
SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1AVISO DE ELECCI?N SOBRE ENMIENDA DE LA CARTA CONSTITUTIVADE LA CIUDAD DE HOUSTON, TEXASMARTES 6 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2018A los votantes registrados de la Ciudad de Houston, Texas:POR ESTE MEDIO, SE NOTIFICA que la Ciudad de Houston, Texas, llevará a cabo una elección relativa a una enmienda de su Carta Constitutiva (la “Elección”) tal como se describe en este documento, el día martes 6 de noviembre de 2018, en la cual la Ciudad presentará a consideración de los votantes registrados, las siguientes proposiciones: 1)?una proposición para enmendar la Carta Constitutiva de la Ciudad a fin de proporcionar una fuente de financiamiento de contribuciones dinámicas para ampliar, mejorar y renovar los sistemas de alcantarillado y las calles de la Ciudad; y 2)?una proposición para enmendar la Carta Constitutiva de la Ciudad a fin de establecer una paridad entre las remuneraciones de los bomberos de Houston y las de los oficiales de policía de Houston.Enmienda propuesta de la Carta Constitutiva y texto de la boleta En la Elección, los votantes registrados de la Ciudad decidirán si se debe o no enmendar la Carta Constitutiva de Houston votando “A favor” o “En contra” de las siguientes enmiendas propuestas:CIUDAD DE HOUSTON, PROPOSICI?N “A”La Carta Constitutiva de la Ciudad de Houston será enmendada agregando una nueva Sección?22 al Artículo?IX, como se describe a continuación:“Sección 22.Fondo dedicado de contribuciones dinámicaspara alcantarillado y calles.Para asegurar la ampliación, la mejora y la renovación continua del alcantarillado y las calles de Houston, se establecerá, aplicará y financiará un fondo denominado “Fondo dedicado a la renovación del alcantarillado y las calles” en la modalidad de pagos dinámicos, de la siguiente manera:(a)El “Fondo dedicado a la renovación del alcantarillado y las calles” se establecerá como fuente de financiamiento dedicada mediante pagos dinámicos para el alcantarillado y las calles de la Ciudad.(b)A fin de garantizar la disponibilidad continua del Fondo como fuente de pagos dinámicos para el costo de capital de las futuras necesidades de alcantarillado y calles, no se podrá utilizar más del 25% de cada asignación presupuestaria anual al Fondo para gastos de mantenimiento y operación, excepto cuando los contratos de terceros, subvenciones o pagos establezcan otra cosa. El saldo se utilizará exclusivamente sobre una base de contribuciones dinámicas para los gastos de capital del alcantarillado y las calles, incluida la planificación, dise?o de ingeniería y adquisición de servidumbres de paso. El fondo no podrá utilizarse para el servicio de deuda. A partir del presupuesto para el a?o fiscal 2012, el “Fondo dedicado a la renovación del alcantarillado y las calles” se financiará anualmente en cada presupuesto adoptado por el Concejo Municipal mediante las siguientes fuentes; las dos primeras tienen el objetivo de complementar y no reemplazar las fuentes históricas de financiamiento, en tanto que la tercera y la cuarta están destinadas a confirmar el compromiso de la Ciudad para continuar el financiamiento histórico:(i)Todos los ingresos por tarifas de impacto ambiental de urbanizadores, aplicadas a partir del a?o fiscal 2012 y que continúen a partir de entonces, se impondrán de manera equitativa según lo dispuesto por la ley para recuperar los costos asignables de proveer alcantarillado y calles para las propiedades en desarrollo.(ii)Todos los ingresos por cargos de alcantarillado, aplicados a partir del a?o fiscal 2012 y que continúen a partir de entonces, se impondrán de manera equitativa según lo dispuesto por la ley para recuperar los costos asignables de proveer alcantarillado a las propiedades que se beneficien, con tales cargos establecidos inicialmente en niveles dise?ados para generar al menos $125 millones para el a?o fiscal 2012.(iii)Un monto equivalente a los ingresos de $0.118 de la aplicación del impuesto ad valorem de la Ciudad, menos un monto equivalente al servicio de la deuda por alcantarillado y calles para cualesquiera bonos o notas pendientes de pago:(A)Emitido antes del 31 de diciembre de 2011, y(B)Bonos o notas emitidos para su devolución.