It is now 3:22 AM 31st Dec & I will go to bed.

V15 Page 452 & V15 Page 453

V15 Page 454 & V15 Page 455

[descendant chart]

Nelson Markle, see page 429. He was a miller, the greater part of his life. For 14 yrs from 1833 to 1847 in conjunction with his brother Henry, he owned & ran a stage coach line fr Terre Haute to Lafayette, Ind. He was a Whig & Republican. He had 13 children, the first two born in Terre Haute, the next seven at Rob Roy, Ind the next one in Otter Creek Tp, the next one at Brazil & the last two in Bowling Green, Ind then the Co seat of Clay Co. He died of blood poisoning following injuries to his hand from a shock of fodder. Continued on Page 455.


Helen, B Nov 9, 1830 ob Oct 13, 1841

Maria, B Sept 11, 1832 ob Mch 4, 1915 married Oct 31, 1854 to Walter C. Elkin, B Mch 1, 1831 ob Jany 17, 1892 son of Merriman Elkin & wife Susan America Bailey. He was an atty & died near Clay City, Ind, was in Civil War. She died at Bloomfield, Ind. Both buried at Bowling Green, Ind. Had 3 children born at Bowling Green, Ind.

Helen Olive, B July 27, 1855 married May 15, 1879 to Ivan Burness Harris, B May 9, 1854 at Bowling Green, Ind ob July 11, 1919 at Bloomfield, Ind. She is living at No 6238 St Lawrence St. Chicago Ill Tel Fairfax 3455. Had 3 children born at Clay City, Ind.

Roscoe B. Harris, B Jany 11, 1881 married June 27, 1908 to Mary Dora Schobel, B Sept 7, 1880 dau of August Schobel & wife Amalie Strouss. She was born in Chicago, Ills.

Helen Kathryn, B Mch 22, 1910

Don Carlos, B Aug 8, 1912 Don Harris, B Feby 25, 1882, ob May 5, 1906, unmarried.

Ronald, B June 26, 1889 ob Nov 28, 1913, unmarried.

Belle, B May 13, 1857 ob Oct 27, 1858

Frederick M., B June 2, 1861 ob Apr 3, 1912 married Oct 5, 1899 Ivor Hudson, ob Feby 19, 19?? Don't know date of her birth

Frederick Markle [son of Nelson Markle] B Aug 29, 1834 ob Mch 20, 1850, unmarried.

Caroline, B Oct 12, 1836 ob Jany 2, 1888, married Apr 26, 1859 to Dr J.T. Duffield, died. He deserted his wife, was a surgeon in Civil War, vaccinated my informant abt 1874. She died at Bowling Green, Ind. Had 4 children born in Clay Co, Ind.

Wm Nelson, B Apr 4, 1860 ob May 1, 1912, married to Belle Lancaster

Walter Bowen, B Mch 4, 1897

Clarence Morris

Wm Edward


Theodore Preston, B Feby 1, 1862 ob Aug 1887 unmarried supposed to have fallen fr a bridge in K.C., MO on which he was working. e

Aula Belle, B Nov 16, 1863, ob. m.1. m.2. Oct 15, 1882 to Ed Cullen son of Thomas Cullen & wife Ann. He is living at Bowling Green, Ind. 10 children.

Ruth Cullen, B Mch 12, 1884 married Dec 10, 1905 to Ernest Drake. Both living at Fosteria, O where he is a flour mill supt. Have 3 children born in Bowling Green, Ind.

Harold Ernest, B Sept 14, 1906

Aula, B Dec 1909

Ruby Evelyn, B Sept 1911

Nelle, B Dec 17, 1885 ob at Bowling Green. married Oct 9, 1913 to J. Fred Hoffa. He is a blacksmith at Bowling Green, Ind.

Ruth Elizabeth, B Oct 19, 1914

Smith, B Nov 11, 1887 married Oct 9, 1911 to Iris Elizabeth Alexander.

Chas Max, B Sept 22, 1914 ob Oct 2, 1914

Ivan, B July 9, 1889 ob Aug 11, 1897

Jennie, B May 1891, ob

Robert, B Nov 13, 1895

George, B Nov 3, 1897, ob

Hazel, B Sept 8, 1900, married

Mary Bradshaw, B Nov 30, 1902

Catherine Imogene, B Oct 8, 1904, married

George Duffield [son of Caroline Markle & Dr J.T. Duffield] enlisted in Reg Army & deserted.

Harley G. Markle [son of Nelson Markle] b Jany 27, 1840 ob Dec 9, 1911 married 1 June 3, 1869 to Laura E. Fullerton, ob. Mch 20, 1872 in childbirth. Had one child before. Married 2 Oct 31, 1878 Sarah J. McQuilkin & she is living at Chanute, Ks. She had 6 children born in Kansas.

May, B Mch 12, 1870 married Aug 8, 1886 to Robert Ross. Both living at 902 Forest St Chanute, Kansas. Have 5 children.

Harriet, B Dec 4, 1887 ob June 28, 1904 unmarried.

Wilda, B Sept 1889

Merritt, B Jany 14, 1893

Della, B July 9, 1897

Marion Elmore, B June 18, 1903

Guert, B Apr 20, 1880

Anna, B Apr 17, 1881

Bertha, B Feby 5, 1883

Harvey, B Feby 5, 1883

Oliver Morton, B Mch 19, 1884 ob Sept 2, 1917

Robert McQuilkin, B Mch 1, 1889 Theodore Markle, [son of Nelson Markle] born Apr 12, 1842 & ob Sept 29, 1922 at Terre Haute, Ind & is buried in Highland Laren Cem here. He enlisted at Terre haute & quota being full, he went to Bowling Green, Ind & on Apr 12, 1861 enlisted in Co T. 21st Int V.I. Dug up some guns at Baton Rouge, La & therefrom was formed the first Ind. artillery. He served until 1866. He was on Genl Butler's staff at New Orleans & on Gen Taliaferro staff at Mobile, Ala. Married Oct 7, 1868 to Lorendo Elizabeth Kilgore born Nov 30, 1839 at Brookville, Ind. see next page.

[which reads] Theodore Markle ctd from preceding page, daughter of Cyrus Kilgore born 1812 in Franklin Co, Pa & died 1888 at Abilene, Kan & his wife Julia Ann Keeler. He was son of David Kilgore & Margaret Baird. She died July 30, 1882 & is buried in Woodlawn Cem Terre Haute Ind. Had 5 children, eldest born in Bowling Green, viz my informant where she taught school fr 1866 to 1868 & taught 1 yr after he was born, their next two near Abilene, Kan & the last two in Terre Haute. Married 2 Aug 26, 1896 to Mary E. Reeves B Aug 8, 1844 & is living here in Terre haute, Ind daughter of John & Elizabeth Reeves. No issue by her.

Augustus Robert, B Nov 24, 1869, my informant married Mch 31, 1894 to Lena Elizabeth Blue. Born Sept 14, 1866 at Aledo, Ill dau of David Blue & wife Harriet Ohl. Both living at Ferguson Hill, Ind (P.O. Terre Haute, Ind Box 506) where he is a utility engineer. She was a posthumous child. Her father having died on Feby 1866. Have had 13 children born viz 1st & 3rd in Terre Haute & 2d in Brazil, Ind.

John Markle, B Aug 26, 1895 ob Feby 8, 1915 unmarried.

Margaret Mary, B Aug 3, 1900 married 1 Dec 13, 1922 to Wm C. Ross Born Nov 9, 1898 & divorced Feby 1825. One child born in Terre Haute. Married 2 Mch 14, 1925 to Arthur Woodcock B Apr 4, 1899 living with her father, Wm C. Ross B Nov 9, 1890 was son of Wm Ross & wife Harriet MacAllen. Arthur Woodcock, son of John & Jane Woodcock was born near Standish, Eng.

John Markle Ross, B Dec 12, 1923 ob Sept 13, 1924

Elizabeth Jane Woodcock, B Dec 8, 1925 at Ferguson Hill

Richard Theodore, B Sept 1, 1906 at home, now in Polytechnical Institute.

Grace, B July 12, 1872, married Aug 14, 1897 to George Starr, B Oct 31, 1851 in New Jersey, son of Henry Starr sea Capt & wife Anna Bareford. Both living at No 425 E. High St, Lexington, Ky where he is a horse trainer. No issue. Write her.

Florence, B Feby 13, 1873 unmarried dressmaker living here in Terre Haute

Paul S. Markle, B July 27, 1876, married Nov 7? 1910 to Mabel Lancaster of Cairo, Ills. Both living c/o Callahan Construction Co, Railway Exchge Bldg, St Louis, Mo. No issue.

Robert Markle, B May 9, 1881, ob Aug 9, 1881

George Markle 8th child [of Nelson Markle] B Aug 4, 1844 at Rob Roy, Ind ob Mch 6, 1913 at Terre Haute. Married Dec 21, 1869 to Mary E. Price, B

Mch 10, 1847 & died Aug 26, 1924 at Treton, Ky daughter of Daniel Price &

wife Catherine Jane Sproat. Had one child born at Middleburg, Ind Mary Elizabeth Price was born at Elizabethtown, Pa

Gertrude Markle, B June 20, 1881 married Mch 19, 1902 to Albert Arthur Richmond, B Sept 21, 1879 son of Thomas Richmond & wife Emma Bohn. Both living in Trenton, Ky where he is a merchant. No issue. He was born at Danville, Ills.

Abraham, 5th chil, b Aug 29, 1838 ob Sept 14, 1838

Joseph, B Mch 4, 1847 ob Mch 14, 1847

Oliver Hickox, B Apr 18, 1848 ob Dec 4, 1914 married June 25, 1874 to Alpharetta Joanna Perry born at Waverly, Ind Sept 3, 1856, daughter of Thomas L. Perry & wife Joanah Brunnemer. She died Mch 10, 1920 at Ind. Had 5 children born the 1st at Mt Meridian, Ind 2d & 3d at Worthington, Ind 4th at Friendswood, Ind & the 5th at Clay City, Ind.

Harry Perry, B Feby 15, 1875 ob Oct 30, 1917 at Terre Haute, Ind. Married Jany 5, 1899 to Dora Rowe. B Mch 2, 1877 in Ross Co, [state unreadable] daughter of Isaac Rowe & wife Allie G. Ware. No issue. Married & lives at Muncie. Wife of F.L. Reese P.O. RR5 Muncie, Ind.

Laura, B July 20, 1876, unmarried living in Dallas, Texas at 5639 Bell Ave.

Thomas Claude, B June 26, 1878 ob May 22, 1910 at Pueblo, Colo, married May 22, 1900 Effie Steiner born Feby 15, 1883 daughter of William Steiner & wife Rhoda Burkhart. She is living in Clay City, Ind with her parents. Two children born, Grace in Muncie, Ind, Gretchen in Terre Haute, Ind & their mother in Clay City, Ind.

Grace, B Mch 18, 1901 married Mch 12, 1919 to Hayes Leister Hutchins, son of Horatio Leister Hutchins & wife Iva Hayes. Live at Westfield, Ills. He born Sept 20, 1895 at Omaha, Neb.

Richard Markle, B Aug 20, 1920 at Westfield, Ills

Elizabeth Hayes, B Sept 4, 1922 at Westfield, Ills

Gretchen, B Dec 18, 1902 school teacher at Clay City, Ind unmarried. Write her.

Clayton Nelson, B Jany 16, 1880 ob Nov 30, 1917 at St Barrise, Ind. Married Sept 22, 1904 to Anna Melton. She lives in Terre Haute & works in Root Dry Goods Co Has one child

Helen Alys B Nov 6, 1906, unmarried

Ermina, B Sept 9, 1884. Living in Indianapolis c/o Sander & Recker Fur Co unmarried. Will give inf on her mother's family. If she does not, try Gretchen. She wrote Feby 19/26 large env & is much interested & wants a book. She lives at No 45 the Blacheme Aprs Indianapolis, Ind.

Maurice [son of Nelson Markle] B Jany 1, 1851 married June 12, 1881 to May E. Harris who died Oct 15, 1912. Had 3 children born Clay City, Ind. See page 456

Nancy Burnett, B Sept 23, 1882 married June 12, 1906 to Morten C. Grisner.

Matilda A.B. B May 12, 1886 married June 25, 1916 M.O. Seifert

Evalyn, B Nov 2[blotted] 1889 married Feby 18, 1915 to G.W. Mims

V15 Page 456 & V15 Page 457

[descendant chart]

[Nelson Markle descendants continued]


Maurice Markle, see page 455

Nancy Burnett, married Morton C. Grismer (have 4 children) born July 14, 1880 son of Calvin Edgar Grismer & wife Rosa Hyatt. Both living at Maroa, Ills in the town where he is a traveling salesman.

Homer Harris, B June 12, 1907 at Terre Haute, Ind

Virginia Rose, B Oct 12, 1910 at Terre Haute, Ind

Matilda Ann Bennett, married Martin Otto Seifert born Aug 13, 1882 son of Martin Luther Seifert & wife Anna Elizabeth Heller. Both living at 4512 Mayon ST East Chicago, Ind. Write to her of her husbands & her mother's family. Have 2 children born at East Chicago & also of her sister Eva.

Martin Markle, B Dec 9, 1917

Richard Morton, B Oct 11, 1921

Evalyn Markle, married 1st on Feby 18, 1915 George Whitfield Mims b Mch 31, 1890 at Clanton, Ala & killed in Fla at Lakeland on Jany 19, 1918, son of George W. Mims & his wife Laura Durbin. She is living in Calif & had one child born. Married 2 Jany 4, 1925 to Thompson Vern Cromwell born Aug 1, 1887 at Menoken, Kan, son of Samuel Thompson Cromwell & wife Winifred Banks. Their present address is 1125 6th ST, San Diego, Calif.

Lucia Lee Mims, b May 11, 1918 in Lafayette, Ind.

Napoleon Bonaparte Markle [son of Nelson Markle] B Feby 15, 1853 ob Aug 16, 1917. Married Oct 11, 1882 to Evaline Baker & died Jany 11, 1895 Get data fr Gretchen Markle of Clay City. No issue. Married 2 June 1, 1908 to Ada Stocker & is living in Chicago. Ask Nelle Harris. Has two children born in Chicago, Ills where he died.

Mildred Louise, B May 6, 1909, unmarried.

Helen Ada, B Aug 9, 1911 unmarried

Aula H. Markle, B July 24, 1857 ob Aug 8, 1858. She was 13th & youngest child of Nelson.

V15 Page 458

AT office of Finley Alexander McNutt, Erwin Block Terre Haute, Ind Dec 31, 1925 8:33 AM

Mr McNutt says he weighs 215 & is 5 ft 6 in high & has an arm as big as Hunnie's elephantiasis arm & hard as steel. He graduated at Annapolis, Md in class of 1882.

His wife, Irma Thomas was born Nov 19, 1869 at Rockville, Ind daughter of Calvin Thomas & wife Libbie Moore who was descended from the Earls of Drogheda. Their daughter:

Elizabeth Finley McNutt was born Apr 9, 1894 in Terre Haute, Ind and married Sept 3, 1915 James Albert Dailey Sr born June 29, 1893 son of John A. Dailey & wife Clara Belle Woollen. Both living at 616 Greenway Terrace, Kansas City, MO where he is an electrical engineer & have two children the oldest born in Terre Haute, Ind & the youngest there:

1. James Albert Dailey born July 23, 1916

2. Elizabeth Finley Dailey born Sept 22, 1921 being the anniversary of Emancipation Day.

Left 8:50 AM

V15 Page 459

At residence of Geo W. Givens Vermilion, Ills Dec 31, 1925 10 AM

Mrs Givens was Candasa Ernheart born Apr 18, 1852 & was first married to John W. Trindle who was lost in the Johnstown flood when back on a visit & she is a sister of Mrs Belle Lowry who I saw yesterday. She says for me to write to Robert Blair, Blairsville, Pa, son of Barbara Ann McCurdy, who is abt 75 yrs old & who is a retired farmer. He is a first cousin of J. Wm Trindle whose mother was a Blair, a sister of Barbara Ann's husband. Mrs Givens thinks that Barbara Ann's daughter who lived in Monongahela, Pa is still living. Ask Robert.

Leaving 10:10 AM

At residence of John L. Merkle No 423 W. Court St, Paris, Ills Dec 31, 1925 12:10 PM

Mr Merkle says his first wife's father, Al B. Latta lives at Charleston, Ills, aged near 80 yrs. Write him. His daughter, Lulu Latta born 1869 married 1889 (died abt 1894) John L. Merkle who was born in Paris, Ills in June 1869, son of John Merkle who was born in Baden Germany & came to the U.S. abt 1860. They had two children born here.

1. Latta Merkle, a girl born in 1891

2. Edwin Leslie Merkle, born 1893

Left 12:20 PM

V15 Page 460

At residence of Edwin Edmondson Lodge, No 307 E. Wood St, Paris, Ills Dec 31, 1925 1:40 PM

Mrs Lodge says her mother, Mary Brown Dresbach died at her daughter's, Mrs Harry Bell's at Tuscola, Ill on Friday morning at 8:30 Dec 18, 1925, having been born Jany 11, 1831 & was buried on the following Monday Dec 21, 1925 & in Edgar Cem here in Paris. Her ailment was uremic poisoning.


1. Says her sister at above address, a member of D.A.R. might give this date.

2. Is buried by her husband.

3. don't know

4. don't know

5. don't know

6. don't know

7. don't know

8. don't know

9. the books ctg this inf are at her daughter's

10. don't have

11. don't have

12. don't have

13. Says she was not a widow, was from Ky near Maysville

14. don't know

15. She was his first cousin

V15 Page 361

Susan Negley

Effa Ann Crawford Rowland was born in Adams Co, O July 2, 1820, married Joseph P. Patterson Feby 27, 1839. She died Oct 7, 1844. Had two children:

1. Alice Hale, b Jany 31, 1840 & died at Miamiville, O Dec 31, 1888. Was married in Adams Co May 1, 1860 to Wheeler Collier born in Adams Co, O Apr 27. 1833 & had 6 children.

I. Effie Collier b at Concord, Ky Feby 4, 1861 & ob Concord, Ky June 6, 1864

II. Alvin Collier b at Concord, Ky Sept 15, 1864, ob.

III. Mary Alice b at Branch Hill, O Mch 10, 1868. Living in Pgh, but don't know her married name. Husband was a doctor.

IV. Carrel, B at Aurora, Ind Feby 12, 1871 ob in Cincinnati, Mch 21 1892. Thinks unmarried.

V. Arthur b at Miamiville, O June 30, 1874. Thinks he is living.

VI. John B at Miamiville, O Oct 21, 1876

Alice Hale Collier died in Miamiville, O Dec 31, 1888.

2. Walter Patterson born in Adams Co, O in 1842 & died in 1845, was scalded.

Joseph P. Patterson married 2 Nov 17, 1845 to Susanna Negley who was born in Butler, Pa Feby 13, 1821. She lived to be very old & died in Butler, Pa abt 5 yrs ago. Had

V15 Page 462

two children born in Butler Co

VII. John Negley born Dec 10, 1849 married 1 Miss Emily Stein of Butler, Pa on Dec 31, 1879 & she died Mch 26, 1887. Had one child. Married 2 Oct 22, 1891 to Miss Maud C. Niece of Mercer Co, Pa. Both living in Butler, Pa. No issue.

1a Alice Collier Patterson born in Butler Pa Oct 29, 1887 she married Dr Heilman & both are living in Butler & has 2 children.

VIII. Minnie Hazeltine Patterson born in Butler Pa Dec 28, 1852 married Wm H. Ritter on Sept 4, 1873. Thinks both living in Butler, Pa had 7 children. Think I have.

23. Matilda Ann death, don't have

24. Don't have except thinks her father was Chauncey Olds. She was born in Vermont.

25. Don't know

24. [sic] Helen V. died in Manhattan, Kan. Her mother was Hannah Finley Patterson.

25. Don't know

26. Helen V. was born May 8, 1849. Mary Finley born Mch 16, 1847 ob May 1, 1847 t Yellow Bud, O Edgar Finley born Sept 19, 1853 married July 1, 1886 at Ellsworth, Ks to Miss Elizabeth Emerson who

V15 Page 463

was born at Clones, Ireland May 19, 1864. They had 3 children born at Ellsworth, Kan viz:

I. Mildred Clark born May 27, 1887

II. Lewis Emerson Clark born Dec 21, 1888

III. Helen Ruth Clark Jany 25, 1891

27. Jacob Burchwalter Driesbach was born in Pickaway Co, O Feby 25, 1824 & ob Dec 6, 1899, son of Samuel Driesbach & wife Catharine.

28. Buchwalter. They had 12 children:

1. Thomas Floyd born Nov 21, 1853 ob Oct 22, 1925

2. Lewis Cliff born Oct 30, 1855

3. John ob

4. Catharine Mary born May 13, 1858, ob

5. Effa Ann ob

6. Helen Rosaltha born Nov 22, 1861

7. Charles Martin ob

8. Olive Gertrude born Nov 28, 1864

9. Huger Hugh born Mch 13, 1868

10. Matilda, ob

11. Minnie Alice born May 15, 1873

12. Lou Finley, a girl, born Apr 23, 1875. She married Harry Thomas Bell

Mrs Clark died Apr 23, 1884 at Manhattan, Ks

Helen Rosaltha married Gedaliah Dresbach born in Ross Co, O Oct 5, 1847 & died

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about 10 yrs ago & she lives in Hallsville, O on the edge of the town.

Olive Gertrude, my informant, was married June 26, 1890 to Edwin E. Lodge born in Paris, Ills, Nov 15, 1865, son Charles V. Lodge & Agnes Woolley. Both living here & have had 5 children all born here, 4 of them living.

1. Agnes Woolley Lodge B Apr 18, 1891 ob Nov 5, 1892

2. Mary Patterson b Nov 16, 1892 married Oct 11, 1921 to John Albert Deindoerfer Jr born Nov 17, 1888 son of John Albert Deindoerfer & wife Elizabeth Blackmore. Has one child born in Defiance, O where they live viz:

1a Ann Elizabeth B May 31, 1923

3. Katherine Dresbach b Dec 2, 1896

4. Elizabeth Kyle b Dec 2, 1896

5. Louise Finley b July 2, 1902 at home unmarried.

3. Katharine D. married Jany 1922 to Frank E. Morrison son of Alf A. Morrison & wife Anna Hostetter. Living here where he has a cleaner & dyer estab.

1a Margery born July 25, 1923

2a Richard Lodge born Nov 17, 1925

V15 Page 465

4. Elizabeth K. married Oct 25, 1921 to Ivan Porter Jacobsen born Aug 1900 son of John Jacobsen & wife Alice Porter. Have one child born Neoga, Ills where they live.

1a John Edwin born July 17, 1922

29. knows nothing

30. She says Joseph Lewis Finley was born Feby 20, 1753

Leaving 3:20 PM

The Paris, Ills Aug 1925 Telephone Book gave the following:

Bartlett, Harry, Farm residence RR No 7 Tel 5635

Bartlett, J.W. Res 501 Walcott Tell 379-L

Write them both.

The conductor on the C&E.I.RR said there were trains tonight from Hoopeston to Chicago on their road at 3:35 AM 4:45, 7:44 & 9:42 all AM I took the first one.

V15 Page 466

At residence of Mrs Mary Finley Honeywell No 610 E. Penn St. Hoopeston, Ills Dec 31, 1925 8:30 PM

I came here by taxi from the Cunningham Hotel abt 7:15 PM & find Mrs Honeywell's unmarried daughter & her married daughter from Streator, Ills & they say their mother is out to a dinner & to a party to watch the old year out. They have gotten out the D.A.R. papers showing service of both John Finley, who took Boone into Ky & his son John Jr in the Revolutionary War. Also a list of the children, seventeen in number of David Finley, the son of John Jr & his 17th child, Watts Finley was the father of Mrs Honeywell. They also have a four page pamphlet, fine print on the "Finleys of Bucks" from which Maj A.F. France has no doubt copied much of what he wrote me.

I will commence first with the D.A.R. paper of John Finley Sr who piloted Boone into Ky which says:

"John Finley Sr was born in Ireland in 1724 & resided during the Revolution in Washington Co, Virginia. John Finley Sr born 1724 died

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after 1777, married 1744 to Elizabeth Harris who died 1769 (She was daughter of John Harris Sr of Harris's Ferry & his wife Esther Say).

His son, John Finley Jr born 1760 died 1846 married first 1780 to Priscilla Hayes born 1761? & died 1836.

Their son, David Finley born 1781 died 1853 married 1803, Nancy Miller born 1787 & died 1853.

Their son, Watts Finley born 1833 died 1907 married 1859 Margaret Davis born 1834 & died 1895"

(They were the parents of Mary Finley, now Mrs W.M. Honeywell)

Under the caption of Ancestors services on 3d page is the following:

"Hales Trans-Allegheny Pioneers (p267) says John Findley, the long time frontiersman and wilderness pilot, being old & poor and wounded asks Washington Co Va for aid:

Howes Virginia gives the court record of John Findley's appeal for aid as follows: John Findley making it appear to the satisfaction of the court of Washington Co that he upon the 20th day of July, 1776 received a wound in the thigh in the battle fought with the Cherokees, near the great Island (in Holston River, East Tenn) and it now appears to said court that he in consequence

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of said wound is unable to gain a living by his labor as formerly therefor his case is recommended to the consideration of the commonwealth of Virginia"

"John Findley (or Finley) was friend & companion of Daniel Boone & was called the Path-finder of the west.

John Finley's claim was presented to the court of Washington Co, VA Jany 28, 1777.

John Finley served in Braddock's Campaign 1755, Ref Hanna's History of Scotch Irish Vol II p 38"

References to support above:

Dr W.H. Egle - Paxtang marriages in Notes & Queries

Hales Trans-Allegheny Pioneers p 267

Howes Virginia

Finleys of Bucks Co, Pa 1902 printed history

Nat No 189716

Vermilion Co, Ills Vol 2 p 52

He was married to Elizabeth Harris at Paxtang, Lancaster Co, Pa 1744

His children:

John Finley Jr born 1760 married Priscilla Hayes


This has been accepted by the D.A.R.

V15 Page 469

D.A.R. paper of John Finley Jr National Number 58246 Barbara Standish chapter Hoopeston, Ills

Mrs Mary Finley Honeywell, wife of Alva Marshall Honeywell descendant of John Finley & wife Priscilla Hayes.

John Finley was born in Lancaster Co, Pa Sept 28, 1760 & died in St Charles, Kane Co, Ills Mch 11, 1846.

I was born near town of Rossville, Vermilion Co, Ills, the daughter of Watts Finley born 1833, died 1907 & his wife Margaret P. Davis, born 1834, died 1895, married 1859. Watts Finley was the son of David Finley born 1781 & died 1853 & his wife Nancy Miller born 1787 & died 1853 married 1803.

David Finley was the son of John Finley born 1760 died 1846 & his wife Priscilla Hayes born 1761 & died 1836 married 1780"

Under caption of Ancestors services:

"I, John Finley, joined the militia of Washington Co, Penna in 1776/7 in light infantry Co and served till the close of the war some time after Col Crawford's defeat in 1783. Served in the militia & was often called on to do different scouts, watching the movements of the Indians, & was also drafted and

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served several tours in the class to which I belonged. Mr regiment was commanded by Colonel John Marshall and my company by Capt Samuel McCullock, James Scott, John Cotton and Derrick Hoglund. Served seven tours on the west side of the Ohio River, a few miles of Wheelings, which was afterwards taken and burnt by the Indians. Served tours at Wheeling, and also at Fort Johnson on Raccoon Creek in Pa. Born in Lancaster Co, Pa and when young, moved with my father's family to Berkeley Co, Va about Commencement of the Revolution. I moved to Washington Co, Pa where the town of Washington now stands. Soon after the Revolution, I moved to Brook Co, Va where I resided on the Ohio River for 20 years. I then moved to Jefferson Co, Ohio where I resided till 1811 when I moved to Delaware Co, Ohio where I now reside, 1834. Sons David and Robert, only surviving children in 1846"

Documentary Authorities to Substantiate

Family Bible records

Father's bible records

Pension petitions

National Numbers 133664, 58246, & 111994

V15 Page 471

Department of the Interior

L.W. Bureau of Pensions

R.F. 3553 Washington D.C. Aug 13, 1917

Revolutionary War

Mrs A.M. Honeywell

Hoopeston, Ills

In answer to yrs 6th gives:

Date of enlistment served at 1776 or 1777 various times etc to 1782.

