Many thanks to the CH blog readers and filters (cuz I’m Batman!) who send this in for posting after Jared (bm) (an admin of the FB page) advised me they were deleting EVERYONE off the FB to change it (lock it down so no one in the community can have an opinion after Danielle (bm) specifically stated it was a “place you can post concerns, critiques, neighborhood watch and anything else as long as it's done respectfully”. lol). Funny, because only my posts were deleted since day one and now it’s starting to happen to others (posts of stuff I learned at the meetings or from Seabreeze or questions you folks have sent me that you want to know but don’t want to be targeted…oh and election stuff). My fiancé laughed when I thought it was a glitch letting me know it is an admin (bm) function. The latter is disturbing as it is a flat out attempt to block paid up homeowners from an HOA built and run for the entire community website…..hmmmmmm okie dokie.Jared advised me after the meeting last night (06/02) this change is due to me?! Really?! So being a part of the conversation (WHICH IS THE DEFINITATION OF FB AND WHAT IT ENCOURAGES LOL) when there is something from the board meetings, Seabreeze, questions or encouragement to pat ourselves on the back as a healthy choice when we need it causes this board to freak out so hard they have to revamp the FB page? (Again…..hmmmmm) THAT’S what gets an entire Cantora board FB page locked down?! OoooK. Maybe let’s read up on HOW to run a site within the law and the etiquette/rules that should be posted for a closed HOA site BEFORE we go live and run it like a bunch of teenie boppers that want to impress their friends and prey on those not in the clique (free online advice available on that with a few clicks of the mouse and keyboard clicks lol). Honestly, don’t we have BIGGER items that actually NEED this type of laser focus like allowing a showing of items from an exterior designer to the community for a vote on the huge changes to their 500+k investments, instead of trying to attack ONE small female free speech blogger/opineR for the community…lol It’s TRAGIC! Please board, let’s get some focus and healthy perspective (did see a small amount of that at the June/’16 mtng) and then I will have more time to sunbathe and garden instead of ruefully laughing at the Greek tragedy I am seeing played out here presently by this current board. Toward the bottom is the historical progression from then to now (as it changes over time with these guys) with the old school truly tragic stuff placed onto the OLD FB (keeping all the rest of the deleted stuff for you in case it needs to be referenced).BTW the pool post pic on the new HOA FB revamp is awesome (as it has been on this blog and MY FB page since the beginning (thanks for using some AVCantoraGirl ideas guys and glad you found that pic too on the web…..I find that pleasantly amusing and a step in the right direction for one to live with humor in ones heart…lol)? HYPERLINK "" Daniellea Acosta??to?Homeowners Of CantoraJuly 12 at 7:42pm?·? HYPERLINK "" Aliso Viejo, CA?·?Hey everyone we got a new family table to under the gazebo at the pool. It's slightly heavy and we need volenteer to help place it we will need at least 5 people it's about ment below when and if you can of FormLikeShow more reactionsCommentCommentsJim Tamialis?Now?!?'Like?·?Reply?·?July 12 at 7:44pmDaniellea Acosta?Well sooner is better than later but will need strong volunteers.... If we can get it inside the pool gates tonight that would be bestLike?·?Reply?·?July 12 at 7:46pmJim Tamialis?Or any time tomorrow.Like?·?Reply?·?July 12 at 7:45pmBrian Lambertson?I have a furniture dolly that might helpLike?·?Reply?·?July 12 at 8:06pmDaniellea Acosta?Looks like we might be able to have our vendors do it. I will keep everyone posted.Like?·?Reply?·?July 12 at 8:41pmBrian Lambertson?Ok, I'll be home around 6 tomorrow if you need help.Like?·?Reply?·?July 12 at 8:43pmJim Tamialis?I have a furniture dolly also.Like?·?Reply?·?July 12 at 8:49pmDaniellea Acosta?Got it taken care of by vendors?:)Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?19 hrsJim Tamialis?Nice!Like?·?Reply?·?19 hrsMic AV Cantoragirl?I LOVE THE COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION! VIVA CANTORA! lol Maybe we could form a "Construction" committee (like our landscape one) so that our great Cantora Volunteers, who can help with these kinds of things, are covered by insurance in case of anything Murphy's Law happening (Sorry?Paul Murphy?lol)? Color me the fatalist in the group but I think it might be warranted as we strive to beautify Cantora again?Like?·?Reply?·?18 hrsJim Tamialis?You can put me on such a committee.Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?17 hrsMic AV Cantoragirl?I know Anth and?Brian Lambertson?would most likely be in too as they love to swing those hammer thingies around lol THANKS Jim TamialisLike?·?Reply?·?17 hrsDaniellea Acosta?That's a good idea! We can always put it on an official agenda.... The table is up as of 20 minutes ago. Looks great check it out after the pool is open!Like?·?Reply?·?16 hrsBottom of FormRECENT ACTIVITYDaniellea AcostaJuly 1 at 6:04pm?·?Aliso Viejo, CAWe are assembling a new gazebo for shade at the pool if anyone is available to help that would be great.Daniellea Acosta3 hrs?·? HYPERLINK "" Aliso Viejo, CAThe pool bathrooms will be closed for repairs these datesVendor is scheduled to begin the repairs here Monday 6/20, 8-9am arrival and I anticipate the repairs taking 3-5 business days to of FormLikeLikeLoveHahaWowSadAngryCommentSeen by 18CommentsMasao Katamine?Valerie Jean put up Chaz's info on that yesterday. Thank you for posting again as a bigger post which we can't do for each other here. Did anyone else notice another post just disappeared?Like?·?Reply?·?Just nowBottom of FormThe above with Masao’s comments was changed to the below post with Daniellea Acost turning off commenting and deleting Masao’s words. HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaYesterday at 9:37am?·?Aliso Viejo, CAThe pool bathrooms will be closed for repairs these datesVendor is scheduled to begin the repairs here Monday 6/20, 8-9am arrival and Its anticipated the repairs taking 3-5 business days to of FormLikeShow more reactionsSeen by 26CommentsDaniellea Acosta?turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form____________________________________________________________________________________________ HYPERLINK "" \t "" Danielle Pitcher FrisinaMay 13?·?Aliso Viejo, CAAnyone know if the pool is still closed? If so, when it will be open?Top of FormLikeShow more reactionsCommentSeen by 3411CommentsDaniellea Acosta?I know that there was work to be scheduled and it was supposed to be open by today???Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?May 13 at 2:32pmDanielle Pitcher Frisina?Thanks for the update?;)Like?·?Reply?·?May 13 at 2:55pmDaniellea Acosta?I think it will be open today but the men's bathroom is still closed.Like?·?Reply?·?May 14 at 7:02amValerie Jean?Good afternoon Valerie,Thanks for the email and sorry for the frustration this has caused. The good news is that we are scheduled to have repairs begin Monday 6/20, 8-9am arrival and I anticipate the repairs taking 3-5 business days to complete.Respectfully,?Chaz Blackledge | Account Executivep (949) 672.9056 | f (949) 672.915639 Argonaut, Suite 100 | Aliso Viejo, CA ?|?From: valeriem1 Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 10:34 AMTo: Matt Acuna <matt.acuna@>; Chaz Blackledge <chaz.blackledge@>Subject: Cantora Pool Bathrooms LockedAs of 10:10am , 6/16/2016, the Cantora Pool Bathrooms Doors, both Men and Women, Continue to be LOCKED. THEY CANNOT BE OPENED WITH KEY FOB.PLEASE ADVISE WHEN THEY WILL BE OPERATIONAL. WE HAVE A HEAT WAVE COMING, AND I DON'T WANT TO SEE THE POOL CLOSED DOWN, BECAUSE KIDS USE THE POOL INSTEAD OF THE BATHROOMS.Perhaps posting info on the HOA Official FB page would help.Like?