Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Financial decisions Suggested time: 2.5 weeks

Strand: Number

Topic: Number concepts and Multiplication and division

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 16) | |SkillSHEETS (page 16) | |N 4.1 |

| | |1.1: Rounding money to the nearest 5 | |Students compare and order whole numbers |

| | |cents | |and common and decimal fractions of any |

| | |1.2: Converting a percentage to a decimal| |size and make connections between key |

| | |fraction | |percentages and fractions. |

| | |1.3: Decreasing a quantity by a | |N 4.3 |

| | |percentage | |Students identify and solve |

| | |1.4: Finding a percentage of a quantity | |multiplication and division problems |

| | |(money) | |involving whole numbers, common fractions|

| | |1.5: Expressing one quantity as a | |and percentages. |

| | |percentage of another | | |

| | |1.7: Increasing a quantity by a | | |

| | |percentage | | |

|Money (page 17) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-4 (page 21) |SkillSHEET 1.1: Rounding money to the | |N 5.1 Ex 1A Q1-14 |

|WE 1a-b, 2, 3 |Investigation: How much is one million |nearest 5 cents (page 20) | |Students make informed financial |

|Ex 1A Money (page 20) |dollars? (page 21) | | |decisions about expenditure. |

| |Enrichment task: Movie munchies (page 22)| | | |

|Common percentages and short cuts (page |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-5 (page 26) |WorkSHEET 1.1 (page 26) |Mathcad: Common percentages (page 25) |N 5.3 Ex 1B Q1-15 |

|22) |Code puzzle (page 27) | | |Students identify and solve |

|WE 4a-b, 5a-d, 6a-b | | | |multiplication and division problems |

|Ex 1B Common percentages and short cuts | | | |involving percentages using a range of |

|(page 25) | | | |computation methods and strategies. |

|Discount (page 28) |Investigation: Successive discounts (page|SkillSHEET 1.2: Converting a percentage |Excel: Increasing or decreasing an amount |N 5.1 Ex 1C Q1-14 |

|WE 7, 8a-b, 9 |31) |to a decimal fraction (page 30) |by a percentage (page 30) |Students make informed financial |

|Ex 1C Discount (page 30) |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 32) |SkillSHEET 1.3: Decreasing a quantity by |Mathcad: Finding the percentage of a |decisions about expenditure. |

| | |a percentage (page 30) |quantity (page 30) |N 5.3 Ex 1C Q1-14 |

| | |SkillSHEET 1.4: Finding a percentage of a|Mathcad: Discount (page 30) |Students identify and solve |

| | |quantity (money) (page 30) |Excel: One amount as a percentage of |multiplication and division problems |

| | |SkillSHEET 1.5: Expressing one quantity |another (page 30) |involving percentages using a range of |

| | |as a percentage of another (page 30) | |computation methods and strategies. |

| | |Game time 001 (page 31) | | |

|Profit and loss (page 32) | |SkillSHEET 1.6: Expressing one quality as|Excel: One amount as a percentage of |N 5.1 Ex 1D Q1-14 |

|WE 10, 11, 12 | |a percentage of another (page 34) |another (page 34) |Students make informed financial |

|Ex 1D Profit and loss (page 34) | |SkillSHEET 1.7: Increasing a quantity by |Mathcad: Profit and loss (page 34) |decisions about expenditure. |

| | |a percentage (page 35) | |N 5.3 Ex 1D Q1-14 |

| | |WorkSHEET 1.2 (page 35) | |Students identify and solve |

| | | | |multiplication and division problems |

| | | | |involving percentages using a range of |

| | | | |computation methods and strategies. |

|Simple interest (page 36) |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 40) |Game time 002 (page 39) |Excel: Simple and compound interest (page |N 5.1 Ex 1E Q1-13 |

|WE 13a-b, 14, 15 |Investigation: Money transactions (page |WorkSHEET 1.3 (page 39) |38) |Students make informed financial |

|Ex 1E Simple interest (page 38) |40) | |Mathcad: Simple interest (page 38) |decisions about saving, credit and debit.|

| | | |GC program – Casio: Simple interest |N 5.3 Ex 1E Q1-13 |

| | | |(page 38) |Students identify and solve |

| | | |GC program – TI: Simple interest (page 38)|multiplication and division problems |

| | | | |involving percentages using a range of |

| | | | |computation methods and strategies. |

|Summary (page 42) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 43) | |(page 44) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |

Chapter 2 Ratios and rates Suggested time: 3 weeks

Strand: Number

Topic: Number concepts and Multiplication and division

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 46) | |SkillSHEETS (page 46) | |N 4.1 |

| | |2.1: Converting units of length, capacity| |Students compare and order whole numbers |

| | |and time | |and common fractions of any size. |

| | |2.2: Highest common factor | |N 4.3 |

| | |2.3: Simplifying common fractions | |Students identify and solve |

| | |2.4: Finding and converting to the lowest| |multiplication and division problems |

| | |common denominator | |involving whole numbers, decimal |

| | |2.5: Multiplying decimal fractions by 10,| |fractions and common fractions. |

| | |100 or 1000 | |M 4.1 |

| | |2.6: Converting a mixed number to an | |Students choose appropriate units when |

| | |improper fraction | |measuring. |

| | |2.7: Multiplying a whole number by a | | |

| | |common fraction | | |

| | |2.8 Converting minutes to fractions of an| | |

| | |hour | | |

|Introduction to ratios (page 47) | |SkillSHEET 2.1: Converting units of | |N 5.1 Ex 2A Q1-9 |

|WE 1a-b, 2 | |length, capacity and time (page 49) | |Students use and interpret ratios. |

|Ex 2A Introduction to ratios (page 49) | | | |N 5.3 Ex 2A Q1-9 |

| | | | |Students identify and solve |

| | | | |multiplication and division problems |

| | | | |involving ratios. |

|Simplifying ratios (page 51) |GC tip - Casio: Simplifying ratios |SkillSHEET 2.2: Highest common factor |Excel: Simplifying ratios (page 53) |N 5.1 Ex 2B Q1-8 |

|WE 3, 4, 5a-b |(page 51) |(page 53) | |Students use and interpret ratios. |

|Ex 2B Simplifying ratios (page 53) |GC tip - TI: Simplifying ratios |SkillSHEET 2.3: Simplifying common | |N 5.3 Ex 2B Q1-8 |

| |(page 52) |fractions (page 53) | |Students identify and solve |

| | |SkillSHEET 2.4: Finding and converting to| |multiplication and division problems |

| | |the lowest common denominator (page 55) | |involving ratios. |

| | |SkillSHEET 2.5: Multiplying decimal | | |

| | |fractions by 10, 100 or 1000 (page 55) | | |

| | |SkillSHEET 2.6: Converting a mixed number| | |

| | |to an improper fraction (page 55) | | |

| | |Game time 001 (page 55) | | |

|Direct proportion (page 55) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 62) |WorkSHEET 2.1 (page 61) |Mathcad: Direct proportion (page 59) |N 5.1 Ex 2C Q1-12 |

|WE 6, 7, 8, 9, 10a-b |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 62) | |Excel: Direct proportion (page 59) |Students use and interpret ratios. |

|Ex 2C Direct proportion (page 59) |Code puzzle (page 63) | |Excel: Direct proportion (DIY) (page 59) |N 5.3 Ex 2C Q1-12 |

| | | | |Students identify and solve |

| | | | |multiplication and division problems |

| | | | |involving ratios and direct proportions |

| | | | |using a range of computation methods and |

| | | | |strategies. |

|Comparing ratios (page 64) |Enrichment task: Cordial mixing (page 69)| |Mathcad: Comparing ratios (page 66) |N 5.1 Ex 2D Q1-10 |

|WE 11, 12, 13 | | |Excel: Comparing ratios (page 66) |Students use and interpret ratios. |

|Ex 2D Comparing ratios (page 66) | | |Excel: Comparing ratios (DIY) (page 66) |N 5.3 Ex 2D Q1-10 |

| | | | |Students identify and solve |

| | | | |multiplication and division problems |

| | | | |involving ratios. |

|Increasing and decreasing in a given |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 73) |SkillSHEET 2.7: Multiplying a whole |Mathcad: Increasing and decreasing in a |N 5.1 Ex 2E Q1-11 |

|ratio (page 69) | |number by a common fraction (page 71) |given ratio (page 71) |Students use and interpret ratios. |

|WE 14, 15, 16 | | |Excel: Increasing and decreasing in a |N 5.3 Ex 2E Q1-11 |

|Ex 2E Increasing and decreasing in a | | |given ratio (page 71) |Students identify and solve |

|given ratio (page 71) | | |Excel: Increasing and decreasing in a |multiplication and division problems |