Residence at enlistment, Wash Co, Pa Date of application for pension Apr 21, 1834

Residence at date of application:

Delaware Co, O

Age at date of application

Born Sept 28, 1760 in Lancaster Co, Pa. He died Mch 11, 1846 at Saint Charles, Kane Co, Ills leaving only two surviving children, Robert & David. There is no date relative to wife. The claim was not allowed on account of lack of proof of six months service as required by the act of June 7, 1832 under which he applied.


F.M. Saltzgaber


Miss Alice Finley

RFD Catlin, Vermilion Co, Ills. she is a great granddaughter of Mahlon Brown Finley & has a complete record of his descendant [sic]

V15 Page 472

Watts Finley born Nov 4, 1833 in Dearborn Co, Ind probably in Lawrenceburg, Ind. married Apr 15, 1859 to Margaret Pauline Davis born Apr 16, 1834 & died Apr 17 1895 daughter of Amaziah Davis & his wife Emily Berry.

They had three children born in Grant Tp, Vermillion [sic] Co, Ills

1. David Finley born Aug 29, 1860 ob Sept 30, 1860

2. Mary Roberta Finley born Feby 25, 1863

3. Charles R. Finely born Sept 6, 1867

2. Mary Roberta married Mch 23, 1u882 Alba Marshall Honeywell born Oct 16, 1852 in Altay, Schuyler Co, NY, son of Gilbert Honeywell & wife Adelia Maria Marshall. Have four children, the oldest born in Hoopeston, Ill, the other three in Stockland Tp, Iroquois Co, Ills.

1. Gilbert Charles born Mch 19, 1884

2. Helen born July 27, 1886

3. Margaret Estella born May 19, 1895

4. Marie Jeannette born May 22, 1897

1. Gilbert C. was married June 28, 1906 to Zazel [sic] Marlowe born June 8, 1888 in Stockland Tp, Iroquois Co, Ill dau of Isaac Marlowe & his wife Elizabeth Decker. Both living in Stockland Tp where he is a farmer & where their five children were born.

I. Alba Marlowe born July 13, 1907

II. Roger Marlowe born Jany 25, 1909 died same day

V15 Page 473

III. Charles William Marlowe born Aug 22, 1910

IV. Lessie Julia Marlowe born Oct 14, 1912

V. Lola Jeanne Marlowe born July 13, 1914

2. Helen married Sept 14, 1910 to John Renchin Fornof born June 23, 1889 at Streator, Ills son of John W. Fornof & wife Sarah Jane Seavey. Both living at 301 Court St Streator Ills where he is editor of the Streator Free Press & is postmaster, a Republican & a Universalist & have two children the oldest born here in Hoopeston & the youngest in Streator Ill.

I. Elizabeth Jane, born June 7, 1913

II. John Honeywell born Apr 22, 1918

3. Margaret Estella married Mch 4, 1919 to Charles Daniel Miller born Feby 14, 1895 in Rossville, Ills son of Charles Miller & wife Eliza Jane Cromer. Both living in Barberton, O where he is efficiency expert with the Firestone Rubber. No issue.

4. Maria Jeannette is at home single & is a teacher in the Chicago High School.

3. Charles R. Finley [son of Watts Finley] was married Jany 21? 1893 to Adaline Reece daughter of Wm Reece & wife Alice Holloway. Have three children all born on Meadowbrook Farm the old Finley home in Grant

V15 Page 474

Tp, Vermilion Co, Ills

1. Marion Reece Finley born Feby 4, 1894

2. Margaret Alice Finley born Dec 30, 1895

3. Watts Finley born Nov 1901

1. Marion R. married Feby 1919 Anna Sager, daughter of William Sager & wife Jessie Louise ____. Both living on same [sic] & he is a farmer & have two children born there.

I. Jessie Louise born May 1920

II. Charles Sager born Apr 1922

2. Margaret Alice is single & is teaching high school t Riverside, Calif.

3. Watts married May 1925 to Elizabeth _____. He is a senior in the State University, Madison, Wis.

"The Finleys of Bucks" can be had by applying to the Goodspeed Book shop no 9 N. Ashburton Place Boston Mass. It was listed as No 973 Finley of Bucks Pa 4pp 1902 $2 in their cataloge [sic] No 157 No 1924

Mr Honeywell is in the R.E. & Ins business but his investments are his farm property.

Leaving 1:44 Am Jany 1, 1926

See B 26 P 150-1

[margin note reads:] These Honeywell records seemed good, but in light of the records dug up by C.W. Bransford pages 490-3, there seems to have been an error in making them. John Jr, a son of the John Sr, their own records locate John Sr in Wash Co, Va & John Jr in Wash Co, Pa simultaneously. Bear in mind the early John Finley who settled in Donegal Tp near Claysville, Pa JVT Jany 28, 1926.

V15 Page 475

At Y.M.C.A. Rooms NO 19 S. La Salle St Central branch Chicago, Ills Jany 1, 1926 3:42 PM

I came here to see Joseph Edgar Fulton, who is in charge here today & is now with the Atty Genl of the State Oscar Carlstrom at Otis Bldg 10 S. LaSalle St & who now lives at No 916 Lakeside Place, Tel Ardmore, 1067. His father Robert Fulton who told me in 1882 when he built our opera house of his Thompson descent, was married twice. Humphrey Ford Fulton gave me the records of the first wife's children & told me that Joseph E., my present informant could give me the records of the 2d wife's, his mother's children. He also tells me that Humphrey F. died from Kidney trouble in Cleveland, O Sept 1925.

Robert Fulton, son of Robert of James & Agnes, married 2d at Irwin, Pa in 1873 to Miss Mary Margaret White born Dec 25, 1844 near Mt Pleasant, Pa & died May 12, 1906 & is buried beside her husband in the Irwin, Pa cemetery. She was daughter of Joseph White & wife Margaret Gaut

V15 Page 476

They had six children all born in Irwin, Pa as follows:

1. Charles Jestin Fulton B Oct 1874 & died 1876?

The record is on the tombstone in above cemetery.

2. Joseph Edgar Fulton born Apr 16, 1876

3. Thomas Irwin Fulton born May 30, 1880

4. James White Fulton born 1883 & died Oct 1889

5. Frank Gaut Fulton born Dec 9, 1886

6. Margaret White Fulton born Mch 4, 1889 & died May 1914. She died unmarried during an operation in Allegheny for appendicitis. Buried in Irwin Cem.

1. Charles J. died of cholera infantum

2. Joseph E. was married Oct 19, 1920 in Chicago, Ills to Anna Pearl McCarthy widow of Arthur Hamilton McCarthy & daughter of Charles Francis Weber & wife Louie Douglass. Both living at above number. No issue. She was born at Quincy, Ills Aug 11, 1877. Mr Fulton was in the Spanish-American War serving 2 1/2 yrs in the Philippines in the 2d U.S. Engineers where he was a Corporal & was in the Moro campaign at Lake Lano with the present Gen John J. Pershing.

V15 Page 477

He also served in the World War being one year on the Mexican border & went abroad to France July 30, 1918 & got back to the U.S. Feby 2, 1919. He was for 42 days on the front line activities on the Toul sector & the Lorraine sector. Were in the front line near Metz when the armistice was signed. He experienced shell concussion which impaired his hearing & was three times gassed for which he has been pensioned. He did not get to the hospital until Nov 30, 1918. He came to Chicago, May 1919.

3. Thomas I. married 1907? to Lida Swanson born at Irwin, Pa daughter of Charles Swanson & wife. Both living at 607 8th Ave Irwin, Pa. He is supt of the Westinghouse plant at East Pittsburgh having been with them for 24 yrs. Have five children born in Irwin, Pa.

1. Gladys Fulton

2. Thomas Irwin, Fulton, jr

3. Paul Fulton

4. Lulis Fulton

5. Charles Fulton

6. baby girl born 1:30 Am Dec 30, 1925

4. James W. died of membranous croup & is buried in Irwin Cem.

V15 Page 478

5. Frank G. was married May 31, 1913 at Kokomo, Ind to Mary Hockensmith born at Irwin, Pa, Sept 24, 1890, daughter of David Hockensmith & wife Sarah Bowser. Both living at 843 Gault Ave, Chicago, Ills where his firm is the Fulton Larsen Co commercial photographers at No 316 N. Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, Ill, where his telephone is Central 2419. Res phone is Sunnyside 0285. Have two children both born in Chicago.

1. Robert David born Nov 19, 1916

2. Sally Ann born Aug 29, 1925

Book 11 p 391

Leaving 5:30 PM

Left 6 PM

V15 Page 479

Phoned Wm Sherman Bougher M.D. no 6706 S. Green Tel Englewood 8609 Chicago, Ill Jany 1, 1926 10 AM

Dr Bougher said he was married Aug 28, 1912 to Marian Wallace, also M.D. practicing with her husband. She was born Oct 12, 1875 at Chicago, daughter of Joseph Wallace & wife Sarah Shaw. Book 14 p 288 rang off 10:03 AM

Phoned Mrs Lena May Heyes No 340 W 64th St Tel Wentworth 6127 Chicago, Ills Jany 1, 1926 10:10 AM

Mrs Heyes said she was married June 6, 1901 & that her late husband was born May 12, 1870 being 8 yrs older than her. His name was Alfred Judd Heyes & he died May 12, 1909. His father was James Heyes & his mother Rebecca Judd. They had two children both single viz:

1. Alfred Bougher born Mch 2, 1902

2. Alice Elizabeth born Mch 28, 1906

Book 14 p 288 rang off 10:17 AM

Phoned Lawrence W. Daniel 3651 Wilton Ave, Chicago, Ill Tel Wellington 3915 Jany 1, 1926 10:25 AM

He was out, but his wife answered that they were married June 1, 1907

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& that she, his wife Marie Paulsen was born Feby 24, 1883 in Hamburg, Germany, daughter of Heinrich Lorenz Paulsen & wife Maria Brechwoldt. No issue.

Book 14 p 132 Rang off 10:33 AM

They both came in tonight at abt 8:30 & were here until 9:30 PM. He says he answered my letter. She said there was a Finley Barrell a millionaire living at Lake Forest, Ills who died within the past year, but his widow is still living there. Write her. JVT

Phoned Frank E. Jack office 3254 S. Michigan Ave Tel Victory 5000, Chicago, Ills Jany 1, 1926 10:48 Am

Was told Mr Jack had gone to Washington D.C. & would not return until middle of the month.

Rang off 10:50 AM

Phoned Frank E. Jack's residence 5406 Woodlawn Tell Midway 8775 Chicago, Ill Jany 1, 1926 10:51 AM

No response

Rang off 10:53 AM

V15 Page 481

Phoned LeRoy A. Sowell No 6021 S. State St, Chicago, Ills Tel Englewood 7012 Jany 1, 1926 10:57 AM

Mrs Sowell answered & said she was not a Jack

Rang off 11 AM

Phoned W.H. Finley consulting engineer 133 W. Washington St Chicago Ill Tell Main 4395 Jany 1, 1926 11:11 AM

No answer

Rang off 11:12 AM

Phoned Joseph E. Fulton 916 Lakeside Place Chicago, Ills Tel Ardmore 1067 Jany 1, 1926 11:17 AM

He had arranged to be at 19 S. LaSalle St, in charge of the rooms of the Central Branch of the Y.M.C.A., so I arranged to meet him there after 3 PM. See page 475-8

Rang off 11:26 AM

Phoned Thompson Fulton Blackburn 2055 Kenilworth, now Trohy Ave, Chicago Ills Tel Shelldrake 1154 Jany 1, 1926 11:38 Am

Was told tel was disconnected.

Rang off 11:40 AM

V15 Page 482

Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, Ills Room 1423 10 Pm Jany 1, 1926

Lawrence W. Daniel & his handsome wife, see pages 479-480 came in at 8:30 PM & left at 9:30. Mrs Daniel said there had been a Finley Barrell, a millionaire living in Lake Forest, 37 miles north of here, who had died about six months ago, but his wife was still living there & upon reference to the Suburban Tel dir, I find his home listed as on Deerpath Ave & Tel lake Forest 770.

V15 Page 483 [blank]

V15 Page 484

At home of Anna Jane Murphy no 217 N. Kilbourne Ave, Chicago, Ills Jany 2, 1926 11 AM

Mrs Murphy is the daughter of Samuel Brown who was born in Fayette Co, Pa June 3, 1814 & died at Lewiston, Ill June 9, 1872? aged 58 yrs & is buried in the Lewiston Cem, Ills & has a marker. He was son of Wm, son of James Brown & wife Elizabeth Thompson. He married Eliza Alleman who was born Apr 20, 1821 & died at Informant's home in Cuba, Ills on Feby 19, 1899 aged almost 78 yrs. She was daughter of Jacob Alleman & his wife.

He came to Illinois in 1865. She says her brother, Jacob got her father's bible & went to Milwaukee & his widow got it & it was burned at the home of her mother, Martha Fultz in Milwaukee, Wis. My informant was born Anna Jane Brown In Fayette Co, Pa near New Salem, Pa May 12, 1864 & came west with her parents landing in Canton, Ills just before Lincoln was shot, as when he went to the Sta to enquire if his good had arrived the telegram came announcing Lincoln's death. Mrs. M. has a tintype photo of her parents & one of her little brother, Samuel who died aged 5 yrs before she was born & is buried

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at New Salem, Pa as is his older sister born May 6, & died when she was 11 or 12. They died 4 wks apart of diptheria. She has two very small hickory nuts picked up under a hickory tree on their home farm.

My informant married Nov 30, 1890 at Cuba, Ills, by Rev D.E. Hughes, Christian minister to Henry Marion Murphy born at Cuba, ills July 24, 1866 son of Albert Taylor Murphy & his wife Hannah Baughman. He died Nov 24, 1912 at Cuba, ills & is buried there. They have four children all born in Cuba, Ills.

1. Lena Zee Murphy born Dec 31, 1894

2. Bernice Murphy born July 4, 1897

3. Nellie Fay Murphy born June 1, 1901

4. Laurel Vern Murphy born Nov 24, 1903

Lena Z. married Apr 21, 1914 at Peoria, Ills by Rev Carpenter, Universal to Frank Johnson born Dec 10, 1889. Both living 5 miles west of Canton, Ill (P.O. RR Canton, Ills) where he is road com. They have 3 children born in & near Canton, Ills viz:

1. Marion Cecil Johnson born Dec 29, 1915

2. Beatrice Marie Johnson born May 8, 1919

3. Marvin Vern Johnson born Jany 24, 1922

2. Bernice dubbed "Fire Cracker"

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by reason of the date of her birth which her mother says she is single & here with her mother. She is a professional trained nurse from the Illinois Training school & is kept busy all the time "a girl in ten thousand".

3. Nellie Fay is a stenographer & was private secy for 4 yrs to E.A. Heald, Pres, Canton NBK & one yr in Chicago Trust Co & on June 28, 1924 married at Canton, Ills by Rev Evans, Christian minister to Lon Glenn Ellis, farmer, born Oct 21, 1895 at Canton, Ills, son of John G. Ellis & wife Lulu Mitchell. They live 5 miles west of Canton, Ills. No issue.

4. Laurel V. is now in West Palm Beach Fla on an 11,000 miles tourist trip taken to the State of Washington & down the Pacific coast to Mexico & across Texas & the Gulf. He is a draughtsman for the Western Electric Co, is unmarried & makes his home here.

They went to Colville, Wash for Mr Murphy's health & were there 6 yrs & he died shortly after their return. He was a contractor & worked on the World Fair Bldgs here.

Leaving 12 o'c noon.

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Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, Ills Room 1453, Jany 2, 1926 4 PM

Joseph E. Fulton came in half an hour ago & says his older half brother, Robert McCleary Fulton, aged abt 78, now retired, lives on Walnut St near Penna Ave & has a Packard Car & thinks this only unmarried child, Agnes, living with him & his wife nee Margaret Brunner sister of George, who married a Milligan & himself, could & would drive me about Irwin in gathering records. Make slip to see him & his wife & ask what they know about Sarah Simeral & Geo Brunner who administered an estate of William Simeral in 1796.

Mr C.W. Bransford came in at 1:30 PM today & left at 3 PM. Shortly after, Joseph E. Fulton came in. He has hunted up much inf. about John Finley who married Elizabeth Harris who he claims is identical with the John Finley whose will is in Will Book 7 p 404 dated Aug 17, 1791 probated Sept 20, 1791 at Staunton, Augusta Co, VA. He says his wife is descended from his son George. He said some of his records were boxed up, but he said

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he would try to get them & come over here tomorrow night at 7:30 & go over them with me. While Joseph E. Fulton was here, I had the office send up the latest City Directory which was for 1923 & being no later, lists I have passed up several slips & am laying them aside. Mr Fulton asked me to go to his home & meet his wife & have dinner with him & then go to Thompson F. Blackburn's out in that sector which I did. We reached his home at 6:15 PM, had a good meal & talk. His wife is a small woman with jet black hair & very efficient, preparing dinner herself. He said she only weighed 100 lbs & was very religious, going regularly to church & prayer meetings. He told me of his political activities & of his preparing the budget figures for the State, seventeen million dollars, which went through & was accepted without contest, being the first one that had been. He says he can always deliver 400 votes in his precinct & was very active in speaking over the State for the issue of one hundred million dollars of bonds for hard roads, which passed & which is to be paid out of the automobile licenses of which they

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say there was 1,259,000 which pay he said an average of $12 to 13 each per year. He is a wonderfully capable man. About 7:45 PM, we got a taxi & drove around to 2055 Quohy Ave, but got no response from Thompson F. Blackburn. He then drove me to the elevated at Lawrence Sta & when I got in, I sent him, Blackburn, a night letter.

I notice in the Chicago paper of yesterday the death of Edward L. Wheat aged 58 yrs, 542 N. Drake Ave, husband of Catharine Wheat & father of Raymond & Lowell bro of Susan Bolger of Minneapolis & James E. wheat of Belvidere, Ills. Funeral fr St Matthews Church today 9 Am Walnut St & Albany Ave.

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Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, Ills Room 1423 Jany 3, 1926 11:55 PM

This has been a drizzly rainy day & I have spent the day arranging my Illinois itinerary & going over this book from page 377 to 405, both inclusive making slips. At 4 PM cousin Mary Winters, a most beautiful girl of 31 yrs, not looking over 16 or 20, came in & we had a very happy hopeful talk & she told me of her cheery ways of rescuing her grandmother from the dumps, as well as many others she has made happy. She is suffering from a fall downstairs which injured her back & spine from which she has continued dull pain, wearing all the time, a plaster thereon, so with the hope of making her well & happy, I am sending her down to Dr Geo W. Finley at Brazil, Ind. I had her with me for dinner at my room 6 to 7:15 PM & at 7:30 PM, C.W. Bransford came in by appointment & we three had delightful talks together & Mary was so interested in our genealogy talk that she remained until he left abt 11 PM. When we talked, half an hour & I took her over home 108 W. Ontario ST & met her husband, Mr Winters & talked ten minutes & she gave me her

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photograph taken 7 yrs ago just before she & Mr Winters, her second husband were married.

Mr Bransford gave me five different papers & a letter on the Finley lines to copy & return to him with a carbon on Tuesday when he thinks he will have more data to acquaint me with. Reading over some papers he has, I penciled down the following:

He said some of Genl Obediah Gaines Finley's brothers went, he thought, to the Maryville section of Tenn.

He believes that John Finley, who was born abt 1720 & married Elizabeth Harris, is identical with the John Finley whose will is probated at Staunton, Va Sept 1791 & that after her death, he married for his second or third wife Thankful McCarter. Of his sons he says:

1. Thomas Finley lived & died at Abbeville, S.C.

2. George Finley went to Ky on or before 1785 & married in Lincoln Co, Ky June 29, 1786 Polly Gaines, daughter of Wm Gaines & his wife Nancy Strother. George & Mary Gaines Finley had issue:

1. Obediah Gaines Finley

2. Sallie Finley, who

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married 1 ______ Pennebaker, married 2 ______ Wiseman.

3. Catherine Finley, married _____Brewater

4. George Finley Jr

5. Ann Finley married Major Robert Green of Abbeville, S.C.

Mary Gaines Finley, mother of above died in 1830 at Lebanon, Tenn at home of her son Genl Obediah G.

George Finley, father of above died in 1809. Mary Gaines was his second wife.

By his first wife, he had a son John, a highly cultured man & a Doctor who went to Arkansas & his family or some of them came back to Tenn & his daughter, Mrs Wills now lives in Memphis, Tenn. He read to me from a letter from Mrs J. Morgan Smith No 1223 Niazuma Ave, Birmingham, Ala June 19, 1909. He thinks she is still living. She says she has corresponded with Miss Tilton, Mrs Smith's only daughter married Samuel L. Earle of Birmingham, Ala, son of Mrs P.H. Earle, who was Mary Gaines Green daughter of Major Robert Green & his wife Ann Finley who was daughter of George Finley & Mary Gaines & a sister of Obediah Gaines Finley. After her father's death in 1809, Ann Finley was sent to South Carolina & raised by her Uncle Thomas Finley. Mrs P.H. Earle says she was the youngest child & after

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her mother Ann Finley Green died, her father, Major Robert Green, married her sister Catherine or Kitty Finley (who may have married a Brewster after his death.) Mrs P.H. Earle's husband then dead, had been Pres of the Birmingham Trust & Savings Bank. She had children:

1. Samuel L. Earle} of the firm of

2. P.H. Earle } Earle Bros, Bir, Ala

3. Mary Gaines Earle Worthington or Northington

4. Ann Finley Earle Hider and

5. Miss Catherine Earle, all of Birmingham, Ala

Obediah Gaines Finley born May 24, 1787, had a son , Dr Wm M. Finley whose daughter Virginia Lee Finley is the wife of C.W. Bransford of the Brewort Hotel here. Tel Harrison 1068, my informant.

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At office of Dennis S. Gent, No 37 W. Van Buren St, Chicago, Ills Jany 4, 1926 11:30 AM

Their door had name of Westfield Silica Co on the door & not his name. He is a good countenanced man of abt 40, smooth face & he introduced me to his brother, Charles who I should judge was 60 yrs old.

Dennis S. said he would be interested in a non Union plant producing 1000 tons or more per day, have life for 10 yrs or more. Said they had been in the coal business in Southern Ills in Williamson Co, but had sold out as they wanted to get out of the Union Dist.

Left 11:45 AM

I then went to office of:

Chas F.W. Nichols Co No 14 E. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Ills Jany 4, 1926 11:50 AM

The lady at the desk said Thompson F. Blackburn was not with them any more, but was with the Lakeport Adv Co at No 6 N. Michigan Ave near Madison Ave.

Left 11:54 AM

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At office of A.N. Marquis Co room 1120, Monon Building NO 440 S. Dearborn St, Chicago, Ills Jany 4, 1926 12:25 PM

I found room 1150 F.A. Virkus door locked & a gentleman invited me to sit down & wait for Mr V's return from lunch & picking up the 1924-1925 volume of "Who's Who in America" Vol 13, I made the following notations therefrom:

Crothers, Rachel, Playwright, B. Bloomington, Ills, daughter of Dr Eli Kirk Crothers & wife Marie Louise dePew [sic], Graduate of Ills State Normal School at Normal, Ills 1892 Address 138 E. 40th, NY City.

Crothers, Saml McChord, Clergyman, B. Oswego, Ills, June 7, 1857 son of Hon. John M. Crothers & wife Nancy Foster. Address 20, Oxford St, Cambridge, Mass

Finley, John Huston, editor educator, author, born Grand Ridge, Ills Oct 19, 1863 son of James Gibson Finley & wife Lydia Margaret McCombs, Address: NY Times, NY City.

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Finley, William Henry, Civil engineer born at Delaware City, Del Jany 22, 1862 son of Wm F. Finley & wife Mary McDonough, married Sarah H. Furry, Atlantic City, NJ, was with C & N.W. Rw. Home Wheaton, Ills office 226 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Ills. Eliminate him.

Jack Theodore Henley, Prof of History, born Bellevue, Hale Co, Ala Dec 30, 1881 son of Capt James M. Jack & wife Mary Henry Spencer. Married Alice Searcy Ashley of Tuscaloosa, Ala Nov 9, 1910. Address Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.

Kilgore, James, Educator, clergyman, born DeWitt Co, Texas, Jany 15, 1865, son of James Thomas Kilgore & wife Caroline Elizabeth Bookwalter Address Southern Methodist Univ, Dallas, Tex.

Rothermel, Amos Cornelius, Normal School. Prin, Born Moselem, Pa Jany 6, 1864 son of Lewis W & Lydia Rothermel. Address Kutztown, Pa

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Rothermel, John Goodhart, educationist, [sic] born Phila, Pa Dec 3, 1847 son of Peter Frederick Rothermel & wife Caroline Goodhart. Married Sallie C. Tobey Phila, Pa 1873. Home 1737 N. 17th St Phila, Pa

Rothermel, John H., congressman Mch 7, 1856-Sept 8, 1922 See Vol VIII 1914-1915, son of John Y. Rothermel & Louisa Rothermel, born Richmond Tp.

Leaving 1 PM

I then went across to:

Office of Frederick A. Virkus, room 1050 Monon Bldg 440 S. Dearborn St Chicago, Ills Jany 4, 1926 1:05 PM

He showed me their abridged compendium of American Genealogy, his own work page 161 an article on:

Capt Guy Jack born Kemper Co, Miss Oct 11, 1853 & lives at Scooba, Miss who is 5th in descent from:

Patrick Jack 1701-1785 4th from

Capt James Jack 1731-1823 3rd from

Patrick Jack 1769-1823 2d from

Capt Abner McGehee Jack 1814-1866 Capt Co B 35th Reg (Miss) during Civil War 1st from Capt Guy Jack Oct 11, 1853

Virkus says he has a lot of records

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William Wilson Finley born at Pass Christian, Miss Sept 2, 1853 died 1913. He was Pres of the Southern RR Co being the 6th of 9 children of Lewis Augustus Finley & his wife Lydia Rebecca Matthews. In "Makers of America" Page 275, it states that Lewis Augustus was the son of Michael Lewis Finley who was born in Maryland & married Annie Griffith, whose mother was a Ridgeley of that State. These are mentioned as of the New Jersey Family of whom William is mentioned & Corporals James & John Finley both wounded Mch 21, 1778. William was a Lieut.

Mr Virkus then mentioned getting my letter of July last remitting $28.50 to pay for a Deluxe edition they are getting out, but says it won't be ready until the close of the year. I gave him data running my lines further back.

Left 2:22 PM

I then walked around to the:

Office of Wm Henry Finley 133 W. Washington St, Tel Main 4395 Chicago Ill, Jany 4, 1926, 2:45 PM

He was out & I sat down at his desk & wrote until he came in. He said his father,

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William Francis Finley was born in Galway, Ireland & came from there to the U.S. in 1856 or 1857 & died at Wilmington, Del but didn't know the dates of his birth or death, saying he didn't remember dates. Nor could he give name of his grandfather, thought first it was William & then thought it was Raymond. He could see no sense in what I was doing & was cynical & asked if I gave record of those that were in prison or had a rope around their necks. I told them that kind were not of our family & I found none such. He said once in getting off a Pullman sleeper, the colored porter told him his mother was a Finley, & hence he never made any inquiry thereafter about the family. Eliminate him.

Left 3:40 PM

I then walked over to 125 N Wabash Ave where Virkus had said was the Presbyterian bldg, but going there, a lady said Dr Breeze was not there, but sent me to:

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Room 1301 Temple Bldg No 77 W. Washington St, Chicago, Ills Jany 4, 1926 4:10 PM

Moses Breeze D.D. Central Sec of the Board of Ministerial Relief & Sustentation [sic] was not there, but the lady in charge thought he might be there tomorrow as he was on his way back from Calif. Tel central 4302

Left 4:11 PM

I then walked back to:

No 135 S. State St, Chicago Ills, Jany 4, 1926 4:30 PM

Here I found John Wm Lecky in the basement where he is engineer. He said he was married Sept 1907 & his wife May Goodwin was born in new Haven, Pa Apr 1890 & they separated in Sept 1909. He spoke of John hitching the lawn mower to the automobile at Oak Hill & making the grass fly. Book 5 page 431. Left 4:33 PM

Room 1519 Tower Bldg no 6 N. Michigan Av, Chicago, Ills Jany 4, 1926 4:55 PM

At last, I found Thompson Fulton Blackburn & a fine young chap he is. He was married Feby 24, 1917 to Wynona Jones born July 17, 1893 in St Louis, Mo daughter of Elmer N. Jones & wife Ida Beam. No issue. His records show that Dr Samuel Thompson died Apr 23, 1808.

