SOCFEX Press Freedom Monitoring Section

Somali Coalition for Freedom of Expression (SOCFEX), Maka Al-mukarama Street, opposite of Tree Piano building, Hodon District, Mogadishu, Somalia, Telfax: +252 1 850 040 / 236 012 Email: socfex@, socfex@

Somali Press Freedom Situation

SOCFEX 2008 Report


Executive Summary....................................................................... 3 Introduction...................................................................................3 Activity report.................................................................................3 Monitoring Media Safety...................................................................4 The overall media and freedom of expression situation...........................4 Media situation in South and Central regions........................................4 Media situation in Puntland................................................................4 Media situation in Somaliland............................................................4 Media situation in Islamists controlled areas.........................................5 Summary lists...............................................................................5-8 2008 statistical report........................................................................9 Press freedom campaigns.................................................................10 Media Support.................................................................................11 Challenges Faced............................................................................12 Conclusion.....................................................................................12 Future plan.....................................................................................13


Somali Press Freedom Situation

SOCFEX 2008 Report

Executive Summary

The general situation faced by the media houses and journalists has not changed. Attacks on media and freedom of expression was just as petrifying as in 2007

The attacks in south and central region on the media by the TFG security forces

eased due to the workshop partly organized by SOCFEX between TFG senior officials and members of media houses on 21st Jan 08

The media situation in the regional autonomy of Puntland deteriorated as authorities shut down media houses for reporting unfavorable news bulletins The media continues to receive harsh treatment from the breakaway region of Somaliland in the north of the country.

Media houses are shut down for playing music and song in areas controlled by extremists and fundamentalists

Journalists Journalists Journalists Journalists Journalists Journalists Total


wounded jailed

kidnapped assaulted attacked






2 79

Media station Media station

closed down attacked



Media station bombarded


Media station threatened 7

Total 21


This report aims to give comprehensive information about the works of SOCFEX in Somalia. The report will discuss both the activities of the organization in the past twelve months to December 2008. The report is compiled and prepared by SOCFEX staff.

Activity Report

The activity report is divided into the following sections:

? Monitoring media safety ? Freedom of expression campaign ? Media workers support


Somali Press Freedom Situation

SOCFEX 2008 Report

Monitoring Media Safety

The overall media and freedom of expression situation

Somalia for the 18th consecutive year completed the 2008 year with renewed violence, increased instability as forces against the transitional federal government reinforced their war against the TFG force backed by the Ethiopian forces.

The media suffered in the process as warring parties attack journalists and media houses arbitrarily. Strangely, the semi autonomous region of Puntland and the breakaway region of Somaliland, where there is relative peace compared to south and central regions saw an increase of media attacks due to officials became abusive, ill tempered and control freak.

The fate of media was worse in areas under the control of the extremist and fundamentalists in southern regions. They viewed the journalists as unbeliever servants at worse and enemy spy agents at best. Nevertheless, they still used media when they wanted to spread their extremism propagandas.

Media situation in South and Central regions

It is the regions in south and central Somalia are where the violence and conflict is highly concentrated. The media houses that operate in these regions bear the blunt of the violence as warring parties either compete for media attention in their favor or treat them with adverse effect.

However, the number of attacks on the media eased ever since a SOCFEX partly organized workshop to harmonize the relations between security force and media house operators. The workshop held on 21 January 08, achieved to a degree, to iron out negative perception between the media and security forces. It also secured assurance of senior TFG officials including the prime minister.

Media situation in Puntland

The region enjoyed peace and stability compared to southern parts of Somalia but, unfortunately, that peace were not extended to the press and freedom of expression. The media in the regions suffered arbitrary shut down just because of unfavorable news bulletin the media prints or broadcast. Morse worse, there is no process of law that media houses can use to challenge decisions of novice officials, who believe that they are the law itself rather than law enforcers.

Media situation in Somaliland

Despite the peace and tranquility enjoyed by the people in the regions of Somaliland the media is one part of the society that continues to experience hardship and ill treatment in the disguise of media licensing. The authorities appear to be uncomfortable with the idea of freedom of expression. Arrest of journalists without charges became a norm within the authorities.

The presidential and security forces pick on journalists to react so that they can justify their disproportional heavy handedness at later stage. In spite of proclaimed democracy by the Somaliland authorities, the media houses are operating in an environment of tensed, pressure and fearful.


Somali Press Freedom Situation

SOCFEX 2008 Report

Media situation in Islamist controlled areas

The Islamists and fundamentalists who took control of majority of southern regions continued to treat media and journalists with hostility. The extremist authorities issued orders to intimidate the media such as "no music and songs on air" furthermore; unfavorable news broadcasted will result in station closure and/or stringent punishment.

The monitoring section of the organization has really been the eyes and ears of the media houses in the country. It highlighted the plight of journalist detained, harassed and/or physically abused by forces that want to control or manipulate the rights of individuals to freedom of expression. It increased the awareness of both local and international organizations of attacks on media houses and journalists through effectively communicating incidents instantaneously as press releases.

In addition to the real time press releases, the monitoring section produces monthly reports detailing the attacks on media houses and journalists and circulates to various stakeholders locally, regionally and internationally. The monthly reports have been very useful tools to reinforce the messages on the press releases and most important of all as record keeping for future references.

Below are the summary lists of all the monitoring section's report that have reflected on situations on the grounds. For clarity and accuracy reasons the statistical summary are divided into attacks on journalist and attacks on media houses.

Summary lists


NO. JOURNALISTS KILLED 1. Hassan Kafi Hared Ahmed 2. Naasteh Dahir Farah

Place Kismayo Kismayo

Media organization SONNA/Gedonet BBC-Somali/AP

Date 28 January 07 June

NO JOURNALISTS WOUNDED 1. Mohamed Bashir Hashi 2. Abdi Kheyr Mohamed Jama 3. Ali Muhumedd Roble 4. Hussein Mohamed Goje 5 Mohamed Harun Ahmed

6 Jamal Abdi Mohamed 7 Abdi Hamud

8 Rasmi Mohamud Mohmamed

Place Mogadishu Galkacyo Mogadishu Mogadishu Hargeisa

Hargeisa Hargeisa


Media organization Shabelle Media Radio Galkacyo Radio Voice of peace SOMBA Radio Somaliland Space Channel Hegan Newspaper Somaliland Space Channel Somaliweyn Radio

Date 3 January 10 January 25 January 19 August 29 October

29 October 29 October

4 December

Table 3 NO JOURNALISTS ASSAULTED 1. Abdihakim Yusuf Moalim 2. Abdirisak Yusuf Abdalla "Kambala" 3. Mohamed Hassan Pakistan 4. Ismaaciil Tifow Xasan

Place Bosaso Mogadishu Mogadishu Mogadishu

Media organization SBC Koranik Radio Radio Somaliweyn Radio Banadir

Date 25 January 29 January 29 January 29 January



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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