Abbreviated CV from R - Universitat de Barcelona

Rafael Oliva (abbreviated CV; updated 18/09/2015)

University degrees

Medical Doctor, University of Barcelona,1984.

PhD in Medicine, University of Barcelona,1986.

Master in Health Management and Health Services,

University of Barcelona, 2000.

Contact Information

At the University:

Genetics Unit, Department of Physiological Sciences I, Faculty of Medicine

University of Barcelona, C/ Casanova 143, 08036 Barcelona, SPAIN

Phone: 34 934021877, FAX: 34 93 4035260


At the Hospital:

Genetics Service, Hospital Clínic, Villarroel 170, 08036 Barcelona, SPAIN, Phone: 34 93 2275510, FAX: 34 93 2275454 email:

Web address 1:

Web address 2:



• Full Professor (since 2011), Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona, in charge of Coordinating and Teaching Medical Genetics.

• Senior Consultor Geneticist (since 2014) at the Hospital Clínic, Barcelona.

Previous positions:

• Medical studies 1978-1984 at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona.

• PhD Student 1984-1986 at the Molecular Genetics Laboratory

• Post-Doctoral Fellow 1986-1989 at the Department of Medical Biochemistry, University of Calgary, Canada.

• Staff Scientist 1989-1990 at the Human Genome Center, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, Berkeley, CA, USA.

• Associate Professor 1990-2001 at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona.

• Geneticist at the Hospital Clínic 1996-2014, Barcelona

Current main Projects and research interests

Sperm cell Genetics, Genomics and Proteomics.

Molecular basis of male infertility and mutational and candidate gene studies.

Epigenetics of the spermatozoa. Histone acetylation.

Mechanisms operating in the nucleohistone to nucleoprotamine transition.

Protamine function and evolution.

Health care provision. Health-screening programmes. Genetic screening and diagnosis. Introduction of new technologies based on genetics, genomics, proteomics.

Health services research. Evidence based medicine. Genetic, cellular and molecular biology research including development of new diagnostic strategies.

Health care education and promotion in preventive medicine. Genetic based predictive and preventive medicine. Genetic education.

Selected Publications

From most recent to oldest::

Vilagran I, Yeste M, Sancho S, Castillo J, Oliva R, Bonet S. Comparative analysis of boar seminal plasma proteome from different freezability ejaculates and identification of Fibronectin 1 as sperm freezability marker. Andrology, 2015; 3:345-56.

Pantano L, Jodar M, Bak M, Ballescà JL, Tommerup N, Oliva N, Vavouri T. The small RNA content of human sperm reveals pseudogene-derived piRNAs complementary to protein coding genes. RNA, 2015;21:1085-95.

Castillo J, Estanyol JM, Ballescà JL, Oliva R, Human sperm chromatin epigenetic potential: genomics, proteomics, and male infertility. Asian Journal of Andrology 2015;17:601-9.

Paiva C, Amaral A, Rodriguez M, Canyellas N, Correig X, Ballesca JL, Ramalho-Santos J, Oliva R. Identification of endogenous metabolites in human sperm cells using 1H-NMR and GC-MS. Andrology. 2015; 3:496-505.

Codina C, Estanyol JM, Fidalgo MJ, Ballescà JL, Oliva R. Advances in sperm proteomics: best-practise methodology and clinical potential. Expert Review of Proteomics. 2015;12:255-77.

Castillo J, Amaral A, Azpiazu R, Vavouri T, Estanyol JM, Ballescà JL, Oliva R. Genomic and proteomic dissection and characterization of the human sperm chromatin. Mol Hum Reprod. 2014;20:1041-53.

Amaral A, Paiva C, Attardo Parrinello C, Estanyol JM, Ballescà JL, Ramalho-Santos J, Oliva R. Identification of Proteins Involved in Human Sperm Motility Using High-Throughput Differential Proteomics. J Proteome Res. 2014;13:5670-84.

Zatecka E, Castillo J, Elzeinova F, Kubatova A, Ded L, Peknicova J, Oliva R. The effect of tetrabromobisphenol A on protamine content and DNA integrity in mouse sperm. Andrology 2014;2:910-7.

Azpiazu R, Amaral A, Castillo J, Estanyol JM, Guimerà M, Ballescà JL, Balasch J, Oliva R. 2014. High-throughput sperm differential proteomics suggests that epigenetic alterations contribute to failed assisted reproduction. Hum Reprod. 2014;29:1225-37.

