Tribal News - Fairfield Baptist Church

We're on the Web!

Welcome New Members Allison Golden

Alexis Golden Chloe Golden

Jada Holsey Deborah Miller Ivana Whitter


Communication Coordinators

Deacon Les Anderson Mother Gwen Fluellen Sister Sandra Crocker

Sister Brittany King Sister Andi Taitt

Tribal News

The Twelve Tribes of Israel of FBC have been very Once again, our annual homecoming celebration

busy. In addition to the instruction of Wednesday began with our Tribal Fest. Fun, games and plenty

Night Bible Study, the tribes have taken on several of food, sponsored by each tribe, was shared with

church projects. The Tribe of Issachar spear-

all in attendance. It was a wonderful way to begin

headed the "The Soul Project" . This project en- our homecoming festivities. courages and serves people, children especially, A memorial service was held in memory of tribal

who are less fortunate and underprivileged locally leader Clarence David Van Lear. Brother Van Lear

and internationally. Their primary focus is to col- passed away in June and was the leader of the

lect new and slightly worn footwear to provide to Tribe of Asher, a member of the Welcome Com-

those who don't own a pair of shoes. The Fairfield mittee and the New Vision Choir.

family assisted by providing hundreds of pairs of All members of FBC are assigned to Tribes by the first

shoes to be given to the people of Ghana.

letter of your last name. You may sign-up at the kiosk

The tribal leaders also came together to welcome

and serve our guests from Liberty Hill Baptist

to be contacted by your Tribal Leader.

Church in Phoenix City, Alabama. They provided Tribes may submit their news to Sister Marilyn Dukes,

hosts, hostesses and a delicious meal before our


fellowship worship service on Sunday, July 28.

by the 15th of each month

for publication in the Lighthouse.

Family Day

Mothers' Corner

Over the years we have watched the traditional family change in many ways. In the 60's we used the

term nuclear family which consisted of father, mother and children. And to show the unity of the family,

Sister Sledge wrote the song, "We are Family" that was a big hit and played at most family events. The

family has now been transformed to meet the needs of the changing society. Much of the confusion and

misunderstanding with regard to the family, church and in society has to do with the failure to recognize

that the family, like any other institution is influenced by changes taking place in our world today. The

family, like individuals, does not operate in a social vacuum, but in a socio-cultural historical environ-

ment, which changes with time. The role of mothers in today's world has grown, but the old value still

has an important role. The new definition of a family is a basic

social unit of people, but family to us is still a group of people closely related by blood. We, as the body of Christ, that con-

A note from Mother Luella Cherry...

sist of one body but many members have one thing in common; To my sons and daughters of Fairfield: we have been blood bought. I Corinthians 12:12, "For as the Thank you for all the love that you have

body is one and has many members, but all the members of

shown me. The hugs, kisses, phone calls

that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ."

and many rides home, I say thank you. I

The family may change, but the word of God does not change. love you all very much.

It is the same yesterday and forever more. Hebrews 13:8

Don't Forget About Trying A Healthy Lifestyle Nurses Guild

Summer is a time when people are more active. There are vacations, increased outdoor activity, group gatherings and various other forms of activity. Summer time is also when you might say people are "on the go". I know you will agree that these conditions increase the potential for many of us to grab fast foods. Please do not say Sunday dinner is the only cooked meal in your house for the week. Remember, you can still have quick meals that include healthy foods and do not forget the fruits and vegetables. Even snack foods can be healthy choices. Okay here is a suggestion, instead of salty chips, cookies or candy, etc., try fruit, nuts or yogurt. Try changing your eating behavior, you just might FEEL BETTER.