·?June 16 at 4:23pmAn admin turned off commenting for this post.At the same time as the above was deleted they turned off commenting here also.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared Christensen?changed the name of the group "Residents Of Cantora" to "Homeowners Of Cantora".1 hrTop of FormLikeAngryCommentSeen by 19CommentsDanielle Pitcher Frisina?Now this is a group just for the homeowners?Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?1 hrDanielle Pitcher Frisina?Just a suggestion, maybe rename HOA of Cantora???Unlike?·?Reply?·?1?·?26 minsMasao Katamine?History, AVCantoraGirl asked at the meeting if her fiance could get onto this. Jared said it was just for Owners. Mic pointed out that it says Residents so he said he was changing it. That girl take a lot of heat for the blog but she finds a way to get everything on there despite the blocks. Jared also said everyone was deleted off here for the re-do but I only see Mic missing and I was never deleted, just my election posts were. HOA of Cantora would work.Like?·?Reply?·?Just nowPaul Murphy?I'm a little confused by this page/group. I thought it was set up as a way to interact with other folks living within our community of Cantora. Now all I see is people getting blocked and others having their posts deleted and admin setting everything up so people can't comment on anything?? I'm not a homeowner, we rent here so now we're not welcome on this page anymore??Like?·?Reply?·?8 minsDanielle Pitcher Frisina?Thank you! My sentiments exactly. Thought this was a Cantora resident page created to share helpful community information. So glad my husband and I were able to access this group to help find our missing dog before it became so exclusive!! Whew!!Unlike?·?Reply?·?2?·?Masao Katamine?I said it before they closed the comments and erased most everything here...I really like the Nextdoor website as everyone is welcome who lives here and we all talk together and exchange things in the community and nothing is deleted that I've ever seen. I hide my street number for privacy but it's nice there.Like?·?Reply?·?Just now Hey DanielleValerie Jean?Ok...I give up!!! I can't figure out how this FB PAGE is suppose to be beneficial to HOMEOWNERS or Residents. I can't ask a question...or even post a topic that is positive. NEXTDOOR is far more user friendly, and HOMEOWNER friendly. This site does give some unformation...but since so many have given their e-mail serves the same purpose. EXACTLY, HOW IS THIS SUPPOSE TO BE 2-WAY COMMUNICATION with HOMEOWNERS.??Unlike?·?Reply?·?2?·?13 hrsDaniellea Acosta?I just want to let you know what happened on the Facebook page for Cantora?Unfortunately one homeowner kinda ruined it for everybody by just completely over taking everything and posting negative commentary and FALSE information so long story short she got removed from the page and then she tried to sign up under her fiancé so one of the board members said it was for homeowners only.?The point of it know is just to relay information to homeowners.Like?·?Reply?·?2 hrs?·?EditedMasao Katamine?I agree Valerie and I just got a weird email that one of the admins said "Hey Danielle" on here then it disappeared....this page is confusing. I don't quite get the joke here. There is the Nextdoor and the AVCantoragirl blog. The emails from the board I haven't seen yet but I gave my email to Mic and she got them to Chaz at Seabreeze so it should come soon. Maybe emails are a better way to not confuse and frustrate everyone. Everything here I can see on Mic's blog or her FB anyway and I can talk about stuff on ALL those if I want to.Like?·?Reply?·?10 hrs?·?EditedMasao Katamine?I've read and looked over everything from that homeowner and your response Danielle is false. Her posts were to educate and I have seen nothing false. I saw only your responses as poor as a board member when she has gotten into the ongoings with what she learned at meetings. I thought this space was for transparency and she gave that. Just not her because the board doesn't like what she has to say? Not cool.Like?·?Reply?·?3 mins?·?EditedMasao Katamine?She doesn't even say things when you guys come after her like above. She solves the problems we give her. From Mic at AVCantoragirl FB on the problems on this board FB: Yes, that is why here on this FB site and the blog you are anonymous unless wish to get on the email list which is hidden to all others. If you want to be credited with something you sent in, I ask you first. It is a 2-way conversation for all in the community to do at a level THEY feel fits them and their needs. I take privacy very seriously....yours and mine. AND if you guys see something that doesn't seem right here....let me know and I will fix it right away.Like?·?Reply?·?12 mins?·?EditedDaniellea Acosta?I am your neighbor and prefer not to get into a Facebook conversation with you when your views are clearly one sided. If you want to talk in person then we can otherwise I'm not having a public conversation about our other neighbors. Or anything that has to do with the board. No response is necessary.Like?·?Reply?·?7 minsMasao Katamine?You just had a public conversation about our other neighbors including her fiance without them here to defend themselves but my views are one sided. Valerie I'm with you, I give up. I get now why this page is what it is. No in person response is necessary. ThanksLike?·?Reply?·5 minsThis entire post was deleted from their page after Danielle posted another attack with Masao calling her out on it.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared Christensen1 hrIt has been a long time coming...the chain link fence has been replaced. The pool fence will be replaced with this same fencing material in July. Swing by and check it out. HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentSeen by 2355CommentsCandi Todd?Looks great and it's a shame that this fence isn't being used throughout the community to replace the blue iron fences.Like?·?Reply?·?1 hrCandi Todd?Jared Christensen, will this fence go up along the perimeter of the community where all the trees were removed that were providing some privacy, but is now quite exposed?Like?·?Reply?·?1 hrMasao Katamine?Mic on the blog mentioned it looks better than the chain link but has a Dalmatian feel...all white with black spots (funny sad and true). I wish we could have had a conversation on it to ask about individual needs like noise or privacy problems due to the plant and tree losses.Like?·?Reply?· ?2 minValerie Jean?The new Black fence is Fantastic! Really looks nice, and blends in well. So nice to replace a 20+ year chain link Eye sore.Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?2 hrsBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared Christensen1 hrThe vinyl perimeter fence project started yesterday. Saddleback started at 39 Meadowbrook and will be working their way around to 2 Mayfair. All the blue corroded iron will be replaced with white vinyl. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentSeen by 2033CommentsScott Blasingham?Looks great thank you Jared.Like?·?Reply?·?1 hrCandi Todd?I think the black iron fence that went up yesterday looks great! However, I'm not a fan of the white picket vinyl fence, at all. Once again, I am voicing my concern about all of these different design elements that do not match.Like?·?Reply?·?1 hrMasao Katamine?AgreedLike?·?Reply?