Pre-Test #4

Pre-Test #4

Sample Essays

1. How was war with England and France avoided in the years 1793-1810?

2. Why were political parties formed in the new nation and what were the major differences among political parties in the years 1791-1820?

3. What events on the frontier had a major impact on national history in the years 1789-1829?

4. Each of the following individuals expressed strong opinions concerning the policies of the new nation. What opinions were expressed by TWO of the following? Of the two, whose opinion had the greatest impact on the new nation?

5. How did the Jeffersonian Republican's policy of economic boycott in the years 1807-1812 affect the new nation?

6. Why did the United States not go to war against England in 1794 and against France in 1798-99?

Sample Multiple Choice

1. Under the Articles of Confederation, sovereignty was in the hands of the

a) executive d) town meetings

b) Congress e) revolutionary army

c) states

2. Which of the following events occurred under the Articles of Confederation

a) the repeal of the Stamp Act

b) Shay's Rebellion

c) the Whiskey Rebellion

d) Daniel Boone's first trip to Kentucky

e) the Boston Massacre

3. If an historian doing original research wished to analyze the changes made in Thomas Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration of Independence by the Committee of Five and by the members of the Continental Congress, the best way to begin would be to

a) call the Library of Congress and ask for advice

b) consult the final version signed by members of the Continental Congress and the letters they wrote about the Declaration

c) visit the National Archives to study the original draft and other early copies of the Declaration including the version signed by the members of the C ongress

d) read a book on the writing of the Declaration of Independence and analyze the author's conclusion

e) put out a message on the internet asking historians what they believe the changes were

4. Created in haste, it was a wartime government, a "league of friendship", suffering many pressures from the beginning. It lacked the power to enforce its laws, to tax directly, and to regulate internal commerce. Which government is described?

a) the colonies during the French and Indian War

b) Articles of Confederation d) Northwest Ordinance

c) the first decade under the Constitution e) League of Nations

5. Which of the following were characteristics of new state constitutions written during the Revolutionary War?

I. a bill of rights was included

II. the principles of separation of powers and checks and balances were incorporated

III. a weak executive was provided for

IV. all property qualifications for suffrage were eliminated

a) I, II, III and IV d) II and IV only

b) I, III and IV only e) I, II and III only

c) II, III and IV only

6. Which of the following ideas is NOT found in the preamble to the Declaration of Independence

a) governments exist to protect citizens' inalienable rights

b) when a government is oppressive the people have a right to revolt

c) the government is the servant of the people, not their master

d) governments are founded on the popular consent of the governed

e) governments exist to give all people an equal opportunity to share in the wealth of the nation

7. Which historian first labeled the years immediately preceding the writing and adopting of the Constitution the "critical period" in American history?

a) Frederick Jackson Turner

b) John Fiske

c) Charles A. Beard

d) George F. Kennan

e) W. E. B. DuBois

8. Which of the following was NOT true of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787

a) it recognized the territorial claims of the various Indian tribes within the NW Territory

b) it guaranteed freedom of religion to settlers in the NW Territory

c) it guaranteed the right to a trial by jury to settlers in the Territory

d) it prohibited slavery within the Territory

e) it specified procedures through which settlers could organize state governments and eventually apply for statehood

9. The new state constitutions adopted during the Revolution

a) eliminated all property qualifications for voting

b) generally did not contain a bill of rights

c) abolished the office of governor

d) provided for unicameral legislatures

e) generally protected the peoples' civil liberties with a bill of rights

10. The Northwest Ordinance

I. Provided for the admission of new states to the Union on equal footing with the original 13

II. prohibited slavery in the Western territory above the Ohio River

III. stipulated that the land and property of the Indians "shall never be taken from them without their permission"

a) I only d) I and III only

b) II only e) I, II and III

c) I and II only

11. The new constitutions adopted by the state during the American Revolution vested power in the

I. courts

II. legislatures

III. governors

a) I only d) I and II only

b) II only e) II and III only

c) III only

12. The measure passed by the Confederation C ongress prohibiting slavery in the Western territories above the Ohio River was the