Rev. Micheal Benton Visionary/Pastor 6133 Redan Road

Lithonia, GA 30058 Phone: (770) 482-7660

Fax: (770) 484-1483

Newsletter Staff

Visionary............................................Pastor Micheal Benton Editor...................................................................Open Contributing Editor...............................Deaconess Bonni Ware Copy Editor...................................First Lady Y'Vonne Benton

Sister JoAnn Williams-West Acquisitions Reporter................................Sister Shirlene King Communications Coordinator....................Sister Blanche Johnson

Newsletter Article Submission Deadline The FBC Newsletter is published the first Sunday of each month. Articles MUST be submitted by the 15th of each month for inclusion. Please send submissions to: medianews@.

Homecoming 2013

Volume 2, Issue 7, Special Edition

August 4, 2013

Living the Word

Pastor Micheal Benton

Take Jesus Home with You

As we celebrate another homecoming, I am reminded of Jesus' homecoming and His subsequent homecoming sermon. The fourth chapter of Luke recounts Jesus' return home to Nazareth by way of Galilee, after spending time in the wilderness and being tempted, but not transformed by the devil. In Galilee, He was praised for His works, and so His hometown folk of Nazareth were elated to see Him.

Once in Nazareth, He began to miracles that He had performed

read the scriptures and deliver in other places. His message

His homecoming message in the was that He was not bringing

synagogue. After reading from the miraculous power of God

the book of the prophet Esaias, to the Jews only, but to the

the Nazarenes were greatly

Gentiles also. They expected

impressed and praised Him for the Messiah to raise up an army

His eloquent words which were to defeat the Romans, instead

spoken with power and author- Jesus likened himself to a

ity. It was only when He began prophet who brought healing to

to expound on those words the leader of the Gentile

that He was rejected.

army. In fact, in His explana-

Understand that when Jesus tion, Jesus cited two Old Testa-

explained that the scripture that ment stories in which Jewish

He just read would be fulfilled, prophets did miracles for Gen-

they recognized Him as the

tiles while failing to bless their

Messiah. They were hopeful that fellow Jews. Now His home-

God had sent someone to re- coming message was not wel-

store the kingdom to Israel.

comed. The Nazarenes

However, His mission was not were infuriated to the point

to do in His hometown the

that they drove Jesus out of

town and sought to push Him over the edge of a cliff. This story sounds eerily like our lives today. We marvel at the beautiful and eloquent words of the script, but if they are not to our liking or reflect on us in an unflattering way, we reject them. We have made our religion self-fulfilling. We want it to suit our personal beliefs and we only want it on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary. What we are really saying is that Jesus is alright in the church, but we are not willing to take Him home with us. When His teachings do not fulfill our expectations, we symbolically throw his over the cliff.

I'm Just Saying

Let Your Light Shine!

One of the cherished matriarchs of Fairfield Baptist Church, the late Mother

First Lady Y'Vonne Benton

Maudie Norman used to delight in singing a song called "Let Your Light Shine". The words to the song further proclaimed that "there maybe somebody down in the valley trying to get home!" What a strong, yet poignant and profound demand these words have. This song places a requirement on every Christian to show the beauty of holiness, to bring to light those good and constructive aspects of life, to demonstrate a positive character and brighten the corner where you are. How do we let our light shine,

and what does it mean that somebody down in the valley is trying to get home? The Bible teaches that the Lord is our light and the way we illuminate Him is to be His witness and obey His will. The Bible also teaches that when we let our light shine, men will see our good works and glorify the Father in Heaven ? our eternal home. As Christians, we are described as the light of the world. No one can be a secret Christian these days because light shines the best when it is dark and we

know that the world in which we live is very dark. So keep shinning through both positive and negative circumstances because that is what light does. Let your light shine by the way you act, the way you dress, the way you live, the way you speak, the way you treat your fellow man and by conducting yourself properly (Godly) in every way. In other words, letting your light shine is a soulwinning phenomenon and illuminates the path to a heavenly home.

Volume 2, Issue 7

The Lighthouse

What is Homecoming?