| | | |given ratio (DIY) (page 71) |involving ratios. |

|Dividing in a given ratio (page 73) |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 76) |WorkSHEET 2.2 (page 75) |Excel: Dividing in a given ratio (page 74)|N 5.1 Ex 2F Q1-12 |

|WE 17, 18 |Investigation: How high is that tree? | |Excel: Dividing in a given ratio (DIY) |Students use and interpret ratios. |

|Ex 2F Dividing in a given ratio (page 74)|(page 76) | |(page 74) |N 5.3 Ex 2F Q1-12 |

| | | | |Students identify and solve |

| | | | |multiplication and division problems |

| | | | |involving ratios. |

|Speed (page 77) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 82) |SkillSHEET 2.8: Converting minutes to |Mathcad: Speed converter (page 80) |N 5.1 Ex 2G Q1-11 |

|WE 19, 20, 21a-b |Enrichment task: Travelling speeds |fractions of an hour (page 80) |Excel: Speed converter (page 80) |Students use and interpret rates. |

|Ex 2G Speed (page 80) |(page 82) |Game time 002 (page 82) | |N 5.3 Ex 2G Q1-11 |

| | |WorkSHEET 2.3 (page 82) | |Students identify and solve |

| | | | |multiplication and division problems |

| | | | |involving rates. |

|Summary (page 83) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 84) | | | | |

| | |(page 84) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |

Chapter 3 Indices Suggested time: 3 weeks

Strand: Number

Topic: Number concepts

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 86) | |SkillSHEETS (page 86) | |N 4.3 |

| | |3.1: Index form | |Students solve multiplication problems |

| | |3.2: Using a calculator to evaluate | |involving whole numbers selecting from a |

| | |numbers in index form | |range of computation methods, strategies |

| | |3.4: Linking between squares and square | |and known number facts. |

| | |roots | |N 5.1 |

| | |3.5: Calculating square roots | |Students compare and order integers and |

| | |3.6: Linking between cubes and cube roots| |use and interpret index notation. |

| | |3.7: Calculating cube roots | | |

| | |3.8: Estimating square roots and cube | | |

| | |roots | | |

| | |3.9: Using a calculator to evaluate | | |

| | |square roots and cube roots | | |

|What are indices? (page 87) | | | |N 5.1 Ex 3A Q1-2 |

|WE 1a-b | | | |Students use and interpret index |

|Ex 3A What are indices? (page 87) | | | |notation. |

| | | | |N 6.1 Ex 3A Q1-2 |

| | | | |Students compare and order rational |

| | | | |numbers (working with indices) |

|Powers and bases (page 88) |Enrichment task: Patterns with indices |SkillSHEET 3.1: Index form (page 89) |Mathcad: Index form (page 90) |N 5.1 Ex 3B Q1-7 |

|WE 2, 3, 4, 5 |(page 90) |SkillSHEET 3.2: Using a calculator to | |Students use and interpret index |

|Ex 3B Powers and bases (page 89) | |evaluate numbers in index form (page 89) | |notation. |

| | | | |N 6.1 Ex 3B Q1-7 |

| | | | |Students compare and order rational |

| | | | |numbers (working with indices) |

|Multiplication using indices (page 90) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 93) | |Excel: Multiplying with indices (page 93) |N 5.1 Ex 3C Q1-6 |

|WE 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 |Code puzzle (page 94) | |Mathcad: Multiplying with indices (page |Students use and interpret index |

|Ex 3C Multiplication using indices (page | | |93) |notation. |

|93) | | | |N 6.1 Ex 3C Q1-6 |

| | | | |Students compare and order rational |

| | | | |numbers (working with indices) |

|Division using indices (page 95) |Code puzzle (page 98) |SkillSHEET 3.3: Simplifying common |Excel: Dividing with indices (page 97) |N 5.1 Ex 3D Q 1-6 |

|WE 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 | |fractions (page 97) |Mathcad: Dividing with indices (page 97) |Students use and interpret index |

|Ex 3D Division using indices (page 97) | |Game time 001 (page 97) | |notation. |

| | |WorkSHEET 3.1 (page 97) | |N 6.1 Ex 3D Q 1-6 |

| | | | |Students compare and order rational |

| | | | |numbers (working with indices) |

|Zero index (page 99) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 101) | |Excel: Zero index (page 100) |N 5.1 Ex 3E Q1-7 |

|WE 16, 17, 18, 19 |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 102) | |Mathcad: Zero index (page 100) |Students use and interpret index |

|Ex 3E Zero index (page 100) | | | |notation. |

| | | | |N 6.1 Ex 3E Q1-7 |

| | | | |Students compare and order rational |

| | | | |numbers (working with indices) |

|Raising a power to another power (page |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 105) |Game time 002 (page 104) |Excel: Raising a power to a power (page |N 5.1 Ex 3F Q1-6 |

|102) | |WorkSHEET 3.2 (page 104) |104) |Students use and interpret index |

|WE 20a-b, 21, 22 | | |Mathcad: Raising a power to a power (page |notation. |

|Ex 3F Raising a power to another power | | |104) |N 6.1 Ex 3F Q1-6 |

|(page 104) | | | |Students compare and order rational |

| | | | |numbers (working with indices) |

|Square and cube roots (page 105) |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 107) |SkillSHEET 3.4: Linking between squares |Excel: Square roots (DIY) (page 106) |N 5.1 Ex 3G Q1-3 |

|WE 23, 24 |Investigation: The chessboard problem |and square roots (page 106) |Mathcad: Square and cube roots (page 106) |Students use and interpret index |

|Ex 3G Square and cube roots (page 106) |(page 108) |SkillSHEET 3.5: Calculating square roots | |notation. |

| | |(page 106) | |N 6.1 Ex 3G Q4-7 |

| | |SkillSHEET 3.6: Linking between cubes and| |Students use and interpret cube roots. |

| | |cube roots (page 107) | | |

| | |SkillSHEET 3.7: Calculating cube roots | | |

| | |(page 107) | | |

| | |SkillSHEET 3.8: Estimating square roots | | |

| | |and cube roots (page 107) | | |

| | |SkillSHEET 3.9: Using a calculator to | | |

| | |evaluate square roots and cube roots | | |

| | |(page 107) | | |

| | |WorkSHEET 3.3 (page 107) | | |

|Summary (page 109) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 110) | | | | |

| | |(page 110) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |

Chapter 4 Expanding and factorising Suggested time: 4 weeks

Strand: Patterns and algebra

Topic: Equivalence and equations

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 112) | |SkillSHEETS (page 112) | |PA 6.2 |

| | |4.1: Like terms | |Students interpret and solve problems |

| | |4.2: Collecting like terms | |using algebraic methods. |

| | |4.3: Multiplying algebraic terms | |N 4.3 |

| | |4.4: Expanding brackets I | |Students identify and solve |

| | |4.7: Division of algebraic terms | |multiplication and division problems |

| | |4.8: Square roots | |involving common fractions. |

| | |4.9: Multiplication of common fractions | |N 5.1 |

| | |4.10: Division of common fractions | |Students use and interpret square roots. |

|Expanding single brackets (page 113) |Investigation: Oops! Any errors? (page |SkillSHEET 4.1: Like terms (page 116) |Excel: Expanding single brackets (page |PA 6.2 Ex 4A Q1-3 |

|WE 1a-d, 2a-c, 3a-d |116) |SkillSHEET 4.2: Collecting like terms I |115) |Students interpret and solve problems |

|Ex 4A Expanding single brackets (page |Investigation: The Bagels game (page 116)|(page 116) |Mathcad: Expanding single brackets |using algebraic methods. (expanding and |

|115) | | |(page 115) |simplifying expressions) |

| | | |GC program – Casio: Expanding (page 115) | |

| | | |GC program – TI: Expanding (page 115) | |

|Expanding two brackets (page 117) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 118) |SkillSHEET 4.3: Multiplying algebraic |Mathcad: Expanding two brackets (page 118)|PA 6.2 Ex 4B Q1-3 |

|WE 4a-d | |terms (page 118) |GC program – Casio: Expanding (page 118) |Students interpret and solve problems |

|Ex 4B Expanding two brackets (page 118) | |SkillSHEET 4.4: Expanding brackets (page |GC program – TI: Expanding (page 118) |using algebraic methods. (expanding and |

| | |118) | |simplifying expressions) |

|Expanding pairs of brackets (page 119) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 121) |Game time 001 (page 121) |Mathcad: Expanding pairs of brackets (page|PA 6.2 Ex 4C Q1-4 |

|WE 5a-d, 6 |Investigation: What has area got to do |WorkSHEET 4.1 (page 121) |121) |Students interpret and solve problems |