a) Northwest Ordinance d) Homestead Act

b) Articles of Confederation e) Treat of Paris, 1783

c) Proclamation of 1763

13. The main dispute that delayed ratification of the Articles of Confederation by the newly independent states was

a) disagreement about the nature and composition of the national legislatures

b) disagreement about the powers and method of selecting a national president

c) the refusal of some states to give up separate treaties made independently by themselves and foreign countries

d) the refusal of some states to give up extensive claims to the lands west of the Appalachians

e) the reluctance of slaveholding states to join a union with states that considered slavery to be evil

14. Which of the following was NOT a cause of John Adam's defeat in the presidential election of 1800?

a) the Alien and Sedition Acts

b) the XYZ affair

c) Alexander Hamilton's disagreement with John Adams

d) British impressment of American sailors

e)the failure of Adams to support war with France

15. The declaration of war against the British in 1812 illustrates the importance of the

a) establishment of a regular army

b) Native Americans in the frontier area

c) Congressional representatives from the newly admitted western states

d) growth of manufacture in New England

e) Department of the Navy

16. The Rush Bagot Agreement called for

a) the expulsion of the British from Canada

b) the new boundary in Florida

c) the expulsion of aliens

d) mutual disarmament of the Great Lakes

e) commemoration of Perry's victory

17. Which of the following was NOT true concerning the Treaty of Ghent?

a) it was signed before Jackson's victory at New Orleans

b) it states the British would rebuild the burned city of Washington

c) it referred boundary disputes to arbitration committees

d) it called for no exchange of territory

e) it made no reference to impressment

18. Which of the following treaties granted the right of navigation on the Mississippi to the US

a) Pinckney's Treaty d) Treaty of Utrecht

b) Jay's Treaty e) Treaty of Ghent

c) Treaty of Greenville

19. Who of the following did NOT hold Federalist ideas?

a) Alexander Hamilton d) John Marshall

b) George Washington e) Albert Gallatin

c) John Adams

20. Where did the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 take place?

a) Ohio d) New York

b) Massachusetts e) Virginia

c) Pennsylvania

21. What was the key frontier post held by the British in spite of the Treaty of Paris of 1783?

a) Tippecanoe d) Genet

b) Detroit e) Erie

c) Greenville

22. The Hartford Convention of 1815

a) nominated candidates for President

b) called for repeal of the Alien and Sedition Acts

c) was a meeting of disaffected Federalists

d) rejected the Treaty of Ghent

e) supported another invasion of Canada

23. How would one best explain the location of Washington, DC

a) it was a natural ford in the Potomac River

b) the rapids in the river provided power for water mills

c) it was convenient to George Washington's home at Mount Vernon

d) it was selected as a compromise between the claims of New York, Boston, Princeton and Philadelphia

e) the land was granted by the state of Maryland to the federal government as the site of the capitol city

24. Why would the average frontier settler in Illinois most likely support the United States' acquisition of New Orleans

a) it would provide a good market for midwestern corn

b) it would prove the nation supported expansion

c) it would provide convenient access to a large slave market

d) it controlled the Mississippi River trade route

e) it was an urban center with a cosmopolitan lifestyle

"Now it appears.... that this general principle is inherent in the very definition of government, and essential to every step of the process to be made by that United States, namely: that every power vested in a government is in its nature sovereign, and includes, by force of the term, a right to employ all the means requisite and fairly applicable to the attainment of the ends of such power and which are not precluded by restrictions.... in the Constitution, or not immoral, or not contrary to the essential ends of political society..."