JoAnn Williams-West

"Home is the place where, when you have to

go there, they have to take you in." - Robert Frost

It is a long story and it covers several years. The short version is that by God's provision, the King Artaxerxes of the Medes and Persians had released the captive people of Israel

in God's house. A house where we should always feel welcome, a place we should be able to be ourselves, a place where we can meet God for the very first time or find our

and allowed them to return to their home- way back after a long journey away from Him.

Homecomings fill a great need in our lives. It land with his blessing and sponsorship. He did So it is that Homecoming, a special time for

is a time and an occasion to consider the past, it in several phases. In the first round he sent all of us to feel the peace we had when we

our heritage, to go back to those wonderful about fifty thousand people back equipped were first saved. It is a time to rekindle a

memories and to be grateful for the blessings and with his blessing to rebuild Jerusalem, fire or a time to re-energize our batteries.

of God in our lives! I honestly believe it is a which lay in ruins.

In Nehemiah 8, we can read about the Great

God-given gift to be able to remember and Homecoming is a time when we look back at Homecoming! Our gathering to celebrate

long for those "good days", and it is also His all the fellowship that has happened in Fair- Homecoming 2013 here at Fairfield Baptist

gift to help us forget those days that were not field Baptist Church- all the happy times and Church is only a foreshadowing of the great-

so great! It is a quality that is distinctly hu- all the sad times; all the people that have

est Homecoming of all time, which will hap-

man, to be able to consider our days in light passed through the doors of this church and pen in just a few more days. Sooner than we

of eternity, and to celebrate the goodness of all those that have passed through the Gates can imagine or tell, we will all be gathered


of the Kingdom of Heaven. Fairfield is not just home to meet our Lord face to face. We will

This idea of homecoming is nothing new. It a building. It is a place of refuge, a place of see our loved ones again according to God's

goes way back to the Old Testament, at least fellowship, and for some a place to find Jesus word...

twenty- seven hundred years ago to the days Christ.

And so shall we ever be with the Lord! It will

when the children of Israel were restored to At Homecoming, we all gather to remember be the Homecoming to end all Homecomings!

their land from having been exiled in Babylon old times and to see people that we have not It's what we are longing for today.

for seventy years.

seen in a while, but most importantly, we are

There is no place like home!

Thoughts on Faith

Homecoming 2013

Deacon Les Anderson

Homecoming is defined as an instance of for those He placed in our path when we tial in our altitude than we can imagine. The

returning home. It is usually related to a were unable or too immature to care for basketball coach that convinced me that I

school or family reunion, but it also applies ourselves.

could out play a second team All-American,

spiritually, when one returns to his or her As we depart from our places of origin, it is the teacher that inspired me to use my crea-

spiritual roots. It could be a return to the imperative that our departure is undertaken tive writing skills to address racial behavior

church in which you were baptized or the in the proper manner. We often times hear on the college campus, the district manager

return to a place of significance in your spiri- testimonies of God serving as a provider. who used my marketing analysis to change

tual life.

When we make mistakes or unwise decisions, the national strategy of minority recruiting,

As you read this article, you have already it is God who rescues us and often times, the pastor that prayed and ministered to me

been made aware that Fairfield Baptist rescues us from ourselves. Once we have left when I needed direction, and the aunt that

Church is celebrating Homecoming during home, we are reminded by the Holy Spirit of served as a leaning post with my Dad's death.

this weekend of August 2013. In addition, the prayers spoken for us, the words of en- God provides when we are going through and

through the various media, you have been couragement shared with us and the various homecoming is an opportunity to return to

made aware that homecoming does not only tokens of love that were presented to us. I the place and give thanks to God for provid-

include physical fun, food & fellowship, but will never forget the classmate that testified ing at the time of need! Genesis 22:8, 13-14.

also spiritual nourishment. We will have a to the little league baseball coach that if I As we celebrate Homecoming 2013, let us

homecoming revival starting Monday, August were chosen or drafted, I would make the not forget the story of the Prodigal Son, Luke