|Ex 4C Expanding pairs of brackets (page |with expanding? (page 122) | |GC program – Casio: Expanding (page 121) |using algebraic methods. (expanding and |

|121) |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 122) | |GC program – TI: Expanding (page 121) |simplifying expressions) |

|Expansion patterns (page 123) |Investigation: Using expanding formulas | |Excel: Expanding (ax + b)(ax ( b) |PA 6.2 Ex 4D Q1-4 |

|Ex 7a-d, 8a-d |to square large numbers (page 127) | |(page 126) |Students interpret and solve problems |

|Ex 4D Expansion patterns (page 126) | | |Mathcad: Expansion patterns (page (126) |using algebraic methods. (expanding and |

| | | |Excel: Expanding (ax + b)2 (page 126) |simplifying expressions) |

|More-complicated expansions (page 127) |Enrichment task: Pascal’s triangle (page |SkillSHEET 4.5: Recognising expansion |Mathcad: More-complicated expansions (page|PA 6.2 Ex 4E Q1-30 |

|WE 9a-d |129) |patterns (page 129) |129) |Students interpret and solve problems |

|Ex 4E More-complicated expansions (page |Code puzzle (page 131) |SkillSHEET 4.6: Expanding a pair of |GC program – Casio: Expanding (page 129) |using algebraic methods. (expanding and |

|129) |Investigation: Billboard costs (page 132)|brackets (page 129) |GC program – TI: Expanding (page 129) |simplifying expressions) |

|Factorising using the highest common |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 137) |SkillSHEET 4.7: Division of algebra terms|Mathcad: Highest common factor (page 136) |PA 6.2 Ex 4F Q1-8 |

|factor (page 132) | |(page 136) |Excel: Highest common factor (page 136) |Students interpret and solve problems |

|WE 10a-c, 11a-c, 12a-d | |WorkSHEET 4.2 (page 137) |GC program – Casio: Highest common factor |using algebraic methods. (factorising) |

|Ex 4F Factorising using the highest | | |(page 136) | |

|common factor (page 136) | | |GC program – TI: Highest common factor | |

| | | |(page 136) | |

| | | |Mathcad: Factorising using the highest | |

| | | |common factor (page 136) | |

| | | |Excel: Factorising ax2 + bx (page 137) | |

|Factorising using the difference of two |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 140) |SkillSHEET 4.8: Square roots (page 139) |Excel: Difference of two squares rule |PA 6.2 Ex 4G Q1-6 |

|squares rule (page 138) |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 142) | |(page 139) |Students interpret and solve problems |

|WE 13a-e |Investigation: What has area got to do | |Mathcad: Difference of two squares rule |using algebraic methods. (factorising) |

|Ex 4G Factorising using the difference of|with factorising? (page 141) | |(page 139) | |

|two squares rule (page 139) | | | | |

|Simplifying algebraic fractions (page | |SkillSHEET 4.9: Multiplication of common |Mathcad: Multiplying and dividing |PA 6.2 Ex 4H Q1-6 |

|142) | |fractions (page 146) |algebraic fractions (page 146) |Students interpret and solve problems |

|WE 14a-c, 15a-c, 16a-d, 17 | |SkillSHEET 4.10: Division of common |Mathcad: Simplifying algebraic fractions |using algebraic methods. (algebraic |

|Ex 4H Simplifying algebraic fractions | |fractions (page 146) |(page 147) |fractions and factorising) |

|(page 146) | |SkillSHEET 4.11: Simplification of | | |

| | |algebraic fractions (page 147) | | |

| | |Game time 002 (page 147) | | |

| | |WorkSHEET 4.3 (page 147) | | |

|Summary (page 148) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 149) | | | | |

| | |(page 150) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |

Chapter 5 Solving equations Suggested time: 3.5 weeks

Strand: Patterns and algebra

Topic: Patterns and functions and Equivalence and equations

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 152) | |SkillSHEETS (page 152) | |PA 4.2 |

| | |5.1: Writing equations from worded | |Students create and interpret equations |

| | |statements | |containing unknowns and justify solutions|

| | |5.2: Solving one-step equations | |to equations. |

| | |5.3: Checking solutions to equations | |PA 5.2 |

| | |5.4: Solving equations | |Students interpret and solve linear |

| | |5.6: Expanding brackets II | |equations (and inequations) using |

| | |5.7: Showing inequations on a number line| |algebraic and graphical methods. |

| | |5.8: Checking solutions to inequations | |PA 6.2 |

| | |5.9: Transposing and substituting into | |Students interpret and solve problems |

| | |equations | |using algebraic methods. (expanding |

| | | | |brackets) |

|Solving equations with the pronumeral on |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 162) |SkillSHEET 5.1: Writing equations from |Mathcad: Solving one-step equations (page |PA 5.2 Ex 5A Q1-11 |

|one side (page 153) |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 162) |worded statements (page 160) |160) |Students interpret and solve linear |

|WE 1a-c, 2a-d, 3a-b, 4a-b, 5a-b, 6a-b, |Career profile: Alexander Iampolsky (page|SkillSHEET 5.2: Solving one-step |GC program – Casio: Solving linear |equations using algebraic methods. |

|7a-b |163) |equations (page 160) |equations (page 160) | |

|Ex 5A Solving equations with the |History of mathematics: Grace Murray |SkillSHEET 5.3: Checking solutions to |GC program – TI: Solving linear equations | |

|pronumeral on one side (page 160) |Hopper (1906-92) (page 164) |equations (page 160) |(page 160) | |

| | |SkillSHEET 5.4: Solving equations (page |Excel: Equation solver ax + b = c (page | |

| | |160) |161) | |

| | |WorkSHEET 5.1 (page 161) |Mathcad: Solving two-step equations (page | |

| | | |161) | |

| | | |Mathcad: Solving multi-step equations | |

| | | |(page 161) | |

|Solving equations with the pronumeral on |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 166) |SkillSHEET 5.5: Collecting like terms II |Excel: Equation solver ax + b =  cx + d |PA 5.2 Ex 5B Q1-5 |

|both sides (page 165) |Code puzzle (page 167) |(page 166) |(page 166) |Students interpret and solve linear |

|WE 8a-b | | |GC program – Casio: Solving linear |equations using algebraic methods. |

|Ex 5B Solving equations with the | | |equations (page 166) | |

|pronumeral on both sides (page 166) | | |GC program – TI: Solving linear equations | |

| | | |(page 166) | |

|Solving equations with brackets (page |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 169) |SkillSHEET 5.6: Expanding brackets II |Excel: Equation solving a(bx + c) = d |PA 6.2 Ex 5C Q1-6 |

|168) | |(page 169) |(page 169) |Students interpret and solve equations |

|WE 9a-b | |Game time 001 (page 169) |Mathcad: Solving linear equations with |(involving expanding brackets) using |

|Ex 5C Solving equations with brackets | | |brackets (page 169) |algebraic methods. |

|(page 169) | | |GC program – Casio: Solving linear | |

| | | |equations (page 169) | |

| | | |GC program – TI: Solving linear equations | |

| | | |(page 169) | |

|Solving problems with linear equations |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 175) |WorkSHEET 5.2 (page 174) |Excel: Equation solver (page 173) |PA 6.2 Ex 5D Q1-11 |

|(page 170) | | |GC program – Casio: Solving linear |Students interpret and solve mathematical|

|WE 10, 11, 12 | | |equations (page 173) |models of realistic situations using |

|Ex 5D Solving problems with linear | | |GC program – TI: Solving linear equations |algebraic methods. |

|equations (page 173) | | |(page 173) | |

|Solving linear inequations (page 175) |Investigation: The cost of concrete (page|SkillSHEET 5.7: Showing inequations on a |Excel: Solving linear inequations (page |PA 6.2 Ex 5E Q1-9 |

|WE 13a-c, 14a-b |179) |number line (page 177) |177) |Students interpret and solve models using|

|Ex 5E Solving linear inequations (page |Enrichment task: Rearranging formulas |SkillSHEET 5.8: Checking solutions to |Mathcad: Solving linear inequations (page |algebraic methods. (inequations) |

|177) |(page 179) |inequations (page 178) |177) |PA DB 6.1 Ex 5E Q1-9 |

| | |Game time 002 (page 178) | |Students specify the domain of a function|

| | | | |using inequality symbols |

|Rearranging formulas (page 181) |Investigation: Maximum viewing area (page|SkillSHEET 5.9: Transposing and | |PA 6.2 Ex 5F Q1-4 |

|WE 15a-b, 16a-b |184) |substituting into equations (page 184) | |Students interpret and solve mathematical|

