High School Quizbowl Packet Archive

Valencia Delta Burke Invitational 2007

Quarterfinal Round (12)

1. This poem may be set on the winter solstice, as it happens on the “darkest evening of the year.” The speaker’s horse “gives his harness bells a shake/To ask if there is some mistake,” wondering why they’ve stopped. In what be a rumination on death, the speaker watches the “woods fill up with snow,” calling the image “lovely, dark, and deep,” but noting he has “promises to keep.” FTP name this poem by Robert Frost.

A. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

2. He died of yellow fever in Ecuador after refusing to leave his post as Consul General during an outbreak.  Later in his career he published works like Christmas Drawings for the Human Race but which had little impact compared to his previous work at Harper's Weekly.  Lincoln called him "our best recruiting sergeant" for works such as "Peace" attacking Northerners opposed to the Civil War.  His work so incensed a particular political fixer that he was offered a $500,000 bribe, which he refused, and that boss was identified and captured in Spain due to this man's accurate likeness.  FTP name this nemesis of Boss Tweed and famed editorial cartoonist.

  A. Thomas Nast

3. Triose phosphate isomerase converts dihydroxy acetone phosphate into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate in this series of reactions. Its main control step is catalyzed by PFK. This catabolic process, whose net yield is 2 ATP, takes place in the cytoplasm and begins with the phosphorylation of glucose by hexokinase. For 10 points, name this series of reactions that creates two molecules of pyruvate.

A. glycolysis

4. Convicted felon Eric Torpy asked to have three years added to his 30 year prison sentence in order to honor this man.  Born on the fifteenth anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, he was offered a scholarship to Indiana University, but left after a month when he found its size overwhelming.   After enrolling in a college closer to home, he excelled and was drafted in 1978, a year before he was eligible to play professionally, precipitating a rule change.  He led his team to the greatest single-season won-loss turnaround in his rookie season, and over the course of the 1980’s he would win three NBA championships and three MVP awards.  Sometimes called “the Hick from French Lick,” FTP name this Boston Celtic standout.

  A. Larry Bird

5. [Two answers required] They occurred on April 19, and the wife of Francis Smith, who led 700 men in a raid to destroy military supplies, may have relayed intelligence to the opposing forces before these engagements. John Adams and John Hancock, two of the prime objectives of the British move on the first one, escaped just before soldiers arrived, and those soldiers were then met by about 70 militiamen who retreated after firing the opening volley. At the second battle, the rebels were a bit more successful, stopping the British from crossing the bridge over the title river. FTP identify this pair of 1775 battles which saw the opening shots of the American Revolution.

A. Battles of Lexington and Concord

6. On hearing that Aeschere has been killed by this monster, the hero of the story exclaims, “Life is nothing,” and swears revenge. Called a “sea wolf,” the entrance to her lair is scattered with “nickers,” usually translated as dead sea monsters, and the hero finds the sword Hrunting in the mire near her cave before being dragged in, and he uses it to behead her dead son and kill her, too. FTP name this maternal monster killed by Beowulf.

A. Grendel’s Dam or Grendel’s Mother or equivalents (prompt on an early “Beowulf”

by someone not following the pronouns closely)

7. Ruins of an ancient Minoan city lies on its northern shore, while today an namesake airport lies on the eastern shore, bringing tons of European tourists. Herodotus says inhabitants of this island founded the city of Cyrene in modern Lybia during a massive drought that lasted seven years. The southernmost of the Cyclades, a catastrophic event around 3600 years ago created the white tephra rock now used to build its distinctively bright and picturesque white buildings. FTP identify this volcanic Aegean island also known as Thira.

A. Santorini (accept “Thira” before last word)

8. Pencil and paper ready. Set A contains the elements 0, 10 and 20; set B contains the elements 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 and set C contains the elements 0, and 15. FTP, list the elements of the set B - (A U C).