·?19 hrsValerie Jean?Well, the white Vinyl fence appears a bit shorter than the Blue Iron Fencing.?My concern is:1) STABILITY OF FENCING. BEING ABLE TO HOLD UP TO PEOPLE AND CHILDREN LEANING AND PLAYING AGAINST IT. HOPE IT CAN WITH STAND STANDARD USE.2) GRADE of Vinyl purchased and actually installed. Sure hope it does not fade and stain to look cheap and flimsy in 5 years.Know that the Vendors promise the world, but enforcing the Fine Print of the Guarantee, will be next to impossible....especially after they are paid and gone.Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?2 hrsCandi Todd?All valid points, Valerie Jean. Yes, it is quite a bit shorter, which is security concern. Especially if you have pets. Those yards are now much more EASILY accessible by not only humans, but also coyotes. I went by yesterday to see how they looked?and to 'feel" the sturdiness of them, I walked away very disappointed and frustrated that these changes are being implemented without any opportunity for the homeowners to vote on them. And it's just going to continue to happen, which is sad. It's an embarrassment that this material was ever chosen. And it seems that there was definitely an agenda to bring a "Nantucket" feel to our Mediterranean community when selecting white paneled utility doors and now the white picket fence. It's cheap and ugly and a disgrace. I can't imagine how horrible it will look once the new black fence is up at the pool and then the homes directly behind the pool will have that cheap, white vinyl picket fence.Like?·?Reply? 4 hrsMasao Katamine?Mic and Anthony walked over there to take a look (my allergies were in overdrive) and this was posted on Mic's FB at Mic AV Cantoragirl: "I wanted to know how much we are losing height wise so I went and measured: Top of fencing from stucco (for those with half walls) Old 39", New 38" tall. Top of gate (for those with gates and a half wall) Old 58", New 58"....No data on those with full fencing yet as I haven't seen that go up yet. More to follow." "So I walked over to take a closer look at the fencing up so far and one CH was out in their yard. They are NOT HAPPY with the fencing for the following reasons: It's plastic-y cheap looking, her gate is crooked (closer to one side on top then tapers the other way so the gap is not straight AT ALL), it's flimsy (she barely moved it with one hand and when she put some weight into it it flexed so much the top rail started to come out of the post) as well as the hinges are BLACK (what, they didn't have any more matching white ones so now we have more of the Dalmatian feel of white with black spots!?." This pic is from there too. I'm disappointed and frustrated too Candi after seeing this. HYPERLINK "" Like?·?Reply?·?2 minNo questions answered to date.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea Acosta1 hr?·? HYPERLINK "" Aliso Viejo, CAThe old chain link fence at autumnglen and Springdale got replaced. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsDaniellea Acosta?turned off commenting for this post.The comments for this were turned off after Danielle posted another attack above with Masao calling her out on it (it was deleted and her posts above were turned off for commenting).Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea Acosta23 mins?·?Aliso Viejo, CACantora community garage sale. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeShow more reactionsSeen by 6CommentsDaniellea Acosta?turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of FormHISTORICAL FROM 06/07/16 (this new version of the board FB is such a tough read because everything is coming and going constantly (deleted/not deleted) Oy Vey!) I’ll stick to the historical for what really happened and Nextdoor as it is an open forum for the community to come together on. Then this blog of course (I’m not SUPER bias for that one or anything lol).RECENT ACTIVITY HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea Acosta?updated the group photo.23 hrs HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsDaniellea Acosta?turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaMay 29 at 8:01am?·?Aliso Viejo, CABoard meeting notice. A copy will also be posted at the pool later today. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsCommentsDaniellea Acosta?.Like?·?May 31 at 6:45amNancy Jonasen Harrower?This morning and on other days when landscaping has been cutting and clearing the hillside, my garage has been blocked with the noisest machine. No warnings. The noise has affected my animals and I can't calm them down. I sm convalescing from major...See MoreLike?·?May 31 at 9:30amDaniellea Acosta?Nancy I am sure that the board does not want you disturbed especially since you are recovering. We have to hire company's to maintain the property and keep it safe and functional, Sometimes vendors don't think about the impact and noise their machines?have. Anytime you have any concerns or issues you should call Chaz at sea breeze right away so he can address he issue with the vendor.?chaz.blackledge@(949) 672.9056Like?·?May 31 at 9:43am?·?EditedNancy Jonasen Harrower?Thanks. Called them first thing. They continue, as in the past to block my garage and put thi outrageiouly noisey cutting machine right in front of my garage and under the bedroom window. They have always done this, and finally blew my stack this a.m. My cats have still not come out. I can't find them in the house. I could have put them in the far bedroom and closed all of the doors to try and protect them from some of the noise. I just needed some kind of warning. After I called, went outside and tried to communicate, it took at least 2 hours, plus before they moved from in front of my garage. I am sure Seabreeze did contact them. We bought because we wanted the foilage on the hillside. They continue to strip away everything. Now, my house is exposed to more and more street noise and people able to see into my high and low windows from the street and from the Applause neighborhood.Like?·?1?·?May 31 at 3:22pmDaniellea Acosta?Well I know that the dead foliage and trees had to be cleared out as it was a fire danger. The 7 year drought really affected southern ca hard. Many cities were put on watering restrictions resulting in foliage dying. Good news is there is planning going on right at board meetings to replace foliage that was taken out with drought friendly foliage that is also easier on the eyes and less of a fire threat. I apologize for any convenience that has fell upon your family during this time.Like?·?May 31 at 4:01pmNancy Jonasen Harrower?You don't owe us an apology. We are well aware of drought conditions. My family are vegans and involved with environmental issues.Like?·?1?·?May 31 at 9:21pmNancy Jonasen Harrower?The bushes were in bloom and we had a sea of pink flowers. So I know many of them were not dead. Like my husband just said, we need tall plants and trees that provide some privacy. Everywhere you look in this city you see Cyprus trees and other types of talk trees and plant life. This is merely a discussion. We have been here 10 years and have never or rarely complained. Not sure who you are, or what your position is. The meetings have not been at dsy and time when we could attend. We will try hsrder to be there. Someone reminded me of the homeowners that want to enjoy their views. We also paid top dollar for this place and we feel that what we see out of our windows is just as important. Thanks you for responding. Let's leave it here.Like?·?2?·?May 31 at 9:37pmValerie Mincheff?I am going off this RESIDENTS of CANTORA FB Closed Group Site; as I DO NOT WANT everyone to see my regular FB Page as my Friends.I will rejoin under a different FB Name.Like?·?June 1 at 11:38amValerie Mincheff?Plus CANNOT FIQURE OUT HOW TO MAKE MY OWN POSTLike?·?June 1 at 11:39amMasao Katamine?Valerie, Jared told Mic at the meeting they are redoing this so maybe we won't be able to post. I'm not a FB guy so I think this for meeting date once a month but use Nextdoor and the AVCantoragirl blog for neighbors to talk.Like?