The Voices of the People - Interpeace

Mandera County Note

Voices of the People: Challenges to Peace in Mandera County

Mandera County Note

Voices of the People:

Challenges to Peace in Mandera County


Coordinator: Mahat Omar Ahmed

Lead Researcher: Abdullahi Nurrow Hassan

Assistant Researcher: Mohamed Dahir Mohamed

Lead Audio Visual Researcher: Abdullahi Mohamed Ahmed

Assistant Audio-Visual Researcher: Hani Hassan Ibrahim

Senior Research Advisors: Dr. Sellah King'oro, Hassan Ismail Mohamed and Johan Svensson

Editor: Philip Emase

Other Support: Abdinasir Hassan Abdi and Ibrahim Maalim Abdullah

Design and Layout: Estuardo Choc

Printers: Frontier Bookmen

Copyright: National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC)

Published: January 2017

ISBN: 978-9966-1665-8-6

Cover photo: Community members participate in a Focus Group Discussion at Mandera town. Back cover photo: A young girl sneaks a peek at an ongoing Focus Group Discussion.

This report was produced by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) and Interpeace and represents the views of the research. These views have not been adopted or in any way approved by the contributing donors, and should not be relied upon as a statement of the contributing donors or their services. The contributing donors do not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this report, nor do they accept responsibility for any use made thereof.


13 CHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND 15 1.0 Executive Summary 16 1.1 Conflict Context 18 1.2 Rationale for the Mandera Peacebuilding Programme 18 1.3 Research Problem 19 1.4 Objectives 19 1.5 Justification 20 1.6 Methodology 21 1.7 Summary of Research Findings 23 CHAPTER TWO: COMMUNITY SOCIAL AND CULTURAL

STRUCTURES 25 2.0 Introduction 26 2.1 Lack of Sustainable Social Reconciliation Processes 27 2.2 Weakened Capacities of Local Peace Actors 28 2.3 Manipulation of Clan Identities and Stereotypes 31 2.4 Violation of Traditional Somali War Conventions 32 2.5 Use of Oral Folklore and Social Media to Fuel Conflict 35 CHAPTER THREE: SECURITY AND RULE OF LAW 37 3.0 Introduction 37 3.1 Lack of Trust Between the Population and Security Agencies 38 3.2 Absence of Local Representation in the County Security


40 3.3 Lack of Accountability by the Security Sector 43 CHAPTER FOUR: GOVERNANCE AND POLITICAL SYSTEMS 45 4.0 Introduction



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