F. Scott Fitzgerald

A&E Biography Notes

• Industrial Revolution: Modern Era

• Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald: Irish Catholic boy. Born in St. Paul, MN., September 24th 1896: aspired to be famous “ His parents pride and Joy.”- he did not want to fail at anything.

• Mom Molly sent F. Scott to a prep school. Her family was wealthy

• He was a gifted writer, even as a young boy.

• 1912 Football team, 16 yrs. old

• Acting, plays, and writing- he planned to be a writer

• 1913: Princeton- dreamt of being the big man on campus

• He wrote for the school’s magazine The Tiger and joined their theatrical group The Triangle Club, summer comedy “The Coward”

• He had too much fun in college- Drank a lot.

• Academic Probation at Princeton-Dropped out.

• Met a rich girl in college, Ginevra King- “ Poor boys don’t marry rich girls.”

• She represented “the golden girl” in his later novels.

• 1917: Enter WW1- Boot camp – 2nd lieutenant – stationed in Atlanta- Imagined he’d be a war hero.

• Met Zelda Sayre in Atlanta- Beautiful Woman, red hair “wild”, smoking, drinking, stunts, shocking elders, social and athletic.

• Nov.1918: Before he went to France, war ended.

• Proposed to Zelda- She said yes- he went to NYC to look for work, advertising job, wrote short stories, $35 a week- She called off the engagement.

• Scott went on a 3-week drinking binge, depressed

• Moved to parents spare room and worked 16 hours a day.

• His 1st book This Side of Paradise- September 1919 accepted by publishers and was a great success.

• March, 1920: His book sold out in one day.

• April 3rd: a week later- married Zelda, couple lived in hotels, partied a lot. Fitzgerald sold three stories for $1300.

• “The Jazz age”- they were a crazy party couple

• He moved around a lot- never lived in one place for longer then a year

• Oct 26, 1921: “Scottie” was born- only daughter.

• 1922: The Beautiful and Damned about a couple falling apart, 40,000 copies sold in first year.

• Drunken parties lasted for days, alcoholic and chaotic, lived in Long Island.

• Moved to Europe to work on The Great Gatsby

• Lived in Long Island. “Flappers & Philosophers” – collection of stories. Broadway play, “The Vegetables” was a flop. Fitzgeralds spent a lot of money.

• France in 1920’s – Americans “lost generation” living there to avoid Prohibition and live on easy life. French Riviera

• July, 1924: Worked on The Great Gatsby- he wrote many drafts - it was hard work for him.

• Zelda spent time at the beach, had an affair with a French aviator, Sept. 1924.

• 1925: Paris- The Great Gatsby didn’t sell as well as his first novel.

• Met Ernest Hemingway in France, in a bar. They became “drinking buddies” Rivalry in their friendship.

• October 29, 1929: Stock market crash brings an end to the high-flying “jazz age”- the 20’s were over.

• Zelda- wanted to become a Ballerina, exhausted, tried to steer car off cliff, schizophrenic.

• 4th book took 9 years and 17 revisions- Tender Is the Night- about a psychiatrist who married his patient. Didn’t sell. 1934

• Drinking a lot! Quart of gin, 30 bottles of beer per day.

• “The Crack-Up”: Published in magazine. Hurt his reputation. 1936

• 1936: New York Post- had article published about FSF

• offer from MGM- write screenplays in Hollywood. 1937 Fitzgerald tried to succeed as a screen writer

• Shirley Temple big star: Movies being made

• tried to curb his drinking.

• Sheilah Graham- girlfriend.

• Zelda in hospital in North Carolina –“Out of it”

• “Three Comrades”- movie Fitzgerald worked on, angry about revisions.

• 1st and last screen credit- released by MGM job.- Scrambled for work- went back to drinking – bad reputation in Hollywood.

• Sheilah and F. Scott had terrible fights

• 1939- The Last Tycoon he began to write - never finished.

• 44 yrs. Old- stopped drinking after a mild heart attack.

• Dec. 21, 1940: Collapsed, he had a massive heart attack and died.

• 1948: Fire killed Zelda in the Highland Hospital in Asheville, NC -she was 48 yrs. old

• 1950’s books rediscovered, he became famous, reputation continued to grow.

• U.S. stamp 1996 100th birthday.

• Over 300,000 copies of Gatsby sell each year.

• F. Scott Fitzgerald was a symbol of the Jazz Age

• The Great Gatsby was made into a film in 1974 with Robert Redford & Mia Farrow


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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