Verb Tenses

A. Verb Tenses

Circle the correct answer.

1. About two weeks ago, I (saw / was seeing / have seen) a great tennis match.

2. Many people (are eating / will eat / eat) their main meal in the evening, after work.

3. It began to rain while we (were walking / walked / have walked) through the woods.

4. You can’t buy shoes in the village. The shoe shop (had closed / has closed / closed).

5. (Do you come / Will you come / Have you come) to the party next Friday?

6. They were angry because they (have been waiting / were waiting / had been waiting) for hours.

7. Tomorrow morning we (go / have been going / are going to go) to the beach.

8. We are worried because we (didn’t hear / haven’t heard / were not hearing) from our son for weeks.

9. When they finally rescued him, he (had been lying / has laid / had laid) in the snow for hours.

10. She (get / is going to get / is going) married next month.

Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

One day a little Indian boy 1) .... was sitting.... (sit) outside his wigwam. He 2) …was wondering...(wonder) how the Indians 3) …choose/chose…. (choose) their children’s names. He 4) …decided… (decide) to go and ask the Indian Chief. “Well,” 5)…explained.. (explain) the Chief, “we 6) …love…. (love) nature and when a new baby 7) …is...(be) born, we 8) …look…. (look) around and we 9) …choose... (choose) a name from what we10) …see… (see), like Flowing Waterfall, Bright Star, Running Bull and so on. 11) …Do you understand..... (you/understand)?” “Yes, chief”, the little Indian boy said. “Why 12) …are you.. (you/be) so intered in this, Two Dogs Fighting?”, the Chief asked.

Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Kevin Adams 1)...... loves......(love) trains. He first 2)..... saw.....(see) one when he was four years old and he 3) ......... thought.....................(think) it was great. He 4)....... goes.........(go) to a different railway station every week and 5).... writes down....(write down) the engine number of every train he sees. He 6)...... has been doing............(do) this since he was eight. By the time he was fifteen he 7)....... had collected.........(collect) over 10.000 different engine numbers in various counties. Once, while he 8)... was standing....(stand) in a station in Cheshire he saw something very unusual. He 9).... had been waiting......(wait) for over an hour for a train to go by when suddenly he 10).... saw........(see) a very old steam train coming down the track. It 11)...... didn’t stop..........(not/stop) at the station and, as it was passing, Kevin noticed that all the passengers 12).... were wearing......(wear) old-fashioned clothes. When he told the station guard about this, the poor man turned pale. He said that no steam train 13)... has/had passed.....(pass) through that station for years, and that the last one 14)........ had crashed...........(crash), killing everyone on board.

Choose the correct answer.

1. If I didn’t get so nervous, I (will play / would have played / would play) better.

2. Many different kinds of food (are eaten / are eating / eat) at parties.

3. Students everywhere (must do / must be done / mustn’t do) exams.

4. I wish you (would come / had come / will come) to see my new flat. It’s lovely.

5. This text (can understand / can be understood / had to be understood) in different ways

6. When we arrived, the test papers (were giving out / were being given out / have been given out).

7. If only I (had been / have been / hadn’t been) so cruel to him.

8. I would use the computer more if I (have / had / would have) the chance.

9. All the best shirts (sold / were selling / had been sold) before we got there.

10. I went to the dentist yesterday and (took my tooth out / had my tooth taken out /was taking my tooth out).

C. Pasiva

Transforma en pasiva las siguientes frases. Utiliza como sujeto las palabras subrayadas.

1. They awarded Helen a prize for her excellent marks. (Two sentences)

Helen was awarded a prize for her excellent marks

A prize was awarded to Helen for her excellent marks

2. They may ask Tom a few questions about his attendance.

Tom may be asked a few questions about his attendance

3. Someone gave her a DVD player for Christmas. (Two sentences)

She was given a DVD player for Christmas

A DVD player was given to her for Christmas

4. Are they going to redecorate the shop during the holidays?

Is the shop going to be redecorated during the holidays?

5. They’ll send her a free replacement next week.

A free replacement will be sent to her next week.

6. They took Jim on a tour of the factory.

Jim was taken on a tour of the factory

7. We will give 20 pounds to each participant.

20 pounds will be given to each participant.

8. Computer animation is replacing traditional methods.

Traditional methods are being replaced by computer animation.