5 through Wednesday, August 7. This occa- difference in a losing or winning season. I will 15:11-32, who left home in a manner that was

sion will provide us the opportunity to give never forget the Deacon who nicknamed me not acceptable, but returned home to his

thanks to our God for carrying us this far. As the "music man". I have been inspired over Father's open arms. We at Fairfield Baptist

we express our thanks for our love ones' and over again by the eleventh grade English Church are on the look-out to welcome you

nurturing, inspiring and loving us during our teacher that utilized hard love with a failing with open arms of love!

younger years, our spiritual homecoming report card.

provides us with the occasion to thank God Often God sends angels that see more poten-

Volume 2, Issue 7

Pastor's Engagements

*Pastor Benton will be the guest revivalist August 8-9, 7:30 PM at the Double Spring Baptist Church, 2704 N. Hightower Trail, Conyers, Georgia. The Reverend

J. DeLand Shorter is the pastor. Gospel Choir and Usher Trinitarians are on duty. *On Sunday, August 11, 3 PM Pastor will preach at First Norman Grove Baptist Church for their Deacon and Deaconess Anniversary. The church is located at 613 Glendale Road, Scottdale, Georgia. Reverend E.L. Ellison serves as pastor.

Male Choir and Usher Board No. 1 are on duty. *Pastor Libbie Ligon and the Mulberry AME Church, 2758 Mt. Carmel Road (Highway 823), Abbeville, South Carolina will welcome Pastor Benton as their

guest revivalist August 12-14, 7 PM. *On Friday, August 16, 7 PM, Pastor will preach at Bald Rock Baptist Church, 2284 Old Covington Road, NE, Conyers, Georgia The Reverend Chris Shipp serves as

pastor. New Vision Choir is on duty. Ushers are to be announced. *Sunday, August 18, 6 PM, Pastor is the guest of Higher Dimension Church International. The church is located at 2856 Belvedere Lane, Decatur, Georgia and Bishop Kevin B. Nick serves as pastor. New Vision Choir is on duty. Ushers

to be announced. *The New Big Spring Church welcomes Pastor Benton as their guest speaker on Friday, August 23, 6 PM. Reverend Ernest Colvin serves as pastor and the church is located at 909 Luella Road, Locust, Georgia. The Sanctuary Choir is on duty.

Ushers to be announced. *Pastor Benton will preach the 3 PM worship service at New Salem Baptist Church, 787 New Salem Church Road, Jefferson, Georgia on Sunday, August 25. Reverend Hazzel Quarles is the pastor. Gospel Choir and Male Usher Board are

on duty. *August 26-28, Pastor Benton will be the guest revivalist for Pastor Eddie Collier and the Towaliga Baptist Church, located at 153 Short Road, Jackson, Georgia.

Sanctuary Choir is on duty. Ushers to be announced. *On August 30, 7:30 PM, Pastor Benton will be the guest revivalist of Pastor Marvin L. Crawford and the St. Paul AME Lithonia Church. The church is located at 2687 Klondike Road, Lithonia, Georgia. Male Chorus on Ushers Trinitarians

are on duty.

Upcoming Events

Homecoming 2013

Sunday, August 4, 3 PM Worship Service

Pastor James Ward Antioch-Lithonia Baptist Church,

Lithonia, GA

Monday - Wednesday, August 5-7, 7 PM Revival

Bishop Stephen Hall, Guest Revivalist Rhema Christian Fellowship, Decatur, GA

Community Thanksgiving Fellowship

Thursday, November 21 FBC get ready to welcome our guests, The Community Thanksgiving Fellowship will offer an array of services: health screenings; personal grooming and the distribution of hygiene items; school supplies; new or gently worn clothing and shoes for women, men and children; and food boxes. FBC members are asked to begin bringing

items to be distributed. More information to follow.