A. 5

9. In his notebooks, this novel’s author wrote that he modeled the look of the protagonist on that of recently deceased novelist Gustav Mahler. The protagonist enjoys watching the object of his affection, described as having the complexion of “Parian marble,” frolic on the lido with his friend Jashu, and later when he sees the young man in an elevator looking sickly, he’s pleased to think he might not live to adulthood. Though the title locale is stricken by a contagion, Gustav von Aschenbach lingers to look at boytoy Tadzio in, FTP, what novella by Thomas Mann set in an Italian resort city?

A. Death in Venice or Der Tod en Venedig

10. His first engagement as a commander was a draw at Edgehill, but his effort got the attention of the Earl of Manchester, who made this man’s unit part of his Eastern Association. He was a lieutenant general in that association when he was injured in the head while leading his troops to victory at Marston Moor. However, he recovered enough to win the battle of Naseby with his New Model Army. FTP, name this Puritan British Lord Protector of the Republic from 1654 to 1658.

A. Oliver Cromwell

11. The Miller-Urey experiment used water, methane, hydrogen, and this compound. In the first step of the Solvay process, carbon dioxide is passed through a solution of sodium chloride and this compound. It is initially heated with oxygen in the Ostwald process, which produces nitric acid. The urea cycle begins with this trigonal pyramidal compound that is the direct product of nitrogen fixation. An iron catalyst is used to react nitrogen and hydrogen to create this pungent gas in the Haber process. For 10 point, name this molecule with formula NH3.

A. ammonia (accept NH3 before it's mentioned)

12. Islam’s Eid ul-Adha commemorates a great act of faith by this figure, and his footprint is on display on a stone outside the Ka’aba, a building Muslims believe he rebuilt. Earlier, he told a ruler that his wife was his sister because he did not want to be killed on account of her beauty. That woman, however, was barren, so he sired a son upon his servant, Hagar. That son, Ishmael, was rejected after the miraculous birth of his son by his wife Sarah, Isaac. FTP Identify this father of the Jewish religion who, upon the command of God, moved from Ur to Canaan.

A. Abraham or Abram

13. Barry Tuckwell of the London Symphony Orchestra wrote the manual for playing this instrument in the Menuhin series. One of its most famous players was the Englishman Dennis Brain, and Britten wrote his “Serenade for Tenor, this instrument, and Strings” with Brain in mind. Developed around 1650 and refined by Giovanni Punto, FTP name this brass instrument known for its “mellow” sound, consisting of twelve feet of coiled tubing and a flared bell?

A. French Horn

14. The last scene in this work, in which the author claims to have spoken with Susan Kidwell, a friend of the youngest victim, Nancy, never happened, one of many complaints about its accuracy, especially bothersome to residents of Holcomb, where the killings took place. Most of the details about the killing of the Clutter family, however, are considered accurate, as are the depictions of the killers, Dick Hickock and Perry Smith. FTP name this work of literary journalism about murders in Kansas by Truman Capote.

A. In Cold Blood

15. Kurt Godel (gerr-dul) produced one of these which used modal logic to symbolize its various premises as truth statements. Immanuel Kant attacked them, saying that they are weakened by their implicit predication on existence, thus making them examples of circular reasoning. Rene Descartes’ version is predicated on the premise that existence itself is a necessary perfection, and that a perfect being must by definition exist. This describes what type of argument, FTP, most famously used by St. Anselm to posit that God must exist?

A. Ontological Argument

16. In electrochemistry, this value is equal to the negative number of electrons per mole, times the Faraday constant, times the electrical potential. Formulated by its namesake in 1873, this quantity differs slightly from a quantity named for Helmholtz. The change in this value is equal to enthalpy minus the temperature times change in entropy. If the value of this quantity is negative, the reaction is favored and will occur spontaneously. For 10 points, name this type of free energy.