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He asked me to have lunch with him tomorrow & gave me some Fulton data & will send me more & offers to give all possible help. He is with the Lakeport Adv Co.

Left 5:55 PM

At Room C-17, Mr C.W. Bransford, Brevoort Hotel 120 W. Madison, Chicago, Ills Jany 4, 1926 7:26 PM

Journal of an Exploration in 1750 of Dr Thomas Walker of Va with a preface by Wm Cabell, Rives, LaB [sic] P 8 Boston 1888. The act establishing Augusta Co Va was passed in 1738 but Co was not organized until 1745 Dec 9.

John Findlay was com. by Gov of Va as one of the first magistrates. In 1748, Dr Thos Walker who on Sept 29, 1752 qualified as a Deputy Surveyor of Augusta Co accompanied by John Finley & others explored S.W. Va & East Tenn. Same Publication P. 43.

George Finley was a Delegate in Va in 1783 to the provincial assembly at Sinking Springs.

From Library of Va at Richmond Fee Book shows that John Finley was located on Middle River in 1765 Vol 2 page 402 of sd river & again in 1774 & still located at Middle River which is in Wash. Co, Va. In 1771 another John Finley was located on South River. David Finley's first wife was a Miss Mount. She died in Ky

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& he went back to Va & on Mch 10, 1791, married Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Wilson. David had appeared on Dicks River in Ky in 1776 & settled some lands there. On Sept 16, 1783, he was qualified as Lieut in Capt Kirk's Co in Va. Mrs Dawes of Danville, Ky is his great great granddaughter.

While George Finley was a resident of Lincoln Co, Ky, he made a deed will to his father-in-law, Wm Gaines, presumably while on a visit in Wayne Co, Ky in the year 1809. His children by his marriage with Mary Gaines dau of Wm Gaines of Lincoln Co, Ky were as follows in order of ages:

1. Obediah Gaines Finley

2. George Finley

3. Sarah Finley married Pennebaker

4. Ann Finley married Maj. Robt Greene

George Finley by a previous marriage had a son & daughter:

5. John

6. Catherine who married Maj Robt Greene after the death of her half sister, Ann.

John Finley, brother of George & David, went to Southern Ky, Wayne Co, but subsequently went back to Wash Co, Va

In Augusta Co, Va wills Book Vol 3

V15 Page 503

Page 231, July 6, 1807 proved Dec 25, 1807 gives will of John Finley who names wife Sarah, sons John, William Samuel, daughters Sallie Finley, Peggy Hutchinson, Jennie Fraon [sic] (To Peggy Mooney "something to be done for her" Exrs William Finley & Andrew Ramsey. John Finley. Attest Andrew Ramsey, Isaac McClure, Adam Russell, David McClure

Mr B. thinks this is the John who was son of Wm Finley.

In 1765, John Finley was gdn of Mary Gardner daughter of Thos Gardner, David Timble surety. Orange Co, VA was organized in 1734, taken from Spotsylvania Co.

In suit of Estill vs Ramsey in Augusta Co, Va are many affidavits & one from John Finley aged above 60 yrs, deponent went to school in 1747 in the house mentioned by Thos Furk (aged 88) in his deposition. Executions 1801.

In 1778 Augusta Co, Va Geo Taylor, son of Thos Taylor was bound out to John Finley so that he wd be brought up in a Christian like manner. John Finley dying in Sept 1791 records show said Geo Taylor was bound out to David Finley.

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who was son of John & succeeded to his landed estates. This Indenture was dated Jany 17, 1792.

Mrs M.L. Peyton lives at Lebanon, Tenn aged 65 to 70, widow of Joseph Peyton. Was M. Lou Finley, daughter of Foster G. Finley, who died at Lebanon, Tenn & was a son of Col Obediah G. Finley, son of George. My informant, Clifton Wood Bransford was born Jany 24, 1858 at Owensboro, Ky, Augusta Co, Va records Apr 4, 1766 gives will of John Henderson (ancestor of Dr Archibald Henderson of N.C. Historian probably of Clemson College, Clemson N.C. wrote the History of S.W. Va issued abt 1920) farmer which states has:

wife Rose,

son William,

Daughters if either die the other to enjoy her share, signed John Henderson. Test John Davidson, Robert Finley, Executors brother, James & wife's brother John proved Aug 20, 1766 by the witnesses. James Henderson & John Finley qualified Exrs with Adam Dean & William Finley.

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Query. See if Archibald Finley in his Bucks Co, Pa will, names a daughter Rose & a son William Vol 3 Page 95. Chalkley's record.

Mr B. got following at Harrisburg, Pa:

Pennsylvania Data

List of officers of Associated Regiment of Bucks Co, Pa 1747-8

Lieut Archibald Finley

Return of recruits raised by Capt Richardson of the Third Battalion in the Provincial service under the command of the Hon William Denney Esq 1759.

Name, age, where born, date of enlistment & occupation.

Finley, Archibald, 21, Bucks Co, Pa May 4

List of Officers of Pa-Reg for the yr 1760

Second Battalion, Archibald Finley Lieut.

From Pa Archives 5th Series Vol I P 18, 294 & 314 Harrisburg, Pa 1906

Leaving 10:42 PM

Left 11:40 PM

I told him of my financial troubles etc.

Jany 29, 1926 1:50 AM made all slips to here JVT

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Blackstone Hotel, Room 1423 Chicago, Ills Jany 5, 1926 1:33 PM

I took a taxi this morning & went to 614 Dewey Place, but could not find Jefferson Dreibelbiss reported in 1923 directory as a laborer. See book 11 p 238. Then drove on to 1953 Sheffield Ave & foudn it locked up front & back. The party next door thought Mrs Dreibelbis was at home, but I could not raise her. Same city directory reported this as residence of [15]*Henry Dreibelbis, teamster. I then was driven to Rand McNally & Co & got a "Mississippi" & then in turning the corner, met F.A. Virkus & going on to Temple Bldg 77 W Washington St, room 1301, was told that Moses Breeze D.D. had not returned yet. I then walked over to the Tower Bldg No 6 N. Michigan Ave & going to room 1519 Lakeport Adv Co met Thompson Fulton Blackburn & went with him to lunch. He gave me some more Fulton data typed & suggested economical plans in regard to publications which make it desirable to see him before proceeding with that work. He also suggested three books that he highly recommended viz:

Albert Wiggams "Fruit of the Family Tree"

Albert Wiggams "New Decalog of Science"

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Madison Grants "Passing of a great Race"

He also gave me reference to W.H. Egle's Notes & Queries Vol 2 page 143 to a note regarding the ancestors at Kilkenny, Ireland of the ancestors of Robert Fulton 1765-1815.

I then came to my room & called up Andrew, about the arrangements for funeral tomorrow afternoon of my dear Cousin Minnie L. Redburn, who when I came out from breakfast this morning, I was told had died at 11:30 PM last night Jany 4, 1926 at her home NO 139 West Main Street, Uniontown, Pa. Andrew told me by phone that he, Lida, Mrs Chilton & others were present when she died. She was born in Uniontown, Pa Mch 2, 1856.

This changes the plans I had for going West tonight, so that I will take the 6:40 PM train East instead to attend the funeral. The Hotel here recommended the following Hotels as the best in their several locations:

Jacksonville, Ills, The Douglass

Lincoln, Ills, The Lincoln

Waverly, Ills, The City

St Louis, Mo, the Statler

JVT 2:40 PM

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Oak Hill, Jany 10, 1926 9:50 PM

The Connellsville Courier announces the death at Scottdale, Pa of Mrs Elizabeth Gaut 81 yrs old, wife of John Gaut on Dec 31, 1925. Survived by two sisters, Mrs Catherine Brown of Uniontown, Pa & Miss Sevilla Rothermel of Smithfield, Pa & her husband.

The West Newton Times Sun announces the death on Saturday, Jany 2, 1926 of Miss Clara McClanahan aged 82 at the home of her sister, Mrs Philip Neth, Rostraver Tp after an illness of four days. She was daughter of Mathew P. McClanahan. Interment on 5th in Latrobe Cem.

Jany 16, 1926

The West Newton Times-Sun of 14th inst announces the death of Susan Jane (McClanahan) Neth, widow of Philip Neth from pneumonia after a six days illness at her home in Rostraver Tp, Jany 7, 1926 in her 78th yr. This is just five days after the death of her sister Clara above.

It also announces the death of another Cousin, Matthew McK. Willson on Jany 12, 1926. He was in his 87th yr & died in Columbus, O.

Also the death of Cousin Martha O. Elliott aged 66 at Los Angeles, Calif on Jany 6, 1926.

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Also the death of Jany 8, 1926 of cousin Patricia Ann, infant daughter of James W. Carothers & wife East of town at the family home of pneumonia following whooping cough.

V15 Page 510 & V15 Page 511

[descendant chart]

Andrew Jack, born in Ardstraw, Ireland, May 9, 1731, brother of gggf John Jack see Anjou's History. Patrick Jack line Vol XXI, Page 2000 who reports him of Antrim Tp, Franklin Co, Pa in 1786.

[his son:]

Thomas Jack, born 1749 see page 336 Evans & Stivers Hist of Adams Co, O & my book 14 p 401. He married June 7, 1787 Jane Kincaid who survived him. He died of cholera Aug 11, 1831 on Poplar Ridge, Adams Co, O see page 46 this book. He served several years in the Revolutionary War. See my records of over 30 yrs ago where he was witness at Greensburgh, Pa to one of the first wills in Westnd Co. He is buried at an old Meth Epis Ch at New harmony (Tiffin or Monroe Tp) Adams Co, O See Wm Santee for exact location page 46. She was born 1767 & died Jany 15, 1844 see page 46. Also see B 25 p 502-3


Nancy Jack, B 1801, ob Aug 8, 1831 of cholera, unmarried see page 46

Betsy Jack, B 1803 ob Aug 9, 1831 of cholera, unmarried see page 46

Andrew Jack, Born Apr 4, 1792 died May 13, 1871. He is buried in the McGarry G.Y. Tiffin Tp, Adams Co, O. He served in the War of 1812 see page 43. He married Deborah McGarry born 1793 & died. She was living in 1878. They were married on June 13, 1816 in Tiffin Tp.

Margaret Jack, ob

Thomas Williamson Jack, ob

James Jack, ob, married Barbara Thatcher. See page 183 et seq.

Srilda Jack born in Shelby Co, Ills 1846 (her son says 1848. & died Apr 23, 1905. Married 1863 to James Pool, born Nov 23, 1836 & died Feby 8, 1917, son of Richard Pool & his wife Ruth Judge. They had 12 children all born in Green Tp, Adams Co, O see page 184 & 185.

Eunice Pool, B Feby 29, 1864

Andrew Pool, B June 7, 1865, my informant for this, his parents record. Married Sept 23, 1891 5o Ruth Anna Davis, daughter of Wm Davis & Sallie Pool. Have 3 children.

Silvia Pool, B. Jany 4,1893 married Tomlin

Galva Pool, B Mch 3, 1898 married Pollard

Wm Henry Wilbur Pool, B Jany 13, 1905, at home single.

Lizzie Pool, B Sept 11, 1869, ob

Georgietta Pool, B May 1871

Anna Bell Poole [sic] B Mch 13, 1873

Ruth Pool, B May 18, 1876

Maggie Pool, B Aug 7, 1877

William Pool, B Sept 8, 1879 ob Dec 4, 1903, married.

Flora Pool, B Dec 30, 1882

Cleveland Pool, B Sept 20, 1884

Harrison Pool, B Jany 15, 1887 ob May 5, 1910 was drowned, unmarried.

Maud Pool, B Feby 11, 1889

Geo W. Jack [son of James & Barbara Thatcher Jack] B in Shelby Co, Ills Aug 6, 1855 see page 183-7

Hannah Jack [dau of Andrew & Deborah McGarry Jack] ob. married Young.

Elizabeth Jack, B Jany 4, 1831 ob Mch 4, 1895, married Jany 31, 1871 to Chas J. Stevenson, b Sept 29, 1830 see page 25.

William McKee Jack, ob. married.

Mary Jack [dau of Thomas & Jane Kincaid Jack] b 1790 ob Dec 1818 see b 25 p 503.

James Jack, ob

Margaret Jack b 1805, ob

Jane Jack, born Dec 13, 1797 & died June 30, 1870 see page 47 married Nov 20, 1817 to Daniel Bayles born Feby 1, 1798 & died June 12, 1875.

V15 Page 512 & V15 Page 513 [blank]

V15 Page 514

[descendant chart]

John Wesley Thoroman, son of Wesley of Thomas of Thomas & wife Esther Crawford see pages 233 to 237. He was born Jany 29, 1861 & was married in Mt Sterling, Ills June 4, 1885 to Mattie Alice Inman, born Mch 20, 1865 daughter of Frank Smith Inman & his wife Elizabeth Bennett. Have 3 children, the two girls born in Mt Sterling, Ills & the son in Chicago, Ills. They live now at 405 E. Jefferson St, Valparaiso, Ind.


Alta May Thoroman, B May 26, 1886 married Feby 29, 1904 at Grand Junction, Mich to Geo H. Mally.

John Franklin Mally, B July 30, 1908 at St Joseph, Mich

William Mally, B Apr 18, 1914 in Grand Junction, Mich

Hazel Thoroman, B Mch 22, 1889 married Sept 1, 1907 to Calvin Terry

Thurman Frederick Terry, B Aug 6, 1909 in Chicago, Ills

Fred Wesley Thoroman, B Aug 6, 1899, married Feby 14, 1920 at Gary, Ind to Clorene Mathews.

Mary Alice Thoroman, B Oct 12, 1920 at Warrenville, Ills

John Wesley Thoroman, B May 8, 1922 in Hebron, Ind

V15 Page 515 [blank]

V15 Page 516

Oak Hill Jany 18, 1926 1:44 AM

Mrs Kate Milner Rabb, special writer for the Indianapolis Star, living at 1433 N. Penna St Apt 4100 Indianapolis, Ind writes May 11/26 that neither Simon Yandes born 1816 & living in Indianapolis in 1900 nor his brother George Yandes ever married & that much of their money was left to the Pres. Bh. They were sons of Daniel Yandes & his wife Anne Wilson, daughter of James Wilson by his first wife Mary Rabb. See book 4 p 184. In her letter of 6th to Mrs Hamilton, she says the Yandes left three charming nieces living there & names one Miss Mary Y. Robinson of 1801 N. Penna St, Indianapolis as being particularly interested in genealogy. I am writing her today.

J.H.B. Nowlands "Sketches of Prominent Citizens of 1876" pub 1877 says that Daniel Yandes was born at Uniontown, Pa in 1793 & in 1815 was married in Uniontown to Miss Ann Wilson, lived a short time in Connellsville, Pa & went from there in the Spring of 1821 to Indianapolis, Ind which was founded the year before in 1820.

V15 Page 517 [blank]

V15 Page 518 & V15 Page 519

[descendant chart]

John Finley of Adams Co, O died prior to Nov 23, 1817 owning 82 A. of land on Cherry Fork of Brush Creek & on said date, his six children named below with their wives & husbands conveyed same to three of the heirs of Nathaniel Reed decd as per deed recorded at West union, O in Deed book Vol 10 page 160. See my record book 14 page 521.


James Finley, see page 113 B July 4, 1776 ob Mch 6, 1853 in 79th year. Married to Dorcas _____ born say 1785 & died Aug 24, 1835 in 50th yr. Both buried at Cherry Fork, O.

William Finley, See book 14 p 521, ob. married to Ann _____ see page 125 item 80 & page 608.

Elizabeth Finley, styled "Betsey" see page 121 born Mch 13, 1780 in the state of Virginia ob July 28, 1858 in her 79th yr in Cincinnati, O & is buried in Spring Grove Cem there. Married Jany 18, 1809 in Adams Co, O to William Liggett, Jr born Apr 16, 1776 (or 1777) in the State of Penna & died in Brown Co, O Jany 24, 1843 aged 66 yrs 9 mos & 8 days & is buried at Cherry Fork, O son of Wm Liggett Sr. They had six children, the three oldest born in Adams Co, O & the three youngest in Brown Co, O.

John Liggett, B Sept 27, 1881 ob Sept 13, 1753 in New Orleans, La see p 122 & removed to Spring Grove Cem, Cin, O. Married Dec 20, 1836 to Julia Johnson. No issue.

William Liggett, B Mch 28, 1814 ob Sept 9, 1894 at North Liberty, O & is buried at Decatur, O. Married 1 Mary Bayne born Oct 22, 1818 & died Nov 9, 1865 & buried at Decatur, O daughter of Samuel Bayne & wife Eleanor West. They had 4 children born in Decatur, O. Married 2d Dec 9, 1867 to Mrs Catherine Kirkpatrick, widow of Alexander Campbell Kirkpatrick & daughter of Daniel Thompson. She was born in 1823 & died in 1912 & is buried at Cherry Fork, O. No issue.

Albert Finley Liggett, B Sept 15, 1841 & died Apr 24, 1911 at Decatur, O. Married Dec 25, 1867 to Maggie F. Shofstall. He had but one child born & died in Decatur, O.

Mary Evans Liggett, B Oct 23, 1868 & died Aug 28, 1906 Married Oct 25, 1894 to John Robert Williams born Dec 4, 1865 at Russellville, O son of Wm Preston, Williams & wife Mary McBride, his 1st wife. Had two sons born at West Liberty, O. Mr Williams who is a lawyer has remarried.

Paul Liggett Williams, B Sept 18, 1895 married Aug 28, 1917 to Mabel Bloom B June 16, 1897 in Byrd Tp, daughter of Oscar L. Bloom & wife Rachel Pittenger. Have 2 children born in Decatur, O.

Mary Evans, B May 26, 1918

Margaret Winifred, B Nov 10, 1919

John Robert Williams Jr, B Apr 27, 1901 married Nov 29, 1923 to Mary Elizabeth Pearson, born Nov 12, 1902, daughter of Chas Walker Pearson & wife Caroline Sidwell. Have one child born in Columbus, O.

Carolyn, B Sept 3, 1924

John Pressly Liggett [son of William b 1814] B 1843 ob July 28, 1864 killed in Civil War. Unmarried.

Ann Eliza Liggett. B Apr 24, 1846 & died Jany 16, 1874. Married 1869? to Wm Newton Thompson who died near Piper City, Ills before she did. No issue.

Margaret Ellen Liggett, B Jany 13, 1851. Lives 363 S. Grant St, Denver, Col. single. She is not able to give date of her mother's marriage, nor exact date of her bro Jno Pressly's birth. Thinks her father's bible was burned when her step mother's home was burned.

Mary Ann Liggett, [dau of Elizabeth Finley & William Liggett b 1776] B July 21, 1816 ob probably in the early 80s. Was unmarried.

James Liggett, B Dec 10, 1818 ob May 15, 1849 in Cincin, O see page 122 & is buried in Spring Grove Cem there. Unmarried.

Margaret Finley Liggett, B Aug 29, 1821 ob June 11, 1857 by drowning see p 122. Buried at Spring Grove Cem, Cin, O unmarried.

Elizabeth Liggett, b Mch 5, 1826 ob Oct 22, 1852 in Cin, O see page 122 & is buried in Spring Grove Cem there. Unmarried.

Isabella Finley [dau of John Finley] born Apr 8, 1790 & died Feby 25, 1859 near Decatur, Ohio. Married Mch 28, 1811 to Samuel Kerr born Dec 11, 1783 & died July 2, 1863 near Decatur, Ohio. Had 7 children. See book 16 p 256 & 258.

John Finley Kerr, B Mch 28, 1812 ob Dec 21, 1851 at Oswego, Ind Married Nov 2, 1842 to Margaret M. Thompson.

Robert Kerr, B Nov 7, 1814 ob Feby 2, 1852 at Oswego, Ind. He was an M.D. Married Oct 5, 1841 to America Wright.

Joseph Kerr, B Feby 3, 1817 ob Jany 25, 1900 near Rhea Springs, Tenn. Married May 28, 1844 to Mary Jane Baird.

Jane Kerr, B Nov 9, 1819 ob Apr 5, 1900 married Aug 10, 1843 Jas Carson. She died at Sioux City, Iowa

Paul Kerr, B Apr 9, 1822 ob Apr 24, 1909 at Rushville, Ind married Nov 14, 1849 to Eliza Peirce

Asahel Quimby Kerr, B June 24, 1851 ob Apr 15, 1886 near Belton, Tex. Never married.

Robert Finley Kerr, G Dec 10, 1852 ob June 22, 1911 at Cedarville, O. Married.

Mary Agnes Kerr, B Feby 5, 1855 ob Feby 20, 1907 at Rushville, Ind.

Harriet Anne Kerr, B Nov 24, 1857

Emma Isabel Kerr B July 18, 1862

Both [above] single & living at Knoxville, Tenn at 1523 N. Central St Address of both, who are single is now Knoxville College, Knoxville, Tenn. They want a book.

William Kerr [son of Isabella Finley & Samuel Kerr] B June 30, 1825 ob July 6, 1902 in Cincinnati, O Married Oct 5, 1859 to Emily Houston. Son Will in Wash., D.C. See Bk 16 p 257.

Mary Kerr, B Feby 4, 1827 ob May 8, 1861. Thinks single. Never married.

Ann Finley [dau of John Finley] died Oct 16, 1827. Married Jany 18, 1816 to Dr William McCague born Sept 25, 1791 & died July 8, 1833. They had 7 children born in either West Union or Ripley, Ohio. See next page 520. He was son of Patrick McCague. Ann Finley McCague was in her 39th or 40th yr when she died.

Mary Finley, called "Polly" ob. Married James Smiley. They had but two children.

Mary, died young

Robert Finley Smiley, ob abt 5 or 6 yrs ago say 1920. He was a lecturer. Married. She is living in Kansas City, Mo where he died. No issue. See page 606.

V15 Page 520 & V15 Page 521

[descendant chart]

Ann Finley married Dr William McCague, see preceding page 519. Am listing the children as given me by Mrs Mary McCague of 347 N. 41st Omaha, Neb.


John McCague, B Oct 17, 1816 ob Oct 1879

Joseph W. McCague, B Aug 5, 1818 ob 1881 married Dec 12, 1842 to Mary Miller daughter of Wm Miller & had 3 children. [not listed]

William McCague, B Oct 11, 1819, ob June 22, 1821

Jane McCague, B June 1, 1821 ob Sept 3, 1822

Mary McCague, B Mch 21, 1823 ob Nov 19, 1879, married Apr 20, 1842 to Moses R. Bartlett born at Winfield, NY June 14, 1816. They had 7 children born in Chillicothe, O.

1. Alma Bartlett, B Apr 9, 1844 ob Jany 31, 1846

2. Catharine Eliza Bartlett, B Apr 23, 1846 ob Jany 22, 1850

3. Edward Curren Bartlett, B July 23, 1848 ob. Married May 10, 1870 to Mary Moore in NY. Have 3 children [not listed]

4. Wm Findley Bartlett, B Dec 18, 1850 ob Aug 31, 1852

Russell Bartlett, married July 9, 1879 to Hattie Guthrie. She died Feby 10, 1881 aged 23 years.

Rachel Bartlett, B May 19, 1858

Mary McCague Bartlett, B Jany 18, 1864 ob Apr 11, 1866

Rev Thomas McCague [son of Ann Finley & Dr William McCague] B Dec 25, 1825 in Ripley, O ob June 7, 1914. Was the first U.P. missionary in Cairo, Egypt. Married July 27, 1854 to Henrietta Matilda Lowes, born May 20, 1832 in Warren Co, O daughter of John Lowes & his wife Mary Ann Brower. She was married in Oxford, O where she went to school. Her brother, Rev Abraham Brower Lowes married Belle Elliott & lived in Washington, Pa. She died Mch 24, 1902 here in Omaha, Neb & is buried here in Prospect Hill Cem & her husband is buried beside her. He was graduated at Washington College in 1854. He & his wife went as the first U.P. missionaries to Egypt & located at Cairo where their first four children were born & two are buried. He had 12 children. The last five children were born in Omaha, Neb.

1. John Lowes McCague, B Oct 6, 1855 ob May 26, 1924 Married Dec 20, 1882 Mary Gertrude Van Kuvan at Omaha, Neb (see b 16 p 26). She was born at Boston, Mass on Jany 27, 1856 daughter of Isaac Van Kuvan & wife Cynthia Matilda Carpenter.

2. James Irwin McCague, B Dec 20, 1856 ob May 2, 1857 in Cairo, Egypt.

3. Mary Bartlett McCague, B Mch 25, 1858 ob May 31, 1860 in Cairo, Egypt.

Both [above] buried in the English Protestant Cemetery there.

4. Margaret Miller McCague, B Dec 21, 1859 married Apr 29, 1885 to Rev Albert Gordon. Live in Cleveland, O. 2 children married in Omaha, Neb see bk 16 p 28. He was born at Hanover, Ind Mch 5, 1858 son of William Morton Gordon & wife Eliza McMillen.

6. Thos Henry, b Aug 26, 1863 ob July 15, 1915, married May 31, 1887 Minnie Crowell. Both dead. 3 children all single, born in Iowa, married in Wash. D.C. He married 2d June 20, 1912 at Osage, Kan to Helen Leighty (b 16 P 29) Born at Osage, Kan Nov 12, 1877 daughter of Joseph W. Leighty & wife Phebe Moffet Hill. Minnie C. Crowell was born near San Francisco, Calif Apr 20, 1864 & died Dec 22, 1906, daughter of Benjamin Crowell & wife Anna Silliman.

7. Joanna Maria McCague, B Oct 15, 1865 married June 10, 1886 to Jas Herron McCulloch. 2 children. Both living at Chula Vista, Calif. Born in Des Moines, Iowa & married in Omaha, Neb. Bk 16 p 30.

8. Russell Bartlett McCague, Born on Aug 11, 1867 ob Jany 2, 1868 in Omaha, Neb.

9. Anna Nye McCague, B Nov 23, 1868 married Sept 12, 1893 at Omaha, Neb Geo Marples. Both living at 1013 Dempster ST Evanston, Ills b 16 p 31.

10. Lydia Scott McCague, B Nov 30, 1870, single

11. George Stewart McCague, B Oct 11, 1872 ob Nov 20, 1907, unmarried.

12. Brower Elliott McCague, B at Omaha Oct 16, 1874 married Feby 20, 1902 at Highland, Kan by Rev Irwin, Pres to Mary Grant Field, B Mch 18, 1874 at Morris, Ills daughter of Edwin R. Field & wife Mary Grant, daughter of Colquhorn Grant & Margaret Cameron & his father, Peter Grant was fr Luss on Loch Lomond. Have 2 children, oldest born in Trinidad, Col & the other in Omaha, Neb.

Thomas Field McCague, B Aug 27, 1903 married Sept 17, 1924 to Lorem [best guess] Abarr, born Apr 7, 1905 daughter of Geo W. Abarr of Omaha & wife ____ Harrington. Have one child born here where he is a bank teller.

Joan McCague, B Aug 20, 1925

Dorothy Virginia, B Mch 29, 1910

George Milton McCague [son of Wm McCague] B June 30, 1829 ob Aug 14, 1829. This is son of 2d wife of Wm McCague

V15 Page 522

Oak Hill Jany 20, 1926 11 PM

I got Dr A.E. Crow at the elevators at 2 PM this afternoon & took him with me to my room 522 where he gave me his individual record which I have recorded in the table at Book 11 page 324. He left at 2:11 PM

At about 4:30 PM, J.W. Cogley of 8060 Jenkins Arcade, Pittsburgh, Pa came with a sheet of paper showing his wife's line of descent from Col Wm Crawford. Also another sheet of paper showing the eleven children of Reuben Wertz Shaw, grandfather of his wife, which I am recording on next page & filing, large envelope size. He also loaned me to be returned, the D.A.R. papers of Mrs Sarah A. (Chas T.) Moore, National Number 66320.

I rtd it & got his ackmt of receipt back 1/29/26.