Completa las frases con la forma pasiva adecuada del verbo entre paréntesis.

1. A bank…was robbed… (rob) yesterday afternoon by three men aged between 18 and 25.

2. I’ve got some exciting news! I ………have just been offered…………… (offer) a new job!

3. The Windows operating system …is produced…….(produce) by Microsoft.

4. Five-a-side football can …be played…. (play) inside or outside.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of have and the verb in brackets.

1.  My hair's getting far too long.  I need to __have it cut__ . (cut)

2.  Noah hates __having___  his photo __taken___ . (take)

3.  I've lost my key so I'd better __have__  another one ___made____  . (make)

4.  My watch isn't working properly.  I ought to _have_  it  __repaired___ . (repair)

5.  I'm going to __have__ my suit __drycleaned__ as there's a coffee stain on the sleeve. (dryclean)

6.  It's time we __have _ our car __serviced_ . (service)

7.  Katie can't find a wedding dress she likes so she's considering __having__ one _made_ . (make)

8.  As this summer is expected to be really hot we're planning on __having_ air-conditioning __installed__. (instal)

9.  Jenny's worried she may have a high cholesterol level so she wants to __have___ it __checked out__ . (check out)

10. The police suspected the fugitive was hiding somewhere in the building so they _had__ it __searched__ . (search)

D. Conditional Clauses

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the first, second or third conditional.

1. If the film ...hadn’t been........... (not be) so boring, we wouldn't have left.

2. They will miss their connection if the flight....doesn’t leave...... (not leave) on time.

3. It would be great if people ....didn’t pollute....... (not pollute) the environment.

4. If the band ...gave... (give) a concert here, all my friends would go to it.

5. ...Would..... you ...have cooked... (cook) such a big meal if we hadn't had so many guests?

6. If you ...go... (go) to London, you should visit Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum.

7. You won't get tickets unless you ....get..... (get) to the stadium early.

8. If the police hadn't caught him, he .....would have escaped... (escape) with the money.

E. Wish/If only

Complete the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it

Example: I haven’t a job at the moment ---- If only/Iwish I had a job

I’m not going to the party --------- If only/I wish I were going to the party

I married Myrtle instead of Francis -------- If only/I wish I had married Francis

We’ve run out of petrol -------- If only/I wish we hadn’t run out of petrol.........................

I’m taking a test tomorrow -------- If only/I wish I weren’t taking a test tomorrow............

This holiday has been a disaster -------- If only/I wish I hadn’t come on this holiday.........

It’s snowing outside -------- If only/I wish it weren’t snowing outside...............................

I acted very rudely in front of the headmaster -------- If only/I wish I hadn’t acted so rudely

in front...

I don’t know how to ride a bicycle -------- If only/I wish I knew how to ride a bike............

I can’t speak Russian -------- If only/I wish I could speak Russian....................................

I’m not tall, dark and handsome -------- If only/I wish I were tall, dark and handsome.......

I was caught robbing a bank -------- If only/I wish I hadn’t been caught............................

I crashed the car when I was drunk -------- If only/I wish I hadn’t been drunk...................

She’s making beans again -------- If only/I wish she weren’t making beans again...............

I failed my exam because I did’t study -------- If only/I wish I had studied.........................

I don’t want to go to school, but I have to -------- If only/I wish I didn’t have to go to school

My girlfriend left me after we argued -------- If only/I wish we hadn’t argued.....................

I lost a lot of money at cards -------- If only/I wish I hadn’t lost so much money.................

I want to go to the Bahamas for a holiday -------- If only/I wish I could go to the Bahamas...

I’m sorry I haven’t got more friends -------- If only/I wish I had more friends.......................

F. Relative Clauses

H. Rewrite the text using relative pronouns from the list to link the sentences. There is one extra word. which | whose | when | who | where

Emma Thompson is a very good actress. She has appeared in many successful films. One of her most famous roles was in the film Sense and Sensibility. The film won many prizes. In it, Emma plays the part of Elinor, a practical young woman. Her younger sister, Marianne, is very romantic. The story takes place a long time ago. In those days, life was very different for young people.

Emma Thompson, who is a very good actress, has appeared in many successful films. One of her most famous roles was in the film Sense and Sensibility, which won many prizes. In it, Emma plays the part of Elinor, a practical young woman whose younger sister, Marianne, is very romantic. The story takes place a long time ago, when life was very different for young people.