·?June 3 at 2:59amMasao Katamine?Wow! It just happened to me too! I said that Mic was kicked off after reposting board vote stuff and now the vote stuff and my comment are gone! Is that how FB works cuz that doesn't happen on the other Cantora sites? Jared told Mic everyone was deleted off here yesterday for a revamp so will it come back up and I also see everyone I saw yesterday on here except Mic?Like?·?June 3 at 8:37am?·?EditedDaniellea Acosta?turned off commenting for this post.Nope let’s not talk anymore about that lol so it was turned off (does anyone else get a China/Russia vibe from that?)Daniellea AcostaMay 28 at 2:18pm?·?Aliso Viejo, CAHey guys the mobile car wash guy is here. 25$ a car and he does an amazing job!!!!! It's 2:30 now and he is by my house 27 Mayfair if you want to have him come do your cars of FormLikeLikeLoveHahaWowSadAngrySeen by 3422CommentsMic AV Cantoragirl?Happy Memorial CHs, if you want to check out the company before they come by your place here is their card and a view of how they work it.?;) HYPERLINK "" Like?·?May 28 at 4:04pmMic AV Cantoragirl HYPERLINK "" Unlike?·?1?·?May 28 at 4:07pmMasao Katamine?Mic the feet dangling out the back are priceless lolLike?·?June 3 at 2:40amDaniellea Acosta?turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 23 at 2:40pmLandscape slope cleanup commences this week. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeShow more reactionsSeen by 3311CommentsTara Treacy?When does the 3a phase start. Looks like this stops right before our house!Like?·?May 23 at 2:58pmJared Christensen?The map used is an original site plan created by the developer. Please disregard the Phases as that referenced when the homes were built. The entire slope cleanup job should be done by the end of the week.Like?·?May 23 at 3:03pmTara Treacy?Oh, ok. That's great. Except we are in Ireland right now so won't be able to clear anything!Like?·?May 23 at 3:10pmDaniellea Acosta?Tara?you won't have to clear anything this week for the slope clean up but you may need to clear a two ft radius from your fence when the fences start getting put up. I know you have a couple weeks before that. Anyhow I know your dealing with a lot right now. Condolences. If for some reason you need me to go over and clear furniture or plants cause your not back just let me know.Like?·?1?·?May 23 at 4:39pm?·?EditedTara Treacy?Oh ok, I should be back by then. Thank you!Like?·?May 23 at 5:03pmMic AV Cantoragirl?Could we get an updated map to avoid confusion? Thanks Dave on Meadowbrook for voicing your concerns on this for many months. Also, thanks Janet and Chaz for looking at this on the landscape walk after Dave's comments at the last meeting (you said you would then Chaz and you were true to your word). Thanks for listening Chaz and moving Tony (landscaper) forward on the water pipe and the co on the cleaning.Like?·?May 25 at 10:37am?·?EditedDaniellea Acosta?I think it was awesome Jared that we got to walk the outer perimeter a few weeks ago with Janet and vendor. A lot of work goes into this by EVERYONE.Like?·?May 23 at 4:43pmDaniellea Acosta?Nancy Jonasen Harrower this was posted so that all the homeowners would know that there was slope clean up this week and it was talked about the meetings.Like?·?May 31 at 4:03pmAn admin turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 23 at 2:57pmThe perimeter fence project will commence 6/15/16. Please trim back or remove shrubs, trees, benches etc. away from the fence line in preparation for the fence replacement. The old corroded aqua blue fencing (pictured) will get upgraded to new vinyl fencing (pictured). An official notice from Saddleback will be posted on the garage doors of the relevant homeowners. All middle units with aqua iron fencing and iron gates in the back will also get their privacy gates done at the same time their fence is put up. HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeShow more reactionsSeen by 3311CommentsMic AV Cantoragirl?Wow! Can't believe it was allowed to get that bad! For those with children and furry kids, will we get anything on the doors etc. with an exact date beforehand (thx for the edit above to answer that) & how long will it take aprox. so we can plan for the loss of the secured yard?Like?·?May 25 at 7:58pm?·?EditedNancy Jonasen Harrower?Where is the privacy factor? We were hoping we could get more enclosed, especially our end unit where we are so exposedLike?·?May 23 at 9:27pmDaniellea Acosta?Hey Nancy, it was best to replace the fence like for like. A lot of homeowners in the perimeter paid more for there homes because the beautiful view when they sit in there back yard if we would of changed that it could of lowered home values for over half the perimeter homes.Like?·?May 24 at 7:15amNancy Jonasen Harrower?That would all make sense. I am sure we paid top dollar in 2006. Just the way the market was then. I am sure privacy is an issue with some of the units. Just wondering if thst was a consideration. You do not need to respond.Like?·?1?·?May 24 at 7:57amView more repliesSandy Clausius Higgins?At least we get to keep our half wall!Like?·?2?·?May 23 at 9:43pmMic AV Cantoragirl?This is why at the big meeting in April, the entire overflowing room voiced their request to be told these things early and given options (a vote) so that everyone's voice is heard on big changes to their investment and so no more big things go up before we get a chance to make a community decision or first see them as they are going up lol. That's why it's so important for us to encourage and vote a board to do this or we will just get more of the same surprises so many are concerned about.Like?·?2?·?May 24 at 8:05amAn admin turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 6The chain link fence will be replaced with a fence that resembles this photo. The fence will be a Montage 2 Rail 6' high fence. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeShow more reactionsSeen by 3433CommentsMarisa Rhoads Fairfield?Nice! Thank goodness??Like?·?May 30 at 9:56amAn admin turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Danielle Pitcher FrisinaMay 13 at 1:29pm?·?Aliso Viejo, CAAnyone know if the pool is still closed? If so, when it will be open?Top of FormLikeShow more reactionsCommentSeen by 3411CommentsDaniellea Acosta?I know that there was work to be scheduled and it was supposed to be open by today???Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?May 13 at 2:32pmDanielle Pitcher Frisina?Thanks for the update?;)Like?·?Reply?·?May 13 at 2:55pmDaniellea Acosta?I think it will be open today but the men's bathroom is still closed.Like?·?Reply?·?May 14 at 7:02amWrite a comment... HYPERLINK "" Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 6The Cantora privacy gate wil resemble this photo. This privacy gate will be installed in most of the Cantora units. As the project gets closer the vendor will provide proper notice to each homeowner. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeShow more reactionsSeen by 3522CommentsGayle Lambertson?So they will all be the same. No personal installed gates?Like?·?May 6 at 6:17amBarbara Tamialis?Are they all white? Those of us with the beige garage doors are beginning to look very tacky. Is it a good idea to be replacing all beige with white before deciding on a color scheme?Like?·?May 6 at 6:21amGayle Lambertson?I'm sure the white fences will govern our color scheme.Like?·?May 6 at 6:25amMic AV Cantoragirl?Good question Barbara. Since we haven't paid the final payment to the utility door people why not keep the beige houses with beige doors (Jared stared they had beige as well) etc and choose one of the color palates that go with the beige doors. Then?we avoid a bit of this "tackiness" and allow those that paid for after being told to get the beige garage doors to keep a cohesive look. So much less stress for half our community.Like?