25. The above quotation expressed the position on the Constitution advocated by a

a) states-righter d) Jeffersonian

b) loose constructionist e) strict constructionist

c) Federalist

26. The above quotation is most likely from

a) Washington's Farewell Address

b) the "Kentucky Resolutions"

c) Jefferson's "Letter on the Constitutionality of a National Bank"

d) Hamilton's "Letter on the Constitutionality of a National Bank"

e) Marshall's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland

27. Which state did Henry Clay represent in the U.S. House of Representatives?

a) Missouri d) Ohio

b) Illinois e) Kentucky

c) Indiana

28. Which of the following events occurred most recently?

a) the ratification of the Articles of Confederation

b) the presentation of the Connecticut Compromise

c) the introduction of the Virginia Plan

d) the drafting of the Declaration of Independence

e) the offering of the New Jersey Plan

29. Which of the following groups includes individuals all of whom supported the ratification of the U.S. Constitution by the states

a) Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Melancthon Smith

b) John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry

c) james Madison, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton

d) Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Andrew Jackson

e) James Madison, Daniel Webster, Alexander Hamilton

30. "... and he (the President) shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint... judges of the Supreme Court..." This passage from the Constitution best illustrates the concept of

a) power of the purse d) judicial review

b) executive privilege e) due process

c) checks and balances

31. A person supporting the concept of implied power in regard to the US Constitution would be a believer in

a)limited executive power d) loose constructionism

b) strict constructionism e) states' rights

c) Jeffersonianism

32. Which one of the following accurately describes the President's cabinet

a) it is fully described in the Constitution

b) members are not approved by the US Senate

c) members of the Cabinet serve at the pleasure of the Chief Executive

d) The Cabinet must meet every Thursday

e) the number of Executive Departments headed by Cabinet officers can be changed by the President as he wishes

33. Jefferson is often accused of political inconsistency since he apparently supported states' rights in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolves but acted as a supporter of federal power and loose construction of the Constitution when he

I. arranged the Louisiana Purchase

II. sent the US Navy to attack Barbary Pirates

III. ordered Lewis and Clark to explore the West

IV. proclaimed the Embargo in 1807

34. All of the following occurred during George Washington's two terms EXCEPT

a) election of John Adams to the Presidency

b) resignation of Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State

c) XYZ Affair

d) Hamilton's and Jefferson's letters on the constitutionality of a national bank

e) the negotiation of the Jay Treaty

35. The term "impressment" as used by the United States in the period before the War of 1812 referred to

a) the foreign policy concept of shunning alliances with other countries

b) a combining together of nations in an effort to provide greater protection from attacks on the British

c) the British practice of forcing American sailors into service on British warships

d) an agreement temporarily uniting two or more countries

e) a written plea from an individual protesting a wrong as a result of the actions of the British

36. Which of the following was NOT associated with our foreign relations with France in the 1790s

a) XYZ Affair d) Treary of 1778

b) Citizen Genet e) Barbary pirates

c) undeclared naval war of 1798

37. Which political leader endorsed the philosophy that the political and social future of the United States would be more secure if the United States emphasized agriculture rather than industry

a) Thomas Jefferson

b) Alexander Hamilton

c) Henry Clay

d) Daniel Webster

e) Eugene V. Debs

38. The Constitution was written to make it difficult for the majority of the population to impress its will on the federal government. Which of the following gave the people the most impact on the federal government

a) length of the term of office for federal judges

b) length of the term of office for members of the House of Representatives

c) choosing the President by the Electoral College

d) the method of electing US Senators

e) having one-third of the Senate elected every 2 years

39. George Washington once said " there are combustibles in every state which a spark might set afire". What event in American history is he describing?

a) Election of 1796

b) Stamp Act

c) Shays' Rebellion

d) Newburgh conspiracy

e) Whiskey Rebellion

40. Which of the following were associated with the Federalist party of the 1790s

I. They sympathized with Great Britain rather than France in European disputes

II. they favored strict interpretation of the Constitution

III. they disapproved of the Alien and Sedition Acts

IV. Alexander Hamilton and John Adams were two of the party leaders

V. They favored paying the national debt at par to current holders of bonds

a) I, III, IV and V only d) II, III, and IV only

b) II and III only e) I, III and IV only

c) I, IV and V only

41. The first ten amendments to the Constitution (the Bill of Rights) were added to protect

a) the states from the power of the federal government

b) individual citizens from the power of the federal and state governments

c) individual citizens from the power of the federal government

d) individual citizens from the power of state governments

e) minorities from the majority

42. Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton proposed that the federal government do which of the following