|Ex 5F Rearranging formulas (page 183) |Enrichment task: Steps and stairs (page |WorkSHEET 5.3 (page 184) | |models of realistic situations using |

| |184) | | |algebraic methods. |

|Summary (page 186) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 187) | | | | |

| | |(page 188) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |

Chapter 6 Functions Suggested time: 4 weeks

Strand: Patterns and algebra

Topic: Patterns and functions

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 190) | |SkillSHEETS (page 190) | |PA 5.1 |

| | |6.1: Plotting coordinate points | |Students interpret and compare different |

| | |6.2: Substitution into a rule | |representations of linear functions and |

| | |6.3: Completing a table of values for a | |solve the related problems. |

| | |given rule | |PA 5.2 |

| | |6.4: Plotting a line using a table of | |Students interpret and solve linear |

| | |values | |equations using algebraic and graphical |

| | |6.7: Transposing a linear equation to | |methods |

| | |standard form | | |

| | |6.9: Solving linear equations that arise | | |

| | |when finding x- and y-intercepts | | |

|Plotting linear graphs (page 191) | |SkillSHEET 6.1: Plotting coordinate |Excel: Plotting from a table (DIY) (page |PA 5.1 Ex 6A Q1-4 |

|WE 1, 2, 3a-e | |points (page 194) |194) |Students interpret and compare different |

|Ex 6A Plotting linear graphs(page 194) | |SkillSHEET 6.2: Substitution into a rule |Mathcad: Plotting from a table of values |representations of linear functions and |

| | |(page 194) |(page 194) |solve the related problems. |

| | |SkillSHEET 6.3: Completing a table of |Excel: Plotting from a rule (DIY) (page | |

| | |values for a given rule (page 194) |194) | |

| | |SkillSHEET 6.4: Plotting a line using a | | |

| | |table of values (page 194) | | |

| | |Game time 001 (page 194) | | |

|General equation of a straight line (page| |SkillSHEET 6.5: Measuring the rise and |Excel: Gradient (page 202) |PA 6.1 Ex 6B Q1-9 |

|195) | |the run (page 202) |Cabri geometry: Gradient (page 202) |Students interpret models to draw |

|WE 4a-c, 5, 6a-c, 7a-d, 8 | |SkillSHEET 6.6: Finding the gradient |GC program – Casio: Gradient (page 202) |conclusions or make decisions. |

|Ex 6B General equation of a straight line| |given two points (page 202) |GC program – TI: Gradient (page 202) | |

|(page 202) | |SkillSHEET 6.7: Transposing a linear |Mathcad: Gradient between 2 points | |

| | |equation to standard form (page 202) |(page 202) | |

| | |SkillSHEET 6.8: Finding the gradient of a|Mathcad: General equation of a straight | |

| | |line from its equation (page 202) |line (page 203) | |

| | |WorkSHEET 6.1 (page 203) |Cabri geometry: Linear graphs and | |

| | | |y-intercepts (page 203) | |

|Sketching linear graphs (page 204) |GC tip - Casio: Graphing a linear |SkillSHEET 6.9: Solving linear equations |Excel: Linear graphs (page 208) |PA 6.1 Ex 6C Q1-6 |

|WE 9, 10 |equation (page 207) |that arise when finding x- and |Mathcad: Linear graphs (page 208) |Students interpret models to draw |

|Ex 6C Sketching linear graphs (page 208) |GC tip - TI: Graphing a linear equation |y-intercepts (page 208) |Mathcad: Sketching linear graphs (page |conclusions or make decisions. |

| |(page 207) |SkillSHEET 6.10: Graphing linear |208) | |

| |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 209) |equations using the x- and y-intercept | | |

| |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 209) |method (page 208) | | |

| | |Game time 002 (page 208) | | |

|Determining linear rules (page 210) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-4 (page 214) | |Excel: Determining the rule – gradient and|PA 6.1 Ex 6D Q1-8 |

|WE 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 | | |intercept (page 213) |Students interpret models to draw |

|Ex 6D Determining linear rules (page 213)| | |GC program – Casio: Finding the equation |conclusions or make decisions. |

| | | |(page 213) | |

| | | |GC program – TI: Finding the equation | |

| | | |(page 213) | |

| | | |Mathcad: Determining linear rules (page | |

| | | |213) | |

| | | |Excel: Determining the rule – 2 | |

| | | |intercepts (page 213) | |

| | | |Excel: Determining the rule – 2 points | |

| | | |(page 213) | |

| | | |Excel: Determining the rule – point and | |

| | | |intercept (page 213) | |

| | | |Excel: Determining the rule – origin and | |

| | | |another point (page 213) | |

|Applications of linear graphs (page 215) |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 220) |WorkSHEET 6.2 (page 220) |Excel: Family of curves (page 221) |PA 6.1 Ex 6E Q1-10 |

|WE 16a-c, 17a-d |Investigation: Families of curves (page | |Excel: Family of curves (DIY) (page 221) |Students create mathematical models of |

|Ex 6E Applications of linear graphs |221) | | |realistic situations and use |

|(page 218) |GC tip - Casio: Graphing families of | | |interpretations of the models to draw |

| |curves (page 222) | | |conclusions or make decisions. |

| |GC tip - TI: Graphing families of curves | | | |

| |(page 222) | | | |

| |Investigation: Profit or loss? (page 223)| | | |

|Key features of the graph of a quadratic | |SkillSHEET 6.11: Equation of a vertical |Cabri geometry: Parabola (page 227) |PA 6.1 Ex 6F Q1-5 |

|function (page 223) | |line (page 227) | |Students interpret models (graphical |

|WE 18a-b, 19a-b | | | |displays) to draw conclusions or make |

|Ex 6F Key features of the graph of a | | | |decisions. |

|quadratic function (page 227) | | | | |

|Plotting points to draw graphs of |Code puzzle (page 234) |SkillSHEET 6.12: Substitution into |Mathcad: Plotting points (page 232) |PA 5.1 Ex 6G Q1-6 |

|quadratic functions (page 229) |Enrichment task: Filling containers (page|quadratic equations (page 233) | |Students interpret and compare different |

|WE 20a-c, 21a-c, 22 |235) |SkillSHEET 6.13: Plotting coordinate | |representations of simple non-linear |

|Ex 6G Plotting points to draw graphs of | |points (page 233) | |functions and solve the related problems.|

|quadratic functions (page 232) | | | |PA 6.1 Ex 6G Q1-6 |

| | | | |Students interpret models (graphical |

| | | | |displays) to draw conclusions or make |

| | | | |decisions. |

|Sketching parabolas of the form y = ax2 |Investigation: What is the effect of |WorkSHEET 6.3 (page 240) |Mathcad: Parabolas of the form y = ax2 |PA 6.1 Ex 6H Q1-7 |

|(page 236) |changing a? (page 237) | |(page 240) |Students interpret models (graphical |

|WE 23 |GC tip - Casio: Graphing parabolas | | |displays) to draw conclusions or make |

|Ex 6H Sketching parabolas of the form y =|(page 237) | | |decisions. |

|ax2 (page 240) |GC tip - TI: Graphing parabolas | | | |

| |(page 238) | | | |

| |Investigation: What have radio telescopes| | | |

| |got to do with parabolas? (page 241) | | | |

|Summary (page 242) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 244) | | | | |

| | |(page 246) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |

Chapter 7 Length, area and volume Suggested time: 4 weeks

Strand: Measurement

Topic: Length, mass, area and volume

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 248) | |SkillSHEETS (page 248) | |M 4.1 |

| | |7.1: Measuring length | |Students choose appropriate units when |

| | |7.2: Multiplying and dividing by powers | |measuring and estimating lengths. |

| | |of 10 | |M 5.1 |

| | |7.4: Solving equations | |Students develop formulae to calculate |

| | |7.6: Areas of squares, rectangles and | |areas, volumes and lengths of boundaries |

| | |triangles | |where the relationships between |

| | |7.8: Rounding to one decimal place | |dimensions are known. |

| | |7.13: Volume of cubes and rectangular | |N 4.1 |

| | |prisms | |Students compare and order decimal |

| | | | |fractions of any size. |

| | | | |PA 5.1 |

| | | | |Students solve non-linear problems. |

|Perimeter (page 249) |Investigation: The diameter of a circle |SkillSHEET 7.1: Measuring length |Excel: Perimeter and area (page 256) |M 5.1 Ex 7A Q1-15 |

|WE 1, 2a-b, 3a-b, 4, 5 |and its circumference – any connection? |(page 256) |Mathcad: Perimeter (page 256) |Students develop formulae to calculate |

|Ex 7A Perimeter (page 256) |(page 251) |SkillSHEET 7.2: Multiplying and dividing |Excel: Length converter (page 256) |lengths of boundaries where the |