·?May 6 at 6:53amMic AV Cantoragirl?Also, can we get better notification of exactly when the fence guys will be by each units for those of us with children and furry companions. The termite eaten board replacement guys last night said they left notices when they went in our yards recently and a number of us didn't get those.Like?·?May 6 at 6:57amMic AV Cantoragirl?So, to confirm, they will be solid like this and not have the colonial look like the utility doors? I haven't gotten any answers on this fb site yet but maybe that's not what it is designed for? We are at least getting intel of any kind so if this is its only purpose that's great too. Gayle is that style of gate in keeping with our Mediterranean look?Like?·?May 6 at 7:03amMic AV Cantoragirl?Janet confirmed at the landscape walk through that the utility gates are going to all stay the white colonial. My only issue (aside from them being a different style from our homes) is that this is but the first item we were not informed about as a style change or given a chance to weigh in on or vote on any number of styles before they were already up and it was too late. This seemed to be a major frustration at the big meeting and it seems VERY clear that the community wants to have options and be allowed to vote on any such changes. NOW we are being given a gate that ONCE AGAIN we were not shown until now when they are about to go up. THIS IS A PROBLEM GUYS!Like?·?May 9 at 6:09amBarbara Tamialis?We need to let the board do their job. We cannot vote on everything-and the vote would likely be varied anyway. I emailed Jared respectfully and got an answer that clarified for me. I can tell you from past experience in another HOA that facilitating these sorts of upgrades is a very time consuming job that the board does for free and that there is no way to please everyone. I appreciate the communication we are getting via email and Facebook.Like?·?1?·?May 9 at 8:23amMic AV Cantoragirl?Barbara as promised, within 24 hours your response was taken from here and has been placed as a screen shot on the blog as no one wants lengthy on Fakebook?:)?But in a nut shell...I can't in good conscience do that when we got the wrong style utility doors without our knowledge and blue might have happened to us at one point as well if we had "let the board do their job". Also, as explained on the blog, in this tech era a quick simple vote CAN be done on everything and anything even daily (i.e. Survey Monkey etc.). Don't worry censors, I simply copy these truths that cannot be written here onto the blog that shall not be named per your rules.?:)?Win-WinLike?·?May 26 at 11:46pm?·?EditedAn admin turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 8The highlighted green areas will undergo an extenstive cleanup from a landscape company in the coming weeks in which dead/diseased shrubs and debris will be cleaned out. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeShow more reactionsSeen by 30CommentsGayle Lambertson?What will be done?Like?·?May 8 at 11:25amAn admin turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 6If you are a Cantora resident that has an iron fence in your backyard you will have a vinyl picket fence that resembles this photo. The iron fence will be replaced like for like. If you have part stucoo part iron then the stucco will remain and the iron will be replaced. All Cantora residents with an iron fence must clear a 2 ft area from the existing fence line to allow the vendor to replace the fence. The brush and shrbus must be cleared by 6/1/16 as work is anticipated to commence in early June 2016. As the project gets closer the vendor will provide proper notice to each homeowner. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeShow more reactionsSeen by 3111CommentsJill Brotherton?Will this be attached above the low stucco wall or will that wall be removed?Like?·?May 6 at 6:21amAn admin turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 6The Cantora Pool Fence will be replaced with a fence that resembles this photo. The fence will be a Montage Plus Invincible Coated 3 Rail 8' high fence. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeShow more reactionsSeen by 2922CommentsAn admin turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 6If you are a Cantora resident with a middle unit AND have an iron fence in your backyard you will have a picket gate that resembles this photo. As the project gets closer the vendor will provide proper notice to each homeowner. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeShow more reactionsSeen by 3011CommentsGayle Lambertson?What about the end units?Like?·?May 6 at 6:16amAn admin turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaMay 1?·?Aliso Viejo, CA HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeLikeLoveHahaWowSadAngrySeen by 32CommentsDaniellea Acosta?turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaApril 30Board meeting May 5th @6pm? HYPERLINK "" Seabreeze Management Company, Inc. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeLikeLoveHahaWowSadAngrySeen by 30CommentsDaniellea Acosta?turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaApril 17?·?Aliso Viejo, CAHey neighbors make sure you invite people in the Cantora community to follow this page as this page the email list and newsletter will be our primary communication sources. Many have asked me questions using the Nextdoor app and it's not our preferred of FormLikeLikeLoveHahaWowSadAngrySeen by 28CommentsDaniellea Acosta?turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenApril 14Cantora just got FHA approved again! HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeLikeLoveHahaWowSadAngrySeen by 2633CommentsMic AV Cantoragirl?Yay! Thanks to Erin at Seabreeze who answered questions about that as people wanting refis inquired. Jared, did we fall off the list due to the law issues we had? That's probably not the right term. Any way to prevent that in the future as I think all the realty guys that have talked about it on Nextdoor say it's a good thing to keep for the refis and the property values etc.?Like?·?May 25 at 8:58am?·?EditedAn admin turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenApril 15This letter was mailed to all Cantora homeowners in Feb. I thought I would post it here also for anyone to reference. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormLikeLikeLoveHahaWowSadAngrySeen by 263Mic AV Cantoragirl and 2 othersCommentsDave Harries?Glad they are replacing the gates, mine is falling apartLike?·?1?·?April 15 at 6:40amMartha Cesti-Gray?Yes! I got this letter and I'm excited about all of the much needed upgrades.Like?·?1?·?April 15 at 10:38amKrasimira Bratoeva?When are the projects listed in the newsletter planned for? Date (even if just approximate) for each would be nice?:)Like?·?April 16 at 7:45pmMic AV Cantoragirl?Great intel Jared. Thank you. What happened with the utility doors that we didn't get to see the style before they started going up? Someone mentioned that at the meeting but it was so packed we didn't get to it. I know nothing about exterior design but Gayle mentioned getting a "designer" so that we keep with the Mediterranean style as we go forward for continuity? Is that something we are thinking about? Would love to know your take on that before the next meeting. Again, thanks for the info.Like?·?April 26 at 5:54am?·?EditedAn admin turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaApril 21?·?Aliso Viejo, CA2 new umbrellas have been ordered to replace the 2 broken ones at the pool.?????hopefully they should be up by months of FormLikeLikeLoveHahaWowSadAngrySeen by 2311CommentsMichele Kuri?Any word on when the pool furniture will be replaced? Same for over 10 years and it shows!Like?