I. have a protective tariff rather than a revenue tariff

II. establish a national bank

III. promote the development of industry

IV. pay off the foreign and national debts

V. have the federal government assume state debts

VI. establish an excise tax

a) II, IV and VI only d) II, III, IV, V and VI only

b) all of the above e) I, II, III, V and VI only

c) II, IV, V, and VI only

43. Which of the following is NOT true concerning the relationship between Congress and the federal courts

a) Congress has the power to remove a piece of legislation from the jurisdiction of the federal courts

b) The Senate must approve the appointment of federal judges

c) the House of Reps. may impeach federal judges

d) Congress has the power to reduce or increase the number of Supreme Court judges

e) a 2/3 vote of both the House and SEnate overrides a Supreme Court decision declaring an act of Congress to be unconstitutional

44. The Constitution was based upon many sources - the colonial experience, the REvolutionary War, the Articles of Confederation, the imperial relationship, the British example, and political theory. On one topic, the concept of sovereignty, the Founding Fathers

a) broke new ground by deciding that sovereignty lay with the people, not the states, and the sovereignty could be divided by the people between the federal government and the states

b) provided for the settlement of future disputes by giving the federal courts the power of judicial review

c) laid the basis for the Civil War by granting sovereignty to the states similar to that which had been in existence under the ARticles of Confederation

d) continued the practice of the imperial system by vesting sovereignty in the executive branch

e) united the new nation by placing sovereignty under the legislative branch, similar to British political theory

45. James Madison asked for a declaration of war against Great Britain in 1812 for four reasons. Which was NOT included in his address to Congress?

a) blockading of American ports

b) impressment of American seamen

c) inciting Indians to attack settlers

d) the opportunity to grab part of Canada

e) violation of American neutral rights

46. The trial of former vice-president Aaron Burr for treason in Richmond in 1807 is most important and most significant in American history because

a) it exposed his scheme to seize control of Louisiana

b) it showed the political reasons why Burr had challenged Alexander Hamilton to a duel

c) it revealed the proposed New England Confederacy, the Federalist plan to have New England and New York secede from the United States

d) Chief Justice John Marshall firmly established the Constitution's definition of treason

e) it exposed the duplicity of Hamilton's behind the scenes attempt to elect Burr president over Jefferson in the House of Reps. voting in the election of 1800

47. The positions of loose construction and strict construction of the Constitution were first established in letters written by Hamilton and Jefferson to President Washington. The letters concerned

a) the issue of creating a BAnk of the United STates

b) our obligation to France under the Treaty of 1778

c) consolidating the national, state and foreign debt and paying them at face value

d) an appropriate response to the Whiskey Rebellion

e) Jefferson's decision to purchase Louisiana

48. Which best explains the rise of political parties in the 1790s

a) Hamilton's and Jefferson's personal dislike for one another

b) a continuation of the Loyalist/Patriot split of the Revolutionary era

c) a continuation of the division of those for and against the ratification of the Constitution

d) the desire of Washington for two distinct viewpoints on policy issues so that he could better evaluate issues

e) differing ideology and viewpoints accented by disagreements over the establishment of a national bank, the payment of foreign, national and state debts, foreign policy, and the Alien and Sedition Acts

49. Which is NOT true concerning the Alien and Sedition Acts

a) they were used by the President to silence his political opponents - the Federalist newspaper editors

b) they gave the president the power to imprison or deport aliens dangerous to the national welfare

c) they raised the residency requirement from 5 to 14 years for naturalized citizenship

d) they provided fines and imprisonment for those who spoke false and malicious writing against the United States government

e) they grew out of the public anger at the undeclared naval war with France, the XYZ Affair, and the influx of Irish and French fleeing revolutions