(iv)Todos los ingresos de contratos con terceros, subvenciones o pagos de cualquier tipo, asignados o destinados al alcantarillado o a las calles.(c)Esta Sección está sujeta a modificación según lo permitido por la ley o caducará a fines del a?o fiscal 2031 (es decir, tras 20 a?os de vigencia) si durante el a?o fiscal 2030 (es decir, el 19? a?o de vigencia) se autorizara su modificación o caducidad por voto afirmativo de dos tercios del Concejo Municipal, después de una audiencia pública sobre el asunto. De no extinguirse, este artículo continuará en pleno vigor y efecto por períodos sucesivos de 20 a?os, sujetos en cada caso al procedimiento de modificación o extinción antes descrito.(d)El financiamiento del “Fondo dedicado a la renovación del alcantarillado y las calles” que no derive de impuestos ad valorem aplicados por la Ciudad (es decir, la porción derivada de tarifas, cargos y pagos de terceros) no se incluirá en los ingresos limitados por esta Carta.”Texto de la boleta para la Proposición “A” de la Ciudad de Houston:[En relación con la creación de una fuente de financiamiento específica para ampliar, mejorar y renovar los sistemas de alcantarillado y las calles]?Debe enmendarse la Carta Constitutiva de la Ciudad de Houston para establecer un fondo dedicado de contribuciones dinámicas, que se utilizaría para ampliar, mejorar y renovar continuamente el alcantarillado y las calles de Houston, financiándolo anualmente con las siguientes fuentes: (i)?tarifas de impacto del urbanizador; (ii)?cargos de alcantarillado a propietarios o usuarios, para recuperar los costos de proporcionar un sistema de alcantarillado que beneficiaría a los bienes inmuebles; (iii)?una parte del impuesto inmobiliario según tasación de la Ciudad; y (iv)?contratos con terceros, subvenciones o pagos asignados o destinados al alcantarillado o a las calles?Estimación del impacto fiscal anticipado de modificar la Carta Constitutiva. Si la Proposición “A” es aprobada, insumiría los ingresos anuales de la tarifa de alcantarillado y la tarifa de impacto ambiental de urbanizadores, estimados en $112.5 millones y $0.5 millones, respectivamente. Estos ingresos se utilizarán únicamente para realizar mejoras en el drenaje y las calles, reemplazarán el uso de deuda para financiar los proyectos de capital para el alcantarillado y las calles, y permitirán que con el tiempo se reduzcan los requisitos de servicio. Los ingresos por impuestos liberados a medida que la deuda existente se amortice se destinarán a proyectos de capital de alcantarillado y calles.CIUDAD DE HOUSTON, PROPOSICI?N “B”La Carta Constitutiva de la Ciudad de Houston debe ser enmendada para agregar una sección separada que declare lo siguiente:“La Ciudad de Houston compensará a los bomberos de la Ciudad de una manera y mediante un monto que sea al menos igual y comparable por rango y antigüedad con la compensación otorgada a los oficiales de policía de la Ciudad, a saber:Las personas empleadas en las siguientes clasificaciones de bomberos recibirán el mismo salario base que las personas de antigüedad similar empleadas en las clasificaciones de oficiales de policía con igual número, listadas más adelante:BomberosOficiales de policía1. Bombero en período de prueba1. Oficial de policía en período de prueba2. Bombero2. Oficial de policía3. Ingeniero/Operador3. Oficial de Policía Superior4. Capitán, Inspector, Investigador, Capitán de Comunicaciones, Mecánico4. Sargento5. Capitán Superior, Inspector Superior, Investigador Superior, Capitán Superior de Comunicaciones, Supervisor de Taller5. Teniente6. Jefe de Distrito, Investigador Asistente de Incendios Intencionales, Inspector Jefe, Oficial Jefe de Comunicaciones, Mecánico Maestro6. Capitán7. Subjefe, Investigador de Incendios Intencionales, Alguacil de Bomberos Asistente, Suboficial Jefe de Comunicaciones7. Capitán (con un 15% adicional por paridad)8. Jefe de Bomberos Asistente, Alguacil de Bomberos8. Jefe de Policía Asistente9. Jefe de Bomberos Asistente Ejecutivo9. Jefe de Policía Asistente EjecutivoEn caso de que cambiara el título de cualquiera de las clasificaciones anteriores, se utilizará la nueva clasificación más similar a la antigua en términos de calificaciones y deberes, de forma tal que permita alcanzar la paridad salarial. Los bomberos que trabajen en la supresión de incendios recibirán