Monitoring and Controlling the Project

Appendix A Project Document Examples

Newsletter Project Charter

Project Purpose and Justification:

The purpose of the newsletter project is to produce a quarterly newsletter to keep our organizational stakeholders informed on current project progress. The newsletter’s intent is to help increase all employees job satisfaction.

Objectives and Success Criteria:

• Inform other teams/divisions about hardware, software, network upgrades ,and how they benefit and affect their personnel

• Inform organization of project status covering scope, time, cost, risk and lessons learned

• Inform organization of updates, benefits, and drawbacks of Project Server

• Inform Human Resources Team, so that training can be planned and scheduled to implement new technologies

• Deliver a newsletter monthly to the organization


• Produce a newsletter to facilitate communication between the project teams and the organization stakeholders.

• Newsletter length shall be 2 pages or less.

• All team members shall be responsible for producing short articles describing the projects they are working on.

• All project managers are required to provide a monthly project status.

Description & Product Characteristics:

Produce a monthly newsletter to keep organizations informed. The newsletter shall be available as a hard copy and electronic copy.

Newsletter Milestone Schedule:

• Newsletter layout

• Article topics

• Approve newsletter

• Distribute newsletter


Monthly budget: $5,000

Project Requirement Approval

Karl Wennerberg will be responsible for approval of requirements. He will “sign off “on requirements, formulated in the planning process, before moving to the execution process.

The newsletter will be considered successful by meeting the following criteria:

• Reduce cost of re-engineering by having stakeholder “buy-in” before implementing new technologies

• Reduce personnel turnover

• Increase Return of Investment(ROI) of: hardware, software, and process re-engineering projects

Assigned Project Manager

Joy O’Koren will be the project manager on the newsletter project. She will have the authority and my support to do whatever it takes to make the newsletter project a success, providing you meet the project requirements.

_April Wennerberg_____________

April Wennerberg


Project Masters Inc


Stakeholder Register Example

Scope Statement to Produce Newsletter Example

Product Scope Description

Produce a quarterly newsletter that will be mailed or e-mailed to subscribers. This newsletter will be about project status and team members’ accomplishments. It will have articles on hardware and software upgrades. It will range in size from 6 to 10 pages.

Members of the Project Team will provide short articles describing the projects they are working on and the implication for the organization.

Project Deliverable

• Hardware upgrade articles

• Software upgrade articles

• Networking upgrade articles

• Advances in Internet and Intranet capabilities articles

• Newsletter

Product User Acceptance Criteria

• Less than or equal to 10 pages

• Full Color

• PDF and hardcopy

• Written at 10th grade level

• Less than or equal to 12 pictures

• Follows the Newsletter template

• Use 12 font in garamond

Product Boundaries

• Increase corporate productivity with proper execution of improvements

• Provide a framework for a comprehensive MIS strategy

• Increase Return on Investment (ROI) of: hardware, software, and process re-engineering efforts

• Reduce employees’ frustration, and improve morale with appropriate / timely training

• Exploit Corporate Knowledge Base when implementing new technologies

• Reduce costly re-engineering by gaining stakeholder “buy-in” before implementing new technologies

Product Constraints

Can’t exceed 10 pages in length

Can’t exceed 10th grade reading level

Project Assumptions

• Personnel from the Project Office Department will be chosen (or volunteer) to provide newsletter articles each quarter. Articles will be selected based upon the importance and potential impact to ongoing corporate projects.

• No additional hardware / software will be needed for the newsletter.

• Current staff will produce and edit the newsletter. Initially, the newsletter will require some additional work. As time progresses, staff will build newsletters from past letters.

This will result in a savings of resource time.

• The Management Information Systems (MIS) Newsletter Project will be managed by the Assistant MIS Director and will be reviewed and approved by the Director of MIS before release for publication. A mailing list will be developed once the project has been approved.

Newsletter Requirements Example

• 6 to 10 pages long

• Meet the employee section, CEO update, division updates

• Full color

• Email, hardcopy in break area or cafeteria.

• 10th grade level

• 12 font in Garamond

• Max 12 picture

• List employee birthdays

• Use 8 ½ by 11”

• Max 3 columns

• Games and recipes

• Employee recognition

• Create a template for sign off by Karl Wennerberg

Newsletter WBS Example


Newsletter Project Procurement Strategy Brief

Strategy Summary:

The purpose of the newsletter project is to produce a quarterly newsletter to keep our organizational stakeholders informed on current project progress. Our goal as an organization is to do what we do best and to outsource the rest of the work and materials.

