Presentation Rubric - TeachersFirst

Sample project rubric

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Always provide a written assignment AND this rubric at the start of the project.

Adjust scoring to achieve the desired total.

Creativity elements may be scored or not.

Assignment: a video advertisement for a modern day invention compared to something equally important from the Industrial Revolution. (Group Project – High School)

|Presentation Content |Poor (0-4pts) |Fair (5-7 pts) |Good (8-11 pts) |Excellent |Your score |

| | | | |(12-15 pts) | |

|Historical Accuracy |Video has many factual |Video has several factual |Video contains 1-2 factual |Video is factually correct and is | |

| |errors |errors and a small amount of |errors, but contains supporting|supported by facts and visuals | |

| | |factual support |facts or visuals | | |

|Organization of |Poor video organization |Video is scripted illogically|Video shows the information in |Video presents the advertisement | |

|information |makes it impossible to |and/or is difficult for a |an advertisement which an |in a logical and interesting way | |

| |learn about the inventions|viewer or audience to follow.|audience or viewer can follow |that can be watched over and over | |

| |compared. NO apparent | |to learn and understand |to see more each time. | |

| |organization. | | | | |

|Multimedia |Video used no images, |Video had a few images, |Video had multiple images, |Video used extensive images, | |

| |music, or sounds beyond a |music, or sounds, but they do|music, or sounds that connected|music, and/or sounds that | |

| |talking head(s) |not logically relate to the |directly to and supported the |supported the information and | |

| | |text or other information. |information |enhanced the understanding of the | |

| | | | |inventions depicted | |

|Research/ |Poor (0-3 pts) |Fair (4-6 pts) |Good (7-8 pts) |Excellent |Your score |

|Reference Skills | | | |(9-10 pts) | |

|Media Credits |No credit given for media |Few media include credit |Most media include credit |All media used includes a credit | |

| |used |information |information |to accompany EACH image or sound | |

| | | | |from other sources | |

|Creativity Skills |No evidence yet (0) |Working on it |Good (2-3 pts) |Excellent |Your score |

|(FFOE) | |(1 pt) | |(4-5 pts) | |

|Flexibility | |The video shows the |Video shows both inventions |Video shows the inventions from | |

| | |invention from the |from the point of view of more |many points of view: different | |

| | |perspective of only one user/|than one time period and user |users, different time periods, | |

| | |time period | |different social stations, etc. | |

| | | | |Video inspires deep questions and | |

| | | | |thoughts by its perspective. | |

|Originality |Video is predictable or |There is a glimpse of an |Some aspects of the video are |Video presents the inventions | |

| |parallels examples very |unusual idea (but accurate) |unexpected or highly unusual, |through a unique and unexpected | |

| |closely |approach the video, but it is|while still accurate |lens while still accurate. | |

| | |not carried through | | | |

|Elaboration |Video lacks creative |Some information includes |Most of the information/media |All media and information include | |

| |detail of any sort |creative details. |includes creative details that |creative details in rich support | |

| | | |is unified with the |of the advertisement message | |

| | | |advertisement message | | |

| | | | |Total score | |

| | | | | | |


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