LIFESPAN Volume XIX No. 2 Serving Montgomery County ... - Office for Aging


Volume XIX No. 2

Serving Montgomery County Older Adults since 1975

March/April 2016

17th Annual Awards Dinner

Home Registry

The Montgomery County Office for Aging will hold its 17th Annual Awards Dinner on Wed., June 1, 2016, 6 p.m. at Glen Sanders Mansion in Scotia. Govind C. Rao, M.D., P.C., F.A.A.P. will receive the Fr. Joseph F.

Girzone Crystal Pillar of the Community Award and Regina Cassetta, R.N. will receive the Diane G. Snell Humanitarian Award. Please call the OFA, 843-2300, for an invitation or more information.

Recipe Contest Cocktail Celebration

The Foundation for Montgomery County Office for Aging is holding their annual Recipe Contest. Please submit your favorite recipes (nothing too complicated) to our office NO LATER THAN March 16, in person or by mail, to: OFA, Attn. Tracy, 135 Guy Park Ave., Amsterdam NY, 12010. We will select our top 10 favorites to be prepared by our culinary staff at a cocktail reception held at the Century Club, 130 Guy Park Ave., Amsterdam on Fri., Apr. 8 from 5:30-7:30 PM.

Wolf Hollow Brewing Company will provide craft beer tastings. Beer and wine will also be available for purchase by the glass. Entertainment will be provided by Peter Capobianco. Samples of each recipe will be available for tasting and you can cast a vote for you favorites! Winners will be selected that evening for each of the following categories: entr?e, appetizer/ side dish and dessert. Tickets are $10 each and available for purchase at our office.

Centenarians to be Honored

As part of May's Older Americans month, special acknowledgement will be given by the Montgomery County Office for Aging, Inc., to residents of Montgomery County who are 100 years old or older, or who will reach their 100th birthday by Dec. 31, 2016. Family members,

agencies and others are encouraged to contact the OFA, 843-2300, by Apr. 8 with the names of those who will be, or are older than 100 years old. We are pleased to honor area centenarians for this achievement and thank them for being an inspiration to future generations.

OFA offers a home registry list for older adults looking to hire individuals to provide specific services at reasonable rates. Services include: handyman, light housekeeping, transportation and hair dressers. The service providers on our lists are not employed by the OFA and a signed waiver is required prior to receiving any list. The waiver is necessary as we do not make endorsements or recommendations regarding those listed but merely give a list of providers. All providers have had reference checks and have been interviewed by our staff.

We are always looking to expand our lists. A traveling hairdresser was recently added. If you are a service provider interested in being on any of our lists, please call or stop by for an application. For more information on obtaining a list, please call 843-2300.

Make a Difference

Our Friendly Visitor and Telephone Reassurance programs match homebound, older adults with volunteers to provide companionship through weekly visits or daily phone calls. We are always looking for older adults who would benefit from these services, as well as volunteers to provide these services. Please call 843-2300 for more information.

David Jordan

Executive Director

Now is the time of year when discussions about the New York State budget are in the forefront. Also, for the Montgomery County Office for Aging, it can be a crucial time to advocate for sufficient funding to serve the thousands of seniors in need that live in our county. Recently, I went to Albany on the Legislative Day for Aging Services in New York State. This was an opportunity to meet with our area's elected officials in the state government and present the important reasons for increasing funding for services for older adults in Montgomery County.

Montgomery County Office for Aging, Inc. The Designated Area Agency on Aging


Megan DePasquale John DiMezza Sharon Heroth Mary Ellen Houlihan David Jordan Jennifer Moyer Laura Penge-Burda

Stephen Prohaska Michelle Shaw Elizabeth Smitka Meeghan Stock Jason Walrath Tim Yager

Board of Directors

* Emeritus

Sheriff Michael Amato* Peter Capobianco Joan Conboy Ronald Dievendorf Mike McCoy Ted Madej Donald Massey* Thomas Mickle* Robin Moller

Dolores Partyka Vincent Rossi Dorothy Savarese Thomas Sorbero Nancy Vertucci Mike Wancewicz Roberta Winsman* William Winsman Barbara Wool*