Product Description and Requirements:

Produce a monthly newsletter to keep organizations informed. The newsletter shall be available as a hard copy and electronic copy.

• Produce a newsletter to facilitate communication between the project teams and the organization stakeholders.

• Newsletter length shall be 2 pages or less.

• All team members shall be responsible for producing short articles describing the projects they are working on.

• All project managers are required to provide a monthly project status.

Product Elements:

|Product Element |Make or Buy |Contract Type |

|Design layout |Make |NA |

|Articles |Make and Buy |Fixed Price |

|Paper |Buy |Fixed Price |

|Web Newsletter |Make |NA |

|Printer |Buy |Fixed Price |

|Ink |Buy |Fixed Price |

|Distribute Newsletters |Make |NA |

Strategy for Make or Buy:

Design Layout:

Design layout make, because the organization has the experience and expertise internal to our organization.


Articles will be make and buy, because the organization has some of the experience and expertise internal to our organization. Due to internal deadline and expertise we will need to go to outside consultant in certain cases.


Paper will be buying, because our Organization does not have the expertise or capability to make the product

Web Newsletter:

Web Newsletter will be created by Organization staff because we have the experience and expertise.


Printer will be buying, because our Organization does not have the expertise or capability to make the product.


Ink will be buying, because our Organization does not have the expertise or capability to make the product

Distribute Newsletters:

Distribute Newsletter will be created by Organization staff because we have the experience and expertise.

Project Estimating Worksheet

|Newsletter Project Estimating Worksheet |

|Project: |

|WBS Segment: |

|WBS# |

|Identification: |Quantification: |Mitigation |Risk |

| | | |Status |

|Work |

|package |

|Green |Risk triggers have not happened |

|Yellow |Risk triggers have been tripped |

|Red |Process of handling Risk |

Newsletter Communication Plan


The purpose of the Newsletter Communications Plan is to define the communication requirements for the project and how information will be distributed to the Stakeholders. The Communications Plan defines the following:

• Communication requirements based on roles

• What information will be communicated

• How the information will be communicated

• When will information be distributed

• Who does the communication

• Who receives the communication

This Communications Management Plan sets the communications framework for this project. It will serve as a guide for communications throughout the life of the project and will be updated as communication needs change through the life of the project. This plan identifies and defines the roles of persons involved in this project. It also includes a communications matrix which maps the communication requirements of this project. An in-depth guide for conducting meetings details both, the communications rules and how the meetings will be conducted, ensuring successful meetings. A project team directory is included to provide contact information for all stakeholders directly involved in the project.

Communications Management Approach

The Project Manager will take a proactive role in ensuring effective communications on this project. The communications requirements are documented in the Communications Matrix. The Communications Matrix will be used as the guide for what information to communicate, who is to do the communicating, when to communicate it and to whom to communicate.


Project Sponsor

The project sponsor is the champion of the project and has authorized the project by signing the project charter. This person is responsible for the funding of the project and is ultimately responsible for its success. Since the Project Sponsor is at the executive level, communications should be presented in summary format unless the Project Sponsor requests more detailed communications.

Portfolio Manager

The Portfolio Manager oversees the project at the portfolio level and owns most of the resources assigned to the project. The Portfolio Manager is responsible for overall portfolio costs and profitability for meeting the organizational strategic objective.

Key Stakeholders

Stakeholders include all individuals and organizations who are impacted by the project. For this project we are defining a subset of the stakeholders as Key Stakeholders. These are the stakeholders with whom we need to communicate and are not included in the other roles defined in this section. The Key Stakeholders include executive management with an interest in the project and key users identified for participation in the project.

Change Control Board

The Change Control Board is a designated group which reviews technical specifications and authorizes changes to the Newsletter Structure. Technical design documents, user impact analysis and implementation strategies are typical of the types of communication this group requires.


The customer for this project is Project Sponsor (President). As the customer who will be accepting the final deliverable of this project they will be informed of the project status including potential impacts to the schedule for the final deliverable or the product itself.

Project Manager

The Project Manager has overall responsibility for the execution of the project. The Project Manager manages day to day resources, provides project guidance and monitors and reports on the projects metrics as defined in the Project Management Plan. As the person responsible for the execution of the project, the Project Manager is the primary communicator for the project, distributing information according to the Communications Management Plan.