Giacco DL, Chianese C, Sánchez-Curbelo J, Bassas L, Ruiz P, Rajmil O, Sarquella J, Vives A, Ruiz-Castañé E, Oliva R, Ars E, Krausz C. Clinical relevance of Y-linked CNV screening in male infertility: new insights based on the 8-year experience of a diagnostic genetic laboratory. Eur J Hum Genet. 2014 Jun;22(6):754-61.

Castillo J, Amaral A, Oliva R. Sperm nuclear proteome and its epigenetic potential. Andrology. 2014 May;2(3):326-38.

Amaral A, Castillo J, Ramalho-Santos J, Oliva R. 2014. The combined human sperm proteome: cellular pathways and implications for basic and clinical science. Human Reproduction Update 2014 Jan-Feb;20(1):40-62.

Jodar M, Oliva R. Protamine alterations in human spermatozoa. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2014;791:83-102.

Amaral A, Castillo J, Estanyol JM, Ballesca JL, Ramalho-Santos J, Oliva R. Human sperm tail proteome suggests new endogenous metabolic pathways. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2013 Feb;12(2):330-42

de Mateo S, Estanyol JM, Oliva R. Methods for the analysis of the sperm proteome. Methods Mol Biol. 2013;927:411-22.

Oliva R. SBiRM: Focus on proteomics and reproduction. Preface. Syst Biol Reprod Med. 2012 Aug;58(4):177-8.

Oliva R, Luís Ballescà J. Altered histone retention and epigenetic modifications in the sperm of infertile men. Asian J Androl. 2012 Mar;14(2):239-40.

Jodar M, Kalko S, Castillo J, Ballescà JL, Oliva R. Differential RNAs in the sperm cells of asthenozoospermic patients. Human Reproduction 2012 Feb Hum Reprod. 2012 May;27(5):1431-8.

de Mateo S, Castillo J, Estanyol JM, Ballescà JL, Oliva R. Proteomic characterization of the human sperm nucleus. Proteomics. 2011 Jul;11(13):2714-26. PubMed PMID: 21630459.

Oliva R and Castillo J. Proteomics and the genetics of sperm chromatin condensation. Asian Journal of Andrology (2011) Asian J Androl. 2011 Jan;13(1):24-30. PubMed PMID: 21042303.

Castillo J, Simon L, de Mateo S, Lewis S, Oliva R. Protamine/DNA ratios and DNA damage in native and density gradient centrifuged sperm from infertile patients. J Androl. 2011 May-Jun;32(3):324-32 PubMed PMID: 20966423.

de Mateo S, Ramos L, van der Vlag J, de Boer P, Oliva R. Improvement in chromatin maturity of human spermatozoa selected through density gradient centrifugation. Int J Androl. 2011 Jun;34(3):256-67. PubMed PMID: 20569271.

de Mateo S, Ramos L, de Boer P, Meistrich M, Oliva R. Protamine 2 precursors and processing. Protein Pept Lett. 2011 Aug;18(8):778-85. PubMed PMID: 21443491.

IF: 1,755

Jodar M, Oriola J, Mestre G, Castillo J, Giwercman A, Vidal-Taboada JM, Ballescà JL, Oliva R. Polymorphisms, haplotypes and mutations in the protamine 1 and 2 genes. Int J Androl. 2011 Oct;34(5 Pt 1):470-85. PubMed PMID: 21029114.

IF: 3.705

Simon L, Castillo J, Oliva R, Lewis SE. Relationships between human sperm protamines, DNA damage and assisted reproduction outcomes. Reprod Biomed Online. 2011 Sep 10. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22036908.

Oliva R, Luís Ballescà J. Altered histone retention and epigenetic modifications in the sperm of infertile men. Asian J Androl. 2011 Nov 7. doi: 10.1038/aja.2011.159. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22057381.

Oliva R, de Mateo S, Estanyol JM (2009) Sperm Cell Proteomics (Review). Proteomics 9: 1004-1017.

Martínez-Heredia J, de Mateo S, Vidal-Taboada JM, Estanyol JM, Ballescà JL and Oliva R (2008) Proteomic expression differences between asthenozoospermic and normozoospermic sperm samples. Human Reproduction 23:783-91.

de Mateo S, Gázquez C, Guimerà M, Balasch J, Meistrich ML, Ballescà JL, Oliva R (2008) Protamine 2 precursors (pre-P2), protamine 1 to protamine 2 ratio (P1/P2), and assisted reproduction outcome. Fertility and Sterility 91:715-22.