| |History of mathematics: Archimedes of |by powers of 10 (page 256) |Mathcad: Metric units of length (page 256)|relationships between dimensions are |

| |Syracuse (c. 287 - 212 BC) (page 252) |SkillSHEET 7.3: Circumference of circles |Cabri geometry: Changing units (page 256) |known and investigate a range of other |

| |GC tip - Casio: Calculations involving ( |(page 257) |Cabri geometry: Circumference (page 257) |shapes to explain the relationships |

| |(page 254) | |Mathcad: Circumference (page 257) |between dimensions. |

| |GC tip - TI: Calculations involving ( | |GC program – Casio: Measurement (page 257)|M 6.1 Ex 7A Q3-15 |

| |(page 255) | |GC program – TI: Measurement (page 257) |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

| |Code puzzle (page 260) | | |measurement problems and justify |

| | | | |selections and applications of formulae. |

|Area of a parallelogram (page 261) |Investigation: Area of a parallelogram |SkillSHEET 7.4: Solving equations (page |Cabri geometry: Area of a parallelogram |M 5.1 Ex 7B Q1-8 |

|WE 6 |(page 261) |264) |(page 262) |Students develop formulae to calculate |

|Ex 7B Area of a parallelogram (page 263) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 264) | |Cabri geometry: Area of a parallelogram |areas where the relationships between |

| | | |(page 263) |dimensions are known. |

| | | |Mathcad: Area of a parallelogram | |

| | | |(page 263) | |

| | | |GC program – Casio: Measurement (page 263)| |

| | | |GC program – TI: Measurement (page 263) | |

|Area of a trapezium (page 265) |Investigation: Area of a trapezium (page | |Cabri geometry: Area of a trapezium (page |M 5.1 Ex 7C Q1-7 |

|WE 7 |265) | |265) |Students develop formulae to calculate |

|Ex 7C Area of a trapezium (page 267) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 268) | |Cabri geometry: Area of a trapezium (page |areas where the relationships between |

| |Code puzzle (page 269) | |267) |dimensions are known. |

| | | |GC program – Casio: Measurement (page 267)| |

| | | |GC program – TI: Measurement (page 267) | |

|Area of a circle (page 270) |Investigation: Area of a circle (page |SkillSHEET 7.5: Area of circles (page |Excel: Area of a circle (page 273) |M 6.1 Ex 7D Q1-14 |

|WE 8a-b, 9, 10 |270) |273) |Mathcad: Area of a circle (page 273) |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

|Ex 7D Area of a circle (page 273) |GC tip - Casio: Area of a circle |WorkSHEET 7.1 (page 276) |Cabri geometry: Area of a circle (page |measurement problems and justify |

| |(page 272) | |273) |selections and applications of formulae. |

| |GC tip - TI: Area of a circle (page 272) | |GC program – Casio: Measurement (page 273)| |

| |Enrichment task: A fair price for a pizza| |GC program – TI: Measurement (page 273) | |

| |(page 277) | | | |

|Area of composite shapes (page 277) |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 282) |SkillSHEET 7.6: Area of squares, |Excel: Area converter (DIY) (page 277) |M 6.1 Ex 7E Q1-10 |

|WE 11 |Investigation: Designing a one-bedroom |rectangles and triangles (page 280) |Cabri geometry: Changing units (page 277) |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

|Ex 7E Area of composite shapes (page 279)|unit (page 283) |SkillSHEET 7.7: Substitution into area |Cabri geometry: Perimeter and area of a |measurement problems and justify |

| |Career profile: Brenda Galey (page 283) |formulas (page 280) |rectangle (page 278) |selections and applications of formulae. |

| | |SkillSHEET 7.8: Rounding to one decimal |Cabri geometry: Area of a triangle (page | |

| | |place (page 280) |278) | |

| | |Game time 001 (page 281) |Cabri geometry: Circumference and area of | |

| | | |a circle (page 278) | |

| | | |Cabri geometry: Area of a parallelogram | |

| | | |(page 278) | |

| | | |Cabri geometry: Area of a trapezium (page | |

| | | |278) | |

| | | |Excel: Area (page 280) | |

| | | |GC program – Casio: Measurement (page 280)| |

| | | |GC program – TI: Measurement (page 280) | |

|Surface area of rectangular and |Enrichment task: Painting cubes (page |SkillSHEET 7.9: Total surface area of |Excel: Surface area and volume (page 287) |M 5.1 Ex 7F Q1-12 |

|triangular prisms (page 284) |290) |cubes and rectangular prisms (page 287) |Mathcad: Surface area of rectangular and |Students develop formulae to calculate |

|WE 12, 13 | |SkillSHEET 7.10: Total surface area of |triangular prisms (page 288) |areas where the relationships between |

|Ex 7F Surface area of rectangular and | |triangular prisms (page 288) |GC program – Casio: Measurement (page 288)|dimensions are known. |

|triangular prisms (page 287) | |WorkSHEET 7.2 (page 290) |GC program – TI: Measurement (page 288) | |

|Surface area of a cylinder (page 290) |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 293) | |Excel: Surface area and volume (page 292) |M 6.1 Ex 7G Q1-6 |

|WE 14a-b | | |Mathcad: Surface area of a cylinder (page |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

|Ex 7G Surface area of a cylinder (page | | |292) |measurement problems and justify |

|292) | | |GC program – Casio: Measurement (page 292)|selections and applications of formulae. |

| | | |GC program – TI: Measurement (page 292) | |

|Volume and capacity of prisms (page 294) |Investigation: Maintaining an Olympic |SkillSHEET 7.11: Volume of triangular |Excel: Volume of a prism (page 298) |M 5.1 |

|WE 15, 16, 17 |pool (page 302) |prisms (page 299) |Mathcad: Volume of a rectangular or |Ex 7H Q1-4, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14 |

|Ex 7H Volume and capacity of prisms (page| |SkillSHEET 7.12: Volume of cylinders |triangular prism (page 298) |Students develop formulae to calculate |

|298) | |(page 299) |GC program – Casio: Measurement (page 298)|volumes where the relationships between |

| | |SkillSHEET 7.13: Volume of cubes and |GC program – TI: Measurement (page 298) |dimensions are known. |

| | |rectangular prisms (page 300) | |M 6.1 |

| | |Game time 002 (page 301) | |Ex 7H Q5-7, 9, 12, 15, 16 |

| | |WorkSHEET 7.3 (page 301) | |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

| | | | |measurement problems and justify |

| | | | |selections and applications of formulae. |

|Summary (page 303) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 304) | | | | |

| | |(page 306) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |

Chapter 8 The right-angled triangle Suggested time: 4 weeks

Strand: Measurement

Topic: Length, mass, area and volume

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 308) | |SkillSHEETS (page 308) | |M 4.1 |

| | |8.1: Using a calculator to evaluate | |Students choose appropriate units when |

| | |numbers in index form | |measuring and estimating lengths. |

| | |8.2: Using a calculator to evaluate | |N 4.1 |

| | |square roots and cube roots | |Students compare and order decimal |

| | |8.3: Rounding to a given number of | |fractions of any size. |

| | |decimal places | |PA 4.2 |

| | |8.4: Conversion of units of length | |Students interpret equations containing |

| | |8.5: Measuring angles | |unknowns and justify solutions to |

| | |8.6: Measuring length | |equations. |

| | |8.8: Solving equations of the type [pic] | | |

| | |to find x | | |

| | |8.9: Solving equations of the type [pic] | | |

| | |to find x | | |

|Right-angled triangles (page 309) | | | | |

|Pythagoras’ theorem (page 310) |Investigation: Pythagoras’ theorem (page |SkillSHEET 8.1: Using a calculator to |Excel: Finding the length of the |M 6.1 Ex 8A Q1-11 |

|WE 1, 2 |310) |evaluate numbers in index form (page 314)|hypotenuse (page 314) |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

|Ex 8A Pythagoras’ theorem (page 314) |History of mathematics: Pythagoras (c. |SkillSHEET 8.2: Using a calculator to |Mathcad: Pythagoras’ theorem (page 314) |measurement problems and justify |

| |582 – 500 BC) (page 311) |evaluate square roots and cube roots |GC program – Casio: Pythagoras’ theorem |selections and applications of formulae. |

| | |(page 314) |(page 314) | |

| | |SkillSHEET 8.3: Rounding to a given |GC program – TI: Pythagoras’ theorem (page| |

| | |number of decimal places (page 314) |314) | |

| | |Game time 001 (page 315) | | |

|Finding the length of a shorter side |Investigation: Shortest path (page 319) | |Excel: Finding the length of the shorter |M 6.1 Ex 8B Q1-13 |