·?April 21 at 10:23amDaniellea Acosta?it is on the agenda to talk about at the next meeting.Like?·?April 21 at 10:26amDaniellea Acosta?turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea Acosta?created the group.April 13Top of FormLikeLikeLoveHahaWowSadAngrySeen by 21CommentsDaniellea Acosta?turned off commenting for this post.Bottom of FormBottom of FormHISTORICAL FROM 06/01/16PINNED POSTNews Feed HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea Acosta?updated the group photo.May 30 at 9:54am HYPERLINK "" Top of Form1 CommentCommentsMic AV Cantoragirl?Once again woke up this morning to my post being deleted on this site (everyday since the beginning lol silly me being tenacious info girl) and now I am unable to write new ones (the admin of this site deletes my posts daily that I just re put up lol).?No worries I like a challenge but interestingly to try to delete posts on the election seems idk...interesting so here is last nights post....................................................................................................................... .Little birdies are telling me at least two new faces have turned in their Sign Up sheets to run for a board seat. We probably have seated board members that want to be part of the conversation too if they are running again. We have so many ways to communicate now (FB, Nextdoor, the blog). We would love to meet you and find out what you're all about so we can make an informed vote. Everything here and on Nextdoor gets immediately posted to the blog so you will be on every type of media the CHs use. Can't wait to meet you all and hear/read your vision.Mic AV Cantoragirl's photo. HYPERLINK "" Like?·?Reply?·?May 31 at 6:08am?·?EditedMasao Katamine?Mic was booted off this site right after she got this vote stuff back up. Found it after searching awhile but I saw her put it on here and it was it's own piece. Now it's hidden? Jared told Mic everyone was deleted off here yesterday for a revamp to change some stuff but I see everyone I saw yesterday except Mic?Like?·?Reply?·?Just nowBottom of FormNews FeedRECENT ACTIVITY HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaMay 29 at 8:01am?·?Aliso Viejo, CABoard meeting notice. A copy will also be posted at the pool later today. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsDaniellea Acosta?.Like?·?Reply?·?May 31 at 6:45amNancy Jonasen Harrower?This morning and on other days when landscaping has been cutting and clearing the hillside, my garage has been blocked with the noisest machine. No warnings. The noise has affected my animals and I can't calm them down. I sm convalescing from major?surgery. What happened to courtesy and respect for someone's private home and space? So parking this machine in front of my garage, which blocks any chance of getting my car out.Like?·?Reply?·?May 31 at 9:30amDaniellea Acosta?Nancy I am sure that the board does not want you disturbed especially since you are recovering. We have to hire company's to maintain the property and keep it safe and functional, Sometimes vendors don't think about the impact and noise their machines?have. Anytime you have any concerns or issues you should call Chaz at sea breeze right away so he can address he issue with the vendor.?chaz.blackledge@(949) 672.9056Like?·?Reply?·?May 31 at 9:43am?·?EditedNancy Jonasen Harrower?Thanks. Called them first thing. They continue, as in the past to block my garage and put thi outrageiouly noisey cutting machine right in front of my garage and under the bedroom window. They have always done this, and finally blew my stack this a.m. My cats have still not come out. I can't find them in the house. I could have put them in the far bedroom and closed all of the doors to try and protect them from some of the noise. I just needed some kind of warning. After I called, went outside and tried to communicate, it took at least 2 hours, plus before they moved from in front of my garage. I am sure Seabreeze did contact them. We bought because we wanted the foilage on the hillside. They continue to strip away everything. Now, my house is exposed to more and more street noise and people able to see into my high and low windows from the street and from the Applause neighborhood.Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?May 31 at 3:22pmDaniellea Acosta?Well I know that the dead foliage and trees had to be cleared out as it was a fire danger. The 7 year drought really affected southern ca hard. Many cities were put on watering restrictions resulting in foliage dying. Good news is there is planning going on right at board meetings to replace foliage that was taken out with drought friendly foliage that is also easier on the eyes and less of a fire threat. I apologize for any convenience that has fell upon your family during this time.Like?·?Reply?·?May 31 at 4:01pmNancy Jonasen Harrower?You don't owe us an apology. We are well aware of drought conditions. My family are vegans and involved with environmental issues.Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?May 31 at 9:21pmNancy Jonasen Harrower?The bushes were in bloom and we had a sea of pink flowers. So I know many of them were not dead. Like my husband just said, we need tall plants and trees that provide some privacy. Everywhere you look in this city you see Cyprus trees and other types of talk trees and plant life. This is merely a discussion. We have been here 10 years and have never or rarely complained. Not sure who you are, or what your position is. The meetings have not been at dsy and time when we could attend. We will try hsrder to be there. Someone reminded me of the homeowners that want to enjoy their views. We also paid top dollar for this place and we feel that what we see out of our windows is just as important. Thanks you for responding. Let's leave it here.Like?·?Reply?·?2?·?May 31 at 9:37pmValerie Mincheff?I am going off this RESIDENTS of CANTORA FB Closed Group Site; as I DO NOT WANT everyone to see my regular FB Page as my Friends.I will rejoin under a different FB Name.Like?·?Reply?·?June 1 at 11:38amValerie Mincheff?Plus CANNOT FIQURE OUT HOW TO MAKE MY OWN POSTLike?·?Reply?·?June 1 at 11:39amMasao Katamine?Valerie, Jared told Mic at the meeting they are redoing this so maybe we won't be able to post. I'm not a FB guy so I think this for meeting date once a month but use Nextdoor and the AVCantoragirl blog for neighbors to talk.Like?·?Reply?·?Just nowMasao Katamine?Wow! It just happened to me too! I said that Mic was kicked off after reposting board vote stuff and now the vote stuff and my comment is gone! Is that how FB works cuz that doesn't happen on the other Cantora sites? Jared told Mic everyone was deleted off here yesterday for a revamp so will it come back up but I also see everyone I saw yesterday on here except Mic?Like?·?Reply?·?Just nowBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaJune 1 at 10:20am?·?Aliso Viejo, CAHay pool people, the tables are super heavy so if you need to rearrange them or move them it's totally cool but please put them back in their places When your of FormBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 23 at 2:40pmLandscape slope cleanup commences this week. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsTara Treacy?When does the 3a phase start. Looks like this stops right before our house!Like?·?Reply?·?May 23 at 2:58pmJared Christensen?The map used is an original site plan created by the developer. Please disregard the Phases as that referenced when the homes were built. The entire slope cleanup job should be done by the end of the week.Like?·?Reply?·?May 23 at 3:03pmTara Treacy?Oh, ok. That's great. Except we are in Ireland right now so won't be able to clear anything!Like?·?Reply?