Mathivanan S, Ahmed M, Ahn NG, .., Martinez-Heredia J, .., Oliva R, .., Vidal-Taboada JM, Vihinen M, Wait R, Wang X, Wiemann S, Wu B, Xu T, Yates JR, Zhong J, Zhou M, Zhu Y, Zurbig P, Pandey A. (2008) Human Proteinpedia enables sharing of human protein data. Nat Biotechnol. 26:164-167.

Queralt R, Madrigal I, Vallecillos MA, Morales C, Ballescá JL, Oliva R, Soler A, Sánchez A, and Margarit E (2008) Atypical XX Male with the SRY Gene at Chromosome 1 and 1qter Microdeletion. American Journal of Medical Genetics 146:1335-40.

de Mateo S, Martínez-Heredia J, Estanyol JM, Domíguez-Fandos D, Vidal-Taboada JM, Ballescà JL and Oliva R (2007) Marked correlations in protein expression identified by proteomic analysis of human spermatozoa. Proteomics 7:4264-77.

Martínez-Heredia J, Estanyol JM, Ballescà JL and Oliva R (2006) Proteomic identification of human sperm proteins. Proteomics 6, 4356-4369.

Torregrosa N, Domínguez-Fandos D, Camejo MI, Shirley CR, Meistrich ML, Ballescà JL, Oliva R (2006) Protamine 2 (P2) precursors, P1/P2 ratio, DNA integrity and other sperm parameters in infertile patients. Hum Reprod. 21, 2084-2089.

Oliva R (2006) Protamines and male infertility. Hum Reprod Update. 12:417-435

deLlanos M, Ballescà JL, Gázquez C, Margarit E, Oliva R (2005) High frequency of gr/gr chromosome Y deletions in consecutive oligospermic ICSI candidates. Human Reproduction 20, 216-220.

Mengual L, Oriola J, Ascaso C, Ballescà JL, Oliva R (2003) An increased CAG repeat length in the androgen receptor gene in azoospermic ICSI candidates. Journal of Andrology, 24, 279-284.

Mengual L, Ballesca JL, Ascaso C, Oliva R. (2003) Marked differences in protamine content and P1/P2 ratios in sperm cells from percoll fractions between patients and controls. J Androl. 24, 438-47

Vidal-Taboada JM, Lu A, Piqué M, Pons G, Gil J, Oliva R (2000) Down syndrome critical region gene 2: Expression during mouse development and human cell lines. Biochem Biophys Res Comm. 272, 156-163.

Bench G, Corzett MH, Yebra Ll, Oliva R, Balhorn R (1998) Protein and DNA contents in sperm cells from an infertile human male possessing protamine defects that vary over time. Mol Reprod Dev. 50, 345-353.

Oliva R, Margarit E, Ballescà JL, Carrió A, Sánchez A, Milà M, Ballesta F, Alvarez-Vijande JR (1998) Prevalence of Y chromosome microdeletions in consecutive oligospermic and azoospermic ICSI candidates. Fertility and Sterility 70, 506-510.

Adroer R, Oliva R (1998) Nucleosome positioning in the rat protamine 1 gene in vivo and in vitro. Biochim Biophys Acta 1442, 252-260.

Margarit E, Soler A, Carrió A, Oliva R, Costa D, Vendrell T, Rosell J, Ballesta F (1998) Molecular, cytogenetic and clinical characterization of six XX males including one prenatal diagnosis. Journal of Medical Genetics 35, 727-730. .

Margarit E, Guillén A, Rebordosa C, Vidal-Taboada J, Bergoñón S, Sánchez M, Ballesta F, Oliva R (1998) Identification of conserved potentially regulatory sequences of the SRY gene from 10 different species of mammals. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 243, 572-578.

Yebra Ll, Ballescà JL, Vanrell JA, Corzett M, Balhorn R, Oliva R (1998) Detection of P2 precursors in the sperm cells of infertile patients who have reduced P2 levels. Fertility and Sterility 69, 755-9.

Oliva R, et al. (1998) Prevalence of Y chromosome microdeletions in consecutive oligospermic and azoospermic ICSI candidates. Fertility Sterility 70, 506-510.

Queralt, R. and Oliva, R. (1995) Demonstration of trans-acting factors binding to the promoter region of the testis-specific rat protamine P1 gene. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 208, 802-812.