|(page 315) | | |side (page 317) |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

|WE 3, 4 | | |Mathcad: Pythagoras’ theorem (page 317) |measurement problems and justify |

|Ex 8B Finding the length of a shorter | | |GC program – Casio: Pythagoras’ theorem |selections and applications of formulae. |

|side (page 317) | | |(page 317) | |

| | | |GC program – TI: Pythagoras’ theorem (page| |

| | | |317) | |

|Composite shapes (page 320) |Code puzzle (page 326) |SkillSHEET 8.4: Conversion of units of |Excel: Pythagoras’ theorem (page 322) |M 6.1 Ex 8C Q1-27 |

|WE 5, 6, 7 |Career profile: Rob Benson (page 327) |length (page 322) |Mathcad: Pythagoras’ theorem (page 323) |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

|Ex 8C Composite shapes (page 322) |Investigation: Will the house stand up? |WorkSHEET 8.1 (page 325) |Mathcad: Pythagoras’ theorem (DIY) |measurement problems and justify |

| |(page 327) | |(page 323) |selections and applications of formulae. |

| |Enrichment task: Ernie’s didgeridoo (page| | | |

| |328) | | | |

| |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 328) | | | |

| |Investigation: Electrical cable (page | | | |

| |329) | | | |

|Naming the sides of a right-angled |Investigation: The tangent ratio (page |SkillSHEET 8.5: Measuring angles |Cabri geometry: Investigating the tangent |M 6.1 Ex 8D Q1-6 |

|triangle (page 330) |333) |(page 335) |ratio (page 334) |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

|WE 8, 9, 10a-c |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 337) |SkillSHEET 8.6: Measuring length |Cabri geometry: Investigating the tangent |measurement problems and justify |

|Ex 8D Naming the sides of a right-angled | |(page 335) |ratio (page 342) |selections and applications of formulae. |

|triangle (page 334) | |Game time 002 (page 337) | | |

|The tangent ratio (page 337) |GC tip - Casio: Finding the tan of an |SkillSHEET 8.7: Labelling sides of a |Excel: Introducing the tangent ratio (page|M 6.1 Ex 8E Q1-9 |

|WE 11, 12a-b, 13 |angle (page 340) |triangle (page 341) |342) |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

|Ex 8E The tangent ratio (page 341) |GC tip - TI: Finding the tan of an angle |WorkSHEET 8.2 (page 342) | |measurement problems and justify |

| |(page 340) | | |selections and applications of formulae. |

| |Maths Quest challenge: (page 343) | | | |

|Finding side lengths (page 343) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 349) |SkillSHEET 8.8: Solving equations of the |Excel: Using tangent (page 347) |M 6.1 Ex 8F Q1-8 |

|WE 14, 15, 16 | |type [pic] to find x (page 347) | |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

|Ex 8F Finding side lengths (page 347) | |SkillSHEET 8.9: Solving equations of the | |measurement problems and justify |

| | |type [pic] to find x (page 347) | |selections and applications of formulae. |

|Finding the size of an angle (page 349) |GC tip - Casio: Using the inverse tangent|WorkSHEET 8.3 (page 354) |Excel: Finding the angle (page 353) |M 6.1 Ex 8G Q1-7 |

|WE 17, 18, 19 |function (page 350) | |Excel: Universal trigonometric calculator |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

|Ex 8G Finding the size of an angle (page |GC tip - TI: Using the inverse tangent | |(page 353) |measurement problems and justify |

|352) |function (page 350) | | |selections and applications of formulae. |

| |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 355) | | | |

| |Investigation: Using an inclinometer to | | | |

| |measure inaccessible heights (page 355) | | | |

|Applications of Pythagoras’ theorem and |Investigation: Length of shadows (page | |Excel: Universal trigonometric calculator |M 6.1 Ex 8H Q1-10 |

|trigonometry (page 356) |360) | |(page 358) |Students interpret, analyse and solve |

|WE 20 |Enrichment task: Tethered donkey (page | | |measurement problems and justify |

|Ex 8H Applications of Pythagoras’ theorem|361) | | |selections and applications of formulae. |

|and trigonometry (page 358) |Code puzzle (page 362) | | | |

| |History of mathematics: George Everest | | | |

| |(page 363) | | | |

|Summary (page 364) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 365) | | | | |

| | |(page 368) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |

Chapter 9 Investigating data Suggested time: 3 weeks

Strand: Chance and data

Topic: Data

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 370) | |SkillSHEETS (page 370) | |N 4.1 |

| | |9.1: Presenting data in a frequency table| |Students compare and order whole numbers |

| | |9.4: Finding the mean | |of any size. |

| | |9.5: Arranging a set of data in ascending| |N 4.2 |

| | |order | |Students solve addition problems |

| | |9.6: Finding the middle score of a set of| |involving whole numbers. |

| | |data | |N 4.3 |

| | |9.8: Finding the middle score for data | |Students solve division problems |

| | |arranged in a dot plot | |involving whole numbers. |

| | |9.9: Finding the score in a data set that| | |

| | |occurs most frequently | | |

|Histograms and frequency polygons (page |GC tip - Casio: Plotting a histogram |SkillSHEET 9.1: Presenting data in a |Mathcad: Histograms and frequency polygons|CD 5.2 Ex 9A Q1-10 |

|371) |(page 379) |frequency table (page 377) |(page 376) |Students produce and compare displays |

|WE 1a-g, 2a-c |GC tip - TI: Plotting a histogram (page |SkillSHEET 9.2: Organising data into |Excel: Histograms and frequency polygons |involving grouping using discrete data. |

|Ex 9A Histograms and frequency polygons |379) |class intervals (page 378) |(DIY) (page 377) | |

|(page 376) |Enrichment task: Histograms (page 380) |Game time 001 (page 378) |GC program – Casio: UV stats (page 377) | |

| | | |GC program – TI: UV stats (page 377) | |

|Stem-and-leaf plots (page 380) |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-4 (page 386) |SkillSHEET 9.3: Presenting data as a | |CD 5.2 Ex 9B Q1-10 |

|WE 3, 4a-b, 5 | |stem-and-leaf plot (page 384) | |Students produce and compare displays |

|Ex 9B Stem-and-leaf plots (page 384) | | | |involving grouping using discrete data. |

|Measures of central tendency (page 386) |GC tip - Casio: Finding the mean of a |SkillSHEET 9.4: Finding the mean |GC program – Casio: UV stats (page 394) |CD 5.2 Ex 9C Q1-18 |

|WE 6, 7, 8a-d, 9a-d |list of scores (page 387) |(page 394) |GC program – TI: UV stats (page 394) |Students produce and compare displays |

|Ex 9C Measures of central tendency (page |GC tip - TI: Finding the mean of a list |SkillSHEET 9.5: Arranging a set of data |Mathcad: Calculating the mean (page 394) |involving grouping using discrete data |

|394) |of scores (page 388) |in ascending order (page 394) |Excel: Calculating the mean from a |and compare measures of location. |

| |GC tip - Casio: Finding the mean of data |SkillSHEET 9.6: Finding the middle score |frequency table (page 394) | |

| |in a frequency table (page 389) |of a set of data (page 394) |Excel: Calculating the mean from a | |

| |GC tip - TI: Finding the mean of data in |SkillSHEET 9.7: Finding the middle score |frequency table (DIY) (page 394) | |

| |a frequency table (page 389) |for data arranged in a stem-and-leaf plot|Mathcad: Measures of central tendency | |

| |GC tip - Casio: Finding the median (page |(page 394) |(page 394) | |

| |391) |SkillSHEET 9.8: Finding the middle score |Excel: Finding the median (page 394) | |

| |GC tip - TI: Finding the median (page |for data arranged in a dot plot (page |Excel: Finding the median (DIY) (page 394)| |

| |392) |394) |Excel: Finding the mode (page 395) | |

| |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-4 (page 397) |SkillSHEET 9.9: Finding the score in a |Excel: Finding the mode (DIY) (page 395) | |

| |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 397) |data set that occurs most frequently | | |

| |Code puzzle (page 398) |(page 395) | | |

| | |Game time 002 (page 396) | | |

| | |WorkSHEET 9.1 (page 396) | | |

|Measures of spread (page 399) |GC tip - Casio: Finding the range and |SkillSHEET 9.10: Locating Xmin, Xmax, QL |GC program – Casio: UV stats (page 403) |CD 5.2 Ex 9D Q1-6 |

|WE 10, 11a-b, 12a-b |interquartile range (page 402) |and QU in an ordered data set (page 403) |GC program – TI: UV stats (page 403) |Students compare measures of location. |

