MLA Format for Works Cited Page - Weebly

MLA Format for Works Cited Page

|Book with one author |Brown, Paul. Greenpeace. New York: New Discovery Books, 1994. |

|Book with two authors |Greenberg, Martin J., and Dale Hofmann. Sportsbiz. Champaign, Illinois: Leisure |

| |Press, 1989. |

|Book compiled by an editor |Leone, Bruno, ed. Gun Control, Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, |

| |1997. |

|Encyclopedia article |White, Charles, S.J. “Hinduism.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 2000 ed. |

|(if author is given) | |

|Article in a reference book |“Whitney Houston.” Performing Artists. Ed. Molly Severson. First edition. 3 vols. |

| |Detroit: Gale Research, 1995. 330-334. |

|Magazine article |Montville, Leigh. “A Winner at the Finish.” Sports Illustrated |

| |4 Dec. 2000: 44+. |

|Newspaper article |Silberman, Todd. “Formula Raises Bar for High Schools.” The News & Observer 13 Dec. |

| |2000: 3A. |

|Personal Interview |Peterson, John. Personal interview. Apr. 25, 2000. |

|Videocassette |Science Lab Safety. Videocassette. Educational Video Network, 1998. |

|Audiocassette |Spanish Commands in Rap: Professor Rap. Audiocassette. Teacher’s Discovery, 1991. |

|Multimedia CD-ROM |“Ecosystems.” Discovering Science. CD-ROM. Detroit: Gale Research, 1997. |

|Article from online periodical |Flagg, Gordon. “Most Libraries Escape Hurricane Fran’s Wrath.” American Libraries Oct. |

|database |1996 v27. Gale Infotrac. 14 Dec. 2000. . |

|Web site |Dismukes, Kim. “How Are Shuttle Flights Numbered?” NASA Human Spaceflight. 12 Dec. |

| |2000. NASA. 14 Dec. 2000. |



•         Center the title “Works Cited” at the top of the page.

•         Double space all lines.

•         Indent the second and following lines 5 spaces (or one half inch).

•         Use exact punctuation and capitalize words in a title.

•         If no author is given, you would generally begin with the title.

•         Abbreviate the names of all months except May, June, and July.

•         Alphabetize entries by first word disregarding articles a, an, and the.

•         In the online Internet references, the first date is the date of the publication, while the second date is the date you looked at the site.


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