Queralt, R.,Adroer, R., Oliva, R., et al. (1995) Evolution of Protamine 1 genes in mammals. Journal Molecular Evolution 40, 601-607.

Retief,J.D., Winkfein,R.J., Dixon,G.H., Adroer,R., Queralt,R., Ballabriga,J., Oliva, R. (1993) Evolution of protamine P1 genes in primates. Journal of Molecular Evolution 37, 426-434.

Queralt, R. and Oliva, R. (1993) Identification of conserved potential regulatory sequences of the protamine-encoding P1 genes from ten different mammals. Gene 133, 197-204.

Yebra, Ll., Ballescà, J.L., Vanrell, J.A., Bassas, Ll. and Oliva, R. (1993) Complete selective absence of protamine P2 in humans. J Biol Chem 268, 10553-10557.

Yebra, Ll. and Oliva, R. (1993) Rapid analysis of sperm nuclear proteins. Analytical Biochemistry 209, 201-203.

Oliva, R. and Dixon, G.H. (1991)(REVIEW) Protamine genes and the histone to protamine replacement reaction. Progress in Nucleic Acids Research and Molecular Biology 40, 25-94.

Oliva, R., Bazett-Jones, D., Locklear, B. and Dixon, G.H. (1990) Histone Hyperacetylation can induce unfolding of the nucleosomal core particles. Nucleic Acids Research 188, 2739-2747.

Oliva, R. and Dixon, G.H. (1990) Vertebrate protamine gene evolution I. Sequence alignments. J. Molecular Evolution 30, 333-346.

Oliva, R. and Dixon, G.H. (1989) Chicken protamine genes are intronless: The complete nucleotide sequence and organization of the two loci. Journal of Biological Chemistry 264, 12472-12481.

Oliva, R., Mezquita, J., Mezquita, C. and Dixon, G.H. (1988) Haploid expression of the rooster protamine mRNA in the postmeiotic stages of spermatogenesis. Developmental Biology 125, 332-340.

Oliva, R., Bazett-Jones, D., Mezquita, C. and Dixon, G.H. (1987) Factors affecting nucleosome disassemble by protamines "in vitro". Histone hyperacetylation and chromatin structure, time dependence, and the size of the sperm nuclear proteins. Journal of Biological Chemistry 262, 17016-17025.

Oliva, R. and Mezquita C. (1986) Marked differences in the ability of distinct protamines to disassemble nucleosomal core particles "in vitro". Biochemistry 25, 6508-6511.

Oliva, R. and Mezquita, C. (1982) Histone H4 hyperacetylation and rapid turnover of acetyl groups in transcriptionally inactive rooster testis spermatids. Nucleic Acids Research 10, 8049?8059.

Oliva, R., Vidal, S. and Mezquita, C. (1982) Cellular content and biosynthesis of polyamines during rooster spermatogenesis. Biochemical Journal 208, 269-273.

Selected Funded Projects

Current funded projects:

Title of the project / contract: “Reproductive Biology Early Research Training” network (REPRO-TRAIN), Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN)

Financing Firm/administration: European Union

Number of the project / contract: FP7-2011-ITN-289880 Amount: 3.649.828,00 € Duration, since: 2012 Until: 2015

Main researcher: Rafael Oliva Virgili (european Project Coordinator)

Number of laboratories in the consortium: 8


Title of the project / contract: Proteomic and genomic characterisation of the sperm cell in patients and controls.

Financing Firm/administration: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain.

Number of the project / contract: PI13/00699 Amount: 117.188,00€ Duration, since: 2014 Until: 2016

Main researcher: Rafael Oliva Virgili

Number of researchers participating: 6

Title of the project / contract: Sperm cell differential proteomics and identification of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in assisted reproduction

Investigador/a principal: Rafael Oliva Virgili

Financing Firm/administration: Fundación Salud 2000 (Merck-Serono)

Number of the project / contract: SERONO13_015

Amount: 25.000,00€

Duration: 01/06/2013 till 01/06/2016

Title of the project / contract: Sperm cell proteome and identification of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in infertile patients

Financing Firm/administration: Euvitro, S.L. (Clinica Eugin)

Number of the project / contract: FBG 307854

Amount: 70.380€

Duration: 30-04-2014 till 29-04-2017

Selection of previously funded projects (5 out of 22):

Title of the project / contract: Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of the molecular genetic screening of hereditary hemochromatosis

Financing Firm/administration: Fundació La Marató de TV3, Spain.