Relative Clauses

***(Intermediate /Upper intermediate Theory and Exercises)

** (Intermediate Exercises)

** (Intermediate Exercises)

(Upper intermediate/Advanced Theory and Exercises through presentations)

G. Gerund or Infinitive

Put the verbs in brackets into Gerund or Infinitive (with or without “to”)

1. Why do you keep...looking.....(look) back? Are you afraid of .....being....(be) followed?

2. It’s no use ...trying.....(try) interrupt...........(interrupt) him. You’ll wait.....(wait) till he stops ....talking.........(talk).

3. Do you remember ....hearing......(hear) the bombs ....drop/dropping......(drop)? No, I was too young realize.......(realize) what was happening.

4. He doesn’t allow ....smoking.......(smoke) in his house, but he allowed us smoke......(smoke) last week.

5. Don’t forget take.........(take) an umbrella with you.

6. I’d like go out.......(go out). I always enjoy.....having dinner......(have dinner in a restaurant.

7. –You lent me some money a few months ago.

- Did I? That’s strange. I don’t remember ...lending/having lent.......(lend) you any money.

8. He tried reach.........(reach) the shelf but he wasn’t tall enough.

9. My father advised them study..............(study) more.

10. Are you used to .....travelling..........(travel) by air?

H. Reported Speech

1. "Next week he will visit his aunt in Oslo."

Mary knew that he ....would visit his......... aunt in Oslo the following week.

2. "We should tell her the truth."

He was sure that we ...should tell her............. the truth.

3. "Who broke the windows?"

The principle wanted to know ..had broken......... the windows.

4. "Jill wants to sing at the concert next week."

He realized that Jill ....wanted to sing............ at the concert the following week.

5. "Please, explain that to me again."

Helen begged the teacher politely explain...that her.... again. (infinitive construction)

6. "I lived in St. Paul some years ago."

Suzanne told us that ..she had lived...... in St. Paul ....some years before.

7. "This dress suits you very well."

Everybody maintained (that) that dress ...suited her.......very well.

8. "Did you copy your homework?"

Mr. Clever asked the lazy boy if ...he had copied his........homework.

9. "Don't copy your homework."

Mother told us ...not to copy our...... homework. (infinitive construction)

10. "I didn't tell anybody about that."

The little boy maintained that …he hadn’t told …….anybody about that

I. Modal Verbs

Reescribe las siguientes frases utilizando verbos modales.

1 I'm sure Mike is in bed because he isn't answering the phone.

Mike must be in bed because…

2 It isn't necessary for us to wear a uniform at school.

We don’t have to/needn’t/haven’t got to wear a uniform…

3 If it is possible for me to save some money, I will possibly buy a car.

If I can/am able to save some money,…

4 It is prohibited to park motorbikes here.

You can’t/mustn’t/may not/aren’t allowed to park …

5 He thinks that it is a bad idea for me to spend lots of money.

You shouldn’t spend lots…

6 I am convinced that they didn't send it to us.

They can’t have sent it to us

Elige el verbo modal adecuado.

1 We don't have to / mustn’t take our books to class. The teacher never uses them.

2 I might / could ride a bike when I was four.

3 Sue might have / should have been there, but I don't think it's very likely.

4 There's nobody home. They must have decided / must decide to go out.

5 He might /must be telling the truth, but I'm not sure,

6 Can I / Should you come out tonight? Have you asked your parents?

More exercises on Modals at

J. Prepositions

Supply the missing prepositions

1. Don’t put your feet __on_ the table.

2. I will be __at__ work__at__ six. It will be seven __by__the time I get home.

3. Nobody has come _into__this room while I’ve been sitting __in/on___it

4. Stay here __at/by/till/until____ six o’clock. If I’m not back __by_ then, go home.

5. You can reach the station _by__ bus __in____ ten minutes.

6. We walked _along___ the main road and turned left __at__ the railway station.

7. A brick has fallen __off/from_____ the roof and knocked a man.

8. Get __on___the bus here, and get __down___ at the next stop.

9. He hasn’t been here __since__ last February.

10. When we got back __from___ our walk, we sat ___by/beside/next to/near___ the fire.

K. Articles

Read the following sentences. Which one is correct? Why?