|Ex 9D Measures of spread (page 403) |GC tip - TI: Finding the range and |SkillSHEET 9.11: Locating QL, median and | | |

| |interquartile range (page 402) |QU on the cumulative frequency scale | | |

| |Enrichment task: What numbers are in my |(page 403) | | |

| |list? (page 404) | | | |

|Boxplots (page 404) |GC tip - Casio: Drawing a boxplot (page |SkillSHEET 9.12: Locating QL, median and |Excel: Boxplots (page 407) |CD DB 6.2 Ex 9E Q1-9 |

|WE 13a-c |406) |QU on the cumulative frequency scale |Mathcad: Boxplots (page 407) |Students interpret box and whisker plots |

|Ex 9E Boxplots (page 407) |GC tip - TI: Drawing a boxplot (page 406)|(page 407) |GC program – Casio: UV stats (page 407) |and use them to compare sets of data. |

| |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 409) |WorkSHEET 9.2 (page 409) |GC program – TI: UV stats (page 407) | |

|Analysing data (page 410) |Investigation: Academy Award winners |WorkSHEET 9.3 (page 412) |Mathcad: Summary statistics (page 412) |CD 5.2 Ex 9F Q1-4 |

|WE 14a-c, 15a-b |(page 413) | |GC program – Casio: UV stats (page 412) |Students compare measures of location. |

|Ex 9F Analysing data (page 412) |Investigation: Footy season (page 414) | |GC program – TI: UV stats (page 412) |CD 6.2 Ex 9F Q5-6 |

| |Investigation: Obtaining your own data | | |Students use data to identify the nature |

| |(page 414) | | |of variations and relationships. |

|Summary (page 415) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 416) | | | | |

| | |(page 418) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |

Chapter 10 Probability Suggested time: 2.5 weeks

Strand: Chance and data

Topic: Chance

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 420) | |SkillSHEETS (page 420) | |CD 3.1 |

| | |10.1: Understanding ‘chance’ words | |Students identify all possible outcomes |

| | |10.2: Understanding a standard deck of | |of familiar situations or actions and, |

| | |playing cards | |for these sample spaces, order the |

| | |10.3: Probability scale | |likelihood of occurrence of the |

| | |10.4: Simplifying common fractions | |identified outcomes using experimental |

| | |10.5: Converting a common fraction to a | |data. |

| | |decimal fraction | |CD 4.1 |

| | |10.7: Experimental probability | |Students analyse experimental data and |

| | | | |compare numerical results with predicted |

| | | | |results to inform judgements about the |

| | | | |likelihood of particular outcomes. |

| | | | |N 4.1 |

| | | | |Students compare and order common |

| | | | |fractions. (simplifying) |

| | | | |N4.3 |

| | | | |Students solve problems involving |

| | | | |division of whole numbers. |

|Probability scale (page 421) | |SkillSHEET 10.1: Understanding ‘chance’ | |CD 5.1 Ex 10A Q1-5 |

|WE 1a-e, 2a-e | |words (page 424) | |Students model and determine |

|Ex 10A Probability scale (page 424) | |SkillSHEET 10.2: Understanding a standard| |probabilities for single events to |

| | |deck of playing cards (page 424) | |justify statements and decisions. |

| | |SkillSHEET 10.3: Probability scale | | |

| | |(page 425) | | |

|Experimental probability (page 426) |Investigation: Rock, paper, scissors |SkillSHEET 10.4: Simplifying common | |CD 5.1 Ex 10B Q1-13 |

|WE 3a-b, 4a-e |(page 432) |fractions (page 429) | |Students model and determine |

|Ex 10B Experimental probability (page |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 433) |SkillSHEET 10.5: Converting a common | |probabilities for single events to |

|429) | |fraction to a decimal fraction (page 429)| |justify statements and decisions. |

| | |SkillSHEET 10.6: Converting a common | | |

| | |fraction to a percentage (page 429) | | |

| | |SkillSHEET 10.7: Experimental probability| | |

| | |(page 430) | | |

| | |SkillSHEET 10.8: Multiplying a whole | | |

| | |number by a common fraction (page 430) | | |

| | |Game time 001 (page 432) | | |

| | |WorkSHEET 10.1 (page 432) | | |

|Sample spaces and theoretical probability|Investigation: In the long run – tossing |SkillSHEET 10.9: Listing all possible | |CD 5.1 Ex 10C Q1-18 |

|(page 433) |a coin (page 437) |outcomes for an event (page 438) | |Students model and determine |

|WE 5a-b, 6a-c, 7a-c |Maths Quest challenge: (page 440) |SkillSHEET 10.10: Writing a simple | |probabilities for single events to |

|Ex 10C Sample spaces and theoretical |Code puzzle (page 441) |probability as a common fraction | |justify statements and decisions. |

|probability (page 438) | |(page 438) | | |

| | |SkillSHEET 10.11: Finding the size of a | | |

| | |sector (page 440) | | |

|Simulations (page 442) |Investigation: Simulation (page 444) |Game time 002 (page 447) |Excel: Simulating coin tosses (page 444) |CD 5.1 Ex 10D Q1,2,11 |

|WE 8a-b |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 447) |WorkSHEET 10.2 (page 447) |Excel: Simulating coin tosses (DIY) (page |Students model and determine |

|Ex 10D Simulations (page 445) |Enrichment task: Drink flavours (page | |444) |probabilities for single events to |

| |448) | |Excel: Simulating coin tosses (page 445) |justify statements and decisions. |

| | | |Excel: Simulating coin tosses (DIY) |CD 6.1 Ex 10D Q3-10 |

| | | |(page 445) |Students model and determine |

| | | |GC program – Casio: Coin flip (page 445) |probabilities for multi-outcome and |

| | | |GC program – TI: Coin flip (page 445) |compound events and justify decisions. |

| | | |GC program – Casio: Rolling a die (page | |

| | | |445) | |

| | | |GC program – TI: Rolling a die (page 445) | |

|Tree diagrams and two-way tables (page |Investigation: Dice game (page 452) |SkillSHEET 10.12: Multiplying proper |Excel: Coin tossing (page 450) | |

|448) |Investigation: Green is for go, red is |fractions (page 457) |Excel: Coin tossing (page 455) |CD 6.1 Ex 10E Q1-14 |

|WE 9a-b, 10a-b, 11a-d |for stop! (page 457) |WorkSHEET 10.3 (page 457) | |Students model and determine |

|Ex 10E Tree diagrams and two-way tables | | | |probabilities for multi-outcome and |

|(page 455) | | | |compound events and justify decisions. |

|Summary (page 458) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 459) | | | | |

| | |(page 462) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |

Chapter 11 Geometry Suggested time: 3 weeks

Strand: Space

Topic: Shape and line

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 464) | |SkillSHEETS (page 464) | |S 4.1 |

| | |11.1: Naming angles | |Students analyse the geometric properties|

| | |11.2: Classifying angles | |of a range of 2D shapes to classify |

| | |11.3: Complementary and supplementary | |shapes into subgroups of families. |

| | |angles | |S 5.1 |

| | |11.4: More angle relations | |Students analyse the relationships |

| | |11.5: Angles in a triangle | |between the properties of shapes, lines |

| | |11.6: Angles sum in a quadrilateral | |and angles. |

|Angle review (page 465) |Investigation: Angles in polygons (page |SkillSHEET 11.1: Naming angles (page 469)|Cabri geometry: Vertically opposite angles|S 5.1 Ex 11A Q1-3 |

|Ex 11A Angle review (page 469) |466) |SkillSHEET 11.2: Classifying angles (page|(page 466) |Students analyse the relationships |

| |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-2 (page 472) |469) |Cabri geometry: Angle sum of a triangle |between the properties of shapes, lines |

| | |SkillSHEET 11.3: Complementary and |(page 468) |and angles. |

| | |supplementary angles (page 469) |Cabri geometry: Angle sum of a |S 6.1 Ex 11A Q4-11 |

| | |SkillSHEET 11.4: More angle relations |quadrilateral (page 468) |Students use deductive reasoning to |

| | |(page 46) |Cabri geometry: Angle sum of a polygon |generalise about the properties of |

| | |SkillSHEET 11.5: Angles in a triangle |(page 468) |shapes, lines and angles. |

