

A. 1- h 2- f 3- e 4- a 5- g 6- d 7- b 8- c

B. 1. Parents still impose their will on children as far as clothes are concerned. False. “[…] teenagers […] have a bigger say than ever in the clothes they buy and wear.”

2. Indebted parents refrain from giving too much pocket money to their kids. False. “Now the report is warning that the generous cash handouts from debt-swamped parents […]”

3. Parents are aware that the money they give to their kids will be spent on superfluous stuff. True. “Parents today are prepared to go well beyond simply satisfying the basic financial needs of their children.”

4. With the present economic crisis, teens won′t spend so much money. False. “There is no doubt that in the future teenagers will be hitting the shops even more often than they do already.”

5. The older you are, the more money you get. True. “The amount of pocket money obviously increases with age […].”

C. 1. Parents can become indebted due to their children’s spending habits.

2. Teenagers ask money to their parents to keep up with all the current trends/ buy clothes, cosmetics and electronic gadgets.

3. The report shows that kids need to learn how to manage/ handle their money.

4. 11-14 year olds get around £250 a year, whereas 15-19 years olds receive more than £100 a month.


|1. their (line 3) teenagers’ |2. they (line 5) teenagers |

|3. they (line 19) British teenagers – 11 to 19 years olds |4. so (line 28) receiving at least £250 a year in pocket money |

|5. one (line 30) a teen between 15 and 19 years old | |


1. Although Shirley has a part-time job, she still wants to receive pocket money from her parents.

2. If he takes more responsibility, he will get more pocket money.

3. Parents should send their teens to do the weekly shop to help them understand the cost of every day essentials. Parents should send their teens to do the weekly shop so that they can understand the cost of every day essentials.

4. In spite of being unemployed, a number of teenagers have a growing amount of money at their disposal.



English worksheet – Reading/Writing

Name:______________________________________________ No.: ___ Date: _______

( Read the text about teenagers and money and find out how

much pocket money British teens get from their parents.

| | Teenagers have been hailed as the new spend, spend, spend generation, but | |

| |their spending could put their parents in debt. | |

| |A report out today shows that parents are lavishing cash on their teenagers so they| |

| |can keep up with all the current trends. But the report also | |

|5 | | |

| |shows that it is the age of the ‘kidult’ as teenagers are acting older at a younger age and have a bigger say than ever in the clothes they buy and |

| |wear. |

| |The majority of 15-19 year olds receive more than £100 a month, but their plentiful pocket money is leading to many teenagers – particularly girls |

|10 |– becoming shopaholics as |

| |they splash out on clothes, cosmetics and electronic gadgets. |

| |Now the report is warning that the generous cash handouts from debt-swamped parents means the young people are not being taught crucial lessons in |

| |money management. |

| |Latest research from market analysts Mintel International shows that British teenagers – 11 to 19 years olds – love to spend but they are not just |

| |spending their own money. According to Richard Caines, one of Mintel International retail analysts, “parents today are prepared to go well beyond |

|15 |simply satisfying the basic financial needs of their children. So much so that the amount of money parents give to their children significantly |

| |outstrips economic growth and will continue to do so. There is no doubt that in the future teenagers will be hitting the shops even more often than |

| |they do already.” |

| |Today teenagers between 11 and 14 are more likely to receive at least £250 a year in pocket money, with almost a quarter doing so. The amount of pocket|

| |money obviously increases with age, so that between 15-19 years old the majority receive more than £100 a month, with one in seven receiving £500 or |

| |more. |

|20 | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|25 | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|30 | |

A. Match the words on the left with their definitions.

B. Are these statements True or False? Justify all your answers by quoting from the text.

1. Parents still impose their will on children as far as clothes are concerned. ________________________


2. Indebted parents refrain from giving too much pocket money to their kids. ______________________


3. Parents are aware that the money they give to their kids will be spent on superfluous stuff. _______


4. With the present economic crisis, teens won′t spend so much money. ___________________________


5. The older you are, the more money you get. ______________________________________________________


C. Now complete these sentences with information from the text.

1. Parents can become indebted due to __________________________________________________________


2. Teenagers ask money to their parents to _____________________________________________________


3. The report shows that kids need to learn ______________________________________________________


4. 11-14 year olds get around _____________________________ a year, whereas ___________________


a) spend a huge amount

b) exceeds

c) clearly

d) owing a lot of money without being able to pay

e) abundant

f) fashion

g) device, equipment

h) giving too much

1. lavishing (line 5)

2. trends (l. 6)

3. plentiful (l. 9)

4. splash out (l. 11)

5. gadget (l. 12)

6. debt-swamped (l. 15)

7. outstrips (l. 24)

8. obviously (l. 16)



D. Now answer this question.

1. Do teens in your country get as much pocket money as British kids do? Justify your answer, giving some examples. ___________________________________________________________________________







E. Say what/who these words refer to in the text.

|1. their (line 3) __________________________________ |2. they (line 5) __________________________________ |

|3. they (line 19) _________________________________ |4. so (line 28) ___________________________________ |

|5. one (line 30) _________________________________ |__________________________________________________ |

F. Rewrite these sentences beginning them as indicated below.

1. Shirley has a part-time job, but she still wants to receive pocket money from her parents.

Although __________________________________________________________________________________________


2. He must take more responsibility. He gets more pocket money.

If he _______________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Parents should send their teens to do the weekly shop to help them understand the cost of every day essentials. Parents should send their teens to do the weekly shop so that ______


4. Though unemployed, a number of teenagers have a growing amount of money at their disposal. In spite of _______________________________________________________________________________





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