
China’s Research and Academic Integrity SurveyAs President Xi stressed in the Scientists Symposium, we shall create a favorable atmosphere for scientific research and improve the research evaluation and incentive system in order that scientific professionals can carry on innovating boldly and dedicate themselves to research. To promote the scientific spirit in this new era, we shall build a sound research environment and improve the ecosystem for sci-tech innovation through strengthening academic integrity. The Foreign Talent Research Center, commissioned by the Department of Supervision and Scientific Integrity, MOST, launched the “Scientific and Academic Integrity Research Program”. This program seeks to investigate foreign professionals’ opinions on Chinese academic integrity as they witness how China improves the research environment and records fast growth in technology. The program involves gathering comments on elements including China’s research environment, technology ethics governance, time and conflicts of interest management of scientific professionals, sci-tech talents evaluation, as well as problems which have existed in the aforementioned aspects and corresponding suggestions. We sincerely invite you to fill out the questionnaire. We will not, in any circumstances, share your personal information with other individuals or organizations. Thank you for your cooperation and participation.Foreign Talent Research Center, MOST September, 2020 [Personal Information]1. Nationality: 2. How long have you been working in China? year3. Work City 4. Work Unit:Higher Education; Research Institute; Enterprise; Hospital; Primary and Secondary School; Others 5. Which of these professions best describe your occupation?Teacher; Doctor/Nurse; Researcher; Technology Developer; Research/ Teaching Assistant; Administrative Personnel; Others 6. Have you published a paper or got a patent?A. I have a paper (papers) published.B. I have got a patent (patents).C. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B7. Highest Academic Degree:A. Bachelor’s degreeB. Master’s degreeC. Doctoral degree8. Major Field of Study (Highest Academic Degree):Science; Engineering, Agronomy, Medicine, Education, Psychology, Sports Science, History of Science and Technology, Philosophy, Law, Literature, History, Science of Art, Economy, Management, Military Science, Others [Subjective Evaluation Survey]9. What do you think of the research environment in your major field of study or work unit?ExcellentGoodAverageBadTerribleNo IdeaMajor Field of StudyWork Unit10. What do you think are the primary motivations of Chinese scientific professionals to engage in research activities? (You may indicate more than one)A. Common good of human kindB. Responsibility for the state and societyC. Quest for science and truthD. Fame and benefits from scientific achievements, such as paper publication. E. Job responsibilityF. Basic needs of livingG. Others (if any): 11.What do you think of the academic atmosphere in your community? (Tick “√”the box):AgreeDisagreeNo IdeaEncourage academic freedom and democracyEncourage innovation and bold experiments despite failureValue teamworkValue exchanges across disciplines, fields and countries.Stand against academic dishonestyGood for talented people to stand outGood for the development of young researchers12. Does any Chinese researcher who you know has had the following misconduct in the past year? (Tick “√”the box)NoYesNo IdeaFabrication of academic recordsPlagiarismFabrication of dataManipulation of research processesForgery of signatureMultiple publicationMedia hypeAcademic bubble with worthless new ideas Eyes on research funding instead of researchMultiple funding application for the same projectAgainst technology ethicsExaggeration of academic achievementsOther type of misconduct13. In your opinion, what may contribute to academic misconduct as mentioned above? (You may indicate more than one)A. Academic dishonesty is common in the community.B. Economic benefits.C. Lack of scientific spirit.D. Lack of critical consciousness in research.E. The Research Resource Allocation System is flawedF. The mechanism for talent evaluation/institution assessment/project review is problematicG. The incentive system drives people to take advantageH. Too much administrative interference in academic activitiesI. Malfunction of the academic community.J. The penalties system for academic misconduct is not strict enough.K. Lack of external supervisionL. Others (if any) M. No idea (if this is your answer, please choose this one only)14. China’s recent policies to create a favorable academic environment are closely watched by scholars and experts. In terms of the following opinions, do you agree or disagree? 14-1. Below are some opinions on the policies concerning research evaluation reform and paper-centric tendency. Do you agree or disagree? (Tick “√”the box)OpinionsAgreeDisagreeNo IdeaThe SCI-based evaluation standard should be abandoned because the cons outweigh the pros.Abandoning the SCI-based evaluation standard may affect China’s exchange with the international research community.Quantitative indicators such as papers and awards make performance evaluation easier and shall be kept properly. Qualitative methods such as peer reviews may be partial.Policies may not be implemented as stipulated before. Low thresholds for papers in the research community may harm academic exchanges. 