Project Team

The Project Team is comprised of all persons who have a role performing work on the project. The project team needs to have a clear understanding of the work to be completed and the framework in which the project is to be executed. Since the Project Team is responsible for completing the work for the project they played a key role in creating the Project Plan including defining its schedule and work packages. The Project Team requires a detailed level of communications which is achieved through day to day interactions with the Project Manager and other team members along with weekly team meetings.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee includes management representing the departments which make up the organization. The Steering Committee provides strategic oversight for changes which impact the overall organization. The purpose of the Steering Committee is to ensure that changes within the organization are effected in such a way that it benefits the organization as a whole. The Steering Committee requires communication on matters which will change the scope of the project and its deliverables.

Technical Lead

The Technical Lead is a person on the Project Team who is designated to be responsible for ensuring that all technical aspects of the project are addressed and that the project is implemented in a technically sound manner. The Technical Lead is responsible for all technical designs, overseeing the implementation of the designs and developing as-build documentation. The Technical Lead requires close communications with the Project Manager and the Project Team.

Project Team Directory

The following table presents contact information for all persons identified in this communications management plan. The email addresses and phone numbers in this table will be used to communicate with these people.

|Role |Name |Email |Phone |

|Project Sponsor / Steering Committee |April Wennerberg |awennerberg@ |410.772.6316 |

|Project Manager / Steering Committee |Joy O’Koren |aokoren@ |410.772.6316 |

|Customer |April Wennerberg | | |

|Project Team |Kyunghee Kwon |kkwon@ |410.772.6316 |

| |Robert Ware |rware@ |410.772.6316 |

| |William Judy |wjudy@ |410.772.6316 |

| |Solomon Welch |swelch@ |410.772.6316 |

| |Jim Masiel |jmasiel@ |410.772.6316 |

|Technical Lead / Steering Committee |Karl Wennerberg |kwennerberg@ |410.772.6316 |

|Users |Company directory | | |

Communications Matrix

The following table identifies the communications requirements for this project.

|Communication Type |Objective of Communication |Medium |Frequency |Audience |Owner |Deliverable |

|Project Team Meetings |Review status of the project with the team. |Face to Face |Weekly |Project Team |Project Manager |Agenda |

| | |Conference Call | | | |Meeting Minutes |

|Technical Design Meetings |Discuss and develop technical design |Face to Face |As Needed |Project Technical Staff |Technical Lead |Agenda |

| |solutions for the project. | | | | |Meeting Minutes |

|Monthly Project Status |Report on the status of the project to |Face to Face |Monthly |PMO |Project Manager | |

|Meetings |management. |Conference Call | | | | |

|Project Status Reports |Report the status of the project including |Email |Monthly |Project Sponsor |Project Manager |Project Status Report |

| |activities, progress, costs and issues. | | |Project Team | | |

| | | | |Stakeholders | | |

| | | | |PMO | | |

Guidelines for Meetings

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Agenda will be distributed 5 business days in advance of the meeting. The Agenda should identify the presenter for each topic along with a time limit for that topic. The first item in the agenda should be a review of action items from the previous meeting.

Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes will be distributed within 2 business days following the meeting. Meeting minutes will include the status of all items from the agenda along with new action items and the Parking Lot list.

Action Items

Action Items are recorded in both the meeting agenda and minutes. Action items will include both the action item along with the owner of the action item. Meetings will start with a review of the status of all action items from previous meetings and end with a review of all new action items resulting from the meeting. The review of the new action items will include identifying the owner for each action item.

Parking Lot

The Parking Lot is a tool used by the facilitator to record and defer items which aren’t on the meeting agenda; however, merit further discussion at a later time or through another forum. A parking lot record should identify an owner for the item as that person will be responsible for ensuring follow-up. The Parking Lot list is to be included in the meeting minutes.

Meeting Chair Person

The Chair Person is responsible for distributing the meeting agenda, facilitating the meeting and distributing the meeting minutes. The Chair Person will ensure that the meeting starts and ends on time and that all presenters adhere to their allocated time frames.

Note Taker

The Note Taker is responsible for documenting the status of all meeting items, maintaining a Parking Lot item list and taking notes of anything else of importance during the meeting. The Note Taker will give a copy of their notes to the Chair Person at the end of the meeting as the Chair Person will use the notes to create the Meeting Minutes.

Time Keeper

The Time Keeper is responsible for helping the facilitator adhere to the time limits set in the meeting agenda. The Time Keeper will let the presenter know when they are approaching the end of their allocated time. Typically a quick hand signal to the presenter indicating how many minutes remain for the topic is sufficient.



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