Number of the project / contract: MARATO TV3 1997 Amount: 51.687,04 euros Duration, since: 1999 Until: 2002

Main researcher: Rafael Oliva Virgili

Number of researchers participating: 8

Title of the project / contract: Transcriptional mapping of chromosome 21; Physical mapping prior to sequencing; Sequencing of the Down syndrome chromosome region

Kind of contract/Program: Biomedical sciences and health. BIOMED.

Financing Firm/administration: European Union

Number of the project / contract: BMH4-CT96-0554 Amount: 41.091,20 euros Duration, since: 1996 Until: 1998

Main researcher: Rafael Oliva Virgili

Title of the project / contract: National Reference Centre for Genomics and Proteomics (MACPROGEN)

Kind of contract/Program: CAPACITIES. REGPOT. 7è Programa Marc. Research Potential of Convergence Regions (Potencial de Recerca).

Financing Firm/administration: European Union , EU, FP7

Number of the project / contract: FP7 REGPOT-2008-1 Project Amount: 893.452,00 euros Duration, since: 2009 Until: 2011

Number of researchers participating: 12

Title of the project / contract: Diabetes mellitus, iron overload and screening for HFE gene mutations in the Spanish population

Financing Firm/administration: Fundació La Marató de TV3, Spain.

Number of the project / contract: MARATO TV3 1998 Amount: 78.131,57 Duration, since: 2000 Until: 2003

Main researcher: Rafael Oliva Virgili

Number of researchers participating: 9

Title of the project / contract: Cromosomal map, genes and genetic variability in familial Alzheimer disease

Financing Firm/administration: Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT), Spain.

Number of the project / contract: SAL90-0334 Amount: 55.293,11 Duration, since: 1990 Until: 1993

Main researcher: Rafael Oliva Virgili

Number of researchers participating: 4


Inventores (inventors): Oliva R, Oriola J, Gázquez, Ballescà JL

title): Method to detect risk of male infertility

N. de solicitud (Patent number): Nº P200800697 País de prioridad (country): Spain

Fecha de prioridad (priority date): 2008

Entidad titular (institutions): University of Barcelona, Hospital Clinic, Fundació Clínic

Research activities performed in research centres abroad

Centro (center): Department of Medical Biochemistry, University of Calgary     

|Localidad: CALGARY |País CANADA |Fecha: 1986-1989 | |

Tema: Expresion genica en la espermatogenesis e identificacion y secuenciacion y evolución de genes de protaminas (Gene expression during spermatogenesis and sequencing and evolution of protamine genes)

Centro (center): Human Genome Center, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories

|Localidad: Berkeley |País USA |Fecha: 2000 |Duración (weeks): 50 |

Tema: Proyecto Genoma y análisis genómico en el cromosoma 21 (Human genome Project and genomic analysis of human chromosome 21)

Directed doctoral thesis

Title: Sequencing of the mammal protamine 1 gens. Identification of promoter conserved regions potentially involved in the regulation of the expression of the P1 genes.

DOCTORANDO (Student): Rosa Queralt Montañola

University of Barcelona, 1995

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Máxima. Premio extraordinario de tesis (Extraordinary PhD Price).

Title: Alterations in the nucleoprotein content in spermatic cells. Relation with the infertility in man).

DOCTORANDO (Student): Mª Lluisa de Yebra Cueto

University of Barcelona, 1995

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Máxima (maximal).

Title: alzheimer’s disease: contribution to the genetic causes and genetic risk factors).

DOCTORANDO (Student): Rosa Adroer Martori

University of Barcelona, 1997

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Máxima. Premio extraordinario de tesis (Extraordinary PhD Price).

Title: Genetic anomalies in the Y chromosome in the sexual differentiation and identification of potential regulatory elements in the SRY gene).

DOCTORANDO (Student): Ester Margarit Torrent

Autonomous University of Barcelona, 1997

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Excelente Cum Laude (Excellent Cum Laude).

Contribution to the Human Genome Project: Physical map construction and identification and characterisation of genes in the chromosome 21 Down syndrome region).

DOCTORANDO (Student): Jose Manuel Vidal Taboada

Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2000

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Excelente Cum Laude (Excellent Cum Laude).

Title: Factors associated to Alzheimer’s disease in the Spanish population).

DOCTORANDO (Student): Mario Ezquerra Trabalón

University of Barcelona, 2000

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Excelente Cum Laude (Excellent Cum Laude).

Title: Analysis of the tau gene in Parkinson’s disease and in other parkinsonisms).