Advisory Council

Evelyn Bianchi

Carl Marucci

Phoebe Boschi

Lisa Mirabile

Joan Cimino

Carmen Nieves

Sandra DiGiandomenico Elizabeth Niski

David Dybas

Cathy Smith

Krissy Gillmore

Jeffrey Smith

Martin Kelly

Karen Sylvia

Michelle Kumar

Lynne Van Eps

Foundation Board of Directors

Peter Capobianco Jerri Cortese Tracy Hojohn, RD Carl Marucci

Del B. Salmon Andrew Santillo William Winsman Karen Wright

and advocates to present budget items of elder abuse with only one out of 44

and recommendations. With

cases being reported. These numbers

collaboration from the NYS Association are staggering and point to the hidden

on Aging, some of the suggested

crisis of elder abuse, which costs New

budget items included:

York State $1.5 billion annually to

Community Services for the

investigate, prosecute and provide

Elderly funding: These funds have services to victims. A substantial

been increased slightly over the last financial commitment by the state will

two years but a substantial increase provide community-based

($15 million statewide) could help

organizations the resources to confront

address multiple issues since these this problem. Currently, NYS provides

funds are flexible and can be used in a less than $1 million statewide to

variety of areas. Increasing these

address this issue. A larger investment

funds will help reduce the number of ($10 million) would make great strides

seniors that are on waiting lists for

in addressing this important issue

services, which is over 9,700

more appropriately.

statewide. Increasing community-

Other areas of focus during this

based services such as in-home care, budget year include NY Connects

transportation and home-delivered

program sustainability (which provides

meals greatly improves seniors' ability assistance to individuals of any age in

to stay in their home in the community accessing long-term care services &

and decreases or delays the need for supports), Elder Caregiver Support

nursing-home care.

Program, Aging Services Workforce

Targeted Expanded In-home

Investment and Network Staff Core

Services for the Elderly Program: To Competencies.

better serve older adults that are at

Although this list of budget items

imminent risk of nursing home

may seem like a lot, it actually pales in

placement, additional funding ($25

comparison to how much other

million statewide) will provide

organizations and groups request in

communities with enhanced tools to terms of budget increases. I know that

divert nursing home placement through our elected officials understand the

intensive case management, additional valuable services that agencies like the

in-home care, community-based

Office for Aging provide to seniors in

services and maximization of family our community. I've spoken with both


Senator Amedore and Assemblyman

Transportation: Waiting lists for

Santabarbara about the concerns and

senior transportation have increased unmet needs of seniors in our county.

dramatically in the last year throughout They understand this and are willing to

the state. In Montgomery County, there advocate for investing in some of the

is no widespread transportation system areas that I've mentioned. However, it

for seniors which can make it difficult is vitally important that citizens like

for hospitals to provide proper

yourself make your voices heard. If

discharge planning because it is often you believe that New York State

uncertain how a senior will get to their should make a significant investment

doctor appointments. A robust

in assisting seniors in our county, I

volunteer corps has been expected to encourage you to contact your local

fill this service gap in the past but a state representatives and tell them that

substantial investment ($2.5 million the state funding needs to increase to

statewide) in transportation will help meet the level of need in our county.

serve the growing demand for rides for Both the Senator and Assemblyman

older adults.

have local offices within Montgomery

Elder Abuse: Elder abuse in New County and are always willing to listen

York State has been consistently

to your concerns. If you need their

Tracy Hojohn

Registered Dietitian

Evidence from lab investigations, clinical trials, and epidemiologic studies have demonstrated that foods providing nutrients like polyphenols, vitamins, minerals and other compounds may be beneficial in the management of hypertension. The following foods have been clinically shown to independently lower blood pressure (BP) and decrease the risk for hypertension. 1) Beets and beetroot juice are some of the best dietary sources of nitrate. Dietary nitrate helps to from nitric oxide, a strong vasodilator that can help lower BP. 2) Cocoa contains large amounts of flavonoids, some of which also promote increased nitric oxide


Bring a friend and have lunch at one of our caf?s. Lunch is

served Monday through Friday at 12 p.m.

Call 843-2300 or 673-2000 to make a reservation or to cancel a reservation.

Daily sites

Amsterdam Garden Towers Caf?

