Quality Text Based Approach to Planning: Goodnight Mister Tom Week 1Statutory Requirements:ReadingChecking that the book makes sense to them, discussing their understanding and exploring the meaning of words in context.Asking questions to improve their understanding.Drawing inferences such as character’s feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions and justifying inferences with evidence.Predicting what might happen from details stated or implied.Statutory Requirements:Writing – CompositionPlanSelecting the appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning.WritePrecising longer passages.Using a wide range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs.EditEnsuring correct subject/verb agreement when using singular and plural.Statutory Requirements:Vocabulary, Grammar and PunctuationRecognising vocabulary and structures that are appropriate for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms.Week 2Statutory Requirements:ReadingChecking that the book makes sense to them, discussing their understanding and exploring the meaning of words in context.Asking questions to improve their understanding.Drawing inferences such as character’s feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions and justifying inferences with evidence.Predicting what might happen from details stated or implied.Spoken LanguageStatutory Requirements:Writing – CompositionPlanSelecting the appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning.WritePrecising longer passages.Using a wide range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs.EditEnsuring correct subject/verb agreement when using singular and plural.Statutory Requirements:Vocabulary, Grammar and PunctuationRecognising vocabulary and structures that are appropriate for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms.Week 3Statutory Requirements:ReadingChecking that the book makes sense to them, discussing their understanding and exploring the meaning of words in context.Asking questions to improve their understanding.Drawing inferences such as character’s feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions and justifying inferences with evidence.Predicting what might happen from details stated or implied.Statutory Requirements:Writing – CompositionPlanSelecting the appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning.Identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting the appropriate form and using other similar writing as models for their own.WritePrecising longer passages.Using a wide range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs.In narratives, considering how authors have developed characters and settings in what pupils have read, listened to or seen performed.EditEnsuring correct subject/verb agreement when using singular and plural.Selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning.Statutory Requirements:Vocabulary, Grammar and PunctuationRecognising vocabulary and structures that are appropriate for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms.MWhole class Guided ReadingEGPS Focus: Change this sentence to the passive voice.Tom gave Willie a new jersey.Whole Class Comprehension on chapter 2 of Goodnight Mr Tom.Use differentiated questions to ask children during reading session.HA: focus on inference/deduction. Answer questions +activityMA: Focus on inference/deduction/retrieval. Answer questions + challenge activityLA: Focus on retrieval. Answer questions +activitySEND: Focus on retrieval. Answer questions. Whole class Guided ReadingWhole Class Comprehension on chapter 4 of Goodnight Mr Tom.Use differentiated questions to ask children during reading session.HA: focus on inference/deduction. Answer questions +activityMA: Focus on inference/deduction/retrieval. Answer questions + challenge activityLA: Focus on retrieval. Answer questions +activitySEND: Focus on retrieval. Answer questions.Whole class Guided ReadingFinish Diary EntriesTWhole class Guided ReadingEGPS Focus: identify the subject, object and verb in this sentence.Tom walked towards the graveyard.Read pages 12+13 and discuss appearance and behaviour.HA: Read page 40 – 41 then answer the question using P.E.E (Point, Evidence, Explain) What do we learn about Willie in these two pages? MA: Read the given extract then answer the questions using P.E.E (Point, Evidence, Explain) Had Willie had a good or bad experience of school?LA: Read the given extract then answer the questions using P.E.E (Point, Evidence, Explain)How do you think Willie is feeling as they walk through the field, past Dobbs the horse?SEND: Table documenting appearance and behaviour. Whole class Guided ReadingEGPS Focus: identify the subject, object and verb in this sentence.Guy fawkes almost blew up the houses of parliament.Chapter SummarySummarise Chapter 4.Oral summarising, play Babble Gabble game. Introduce subordinate conjunctions (On a whitebus)PPTDISPLAY ON A WHITEBUS ON THE BOARD.HA: Write a summary of the chapter using co-ordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.MA: Write a summary of the chapter