Project: Jason and the Argonauts Portfolio - Ms. Mix's ...

Term Project - Unit IV: The Argonauts Portfolio

Throughout Term 02, you will compile a portfolio that includes your choice of the following products. You must accrue a total of 20 points representing at least four of the categories. You may accrue as many as 25 points. The portfolio will be due on December 18, 2012.

About Meeting Deadlines

On the day the project is due:

- If you are PRESENT in class, but have no project to hand in, you have until the end of the school day to hand in all components.

- If you are TARDY to school, you MUST bring it to my classroom by the end of Period 6 that day or you will receive a zero.

- If you SKIP class the day the project is due, you receive an AUTOMATIC ZERO.

- If you are ABSENT with an EXCUSED absence note addressed directly to ME (N.B. this is in addition to the note you bring to your homeroom teacher), you will receive full credit for the project.

- If you are ABSENT but you present no note addresses personally to me to excuse your absence, the highest grade you can receive is a “D”.

- No products will be accepted beyond December 19, 2012

- If you or your parents know that you will be out ahead of time, then you must hand in your project EARLY.


■ Cover with Name and Legio (1 pt)

■ Table of contents (1 pt) – indicate what your Student Choice item is here..

■ A full outline of the story of Jason and the Argonauts (2 pts)

Category 1: Essays

(1 page = 1 pt; 2 pages = 2 pts; no more than 6 points may be accrued through this category)

(must be submitted through Google Docs; typed and double spaced; sources cited; in your own words; good grammar; NO PLAGIARISM)

■ a summary of the story of Phryxus and Helle and the origins of the golden fleece with sources fully cited.

■ a comparative analysis of two or more artworks (Greco-Roman period through contemporary) that show the story or an excerpt from it. How do the artists’ visions differ?

■ an essay about the character Medea in the story and her life after the voyage (include Euripides’ play and cite your sources)

■ a personal essay about the symbolic meaning of the search for the golden fleece

■ a report on ancient ship-building and the probable appearance of the Argo (sources must be cited)

■ a comparative analysis of the ancient sources (written and archaeological) that tell us the story of Jason and the Argonauts

■ an essay about the nature of heroism in the story

Category 2: Translation

(2 pts per item; no more than 10 points may be accrued from this category)

■ A translation of one or two lessons of your choice from Unit 4 (either neatly typed out through Google Docs or neatly and artistically done by hand on unlined paper—perhaps on parchment-like paper for aesthetic appeal). (must be different from a translation chosen for another item in this category).

■ A commentary for one or more of the lessons in the unit (must be different from a translation chosen for another item in this category). A commentary must include a minimum of 15 difficult forms or new words and will have information about them (must be typed and submitted through Google Docs)

o e.g, difficillimam – superlative degree of the adjective “difficilis” – meaning “very difficult”; the form is feminine and accusative because it modifies “rem”; a derivative of difficilis is “difficult.”

■ A personal dictionary/vocabulary list one or two lessons of your choice from Unit 4. This must include at least 70 words and be alphabetized. (must be typed and submitted through Google Docs)

■ A Wordle () for the Latin of one lesson of the story (must be different from a translation chosen for another item in this category). Use colors and forms to reflect meaning. n.b. If you type in the entire story, the more frequent words will show up in larger letters. You may also be selective in words, but the Wordle should express the story.

■ Electronic vocabulary flashcards for one or two lessons of your choice using or other sites.

Category 3: Visual arts

(No more than 10 points may be accrued through visual arts; you may not choose more than one collaborative activity* from this category.)

■ A map of Jason’s voyage that shows modern location names as well as ancient (1 point 8 ½ x 11 paper size; 2 points poster size)

■ A visual interpretation (drawing, mosaic, painting, pastel, other) of one of the characters or mythological figures in the story (3 points each artwork)

■ A multi-media collage that illustrates the story of Jason and the Argonauts (2 points)

■ A “Bon Voyage” greeting card that utilizes the theme of Jason and the Argonauts. The card must be in Latin. (2 points)

■ A three-dimensional model of the Argo (3 points)

■ *A mini-movie that includes one or more of the characters. (3 points) You must be able to show this in class. This is one of two activities that can be collaborative. Your group must contain NO MORE than four students. If you do not have access to IMovie, do not consider this activity.

■ A sound recording of a ballad or song written by the student. If you do not have access to Garage Band, do not consider this activity (3 points)

■ *A music video featuring a ballad or song written one of the students. (3 points) This is the other of two activities that can be collaborative. Your group must contain NO MORE than four students. If you do not have access to IMovie, do not consider this activity.

■ A picture book of the story told in simple Latin. (3 points)

o You may make this electronically using PowerPoint or other application.

Category 4: Creative Writing

(2 pts per item)

(must be submitted through Google Docs; typed and double spaced; sources cited; in your own words; good grammar; NO PLAGIARISM)

■ An original poem or song in English or Latin about a search for a golden fleece (if a song is produced, a music video may be made)

■ A modern myth based on the Jason story or a segment of it

■ A journal of the adventure from the 1st person perspective of one of the characters in the story

■ A Facebook (-like) page for Jason and his various friends and enemies. This should include conversations they would have.

■ A Twitter (-like) feed one of the stories, must include at least five Latin phrases with explanations added

Category 5: Applied and Technical Arts; other

(3 points each unless otherwise specified)

■ A costume, garment, jewelry, prop, or other item based on the story

■ A culinary art – a cake or cupcakes that demonstrate an aspect of the story (e.g., an edible model of the Argo) (Yes, the class may eat this if you would like to share!)

■ A travel brochure (2 points)

■ A calendar showing the voyage (2 points) (You may use Word or a similar program to locate a template.)

■ A website that acts as gallery and/or directory for all your items. You should use Google Sites for this.


Portfolio (10% of term grade)

Each item will then be graded on the following scale:

5 A+;

4.5 A-/B;

4 C;

3.5 D;

0-3 F

Deductions will be made for the following:

Portfolio represents only one category ( -35

Portfolio represents only two categories ( -25

Portfolio represents only three categories ( -15

Portfolio was handed in late as described in the “About Meeting Deadlines ( -35

Sample 01:

A portfolio with:

15 points of A work = 15 x 5 ( 75 pts

2 points of B work = 2 x 4.5 ( 09 pts

3 points of C work = 3 x 4 ( 12 pts

Overall score 96 pts

Components will be assessed for accuracy and correctness, creativity and originality, neatness and professionalism, depth of meaning, and overall quality. The portfolio should have a cover, but may, of course, include elements that are too large or inappropriately shaped to put in a folder.

Student’s choice grade (10% of term grade)

You will select the best part of your portfolio for an individual, separate project grade to be recorded separately as well. This will be weighted as another 10% of your term 02 grade, so if you earn a 100 on it and only a 50 on the portfolio because it is incomplete, your project average for these two assignments would be 67 rather than 50.

Hints on how to earn an A or B

• Include lots of Latin.

• Check your work and correct little errors/typos.

• Be professional.

• Be creative.

• Produce a good product.

• Cover all your bases. (Your four categories and the 20 point total)

• Decide on the student’s choice item in advance.

• Turn your project in on time.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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