52 Division St. (New Amsterdam Apartments)

Canajoharie Caf? Arkell 55 Montgomery St. (Arkell Center)

St. Johnsville Westside Caf? 16 Washington St. (Community House)


Under 60 guest fee: $8.30

foster healthy BP. They also contain health.

large amounts of magnesium and

Source: Today's Dietitian

From our friends potassium which help promote

vasodilation. 4) Dairy foods appear to

have a positive effect on BP. One theory has to do with the production of peptides and the other touts probiotic bacteria as being beneficial. 5) Flaxseed contains several nutrients (such as fiber, alpha-linolenic acid, lignans and some peptides) that can benefit BP levels. 6) Sesame oil

Dear Mr. Salmon, Just wanted to thank you for your article in Office for Aging, entitled "An Open Letter to Your Parents." It was so helpful to children and their elderly parents. You covered every subject clearly and concisely. I am sending you a charitable gift to help

contains two antioxidants that appear with your work.

to stimulate nitric oxide production and Sincerely, M.D., Amsterdam

cause vasodilation. 7) Black, green

Decision-Making and hibiscus tea have all been shown

to have a beneficial effect on BP due

to their flavonoids and phytochemicals. 8) Garlic has several bioactive compounds (such as an amino acid derivative that contains sulfur) that contribute to lower BP. 9) Blueberries, cranberries and strawberries are an abundant source of anthocyanins, which are shown to lower the risk of hypertension. 10) Soy foods contain a

The OFA and Elder Law Attorney, Del B. Salmon, will host a variety of decision-making days throughout the County in May. Living wills, healthcare proxies, and powers of attorney will be discussed and a question/ answer period will follow. Watch for these dates in the May/June issue of LIFESPAN.


Caregiver Family



Stephen Prohaska

Case Manager

One of the best gifts a person can give to one's family is to put your affairs in order before a disaster or medical emergency. The information and documents you should have prepared are: All bank accounts, account numbers,

types of accounts, safe deposit boxes and the location of banks. Insurance companies, policy numbers, beneficiaries as stated on the policy and type of insurance (health, life, long-term care, automobile, etc.). Pensions, employment benefits, securities. Deeds and titles to all property (real estate, vehicles, etc.).

Organ donation information. Social Security and Medicare

numbers. Military history, affiliations and

papers (including discharge papers). Up-to-date will or trust. Living will or other Advance Directive. Durable Power of Attorney. Instructions for funeral services and

burial (if arrangements have been secured, name and location of funeral home). Source:

Meeghan Stock

own behalf or on behalf of a loved one, telephone extension of the person

Client Services

make sure you have carefully read all handling your phone call. If someone is


the documents you want to discuss. unwilling or unable to help you, ask to

Make sure you have access to

speak to the supervisor.

If you are like most people, you have the following information:

Take good notes,

called your insurance provider with a the insured person's birth date

including the date of the

question, been put on hold, and finally insurance policy number and

call and the information

reached a representative only to

social security number

you were given, including

discover you did not have all the

name and address of

what you were told would

necessary documents in front of you. organization that sent the bill

be done or you should do.

It can be easier. Below are some tips total amount of the bill

Be patient, since you will probably

to help you get the best results from diagnosis code on the bill

spend some time navigating

your phone calls. Remember: If you the Medicare Summary Notice (MSN) automated telephone menus and

have questions about your insurance from Medicare or the Explanation of waiting on hold.

coverage, whether you have Original Benefits (EOB) from your Medicare

If the insurance representative asks

Medicare or get your benefits through Advantage Plan, if you are questioning you to submit additional

a Medicare Advantage Plan (such as an insurance payment


an HMO or PPO), you have the right to get answers.

a list of your questions

Send it right away! Keep a copy of anything you send.

Lottery Calendar Winners To Date

Source: Medicare Interactive, Medicare Rights Center.

Thank you to all who purchased

Theresa Krong, Gloria Lockhart,

calendars in support of our services Joseph Martino, Ryan McCarty, Betty

and to those who wished to donate

Papa, John & Josephine Passaro,

their winnings back. Congratulations to JoAnn Piurek, Kenneth Rorick, Mary

our winners: Chris & Lynne Bakuzonis, Liz Sampone, Dennis C. Slechta,

Tina M. Blakely, Phoebe Boschi,

Kathy Smith, Agnes Soodol, Kelly

Kathleen Bryk, Elizabeth J. Cooper, Strack & Jed Conboy, Rick Streun,

Kyle Cotugno, Sueann Dingman,

Marilyn Swanker, Mark & Barbara Van

Katherine Fleischman, Brendon Ford, Wormer, Dan Voght, Kathryn Watson

Grace A. Frederes, Phyllis Hage, Brian & Sonya Wilson. We have a limited

Harrington, Gloria Hawker, Jason

supply of 2016 calendars left for $20.