el mismo pago de incentivo que los oficiales de policía de antigüedad similar empleados como oficiales de patrulla.Los bomberos recibirán el mismo salario de capacitación que los policías de antigüedad similar.Los bomberos empleados como investigadores de incendios intencionales recibirán el mismo pago de incentivo a la investigación que el personal de investigación policial con la misma antigüedad y experiencia investigativa.Los bomberos que se desempe?en como Oficiales de Capacitación de Campo recibirán en tal función el mismo sueldo de capacitación que los oficiales de policía que prestan servicio como Oficiales de Capacitación de Campo.Los bomberos recibirán un salario de tutoría por la misma cantidad y sobre la misma base que los oficiales de policía.Los bomberos clasificados como investigadores de incendios intencionales, inspectores, capitanes de comunicaciones, inspectores superiores, investigadores superiores, capitanes superiores de comunicaciones, investigadores de incendios asistentes, inspectores jefes u oficiales jefes de comunicaciones recibirán la misma prima de fin de semana y pago diferencial por turno en la misma cantidad y sobre la misma base que los oficiales de policía calificados para recibir dichos pagos.Los bomberos recibirán un pago de incentivo a la educación en la misma cantidad y sobre la misma base que los oficiales de policía con derecho a recibir dicho pago.Los bomberos recibirán reembolsos por costos de educación universitaria en la misma cantidad y sobre la misma base que los oficiales de policía con derecho a recibir tales reembolsos.Los bomberos recibirán el mismo subsidio para ropa (o un beneficio similar) que se paga a los oficiales de policía, además de cualquier ropa y equipo de protección provistos por la Ciudad.Los bomberos recibirán el mismo subsidio por equipo (o un beneficio similar) que se paga a los oficiales de policía.La Ciudad hará al Fondo Fiduciario Médico de la Asociación de Bomberos Profesionales de Houston la misma contribución que al Fondo Fiduciario de la Policía de Texas;En la medida en que se cambien los nombres de cualquiera de las formas de pago o beneficios identificados anteriormente, se seguirá aplicando el requisito de paridad de los bomberos respecto a los oficiales de policía; Además, si se proporcionase alguna nueva forma de pago o beneficio a los oficiales de policía, también habrá de proporcionársele a los bomberos.”Texto de la boleta para la Ciudad de Houston, Proposición B:?Debe enmendarse la Carta Constitutiva de la Ciudad de Houston agregando una sección separada que declare lo siguiente: La Ciudad de Houston compensará a los bomberos de la Ciudad de una manera y mediante un monto que sea al menos igual y comparable por rango y antigüedad con la compensación otorgada a los oficiales de policía de la Ciudad, a saber:a. Las personas empleadas en las siguientes clasificaciones de bomberos recibirán el mismo salario base que las personas de antigüedad similar empleadas en las clasificaciones de oficiales de policía con igual número, listadas más adelante:Bomberos – 1.?Bombero en período de prueba, 2.?Bombero, 3.?Ingeniero/Operador, 4.?Capitán, Inspector, Investigador, Capitán de Comunicaciones, Mecánico, 5.?Capitán Superior, Inspector Superior, Investigador Superior, Capitán Superior de Comunicaciones, Supervisor de Taller, 6.?Jefe de Distrito, Investigador Asistente de Incendios Intencionales, Inspector Jefe, Oficial Jefe de Comunicaciones, Mecánico Maestro, 7.?Subjefe, Investigador de Incendios Intencionales, Alguacil de Bomberos Asistente, Suboficial Jefe de Comunicaciones, 8.?Jefe de Bomberos Asistente, Alguacil de Bomberos, 9.?Jefe de Bomberos Asistente EjecutivoOficiales de policía – 1.?Oficial de policía en período de prueba, 2.?Oficial de policía, 3.?Oficial de Policía Superior, 4.?Sargento, 5.?Teniente, 6.?Capitán, 7.?Capitán (con un 15% adicional por paridad), 8.?Jefe de Policía Asistente, 9.?Jefe de Policía Asistente Ejecutivo;En caso de que cambiara el título de cualquiera de las clasificaciones anteriores, se utilizará la nueva clasificación más similar a la antigua en términos de calificaciones y deberes, de forma tal que permita alcanzar la paridad salarial;b. Los bomberos que trabajen en la supresión de incendios recibirán el mismo