·?May 23 at 3:10pmDaniellea Acosta?Tara?you won't have to clear anything this week for the slope clean up but you may need to clear a two ft radius from your fence when the fences start getting put up. I know you have a couple weeks before that. Anyhow I know your dealing with a lot right now. Condolences. If for some reason you need me to go over and clear furniture or plants cause your not back just let me know.Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?May 23 at 4:39pm?·?EditedTara Treacy?Oh ok, I should be back by then. Thank you!Like?·?Reply?·?May 23 at 5:03pmMic AV Cantoragirl?Could we get an updated map to avoid confusion? Thanks Dave on Meadowbrook for voicing your concerns on this for many months. Also, thanks Janet and Chaz for looking at this on the landscape walk after Dave's comments at the last meeting (you said you would then Chaz and you were true to your word). Thanks for listening Chaz and moving Tony (landscaper) forward on the water pipe and the co on the cleaning.Like?·?Reply?·?May 25 at 10:37am?·?EditedDaniellea Acosta?I think it was awesome Jared that we got to walk the outer perimeter a few weeks ago with Janet and vendor. A lot of work goes into this by EVERYONE.Like?·?Reply?·?May 23 at 4:43pmDaniellea Acosta?Nancy Jonasen Harrower this was posted so that all the homeowners would know that there was slope clean up this week and it was talked about the meetings.Like?·?Reply?·?May 31 at 4:03pmBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 23 at 2:57pmThe perimeter fence project will commence 6/15/16. Please trim back or remove shrubs, trees, benches etc. away from the fence line in preparation for the fence replacement. The old corroded aqua blue fencing (pictured) will get upgraded to new vinyl fencing (pictured). An official notice from Saddleback will be posted on the garage doors of the relevant homeowners. All middle units with aqua iron fencing and iron gates in the back will also get their privacy gates done at the same time their fence is put up. HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsMic AV Cantoragirl?Wow! Can't believe it was allowed to get that bad! For those with children and furry kids, will we get anything on the doors etc. with an exact date beforehand (thx for the edit above to answer that) & how long will it take aprox. so we can plan for the loss of the secured yard?Like?·?Reply?·?May 25 at 7:58pm?·?EditedNancy Jonasen Harrower?Where is the privacy factor? We were hoping we could get more enclosed, especially our end unit where we are so exposedLike?·?Reply?·?May 23 at 9:27pmDaniellea Acosta?Hey Nancy, it was best to replace the fence like for like. A lot of homeowners in the perimeter paid more for there homes because the beautiful view when they sit in there back yard if we would of changed that it could of lowered home values for over half the perimeter homes.Like?·?Reply?·?May 24 at 7:15amNancy Jonasen Harrower?That would all make sense. I am sure we paid top dollar in 2006. Just the way the market was then. I am sure privacy is an issue with some of the units. Just wondering if thst was a consideration. You do not need to respond.Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?May 24 at 7:57amJared Christensen?Nancy: all end units (and middle units that do not have iron in their back yard but have stucco) will receive a gate similar to this picture. Everything will be like for like. HYPERLINK "" Like?·?Reply?·?May 24 at 9:44am?·?EditedSandy Clausius Higgins?At least we get to keep our half wall!Like?·?Reply?·?2?·?May 23 at 9:43pmMic AV Cantoragirl?This is why at the big meeting in April, the entire overflowing room voiced their request to be told these things early and given options (a vote) so that everyone's voice is heard on big changes to their investment and so no more big things go up before we get a chance to make a community decision or first see them as they are going up lol. That's why it's so important for us to encourage and vote a board to do this or we will just get more of the same surprises so many are concerned about.Like?·?Reply?·?2?·?May 24 at 8:05amBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 6 at 6:19amThe chain link fence will be replaced with a fence that resembles this photo. The fence will be a Montage 2 Rail 6' high fence. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsMarisa Rhoads Fairfield?Nice! Thank goodness??Like?·?Reply?·?May 30 at 9:56amBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaMay 28 at 2:18pm?·?Aliso Viejo, CAHey guys the mobile car wash guy is here. 25$ a car and he does an amazing job!!!!! It's 2:30 now and he is by my house 27 Mayfair if you want to have him come do your cars of FormCommentsMic AV Cantoragirl?Happy Memorial CHs, if you want to check out the company before they come by your place here is their card and a view of how they work it.?;) HYPERLINK "" Like?·?Reply?·?May 28 at 4:04pmMic AV Cantoragirl HYPERLINK "" Like?·?Reply?·?May 28 at 4:07pmBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaMay 16 at 5:52pm?·?Aliso Viejo, CAThe next board meeting is going to be the first Thursday in June. Homeowner Forum starts at 6. Hope to see ya'All there. We will post a official notice a week before with the agenda of what we will be of FormCommentsBrian Lambertson?Will the June meeting be at the pool?Like?·?Reply?·?May 16 at 9:51pmDaniellea Acosta?In the past we have moved to the pool for the summer months and I know some board members are still in favor of that but with the recent turn out of homeowners we have to consider if everyone will be comfortable.Like?·?Reply?·?May 17 at 7:06amBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Danielle Pitcher FrisinaMay 13 at 1:29pm?·?Aliso Viejo, CAAnyone know if the pool is still closed? If so, when it will be open?Top of FormCommentsDaniellea Acosta?I know that there was work to be scheduled and it was supposed to be open by today???Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?May 13 at 2:32pmDanielle Pitcher Frisina?Thanks for the update?;)Like?·?Reply?·?May 13 at 2:55pmDaniellea Acosta?I think it will be open today but the men's bathroom is still closed.Like?·?Reply?·?May 14 at 7:02amBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 6 at 6:13amThe Cantora privacy gate wil resemble this photo. This privacy gate will be installed in most of the Cantora units. As the project gets closer the vendor will provide proper notice to each homeowner. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsGayle Lambertson?So they will all be the same. No personal installed gates?Like?·?Reply?·?May 6 at 6:17amBarbara Tamialis?Are they all white? Those of us with the beige garage doors are beginning to look very tacky. Is it a good idea to be replacing all beige with white before deciding on a color scheme?Like?·?Reply?·?May 6 at 6:21amGayle Lambertson?I'm sure the white fences will govern our color scheme.Like?·?Reply?·?May 6 at 6:25amMic AV Cantoragirl?Good question Barbara. Since we haven't paid the final payment to the utility door people why not keep the beige houses with beige doors (Jared stared they had beige as well) etc and choose one of the color palates that go with the beige doors. Then?we avoid a bit of this "tackiness" and allow those that paid for after being told to get the beige garage doors to keep a cohesive look. So much less stress for half our community.Like?·?Reply?·?May 6 at 6:53amMic AV Cantoragirl?Also, can we get better notification of exactly when the fence guys will be by each units for those of us with children and furry companions. The termite eaten board replacement guys last night said they left notices when they went in our yards recently and a number of us didn't get those.Like?·?Reply?