Mrs Moore gives her residence as 904 Huey St, McKeesport, Pa & application was made Feby 18, 1908 & approved Apr 16, 1908 & states that Col Wm Crawford recruited men for the Revolutionary War principally recruiting the 7th & 13th Virginia Regiments & entered the Regular Army Jany 12, 1776 as Lieut Col of 5th Va Reg & was afterwards commanding Colonel of the same & served under Geo Washington in the

V15 Page 523

Long Island Campaign, was in the retreat through New Jersey, crossed the Delaware River with Washington Dec 25, 1776, participated in the capture of Trenton & the battle of Princeton Jany 3, 1777. In 1778, took command of Continental troops of militia at Pgh, served under Gen. McIntosh in the western miliary Dept & resigned Feby 10, 1781, but still retained his com. commanded the military expedition vs Sandusky in 1782 & was burned at the stake by the Delaware Indians June 11, 1782. I will return this D.A.R. paper tomorrow to Mr Cogley by Reg. mail. Says see National number 6350 P.

Children of Reuben Wertz Shaw & Sarah Ann McCormick 1.* Thomas S. Shaw, Cadiz, Ky

2. L.L. Shaw, Placerville, Calif

3.* Samuel F. Shaw, Braddock, Va

4. Margaret Jane Davis, Donora, Pa

5.* Elizabeth Wilson, McKees Rocks, Pa

6. Sarah A. Braznell, Wilkinsburg, Pa

7.* Moses M. Shaw, Braddock Pa

8. Albert B. Shaw, Wilkinsburg, Pa

9.* Lydia G. Bryner, Connellsville, Pa

10. Lillian M. McBeth, Braddock, Pa

11.* Norwood Herrington, McKees Rocks, Pa

* Deceased.

Mr Cogley said this last was the wife of Prof L.M. Herrington

He also said his wife's father was the son of John A. McBeth.

He gave his wife's line of descent

V15 Page 524

from Col Wm Crawford as follows:

Irene M. Cogley, daughter of Walter J. McBeth & Lillian M. Shaw

Lillian M. Shaw, daughter of Reuben Wertz Shaw & Sarah Ann McCormick

Sarah Ann McCormick, daughter of Moses McCormick & Elizabeth B. McC.

Moses McCormick, son of John McCormick & Sarah McC.

Sarah McCormick, daughter of Wm McCormick & Effie Crawford

Effie Crawford, daughter of Col Wm Crawford & Hannah Vance.

V15 Page 525

Oak Hill, Jany 24, 1926 10:07 PM

Miss Clare Painter writes from 1818 Sidney St, Greensburgh, Pa Dec 12, 1925 saying that her brother, Sam Painter had a second boy viz:

Thomas Wible Painter born Nov 9, 1925.

She enclosed a letter from her cousin Kathryn Blyholder 2630 Adams Mt Road, Washington D.C., filed, large env, which said that her great grandfather, Jacob Painter was twice married: 1st to Miss Rapier fr Indiana Co, Pa died & buried at Herrolds Church Westnd, Co, Pa. They had 7 children, Betsey, married Gen Joseph Markle, Rebecca, Catharine, Tobias, George, Elias & _______

Married 2d to Catharine Lobingier, daughter of Christopher 1740=1798, came to Mt P. Tp 1772 & his wife Elizabeth Mueller born in Switzerland 1744 & emigrated in 1749 to Lancaster (now Dauphine) Co, Pa with her father, Rudolph MÜller. She died at her daughter, Mrs Stimmel's in Storystown, Somerset Co, Pa Sept 5, 1815. Her sister, Ursula was great grandmother of Dr Wm H. Egle. By her, Jacob had ten children viz:

Polly, John, Jacob, Christopher, George, Joseph, Benjamin, Susan, Israel (Clare's grandfather) & Sophia

V15 Page 526

Says she has been unable to find the names of the wives of Col Israel Painter. Of course she has, he never had any. Than generation may not know that all of his children were illegitimate.

Anent the Crawford genealogy:

I asked Chas L. Springer what his Springer family history gave on it & he gave me the following:

"Second Generation

Uriah, born 1754 son of Dennis Springer & Ann Prickett married Sally, widow of Maj Harrison & daughter of Col Wm Crawford who was burned at the stake by Indians in 1782. Their children were:

1. William G. died "without heirs"

2. Matilda, died "without heirs"

3. Crawford, married, died 1852

4. Uriah born 1799 died 1883. No heirs

5. Anna

Uriah Springer Sr was commissioned by Lord Densmore as an ensign in the army when 19 yrs of age, was at one time Commander of Redstone Old Fort & arose to the rank of Colonel in the Federal Army. Served in several Indian campaigns. After the close of the War of the Revolution,

V15 Page 527

was Brigade Inspector during the War of 1812. He died 1826. Sally, his wife died 1836. (I wonder where buried & see if either got a pension)

Third Generation

Crawford, son of Uriah Springer & Sally Crawford married.

Their children were:

I. Angeline

II. Elizabeth, married Wagoner

III. Uriah, married twice. No heirs ob 1883

IV. Rebecca

Charley said these Connellsville people had always been lax about giving information indicating that they lived about Connellsville.

V15 Page 528

Oak Hill, Jany 26, 1926 1:15 AM

On Jany 29, 1925, Mrs Mary A. Thompson, wife of Joseph J. Thompson, corner Cedar Ave & Vine St Connellsville, Pa sent me a copy of a torn newspaper obituary she had found in the attic, of his grandfather Judge Joseph Thompson of Indiana, Pa which states that he was born in Washington Tp, Indiana Co, Pa in Jany 12, 1797, son of Hugh Thompson who was a son of Robert, a native of Ireland who settled in Pa, it said, in 1783 (Anjou says 1789) & died in Indiana Co, Pa it says 1807 (Anjou says Oct 13, 1809). Joseph learned the chair making trade in Pgh sewing fr 1815 to 1818 & run a chair manufacturing establishment in Indiana for over 30 yrs. He was Associate Judge for 5 yrs having in 1822 married Euphemia Moorhead, daughter of Joseph Moorhead & his wife Jane McElhoes. He was a member of the Pres. Ch for over 50 yrs & a Ruling Elder for the past 20 yrs. H.A. Thompson of the 1st NBK was his brother.

In the recent books gotten from Anjou, stored in closet room of the Madame DuBarry room, Robert Thompson of Indiana Co, Vol 1

V15 Page 529

Pages 2 to 32 inclusive is given the descent of Robert & the connection of that line with ours which shows:

V. Thomas & his son:

VI. William (1st of the 3) married Eliz. Cunningham & his son:

VII. Thomas born May 12, 1602 married June 18, 1633 Elizabeth Wharton & emigrated to Donard Co, Wicklow, Ireland & had son:

VIII. Thomas born June 8, 1639 married 1661 Mary Murphy of Co Monaghen & had:

IX. William born June 4, 1662 married 1st Aug 3, 1699 Mary Caims & 2d 1710 Rose Quigley & had:

X. William born June 3, 1701 married Aug 7, 1736 Mary S. Craig & their son:

XI. Robert Thompson born July 14, 1737 married July 14, 1766 Mary, daughter of Hugh Cannon & emigrated May 29, 1789 to Franklin Co, Pa & thence to Derry, Westnd Co, & in 1795 to Indiana Co, Pa where he died Oct 13, 1809. I think our Wm Thompson of Menallen, father of Hugh of U'town descends fr him. See Anjou's book. His son:

XII. Hugh born 1767 married Sept 1791 Martha Thompson daughter of James of Westnd Co, Pa & Nicholas Co, KY & had 2 daus & 7 sons, one:

XIII. Joseph is the Judge Thompson above referred to & his son:

XIV. Joseph Moorhead Thompson had son

XV. Joseph Jamison Thompson of C'ville, Pa to whom I am writing giving this line & filing copy with above letter from his wife. See book 5 p 135. 2 AM

Jany 29, 1926 11:11 AM made all slips to here JVT

V15 Page 530 & V15 Page 531

[descendant chart]

Thomas Thoroman married Esther Crawford, daughter of Robert Crawford, brother of gggfather Edward Crawford. See Anjou Crawford Hist Pages 117 & 118 married in Penna & came to mouth of Scioto. Probably both buried on his farm in Meigs Tp, Adams Co, O where they came fr Scioto Co, O. Had 8 children. He married 2d to Charlotte Trindle who survived him & by whom he had 3 children. See book 14 pages 527 to 531.


Thomas Thoroman, Born Feby 4, 1789 ob Sept 15, 1880. Married Sarah Smith who was born on Aug 10, 1790 & died Feby 19, 1877. See b 14 p 527. They had eleven children born in Adams Co, O.

Sallie Thoroman, ob, married to _____ Simmons

Hester Thoroman, ob, married to Daniel Lynch

Mary Ann Thoroman, B Dec 10, 1815 ob Feby 25, 1901, married Feby 19, 1835 to Benjamin Washburn born on Feby 11, 1812 & ob July 11, 1850 see page 240, son of John Washburn & Hanna, his wife. they had children born in Adams Co, O. Thomas was born in Highland Co, O.

John Washburn, B Sept 29, 1836, ob

Sarah Ann Washburn, B May 16, 1838, ob

Thomas Washburn, B Oct 26, 1839 living at "Jacktown", O

George Washburn, B Oct 14, 1841

Collins Washburn, B Sept 3, 1843

James Washburn, B Sept 27, 1845 ob Mch 21, 1925 married Sept 6, 1870 to Sarah Ann Black born Dec 27, 1842 & died Feby 11, 1913. They had 4 children.

Etta Leota Washburn, B Oct 5, 1871 ob Oct 31, 1872

Rolla Alden, B Feby 24, 1873 my informant by mail married Mch 17, 1909 to Myrtle Mattie McKee born June 25, 1878 at Beloit. Have 4 children born in Belleville, Kan.

Mildred Irene, B Feby 7, 1910

Sarah Frances, B Aug 22, 1912

Lila Adelia, B Nov 12, 1914

James Ancil Washburn, B Mch 20, 1917

Cora Leona Washburn, B Jany 27, 1875 married Jany 1, 1896 to Wilbert Alfred Smith, b July 20, 1871 in Macoupin Co, Ills.

Annie Levisa Smith, B Nov 23, 1897, married Nov 23, 1921 to Wm Carl Humbird B Dec 16, 1896 in Seymour, Mo

William Albert, B Sept 15, 1922, in Kay Co, Okla.

Ethel Isa Washburn, B Oct 19, 1882 married Sept 17, 1905 to Wm Alfred Seaman born May 1881 in Adams Co, O. Have 3 children born in Belleville, Kansas.

Marion Washburn Seaman, B Nov 6, 1909

Edyth Levisa, B Mch 8, 1911

William Sylvester, B June 4, 1919

Benjamin Franklin Washburn, [son of Mary Ann Thoroman & Benjamin Washburn] B Aug 25, 1847 see p 240 ob Jany 16, 1848 aged 4 mos 22 days

Mary Ann Washburn, B May 16, 1849

John Thoroman [son Thomas Thoroman B Feby 4, 1790] ob, married to _______ Thomas

Eliza Thoroman, B Oct 8, 1819 ob Nov 9, 1900 married 1 Isaac Wittenmyer, married 2 to Dr Samuel Lewis b 1826 ob June 16, 1864 see pages 217 & 240.

George Washington Thoroman, ob June 5, 1914 aged 91

Wesley Thoroman, B Nov 16, 1823 ob Aug 26, 1869 married Dec 31, 1846 to Tamson Jenney born Jany 13, 1826 ob July 12, 1865 see ps 233-238.

Hiram Thoroman, ob married to Jane Robertson

Angeline Thoroman, ob married to John McMillen

James Thomas Thoroman, B Mch 7, 1831 ob Dec 3, 1872 married Apr 20, 1854 to Nancy Ivers born Nov 28, 1833 ob Aug 31, 1912 see pages 197-200 & book 14 p 529.

Reuben Smith Thoroman, B July 19, 1833 ob Nov 6, 1868 married to Sallie Fulton see pages 209 & 216 & book 14 p 530

Charles Thoroman [son of Thomas subject of this chart] ob, married to Ruth Flora

Oliver Thoroman, ob married to Rebecca Lafferty

Samuel Thoroman, ob married to ______ McDaniel

Andrew Thoroman, ob married to ______ Crumley

William Thoroman, ob married to Maria Kerr

Annie Thoroman, ob married to ______ Coul

Margaret Thoroman, ob married to Thomas Metz

Rachel, by 2d wife ob, unmarried, not in our line

Sarah, by 2d wife ob unmarried, not in our line

Rena, by 2d wife, ob married to ______ Horn. Had 2 sons. Not in our line.

V15 Page 532 & V15 Page 533

[descendant chart]

John Breaden Finley see page 444 born Sept 7, 1809 & died Jany 1, 1858 near Ellis Grove, Ills. He was born in Guilford Co, N.C. Married about 1841 in Fairhaven, Preble Co, O to Emily Wright born Mch 20, 1823 & died, daughter of Isaac Wright & his wife Rachel Kelly. They had 8 children.


Henry Clay Finley, ob in infancy. No tombstone

Mary Elizabeth Finley, B Jany 5, 1843 ob Aug 5, 1849 in infancy

Rachel Ann Finley, B Feby 26, 1846 ob Feby 15, 1873, married August Begiman. No issue. Son of Philip Begiman & wife Mary Rury. He lived in Minn & after his wife's death, went off on a hunting trip & was never heard of afterwards. Can't get dates of his birth, marriage & death.

James Monroe Finley, B July 11, 1848 ob July 16, 1913 married July 4, 1880 at Ellis Grove, Ills Amanda Worthen B Apr 18, 1852 near Nashville, Tenn, daughter of James LaFayette Worthen & wife Elizabeth Kerr or Carr. She died Jany 18, 1917 & is buried at Ellis Grove, Ills. Had 6 children born at or near Ellis Grove, Ills.

Emily Elizabeth Finley, B Apr 3, 1881 ob Apr 4, 1915 married June 5, 1900 to Louis J. DeRousse at Chester, Ills see bk 21 p 186.

Lue Nellie Finley, B Aug 14, 1882 m. 2d Jany 13, 1915 Jasper Alle. Lives 3612 State ST East St Louis, Ill. m.1. Jany 31, 1906 at Chester, Ills to George Krieg B June 7, 1873 at Freeburg, Ills ob Dec 24, 1926 at Belleville, Ills & buried at Marissa Ills. Had 2 children. Divorced Jany 24, 1914 in East St Louis, Ill. Jasper Allen born June 15, 1886 at East St Louis, Ill. No issue. She my informant for this record.

Wymple A. Krieg, B Dec 6, 1906 at Marissa, Ills, married Feby 14, 1926 at East St Louis, Ills to Frank Leva [best guess]

Edna M. Krieg, B Mch 31, 1908 at Sparta, Ills. At home, single.

Lina May Finley, B June 13, 1886 m.1 June 9, 1910 at Clayton, Mo to Jno Davis born in Cleveland, O, ob in St Louis, Mo 1916, son of William Davis. m.2. Mch 9, 1926 at Farmington, Utah to John C. Hanson b 1876 son of Hans Hanson & wife Emma Errickson. Live 153 Pierpoint St Salt Lake City Utah where he is a painter. Mr Hanson was born in Springville, Utah.

John Finley Davis, B Mch 29, 1911 at Sparta, Ills

James Williams Davis, B Jany 6, 1913 at Omaha, Neb.

Clara Bell Finley, B July 27, 1888 married Jany 15, 1909 at Alton, Ills to Arthur Anderson. Live 4215 Delmar Blvd, St Louis, Mo wrting today.

Arthur Lester Anderson, B July 11, 1910 at Sparta, Ills

Eva Alice Finley, B Oct 3, 1890 ob Aug 23, 1900 & buried at Ellis Grove, Ills

John Wilson Finley, B Mch 5, 1884 married Aug 14, 1919 Salt Lake City, Utah to Mina Ruth Hutchison born Dec 19, 1887 daughter of David Hutchison & wife Jane Prestich. No issue Now (8/3/27) living at Murry, Utah RFD No 3 Box 283-B Writing today. She was born at Moroni, Utah. He is a painter contractor, but is now on a farm raising thoroughbred sheep.

Emily Frances Finley, [daughter of John Breaden Finley] B Sept 21, 1850 ob Feby 9, 1873 married Sol McDonough, son of Thomas McDonough & wife Louvina Furzee. He lives at Menard, Ills.

Ellen, married Buehl. Live 202 N. Grand Ave, Los Angeles, Calif. She died.


George Washington Finley [son of John Breaden Finley] b May 22, 1853 my informant by mail. He is blind. Lives at Ellis Grove, Randolph Co, Ills. Says he had his father's bible with record & also his grandfather's (don't say which GF) but he was burned out some years ago & they were burned up. He gives above dates of bros & sisters from memory & other records. Married Oct 10, 1878 to Sarah Amanda Hughes born Sept 16, 1859 daughter of Henry Hughes & wife Mary McDonough. She writes for him. No issue.

Margaret Ellen Finley, B Jany 1, 1855 ob Jany 9, 1891 & buried at Ellis, Grove, Ills. Married Mch 28, 1878 Ichabod Leavitt, B. Mch 5, 1852 in Ellis Grove, Ills son of Abijah Leavitt & wife Marcissa Barker. Have 4 children born at Ellis Grove, Ills. All living at Fort Gage, Randolph Co, Ills.

1. Bessie Leavitt, B Mch 25, 1883 married Joseph Paivest

2. Ray J. Leavitt, B Dec 12, 1886 single

3. Maud F. Leavitt, B May 12, 1888 married Dec 26, 1905 Edward Bendorf B Aug 9, 1880 in Duquoin, Ills son of Richard Bendorf & wife Jane Shappel. Live RR 2 Box 36 Fort Gage, Ill but now Aug 14/27 at 1148 Geo ST Chester, Ills. He is a shoe factory employee. Have six children all born in Ellis Grove, Ills

Richard E. Leavitt Jr, B Nov 5, 1906

Viola M. Leavitt, B Dec 5, 1908

Elsie M. Leavitt, B May 29, 1911

Laura V. Leavitt, B Mch 14, 1913

June G. Leavitt, B June 11, 1921

Junior I. Leavitt, B June 11, 1921

4. Grace R. Leavitt, B Dec 24, 1890, married Steve Dreczke

Isaac Joseph Finley, [son of John Breaden Finley] B Feby 25, 1858 ob Dec 23, 1910 & is buried in Ellis Grove cemetery m.1. Oct 21, 1886 Clara Lilly, b May 7, 1860 ob July 16, 1888 daughter of John Lilly & wife Ellza Fink. One child, a son. m.2d Jany 22, 1890 Anna Baughman B Nov 10, 1870 & is living, daughter of Eli Baughman & Jane Young. One child, a daughter. Clara is buried in Ellis Grove Cem.

Ralph J. Finley, B Mch 12, 1887 in Ellis Grove, Ills married July 22, 1911 in Sparta, Ills to to Eunice Gerner daughter of Chris Gerner & wife Ella Humphfrers [sic] who was born in Ellis Grove, Ills Dec 23, 1891. They have 2 children born, oldest in Sparta, Ills & youngest near Ellis Grove, Ills. He is a fireman & lives at 1119 New Stead, St Louis, MO.

Mafolda [sic] Finley B Oct 21, 1914, a girl

Ralph Junior Finley, B July 21, 1921

Pearl Finley, B Dec 22, 1891 in Ellis Grove, Ill married Oct 18, 1915 to James Wilsey Feamon B Sept 17, 1887 in Ellis Grove, Ills son of Henry Feamon & wife Mary Hunt. Live at Ellis Grove, Ills. He is a barber with shop in Baldwin, Ills Have one child born in Ellis Grove, Ills. She wants a book.

James Lamoine, B Jany 18, 1916

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Oak Hill Feby 7, 1926 8:28 PM

In the Mch 1925 Vol IX No 2 publication of the Genealogical Society of Penna on pages 192 & 193 is article by Edmund Hayes Bell on Van Leuvenigh - McWilliam - Thompson, treating principally of William Allen Thompson referring to Pub Vol VII p 213: additions Holcombs "Hist of Immanuel Church, New Castle, Del" gives date of license for marriage June 1, 1802 of William Allen Thompson and Sarah, widow of William Clay & daughter of Richard McWilliam Esq of New Castle by his wife Rebecca Van Leuvenigh says:

William Allen Thompson, fourth son & youngest child of Genl Wm Thompson of Carlisle, Pa was born on his father's plantation near Carlisle, Pa May 23, 1780. His mother, Catherine Ross, daughter of Rev Geo Ross of New Castle was sister of:

Gertrude Ross, wife of Geo Read of Delaware, signer of the Declaration of Independence of Ind & of George Ross of Lancaster, Pa another signer & of Elizabeth Ross, wife of Hon Edward Biddle of Reading, Pa who would have been a signer except for resigning from Congress late in June 1776 & of Mary Ross wife of Col Mark Bird of Birdsboro, another patriot of the Revolution. (I think Rev Ross had 13 children)

In 1801, William Allen Thompson was

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living at Williamsport, Pa.

Sarah Ann Thompson, his daughter married 1st James C. Thompson of Phila, Pa so far as known not related & had:

1. Robert Lockyer Thompson, Capt Co F 116 Pa Inf in the Civil War born 1829 & died 1892 at New Castle, Del.

2. Catharine Rebecca Talcott Thompson born 1831 & died 1892 at New Castle, Del.

Married 2d Col Burgess Ball Long of Virginia & had:

3. Virginia Mason Long who I visited in Aug 1923

4. Eleanor Long

5. Melchior Mason Long 1st Lieut of Engineers in the Confederate Army. Killed at the Battle of Cedar Creek, Shenandoah Co, Va.

6. William Allen Thompson Long.

On Page 199 of same magazine is reference to the purchase by the society housed at 1300 Locust St, Phila, Pa of the working manuscripts of Wm H. Egle of Hbg, Pa relating to many Scotch Irish & German Penn families & among others to the following families which I must go & examine viz:

Elliott, Findley, & Shunk, Kennedy, Lamberton, Whitehill, Autes & Beaver Page 200

William Casper Stoever died Oct 1924 a member

They also have p 210

Dr Chas H. Vinton data on the Cooper Family (typewritten)

V15 Page 536 & V15 Page 537

[descendant chart]

Thomas Finley born Nov 11, 1855 see page 393


George Wesley Finley, B Oct 25, 1879, unmarried. Lives at London, O & is his own housekeeper.

Sadie Marie Finley, B Apr 8, 1881 married June 27, 1910 to Jackson M. Russell, born July 14, 1881 at Vinton, O son of George Russell & wife Gusta Saxon. Have 4 children, the 3 oldest born at London, O & the youngest at Marion, O. He is a farmer.

Fred Lee Russell, B May 13, 1911

Alice Fern Russell, B Aug 1, 1912

Walter Alvin Russell, B May 12, 1914

Rose Saxon Russell, B Dec 1, 1917

Vena Frances Finley, B Sept 16, 1887 unmarried, a school teacher

Grace Oretha Finley, B Jany 14, 1891 married Jany 12, 1918 to John Ervin Chapman born in Gallia Co, O June 17, 1893, son of Isaac Franklin Chapman & wife Susan Frances Sheets. Have four children, the first two born at Mercers Bottom WVA & the last two at Carroll, O where he now lives & is a farmer. She taught school before marriage.

Mary Maxine Chapman, B Oct 13, 1918

William Henley Chapman, B July 7, 1920

Floyd Erwin Chapman, B Dec 8, 1923

John Henry Chapman, B Dec 16, 1925

Mary Carolyn Finley, B Apr 9, 1895 married Apr 26, 1920 to Herschel Withers born Mch 8, 1892 at Mercers Bottom, WVA son of W.F. Withers & wife Anna McAllister. Have one child born at Ashton, WVA where he now lives & is a farmer & runs a dairy. She was a school teacher before her marriage.

Jacqueline Withers, B Aug 31, 1925

Samuel Finley, B June 6, 1897 ob Oct 3, 1914

John Finley, B Nov 26, 1900 married Dec 24, 1924 to Bertha Wallace born Aug 18, 1897 at Mercers Bottom, WVA daughter of George Wallace & wife Lillie Warden. He is a farmer & lives at Ashton, WVA

William Finley [twin of John above] B Nov 26, 1900, unmarried. At home, a farmer

Elizabeth Opal Finley, B July 26, 1902 married July 14, 1920 Russell Sturgeon, born Nov 2, 1902 at Mercers Bottom, WVA son of Julius Sturgeon & wife Loretta May Jordan. Have 3 children born at Ashton, WVA. He lives at Huntington, WVA where he works at a rail mill.

Irene Ruth Sturgeon, B Oct 3, 1921

Kenneth Sturgeon, B Apr 16, 1923

William Wesley Sturgeon, B Apr 19, 1925

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Oak Hill, Feby 9, 1926 10:42 PM

I received today a letter dated 7th inst small envelope filed, from Julia A. Jewitt of 5183 Raymond Ave, St Louis, Mo who I hope to see there early next week in which she gives me the following inscriptions from the Presbyterian Cemetery, Concord Tp, Butler Co, Pa 1. Hugh Tomson died Feby 19, 1819 aged 75 yrs (born say 1744, look up Anjou recent book on Indiana Co, Pa line.)

2. Jane Thomson, wife of William Thompson died Sept 8, 1839 aged 55 yrs (born say 1784 look up Rev Robt Graham Thompson line)

3. William Thompson died Feby 1, 1850 aged 75 yrs (born say 1775,most probably son of Hugh)

Also a slip taken from Cramers Almanac for 1809 p 59

"married James Thompson to Elizabeth Watson Dec 8, 1814"

(Note dates she has one year or the other wrong)

Feby 13, 1926 at Mrs Jewett's ST Louis, Mo thinks this is from the 1819 Almanac which she saw in Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa

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At Chicago Motor Club, Michigan Ave, Corner 33d St, Chicago, Ills Feby 12th, 1926 10:30 AM

I came up here on the bus arriving at 10:07 & found Mr Jack out. He came in, however, in a few minutes a spare smooth faced virile man of 63 yrs with every indication of the Jack longevity. He said his name was Frank Ellsworth Jack born in 1863 in Detroit, Michigan, named for Col Ellsworth & son of James Anderson Jack, who was born in this country shortly after his parents, William Jack & wife had arrived from the neighborhood of Edinburgh, Scotland with one child, Mary, who was born abroad in Scotland & my informant's father was the first child born to them in America. There was too, another son, George, who lived in Detroit, Mich & other children who lived in Michigan where one of the members of the family had gathered considerable records of the family. He said he had an older brother, James two years older than himself who died at the age of 21 yrs & four other brothers, one named Bert living in St Louis, Mo who wouldn't be able to tell anything about the

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family, but his sister, the seventh & youngest child, Harriet Elizabeth Jack now Mrs R.J. Russell living at the Gatewood Hotel, a high class family Hotel at St Louis, Mo would be able to give more information about the family & could give me the name & address of the relative in Michigan, who had gathered the records of the family. He said his father, James Anderson Jack had died in St Louis, Mo 7 or 8 yrs ago aged 86 years, born then say about 1833. His mother was Harriet Elizabeth Riley, whose father was a farmer out from Detroit, Mich & Henry Ford's auto plant is now located on his old farm. He spoke of his mother in most endearing terms & as a wonderfully good woman & a member of the Methodist Church. He spoke very highly too of his father, but said he had a period in his life during which he drank too heavily, but not during the last 25 yrs of his life. He had been raised a Presbyterian & his wife then withdrew from the Methodist Church & went with her husband to the Presbyterian Church, which she joined & the children who had been going to the Methodist Church Sunday School then went to the Presbyterian S.S. He said their young life & raising

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were ideal & of the best & most elevating character. He said his grandfather, William Jack died, he thought before he was born, but he well remembered his grandmother Jack. He spoke in the highest terms of the Dunbars & said they were excellent people, but there having been differences between Mrs Dunbar & her husband, her daughter asked him to act as her father & he gave her away when she married Mr Gregory. He said he had five grandchildren & I left him a questionnaire & he said he would write me giving the necessary details of his own immediate record.

Left 11:11 AM

See book 13 p 168

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At home of Henry Eroll Dreibelbiss, No 1953 Sheffield Ave, Chicago, Ills 44th Ward, Feby 12, 1926 8 PM

Mr Dreibelbiss is a smooth faced, well preserved, dark eyed & black haired man of 43 not looking over 35 yrs 5 ft 10 & weighing 172 lbs. He was born Apr 5, 1883 in Ft Wayne, Ind, one of two children of Jacob Dreibelbiss & his wife Mary Ellen Agnes Johnson. He was born in Penna & died in Ft Wayne, Ind, Oct 14, 1894 & is buried in Lindenwood Cem. No marker. She was born in Antwerp Spaulding Co, O Feby 22, 1852, daughter of William Johnson who died in Antwerp O aged 97 yrs & his wife Elizabeth Worden. She died Sept 3, 1894 in Ft Wayne, Ind from falling by reason of a jerk from a street car & breaking her neck aged 42 yrs. Her husband, Jacob was 10 yrs older than her & was then born say 1842 & was then aged 52 yrs. She is buried in same cemetery, but not side by side, no marker. They had but two children both born in Ft Wayne, Ind viz:

1. Mertie May Dreibelbiss born May 2, 1881. She died here in Chicago Apr 11? 1911 at the private nurses home. She was married, date not known

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to Samuel Holmes who drowned in White Fish Bay between Canadian & American waters, he being a sea captain before her death. Don't know his parentage. No issue. She is buried in Mt Hope Cem here. No marker.