A. Gibbs (free) energy

17. Early in his reign this ruler made an alliance with the King of Larsa to fight the invading Elamites, whom his armies smoted mightily, but angered by Larsa’s ineffectiveness, he then turned around and conquered them, too. By the middle of the 18th century BCE, he had crushed Eshunna and Mari and united all of Mesopotamia under his rule. During that rule, the Akkadian language reached its written zenith, allowing for his most famous contribution to posterity. FTP name this Babylonian ruler best known for his creation of a written code of laws.

A. Hammurabi

18. Two of this work’s title figures were employed by Madame Pace, the Mother as a milliner and the Stepdaughter as an escort, when they were found by the Father. The Stepdaughter wants those portraying them to play a scene in which the Father attempts to seduce her, but the stage manager protests that such a scene would cause a riot in the audience, prompting the Stepdaughter to insist that she is more real than the actress who will play her, since fictional characters live forever. This is shown to be untrue, however, when the Son is shot by the Boy at the end of this 1921 Italian play. FTP name this work in which the title figures say they were abandoned by the writer who created them, a drama by Luigi Pirandello.

A. Six Characters in Search of an Author

19. The “Ten-Point Plan” on the website of this organization includes statements like, “We want decent education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society,” and “We want full employment for our people.” Founded in 1966 in Oakland, it offered its community a Free Breakfast for Children Program and offered drug and alcohol counseling, and in 1968 its Minister of Information, Eldridge Cleaver, ran for the presidency. Founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, FTP name this militant Black-rights organization.

A. Black Panther Party

20. His namesake constant is equal to the charge per one mole of electrons, and is found in the Nernst equation. In 1821, this scientist converted electrical energy into mechanical energy, thus developing the dynamo. The unit of capacitance is named for his scientist, whose namesake cage blocks out electric fields. His namesake law of physics, one of Maxwell's equations, relates EMF with magnetic flux. For 10 points, name this English scientist who developed electromagnetic induction.

A. Michael Faraday

Delta Burke 2007—Quarterfinal Bonuses

1. Chinese dynasties FTPE.

A. This dynasty was founded by Kublai Khan and saw the failed invasion of Japan among other things.

A. Yuan Dynasty

B. This dynasty was responsible for the completion of the Great Wall in the form we know it today as well as the voyages of Cheng Ho. It overthrew the Mongol Yuan Dynasty and made pretty porcelain.

A. Ming Dynasty

C. Following the Ming Dynasty was this one that saw the reigns of the Dowager Empress and Pu-Yi. It hailed from the north and lost the two Opium Wars to Britain.

A. Qing or Manchu Dynasty

2. Nietzsche Time! FTPE:

A. Friedrich Nietzsche liked to write philosophical works using this type of statement expressing a deep truth or accepted observation in a brief or pithy way.

A. aphorism (accept variant endings)

B. This three word clause, rendered in English, is one of Nietzsche’s most famous aphorisms, appearing first in The Gay Science. It doesn’t mean the subject ever lived and now doesn’t, but rather that that figure is no longer available to mediate human affairs.

A. “God is dead.”

C. Nietzsche created this famous concept, the man who transcends common morality and behavior.

A. ubermensch (accept “superman,” grudgingly)

3. Stuff about a play by that Shakespeare fellow FTPE.

A. Subtitled “What you will,” this play depicts goings-on at the court of Duke Orsino.

A. Twelfth Night

B. In Twelfth Night, this twin sister of Sebastian pretends to be a young man named Cesario before marrying the Duke.

A. Viola

C. Olivia’s uncle, this friend of Andrew Aguecheek provides comic relief in the play, if only by his surname alone.

A. Sir Toby Belch

4. Answer the following about the inspiration behind the compositions of Felix Mendelssohn, FTPE.

A. Mendelssohn wrote an overture to this Shakespearean work, which includes fairies named Puck, Titania, and Oberon. The play ends with the marriage of Demetrius and Helena, along with Lysander and Hermia.

