
D&D 5e Feature & Ki Planner: Monk (Way of the Open Hand) LevelNameTriggering EventKiResult1Unarmored Def.While wearing no armor nor shieldAC = 10+DexMod+WisMod1Martial ArtsWhile unarmed or armed only with monk weaponsMay use Dex, rather than STR for Att and Dmg rolls1Martial ArtsWhile unarmed or armed only with monk weaponsMay roll "martial arts" die, rather than normal die, for dmg1Martial ArtsAfter attacking unarmed or armed only with monk wpnsBonus action: Make another attack2KiFinishing a short or long rest containing 30 min medit.Regain all Ki points in Ki pool2Flurry of BlowsAfter you take Attack action on your turn1Bonus action: Make 2 unarmed strikes2Patient DefenseAnytime on your turn1Bonus action: Dodge 2Step of the WindAnytime on your turn1Bonus action: Disengage or Dash + jump distance doubled2Unarmored MvmtWhile wearing no armor nor shieldSpeed increases by amount in Monk Table3Deflect MissilesYou are hit by a ranged weaponReaction:Reduce dmg by 1d10+DexMod+MonkLevel3Deflect MissilesYou just used Deflect Missiles and reduced damage to 01 Re-throw wpn/ammo (w/prof) as mnk wpn: 20'/60' range3Open Hand Tech.When you hit, using Flurry of BlowsProne(DxSv) OR pushed 15'(StSv) OR No reac til ur turn 4Slow FallWhen you fallReaction: Reduce damage by 5 x Monk Level5Extra AttackWhen you take the Attack action on your turnAttack twice5Stunning StrikeYou hit opponent w/ a melee weapon1Opp. makes ConSave or stunned til end of your next turn6Ki-Emp. StrikesAnytime you make an unarmed strikeCounts as a magical attack 6Wholens. of BodyOn your actionRegain hp = 3 x Monk Level (Long Rest to re-use)7Stillness of MindOn your actionEnd one effect on you causing charm or fear7EvasionWhen you must make a DexSav for half damageDamage is 0 if you make it and ? if you fail10Purity of BodyAt all timesImmune to disease and poison11TranquilityAt end of a Long Rest containing 30 min meditationGain benefits of Sanctuary, but lasts til your next long rest13Tongue of Sun&MAt all timesUnderstand all spoken languages; others understand you14Diamond SoulYou fail a saving throw1Re-roll. Must take 2nd roll.15Timeless BodyAt all timesNo age frailty;Can't age magically;No food or water need17Quivering PalmYou hit a creature with an unarmed strike3Vib for d=L;end=ConSv:fail=0hp,succ=10d10 nec18Empty BodyOn your action4Invisible for 1 min + Resistance to all damage but force 18Empty BodyOn your action8Cast Astral Projection (self only) w/o material components20Perfect SelfWhen you roll for initiative and have 0 ki pointsGain 4 ki pointsInformation for spell-like Ki powers:LNameSCR?RngDurAoESavSchEffectHLVSM1SanctuaryP1ba?30'1m1 crt?AbjEnemies must make WisSav if targeting crt*?VSMColumns for each spell listed are:NameName of SpellLSpell LevelSSource (P=PHB ; X=XGE)CCasting TimeR?Ritual Spell? (Ignore)RngRangeDurDurationAoEArea of EffectSavWhat Save, if any, is applicableSchSchool of Magic EffectBrief DescriptionHLDifferent effect if cast with higher level spell slotVSMVerbal, Somatic or Material Components (No material components needed by monks)Acronyms:!Material component has non-negligible cost-"or less". For example "3-" means "3 or less", or "up to 3".+"or more". For example "3+" means "3 or more", or "as few as 3"aceffuAberrations, Celestials, Elementals, Fey, Fiends and UndeadbaBonus ActionbstBeastbysBeast You can SeeceffCelestials, Elementals, Fey, FiendsceffuCelestials, Elementals, Fey, Fiends and UndeadcrtCreaturecysCreature You can SeeCon:Concentration, up to the time listed after the colonhysHumanoid You can SeeInsInstantaneousMSAMelee Spell AttackoysObject You can SeepysPlant You can SeereReactionRSARanged Spell AttackSCASpellcasting AbilitySCAMSpellcasting Ability ModifierSSDCSpell Save Difficulty ClassSlfSelf (the caster)TchTouchtysTarget You can SeeVSCSpell has Verbal/Somatic/Material components, but the material component is consumed with each castingVSMSpell has Verbal/Somatic/Material componentswilWilling ................

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