2. Henry E. Dreibelbiss born Apr 5, 1883 married Mch 30, 1907 at Chicago, Ills by Rev W.H. Head, Pastor of Asbury Methodist Epis Church to Johanna Buhrfeind born in Rock Island, Ills Sept 3, 1889 daughter of John Emanuel Marcus Buhrfeind & his wife Petrine [sic] Dorothea Hoffmann. No issue. Both living here.

Mr D.'s father, Jacob had brothers & sisters as follows:

1. Henry, dead at Ft Wayne, Ind before Jacob. Don't know whether married or not.

2. George, dead at Ft Wayne, Ind also before Jacob, unmarried.

3. John when last heard from abt 12 yrs ago was living in Vancouver British Columbia, was not married then.

4. Peter lived a few years ago at Woodstock, Mich was married & had one boy. Never heard of Jefferson or his father Joel & don't know whether Joel is living or not. He speaks of a Saybolt who were related.

Leaving 9:15 PM

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At residence of Mrs Julia Ann Jewett No 5183, Raymond Ave St Louis, Mo Feby 13, 1926 8:40 PM

I arrived here ten minutes ago & was admitted by Mrs Jewett. Mrs Jewett says that Ann Getty, the wife of Watson Thompson, son of Samuel Thompson & his wife Jean Lochry was a sister of her father Andrew Getty & daughter of John Getty & his wife Ann Hamilton who was a daughter of James Hamilton of Westnd Co, Pa. She thinks the town in Illinois where Watson Thompson went when he left his wife Ann Getty in Spruce Hollow then a P.O. at a country store which he ran & sold out & which she thinks was in Armstrong or possibly Indiana Co was in Northern Illinois & she thinks the name of the town was Lewisville, Ills. She has it in her notes & when she finds it, she will advise me certainly here he joined his cousin Peggy Lewis, a cousin she thinks on the Lochry side & whose family had moved to Illinois.

Mr J. says her father Andrew Getty was born Jany 17, 1815 & that (He died May 8, 1890)

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his sister Ann Getty was the child next older than him born in 1815. She has it from the bible ie her birth & death & when she finds it will send it to me.

Ann Getty's daughter, Ann Thompson married John Luke & their son Edgar Luke lives near Carthage, Mo where he has a fruit farm.

Watson's daughter Ada, who never married, was a very bright & able journalist & lived at Wichita, Kan where she died. His son Lochry Thompson went in the Civil War as soon as he was old enough, when very young & died in the service & there is she thinks a monument to him at Greenville, Pa. He was not married. The daughter, Ann married John Luke as above & Catharine married a Humphrey had a daughter Clara who married a Rideneor [sic] who live in Chicago, she will hunt up & send me her address & her husband's name.

Jean Lochry, wife of Samuel Thompson was a daughter of Archibald Lochry & she had a sister Elizabeth who married a Nathaniel McBryan & had a dozen children. See if this was of the McBryan's who were in the

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family of Uncle Capt Alexander Thompson

Leaving 10 PM

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At Gatesworth Hotel 215 Union Street St Louis, Mo Feby 14, 1926 3:33 PM

Mrs R.J. Russell, sister of Fred E. Jack of Chicago live here at room 501 & her husband. She is a heavy set lovely woman & he is six feet one inch weighs 205 lbs & is a wonderfully handsome man & an able one. She says her father, James Anderson jack, who was named for his father's brother also James Anderson Jack died in Webster Groves, Mo near here being a suburb of St Louis, Mo on June 15, 1921 aged 86 yrs having been born in Detroit, Mich Mch 25, 1835 second child & oldest son of his parents.

He was married Dec 1, 1859 in Detroit, Mich to Harriet Ann Riley, born June 5, 1839? & died Jany 2? 1916, daughter of Richard Riley & his wife Rachel Ann Lawrence. They had seven children, six boys & one girl, the two oldest born in Detroit, Mich & the other five in Toledo, O. Mrs Russell, born Harriet Elizabeth Jack is the 7th & youngest child & was born Jany 14, 1876 & was married May 25,1898 in Cincinnati, O by Rev Chas Goss of the Pres Ch, Redding Road, Walnut Hills to Reuben James Russell born May 24, 1876 at Royal

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Oak, Mich, son of Reuben Albert Russell & wife Cynthia Adel Ford. They have never had any issue, but have educated four boys & are now educating four girls. He said his father was County of which Pontiac, Mich is the county seat. Mr Russell is in the Electric business with the Century Electric Co of which he is Vice Pres & Genl Manager & with which her father was a most efficient worker until he was 80 yrs old. They make motors & fans. He knows Uniontown, Pa & has now a pair of pliers he got at a hardware store there 20 yrs ago & which he has had in constant use since.

Mrs R. will write to her Aunt Margaret Hazelton, sister of her father & ask her to send me the records she has. Her father's bible is with her brother Burt Maskell Jack who lives at 3926 (or 3726) North Euclid Ave & it has record of births & marriage which she will send me.

Wm A. Jack, grandfather of my informant came from Glasgow, Scotland to the U.S. was married in New York City & died at Detroit, Mich fifteen months before Mrs Russell was born aged 51 yrs. He gave his family bible to his son

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James A. but when his house burned down, the bible was burned. He had 13 children & his brother James A. Jack had ten children.

Left 5:35 PM

Mr Russell gave me the following addresses of parties to write to or see.

Mrs Margaret Hazelton, daughter of Wm A. Jack c/o Bruce Cheney (her son-in-law) 4308 Pasadena Ave, Detroit, Mich.

James A. Jack deceased son of Wm A.

Gordon Jack deceased son of Wm A.

His son lives in Ionia, Mich where he is in the furniture business. Mrs Geo Boyes deceased who lived at Suspension bridge NY was sister of Wm A. Jack

Mrs Cheney Detroit Mich can advise of their descendants.

July 21, 1930 see bible record mailed me by Mrs Russell Feby 20, 1926 recorded in B 23 p 458-9

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[fermata mark appears here]

At residence of William Carson McCoy, 948 Laurel St, St Louis, Mo Feby 14, 1926 7 PM

Referring to the questionnaire I sent to his brother, Oliver Finley McCoy, Glen Jean, WVA, copy of which I sent Oliver R. McCoy son of Wm C., I got information from Wm C. on certain of the queries viz on numbers:

1. Elizabeth Scott Foulke, Aunt of Wm C. was born in 1809 & died at Chillicothe, O aged 95 or 96. A daughter & son of Dr O.S. Franklin live in Chillicothe, both unmarried. See Book 14 p 376-7

Marianne, the older, the daughter & Charles, the son, live on South Paint St. He says to write to her.

For information about Alexander Watts McCoy, write to his daughter, Mrs Daniel Bullard, Warrensburg, MO

Nos 6 & & ask Marianne Franklin

No 9 Mrs Bullard will give

No 15 Mrs Bulalrd was the only daughter, but there were several sons.

No 25. Her full name was Jane Oliver Carson & she died Oct 17, 1907 No 26. Robert W. died Sept 20, 1920. He married Christine Chapman, daughter of William Chapman & his wife. & they had one child, viz: Samuel Finley McCoy

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born July 12, 1913? She lives at No 473 Washington Ave, Brooklyn NY

No 27. Benj Franklin Sproat was son of Amasa D. Sproat & his wife Emily Wade. He says to write to Malcolm Sproat, Chillicothe, O care of Sproat's Drug Store. He is a son.

See Bk 14 p 379. See Bk 16 p 228 see Bk 16 p 501.

No 28. yes

No 30. write Dr E.F. Waddell, Chillicothe, O son of William & Jane for their record.

No 31. The widow of Alex Renick lives in Chillicothe, O is well up in years & in delicate health & is the oldest child of "Uncle" Wm Waddell.

See Bk 16 p 487 see bk 14 p 380.

No 34 Thinks not, lives in NY

No 35. unmarried, dead

NO 36. Nancy M. married James Wilson Woodrow. She lives in NY & is a writer as Mrs Wilson Woodrow.

No 37. He is living in NY married once or twice.

No 38. The widow of F.W. Guthrie is living in NY. Thinks Dr Waddell can give record.

No 39. Ask Dr Waddell

Refer to Book 14 p 376

William Carson McCoy, my informant was born in Chillicothe, O Apr 11, 1866 & was married Apr 24, 1901 in Independence, Mo by Rev Dr Madeira & his brother Rev John McCoy, Presbyterians to Sarah Elizabeth Wilson

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born Oct 4, 1868 in Jackson Co, MO daughter of Wm Rufus Wilson & wife Mary Ann Moore & have had three children, the two oldest born in St Louis, Mo & the youngest in St Louis Co & all are unmarried. I met the parents & the two sons.

1. Jane McCoy born May 24, 1903

2. Oliver Rufus McCoy born Aug 1, 1905

3. Frederick Wilson McCoy born July 6, 1907

The boys are both in Washington University here.

Oliver R. gave me several letters to read & return.

We were in a hurry to get to Eddie Cantor's play "Kid Boots" &

Left at 7:33 PM

Mch 28, 1926 see book 16 page 226

Mch 29, 1926 am returning all the letters he gave me by registered mail.

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Office of Prewitt & Jack Insurance No 1045 Pierce Building No 112 Fourth St Corner of Pine. St Louis, Mo Feby 15, 1926 11:11 AM

We find Mr Wm A. Jack here a fine strong man with a smooth face weighing about 200 lbs who treated us (Mildred W. Mizener was with me) very nicely. He is a son of Chas E. Jack see book 8 p 313 & said he was married 1st on Mch 2, 1900 to Pauline Adler. He is going to get further record & send to me. Married 2d on Nov 29, 1916 to Etta Mae Lacey born Oct 5, 1899 or 1900 at St Louis, Mo daughter of Charles S. Lacey & his wife Sarah D. Stone & they have but two children by this second marriage record of which I got from his mother in Oct 1922. See page 568

His daughter by his first wife is:

Mignon Jack born Feby 2, 1901 in Kansas City, Mo & she married Apr 17, 1921 Mr N.D. Cerf born June 22, 1890 at New Albany, Ind son of David Cerf & his wife Frances Noah. His telephone is Harrison 0196 at his place of business.

They live in Kansas City, Mo where he is in the jewelry business & have one child born in Chicago viz;

Gloria May Cerf born Jany 2, 1925. His name is Nathan Davis Cerf. He talks of motoring east next summer & will stop to see us.

Leaving 11:33 AM

V15 Page 554

Office of Paul Bakewell Jr No 718 Fullerton Building at NO 124 Seventh St near Pine, St Louis, Mo Feby 15, 1926 12:12 PM

Mr Bakewell is a tall strong young man & is an attorney & his door also had on it "Fullerton Estate". His wife is now at Asheville, N.C. having gone there on Friday morning last 12th inst. Her maiden name was Mary Caroline Morgan Fullerton, only child or survivor of Genl Joseph Scott Fullerton was born Jany 6, 1887 or 1888. Her mother nee Mary Caroline Morgan died before her husband & is buried at Hartford, Conn.

Mary C.M. Fullerton was married June 2, 1909 at St Louis, Mo by Rev Matthew McMenamy, Catholic Priest to Paul Bakewell Jr my informant who was born Jany 26, 1889 at St Louis, Mo son of Paul Bakewell & his wife Eugenia Stella McNair. They are of the Pgh Bakewell family & have six children all born in St Louis, Mo viz:

1. Joseph Scott Fullerton Bakewell born Apr 21, 1910

2. Paul Bakewell III born May 26, 1911

3. Claude Ignatius Bakewell born Aug 9, 1912

4. George Dennison Morgan Bakewell born Sept 30, 1916

5. Francis Fullerton Bakewell born July 30, 1919

6. Mary Caroline Morgan Fullerton Bakewell born Nov 6, 1923 who is two years old.

He said A.J.A. Alexander's aunt,

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Miss Fullerton, well up in years living in Washington D.C. can give full information about the earlier members of the family & that A.J.A. can give her address. He will get the further data about his wife & the births of their children & send to me. He had an appointment at 12:30 so we

Left at 12:35 PM

V15 Page 556

At residence of Mrs Ella L. Markle, widow of Millard Fillmore Markle NO 770 Bayard St, St Louis, Mo Feby 15, 1926 2:46 PM

Mrs Markle lives here & her son Lorrain Richard Markle lives with her. Mrs Markle says her husband's mother, Martha Harvey was a granddaughter of John Harvey, the discoverer of the circulation of the blood. Mr Markle was born during the Millard Fillmore administration but he would not tell the year. He died in Milborn, NJ & was buried in the Markle burying ground out near Markles Mill north of Terre Haute. They do not have any old bibles, having passed through three fires. He was a landscape engineer.

He was married in Oct in Grand Rapids Mich by a J.P. to Ella Lucinda Lindsay, born back of Windsor, Canada at a place called Essex, June 12, 1865, daughter of William Simon Lindsay & wife Sarah Gillespie. They had four children, all living, the first two born in Detroit Mich, the 3d one in Gross Point, Mich & the 4th in Grand Rapids, Mich as follows:

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1. Lorrain R. Markle born Oct 12, 1893 married Feby 20, 1919 to Olive Lycett, born Dec 2, 1899 in Atlanta, Ga daughter of Joseph Lycett & wife May Hogan. Have one child born in Corvallis, Oregon viz:

1. Richard Melett Markle born July 23d 1920

Both living & he is now in the advertising business. He enlisted in the World War June 17, 1917 in Co K 138th Reg which was the 1st Mo Regiment. He was in Camp at Doniphan, Okla & was sent to the hospital from sickness caused from an injury, which prevented his going abroad. After his discharge from the hospital after 19 mos service, he was sent to school at Corvallis, Oregon where he was drill instructor.

2. Alzac (pro Alzas) Sylva Markle born Oct 19, 1895 married 1918 thinks in Belleville, Ills across the river to James C. Elwood & both are living here. He is an automobile mechanic, but is a drinking man. Have one child born in St Louis, MO.

1. Sylvia Jean Elwood born Aug 12, 1920 & here today

Alzac S. runs a beauty parlor here in which I am writing.

3. George Angelo Markle born Mch 22, 1900. He lives here in St Louis, & boards & is unmarried. He is an auto mechanic.

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4. Julia Elizabeth Markle born Oct 1, 1904 married Dec 22, 1920 in Clayton Mo a suburb of St Louis to George Harrison Whitcomb, born at Iowa. He is descended from an Indian through his father. No issue. Both living here at University City, P.O. 546 North & South Road, Clayton, Mo. He is in the advertising business & both at present are in Florida on a trip south.

William C. Markle, brother of Millard Fillmore was married twice & had two girls by his first wife, but both are dead & thinks were unmarried. Mrs M. thinks the second wife is living without issue but don't know where. They saw in a Chicago, Ills paper that he was killed in an auto accident in June 1925. Say he was older than Millard F.

Queen Elizabeth Markle, younger than her brother Millard F. married a man named Woodward, a tobacco merchant in Indianapolis, Ind to where they moved. She was 16 when she was married. See page 433.

They say there were just the three children of John Markle & Martha

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Mrs M. says her father-in-law, John Markle was a merchant trading in Terre Haute, Ind & moved his family to Arkansas, she thinks about Hot Springs & was in the fruit growing business there & in Mississippi & shipped strawberries to St Louis, Mo his son Millard F. saying he was the first one to engage in that trade.

Leaving 4:22 PM

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At residence of Mrs Jennie Butler No 5534 Barmer Ave, St Louis, Mo Feby 15, 1926 4:40 PM

I called here this morning & Mrs Butler was out & was still out this afternoon, but I went upstairs & saw her mother, Mrs Lucy Geer Markle who was bright & cheerful & said she would complete her 90 yrs on Mch 27th next. Said a sister 6 yrs younger than her had been visiting her & went home this morning. The picture of her mother hangs in her room. She lived to be 88 I think she said.

She said that Mrs John G. Drew & her husband had gone on a trip a week ago & would be gone three weeks yet. they had been living in an apartment here, but their son-in-law, Horace Happle had died abt two months ago & their daughter Elizabeth Happle being left rather alone with only an adopted daughter, they gave up their apartment & moved in with her. The telephone book gives H.E. Happel [sic] Physician Res Hampton Park Tel Wydown 0267-J. Mrs Markle said they lived at Hampton Court. Mrs Drew's mother was Lizzie Bender, sister of Saml Markle.

Left 4:54 PM

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At residence of Mrs Alma Green 3339 Garfield Ave, Kansas City, Mo Feby 16, 1926 11 AM

I have just arrived & found Mrs Green who had just come from the basement where she was firing the furnace. She says her husband's grandfather, Maj. Abraham Markle went back to Toronto, Canada to see bout his property which was confiscated but he was not able to get anything done.

Page 428. Mrs Green says Abraham Markle Pettingill died in Terre Haute, Ind Jany 4, 1862 dying drunk, had been Postmaster. His first wife was named Kay, by whom he had two girls & a boy all born in Terre Haute.

1. Sarah Pettingill married a Williamson & moved to Williamsport, Iowa & at last accts was living there & had a nice home & nice well to do husband.

2. Kate Pettingill married Wm Morgan, an Engineer on the Vandalia RR & lived in Terre Haute & thinks is still living there. Thinks he too is living but never heard of any children.

3. Abraham Markle Pettingill Jr went into the Civil War very young & deserted & wrote to his Uncle, my informant's husband for money, but he having angered him he didn't send it & they never heard of him after that date in 1864. See page 430.

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Abraham Markle Pettingill Sr married 2d Lizzie McFadden by whom he had two children, both born in Terre Haute, viz:

4. Lucien Pettingill went in the hardware business in Lawrence, Kansas & broke his mother up. Don't know whether he was married, but thinks he is living there yet.

His mother died at Lawrence, Kan over 30 yrs ago.

5. Mary died aged 8 to 10 yrs old.

Lizzie McFadden's oldest sister, Mary, married Bonaparte Markle youngest son of Maj Abraham & had one son Bright Markle. My informant says "Uncle Cone" went to New Orleans, La & was never heard of afterwards. He had a daughter older than Bright who died when young. They lived in Wash D.C. & were well to do when they lived there. See page 429. She says that "Uncle Frederick" Markle left $7000 to each of his sons & the home at the mill 15 A & 300 A at Kankakee, Ill to his widow, Sarah. She says Sarah gave the home at the mill to Anna (who I saw) wife of her son William.

I was told yesterday in St Louis, Mo by the widow & son of Millard Fillmore Markle that the old home

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had been foreclosed & sold & that6 she was living there by sufferance of the purchaser. Mrs Green & her daughter, Grace Eleanor Hunting says that she was born Alma Story, July 29, 1839 in Vigo Co, Ind 6 miles east of Terre Haute, daughter of Oliver Abraham Story & his wife Eleanor Soules. She married 1st Oct 24, 1858 to Madison Darren by whom she had one daughter, Mary Emma, who died in infancy & is buried in some cem in Terre Haute. He went down town one day & not coming back, she got a divorce from in Oct 1859 at Terre Haute, Ind.

Page 435. John Law who married Ann Markle daughter of Geo W. of Maj Abraham was of a good family, but he was a "good for nothing drunkard & his wife had a hard time of it". They lived at Ellsworth Sta on the Inter Urban about one mile from Markles Mill & Mrs Green thinks Mrs Ann Markle could tell about them.

Mrs Green says that her husband's first wife, Caroline Brotherton was three yrs older than her husband, born say 1828 & died the same month that Abraham Markle Pettingill Sr died & is buried in Union Cem six miles north of Terre Haute on the Lafayette Road at Union Chapel & has a fine monument which was put up

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by her unmarried daughter who died aged 36 & is buried there too. Caroline's children were:

1. Walter B. born in Terre Haute

2. William W. born in Terre Haute

3. Max born in Centralia, Ills

4. Sarah born in Centralia, Ills

5. Charles Eddy born in Centralia, Ills. He died in Springfield, Mo aged 53 yrs & is buried there. His wife remarried & now lives at Fort Worth, Tex

6. Niles Burke Jr died in Kansas City, Mo & is buried in Elmwood Cem here at 15th & Elmwood Sts. He had a wife & 4 children all married. She is now laying sick at Ft Wayne, Ind

7. Frederick was buried with his mother, who died the day after he was born. She says Caroline Brotherton was born in Vigo Co one of a family of ten children, but her father Abel came from NY State probably about 1816. Mrs Green's own children were:

8. Harry Curtis Green born Nov 6, 1864

9. Chauncey Rose Green born July 4, 1867

10. Cora Lucetta Green born Sept 22, 1873

11. Grace Eleanor Green born Oct 23, 1878

12. Herbert Green born Oct 23, 1878

I am filling in their records on page 431. Mrs Green's husband dropped dead

V15 Page 565

in the bathroom at 5 AM

He was a conductor when she married him in 1864 on the Vandelia RR. He later went to the Big Four & was Chief Bill clerk with them for over 23 yrs & then was with the Mo Pacific for 17 yrs being weighmaster as he wanted outside work.

Mr Green's firs wife died with a cancer from which she suffered for two years & left the home to him & her children. His half brother, A. Mark Pettingill died the same month Mrs Green did & left 5 children without anything & Mr Green moved in with her with his 5 children & they lived that way for 16 mos. The property belonged to his children & when he married my informant, neither had anything. She got $2000 insurance when he died & a small home which she sold & kept buying & selling until she had owned thirteen houses & had cleared $10,000 in the 23 yrs since she has been a widow, which she now has. In Dec 15, 1925 Mrs Mattie P. Greene was living with her daughter Ruth at 1737 Meridian St, Ft Wayne, Ind. Mrs Greene's telephone number now is Alma Green, Elm Ridge 5850-J. See pages 430 & 431 & 566 & 567.

Leaving 3:44 PM

May 23, 1926 made all slips to here JVT

V15 Page 566 & V15 Page 567

[descendant chart]

[fermata mark appears here]



William W. Green, see page 430, ob. married Emma Smock born in Terre Haute, Ind daughter of Rev Smack a Baptist minister who had three other daughters who went on the stage. She lives in Indianapolis, Ind with her son Sherril Greene [variations in spelling noted] & is in her 50th. She had but one child.

Sherrill Greene, married. Both living in Indianapolis, Ind.

Chas Eddy Green, see page 430 & 431 born Sept 22, & died in Springfield, Mo 12 to 15 yrs ago aged 53 yrs. He was a large handsome man. Married Emma ______, widow of Charles _____ & daughter of _____Fuller & his wife Nancy Kidd. Had two children. She lives in Ft Worth, Texas with one of her daughters.

Beulah Green, She is aged over 30 unmarried & a draughtsman & gets $400 a month. Thinks she lives at Ft Worth, Texas where her mother lives. Aug 14/27 her address now is "Apartado 106 Tampico Lampa, Mexico". & I am writing.

Mary Greene, married ______ Buchanan & live at Fort Worth, Texas. Write to them.

Niles Burke Green Jr, see page 431. He was born in Terre Haute, Ind & his wife, Martha Amy was a daughter of Rosswell Perry & his wife Lourena Houck & was born in Carey, O.

1. Olive Green, B Aug 10, 1888 at Hillsboro, O married Nov 8, 1911 at Milwaukee, Wis to Bert Jones & both are living in Des Moines, Iowa. Have 3 children, 2 boys & a girl & another boy dead, the oldest born at Ft Wayne, Ind & the other 3 at Des Moines, Iowa where they live at 1230 W 10th St & he is an insurance Examiner for the state of Iowa. His name is Albert Jones born Nov 30, 1881 at Des Moines, Iowa, son of Dr Albert Jones & his wife Mary Estelle Daugherty. See Book 16 page 67.

Albert Niles, B Apr 27, 1913, ob Jany 8, 1919

Robert Keating, B Nov 28, 1919

Earl Daugherty, B Sept 29, 1922

Martha May, B May 6, 1924

2. Earl Raymond Green, B Jany 18, 1890 at Hillsboro, O married Mch 22, 1918 at Ft Wayne to Bessie Ellnora Liggett born Apr 22, 1897 at Ft Wayne, Ind. Both living near Ft Wayne, Ind. Has 2 boys, the first one born at Greensburg, Ind & the 2d at Ft Wayne, Ind. She is dau of Daniel Liggett & wife Elizabeth Rathon [best guess]

Warren Perry, B June 1, 1920

Richard Howard, B Mch 15, 1925

3. Ruth Caroline Green, B May 9, 1892 at Wharton, O married Sept 15, 1914 Ft Wayne, Ind to Wm Fredrick Kroener Jr. Both living at 1737 Meridian St Ft Wayne, Ind. Has 2 boys both born at Ft Wayne, Ind. He was born at Ft Wayne, Ind July 4, 1894 son of Wm F. Kroener & wife Annie Altekruse

William Perry, B June 9, 1915

Robert Wayne, B Nov 6, 1920

4. Helen Louvine Green, B Nov 28, 1898 in Kansas City, Mo Married Feby 11, 1925 at Ft Wayne, Ind to Harry Ellsworth, Weisbecker & live at Ft Wayne, Ind. Now live at 1002 State Blvd East. He was born in Fort Wayne, Ind July 13, 1889 son of George Weisbecker & wife Prudence Gaskill. No issue. Aug 14, 1927 her address is 2130 1/2 Fairfield Ave, Ft Wayne, Ind. She says Mrs Emery Hunting see page 431 has the old family bible.

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At room 929, Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas City, Mo Feby 17, 1926 9:15 PM

I have just phoned Mrs N.D. Cerf Tel Hiland 3724, who lives at 515 E 61st ST & she gave me information entered on page 553 & her husband's telephone number, who I called & he gave me his birth & parentage entered on same page. She is daughter of Wm A. Jack see page 553, by his first wife, Pauline Adler who Mrs Cerf says is 44 yrs old, born Jany 16, 1882 daughter of Leopold Adler. The date of her divorce would be 1910 as Mrs Cerf says she was 9 yrs old at the time.

V15 Page 569

At residence of Ruhama Milligan No 617 E. Park St, Olathe, Johnson Co, Kansas, Feby 17, 1926 6 PM

I arrived here half an hour ago & was recd by Mrs Milligan & her mother came in right away, from her supper. She says she will be 93 this coming April & that her father was Robert Steele McIntire, named for his grandfather Robert Finley & for Rev David Steele, who was a Covenanter preacher, but left the church & started one of his own & they were called Steele-ites. Mrs George remembers seeing her father's Uncle Robert Finley who was, she recalls, the youngest of the family. She also recalls seeing another one, a brother of Robert, but don't recall his name. She used often to hear of Ann McCague, Betsy Liggett, Isabella Kerr & Polly Smiley & says they were first cousins of her father & that the Finleys there were his first cousins. The father of the above 4 girls was John Finley who had died before 1816.

She says her father went to clerk for Peter Wickerham in Palestine, O a village blacksmith shop in Adams Co, O between the present Peebles & Locust Grove & the next year when 18 yrs old, he married Susan Wickerham who was a sister of Peter & died when he was 24 yrs old. She was

V15 Page 570

a daughter of Genl Peter Wickerham who was a General in the German Army & who came to America first to Penna, but came from there to Adams Co, O where he took up 1400 A of land at Palestine, O. She don't know his wife's name, but remembers her & him both, her own grandparents, with whom she went to live. She says her father owned a store at Sinking Springs, Highland Co, O which he traded for a farm of abt 125 A at Palestine, O on which he died from typhoid fever, not a rattlesnake bite, a month or two after he moved on the farm. He is buried at the beautiful Locust Grove Cem on a hill at Locust Grove, Adams Co, O just near to Palestine, O where he has a marker. Mrs George says her brother, David Steele McIntire, youngest of her father's three children died unmarried when aged 21 yrs of a mastoid gathering back of his ear, is also buried there, as is her sister Ruhamah, middle one of the children who married George McCague Evans of Ripley, O.