A. A Midsummer Night’s Dream

B. A visit to Fingal's Cave on the Isle of Staffa inspired this overture, which is named for the archipelago off the west coast of Scotland that is divided into Inner and Outer portions.

A. Hebrides Overture

C. Mendelssohn wrote an oratorio named for this Biblical figure. The work concerns his prayers to bring rain to Israel, and the assumption of his body on a fiery chariot into Heaven.

A. Elijah

5. Answer the following about the various perfidies of Ronald Reagan FTPE.

A. Reagan’s administration funded the right-wing death squads of the Contras in this nation, where they killed over 30,000 poor people and left nearly 200,000 homeless.

A. Nicaragua

B. Reagan praised Efrain Rios Montt, an evangelical dictator in this neighbor of Nicaragua, as a “man of great personal integrity” a day before that leader’s forces killed 182 Mayan peasants and dumped their bodies in a well.

A. Guatemala

C. Being good Republicans opposed to the existence of the poor, James Watt, the Secretary of the Interior, and Philip Winn, Assistant Secretary of this department, were among those convicted of looting this department of funds earmarked for low-income housing.

A. Housing and Urban Development or HUD

6. Answer some questions about the cell cycle, 5-10-15.

A. F5P, In this stage of mitosis, chromosomes line up along the midline of the cell.

A: metaphase

B. FTP, This process, which completes after telophase, finishes cell division by dividing the cell’s cytoplasm into two daughter cells.

A: cytokinesis

C. F15P, This phase of the cell cycle, a portion of interphase, is the stage when the chromosomes are replicated and synthesis of DNA occurs.

A: S phase

7. Stuff about an early Christian get-together FTPE.

A. This 325 Church Council was called by Constantine to prevent further divisions in the Christian Church and produced a namesake creed of the church.

A. First Council of Nicaea

B. This belief system was declared heretical at Nicaea. Founded by a namesake bishop, he believed that Christ was wholly man.

A. Arianism

C. The Council of Nicea also separated this holiday from the Jewish Passover.

A. Easter

8. Stuff about an early Italian writer FTPE.

A. This 14th-century author of the Canzoniere was a friend to Bocaccio and is considered a “father of humanism.”

A. Petrarch or Francesca Petrarca

B. Petrarch is considered a perfecter of this verse form, the Italian form of which is often known by his own name.

A. sonnet

C. Petrarch dedicated much of his work to this love of his life whom he glimpsed on Good Friday, 1327, and never really hung out with.

A. Laura

9. Rigel has a surface temperature of 11,000 Kelvins and is 40,000 times as bright as our Sun. FTPE:

A. Rigel is a supergiant of what color?

A: blue

B. Rigel is found in the upper left of what diagram, which plots temperature and luminosity of stars?

A: H-R diagram or Hertzsprung-Russell diagram

C. What letter describes the stellar class of Rigel, which is slightly cooler than an O star?

A: B

10. Stuff about a fantasy novel FTPE.

A. Nienor and Túrin Turambar are the title characters of this work which was begun in the 1910s but only recently released.

A. The Children of Húrin

B. This man's son Christopher completed The Children of Húrin, a work started by this author of The Lord of the Rings.

A. J. R. R. Tolkien

C. The Children of Húrin was partly based on this national epic of Finland.

A. Kalevala

11. Answer the following about the favorite daughter of Eatonville, Florida, Zora Neale Hurston, FTPE.

A. Hurston’s most well known novel is this work about the loves of the female protagonist, including Tea Cake, who contracts rabies.

A. Their Eyes Were Watching God

B. This is the female protagonist of Their Eyes Were Watching God.

A. Janey Crawford (accept either name)

C. In this essay, Hurston explains that she never felt “colored” until leaving Eatonville, going on to explain her lack of interest in worrying about racism.