using co-ordinating and subordinate conjunctions (A WHITEBUS resource sheet)LA: Create a short summary of the chapter using subordinating conjunctions ( A WHITEBUS)SEND: Create three sentences using subordinating conjunctions. (A WHITEBUS resource sheet)Whole class Guided ReadingWhole Class Comprehension on chapter 6 of Goodnight Mr Tom.Use differentiated questions to ask children during reading session.HA: focus on inference/deduction. Answer questions +activityMA: Focus on inference/deduction/retrieval. Answer questions + challenge activityLA: Focus on retrieval. Answer questions +activitySEND: Focus on retrieval. Answer questions.WWhole class Guided ReadingEGPS Focus: change these nouns to adjectives using the correct suffix:HopeJoyHelpHot Seat as Mr Tom/Willie. Discuss actions, body language, accent. In mixed ability pairs, children will use the previous days work to prepare an exchange between Tom and Willie.Children will perform for each other.Whole class Guided ReadingCreate questions to ask Tom and Willie about their experience of evacuation so far. Show clip of film to gather clues and ideas of how each character feels.Review 5 bums on a post and present perfect tense (PPT).HA: Choose either Willie or Tom to interview. Ask relevant questions based on what the children have read so far.MA: Choose either Willie or Tom to interview. Ask relevant questions based on what the children have read so far.LA: Ask two questions to Willie with appropriate responses and two questions to Tom with appropriate responses.SEND: Ask two questions to Willie and two questions to Tom.Whole class Guided ReadingShow different examples of evacuation propaganda.Identify the features of persuasive writing from Gramarsaurus Model Text. Children will play a game of Conscience Alley. One child will be a mother deciding if she is going to evacuate her child.ThWhole class Guided ReadingEGPS Focus: Link these independent clauses using FANBOYS.Willie wanted to cry. He held his breath to stop himself.Use ASET (Action, Speech, Emotion, Thought) characterise speech between Willie and Mr Tom. Use characteristics from Tuesday’s lesson and stills from film.HA: ASETMA: ASET-TemplateLA: ASET-TemplateSEND: correctly use inverted commas.Whole class Guided ReadingEGPS Focus: Link the subordinate clause by choosing the correct subordinate conjunction. Tom took in an evacuee _____he didn’t want anybody living with him.Can you now change the position of the subordinate clause?Discuss whose diary entry it will be (make children aware that you know Willie can’t write). What will be mentioned?Discuss with partner.Emphasise the correct tense needed for a diary entry. Discuss how dialogue isn’t necessary. (Indirect speech)HA: Plan diary entry as Willie or Tom. Use references from the text to create a realistic piece of writing.First pointReference/vocabulary from textFeelings x3MA: Plan diary entry as Willie or Tom. Use references from the text to create a realistic piece of writing.First pointReference/vocabulary from textFeelings x2LA: Plan diary entry as Willie. Points to write about: 1.How do you feel about living with Tom? 2.What is it like having your own room? (reference the text) 3.How do you feel about not seeing your mother?SEND: Plan diary entry as Willie.Points to write about: 1.How do you feel about living with Tom? Whole class Guided ReadingModal Verbs Grammar FocusFWhole class Guided ReadingAssessed Write: (Cold Task) Your task is to write the next chapter of Goodnight Mister Tom. This will be about Willie’s first day at school.Whole class Guided ReadingEGPS Focus: underline the determiner in this sentence.The owl and the pussycat went to sea.Lesson objective: Write a diary entry as Mr Tom or Willie.HA: Use plan to write in character.MA: Use plan to write in character.LA: Use plan to write in character.SEND: Use plan to write in character.Whole class Guided ReadingCHILDREN IN NEEDWeek 4Statutory Requirements:ReadingChecking that the book makes sense to them, discussing their understanding and exploring the meaning of words in context.Asking questions to improve their understanding.Drawing inferences such as character’s feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions and justifying inferences with evidence.Predicting what might happen from details stated or implied.Statutory Requirements:Writing – CompositionPlanSelecting the appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning.Identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting the appropriate form and using other similar writing as models for their own.WritePrecising longer passages.Using a wide range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs.In narratives, considering how authors have developed characters and settings in what pupils have read, listened to or seen performed.EditEnsuring correct subject/verb agreement when using singular and plural.Selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning.Statutory Requirements:Vocabulary, Grammar and PunctuationRecognising vocabulary and structures that are appropriate