Her mother married second, Andrew McIntire, a first cousin of my informant's father & a son of James. My informant was 5 yrs old when her father died. Ruhamah was 3 & David was 1 yr old. Her mother moved to Green Co, O. Xenia

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Co seat & her mother died at Cedarville, O aged 52 yrs & is buried in Massey's Creek Cem near Cedarville, O as is her husband & they have markers. She says that her grandmother's name was Mary Elizabeth Finley & that Mrs A.G. Campbell of 121 Mission St, Council Grove, Kan, a first cousin of Mrs George & a daughter of William McIntire was Mary Elizabeth McIntire, named for her grandmother McIntire. She says that of her grandfather, Col Andrew McIntire's children, the oldest was Jane, then Uncle Lindsay then Uncle Saml Finley, then Patsy then her father, Robert S. then Wm who was next to the youngest & then Silas Dyer, the youngest.

Mrs Campbell has a daughter teaching school in Council Grove, Kan but taught last year at Uniontown, Kansas.

She says her Uncle Sam Finley McIntire died first of the cholera unmarried & his father then had it & his wife was stricken & died 7 or 8 hours later when the clock struck eleven, the night of the day her son Saml F. was buried & an hour later when the clock struck twelve, her husband died.

Mrs George's son Anders McI graduated at Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa & was educated for the ministry, but his health failed preventing. [sic]

V15 Page 572

Page 112. Mrs George says the Pilsons were related to the Finleys. Also says her grandmother Elizabeth Finley was not an educated woman as they did not then educate the daughters, but says she was a very good woman & very small & after her marriage, she was in a runaway & they thought her back was broken & she was never able after that to straighten up. She don't know the parentage of her gf Col Andrew McIntire.

Jane's name was Jane Finley McIntire & neither she nor John Lindsey, Martha (Patsie) or Samuel Finley were married.

Page 113 Phebe Finley was the first wife of her great Uncle Robert Finley. Mrs George remembers of her great Uncle Robert Finley taking her & introducing her to his second wife in his big 2 story frame house home in Youngsville, O. She was a tall slender woman.

See pages 111, 112 & 152. Leaving 10:40 PM

It came the above hour, Mrs Milligan wanted to go to bed, while I was going over the Cherry Fork g.y. inscriptions so I failed to get record of Mrs George's sister & brother both of whom are buried in the

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cemetery at Locust Grove, O.

Ruhamah married Geo McCague Evans & David S. died I think when aged 21 yrs, unmarried. She spoke in the most endearing terms of her father who she said never whipped her, but her mother did. Said once, she struck her brother David & her father took her in a little bedroom, took her on his knee & told her how wrong it was to strike her little brother & said if you will promise me to not do it again, I won't whip you & then kissed her & put her down. She said his talk hurt her more than a whipping.

She told of when her son David when holding a candle to the door for her in apple butter making time & stepping back fell in a kettle of boiling cider vinegar & burned him from Knees to armpits. He said "Mother, am I going to die" & she said "Yes, David". He then said "Well then, I must pray" which he did. His pain was intense burning the first five hours, but he did not suffer so much the next six. He called the children to him & bade them goodbye with the parting injunction to "be good" & said he was not afraid to die. She said to me that if "this was my own house, I would have you stay all night, but to page 577

V15 Page 574 & V15 Page 575

[descendant chart]

Robert Finley, came to Adams Co, O in 1806 from Augusta Co, VA


Elizabeth Finley born about 1787 & died of cholera July 30, 1849 at 11 PM see page 112 item 62. Married Col Andrew McIntire born May 18, 1781 & died of cholera July 30, 1849 at 12 o'c midnight.

2. Jane Finley McIntire, B Mch 2, 1811 ob Oct 30, 1879 unmarried see page 112 item 62.

3. John Lindsey McIntire, B Aug 31, 1814 ob Aug 24, 1854, unmarried

4. Patsy McIntire, or Martha B Jany 25, 1817 ob July 12, 1881, unmarried.

1. Robert Steele McIntire, ob. married to Susan Wickerham ob Nov 23, 1860 aged 53 yrs.

Mary McIntire, Born Apr 8, 1833 at Palestine, O, married Oct 31, 1851 at Palestine, O by Rev Robert Hutchinson, a Covenanter to John Dolman George, born 1830 near Londonderry, Pa, son of Henry George & his wife Maria Dolman He died June 3, 1913 in Dayton, O in his son's sanitarium & is buried at Masseys Creek Cemetery near Cedarville, O. He was a farmer & came to Ohio with his parents when aged 15 or 16 yrs. They had 14 children, the first six born in Palestine, O & the other 8 in Green Co, O abt 1 mile south of Cedarville, O.

Unnamed son, B Aug 31, 1852 ob Sept 28, 1852

Unnamed son, B Aug 8, 1853, ob Aug 22, 1853

Infant Son, B Oct 2, 1854 ob Oct 12, 1854

David McIntire George B May 7, 1856 ob Sept 24, 1864, was scalded to death.

William Henry George, B Nov 1, 1857 ob Feby 23, 1882 of spinal meningitis. unmarried.

Andrew McIntire George, B Apr 15, 1859. Has never married. Lives in Northwood, Logan Co, O mail at Belle Centre, O.

Rhu George, B July 31, 1861 married Dec 13, 1882 at Cedarville, O by Rev S.A. George, Covenanter, to James McDonald Milligan born Jany 26, 1856 in Morning Sun, Iowa & died May 26, 1920 at Olathe, Kan & is buried here. He was son of Wm Milligan & wife Margaret Montgomery. Have had four children all born on a farm 6 miles S.E. of Sharon, Iowa. They moved here in Mch 1901 or 1902.

William George Milligan, B Apr 11, 1884 married Jany 23, 1908 to Grace Hunt b Mch 17, 1886 daughter of Wm T. Hunt & wife Wilda Edwards. See page 576.

Mary Madge Milligan, B July 20, 1885 married Sept 1905 to Wilbert Dean Lorimer, son of Jno Lorimer & wife Sadie Walker. See page 576.

James McDonald Milligan, B Feby 14, 1892 married Sept 19, 1914 to Majorie [sic] Ethel Moore daughter of Dr Robt Melville Moore & wife Ola Miller. No issue, but adopted a boy Robert born Feby 2, 1924.

Eda Mildred Milligan, B Oct 1, 1896 married June 12, 1925 in Elgin Ill to Daniel Lytle Stormont, son of Riley Stormont & wife Mary Lytle. They live at 230 Church St New Haven, Conn where he is a teacher in Yale College

Maria Eva George [dau of Mary McIntire & John D. George] B Feby 8, 1864 ob Mch 13, 1882 of spinal meningitis. Unmarried.

9. Robert Oscar George, B July 22, 1866, married Dec 29, 1898 to Miss Rhoda Reed of Linton, Iowa, daughter of Matthew Reed & his wife Mary Walkinshaw. Rhoda was born in Maine,[best guess] Iowa Mch 27, 1868. Both living at New Richland [this is badly blotted & I can't make out the rest] Co, O P.O. Belle Center, O. He is a rich farmer owning 2 good farms & have two boys born at New Richland, O.

Robert Wilfred George, B Jany 16, 1900 married June 30, 1925 5o Miss Mildred Davis at Beaver Falls, Pa b at Princeton, Ind Feby 20, 1903 daughter of Saml R. Davis & wife Jennie Piper. He was born at Cedarville, O

John Reed George, B Mch 27, 1904 unmarried.

11. Infant Son George [son of Mary McIntire & John D. George] stillborn Dec 1871

10. Susan May George see book 18 page 526 item 115. B Aug 15, 1868 ob Feby 15, 1870 of diptheria & is buried at Masseys Creek Cem & has a marker ob Nov 11, 1869.

12. Ralph Gamble George, B May 10, 1873 married Oct 21, 1896 to Pearl Jackson born May 13, 1871 daughter of Andrew Jackson (son she says of Genl Andrew Jackson of the Revolutionary War) & his wife Fannie Dunlap, a wealthy girl. Both living in Jamestown, O in R.E. & insurance business & also at Cedarville, O taking care of her father. Have but two children, the oldest born in Chicago & the youngest also at Chicago, Ills, Pearl was born at Cedarville, O.

Marian Pearl George, B Nov 28, 1901 married Dec 25, 1925 at Cedarville, O to Ralph Ferguson B Jany 21, 1901 in Jamestown, o son of William D. Ferguson & wife Alice Holmes. Both teaching.

Helen George, B May 17, 1906 in college in Chicago.

13. Infant daughter, born prematurely in July 1874

14. John Cecil George B May 27, 1876. He has never married. He is an M.D. & a specialist in neurotic ailments. He is now in U.S. Service at veterans Hospital in N.C. He went abroad in the World War as a Lieut & was promoted to Capt & Major & was overseas 3 yrs as a specialist. She shows his photo standing in soldiers uniform, a most handsome man.

Ruhamah McIntire [dau of Robert Steele McIntire & Susan Wickerham] ob.

David Steele McIntire, ob.

William McIntire [son of Eliz. Finley & Col Andrew McIntire]

Silas Dyer McIntire

Robert Finley [son of Robert, subject of this chart, fermata mark appears by his name] See book 11 p 121. Born in Augusta Co, Va in 1793, the youngest of 17 children. Died in Monmouth, Ills July 1863. Married 1. Phebe_____ born abt 1793 & died Nov 4, 1832 aged 39 yrs & is buried at Cherry Fork, O see page 113 item 67. Married 2. see page 572.

V15 Page 576

[descendant chart]



William George Milligan, see 574. Both living in this Co 3 miles N.E. P.O. Olathe, Kan RFD. Have four girls, the oldest born in Osborne, Kansas & the others born on the farm near here. All single.

Wilda Marian, B Dec 16, 1908

Martha Lois, B Apr 12, 1913

Georgia Mildred, B Feby 22, 1917

Helen Hunt, B Dec 10, 1920

Mary Madge Milligan, see 574 Both living on a farm in this Co 5 miles S.E. of here. P.O. Olathe, O RFD & have three children all born in this Co were married 8 yrs before they had any children.

Esther Lorraine, B May 14, 1913

Edria [sic] Mildred B Jany 1919

Wilbert Wayne, B Aug 12, 1923

V15 Page 577

From page 573

Rhu is peculiar". She is the youngest nonagenarian I ever saw & did not look her age by 20 yrs. She thanked me for coming & was very kind & said the Finleys & McIntires were good people & she had nothing to be ashamed of in her heritage. Mrs Milligan wanted to get me some supper, but I asked her not to. When I was leaving in the rain, she said she was sorry she didn't have an extra room to give me for the night. She knew Martha Cannon born Jany 19, 1836 & her niece Julia Hepzibah Cannon born 1855 of Morning Sun, Iowa.

Mrs George is a little below medium height & is neither slender of fleshy & is very spry & active.

Mrs George said she was either 5 or 7 yrs old when her father died & Ruhamah 3 or 5 & David 1 or 3, but I see from her statement that he died when 24, that their ages would be 5 yrs, 3 yrs & one yr then. She spoke of her doctor saying she would live to be a hundred & I think she bids fair to do so. She said that when her Uncle Sam Finley McIntire & her grandparents died July 30, 1849 that her Uncle Silas? Dyer McIntire who had also been down sick asked her to pray that no more would be taken & she did & dates her conversion from there.

V15 Page 578

At Olathe Hotel, Room 14 Olathe, Johnson Co, Kansas Feby 18, 1926 1 AM

During the day that is just passed, A.O. Thompson, lumber merchant of Kansas City, came to the Muehlebach Hotel at 12:30 PM & had lunch with me & was with me until 3:11 Pm when I parted with him as we were leaving the Aladdin Hotel just back of the Muehlebach Hotel.

After leaving him, I penciled down some of the things he told me about his immediate family which I do not believe I got as I was relying on him or Mrs Kilpatrick to make it out for me & I don't think they ever did.

His grandfather, David Thompson was born in 1803, a twin with Joseph who came to near Olathe here but when I was here in Nov 1922, I could learn very little about his descendants. He spoke of the following children of his grandfather David.

1. Hannah who married John Thompson & had among other children:

1. Will? at Love Elm, Kansas who I then saw.

2. Cephas at Enid, Okla who I saw in Dec

V15 Page 579

2. Rebecca, who married Kilpatrick & had:

1. Samuel

2. William H.

3. Robt J. & others

3. Sarah Ann married Downey & had:

1. Minerva who married Ravencraft? & went to Montana & their daughter married out there & her two sons were the internationally famous _______ brothers with a world wide fame as Jockeys. The name has six letters.

4. Robert Jackson, twin with Rebecca. He was father of my informant, A.O.

5. Rebecca, twin with Robert J. born in 1838. She married Saml Hull from Texas where they went to live & he got in the Confederate Army. She married about 1857-9 & coming back to Kansas she died 1875-1880 & is buried at Laney, Kan along the Oklahoma line. They had several children. He then moved to Arkansas to Dalrymple? or to some town there commencing with D.

[Note: Two Rebeccas appear as JVT entered them]

I went with him to the office of C.O. Jones on Walnut St near 10th. Mr Jones is a tall handsome smooth faced man of abt 35

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years & is worth a million & a half A.O. says. He not being at his office, we walked over to the Aladdin Hotel 15 or 16 stories on Wyandotte St which he built & he is the ruling spirit in the Co he formed which owns & operates it. He asked A.O. to take a fourth in this Co which he regrets now that he did not take. Mr Jones figured the Ambassador Hotel excellent for location at No 3552 Broadway as follows:

Building $900,000

Furniture 250,000, the very best

Ground -150,000

Total $1300,000

He says it is built wrong & will never pay the rooms being too small & the closet accommodations will not admit of a woman putting a dress in without wrinkling, requiring continual pressing. It was first built of 4 stories & then increased to six & then to 9 or 10 & has but one small elevator front & a small one back which are not adequate & cause a serious handicap. The Commonwealth Hotel was built later & has better

V15 Page 581

sized rooms & closets. It is at NO 1216 Broadway & he estimates costs & values:

Building $900,000

Furniture 150,000 not so good

Ground _100,000

Total $1150,000

The location is not so good & will not command as high charges for rooms. He says that Carney Goodman owns the Co which owns both hotels & he says doubling the value for a trade is the regular practice of their realtors, who estimate that the party trading has put two prices on his property.

When I saw Goodman at 10 AM, he said the property wd only admit of a second mtge of $250,000 each which wd not raise as much cash as I required to make the trade. A.O. said you could not trade with him without getting beat. A.O. was on the draft board during the World War & Goodman claimed Exemption because he had a wife & she, a tough one, appeared & said he did not support her & should not use that to exempt him. They tried the hardest to get him in, but he was so slippery they only succeeded in

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getting him to Camp Funston just before the war closed. C.O. Jones's Aladdin Hotel is a dandy & his rooms are only half what the Muehlebach charges viz $2, $3 & $4.50 for single occupant & $1.50 to $2 additional for a second occupant.

They serve suppers for $1.50 & no cover charge with dancing & radio broadcasts after theatre from 10:30 PM to 2 AM with music by Johnnie Campbell's "Aladdin Arabian Nights Band". It rained all the day & night up to half an hour ago & it is now 2:30 AM & I will go to bed as I left a call for 6:30 AM

V15 Page 583

At Residence of John Wesley Dill, No 1409 W. Main St, Chanute, Neosho Co, Kansas, Feby 18, 1926 1:22 PM

I arrived here by train at 1 PM & find Mr Dill alone, his wife having gone to a quilting.

He says he does not have his father's bible as he married the second time after his mother died. He married his second wife in 1873 in Labette Co, Kan & he dying in 1874, his widow got the bible. He says a man named Dick, living at Parsons, Kansas says that Mr B. Frank Dill got the bible, but of this, he is not sure. This 2d wife was an old maid, who came out here from Hamilton Co, Ind with the Dicks. Don't think she had any children nor when or where she died. He has his own bible. Says his mother told him that her father served in the Revolutionary War with Washington. His impression is that she said his name was George, but is not sure. Says her brother, George Markle (father of Jesse B.) served in the War of 1812 & coming to Illinois, located in Cook Co before Chicago

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was named & took up 160 A on a soldiers land warrant fourteen miles N.W. of Fort Dearborn & died on said farm during the Civil War. His daughter married an Englishman (or his father was) Old Tom Jory & moved to Cambridge, Iowa. He says his mother said her father entered the Rev. War from Lancaster Co, Pa & served seven years being a young man & single & married after the war closed & lived & died in Penna. His mother knew him well & often spoke of him. My informant thinks he died in the forties before he was born in 1848. Says they moved to Iowa in 1850. Thinks his sister Eliza Pouss died in 1870 or 1871 at Avilla, Mo & had six children, but don't think any of them are there. He married again & died in Mo.

Mr Dill has two letters, one dated Dec 11, 1925 & the other Jany 16, 1926 from his brother, Israel M's daughter, Mrs Sarah Jane Roberts No 305 East Ohio St, Monticello, Indiana. She wants to join the D.A.R. She said her father had 4 children. She says her Aunt Louisa Davis died last spring aged 88 yrs. Ask her. [What?] She says her Uncle Frank's oldest daughter Mary lives at Raymond, Neb, name Mary Dill Taylor.

V15 Page 585

He has heard his mother speak of her sister who married an Ash. Says two of her nephews, James Monroe Markle, younger & Hiram Markle, the oldest, brothers, carpenters, came & worked on the first Capital Bldg at Des Moines, Iowa. They were Jacob's sons. He says his mother had a sister who married a Bare of Bair or Bear. He also recalls the Wiests as relatives. See page 405. Leaving 3:11 PM

Remembers her having a brother Moses. He said he had lived in Chanute since 1905 & that on Jany 31, last, he & his wife celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary.

V15 Page 586 & V15 Page 587

[descendant chart]

Sarah Markle was born in Penna in, he thinks, Lancaster or Schuylkill Co & died near Altona, Wilson Co, Kansas Dec 14, 1872 & is buried at Altona, Ks, but does not have a marker. She was younger than her brother George who was older than her & she remembers as a little girl of 7 yrs when he came back from the war. She was next to the youngest of the family. Married in Penna, Schuylkill Co probably or perhaps in Lancaster Co, Pa to Solomon Dill who was born Jany 8, 1808? in Schuylkill Co, Pa & died near Timber Hill, Labette Co, Kansas Sept? 1874 & is buried at Timber Hill, Kan, but does not know whether there is a marker or not. He was 2 yrs younger than Sarah, but Mr D. thought he was 72 when he died. They moved from Penna with their two oldest children to Hamilton Co, Ind where he was a blacksmith, owning a farm & their other six children were born there & in 1850, he sold the farm & moved to Polk Co, Iowa where Des Moines now is & where he had 80 Acres. Once owned over 1000 A of land. Then moved to Story Co, Iowa, Nevada about 1859 and came to Kansas, Miami Co, Rockville in 1867 & in 1870 moved to Wilson Co Kansas where she died. In 1873, he moved to Labette Co. Kansas. B.F. says born in Columbia Co, Pa & died aged 65 yrs.


1. Eliza Dill B in Pa, ob. Married 2 abt 1853 Henry Pross. She died in Jasper Co, Mo at Avilla, Mo M.1 abt 1847 to Alec Palmer.

2. Israel Markle Dill, B 1832 in Pa ob 1907 aged 75. He served 3 yrs in the Civil War. See page 584 enlisted Dec 23, 1863, mustered in same day & mustered out Apr 20, 1866 at Selma, Ala. Married 1854 Thirza Cottingham. He was in 32d Iowa Infantry.

Sarah Jane Markle Dill, married Roberts & lives 305 E. Ohio St Monticello, Ind. She is oldest daughter.

3. Phoebe Dill B Jany 14, 1833 in Penna ob Mch 25, 1875 married Apr 5, 1852 to William Henry Rouls. She had a twin brother Daniel who died when six months old B.F. thinks these two were born in Penna see page 401.

4. Daniel Dill, B Jany 14, 1833 [see above]

5. Louisa Dill, B Apr 21, abt 1836 in Wayne Co, Indiana ob Apr 18, 1925 aged 89 yrs in Kokomo? Ind. Married 1853 John Davis.

6. Caroline Dill, ob 1868[16]id he was married Sept 1907 & his wife Ma Ballard, middle name Chalkley enlisted Dec 24, 1863 fr Story Co, Iowa mustered in Dec 24, 1863. Killed in action Apr 9, 1864 at Pleasant Hill, La. Had one child born Story Co, Iowa

Frances Ballard

7. David Henry Dill, B Sept 1840 ob Sept 28, 1861 aged 20 was killed in Civil War, enlisted May 21, 1861 fr Story Co, Iowa mustered in June 8, 1861 wounded mortally Sept 17, 1861 at Blue Mills, Mo & died as above in Liberty, Mo. Unmarried. Was in Co F. 3rd Iowa Infantry. B.F. writes that he was captured & died in Rebel Hospital Sept 10, 1861.

8. Benj Franklin Dill, B Mch 24, 1842 living at Prescott, Ark, Route 5 married Aug 19, 1866. Enlisted Aug 29, 1861 fr Hamilton Co, Ind Co F 8th Ind Cav. Has often heard his mother say he was named for her brother Benj Franklin Markle. Was in battles of Shilo, Stone River & Chickamaugua, Tenn. Mustered out Aug 19, 1865.

9. John Wesley Dill, B Dec 17, 1848 in Cicero, Ind, married Jany 31, 1872 at Altona, Kan by Rev Junior Alexander, Cumb. Pres. to Frances Thornburg, born Mch 28, 1854 in LaSalle, Ills daughter of Isaac Thornburg & wife Maria Ong. Both living here & have had but one child born at Altona, Ks. He enlisted from Story Co, Iowa Mch 29, 1864 mustered Apr 20, 1864, mustered out Apr 20, 1866 at Selma, Ala. Is a retired farmer. He served in the regular army in 5th U.S. Cavalry from Aug 12, 1866 to Oct 20, 1869 getting his discharge at Fort Benton, Montana. Was in 32d Iowa Infantry.

Rosa Ruth Dill, B. Aug 3, 1876 in Pleasant Valley Tp, Wilson Co, Kans P.O. Altona, Ks Married Aug 13, 1898 to John Joseph Ditto born 1874. Both living at Neches, Texas where he is a farmer route 1 & have 5 children all born in Pleasant Valley Tp, Wilson Co, Kansas. Write her for her record. He as an admirable picture of her 5 boys. He is son of John Ditton & wife Endora Hannah Springmire.

Robert Floyd Ditto, B Nov 18, 1898 married June 9, 1923 Viva Louise Johnson B July 31, 1906 at Zack, Ark. daughter of Robt Johnson & wife. Lives Cleveland, Okla. Oil well pump ender. [best guess]

Archie Burl Clifford Ditto, B Sept 13, 1900 married Aug 20, 1923 to Faye Dempt, B June 10, 1906 at Zack, Ark daughter of Gus Dempt & wife. Barber at Osage, Okla

Ruth Dill Ditto, B Aug 11, 1925 at Neodosha, Kan.

Willard Wayne Ditto, B May 28, 1902 in Air service Photo Sec. Fort Bliss, Tex.

Leo Clark Ditto, B July 1, 1904 married Sept 29, 1923 Michel [sic] Florence Ray B Mch 23, 1906 at Eagle Lake, Texas, daughter of Willis S. Ray & wife. R.R. business.

Mildred Florence Ditto, B July 10, 1924 at Jacksonville, Tex.

Laurel Ray Ditto, B July 21, 1907 at 318 W. Mistletoe, San Antonio, Texas, attending Fraughans Business College.

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At residence of Mrs David Mason, No 218 E. 11th ST, Chanute, Kansas, Feby 18, 1926 3:33 PM

A middle aged smooth faced man admitted me & taking me in the next room, said to a short heavy set gray haired woman sitting in a chair: "Mother, here is a man who wants to see you". When I introduced myself & told her my business, she said she wasn't interested in the Thompsons & had given all the Thompson record she was going to & said a man had been to see her last spring saying I had sent him & she gave him the full record & they said later it was A.T. Secrest of Pleasant Hill, O & said too there were Secrests living here or at Edgerton, Kan.

In talking, however, she said that Rebecca Thompson, daughter of Joseph Thompson (born 1803, twin brother of David & son of James 1758-1835) had married Joseph Larrick. My records indicate that they had a big family but her attitude saying she had given it to Secrest for me precluded my pursuing my quest, but her daughter who came

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to the door, spoke of her Uncle Jacob Larrick & Mrs Mason said that Abraham Larrick, brother of her first husband, James Larrick who deserted her & her children, had a son John Larrick, a farmer living about three miles out of Edgerton, Kan, would be the one from whom I could get the record. She said too that Estella Larrick, oldest daughter of Abraham, had married Jim Rees, youngest brother of My informant, who was Margaret Rees, born in Bourbon Co, Ky which she said was the best county in Ky. She said she gave her parentage & record to Mr Secrest. Her first husband, James Larrick, son of Joseph Larrick & his wife Rebecca Thompson, the latter having died near Edgerton, Ks. He deserted her & the children & went to Omaha, Neb where he took the name of James McClain & now lives at No 3720 Meredith Ave, Omaha, Neb, a retired engineer. The man who admitted me went to the back part of the house & came back giving me the above number & said his name was Goodman & a woman appeared in the door, greatly angered evidently his wife & berated him

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for getting the address from her to give me saying she had promised her "dad" she wouldn't give it to anyone. Goodman said he had been in Uniontown, Pa & Mrs Mason said her brother John William Rees, a plastering contractor had died & was buried there. The daughter of Mrs Mason said she had a letter from A.T. Secrest, Pleasant Hill, O asking for her Dad's address & she wrote him that she wouldn't give it.

Mrs Mason, quite matronly said she had broken her hip two years ago & recently broke her right arm in two places below the elbow in an auto accident & it is still bandaged. See book 9 p 389.

Left 3:46 PM

The taxi came for me & I rushed to the station & got a ticket to Sublette, Kan & took the 4 PM train for Ottawa, Kan where I arrived at 5:55 PM & came to the North American Hotel, got a good dinner & have written this & two preceding pages in the lobby of the Hotel while waiting for the 10:40 PM train for the western part of the State.

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The heavy snow which commenced about 8:10 AM at Olathe, Kan continued 3 hours & covered the ground completely in half an hour, but it did not reach to Humboldt, Kan. I reached John W. Dill's residence at 1 PM &* the snow storm blew up shortly thereafter, snowing in a raging windstorm & blowing very cold & while Frank Sibert, Auto man was waiting 3/4 of an hour for me, the tires of his auto froze fast to the ground, so that he had difficulty in pulling out. This morning 8 to 8:30, there was much heavy thunder at Olathe & a man in the office said that meant much cold weather & wagered it would be 15 degrees below zero by morning.

Finished 8:44 PM

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At residence of William Peter Preedy, Santa Fe Tp, Haskell Co, Kansas (P.O. Sublette RFD Kansas) Feby 19th, 1926 3:26, 1 PM (2:46 PM their Mountain time)

I arrived here an hour ago & found the family just finishing dinner, Mrs Preedy & her mother Mrs Hutchinson has gotten out the family bible of Moses Markle, which was printed by the American Bible Society in NY in 1850, but there is no record in it,nor was there a place for one. They have, however, the Dolf Scheins [sic] of her father & mother ie Moses Markle & his wife & a record of the births of his children or the most of them written by him. These Dolf Scheins are in German, but some of the children who studied German had translated them as follows:

The Father is:

Moses Merkel was born of good Christian parents, the fourth day of Sept at 6 o'clock in the morning in the year of our Lord 1799 in the State of Penna, Northumberland Co, Breyhkirck Tp & was Baptized on the 4th day of March in 1802 by Mr Cyarmann, Evangelical Calvinistic minister & walks in Peace with God. The parents are Christian Merkel & his wife Nancy Catharina, a Bayerin born

Godparents are George Michael Bauer &

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his wife Hannah

"If you are faithful till death, I will give you the Kingly life"

The Mother is:

Birth & Baptism. To these two parents, as Samuel Schafer & his good wife Rosina, born a FÜehlein, a daughter has been born named Christina in the year of our Lord 1806, the 30th day of November at 3 o'clock in the sign of the lion. This Christina is born & baptized in America in the State of Penn in Northampton Co, Loor Mt Abel Tp (I think it is [17] 1926Sv_#(_#__ä_(Calif on Jany 6, 1926._(_ny _r_q_#¯_#H____

baptized by Mr Thomas Pomp. Godparents were Joseph FÜchline & his wife Christina. In Good faith.

I am starting a genealogical table on page 596 in which I am incorporating the dates given on sheet written by Moses Markle.

