
Mendon High School LibraryMLA Documentation Style GuideParenthetical References and the List of Works Cited (Advanced Level) author’s name in textBrown has observed that the strategy was rife with problems (54).author’s name in parenthetical referenceThe strategy was rife with problems (Brown 54).direct quote at end of sentenceBrown characterized the strategy as “ill-conceived, haphazard and foolhardy” (54).direct quote within sentenceAlthough Brown has characterized the battle strategy as “ill-conceived, haphazard and foolhardy” (54), it is difficult to argue with Wheatley and Showalter’s positive assessment of MacArthur’s overall plan (174).reference to a complete work(such as a book)Brown’s Military Strategy in the Korean War includes many examples of ill-conceived plans.work by two or three authors(Wheatley and Showalter 173) (Haulman, White, and Banks 16) work by more than three authors(Simmons et al. 18)work alphabetized by title (such as an article, web page or video clip without author or creator attribution)(“North Korean Offensive”)(“MacArthur’s Gamble”)Note: Do not include initial articles (A, An, The) in parenthetical citation.two or more unsigned works with the same title(“Korean War,” Gale)(“Korean War,” International 288)direct quoteIn his “I Shall Go to Korea” speech, Eisenhower explained our reason for entry into the war: “Because free leadership failed to check and to turn back Communist ambition before it savagely attacked us.”indirect quoteTruman told the American people, “Communism has passed beyond the use of subversion to conquer independent nations and will now use armed invasion and war” (qtd. in Matray 659).direct block quote(used when you have more than four lines of quoted text)Brown argues the point forcefully: Quote quote qoute quote quote. Qoute quote quote quote quote quote. (54)Note: Do not enclose block quotes in quotation marks. Place the terminal punctuation for a block quote before the parenthetical citation. For additional help with parenthetical documentation, use these sources: MLA Handbook, 8th ed., MLA, 2016. Works CitedBrown, Bruce. Military Strategy in the Korean War. Princeton UP, 1998. Eisenhower, Dwight D. "I Shall Go to Korea." 24 Oct. 1952, Facts on File, 2014. American History Online, .Haulman, Daniel L., Sylvia White, and Broton Banks. "Salvation from the Sky: Airlift in the Korean War," Air Power History 48.2, 2001, p. 16. Student Resources in Context, link.apps/doc/A446479441/SUIC?u=nysl_ro_pmhs&xid=d39bad9f.?"Korean War." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: War. Vol. 2, Gale, 2008. Gale Virtual Reference Library, go.ps/i.do?p=GVRL&sw=w&u=k12_gvrl&v=2.1&it=r&id=GALE%7CCX3048500022&asid=03f83c1e6b8060f2cde294a59254c2a."Korean War." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Edited by William A. Darilty, 2nd ed., Vol. 4, Macmillan, 2008, pp. 288-89. Gale Virtual Reference Library, go.ps/i.do?p=GVRL&sw=w&u=k12_gvrl&v=2.1&it=r&id=GALE%7CCX7037100312&asid=bc8f49a4283d9462ac8022efb487580a.“MacArthur's Gamble at Inchon.” American Heroes Channel. Discovery Communications, 2014, . ?Matray, James I. "Leadership in the Korean War." U.S. Leadership in Wartime: Clashes, Controversy, and Compromise,Edited by Spencer C. Tucker, ABC-CLIO, 2009, pp. 659-72. "The North Korean Offensive, 25 June - 15 September 1950." Naval History and Heritage Command. US Navy, 2016, , Jane, et al. The Forgotten War. Harvard UP, 1998.?Wheatley, John, and Dennis Showalter. "Macarthur: Was Douglas MacArthur a Great American General?" The Cold War. Edited by Alexis Smith, St. James Press, 2000, pp. 171-76. ................

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