14-2 Below are some opinions on the chaotic scene in talent development and evaluation. In terms of the following opinions, do you agree or disagree? (Tick “√”the box)OpinionsAgreeDisagreeNo IdeaTalent projects/programs play a significant role in developing the talents and disciplines needed and promoting original work which will serve the country’s needs. Abuse of “professional titles” handicaps the allocation of talent resources. It remains common that promotion and salary package is based on “professional titles”.In the past two years, China has made great progress in reaction to abuse of “professional titles” and the academic environment is getting back on track.In the past two years, abuse of “professional titles” is not taken seriously or even is getting worse.15. The research community promotes the scientific spirits of patriotism, innovative truth-seeking, dedication, cooperation and moral education. Please tick the box based on your overall understanding of China’s research community. (Tick “√”the box)Below AverageAbove AverageNo IdeaPatriotismInnovationTruth-seekingDedicationCooperationMoral Education16. During the recent social crisis (such as COVID-19), what is your comment on the performance of China’s research community?A. Terrible B. Bad C. Average D. Good E. ExcellentWould you provide some suggestions for improvement if any is needed? 17. In your opinion, what is the prospect for the academic environment of China’s research community in three years time?A. Academic environment and innovative atmosphere are significantly improved.B. Academic environment is improved, but there is still a long way to go.C. Academic environment is slightly improved.D. Remain unchanged.E. Get worse.F. I have no idea.18. What mainly contributes to your knowledge of the academic environment of China’s research community? (You may indicate more than one) A. Mainstream media B. Self-media C. Hearsay D. Personal experience E. Others (if any) 19. In your opinion, what is the contribution of most of Chinese State Media to the academic environment? (Tick “√”the box)AgreeDisagreeNo ideaHighlight the themes of the times and deliver positive energyPromote scientific spirits and improve scientific literacyCriticize the evil and promote the good fairly and objectivelyDisregard for truth to get more page viewsIt does not do much good.20. In your opinion, what is the contribution of Self-Media to academic environment? (Tick “√”the box)AgreeDisagreeNo ideaHighlight the themes of the times and deliver positive energyPromote scientific spirits and improve scientific literacyCriticize the evil and promote the good fairly and objectivelyDisregard for truth to get more page viewsIt does not do much good.21. China has launched a series of initiatives to help promote academic integrity. Do you know any of the following initiatives? (You may indicate more than one)A. National Education on Research Ethics and Academic Integrity.B. Project of Collecting Historic Data of Scientist’ Academic LifeC. Project of Celebrating China’s Great Scientists Through Organizing School Plays in Six Prestigious Universities.D. Excellent Sci-tech Journals Program to build world-class sci-tech journals in ChinaE. Recommendation/ Nomination of Academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering. F. Program of “The Wonderful Scientists”G. Foreign Experts’ Book House H. Others (if any) I. None [If this is your answer, you may choose this one only]22. In your opinion, what role should the Chinese academic community play in promoting academic integrity? (You may choose more than one)A. Promote scientific spirit. B. Build common valuesC. Develop academic self-discipline and play a supervisory roleD. Oppose academic dishonesty and misconductE. Promote integration of western scientific spirit and Chinese traditional cultureF. Identify academic misconduct G. Others (if any) 23. Please comment on China’s research environment, technology ethics governance, time and conflicts of interest management of scientific professionals and sci-tech talents evaluation, as well as the problems which have existed in the aforementioned aspects and provide suggestions accordingly. 24 Would you share your ideas on China’s improved research environment and sound development in technology with personal experience? (You may use one additional page if necessary) 25. What should China learn from your country in terms of academic integrity? (You may use one additional page if necessary) 26. The survey will run till November 15th, 2020. Would you like to take the follow-up survey? A. Yes, I’d like to B. No, thanks.Thank You for Your ParticipationReferences《关于进一步弘扬科学家精神加强作风和学风建设的意见》《关于破除科技评价中“唯论文”不良导向的若干措施(试行)》关于规范高等学校SCI论文相关指标使用 树立正确评价导向的若干意见 ................

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