| | |(page 470) |Cabri geometry: Exterior angles of a | |

| | |SkillSHEET 11.6: Angle sum in a |polygon (page 468) | |

| | |quadrilateral (page 471) |Cabri geometry: Regular polygons (page | |

| | |SkillSHEET 11.7: Angle sum of a polygon |468) | |

| | |(page 471) |Mathcad: Angle review (page 469) | |

| | | |Mathcad: Angle sum (page 470) | |

| | | |Mathcad: Internal angle of a polygon (page| |

| | | |471) | |

| | | |Cabri geometry: Regular polygons (page | |

| | | |471) | |

| | | |GC program – Casio: Regular polygons | |

| | | |(page 471) | |

| | | |GC program – TI: Regular polygons | |

| | | |(page 471) | |

|Exterior angles of a triangle (page 472) |Investigation: Exterior angles of a |Game time 001 (page 477) |Cabri geometry: Exterior angles of a |S 5.1 Ex 11B Q1-4 |

|WE 1a-b, 2, 3, 4 |triangle (page 473) | |triangle (page 473) |Students analyse the relationships |

|Ex 11B Exterior angles of a triangle |Investigation: Regular polygons (page | |Cabri geometry: Exterior angles of a |between the properties of shapes, lines |

|(page 475) |477) | |triangle (page 475) |and angles. |

| | | |Mathcad: Exterior angles of a triangle |S 6.1 Ex 11B Q5-11 |

| | | |(page 475) |Students use deductive reasoning to |

| | | |Cabri geometry: Regular polygons (page |generalise about the properties of |

| | | |477) |shapes, lines and angles. |

|Angles and parallel lines (page 478) |Investigation: Angle relationships with |SkillSHEET 11.8: Angles and parallel |Cabri geometry: Vertically opposite angles|S 6.1 Ex 11C Q1-14 |

|WE 5a-b, 6 |parallel lines (page 479) |lines (page 483) |(page 478) |Students use deductive reasoning to |

|Ex 11C Angles and parallel lines (page |Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 485) |WorkSHEET 11.1 (page 484) |Cabri geometry: Corresponding angles (page|generalise about the properties of |

|481) |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 485) | |478) |shapes, lines and angles referring to |

| |Code puzzle (page 486) | |Cabri geometry: Co-interior angles |relationships between these properties to|

| | | |(page 479) |justify arguments. |

| | | |Cabri geometry: Alternate angles (page | |

| | | |479) | |

| | | |Cabri geometry: Parallel lines (page 479) | |

| | | |Cabri geometry: Parallel lines (page 481) | |

|Sketching and constructing 2-dimensional |Maths Quest challenge: (page 495) |SkillSHEET 11.9: Constructing angles with|Cabri geometry: Constructing a triangle |S 5.1 Ex 11D Q1-16 |

|shapes (page 487) |Enrichment task: Fractals (page 496) |a protractor (page 494) |given 2 sides and an angle between them |Students create representations of |

|WE 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 | |WorkSHEET 11.2 (page 495) |(page 494) |geometric objects that satisfy design |

|Ex 11D Sketching and constructing | | | |specifications. |

|2-dimensional shapes (page 494) | | | | |

|Congruent figures (page 497) |Investigation: Congruent triangles (page | | |S 5.1 Ex 11E Q1-2 |

|WE 14, 15, 16, 17 |498) | | |Students analyse the relationships |

|Ex 11E Congruent figures (page 501) |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 504) | | |between the properties of shapes, lines |

| | | | |and angles to explain congruence. |

| | | | |S 6.1 Ex 11E Q3-8 |

| | | | |Students use deductive reasoning to |

| | | | |generalise about the properties of |

| | | | |shapes, lines and angles. |

|Similar figures (page 505) |Investigation: Similar triangles (page |SkillSHEET 11.10: Finding the scale |Cabri geometry: Similar triangles (page |S 5.1 Ex 11F Q1-2 |

|WE 18, 19, 20, 21 |506) |factor (page 511) |505) |Students analyse the relationships |

|Ex 11F Similar figures (page 510) |Investigation: Parliamentary question |Game time 002 (page 513) |Cabri geometry: Similar triangles (page |between the properties of shapes, lines |

| |time (page 513) |WorkSHEET 11.3 (page 513) |510) |and angles to explain similarity. |

| | | | |S 6.1 Ex 11F Q3-15 |

| | | | |Students use deductive reasoning to |

| | | | |generalise about the properties of |

| | | | |shapes, lines and angles. |

|Summary (page 514) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 515) | | | | |

| | |(page 518) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |

Chapter 12 Two- and three-dimensional shapes Suggested time: 2.5 weeks

Strand: Space

Topic: Shape and line

|Section |GC tips, Investigations, Enrichment |SkillSHEETs, WorkSHEETs, Interactive |Technology applications |Learning outcomes |

| |tasks, History of mathematics, Maths |games, |(CD–ROM) | |

| |Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code|Test yourself, Topic tests | | |

| |puzzles |(CD–ROM) | | |

|Are you ready? (page 520) | |SkillSHEETS (page 520) | |S 3.1 |

| | |12.1: Translation of a point | |Students identify and describe the |

| | |12.2: Reflection of a point | |properties of specific families of 2D |

| | |12.3: Reflection of an object | |shapes. |

| | |12.4: Rotation of a point | | |

| | |12.5: Rotation of an object through 180( | | |

|Symmetry (page 521) |Maths Quest challenge: (page 525) | | |S 4.1 Ex 12A Q1-10 |

|WE 1, 2, 3 | | | |Students analyse the geometric properties|

|Ex 12A Symmetry (page 522) | | | |of a range of 2D shapes. |

|Transformations (page 525) |Investigation: Braille (page 538) |SkillSHEET 12.1: Translation of a point |Cabri geometry: Translation (page 531) |S 4.1 Ex 12B Q1-15 |

|WE 4a-b, 5, 6a-b, 7, 8 |10 Quick Questions 1 (page 539) |(page 531) |Cabri geometry: Reflection (page 533) |Students analyse the geometric properties|

|Ex 12B Transformations (page 531) |Code puzzle (page 540) |Game time 001 (page 531) |Cabri geometry: Rotation (page 536) |of a range of 2D shapes. |

| |Investigation: Transformation design |SkillSHEET 12.2: Reflection of a point | | |

| |(page 541) |(page 533) | | |

| | |SkillSHEET 12.3: Reflection of an object | | |

| | |(page 533) | | |

| | |SkillSHEET 12.4: Rotation of a point | | |

| | |(page 536) | | |

| | |SkillSHEET 12.5: Rotation of an object | | |

| | |through 180( (page 536) | | |

| | |Game time 002 (page 537) | | |

| | |WorkSHEET 12.1 (page 537) | | |

|Tessellations (page 541) |History of mathematics: Maurits Cornelius| |Cabri geometry: Tessellating triangles and|S 4.1 Ex 12C Q1-11 |

|WE 9 |Escher (1898 – 1972) (page 542) | |squares (page 544) |Students analyse the geometric properties|

|Ex 12C Tessellations (page 544) |Investigation: Designing a paved outdoor | |Cabri geometry: Tessellating hexagons |of a range of 2D shapes. |

| |area (page 546) | |(page 544) | |

| |Enrichment task: Tiling an area with | |Cabri geometry: Will regular pentagons | |

| |tessellating patterns (page 547) | |tessellate? (page 544) | |

| | | |Cabri geometry: Will regular octagons | |

| | | |tessellate? (page 544) | |

|Views of three-dimensional shapes (page |Investigation: Cross-sections of 3-D |WorkSHEET 12.2 (page 556) |Cabri geometry: Oblique drawing of a |S 4.1 Ex 12D Q1-8 |

|547) |solids (page 556) | |cuboid (page 550) |Students analyse the geometric properties|

|WE 10a-c, 11a-c, 12a-c, 13 | | |Cabri geometry: Perspective drawing (page |of a range of 3D shapes. |

|Ex 12D Views of three-dimensional shapes | | |550) |S 5.1 Ex 12D Q9-13 |

|(page 553) | | |Cabri geometry: Perspective drawing with 2|Students create representations of |

| | | |vanishing points (page 551) |geometric objects that satisfy design |

| | | | |specifications. |

|Polyhedra, nets and Euler’s rule (page |Investigation: Packaging and nets (page |WorkSHEET 12.3 (page 564) |Mathcad: Using Euler’s rule (page 564) |S 5.1 Ex 12E Q1-13 |

|558) |561) | | |Students analyse the properties of |

|Ex 14a-b, 15a-c |Investigation: Parallels, perpendiculars | | |shapes. |

|Ex 12E Polyhedra, nets and Euler’s rule |and skews (page 564) | | | |

|(page 561) |10 Quick Questions 2 (page 565) | | | |

| |Enrichment task: The net of a cube (page | | | |

| |565) | | | |

|Summary (page 566) | |‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions| | |

|Chapter review (page 567) | | | | |

| | |(page 570) | | |

| | |Topic tests (2) | | |



Maths Quest for Queensland Book 2

ISBN: 0-7314-0052-6 RRP: $46.95 Available: June 2004


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