GSC Report template.docx - University of Louisville

Graduate Student Council Meeting

7:30pm - Thursday, March 12, 2015

|Present: |

|Arts and Sciences: Anthropology – Neha Angal; Biology – Nick Short; Chemistry – Kelsey Sparks; Classical and Modern Languages – Mandy Brown; English – |

|Keri Mathis; Geography and Geosciences – Victoria Montgomery; History – Katherine Morrison; Humanities – Femmy Rose; Pan-African Studies – Rachel |

|Spears; Physics and Astronomy – Geoffrey Lentner; Psychological and Brain Sciences – Nicholas Holt; Sociology – Shawn Rolfe; Theater Arts – Shaleen |

|Cholera; Urban and Public Affairs – Aaron Stephenson; Women and Gender Studies – Cassandra Collier |

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|College of Business: Entrepreneurship – Kosmidou Vasiliki |

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|College of Education: Education and Counseling Psychology – Dominic Schmuck; Health and Sports Sciences—Amy Walden; Teaching and Learning – Kristin |

|Harbour |

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|Dental School: Oral Biology – Saira Ahmed |

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|Kent School: Kent School – Courtney Billington |

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|School of Medicine: Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology – Katie Harman; Audiology – Mary Beth Duncan; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – Catherine |

|Cobb and Jamaal Richie; Microbiology and Immunology – Sabrin Albeituni; Pharmacology and Toxicology – Marcus Stepp; Physiology and Biophysics – |

|Anastasia Keller; Speech and Language Pathology – Haylee Beggs |

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|School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies: Interdisciplinary Studies – Angie Carlson |

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|School of Nursing: Nursing – Anna Jorayeva |

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|School of Music: Music – Israel Cuenca |

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|School of Public Health: Public Health – Victory Osezua |

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|Speed School: Chemical Engineering – Alejandro Martinez-Garcia; Civil and Environmental Engineering – Austin Connor; Computer Engineering and Computer |

|Science – Abdallah Eteleeb; Electrical and Computer Engineering – Ahmed Soliman; Industrial Engineering – Luis Cardona |

|Absent: |

|Arts and Sciences: Communications; Fine Arts; Justice Administration; Mathematics; Political Science |

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|College of Business: Accountancy |

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|College of Education: Leadership, Foundations, and Human Resources |

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|Speed School: Mechanical Engineering |

Called Meeting to Order at 7:38pm

Officer Reports:

• President – Jasie Stokes

• See symposium updates below

• All research fund applications have been reviewed for completion and accepted

• Internal VP – Keri Mathis

• No report

• External VP – Benjamin Leamon

• Not present; no report

• Travel Administrator – Ryan Luke

• Not present; no report

• Information Chair – Katie Wilson

• Not present; no report

• Treasurer – Behnoush Abdollahi

• No report

Motion to move to New Business

• Motion carried

Old Business:

• Updates on Research Symposium

o Tentative schedule for the symposium; would love feedback on the schedule; 10am – 2:45pm for the sessions; 15 presentations

o Call for volunteers for the symposium on Friday, 3/27 (registration desk, food help, chairing the panels, etc); volunteer opportunities will allow departments to move back into good standing or probationary status

o Need faculty judges; please email your advisors, DGSs, etc; we would love to have 3 faculty judges for the panels

o Research fund award recipients will be invited to participate in the symposium

o Invite your undergraduate students to the symposium for extra credit

New Business:

• Approval of Minutes for Meeting on February 5, 2015

o Motion carried

• First Reading of the Constitution (see electronic copy of the Constitution for more detail)

o Primary Changes: Ben followed the template provided by SGA (formatting changes); we also added the committee work option to clarify movement into probationary and active status and to help provide more consistency for attendance at meetings (it does take one year to get back to full active status); these changes hold the students and department more accountable and active in the council; any office on the executive council is open to any graduate student at all (except the office of President); there will also be one meeting per semester on the HSC campus

o Discussion/Suggestions: banking system for participation on committees; consider future benefits for active participation (to get away from the punitive system); find out ways to get a more accurate understanding of what graduate students need; procedure for missed meetings for emergencies

o Clarification: “year” refers to the academic year

o Next year: there will also be a formal appeal process for missed meetings

o Motion to accept first reading

▪ Motion carried

• Senate Updates on SAC East Renovation

o History of the SAC East Renovation and updates from Senate meeting

o Call for ideas for other options for a proactive plan to have on the table in two weeks at Senate; we will be drafting the resolution that will have all this information and we need input (will be open for students to review after the second reading); in the event that there is a rally, please attend and tell all of your constituents

o Motion to open for discussion

▪ Motion carried

▪ Review the information for this plan and its history in The Louisville Cardinal

▪ Student organizations and media have power to overturn these decisions

▪ Please give feedback to

o Motion to close discussion

▪ Motion carried

• End of the Semester Meeting/Party at HSC

o Date: April 2nd

o Location TBA (possibly a room in CTR with good street parking)

o Depending on the budget, we can purchase a bigger, nicer meal; more updates on this soon

• Motion to add agenda item: pop-up lounge

o Motion passed

• Research Fund for Summer

o We have research funds for summer left ($2500); applications will be open soon, and we will decide on the deadline for this application, as well (April 23rd, Reading Day is likely for the deadline)

• Representatives for Next Year

o Please bring representatives for next year to the next meeting if possible; also please tell your DGS or Dean that they need to find a representative before the Summit (which will likely be in mid-September)

• Pop-Up Lounge

o HSC Pop-Up Lounge during final exam week; HSC Committee will give us dates and location ideas

o Pop-Up Lounge on Belknap campus during final exam week, as well


• Upcoming March PLAN Events, Women’s Panel, Dissertation Writing Retreat (Keri Mathis)

• Geography and Geosciences Department Announcement (Victoria Montgomery)

• Campus Resources for Student Issues and Grievances (Tracey Eckersley and Ryan Luke)

• MAGS – Minority Association of Graduate Students Welcome from 12pm-1pm in the Cultural Center; light refreshments provided

• March 25 to March 27 – Israeli Apartheid Week (film showings and other events that are open to the public); Students for Justice in Palestine

Adjourned at 8:47pm


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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