The Lighthouse


August 4 Homecoming Communion Worship

Service 10:00 AM

Homecoming Service 3 PM

The Son's House

Homecoming Revival August 5-7 7 PM

The Son's House

August 25 Freedom Sunday Kingdom Kreation

10:45 AM C.L. Nall Chapel

Deacons in Devotion 3:30,PM

Porter Sanford Theater August 29

Depart for Washington, DC Time, TBA

Prayer Ministry Intercessory Prayer Monday Nights, 7:00 PM The Upper Room "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much".

- James 5:16b

Fairfield Kingdom Voices 1st and 3rd Mondays 7:00 PM

Zack Brown Administrative Center

In Memory of FBC Departed Members

Brother Clarence Van Lear Sister Blanch Davis

Brother Clive Nelson

There will always be a heartache, and often a silent tear,

But always a precious memory Of the days when you were here.

Volume 1, Issue 7

Around FBC...

save the date...

September 22, 2013

Celebrating Pastor Micheal Benton's 36th Pastoral Anniversary

More details to follow in the coming weeks!

It is a time to show your love and appreciation to our Pastor, All members are asked to give a donation of $36.00 which represents the number of years that Pastor Benton has been the Shepherd of Fairfield. Auxiliaries and ministries are asked to contribute $360.00. However, if you feel led to give more, please do so.

The G. L. A. D. Dance Ministry is looking for an experienced dance choreographer to create dance routines. Practices are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 PM. The G. L. A. D. Dancers minister through dance on the 4th Sunday or 5th Sunday of every month. The position is voluntary. If interested, contact the church secretary, Sister Shirlene King, at (770)482-7660, Ext. 101 for more information.

Fairfield is seeking experienced drivers to join our transportation team. Candidates must have a CDL license with passenger endorsement, DOT card, Medical Examination Certificate and a good driving record (preferably 5 - 7 years). If interested, please contact the church secretary at 770-482-7660 and provide your contact information. A member of the Transportation Ministry will contact you.

Thursday, October 31...

The FBC Hallelujah Carnival Is Coming Soon! We are looking for volunteers to help with our annual carnival this year (Ages 13 to adult ? high school students can obtain volunteer hours). If you are interested, please let us know by contacting

Carol Franklin at cfranklin@!

Get in Shape in the

Micheal Benton Family Life


Gospelcize Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7PM -

Saturdays, 8 AM

Zumba Mondays, 7:30 PM

Volleyball Players

Youth 12 - 17 / Adults 18 - Up

If you are interested in playing volleyball just for fun

contact Tiffinee McGilberry, 770.363.6122 or sign up at the kiosk

Fun night - Monday, 7 PM

FBC Lost and Found The Ushers Ministry is responsible for the management of lost and found items. If you have lost/misplaced an item, please contact the church office at 770-482-7660, ext. 180 to provide details on the item. Also, please provide contact information so you can be reached if we locate the item. Due to the number of unclaimed (no owners' names) Bibles found last year, to ensure return, make sure that your name and number are displayed in your Bible.

Items retrieved are normally maintained for a period of six months.

The Lighthouse

Journey Through the Bible

Bible Study Wednesdays

Noon Day Book of Revelation Apostle John, Author Jesus Christ's Second Coming and

Satan's Defeat Key Verse

"Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and

keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near." - Revelation 1:3

There are two books in the Bible that Satan does not want us to read. These books are Genesis and Revelation. He doesn't want us to read Genesis because it establishes who God is and His will for mankind. Also, he wants us to ignore the book of Revelation because it informs us of Christ's return and Satan's ultimate defeat.

In the following chapters, God shows Satan that He is still in full control and re-affirms that those that have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will be victorious.

Chapters 6 and 7 Opening the seven seals This begins the series of judgments in which the Lord takes back creation from the usurper,


Chapters 8 and 9 The seventh seal and the sounding of the seven trumpets God's judgments intensify and expands


7:00 PM "The Son's House

The Book of 1Chronicles August 14 & 21 Presented by Tribe of Judah

The Book of II Chronicles August 28 & September 4

Presented by Tribe of Issachar



As we celebrate Homecoming, One hundred and twenty-eight wonderful years.