Mrs H. does not remember her grandfather Markle, who I think was dead before she was born. She remembers her grandfather Samuel Schaefer just faintly, but remembers his wife who survived him. Says they lived out in Armstrong Co, Pa & when he died, he gave his big chair to her mother. Mrs H. says her mother died of the dropsy which she had had for 15 yrs during which she was always an invalid

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& she says she never saw her cook a meal. They came west down the Allegheny by boat & then she thinks by RR.

Mrs H. says her sister, Rosannah Shoefstall's home was in [18]ia followi Iowa, where she died 10 or 15 yrs ago. He had died there some years before. They both moved during the war & got separated & she knew nothing of her until she picked up a paper announcing the death of Rosannah Shoefstall & wrote & found it was her. She had 4 boys & 2 girls, one is Katie Curtis in Nebraska. Her son John died in Oklahoma & left seven sons there who have a broom factory. Her son Edward died in Long Beach Calif abt 5 yrs ago & had two girls. Mrs Preedy has written to Sarah Smith Brooks at Bethany, Okla to get their address. John Markle when a young man went to Michigan to an Uncle, she thinks, on her father's side & married there & when the family moved to Iowa, in 1854, they stopped & visited him & she thinks it was at Three Rivers, Mich. They never wrote to each other & she does not know anything about what family he left.

Mrs H. says they were making up a new Co to go to the war & eighteen had enlisted prior to the Quantrell raid at Lawrence Kan about 5 o'c in the morning of

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Aug 21, 1863 & her three brothers, David, Samuel & Lewis Markle & her step brother Aaron Halderman were four of the eighteen & her three brothers made their home with her, she living two miles out in the country. She says they had been drawing their rations from the Government for two weeks & were in their blue suits in which they were all shot & killed & buried. Her oldest brother David had one of the Rebels by the leg & was pulling him off his horse when another shot him from behind.

Mary Ann Markle married 1st John Adams, son of Martin Adams & wife Nancy who lived at Lawrence, Kan. They separated & were divorced at Lawrence, Kan & he has since died. They had two boys born in Douglas Co, Kan 2 miles west of Lawrence.

Charles married & died

William married & living in California on the coast

She married 2d Frank Penny & had one child by him, Mabel Penny who married John White & they live in California & has four children, Mary Ann Penny died in Calif about 5 yrs ago. He was caring for some hot oil vats & slipping, fell in one & the flesh fell from his bones, but he lived 21 days. Mabel White's address is Glen Ellen, California. May 29, 1926 1:30 AM. Made all slips to here.

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[descendant chart]

Moses Markle see book 9 p 210, born in Northumberland Co, Pa Sept 4, 1799 son of Christian Merkel & his wife Nancy Catharina Bayerin. He died Sept 20, 1860, Mounta Valley, Vernon Co, Mo & is buried in the town cem there. Does not think there is any marker. He died of typhoid fever. Mrs H. has heard that the name of the town has been changed to Lamar. Married July 5, 1825 to Christina Schafer born in Northampton Co, Lower Mt Bethel Tp Nov 30, 1806 daughter of Samuel Schafer & his wife Rosina FÜchline. She died in June 13, 1856 aged 49 yrs at Tipton, Iowa & is buried in the cem. there. He put a frame marker at her grave. She had been in delicate health & on advice of their doctor, he sold out in Pa, selling his farm & moved to Iowa when my informant was 11 yrs old & she thinks her mother died the next year. They were married In Red Bank Tp, Armstrong Co, Pa. They had 12 children, all no doubt born on his farm in Red Bank Tp 8 boys & 4 girls. He moved to Tipton, Iowa in 1854 & she thinks it was the fall of 1856, the moved to Monticello, Vernon Co, Mo. Their youngest child Mary Ann was 7 yrs old when they moved to Iowa. Christian had died in Penna. There were 3 boys & 4 girls who came west, George, John & Jacob did not come. Elias came, but went back. Married 2d in Iowa 1856 to Mrs Sarah Halderman widow of ____ Halderman, a native of Penna, a very nice woman with 4 children, Gabriel, Aaron, Catherine & Barbara & moved to Mo immediately after his marriage to her. She died abt 13 S.E. of Topeka & is buried in Pleasant Hill cem nearby. Don't think there is any marker. Think is was abt 1896 when she died. Think she was 75 or over. He had no issue by her. Moses Markle was a farmer & a carpenter. He was a Presbyterian & a Republican.


George Markle, B Feby 4, 1827 between 2 & 3 PM in sign of Taurus, see book 12 p 572. ob Dec 8, 1853. Sleeps at New Salem, Armstrong Co, Pa

Elias Markle, B Oct 20, 1828 in the afternoon in sign of the Fish see book 12 p 574

Rosannah Markle, B Sept 26, 1830 at 3 PM in sign of Capricorn, married say 1853 in Penna to Edward Shoestall. Had 4 sons & 2 daus. 3 sons dead. J.A. Shoestall is Shff of Goshen Co at Elwood, Neb. [This seems to be the correct spelling of the name earlier entered at Shoefstall. Maybe it was changed]

John Markle, B Feby 17, 1833 at 8 o'c in sign of Waterman, ob. See b 23 page 600

Jacob Markle B May 9, 1835 at 5 PM in sign of the Scales ob. See book 12 p 573

David Markle, B July 19, 1837 at 2 PM in sign of the Waterman ob Aug 21, 1863, unmarried.

Catharina Markle, B June 5, 1839 at 5:30 PM in sign of the Fish ob 1864 in winter after the boys were killed from pneumonia. Was unmarried. Buried in Cem in Lawrence Ks. No marker.

8. Samuel Markle, B Sept 13, 1841 at 9:30 AM & bapt Nov 5? 1841 ob Aug 21, 1863 unmarried.

9. Christian Markle, B Apr 14, 1845 ob Apr 1, 18947 in Penna aged abt 2 yrs

10. Sarah Smith Markle, B July 31, 1843 married Sept 17, 1860 in Vernon Co, Mo by Squire Sheldon to James Hutchingson born Feby 20, 1836 ob Oct 17, 1911 at Wakarusa, Kansas & is buried there. He was son of Thomas Hutchingson, & wife Sarah Ann ____. He was born in Yorkshire at Woodesford, England & came to America when 19 yrs old, say in 1855. Have had 7 girls & 3 boys of whom 6 girls are living. Three boys born in Vernon Co, Mo, the two oldest girls born in Lawrence Kansas & the other five in Shawnee Co, Williamsport Tp 11 miles S.E. of Topeka, Kansas. He took out naturalization papers in Vernon Co, MO in Jany 17, 1858.

David Hutchingson, Born & died Sept 1861

Infant son born & died same day, miscarriage

Infant son, born & died same day, miscarriage

Frances Louise Hutchingson, B May 7, 1863 ob Jany 28, 1865

Ida Ellen Hutchingson, B Oct 19, 1865 married Mch 16, 1887 at Wakarusa, Kan by Mr Westgate, J.P. to Wm Peter Preedy born Mch 3, 1864 in Lawrence Kan son of Peter Preedy, an Englishman & his wife Sarah Huyett who was from Maryland. Have had seven children, the three oldest born near Leoti, Wichita Co, Kansas, the other four born near Richland, Shawnee Co, in Monmouth Tp, Kan. May 23, 1927 Wm P. Preedy was killed in a car wreck on Aug 6, 1926 see b 20 p 388. Aug 20, 1926 correct date see b 24 p 97.

James William Preedy, B Aug 30, 1888 ob Aug 15, 1889

Evert Berton Preedy, B Sept 18, 1891 married May 16, 1920 to Maud Frances Lindeman b Jany 3, 1896 near Macksville, Kansas daughter of Fred Louis Lindeman & wife Agnes Elizabeth [Aaron? Harman? Ackeson? written right on the edge & illegible] Have 1 child.

Cloyd Evert B June 18, 1924 in this Tp.

Carl Preedy, B Oct 2, 1892 ob Oct 4, 1892

Myrtle Orean Preedy, B Dec 26, 1893 ob Mch 30, 1924 unmarried.

Walter Earl Preedy, B Sept 22, 1902 married Aug 6, 1924 to Wilma Florence Miller B Sept 27, 1902 in this Tp daughter of John Jacob Miller & his wife Ninnie [sic] Nawby. No issue

Vernon Elmer Preedy, B July 22, 1904, unmarried.

Clarence Ross Preedy, B Sept 16, 1906, unmarried.

Sophia Hutchingson [dau of Sarah S. Markle & James Hutchingson] b May 17, 1868 page 598

Sarah Smith Hutchingson B Sept 20, 1870 page 598

Nancy Hutchingson B Jany 5, 1872, page 599

Mary Emma Hutchingson, B Jany 22, 1875 page 599

Nettie Jane Hutchingson, B Nov 14, 1883 married 1 May 29, 1907 to James Carroll son of James Carroll & wife Caroline Link. He was born Apr 3, 1880. They had but one child born at Wakarusa, Kan. Divorced Dec 1921. Married 2d Jany 4, 1926 to Everett Drew & both live at 128 N. 9th St, San Jose, Calif. He was born Sept 23, 1885, at Modesto, Syms, Calif, son of Albert Adrian Drew & his wife Mattie Amelia Gardner.

A son, stillborn Mch 26, 1912.

V15 Page 598 & V15 Page 599

[descendant chart]



Sophia Hutchingson, page 597 married Nov 3, 1891 at Walsingburg, Colorado to Lewis Thomas Taylor born Feby 12, 1869 son of James Taylor & wife Elizabeth Jane Logan. Both living in Colorado Springs, Col at 1112 East Vrain St where he is a RR bridge contractor. Have three children born at Walsenburg, Colo.

James Earl Taylor, B Mch 2, 1893 married Sept 12, 1917 at Denver, Colo Ruby May Adams B May 6, 1896 at Mt Sterling, Ills daughter of Jobe Adams & wife Deloras Gartley. Have 2 children born at Colorado Springs, Col.

James Richard Taylor, B May 12, 1920

Jack Truman Taylor, ob Mch 13, 1925

Charles Chauncy Taylor, B Jany 8, 1895 married Mch 31, 1921 at Denver, Colo Laura Beatrice Walter B Oct 2, 1895 at Wakefield, Kansas, daughter of Edmond Frances Walter & wife Laura Jane Sutton. No issue.

Jennie Elizabeth Taylor, B May 12, 1897, unmarried.

Sarah Smith Hutchingson, page 597 married Jany 6, 1890 at Wakarusa, Kansas by Judge Westgate, J.P. to John Thomas Brooks B Dec 22, 1855 & died Mch 3, 1919 in Oklahoma & was buried at Guthrie, Okla. He was a farmer. They had seven children, the three oldest born near Leoti, Wichita Co, Kansas, the 4th born at Topeka Kan the 5th born near Holton, Jackson Co, Kan & the two youngest near Guthrie, Okla. She lives in town at Bethany, Okla. It was in Logan Co, Okla where last two children were born. John S. the father, was born in Davis Co, Ky & is buried as is Claud Vernon in Pleasant Hill Cem, Waterloo, Okla.

Lester James Brooks, B July 20, 1891 married Apr 30, 1911 in Wellston, Okla to Louisa Lenora Creger B Mch 4, 1889 in Cowley Co, Kan daughter of Moffett Joseph Creger & wife Samantha Jane Osborn. Have 5 children, the 1st, 3d & 4th born in Lincoln Co, Okla, the 2d in Bartlesville, Okla & the 5th in Tulsa Co, Okla

Thelma Beulah Brooks, B Mch 2, 1912

Rosella Mary Brooks, B Oct 25, 1913

Chas Vernon Brooks, B Jany 18, 1915

Orville Lester Brooks, B Apr 20, 1919

Kenneth David Brooks, b Oct 15, 1923

Emery Joseph Brooks, B Aug 13, 1892, married.

Unnamed son, B Feby 11, 1894, ob

Mary Smith Brooks B Dec 27, 1894 married Aug 3, 1914 at McLoud, Okla to David C. Reynolds born at Wagner, Okla Dec 21, 1890 son of R.M. Reynolds & wife Eliza Roots. Have 3 children born at Bethany, Okla.

Allie Pierce B Feby 10, 1917

Brenton Carolile [sic] Reynolds B Mch 6, 1919

Jame Stephen Reynolds, B Aug 21, 1921

John Philbert Brooks, B Mch 28, 1898, married

Claud Vernon Brooks, B Jany 23, 1901 ob Nov 17, 1908

Priscilla Maud Brooks, B May 10, 1902, married June 26, 1920 at Topeka Kan to Jennings Monroe Davis B Jany 3? 1900 son of Bazel Euclid Davis & wife Alice Vail. Have one child born in Bethany, Okla

Mary Elizabeth Davis, B Apr 26, 1923

Nancy Hutchingson page 597, married Feby20, 1893 at Wakarusa, Kan by Mr Westgate J.P. to James Earl Keeton, son of Isaac Keeton & wife Mary. Both living on a farm 2 miles north of Burlingame Kan where he is a farmer. P.O. Burlingame, Kan RFD. Have 3 girls & 4 boys, one boy dead. All born near Wakarusa, Shawnee, Kan.

Nettie Jane Keeton, married

Lena Keeton, married

Cary Keeton, married

Fern Keeton, married

Infant son, ob

Calvin Keeton, unmarried

Glen Keeton, unmarried.

Mary Emma Hutchingson, page 597 married Nov 6, at Wakarusa, Kansas by Mr Westgate, J.P. to Wm Orlando Moffet born near Wakarusa, Kansas, son of Isaiah Moffet & wife Ellen Burbank. Both living near Berryton, Kansas where he is a farmer. P.O. Berryton, Ks. Have had ten children, eight of them living. All born near Berryton, Kan except Sarah & unnamed daughter who were born in Greenwood Co, Kan rural route 20.

Archie, married

Hazel, married

Allie Mae, married

Vera, married



Infant daughter

Infant daughter



V15 Page 600

Mrs H. says she often heard her father speak of Schuylkill Co, Pa & also of Columbia Co & the Susquehanna River.

Saturday Morning Feby 20, 1926.

She shows me several pictures of herself taken in white when she was knitting for the Red Cross for the World War. Says she had six grandsons abroad in the World War viz: really only two abroad

Cary Keaton & Chas Taylor and in camp here awaiting call of go abroad were:

James Taylor, Archie Moffitt, Evert Benton Preedy & Johnny Brooks. Evert did not get to camp, but was at home awaiting a call. Mrs Preedy produces an envelope with card of "J.A. Shoestall implement dealer, Smithfield, Nebraska". The date seems to be Mch 1911. She says her father, Moses Markle owned 240 A of land in Vernon Co, MO Nevada County seat & it was never sold & her husband, James Hutchingson had 80 A in same Co 3 miles away & they were driven out by the Rebels in Aug 1862 & came by ox team to Fort Scott the night before they came in force & then from Fort Scott to Lawrence, Kansas. Mr Preedy says this Co is 24 miles square & there is not a River, not

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even a creek in the county.

Mrs H. says her father & one of his brothers went to Armstrong Co, Pa & took up land & were living on it & they agreed that one or the other of them should get married, so they would have a cook & it fell her father to get married which he did. I wonder if it was not his brother, Jacob who was with him.

Mrs H. Still owns the 120 A of land that her husband Left her, near Wakarusa, Kan 11 miles fr Topeka "as good land as the crow ever flew over" which she gets $500 a year rent for. She says she worked out in the fields as did her daughter Ida. Says she has stacked many a stack of hay.

Mrs H. has a group picture of her sister Shoestall (Rosanna) & her four sons & two daughters copied by Leonard Topeka, Kan from another photo, the picture indicates order of ages 3 boys 2 girls & 1 boy. Mrs H. said she has cut off corn often 16 ft tall. Ida said too that being the oldest girl, she worked until she was 21 in the fields plowing etc & in her bare feet. See book 9 p 210. See book 12 p 572-3

Leaving 1:11 PM

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Windsor Hotel, Garden City, Kan office writing room Feby 20, 1926 2:20 PM Mountain Time (my time 3:33 PM)

I stayed over night last night with the Preedys in Santa Fe Tp retiring at 1 AM & was the first one up this morning & went out with him to feed his pigs. One was a big red 18 mos old Duroc weighing fully 600 lbs. He has also a lot of cows & calves their only shelter being a sparse thicket of small thorn bushes. Has also turkeys, chickens & guineas. He rents the farm, on which is the house in which they live, which is owned by a man in Michigan who wants $25 per acre for the 160 A. He says he owns 240 A on the west side of the road & 80 A cornering with it, but they do not have any buildings on them. They rent several farms, some on the shares giving 1/4 & some for the taxes which he pays for the rent. He says their only profitable crop is wheat & he & his sons have 600 acres in fall wheat & expect to put out 100 A in spring wheat. Speaking of the Quantrell raid on Lawrence Kansas which was the year before

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he was born, on the morning of Aug 21, 1863 before many people were up at 5 AM, he said his father was out milking & his mother was getting breakfast preparatory to going to the country with her father & two children in the spring wagon which was hitched & waiting when his father heard shooting in the farther end of the town. He ran in the house & told his wife to bundle in the wagon & get away at once which they did without getting their breakfasts & as they were driving out of the west end of town, the Rebels guards rode up surrounding the town, but seeing it was an old man driving with a woman & children, they let them pass. His father & a neighbor man started to go up town & met a man who stopped them & asked them where they were going & they said they were going to see what was going on. He said they had best not go as the raiders had first broken in all the saloons & were drunk & dangerous shooting & killing everyone they met, that he was one of them but was not in sympathy or accord

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with their killing & drinking & had walked off from them. They turned & went across the street to a 10 A patch at the edge of town & hid in the growing corn thereon, waiting there awhile, they went out to the edge of the field & climbed up on the worm fence & saw the men coming on horseback toward the town & they ran back into the corn & hid & were saved. A young grown girl, standing on the street in front of his father's home & a man accosted her & asked her what she was crying about & she said "I see smoke coming out of this house which has been set on fire & all they have is in the house". He told her to go & put it out & she said she couldn't do that & he said come on & I will go with you & they found the bed clothes afire & burning lightly or slowly & they grabbed them off the bed & carried them out & saved the house. He thought this was the same man who stopped his father. I wonder if it was Cousin "Jone" - Wm Johnston Van Kirk. Ask Abb. This was the raid & the morning in which Mrs Hutchingson's three brothers in their Union uniforms were

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shot & killed viz: David, Samuel & Lewis Markle.

He spoke too of the gunsmith of the town who handed his pocket book to his wife & the Rebels coming up, demanded that he give them his purse or they would shoot him & his wife, thinking to save his life, handed them the purse & threw her arms around his neck & they shot him dead in her arms.

Finished 3:33 PM

My train to Dodge City, Iowa goes at 4:37 PM

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Hotel Kansas, Topeka, Kansas writing room Sunday Feby 21, 1926 8:30 AM

I arrived here at 6:30 this morning from Dodge City which I left at 9;30 last night. I got my breakfast & a stool, the first since reaching Kansas & finding an E.J. Smiley, mgr of the grain elevators, I phoned his residence & found he was a son of John Smiley. He said his Uncle James Smiley & his wife Polly Finley had but two children, one dying young & the other, Robert Finley Smiley who he had lost sight of, but met him some yrs ago at Concordia, Kansas where he was a lecturer. Ge married about that time & died in Kansas City, Mo 5 or 6 yrs ago, having had but one child, which died young. His widow still lives there. He says his Uncle James's line has died out & there are no descendants. He asked me if here tomorrow to call at his office in the Mulwane Building. He lives at No 1146 Garfield St, Tel 2-3295

See page 367. The other child was Mary. See also Page 519.

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At residence of Mrs A.G. Campbell 208 Columbia ST Council Grove, Morris Co, Kan Feby 21, 1926 4 PM

Mrs Campbell was Mary Elizabeth McIntire & she is just temporarily here, her home being no 121 Mission St here, where she gets her mail. She is the daughter of William McIntire & is named for her two grandmothers Mary Wickerham McCague & Elizabeth Finley McIntire. She says Silas Dyer McIntire was the youngest of his parents children & her father William was next older than him. I am starting a genealogical table of him & his descendants on page 610.

Mrs Campbell says when she was 16, a Rev Glasgow of Peoria, Ills, who had perfectly lovely golden hair, not red, visited at her father's home in Scott Tp, Adams Co, O 3 miles from Tranquility, O & was a cousin of the family. She has the impression that his name was Robert, but of that she is not sure. Rev Walter O. McIntire was a missionary preacher & teacher at Dumaguete Isle of Negros, Phillipine Islands & the oldest son was born in China & the

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youngest at the above point Dr Lewis S. Harvey was in the World War in Camp MacArthur, Waco, Texas. Capt Regular Army July 1920. Resigned at Fort Kamehaha, Hawaii Feby 1922.

Mrs C. says her father, William McIntire enlisted in the Civil War & was commissioned 1st Lieu & was much in the hospital in Johnsonville & Nashville, Tenn form typhoid fever contracted in the service. He was sent to his home in Adams Co, O on sick leave & was there when the war closed on Apr 9, 1865. He was Major in the Ohio State militia before the war. Mrs C's brother Andrew J. was in the Civil War when 16 yrs old & in camp at Gallipolis, O.

She says her Aunt Jane McIntire & her mother went one day to spend Thanksgiving with the mother of Porter & Wm Finley & Sarah Finley whose name was Jane & she was the Aunt of William & Jane McIntire. See page 125 item 80 also page 518. Mrs C. has a letter from Jno W. Harsha, dated Aug 27, 1925 in which he says that the father of Col Andrew McIntire who married Elizabeth Finley, was John

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McIntire, who came from KY to Adams Co, O in 1806 or 1807 & settled at Tranquility where he took up 600 A. of land.

Grace speaks of a William Finley older than she living at Great Falls, Montana, an expert accountant, whose mother is still living in that town.

Dorothy says there is a Harold H. Finley who was in Wichita, but whose home is in Turner, Kan where his father is Dr Finley, a practicing physician. Harold H. was in the World War in the Argonne Forest battle, being abroad 22 mos.

Mrs Jennie Kyle living at Cedarville, O a half sister of Mrs J. Gilmore Glasgow is interested in family history write her for the record of her brother Ambrose & sisters Ruth, Lizzie & I didn't get it & Mary & her own. I got Herbert's Wilbur's Pearl's & Annie's on Oct 24, 1925. Get Homer's also, he is the youngest. Mrs C. says her father's bible record was lost in the flood here May 28, 1903 when the swollen Neosho River filled their house with 3 ft of water. Ask Mrs Kyle if her grandfather's bible was burned. Dr Homer McIntire lives at 1011 Ward St, Waseca, Minn.

Leaving 10:30 PM

V15 Page 610 & V15 Page 611

[descendant chart]

William McIntire, son of Col Andrew McIntire & his wife Elizabeth Finley born June 20, 1820 near Eckmansville, O & died Sept 21, 1877 near Tranquility, O. He married Apr 1846 at Sinking Springs, Highland Co, O where he was keeping store to Anne McCague born Apr? 1827 at Sinking Springs, O & died Sept 21, 1886 at Mrs Campbell's home here 121 Mission St, & is buried at Tranquility, O. She & her husband both died of typhoid fever. She was daughter of James McCague & his wife, Mary Wickerham. This James McCague was a brother of Wm McCague who married Ann Finley. They had five children, the oldest one born in Sinking Springs, Highland Co, O, the next two were born in Winchester, Adams Co, O & the two youngest at the farm home in Scott Tp, Adams Co, O 3 miles from Tranquility, O. They were both members of the U.P. Church see page 166 No 117


Andrew James McIntire, named for his two grandfather's born Feby 20? 1847 married 1 Mch 16, 1870 to Janie McCreight born at Tranquility Mary 26, 1848, died Jany 27, 1871 when her child was born, daughter of Alexr McCreight & his first wife Rebecca B. Smith. Married 2 June 19, 1872 to Sarah J. Davis born Aug 23, 1854 near Locust Grove, Adams Co, O daughter of Thomas Davis & his wife Elizabeth B. Ralston. She died July 3d, 1921 & is buried at Manchester, O. They had two children born at Manchester, O.

James McIntire, B Jany 9, 1871 ob Mch 6, 1871 aged 2 mos

Walter Oscar McIntire, B July 4, 1875. He is a Pres minister & is Prof of Languages in Wheaton College at Norton, Mass. Married Feby 29, 1904 Rebecca Berry born at Sweet Springs, Mo daughter of Thomas C. Berry & wife Mary Jane Prigmore.

Raymond Andrew McIntire, B Apr 9, 1906

David Prigmore McIntire, B July 15, 1907

Ralph Davis McIntire, B Sept 19, 1890, married Nov 14, 1921 to Olive Kirtley daughter of C.W. Kirtley & wife Lillia May Nelson. He is living in Chicago, Ill at NO 1022 Clinton Ave, Oak Park. NO issue. Olive was born May 31, 1895 in Green Co, Iowa near Jefferson.

Alma McIntire, B Aug 31, 1850 ob Aug 10, 1890 in Harsheville, O & is buried at Unity g.y. Married Sept 1871 to Wm Buchanan Harsha she was his 2d wife, born Feby 14, 1832 ob May 2, 1914 & is buried at Unity g.y. They had 3 children born at Harshaville, Adams Co, O. Mr Harsha was a native of Penna & a miller by trade, son of Paul Harsha & wife Martha Buchanan see bk 22 p 54.

1. Carey McCague Harsha, b 1q874 ob 1899 aged 21 & is buried at Unity g.y. unmarried.

3. John Walter Harsha, B Dec 7, 1882 married Nov 13, 1900 to Kate Plummer b Jany 6, 1883 at Fairview, O daughter of Joseph R. Plummer & wife Anne McCarty. P.O. Seaman, O 3 children born at Denver Colo, Lyons, Kan & Harshaville, O respectively.

Nellie Lee Harsha, B May 17, 1902 married Jany 1, 1925 to Max Gaston, b May 24, 1901 at Tranquillity, O, son of Chas Gaston & Alice McClure.

John Charles Gaston, B July 29, 1926 at Seaman, O.

James Buchanan Harsha, B Oct 22, 1911

Phyllis Jane Harsha, B Oct 27, 1917

4. Florence Harsha, B Nov 19, 1888 married July 14, 1914 at Harshaville, O to Richard Le [sic] Yankie b June 18, 1888 at Sinking Springs, O son of Jos Trimble Yankie of Peebles, O & wife Margaret Patton. Both living at Alhambra, Calif at NO 616 W. Ramona Blvd where he mfrs auto chassis. Have 2 children born viz the oldest at Mound City, Ills & the youngest at Lawrenceburg, Indiana. Address now is 3040 E. 1st St Long Beach, Calif.

Joseph Harsha Yankie, B Nov 1, 1916

William Richard Yankie B Jany 23, 1922

2. Oscar Harsha, ob aged 3 yrs.

Oscar McCague McIntire, B Oct 3, 1853 unmarried. Lives in Denver, Colorado at 1845 Champa St P.O. Box 973. He has the Finley aspect & stamp.

John Gilmore McIntire, B Dec 28, 1858 married to Sue Collins Barr born near Herington, Kansas daughter of James Barr & wife Callie Collins. They have had six children, all born at Herington, Kan where they both live & he has a drugstore.

Indus McIntire, married to Dr Eugene Harrison. He was a medical officer in the World War. Have two children born in Herington, Kan.

Wm McIntire

Phoebe Jacqueline McIntire

James McIntire, ob in infancy

Gail McIntire, married to Fern Pratt. Have two children both in Herington, where they both live & he is a druggist in store with his father.

Wayne, ob aged 2 yrs

Paul McIntire

Dean Owen McIntire

[both above] students in Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan.

Mary Elizabeth McIntire, named for her two grandmothers B Oct 8, 1860, married Oct 5, 1878 to Anderson Griffith Campbell of Flat Run, Adams Co, O born there Apr 27, 1847 & died Aug 28, 1913 here & is buried in Greenwood Cem here. He was son of George Campbell & wife Sallie Ann Griffith. He was first an educator an M.D. & Co Supt of Schools for 6 yrs. See page 612.

V15 Page 612 & V15 Page 613

[descendant chart]

Mary Elizabeth McIntire, married D.A.G. Campbell see page 611. They had six children, all born here Mch 28/26. I find on my return a letter from her dated Feby 7, 1926 in which she says she wants a book.