1 a) I don't like the animals, b) The animals in London zoo are amazing.

2 a) I have cold and temperature, b) We had a very cold winter in New York.

3 a) You can fly to Ireland on Tuesday. b) I never go swimming the Mondays.

4 a) He is waiter not chef. b) The chef is the man on the left.

Completa las oraciones con el artículo adecuado o nada.

1 I should go to .the.. doctor. I have .a.. terrible headache.

2 Will you play .-. rugby when you move to Bristol to study at. -.. university?

3 'Can I talk to Mary?' I’m sorry but I'm afraid she's still in .. -. bed.'

4 I'm learning .. -. English -.. the. lessons are great fun.

L. Question forms

Completa las preguntas para las siguientes respuestas.

1 Ali / arrive / in Paris? When did Ali arrive in Paris? Last Friday.

2 she / start / learning English? When did she start learning English? Three years ago.

3 you / do I all morning? What have you been doing all morning? I’ve been studying at home

4 she / marry / him? Will she marry him? Yes, I think she will.

5 you / use to play tennis / when you were younger? How often did you use to play tennis when you were younger? Three times a week!

6 suitcase / be / it? Whose suitcase is it? It’s Mike’s (suitcase)

7 cake / you / going to bake? Which cake are you going to bake? The chocolate cake, not the apple one

8. Mike / leave / the car? Where does Mike leave the car? In the garage

9. books / she / read / every month? How many books does she read

every month? She reads five or six? / ever / go / to Portugal? Have you ever been to Portugal? No, I’ve never been

Indirect Questions exercises

M. Some, Any, No and their compounds and quantifiers

Complete the sentences with “a, an, some, any, a lot of, much, many, a few and a little”

1 How ....many.... paintings were stolen from the gallery?

2 Juan can’t speak English very well. He only knows ... a few/some........... words.

3 I want to buy, but I don’t have ......any...... money.

4 Karen managed to save up ....some/a lot of........ money for her summer holidays.

5 I have ..some/many/a lot of friends.... friends, but I don’t have .....any.... time to see them.

6 I can’t give you ...any....... advice because I have ....some/a lot of...... problems of my own.

7 She ate, .......a.... banana and ......some........ grapes.

8 There were ..many/a lot of.......... Manchester United supporters at the football match.

9 How have you got?

10 Oh no! I’ve forgotten my wallet! Have you got .....any/some........ money?

Choose the appropriate determiner.

1 How much / How many money have you got?

2 I've got a little / a few ideas to tell you about.

3 There are too much /too many people in front of me - I can't see anything.

4 If you've got less / fewer than six things, you can queue there.

5 There's too much / too many suffering in the world.

Match the uncountable nouns to the expressions .

a piece of water

a game of advice

a can of bread

a bowl of football

a glass of lemonade

a slice of soup

N. Comparison of adjectives

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. There may be more than one correct answer.

1 . Today's soup tastes much ....better....... than yesterday's. (good)

2. The way to school seems ...further/farther.... when I take the bus than when ride my bike. (far)

3. England is not big as... the USA. (big)

4. Trains are generally ..faster.... than buses. (fast)

5. l'm sorry. I haven't got much...... time to help you now as I used to. (much)

6. I have ...less...... money this month than I had last month. (little)

7. My graduation day was one of ..the happiest...... days of my life. (happy)

8. This car is .less common.. ¡n my part of town than in yours because people here can't afford it. (common)

9. That's ..the oldest........ car I’ve ever seen. (old)

10. David is not tall as......his sister. (tall)

11. Your bike is in ...better...... condition than mine. (good)

12. That is probably ...the finest....... painting of a tiger I’ve ever seen. (fine)

13. There were ..fewer....... people at the party than I expected. (few)

14. Flights to England are ..more/less frequent..than flights to America from this airport. (frequent)

15. That was ...the worst..... meal I have ever eaten. (bad)

16. The ....more........ people that come (many), the .......merrier......(merry)

17. This museum is not ..more interesting than .... the one we saw in Bilbao. (interesting)

18. The new student is ..cleverer.... at maths than many of the other students in his class. (clever)

19. It is ..noisier...... living in the city centre than it is in the suburbs. (noisy)

20. The ....sooner........ (soon) we do it, the ....better......... . (good)


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