There must of been some heartaches, And I'm sure there were some tears.

I know there's been lots of shouting, Singing praises to His name.

And when someone comes to the altar, Their life is never again the same.

Welcome to our homecoming, Come in and make yourselves at home.

As we all shout Hallelujah! To our God upon His throne.

This is only just a sample, A tiny taste of what's to come. When we have that Great Homecoming, With the Father and His Son!

We'll worship in His presence, Giving praise forevermore.

And we'll meet our loved ones, Who have gone this path before.

Ah Yes! That Great Homecoming, So awesome and so grand.

When Jesus steps out on a cloud, And takes us all to Glory Land!

- Carrie Kinyon

Revised for FBC 2013

Homecoming 2013


Sunday, August 3, 2013 10:00 AM Worship Service

Master & Mistress of Ceremony Minister Terrell and Sister Tiffinee McGilberry

Devotion Deacon Ministry

Welcome, Occasion & Family Recognition Mother Gwen Fluellen & Family

Praise in Song FBC Mass Choir

Prayer of Thanks and Intercession Reverend Ronald Clark

Praise in Song FBC Mass Choir

Grace of Giving The Johnson Family

Worship in Giving Deacon Ministry

Praise in Song FBC Mass Choir

The Spoken Word & Invitation to Discipleship

Pastor Micheal Benton

Holy Communion


Volume 2, Issue 7


The Lighthouse

The ladies of Fairfield recently took a break for our annual Women's Shhh....On behalf of the Wings Ministry

Retreat. We cruised to Cozumel, Mexico and we had a

we would like to thank everyone who

BLAST!! We took a getaway from Thursday ? Monday. We cruised supported us in bringing items for the

from the Tampa, Florida pier and had perfect weather each day. A silent auction and participated at the

total of 51 ladies cruised to Cozumel. We enjoyed great food, shop- Quiet Affair on Saturday July 13. It was a

ping, relaxation at the beach and really good fellowship with each great event for the ladies in attendance.

other. We had so much fun that we unanimously all decided that we It was a time for fun, fellowship, food and

would cruise again in 2015.

best of all bargains to stock our closets.

So ladies, mark your calendar for summer, 2015.....we are cruising again and we plan to let you know early in 2014 so we can plan accordingly. You don't want to miss it. We already have 51 seats filled!

The WINGS' Ministry is invited to the Women's Day Celebration at Beulah Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday, August 18, 2013. The speakers are:

Pastor Grace Washington, 7:30 AM and Reverend Kimberly Mason, 10:45 AM.

Women's Celebration 2013

"Women of God: Building a Legacy and Leaving a Heritage"

Revival October 16-17, 7 PM Co-Pastor Bernita Croslan, Wednesday Restored Life Ministry Pastor Juandolyn Stokes, Thursday Deeper Life in Christ Ministries

Girls Gone Wild October 18, 7 PM

(women only) Pastor Tanda Canion Assembly of Truth Ministries

Women's Day October 20

Pastor Wendy Smith Martin, 7:30 AM Greater Victory Christian Center Pastor Tanda Canion, 10:45 AM Assembly of Truth Ministries

Each woman is asked to donate $50 for our October Celebration. Please use special envelopes provided.

Weekly installments may be made.

Attire: Shades of Purple and Gold Join the Women's Choir--Rehearsals TBA

Ladies, please email us at wings@, to receive future correspondence.

Volume 2, Issue 7

The Lighthouse

Kingdom Kreation

Brittney King

H.Y.Y.P.E.'s Events (Helping Youth Yield Positive Energy)

Kingdom Kreation Youth ministry continued our H.Y.Y.P.E. days in July with a Remote Control Car Derby. The theme for our upcoming August Freedom Sunday youth service is Back-to-School. Everyone is requested to wear his/ her school colors, paraphernalia or dress as their future career aspiration. The service will feature a parade of various youth ministries. We hope that all youth will join us on Sunday, August 25, at 10:45 AM in the C.L. Nall Chapel. We ask all the young people of Fairfield to come "home" and unite with the Kingdom Kreation family.