Anna Grace Campbell, B Oct 3, 1881 married June 4, 1902 at council Grove, Kan to Dr Lewis Scott Harvey born Oct 22, 1880 at McPherson, Kan son of Dr Zachary Taylor Harvey & wife Mary Howell. They both live here, but he is now at Homassassa [sic] Florida on business. Have 3 children the two boys born at Dunlap, Kan & the daughter here at Council Grove.

Taylor Campbell, B May 30, 1904 unmarried & living at Bad Axe, Mich & is com mgr of Mich Electric Power Co.

Bernard Scott. B July 24, 1906, in school

Mary Elizabeth, B Sept 21, 1919 here today

Oscar Homer Campbell, B Jany 24, 1884 ob Jany 3, 1887

Walter McIntire Campbell, B Mch 5, 1888 ob Dec 30, 1903. He was drowned here while skating on the Neosho river.

Edna Florence, B Nov 7, 1891 married May 29, 1917 to Rev Daniel Cummins Lockwood (Meth Episcopal minister) born Apr 12, 1889 in Topeka, Kan son of Joe Commins Lockwood & wife Ida Virginia Underkuffler. They live at Mt Shasta City, Calif where he is pastor of the M.E. Ch. Have one child born in Emporia, Kan. She graduated from Emporia College 1913.

Daniel Cummins Lockwood B Mch 31, 1918

Howard Karl, B Feby 25, 1893 He is single & a pharmacist at Hoyt, Kan. He graduated in 1915 fr Baker University, Baldwin, Kan enlisted in the World War & served in the medical dept at Richfield, Waco, Texas from July 1918 to Nov 1919. He was a Sergeant.

Dorothy Virginia, B Aug 13, 1900, graduated at Baker University, Baldwin Kansas June 6, 1923. Teacher of English in Council Grove High School & here at home single Married July 26, 1927 at 121 Mission St Council Grove, Kan to Cecil P. Bronston. At home after Aug 8 at 7135 Bennett Ave Chicago, Ills. He was born at Princeton, Kansas Aug 14, 1903 son of Rev Oliver C. Bronston & wife Hallie Williams, Methodist. He is a banker with Illinois Merchants Trust Co, Chicago, Ills

May 29, 1927 12:54 AM, a letter dated Aug 3, 1926 from Mrs Campbell in answer to mine of June 26, gives name of William Bell Finley 1316 3d Ave Great Falls, Montana an accountant husband of a young friend of hers. I am writing him tonight.

V15 Page 614

Topeka, Kansas Hotel Kansan Feby 21, 1926

9:15 AM, I telephoned R.S. Finley No 631 Garfield ST Tel 7415 & a lady answered saying he was out & would be back in the afternoon. Write him & explain that I did not get back from Council Grove as expected.` Rang off 9:18 AM

9:19 AM Phoned J.E. Finley No 1209 W. Euclid Ave Tel 3080 & no one answered. Write for his line.

Rang off 9:20 AM

9:20 AM Phoned R.C. Finley No 1161 Randolph ST Tel 2-8682. He said his father came from Canada & his grandfather from Ireland.

Rang off 9:22 AM

9:23 AM phoned A.J. or A.T. Finley no 723 Morris St, Tel 2-2864 & he said to call his father, A.T. Finley at 2140-3. He said R.C. above is brother of his father.

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9:25 AM phoned Arthur Thomas Finley Tel 2140-3. He said his grandfather, William Finley came to Canada from Court, Ireland when informant's father, John Finley was one year old & came to Kansas between 1860 & 1865 he thought when his father was 16, but he said his father was born in 1853 & died 5 or 6 yrs ago. He said R.C. was his brother & that he had sisters. His Uncle Richard's daughter is:

1. Ann McFadden, oldest aged abt 70 living at Concordia, Kansas. He said she was the best one to write to for the family records.

2. Sarah Hill living at Barnes, Kansas.

He said he was born in 1880.

Rang off 9:28 AM

I then took the 10 o'c bus for Osage City, Kan where I arrived at 12:12 PM, got my lunch at Armand's Hotel & left on the 1:33 PM Mo Pacific RR for this place, Council Grove, Kan where I arrived at 3 Pm & came to this the Cottage Hotel & got room no 1 where I am now writing at 12:17 AM 22d. I went to Mrs A.G. Campbell's see page 607

V15 Page 616

to 613. They served an excellent tea prepared by her daughters Anna Grace Harvey & Miss Dorothy V. after which she walked around in to the next block & showed me her home at 121 Mission St where she has eight lots running back to the Ridge. She & her granddaughter, Mary Elizabeth Harvey aged 6 yrs 5 mos walked down Mission St (so named by her daughter Grace when it was changed from Second St) to the old Stone Mission House on the banks of the Neosho River, built by the Government to house the Indians. She says this town is on the old Santa Fe trail & that it is 100 yrs old. Said that at an early day, a Council with the Indians was held in a Grove of oak trees here & from that, the name was given to the town.

Finished 12:30 AM

V15 Page 617

Hotel Moreland, Hiawatha, Kansas writing office room Feby 22, 1926 9 PM

Going on the Bus yesterday morning from Topeka to Osage City, Kan was a Mr Vogel who is custodian of the Court house in the county south of this Jackson Co at Holton, Ks & has charge of buying the supplies for the Co. He says their coal comes from mines near Osage City & they pay $8 per ton for it delivered & housed. He says they have the best court house in the State built abt six yrs ago at a cost of $300,000. He said he was born two miles east of Greensburgh, Pa 66 yrs ago, his father being a native of Hamburg, Germany & his mother a Hersche of Westmoreland Co, Pa & they came to Kansas 57 yrs ago. Says he ran a livery in Holton for 30 yrs 1888-1918 until Henry Ford put him out of business. The owner of the Blue Stage Coach line on which we came down was his son-in-law & he was going to Osage City to visit him & his daughter over Sunday. The roads were very bad, especially from Carbondale to Burlingame, coming on the train this morning 7 to 8 AM on the A.T. & Santa Fe RR from Council Grove to

V15 Page 618

Osage City, when in the dining car, the conductor & another train man sat opposite me at breakfast & in passing Council Grove, where the treaty was held with the Indians in 1825, he pointed it out & the monument erected through the efforts of a young Worlds War soldier named Haecke (Pronounced Howe-kie) whose father was from Germany. The young man had bought the land about the Grove & the waters exposed the grave of an Indian who he & the Boys Scouts who he was giving a two weeks outing on his farm exhumed the body which proved to be that of an Osage Indian Chief. He went to Minnesota & tried to get the tribe there to identify the chief, but they could not. He, however, had most impressive ceremonies & many Indians at the burial or re-interment on the order of that of the "Unknown Soldier" at the Centennial in August 1925 at which the gate receipts were $9700 & expenses $8500. The bus not appearing at Osage City at 8:10 AM, Rupert Johnson, my taxi man at 8:40 took me & 3 other passengers over to Burlingame where we waited until 10:45

V15 Page 619

before the bus came in from Scranton, Kan

At Burlingame, I found in the Independent Tel Directory:

Jack, Robert, Res Tel 356

Keaton, J.E. Farm 916 R 7

But as we were expecting the bus momentarily, I did not chance looking for Mr Jack. The Bus came at 10:45 & we started. The bus was larger & heavier than the Buick in which we came over yesterday with the result that it stuck in the mud half way to Scranton & a truck that came along could not pull it out, so we, four other passengers & myself, hired him to take us to Scranton, Ks 3 1/2 miles, with difficulty, we climbed in his high truck & I sat on my satchel over exceedingly rough roads. We took the train at Scranton & had to stand through Carbondale & Wakarusa to Topeka. Vogel was on the train & said if I would take the C.R.I. & Pacific train to Horton a bus would be waiting there to bring me to Hiawatha. I did this & arrived here at 7:17 PM, got my supper &* went across the street (they gave me room no 11 here) & was:

V15 Page 620

At Finleys Pharmacy No 528 Oregon St, Hiawatha, Brown Co, Kansas Feby 22, 1826 8:30 PM

Mr Finley was busy in the back room when I went in at 8 PM & after waiting half an hour, he came out & I told him my mission & he said his father Robert Milton Finley will be 90 in Apr & that he usually retired at 7 to 7:30 PM & it would be all right for me to call any time after 8 AM tomorrow at his residence No 411 N. Sixth St where he lived with his daughter who had fallen & broken her hip & was on crutches. He said his father was very hard of hearing & hard to talk to.

I then asked him for his own record & he gave it as follows:

Charles Kurtz Finley born Sept 15, 1873 in Irving Tp, Brown Co, Kansas. married Mch 31, 1910 to Emma Dilley, born May 12, 1886 in Brown Co, O daughter of Isaac Dilley & his wife Rebecca Peckinpaugh. They have one child born here in Hiawatha, Kansas viz:

Robert Milton Finley born Feby 16, 1913.

Mr Finley was educated in the public schools & in the Hiawatha University. He is a Republican & a member of Meth Epis Ch. He lives at 209 Shawnee St.

Left 8:44 PM

V15 Page 621

At residence of Robert Milton Finley No 411 N 6th St Hiawatha Kansas Feby 23, 1926 8:55 AM

Mr Finley admitted me & I have met his daughter who is on crutches from a broken hip & she has brought out their big will preserved family bible which was printed by the American Bible Society NY in 1868 & which is his family record & from which I am making a genealogical table on pages 622-3. He says Carey Finley, son of his Uncle Barclay Finley is dead & had no son, but left a couple of daughters. His daughter thinks they are living in one of the Dakotas & that their friend, Mrs Galbraith who is well known & living here on Delaware or Miami St can give their address. He says his father told him that his father, Robert, came from Scotland & his wife Mary came from Ireland don't know from what part nor her maiden name, thinks they lived in Maryland then in Fayette Co, Pa. He never heard of his grandfather's brother Alexander nor of any other brothers or sisters. Has heard his father speak of Ike & Sen & Sis & Gumm, all Finley relatives, but he don't know who.

Leaving 12:50 PM

I took so long to get the record on the next four pages that I wore out my welcome & their congeniality of the morning.. See page 620

V15 Page 622 & V15 Page 623

[descendant chart]

Robert Finley, early settler in Ashland Co, O 1760-1825 married Mary _______ who was from Ireland. Moved from Maryland to Fayette Co, Pa. He moved early in Apr 1711 to Vermilion Tp, Ashland Co, O See Knapp's Hist of Ashland Co O p 279. He died there July 4, 1825 aged 65 yrs. She died Apr 19, 1847. He was the 2d settler in Vermilion Tp. Geo Eckley's family preceded him by two weeks


Eli Finley, oldest ob 1877 married & went fr Ohio to Southern Ills where his brother John once visited him. Says he was born in Fayette Co, Pa. See book 21 p 200. In 1863, he was the oldest resident of Vermilion Tp, Ashland Co, O & his marriage was 2nd solemnized in the Tp. See Knapps Hist of Ashland Co, O page 279. See Book 21 p 465-9

Hugh Finley, ob, married & thinks died in Ohio

Barclay Finley, ob, married to Nellie Eckley & lived in Morrow Co, O.

Carey, B Sept 1846 ob May 1901 married to Lucinda Baxter. Had no son, but had 3 daughters. Both died here in Hiawatha, Ks & buried in old Cem.. She born Jany 1848 & died July 1905

Maud Finley oldest, married a Streator. He died. No issue. She living in ______ Dakota

Nellie Finley, married & lives in Southern Ills

Grace Finley, youngest unmarried a musician in [unreadable]

See B 16 P 628 for complete record.

Hannah Finley, B June 4, 1831 ob Dec 12, 1893 married Alexander Nealons a liveryman B Mch 1, 1829 & died Nov 15, 1890

Rose Nealons, oldest ob 1872 married John Rutherford eloped to Lawrence, Ks & died within a yr as did her child probably.

Mattie, B Aug 9, 1867 ob Jany 16, 1894 a twin, unmarried.

A daughter B Aug 9, 1867 ob twin of Mattie, unmarried.

A daughter, Kate E. married to a Powell & thinks she is still living at Powhaten, Ks this Co. See B 16 p 7

John Nealons, married & went to Western Kan. don't know where & has children.

Ellen Finley ob, married John Feisthen. No issue. He is living at Robinson, Ks aged abt 70. "Baches" it & don't do anything.

Martha Finley, ob, married

Hannah? Finley [dau of Robert] B Jany 10, 1805 ob Dec 3, 1861 married to Wm Irwin & moved to Mansfield, O. He remembers her visiting them in Stark Co, Ills



Mattie, married a Breace & died at Cottonwood Falls Kan. Had 2 girls, one married when 40 yrs old. See page 627. Did live in Mt Gilead, O.

Mary Elizabeth Finley, ob, married H. Nea Lane & died shortly after marriage in Ashland Co, O. He can't think of his name. He came to Ills & visited them & later went to St Louis, Mo. Don't think she had any children. sons lived in Peoria, Ills [last sentence added later]

Judy? Finley, ob. He thinks there was a Judy who died unmarried.

Sarah Finley, b Aug 25, 1800 ob June 11, 1886 married James Headley, moved fr Ohio to Stark Co Ills abt 1830 settled near Toulon, was a farmer but did not own any land & died there. Children all natural musicians.

1. Wilson, ob in Stark Co an old bachelor

2. Lucy, ob single when a young woman.

3. Craig, ob married, died in Stark Co. Had one child.

Murray Headley, lived to be a man.

4. John ob in Stark Co aged abt 50 He & she both stout. Had 3 sons, nor girls. married to Mary Allbro. 2 sons best men in the County.

6. Elizabeth, ob married to Mathew Reunds. Lived in Stark Co & had 2 or 3 children.

7. Mary, ob married to "Dave" Crumm. Lived in Stark Co & had issue.

8. Perry, ob, married don't know who

9. Alexander, ob married Hannah Rhodes a cousin of Rosulthy, went to Iowa & came back, a renter.

10. Milton, youngest, ob married Don't know who.

John Finley [son of Robert] Born Nov 25, 1802 in Fayette Co. Pa & Moved with his parents in 1811 to Ashland Co, O. Married in Ohio to Rebecca Gaffney born Oct 6, 1807 in Penna (Westnd Co) daughter of John Gaffney & wife Rebecca Urieman. She died Feby 26, 1856 in Essex Tp, Stark Co, Ill & he died Feby 28, 1883 in Toulon, Ills. Both buried in Stamans Cem in West Jersey Tp. Their farm was 5 miles south of Toulon. He moved in 1834 to Fulton Co, Ills. See next page.

Alexander Finley, youngest of the family. ob. married & moved to Louisa Co Iowa after John went to Stark Co, Ill & died young leaving 3 young daughters. He married Peggy Newland.



A daughter

V15 Page 624 & V15 Page 625

[descendant chart]

John Finley from page 623 [unreadable word] in 1834 removed to Decatur, Macon Co, Ills where my informant was born & in the Spring of 1839 moved to Stark Co, Ills a small Co with only 8 Tps & he was clerk of the first election held in the Co. The first four children were born in Ashland Co, O the next two in Decatur, Ills & the balance in Stark Co, Ills


Andrew Jackson Finley, B Nov 1, 1828 living San Diego Calif. Got his record Dec 22, 1922

William Patterson Finley, ob Nov 18, 1863 killed at Battle of Knoxville, Tenn. Left 4 children.

John Louis Finley, B Apr 24, 1834 ob June 22, 1916 m. Rebecca Trickle, born Oct 13, 1840 on a farm in Stark Co, Ills & was married on same farm Dec 28, 1865, daughter of Edward Trickle & his wife Rebecca Miller. Mr Finley died at Dodge City, Kans. She is 85 & living with Nellie in Dodge City, Ks.

1. Frank Floy Finley, B Nov 29, 1866 ob Sept 29, 1868 at Galva, Ills. died young

2. Jesse Edwards Finley, B Sept 3, 1868 ob Oct 13, 1868 at Galva Ills where all 5 of the children were born.

3. Frances Lois Finley Born May 19, 1870 ob Dec 31, 1888 unmarried at Dodge City, Ks

4. Nellie Rebecca, B Dec 29, 1871 married Dec 20, 1899 to Benj Franklin Martin born Nov 29, 1863 at Martinsburg, Ind. Thinks is a lawyer. Her mother lives with them viz Rebecca Finley at Dodge City, Kansas. He is son of Ezra Hiestand Martin & wife Nancy Jane Stuff.

Lawrence Finley Martin, B Dec 31, 1905 at Dodge City, Ks

5. Gordon Louis Finley, B Dec 1, 1872 married Oct 25, 1905 to Mary Gertrude Wells in Los Angeles Calif. Lives in Wash D.C. on staff or some Genl was in World War but not abroad. No issue. She is daughter of James W. Wells & wife Z. Llewellyn.

Priscilla Jane Finley, ob Feby 19, 1898 married to Peter Lane, a brother of Chas Louis Lane. She died in Wyoming, Ills & is buried in Wyoming Cem adgj the town. No issue. He went Southern Mo married gain & died there but was brought back & buried beside her at Wyoming, Ills & have markers.

Robert Milton Finley, B in Decatur, Ills Apr 14, 1836, my informant of the day, married Jany 2, 1862 at Toulon, Ills by Rev Wm Smith, Meth Epis to Mary Ann Humm born Jany 30, 1843 in Bedford Co, Pa daughter of Henry Humm & his wife Mary Rhodes. She died here in Hiawatha 3 blocks north of here Sept 4, 1916 & is buried in Mt Hope Cemetery. They had six children, the first four born in Essex Tp, Stark Co, Ills & the last two in Irwin Tp, Brown Co, Kansas.

Melvin Clarence Finley, B Nov 2, 1862 married Dec 22, 1886 to Mattie M. Mills daughter of James Mills & wife. Both living in Troy, Doniphan Co, Kan where he is in R.E. business.

Grace B. Finley B Oct 1, 1888, married

Mae Annette Finley, B Aug 11, 1898 married

Cora Mabel Finley, B Sept 28, 1864 my joint informant, unmarried.

John Henry Finley, B Jany 16, 1866 ob Nov 10, 1866

Minnie Frances Finley, B Oct 28, 1867 married Feby 23, 1893 to Chas G. Carothers see book 13 p 80.

Robt Ray Carothers, B Sept 10, 1894 married Dec 23, 1917 to Mariam Evelyn Mitchel

Harold Scott Carothers, B Aug 16, 1898 married Oct 17, 1923 to Frances Winthrop Leonard

Emery Jackson Finley, B Apr 16k, 1871 unmarried. Lives in Kansas City, MO & working for Wm Dickey Clay mfr.

Charles Kuntz Finley, B Sept 15, 1873 married Mch 31, 1910 to Emma Dilley see page 620

Mary Elizabeth Finley [dau of John] B Mch 27, 1838 ob 1909 married to Charles Louis Lane bro of Peter. He died in Perry Iowa

Elmer Lane

Edward Lane

Charles Lane

Frank Lane

From page 621

Changed suddenly at 12:30 PM when he went out in the kitchen & talked to Cora & when he came back, he gave me ungraciously what there is of his sister Mary Elizabeth's record & said "that is all I can give you" & went out in the kitchen & both being hard of hearing, their talk to each other was loud enough that I couldn't help hearing her say "he is an old sponge & three & half hours is enough & I don't see what good it is anyway" And he said "It isn't any" and as I analyze it correct I think, she had the noon meal ready & didn't want to be so inhospitable as to not ask me to partake & it made her mad that I hadn't gotten through earlier, so I didn't get the other bros & sisters of his but had gotten it from his bro A.J. & [unreadable] I went to [unreadable] to [unreadable]. [There is a whole sentence crammed into the corner that I cannot make out]

V15 Page 626

At residence of John Fiechter, West side, Robinson, Brown Co, Kan Feby 23, 1926 2:17 PM

Mr F. says his wife came out here in 1866 & was teaching school, her name being Eleanor Jane Finley born Oct 22, 1844 daughter of Barclay Finley of Mt Gilead, O where he died in 1867 & aged abt 66. He died of consumption & there being no railroads here then, his daughter Eleanor Jane did not get back to the funeral. He says he had eleven children, of whom two died in infancy & 7 girls & two boys grew to manhood & womanhood. All of the nine died of consumption except one, Charlotte, one of the oldest & the last one to die & of LaGrippe.

Eleanor Jane Finley married May 1, 1868 in this Co in Robinson Tp by N.S. Streeter J.P. to John Fiechter born in Andrew Co, Mo Aug 7, 1844 son of George G. Fiechter & his wife Cynthia Dakens who died when he was 18 mos old. Eleanor Jane died Aug 19, 1882 of Consumption after two yrs illness buried here in Rose Hill cem. No issue.

Mr F. great great grandfather was a Scotch Irishman fr the North of Ireland named Hollingsworth & his daughter married a Dakins [sic] & died in Dec 1861 near Savannah, Andrew Co, Mo aged 103 yrs & is buried there.

V15 Page 627

She lived through the Revolutionary War back east & the War of 1812, the Indian Wars, the Mexican War & into the Civil War in which her great grandson, my informant enlisted Aug 18, 1862 aged 18 yrs & 11 days in Co H 13th Kan Vol Inf. He is the only survivor in this section & served 3 yrs lacing 29 days. He was in the battle of Perry Grove, Ark. His service was altogether in southern Mo, Oklahoma & Arkansas, was a private all the time. Draws nos fifty dollars a month. He only applied 18 yrs ago.

Martin V. Christy's son by Almira Hull was Clarence Christy & he was killed when brakeman on RR at Hiawatha & his widow & son, a young man are living in Hiawatha. Martin V's daughter Zoa is married & lives at Greenleaf, Kan.

He thinks Eli Finley was perhaps at Oneida, Ills. Mr F. gave record of his father-in-law's children which I have tabled on front cover page 628.

Had not heard of his wife's Uncle Hugh Finley, but had heard of her Aunt Hannah Irwin & told me of her daughter who married Sidney Breace see page 622. He was a very prominent man about the Court House. He went to his office one day & shot himself.

Leaving 4:11 PM

Mr Fiechter is a fine man with a good clear mind & memory is 6 ft 1 1/2 in tall & weighs now 218. Said he used to weigh over 230, but did not eat so much now. A woman came in & asked him for a dollar for her S.S. class which he gave her & said he had given $25 last yr. She said she was 72 born Apr 9, 1854. He owns the house, big lot on the corner where he lives.

V15 Page 628

[descendant chart]

Barclay Finley married _______ Eckley, & had 11 children.


Mary Finley ob, married Isaac Hall Both died near Mt Gilead, O. Had a lot of children.

Lewis, ob, married ______ Nellens. Both died at Mt Gilead, O. Had 2 children.

Daughter, ob Mch 17, 1926 oldest daughter

Fred, married lives near sister Della

Della, married Rhodabeck. Lives 3 miles fr Mt Gilead, O.

Charlotte Finley, B Mch 12, 1828 ob Mch 20, 1904 abt 20 yrs ago & is buried in his lot at Rose Hill Cem here & has a monument, unmarried.

Esther, ob married Rueschstein. Both died at Saidsville, O where he had a mill. No issue.

Hannah Finley, B June 4, 1831 ob Dec 12, 1893, married Alex Nellens. Both died here & buried in Rose Hill Cem & have markers. Had 8 children. Think she got her father's bible. He was born Mch 1, 1829 & died Nov 15, 1896

1. Rose, married Jno Rutherford, eloped. Died in childbirth & child also was just past 18 yrs old.

2. John Lewis Nellens, married Alice Baxter. Both living at Jennings Decatur Co, Kan. Have several children. Has a farm adjg to Jennings, Kan.

Oldest Daughter, lives San Leandro, Calif




Live all 3 [above] at Victorville, Calif

Son, in Montana

Erwin, married on home farm Jennings, Ks

George, lives Oberlin, Kan Co Clk for 4 yrs

3. Kate Nellens, B. Feby 1, 1860 married Dec 22, 1881 a Powell & lives in Powhaten, Ks. He is dead. lives with her son-in-law King. Has a boy & a girl. Thinks the old bible went to her. See bk 14 p 7.

4. Dora, b June 29, 1862 ob Sept 10, 1914 married "Mont" B. Parke. Died in Okla & buried here. He living in Okla. Had but one stillborn child, P.O. Watumka, Okla.

5. Mary B Aug 9, 1867 twin, ob 1917 married Jake Boston. Auto ran in river a yr ago & he & his mother were drowned. She is buried at Powhatan, Ks. Had but one child, a son living in Magdena Viz Anderson Borden, [sic] Helena, Mont

6. Martha Nellens, B Aug 9, 1869 twin ob Jany 16, 1894 single buried here & has a marker.

7. Lillie, youngest married 1 James R. Childs & he died of consumption & is buried here. Married 2 P.L. Johnson. Both living along Okla - Kansas line. Has a child. James.R. Childs. born Sept 21, 1866 ob Apr 2, 1896

Clyde Childs

A daughter Finley [dau of Barclay] ob, married Jim Thompson. Both died at Mt Gilead, O. 3 children.

Smith, died in Ohio, unmarried

Rachel Finley, B Aug 5, 1836 ob July 2, 1899 married 1 McBride fr Pa 1 child, separated. Married 2 Lawrence M. Hughes a raw Irishman. No issue. Both died here & buried Rose Hill & have markers L.M. Hughes born 1832 & died Sept 5, 1901 aged 69 yrs

Frank McBride, ob, married & lived at Highland Kan where both died & are buried. Had 4 children.

Mattie Finley, ob married Martin V.B. Christy. Lived here. She died in Mt Gilead, O & he married 2 her niece Almira Hull & both are buried at Hiawatha, only had one child which died at birth. He had 2 children by 2d wife.

Eleanor Jane Finley, see page 626

Carey Finley, B Sept [unreadable] ob May [unreadable] married Cynthia Truax Both buried at Hiawatha. He had 3 girls.

Mary Maude, B Feby 25, 1873 married John Bunyan Streeter ob in Hiawatha & she lives at Huron, South Dakota. No issue. He born Mch 20, 1871 ob Mch 17, 1901 son of Milton Fischer Streeter & wife Catharine Elizabeth Wheeler. Buried on his 37th birthday.

Nellie Victoria, B Feby 20, 1875 married Mch 30, 1904. Live abt 20 miles fr Chicago, Ills & he is a hand Doctor. Has a least one child. His name Chas Medaris. Live Richmond, Ills see B 16 p 628

Grace Bell, B June 23, 1887 musician, unmarried Lives Huron S. Dak

See Bk 16 p 628

William ob, d.y.

Thinks there was another child & that died in infancy.


*1 June 4/27. She died Apr 29, 1926. Sick 5 weeks of grip etc.

*2 He was son of Elias Thatcher & wife Jane Satterfield.

*3 Stella Mae mar Mch 17, 1923 Lee Roy Shanks born June 9, 1892 son of George Shanks &* his wife Emma Shanks. No issue.

*4 She is the niece of David Kerr's wife & a daughter of R.M. Foster NO 84.

*5 This was husband of Mrs Araminta McIntire

*1 See page 374

*2 Charley Ross is son of Josephine Ross & she says he probably don't know his father's name.

*3 Mabel L. Crawford was born Aug 3, 1893

*4 Lyman G. & Ora were married Oct 23, 1909. She was born Feby 13, 1891 dau of C. Clay Trickler & his wife Esther Shoemaker.

*5 Nov 21, 1925 If I am right in placing her father, Thomas Jack as son of Andrew Jack, younger brother of my gggf Jno Jack 1726-1808, who was born in 1731, see Jack Hist Patrick's line in America Vol XXI page 2000 in my chiffonier S.W. corner of my room, it was then brought over by Elizabeth McNultz, wife of James Jack born 1705, my ggggfather who came to America from Newton, Limavady, County Tyrone, Ireland & I must by [sic] the old chest when he is through with it.

*6 These are not of our Simerals see Simeral Hist.

*7 Not of our Kilgores see J.K.J's Kilgore History.

*1 June 5/27 writing July 2/26 he gives her name as Illinoise Belle. Says he don't know name of his first wife's mother.

*2 Amelia Heath DeWitt East 8th St, Muncie, Ind. over 80 yrs old.

*1 He writes Feby 5, 1923 as Henry E. Dreibelbiss & says his father was Jacob Dreibelbiss whose parents were of the Berks Co family.

*2 Aug 9, 1927 Jno W. Dill writes Me June 8, 1927 that his sister, Mrs Ballard died July 4, 1878 in Story Co, Iowa & is buried at Palestine g.y. but he has no trace of the daughter. He says his bro B.F. Dill's address is Redstar, Ark.

*3 May 27, 1926 this is Lower Mt Bethel Tp

*4 May 26/26 There is no Madison in Iowa


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