50. The Newbergh Conspiracy was concerned with

a) betrayal of the plans to build a vital fort at West Point, NY

b) the use of the continental army to create a more centralized union of the states

c) resistence to the collection of federal excise taxes in western Pennsylvania

d) New England's threat to secede should the War of 1812 continue

e) Aaron Burr's plot to detach the western United States as an empire for himself

51. The Republican response to the 1798 Alien and SEdition Acts included

a) South Carolina's nullification of the Acts d) the Ostend Manifesto

b) the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions e) the Mulligan Letters

c) the Hartford Convention

52. The primary issue in dispute in Shay's Rebellion was

a) the jailing of individuals or seizure of property for failure to pay taxes

b) the underrepresentation of western Massachusetts in the state legislature leading to accusations of taxation w/o representation

c) the failure of Mass. to pay a promised postwar bonus to soldiers who had served during the Revolution

d) the failure of Mass. authorities to take adequate steps to protect the western part of the state from raiding Indians

e) economic oppression practiced by the banking interests of eastern Mass.

53. Congress's most effective means of financing the War for Independence was

a) printing large amounts of paper money

b) obtaining grants and loans from France and Holland

c) levying heavy direct taxes

d) issuing paper securities backed by the promise of western lands

e) appealing to the states for voluntary contributions

54. All of the following were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT

a) it lacked the power to levy taxes

b) it lacked the power to regulate commerce

c) it lacked the power to borrow money

d) it could not compel states to abide by the terms of international treaties it had made

e) it lacked a strong executive

55. Henry Clay's "American System" included all of the following EXCEPT

a) federal funding for the building of roads

b) a national bank

c) high protective tariffs

d) an independent treasury

e) federal funding for the building of canals

56. The most controversial portion of Alexander Hamilton's economic program was

a) federal assumption of state debt

b) assessment of direct taxes on states

c) creation of the Bank of the United States

d) imposition of high protective tariffs

e) establishment of a bimetallic system

57. In the Nullification Controversy, some southerners took the position that

a) the federal government had the right to nullify state laws that interfered with the right to hold property in slaves

b) the federal courts had the right to nullify acts of Congress that restricted the spread of slavery in the territories

c) the states had the right to nullify acts of Congress they deemed to be unconstitutional

d) southern states had the right to nullify statutes of Northern states interfering with the recapture of escaped slaves

e) Congress should refuse to receive any petitions against slavery

58. During the first 2 decades under the U.S. Constitution, the main factor that separated Federalists from Republicans was

a) whether they accepted the Constitution or opposed it

b) whether the favored the French Revolution or opposed it

c) whether they leaned more toward states' rights or national sovereignty

d) their personal like or dislike for Hamilton and Jefferson

e) whether they had been patriots or loyalists during the Revolution

59. The international incident known as the XYZ Affair involved

a) a French foreign minister's demand for a bribe before he would meet with American envoys

b) the British refusal to evacuate their forts on American territory

c) General Andrew Jackson's incursion into Spanish held Florida

d) the British seizure of American crewmen in Chesapeake Bay

e) Aaron Burr's secret plot to detach the western United States to create a new nation

60. All of the following contributed to the coming of war in 1812 EXCEPT

a) the Chesapeake Leopard incident

b) British impressment of American seamen

c) concerns of western American's that Indian raids were being carried out with British encouragement

d) the Congressional War Hawks desire to annex Canada

e) the armed confrontation between US and British forces along the Maine-Canada border