KK's Cookies in the Courtyard

August H.Y.Y.P.E. Event Boys and Girls Lock-In Friday - Saturday,

August 9, 6:30 PM--August 10, 9:00 AM

Youth ages 8-18

Check-in and Pick-up at Micheal Benton Family Life Center (Boys will be sleeping in C.L. Nall Chapel)

Sign-up after service or email kingdomkreation@ to register

School Homecoming

Andi T

August is here and with it comes ning school. Getting back into the worst or best part of the school

two very important moments for eating healthy routine, instead of day. Good communication builds

students across Georgia. August indulging in fun summer snacks like trust and fosters problem solving

marks the time for summer vaca- ice cream and chips, is a great way skills in children. Parents and chil-

tion to end and the new school to get the child's body and brain in dren could also do simple things

year to begin. As parents and their shape for the new school year and like avoiding morning mayhem by

children draw closer to the first this will also help parents prepare preparing things for school at night.

day of school, they are both met for the taxing job of being involved Society places much emphasis on

with anxiety as they anticipate what in their child's school life. Setting test scores, curriculum, teaching

is waiting beyond the outer walls of the school building. Many things

up quality time with less time watching TV and using electronics

strategies, bullying, and the general

cross the minds of parents and for entertainment is a great way to well being of children in schools. If

their children. Questions and focus on the beginning of the new you looked on the internet for

concerns about routines, teachers, school year as well.

statistics or read an article or two

classmates, safety, and curriculum The first few weeks of school will you would see that opinions vary

plague their minds. However, prove to be challenging but soon on the state of young people in

regardless of what parents and parents and their children will be school between kindergarten and

children are wondering, the inevitable is near and it is important to

back in the flow of things. However, that does not mean that the

twelfth grade. There are many fac-

accept that fact because prepara- rest of the school year will be a tors that play into the success of

tion must begin.

breeze or that parents and children young people in school. Parents,

Prior to the first day of school, should begin lacking in their dili- please remember that you are

parents and children should begin gence to succeed. In fact, as the your child's best chance for suc-

changing from the summer routine year progresses the need for par- cess. Be an advocate for your child

to the school nighttime and

routine. morning

Practicing rituals is

ents and children to focus on school matters becomes more

at all times. Be involved with your

helpful. Communication is another prevalent. Proper communication child's school and your child's

key factor in preparing for the new between parents and children teacher. I am a parent and a

school year. Parents can connect should continue throughout the teacher and I know how much a

with parents from the last school school year. Parents should try good relationship between the

year if possible and children can other ways to get information from home and school helps.

connect with friends from the pre- their children outside of the nor- I pray everyone entering the new

vious school their children

year. Parents and should also talk to

mal "how was your day?" question. Parents should try asking children








each other about any concerns or about what the child learned, spe- blessed school homecoming!

fears they may have before begin- cific things teachers taught, and the

Fairfield Baptist Church Service Times

Mondays Intercessory Prayer

7:00PM Sanctuary "The Upper Room"

Wednesdays Bible Study

12 Noon C.L. Nall Chapel

7:00 PM The Son's House

Worship Services Sundays

7:30AM & 10:45AM The Son's House

Sunday School 9:15AM

Zack Brown Administrative Center

Youth Church Last Sunday of Each

Month 10:45AM C.L. Nall Chapel

Church Directory

Call 770-482-7660

Pastor Benton/ Church Secretary

Ext. 101

Counseling Ministry First Lady Benton Ext. 104

Office Administrator Alice Cunningham Ext. 109

Superintendent Deacon Dave Rollins

Ext. 119

Team of the Month Ext. 172

Lost & Found Usher Ministry

Ext. 180

Maudie Norman Mission

Food & Clothing Ext. 112


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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