DOCTORANDO (Student): Pau Pastor

University of Barcelona, 2001

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Excelente Cum Laude (Excellent Cum Laude).

Title: Genetic association studies and mutations in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Genetic and clinical comparison among sporadic and familial cases).

DOCTORANDO (Student): Esteban Muñoz Garcia

University of Barcelona, 2001

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Excelente Cum Laude (Excellent Cum Laude).

Title: Genotype-phenotype correlation in Alzheimer’s disease).

DOCTORANDO (Student): Albert Lleó

University of Barcelona, 2002

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Excelente Cum Laude (Excellent Cum Laude).

Title: Mutation and control of the expression of the HFE gene in hereditary hemochromatosis).

DOCTORANDO (Student): Mª Carmen Sánchez Fernández

University of Barcelona, 2002

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Excelente Cum Laude (Excellent Cum Laude). In addition this Thesis received the Price of the Council of the University of Barcelona.

Title: Male infertility: causes, genetic risk factors and molecular characterisation of the spermatozoa).

DOCTORANDO (Student): Lourdes Mengual Brichs

University of Barcelona, 2003

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Excelente Cum Laude (Excellent Cum Laude).

Title: Proteomic characterisation of human spermatozoa. Differential proteins in asthenozoospermic patients).

DOCTORANDO (Student): Juan Martínez Heredia

University of Barcelona, 2008

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Excelente Cum Laude (Excellent Cum Laude).

Title: Proteomic and molecular characterization of human spermatozoa in infertile patients and controls.

DOCTORANDO (Student): Sara de Mateo López. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Thesis developed in the University of Barcelona, 2011.

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): Excelente Cum Laude (Excellent Cum Laude). Mención Europea.

Title: Genomic and transcriptomic studies in infertile patients and in controls.

DOCTORANDO (Student): Meritxell Jodar Bifet. University of Barcelona. 2012. (Thesis co-directed between J. Oriola and R. Oliva).

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): màxima

Title: Distribució diferencial de gens en la cromatina espermàtica i detecció de proteïnes presents en una abundància alterada en pacients infèrtils.

DOCTORANDO (Student): Rubén Azpiazu Gutiérrez

Director/a: Oliva Virgili, Rafael

Fecha de defensa: 17-06-2014

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): màxima

Títol: Caracterització del contingut proteic del nucli de l’espermatozoide humà i el seu potencial epigenètic

DOCTORANDO (Student): Judit Castillo Corullón

Director/a: Oliva Virgili, Rafael

Fecha de defensa: 19-09-2014

CALIFICACIÓN (Qualification): màxima

Examiner of doctoral thesis:

1993. PhD Candidate: Núria Morral Còdol. Dissertation title: Aislamiento y análisis de microsatélites del gen de la fibrosis quística: aplicación de su variabilidad a la caracterización y evolución de mutaciones. Universitat de Barcelona. PhD director: Xavier Estivill Pallejà. Country: Spain.

1994. PhD Candidate: Assumpció Bosch Merino. Dissertation title: Identificación y caracterización de nuevos marcadores de DNA hipervariables y construcción de un mapa integrado del cromosoma 21 humano. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. PhD director: Xavier Estivill Pallejà. Country: Spain.

1995. PhD Candidate: Neus Ferrer Miralles. Dissertation title: ADN satélite de localización centromérica: análisis estructural del dodeca-satélite de Drosophila e interacciones con proteinas nucleares. Universitat Politècnica de Cataluña PhD director: Ferrán Azorín Marín. Country: Spain.

1997. PhD Candidate: Cristina Broceño Corrales. Dissertation title: Bases moleculares de la expresión del gen de la fosfoglicerato mutasa durante la espermatogénesis. Universitat de Barcelona. PhD director: Gabriel Pons Irazazábal. Country: Spain.

1998. PhD Candidate: Salvador Macip Maresma. Dissertation title: Expressió del gen de la proteína alfa-B-cristalina: variabilidad de los tránscritos en Gallus domesticus. Universitat de Barcelona. PhD director: Cristóbal Mezquita Pla. Country: Spain.

1998. PhD Candidate: Pere Colls i Comas. Dissertation title: Anomalias cromosómicas estructurales: estudio citogenético y molecular en la espermatogénesis. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. PhD director: Cristina Templado Meseguer. Country: Spain.