·?May 6 at 6:57amMic AV Cantoragirl?So, to confirm, they will be solid like this and not have the colonial look like the utility doors? I haven't gotten any answers on this fb site yet but maybe that's not what it is designed for? We are at least getting intel of any kind so if this is its only purpose that's great too. Gayle is that style of gate in keeping with our Mediterranean look?Like?·?Reply?·?May 6 at 7:03amMic AV Cantoragirl?Janet confirmed at the landscape walk through that the utility gates are going to all stay the white colonial. My only issue (aside from them being a different style from our homes) is that this is but the first item we were not informed about as a style change or given a chance to weigh in on or vote on any number of styles before they were already up and it was too late. This seemed to be a major frustration at the big meeting and it seems VERY clear that the community wants to have options and be allowed to vote on any such changes. NOW we are being given a gate that ONCE AGAIN we were not shown until now when they are about to go up. THIS IS A PROBLEM GUYS!Like?·?Reply?·?May 9 at 6:09amBarbara Tamialis?We need to let the board do their job. We cannot vote on everything-and the vote would likely be varied anyway. I emailed Jared respectfully and got an answer that clarified for me. I can tell you from past experience in another HOA that facilitating these sorts of upgrades is a very time consuming job that the board does for free and that there is no way to please everyone. I appreciate the communication we are getting via email and Facebook.Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?May 9 at 8:23amMic AV Cantoragirl?Barbara as promised, within 24 hours your response was taken from here and has been placed as a screen shot on the blog as no one wants lengthy on Fakebook?:)?But in a nut shell...I can't in good conscience do that when we got the wrong style utility doors without our knowledge and blue might have happened to us at one point as well if we had "let the board do their job". Also, as explained on the blog, in this tech era a quick simple vote CAN be done on everything and anything even daily (i.e. Survey Monkey etc.). Don't worry censors, I simply copy these truths that cannot be written here onto the blog that shall not be named per your rules.?:)?Win-WinLike?·?Reply?·?May 26 at 11:46pm?·?EditedBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 8 at 11:24amThe highlighted green areas will undergo an extenstive cleanup from a landscape company in the coming weeks in which dead/diseased shrubs and debris will be cleaned out. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsGayle Lambertson?What will be done?Like?·?Reply?·?May 8 at 11:25amBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 6 at 6:16amIf you are a Cantora resident that has an iron fence in your backyard you will have a vinyl picket fence that resembles this photo. The iron fence will be replaced like for like. If you have part stucoo part iron then the stucco will remain and the iron will be replaced. All Cantora residents with an iron fence must clear a 2 ft area from the existing fence line to allow the vendor to replace the fence. The brush and shrbus must be cleared by 6/1/16 as work is anticipated to commence in early June 2016. As the project gets closer the vendor will provide proper notice to each homeowner. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsJill Brotherton?Will this be attached above the low stucco wall or will that wall be removed?Like?·?Reply?·?May 6 at 6:21amBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 6 at 6:17amThe Cantora Pool Fence will be replaced with a fence that resembles this photo. The fence will be a Montage Plus Invincible Coated 3 Rail 8' high fence. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenMay 6 at 6:14amIf you are a Cantora resident with a middle unit AND have an iron fence in your backyard you will have a picket gate that resembles this photo. As the project gets closer the vendor will provide proper notice to each homeowner. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsGayle Lambertson?What about the end units?Like?·?Reply?·?May 6 at 6:16amBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaMay 1?·?Aliso Viejo, CA HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" Top of FormBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaApril 30Board meeting May 5th @6pm?Seabreeze Management Company, Inc. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaApril 17?·?Aliso Viejo, CAHey neighbors make sure you invite people in the Cantora community to follow this page as this page the email list and newsletter will be our primary communication sources. Many have asked me questions using the Nextdoor app and it's not our preferred of FormBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaApril 13?·?Aliso Viejo, CAHey neighbors. Here is our new Facebook page. Please request to be added to the page if you are a home owner in Cantora.This is a place you can post concerns, critiques, neighborhood watch and anything else as long as it's done of FormBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaApril 13 HYPERLINK "" Top of FormBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenApril 14Cantora just got FHA approved again! HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsMic AV Cantoragirl?Yay! Thanks to Erin at Seabreeze who answered questions about that as people wanting refis inquired. Jared, did we fall off the list due to the law issues we had? That's probably not the right term. Any way to prevent that in the future as I think all the realty guys that have talked about it on Nextdoor say it's a good thing to keep for the refis and the property values etc.?Like?·?Reply?·?May 25 at 8:58am?·?EditedBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Jared ChristensenApril 15This letter was mailed to all Cantora homeowners in Feb. I thought I would post it here also for anyone to reference. HYPERLINK "" Top of FormCommentsDave Harries?Glad they are replacing the gates, mine is falling apartLike?·?Reply?·?1?·?April 15 at 6:40amMartha Cesti-Gray?Yes! I got this letter and I'm excited about all of the much needed upgrades.Like?·?Reply?·?1?·?April 15 at 10:38amKrasimira Bratoeva?When are the projects listed in the newsletter planned for? Date (even if just approximate) for each would be nice?:)Like?·?Reply?·?April 16 at 7:45pmMic AV Cantoragirl?Great intel Jared. Thank you. What happened with the utility doors that we didn't get to see the style before they started going up? Someone mentioned that at the meeting but it was so packed we didn't get to it. I know nothing about exterior design but Gayle mentioned getting a "designer" so that we keep with the Mediterranean style as we go forward for continuity? Is that something we are thinking about? Would love to know your take on that before the next meeting. Again, thanks for the info.Like?·?Reply?·?April 26 at 5:54am?·?EditedBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaApril 21?·?Aliso Viejo, CA2 new umbrellas have been ordered to replace the 2 broken ones at the pool.?????hopefully they should be up by months of FormCommentsMichele Kuri?Any word on when the pool furniture will be replaced? Same for over 10 years and it shows!Like?·?Reply?·?April 21 at 10:23amDaniellea Acosta?it is on the agenda to talk about at the next meeting.Like?·?Reply?·?April 21 at 10:26amBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea AcostaApril 13?·?Aliso Viejo, CAJust saw a couple coyotes while taking out the trash! Keep your little dogs inside?;)Top of FormBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea Acosta?changed the type of group:?Residents Of Cantora?to "Neighbors".April 13Top of FormBottom of Form HYPERLINK "" \t "" Daniellea Acosta?created the group.April 13Top of Form ................

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