61. In the 1790s political conflict between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, Jefferson would have been more likely to

a) take a narrow view of the Constitution

b) favor Britain over France in the European wars

c) favor the establishment of a national bank

d) win the cooperation of presidents Washington and Adams

e) oppose the efforts of Citizen Genet in America

62. The issue of loose versus strict interpretation of the Constitution first arose

a) over Hamilton's proposal to create a Bank of the United States

b) over Jefferson's decision to purchase Louisiana

c) in the case of Marbury v. Madison

d) over Hamilton's proposal to consolidate the debts

e) in the 1796 presidential campaign between the Federalist and Jeffersonian parties

63. Both the Federalists and the Jeffersonian Republicans were afraid of threats to the infant United States in the first decades of our nation's existence. However, they differed greatly over the sources of danger. Which of the following does NOT correctly match the party to what the party felt was a source of danger

a) Republicans - the executive branch augmenting its powers

b) Federalists - a majority in the House enacting laws against the wealthy

c) Federalists - an attack by Great Britain from Canada

d) Federalists - an increase in Irish immigration

e) Republicans - a large national debt

64. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

a) led to the Alien and Sedition Acts

b) were written by Hamilton, Jay and Madison

c) were endorsed by the Federalist Party

d) raised the issue of state nullification of federal laws

e) were part of the campaign rhetoric for the election of 1796 between Adams and Jefferson

65. After the Constitution was written in 1787, it was sent to the states for ratification. Virginia narrowly approved the Constitution. Who was the Virginia delegate at the Convention who fought against ratifying the Constitution because it did not contain a bill of rights?

a) Thomas Jefferson d) George Mason

b) George Washington e) Sam Adams

c) John Adams

66. The Great Compromise during the writing of the Constitution involved

a) the creation of 3 separate branches of government

b) determining whether sovereignty rested in the states or the federal government

c) the respective powers of the House and Senate and representation in each

d) ending the slave trade in 20 years

e) whether or not only a majority vote was needed to tax imports

67. Which of the following statements contradicts Jefferson's philosophy of government

a) that government is best which governs the least

b) the president should have little pomposity or ceremony

c) a strong army is essential to defend liberty

d) freedom of speech is essential in a republic

e) the will of the majority must be accepted

68. The following is the electoral college vote for president in the second race between John Adams and Thomas JEfferson: Jefferson 73; Aaron Burr 73; John Adams 65; Charles Pinckney 64; John Jay 1. Which of the following statements is true?

a) this election was in 1796

b) this election led to the adoption of the 12th amendment

c) because of the tie the President was selected by the Senate, as specified by the Constitution

d) this presidential campaign was Jefferson's reelection to the presidency

e) the major issue of this election was the impressment of American sailors

69. The Star Spangled Banner

a) became a national anthem immediately after the War of 1812 ended when Congress officially adopted it

b) was written to celebrate the heroic defense of Washington DC during the War of 1812

c) celebrated the greatest American victory of the War of 1812, the Battle of New Orleans

d) as written to celebrate the defense of Baltimore during the War of 1812

e) was written to honor George Washington when he died in 1799

70. Which of the following statements about the process of amending the Constitution is correct

a) the original Constitution did not provide for a means of amendment

b) the Constitution can be amended by a 2/3 vote by both the Senate and House and state legislatures

c) the states can bypass the federal gov. by forcing Congress to call a national convention to propose an amendment (if requested by legislatures of 2/3 of the states) and by approving the proposed amendment with 3/4 of the state conventions

d) proposed constitutional amendments need the approval of the House of Reps. and the Senate and the President's signature before amendments can be submitted to states for ratifications

e) through the power of judicial review, the federal courts have the power to declare an amendment unconstitutional