1999. PhD Candidate: Orland Díez Gibert. Dissertation title: Estudio de los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2 en los cánceres hereditarios de mama y de ovario. Universitat de Barcelona. PhD director: Montsertrat Baiget Bastús. Country: Spain.

2000. PhD Candidate: Gema Alvarez Nieto. Sucesos tempranos en la neurodegeneración inducida por el péptido (-amiloide en un modelo de cultivo primario de neuronas. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. PhD director: Jorgina Satrústegui. Country: Spain.

2000. PhD Candidate: Pau Mezquita Mas. Dissertation title: Expresión de la anhidrasa carbónica II durante la espermatogénesis de ratón. Universitat de Barcelona. PhD director: Jovita Mezquita Pla. Country: Spain.

2001. PhD Candidate: Oscar Martínez Tirado. Dissertation title: Estudio de la expresión de genes reguladores de la apoptosis durante la espermatogénesis de la rata adulta. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Directors de Tesi: Jaume Raventós / Franscina Munell. Country: Spain.

2001. PhD Candidate: David Martinez Selva. Dissertation title: Acciones alternativas de la proteína transportadora de esteroides sexuales (SHBG/ABP) en la espermatogénesis i en el cáncer de próstata. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. PhD director: Jaume Raventós / Franscina Munell. Country: Spain.

2002. PhD Candidate: Victor Pedro Francone Carvajal. Dissertation title: Caracterización de los tránscritos de la proteinquinasa PITSLRE durante la espermatogénesis de Gallus domesticus. Universitat de Barcelona. Director de Tesi: Jovita Mezquita Pla. Country: Spain.

2002. PhD Candidate: Betlem Mezquita Mas. Dissertation title: Mecanismos de supervivencia de las células testiculares. Universitat de Barcelona. PhD director: Jovita Mezquita Pla. Country: Spain.

2003. PhD Candidate: Maria Oliver Bonet. Dissertation title: Estudio Citogenético y Molecular del proceso meiótico en individuos portadores de translocaciones recíprocas equilibradas. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Directors de Tesi: Joaquima Navarro / Jordi Benet. Country: Spain.

2003. PhD Candidate: Ivon Cuscó Martí. Dissertation title: Caracterització dels gens SMN1 i SMN2 en pacients amb atròfia muscular espinal: gens híbrids, dosi gènica i mutacions puntuals. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. PhD director: Eduardo Tizzano Ferrari. Country: Spain.

2003. PhD Candidate: Mª Luisa Sánchez-Guerra. Dissertation title: Los genotipos del receptor de la apolipoproteina E, catepsina D, oxido nitrico sintasa e interleucina1- A, y el riesgo de enfermedad de Alzheimer esporádica. Universidad de Cantabria. PhD director: Onofre Combarros Pascula. Country: Spain.

2005. PhD Candidate: Elissa Osborne. Dissertation title: Development of microarray comparative genomic hybridisation for the analysis of chromosomal abnormalities. Monash University. Australia. PhD director: David Cram. Country: Australia.

2007. PhD Candidate: Jose antonio Martínez Conejero. Dissertation title: Estudio de la mucina MUC1 en el espermatozoide humano y su relación con la infertilidad masculina. Universitat de Valencia. PhD director: José Remohí Giménez. Country: Spain.

2007 PhD Candidate: Inmaculada Mercadé Salavert. “Cribratge bioquímic i ecogràfic per la detecció de la Síndrome d'Edwards en el primer trimestre de gestació”. Universitat de Barcelona. PhD director: Albert Fortuny Estivill. Country: Spain.

2007. PhD Candidate: Guillermo Fernández Varo. Dissertation title: Remodelado vascular y disfunción circulatoria en la cirrosis experimental: función del óxido nítrico. Universidad e Barcelona. PhD director: Wladimiro Jiménez Povedano. Country: Spain.

2008. PhD Candidate: Thamara Viloria Samochin. Dissertation title: Efecto del tabaco sobre la calidad seminal: Estudio citogenético y molecular del ADN. Universitat de Valencia. Directores de Tesi: José A. Remohí Gimenez, Marcos Meseguer Escrivá, Nicolás Garrido Puchalt. Country: Spain.

2008. PhD Candidate: Juan Martín Coello. Dissertation title: Papel de la competición espermática en la evolución de proteínas reproductivas y de reconocimiento gamético en mamíferos. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Madrid. Directores de Tesi: Eduardo Roldan Schuth, Montse Gomendio. Country: Spain.