A. “How It Feels to Be Colored Me”

12. Some fun and easy points for finding stuff about parametric equations. FTP each answer the following questions.

A. Given the parametric pair of equations x = 3t – 1 and y = 4t + 3, find the point (x, y) that corresponds to the parameter t = 2.

A. (5, 11) in that specific order, do not accept (11, 5)

B. Given the parametric pair of equations x = 3t – 1 and y = 4t + 3, find the value of t that generates the point (- 4, -1).

A. -1

C. What type of curve is represented by the pair of parametric equations x = cos t and y = sin t with 0 ( t ( 2(?

A. circle

13. Answer the following questions about an art technique FTPE.

A. This term, Italian for "clear dark,” is used to refer to the contrast between light and dark in painting.

A. chiaroscuro

B. Noted for his theatrical use of chiaroscuro was this Italian painter of the late 16th and early 17th century.  His works include The Calling of St. Matthew, and Supper at Emmaus.

A. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

C. Chiaroscuro is powerfully evident in this Caravaggio depiction of the title saint lying on his back with arms raised in supplication when called by the lord on his way to Damascus.

A. The Conversion of St. Paul or The Conversion on the Way to Damascus

14. Answer the following about a scandal FTPE.

A. This scandal is named for the company created by Congressman Oakes Ames to bilk the government in payments for railroad construction west of Nebraska.

A. Credit Mobilier

B. The Credit Mobilier scandal took place during the administration of this president.

A. Ulysses S. Grant

C. Credit Mobilier was co-created by Ames and this railroad corporation.

A. Union Pacific

15. Stuff about the labors of Heracles FTPE.

A. For the crime of killing his wife and children while enraged by Hera’s trickery, Heracles was forced to do labors for this cousin of his.

A. Eurystheus

B. For his sixth labor, Heracles shot these pesky avians with his arrows.

A. Stymphalian birds

C. Heracles captured these flesh-eating horses for his eighth labor.

A. Mares of Diomedes

16. FTSNOP, give the oxidation numbers of these elements in the following compounds:

A. F5P, hydrogen, in water.

A: +1

B. FTP, sulfur, in sulfuric acid.

A: +6

C. F5P, chlorine, in potassium chloride.

A: -1

D. FTP, oxygen, in hydrogen peroxide.

A: -1 (not -2)

17. Stuff about an author FTPE.

A. This guy left the US for England and wrote novels about Americans coming to sophisticated Europe, including The American and The Ambassadors.

A. Henry James

B. This James novel depicts Isabel Archer’s trip through Europe and eventual return to Gilbert Osmond.

A. The Portrait of a Lady

C. In this novella, the children Miles and Flora are threatened by the ghost Peter Quint, or are they?

18. Answer the following about the history of our savage neighbor Mexico FTPE.

A. Modern Mexican history begins when Emperor Moctezuma II was overthrown by this Spanish conquistador.

A. Hernando Cortes

B. The Mexicans stuck it to the Spanish in 1822, winning independence under this guy, whom they promptly installed as Emperor Agustin I.

A. Agustin de Iturbide

C. This guy fought under Santa Anna in the Mexican-American War and later served as president from 1876 to 1911 with some short breaks.

A. Porfirio Diaz

19. Answer the following about a novel set during World War I.

A. The Road Back is a sequel to this work, in which Kropp, Müller, and Kat are friends of the protagonist, Paul Bäumer.

A. All Quiet on the Western Front

B. This German author wrote All Quiet on the Western Front.

A. Erich Maria Remarque

C. Many of the characters in the work are inspired to go to war by this teacher, who believes the students must fulfill their patriotic duty by enlisting.

A. Kantorek

20. FTPE, answer some questions about eukaryotic chromosomes.

A. These non-coding “caps” on the ends of chromosomes protect information from being lost during DNA replication.

A: telomeres

B. In chromosomes, DNA strands are wrapped around these spool-like proteins.

A: histones

C. This region in the middle of the chromosome is where sister chromatids attach during cell division.

A: centromere


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