71. The declaration of war against the British in 1812 illustrates the importance of the

a) establishment of the regular army

b) Native Americans on the frontier area

c) Congressional representatives from newly admitted western states

d) growth of manufacture in New England

e) Department of the Navy

72. The Rush Bagot Agreement called for

a) the expulsion of the British from Canada

b) a new boundary with Florida

c) the expulsion of aliens

d) mutual disarmament of the Great Lakes

e) commemoration of Perry's victory

73. Which of the following is NOT true concerning the Treaty of Ghent

a) it was signed before Jackson's victory at New Orleans

b) it stated that the British would rebuild the city of Washington DC

c) it referred boundary disputes to arbitration committees

d) it called for no exchange of territory

e) it made no reference to impressment

74. Which of the following treaties granted the right of navigation on the Mississippi to the US

a) Pinckney's Treaty d) Treaty of Utrecht

b) Jay's Treaty e) Treaty of Ghent

c) Treaty of Greenville

75. The Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison established the

a) doctrine of judicial review of Congressional legislation

b) principle of state control over local legislation

c) doctrine of Supreme Court review of state laws

d) principle of sanctity of contract

e) sanctity of Congressional control of interstate commerce

76. The Hartford Convention of 1815

a) nominated candidates for President

b) called for the repeal of the Alien and Sedition Acts

c) was a meeting of disaffected Federalists

d) rejected the Treaty of Ghent

e) supported another invasion of Canada

77. James Madison asked for a declaration of war against Great Britain in 1812 for four of the following reasons. Which was NOT one of his reasons

a) blockading of American ports

b) impressment of American seamen

c) inciting Indians to attack settlers

d) the opportunity to grab part of Canada

e) violation of American neutral rights

78. Chief Justice John Marshall asserted that only Congress, not the states, possessed the power to regulate interstate commerce. The case was

a) Marbury v. Madison d) Cohens v. Virginia

b) the Slaughterhouse case e) Gibbons v. Ogden

c) McCulloch v. Maryland

79. In his message to Congress on December 2, 1823, Monroe asserted that

a) any new European colonization, including the transfer of colonies from one power to another, required US approval

b) a long range American policy goal was the removal of all European colonies from the New World

c) as a New World power ,the US was entitled to participate in conferences involving major European powers

d) the political systems of the Old World were so different from those of the New World that any attempt ot extend European political systems to the New World would be dangerous to the US

e) the US sympathized with Spain's attempt to reacquire her lost South American colonies, but would not tolerate any other European power's acquiring them

80. Which of the following was a similarity between Shay's Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion

a) both alarmed conservatives throughout the nation

b) George Washington put both down

c) both were caused by a protest over taxes

d) both occurred in Pennsylvania

e) both occurred under the Articles of Confederation

81. At the end of the War of 1812, Daniel Webster opposed the protective tariff. Fifteen years later he had switched his position to favoring protective tariffs. Why?

a)British dumping of low price products after the WAr ruined many American industries

b) Webster supported Clay's American system in exchange for Clay's support of Webster's proposal for a Second Bank of the United States

c) the Jeffersonian Democrats, who had originally opposed the concept of protective tariffs, changed to supporting protective tariffs and forced the Federalist Party to accept the opposite position

d) Anger over Calhoun's"Exposition and Protest" turned most Northerners in favor of free trade

e) the base of the New England economy changed from shipping and commerce to industrial production

82. Both France and Great Britain violated American neutral rights in the years preceding the War of 1812. What consideration influenced the US to go to war with Britain rather than France

a) British violations caused the loss of American lives; French violations only caused property loss

b) the Federalist Party which controlled Congress tended to be anti-British

c) it was easier for the US to attack British territory than French territory

d) the French respected our embargo; the British did not

e) President Adams had already chastised France in the undeclared naval war of the late 1790s; this time he decided to attack Great Britain

83. In just one year, 1807-1808, American imports dropped from $138 million to $57 million. American exports dropped from $108 million to $22 million. Why

a) Britain tightened impressment of American sailors, driving American shipping from the seas

b) Macon's Bill No. 2 restricted American trade to every nation but Great Britain and France

c) Jefferson's embargo curtaile American shipping

d) Napolean's Berlin and Milan decrees cut off continental Europe from American shipping

e) the undeclared naval war with France made shipping too dangerous


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