2008. PhD Candidate: Kathryn Lucille Kurtz. Dissertation title: Structure of chromatin, protein transitions, and post-translational histone modifications in several sperm models. Universitat de Barcelona. PhD director: Manuel Chiva Royo. Country: Spain.

2010. PhD Candidate: Pierre Calvel. Dissertation title: Recherche et analyse fonctionnelle de proteins stades-spécifiques de la spermatogèse chez le rat par des approaches de protéomique. Université de Rennes 1, França. PhD director: Charles Pineau. Country: France.

2012 PhD Candidate: Maria del Socorro Pérez Poyato. Dissertation title: Espectro clinic-mutacional y studios de corelación genotipo-fenotipo en la población española afectada de lipofuscinosis neural ceroidea. PhD director: Mercedes Pineda Marfa, Montserrat Milà Recasens. Country: Spain.

2013. PhD Candidate: Rita López Ramos. Dissertation title: Linker histones posttranslational modifications and effets of phosphorylation on secondary structure and chromatin aggregation. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. PhD director: Imma Pont Marull, Alicia Roque Córdova. Country: Spain.

Member of scientific Societies

• Asociación Española de Andrologia (ASESA). 1998-present.

• European Society of Human Genetics, 1993-present.

• Sociedad Española de Genética Humana, 1993-present.

• Societat Catalana de Biología. 1984-present.

• Member of the Genomic y Proteomic Network from Cataluña. 2004-present.

• Member of the British Andrology Society (BAS), 2006-2010.

• American Society of Human Genetics, 2001-2010.

• Member Research Commission of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona, 1992-1994.

• Human Genome Organization (HUGO). 1990-2005.

• American Society for Cell Biology. 1987-2005.

• Sociedad Española de Biología Celular. 1986-1991.

Experience in the organisation of scientific meetings, workshops:

Selection of 3 out of 25:

• Proyecto Genoma Humano: objetivos, estrategias y su importancia para la Biología y la Medicina (Human Genome Project: objectives, strategies and relevance for Biology and Medicine). Director and organizer of the summer Course. International University Menéndez y Pelayo” (UIMP), Barcelona, 1994.

• 4th Workshop on Biomedical Genomics and Proteomics, of the Genomics and Proteomics section of the Societat Catalana de Biologia and the Genomics and Proteomics Network. Organiser of the workshop, Barcelona, 2007.

• 9th International Congress of Andrology (of the International Society of Andrology), Member of the Organising Committee, Barcelona, March 2009.

• 8th Congress of the European Academy of Andrology, Member of the Program Organizing Committee, Barcelona, October 2014.

Member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Journals

• International Journal of Andrology ((ISSN)1365-2605/. Associate editor 2009-2012.

• Andrology (). Since 2012.

• Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine (SBIRM; )

Miembro del Editoral Board since 2008.

• Revista Internacional de Andrologia (ASESA; ). Since 1999.

Reviewer of manuscripts for Scientific Journals and of research grants

• Participation as a referee in the evaluation of manuscripts for the following journals: Andrologia, Biochim Biophys Acta, Eur J Biochem, Comp Biochem Biophys, J Neurol Sci, Ann Neurol, J Hepatol, Eur J Hum Genet, Medicina Clínica, Proc Nat Acad Sci USA, J Androl, Eur J Hitochem, The Lancet, Human Reproduction, Human Reproduction Update, Int J Andrology, Fertility and Sterility, Frontiers Bioscience, Human Molecular Genetics, Actualidad Andrológica, Archives of Andrology, BMC Genomics, BMC Systems Biology, Epigenetics, International Journal of Andrology, Medicina Clínica, Molecular Human Reproduction, Nature Communications, Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, PLOS one, Proteomics, Theriogenology.

• Participation in the evaluation of research projects for the following agencies: ANEP (proyectos de la CICYT, FIS, DGCYT, Fundación La Caixa, Plan Nacional de I+D), La Agencia de Acreditación en Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (AIDIT), Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Castilla y León, The Wellcome Trust (London, UK), BioMerieux (Francia), National Science Foundation (USA), European Union (7th Framework Program): Evaluator/Rapporteur in the following European Union programmes: FP7-SME-2008-1 - Research for the Benefit of SMEs, FP7-HEALTH-2009 . Cooperation Health - Area.1.2 "Detection, Diagnosis and Monitoring“, FP7-SME-2011 - Research for the Benefit of SMEs, FP7-SME-2012 - Research for the Benefit of SMEs, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN – Initial Training Networks.




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