Heroth, Wendy Jordan, Robert

Stop by for yours today!

Kearney, Kathy Coates-Kreisel,


Because needs are always greater than the resources available, the Montgomery County Office for Aging, Inc. encourages and appreciates donations.

Name___________________________________ Address_______________________________________

I designate my donation of $____________ for: Phone___________________________________

Use where most needed HIICAP Legal services Caregiver/Respite services

Home-care services Meals program LIFESPAN Foundation

Please make check payable to: Montgomery County Office for Aging, Inc.

"Save a Stamp" please do NOT acknowledge my donation by mail

Please do NOT acknowledge my donation in LIFESPAN

Legal Services Representative

trust, jointly owned property or creating directives. Unfortunately, many people


never get around to doing this, and

Medicaid Planning

guardianship becomes a necessity.

The area of Elder Law is an area of Skilled nursing care at a Nursing

Elder law attorneys can assist families

the law that provides legal services to home care is expensive and it is not and older adults who find themselves

senior citizens and younger people

covered by Medicare. If you run out of in this situation.

with special needs who want to

money, it can sometimes be paid for

Housing Transitions

manage their circumstances now and by Medicaid. In order to qualify,

There are a variety of living

into the future.

however, you must be almost

arrangements available for the elderly

Some common things that elder law completely out of money and you

today. They include independent living,

attorneys handle include:

cannot give away your money just to senior communities, assisted living,

Estate Planning

qualify. The situation can be more

skilled care and a variety of other

This involves the preparation of

complicated if one partner in a

permutations. What they all have in

documents necessary to pass your

marriage is in good health and the

common is that they involve a

estate to your heirs. Typically it

other needs nursing home care. The transition from home. The transition

involves the preparation of a will or

Medicaid rules for how much money involves many personal, medical, and

trust agreement. Common goals of an you can protect and the

financial intricacies. Under ideal

estate plan are to avoid estate tax and circumstances, under which you can circumstances, this transition may

probate, to prevent assets from being do that, are complex. Elder law

occur when everybody is healthy and

consumed for health care, and to

attorneys are often able to help

sound. Often, though, the decisions

ensure that assets go to the people toy families to plan how to get the best

happen in a rush and after dementia or


possible care for seniors.

other issues have crept into the


Advance Directives

picture. A good elder law attorney can

Probate is the court system's

Advance directives (Powers of

successfully guide you through this

bureaucracy for processing assets

Attorneys and Health Care Proxies and delicate process. The one essential

solely in the name of the decedent. Living Wills) are documents that state skill that elder law attorneys must

Probate involves gathering all of the what you would like done if you

possess is an ability to listen to their

individual's assets, paying all of the become unable to make decisions

clients. The issues that elder law

debts, and distributing the balance to during your lifetime. The most common lawyers address are very personal and

the heirs. This is a time-consuming

advance directives are known as

their ability to cater to the needs of

process and can be expensive. As a Durable Powers of Attorney and they older adults makes them a more

result, a common goal of estate

allow an individual to name an agent suitable choice. Another type of lawyer

who can make health or financial

may be able to solve these legal

decisions for them if they became

matters, but the process would be

unable to do so.

completely different. Elder law lawyers


not only know how to take care of the

When a person becomes unable to legal matters presented above, they

make decisions, the courts will look to know how to take care of older adults.

their advance directives to see who

The following are questions to ask

should make decisions for them. If the when considering retaining an Elder

person has not prepared an advance Law Attorney:

directive, the court must appoint

How long has the attorney been

somebody to do it and they are called practicing?

a guardian. The probate courts appoint What percentage of the attorney's

guardians who monitor the care of

practice is devoted to elder law?

Does his or her practice emphasize

a particular area of elder law? (for

instance, guardianship or other specific


What is the attorney's experience

regarding the specific matter with

which you are concerned?

How much elder law training has


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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