for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms.Indicating degrees of possibility using adverbs or modal verbs.Week 5Statutory Requirements:WritingCompositionPupils should be taught to: plan theirwriting by: identifying the audience for andpurpose of the writing, selecting theappropriate form and using othersimilar writing as models for theirownnoting and developing initial ideas,drawing on reading and researchwhere necessaryin writing narratives, consideringhow authors have developedcharacters and settings in whatpupils have read, listened to orseen performedWeek 6Statutory Requirements:Writingdraft and write by:selecting appropriate grammar andvocabulary, understanding howsuch choices can change andenhance meaning in narratives, describing settings,characters and atmosphere andintegrating dialogue to conveycharacter and advance the actionprécising longer passagesusing a wide range of devices tobuild cohesion within and acrossparagraphsusing further organisational andpresentational devices to structuretext and to guide the reader [forexample, headings, bullet points,underlining]evaluate and edit by:assessing the effectiveness of theirown and others’ writingproposing changes to vocabulary,grammar and punctuation toenhance effects and clarifymeaningensuring the consistent and correctuse of tense throughout a piece ofwritingensuring correct subject and verbagreement when using singular andplural, distinguishing between thelanguage of speech and writing andchoosing the appropriate registerproof-read for spelling andpunctuation errorsperform their own compositions,using appropriate intonation, volume,and movement so that meaning isclear.MWhole class Guided ReadingWhole Class Comprehension on chapter 7 of Goodnight Mr Tom.Use differentiated questions to ask children during reading session.HA: focus on inference/deduction. Answer questions +activityMA: Focus on inference/deduction/retrieval. Answer questions + challenge activityLA: Focus on retrieval. Answer questions +activitySEND: Focus on retrieval. Answer questions.Whole class Guided ReadingWhole Class Comprehension on chapter 9 of Goodnight Mr Tom.Use differentiated questions to ask children during reading session.HA: focus on inference/deduction. Answer questions +activityMA: Focus on inference/deduction/retrieval. Answer questions + challenge activityLA: Focus on retrieval. Answer questions +activitySEND: Focus on retrieval. Answer questions.Over the week model how to write own chapter in the style of Goodnight Mister Tom research; plan; write; edit; present and evaluate.TWhole class Guided ReadingPlan a persuasive leaflet about the home front.PlanHA:PictureSloganEvacuationDig for victoryRationingARPMA:PictureSloganEvacuationDig for victoryRationingLA:PictureSloganEvacuationDig for victoryRationingSEND:PictureSloganEvacuation Whole class Guided ReadingGrammar Focus: ParagraphingWWhole class Guided ReadingRecap yesterday’s persuasive leaflets and why they were effective at persuading mothers to send their children away. Which emotions did they try to evoke?Identify the features of persuasive writing from Gramarsaurus Model Text.: Write a persuasive leaflet for the home front.MA: Write a persuasive leaflet for the home front.LA: Write a persuasive leaflet for the home front.SEND: EvacuationWhole class Guided ReadingGrammar Focus: Direct Speech/ Characterising SpeechThWhole class Guided ReadingPlan a letter in the style of a character from Goodnight Mister Tom.Zach/WillieChildren will write a letter home as Willie or ZachWhat things will we mention in the letter home?What references can we mention to make the writing realistic?Modal verbs ppt focus.HA:PlanWho have you met since you’ve been here?Zach: I’ve met a young lad called Will. He’s rather small for his age and he really should eat more because he is very skinny.Willie: I have met some other boys and girls but I will try to be invisible like you said because I really want them to like me.What events will you mention in your letter?Zach: I say! I went blackberry picking the other day and the berries we found were delumptious mother, I must bring you some on my return!Willie: I must remember to use my manners all the time because sometimes I forget. I’m very sorry, Mother.MA:PlanWho have you met since you’ve been here?What events will you mention in your letter?LA:PlanWho have you met since you’ve been here?What events will you mention in your letter?Modal verbs/adverb sheet SEND:Creating simple sentences as if they are evacuess. Using modal verb cards to uplevel.Whole class Guided ReadingBegin planning own chapter in style of Goodnight Mister Tom Use ‘Structure Slips’ to form plan: FWhole class Guided ReadingWrite a letter in the style of a character from Goodnight Mister Tom.Zach/WillieChildren will use previous day’s plan to write a letter in the style of either Zach or Willie.Use previous day’s plan to write letter in the style of their chosen character.Resource sheets provided for LA/SENDTeacher led with MASelf editing time for HA ................

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