pago de incentivo que los oficiales de policía de antigüedad similar empleados como oficiales de patrulla;c. Los bomberos recibirán el mismo salario de capacitación que los policías de antigüedad similar;d. Los bomberos empleados como investigadores de incendios intencionales recibirán el mismo pago de incentivo a la investigación que el personal de investigación policial con la misma antigüedad y experiencia investigativa;e. Los bomberos que se desempe?en como Oficiales de Capacitación de Campo recibirán en tal función el mismo sueldo de capacitación que los oficiales de policía que prestan servicio como Oficiales de Capacitación de Campo;f. Los bomberos recibirán un salario de tutoría por la misma cantidad y sobre la misma base que los oficiales de policía;g. Los bomberos clasificados como investigadores de incendios intencionales, inspectores, capitanes de comunicaciones, inspectores superiores, investigadores superiores, capitanes superiores de comunicaciones, investigadores de incendios asistentes, inspectores jefes u oficiales jefes de comunicaciones recibirán la misma prima de fin de semana y pago diferencial por turno en la misma cantidad y sobre la misma base que los oficiales de policía calificados para recibir dichos pagos;h. Los bomberos recibirán un pago de incentivo a la educación en la misma cantidad y sobre la misma base que los oficiales de policía con derecho a recibir dicho pago;i. Los bomberos recibirán reembolsos por costos de educación universitaria en la misma cantidad y sobre la misma base que los oficiales de policía con derecho a recibir tales reembolsos;j. Los bomberos recibirán el mismo subsidio para ropa (o un beneficio similar) que se paga a los oficiales de policía, además de cualquier ropa y equipo de protección provistos por la Ciudad;k. Los bomberos recibirán el mismo subsidio por equipo (o un beneficio similar) que se paga a los oficiales de policía;l. La Ciudad hará al Fondo Fiduciario Médico de la Asociación de Bomberos Profesionales de Houston la misma contribución que al Fondo Fiduciario de la Policía de Texas; ym. En la medida en que se cambien los nombres de cualquiera de las formas de pago o beneficios identificados anteriormente, se seguirá aplicando el requisito de paridad de los bomberos respecto a los oficiales de policía; además, si se proporcionase alguna nueva forma de pago o beneficio a los oficiales de policía, también habrá de proporcionársele a los bomberos?Estimación del impacto fiscal anticipado de modificar la Carta Constitutiva. La Proposición B, si se aprueba, resultaría en un costo adicional para el Fondo General de la Ciudad de Houston estimado en un mínimo de $98 millones por a?o.Votación anticipada en persona. La votación anticipada por comparecencia personal se llevará a cabo en los lugares y durante los periodos se?alados a continuación en el Anexo “A”, que se adjunta al presente y es parte integral de este Aviso para todos los fines, sujeta a los cambios que puedan ser necesarios.Distritos electorales y sitios de votación. La Elección se llevará a cabo dentro de los distritos y sitios de votación para la Elección establecidos y designados mediante la ordenanza de la Ciudad y según lo estipulado en el Anexo “B”, que se adjunta a la presente y es parte integral de este Aviso para todos los fines, sujeta a los cambios que puedan ser necesarios.Personas con derecho a votar. Solo podrán votar en esta Elección los votantes de la Ciudad de Houston, Texas, que estén capacitados en virtud de la ley federal y del estado. Cada votante deberá votar en el sitio de votación designado para el distrito de elección en donde resida. En virtud del artículo 43.130 (a) del Código Gubernamental Local de Texas y el artículo 4.01 de los Acuerdos de Asociación Estratégica aprobados por la Ciudad de Houston, también podrán sufragar los votantes capacitados de las áreas incorporadas para propósitos limitados.Votación anticipada por correo. Los votantes que tienen derecho por ley a votar anticipadamente por correo pueden obtener solicitudes para las boletas de votación anticipada por correspondencia, de acuerdo con el Código Electoral de Texas, presentando una solicitud por correo de la siguiente manera:Votantes de la Ciudad en el Condado de HarrisStan Stanart, Harris County ClerkAttn.: Elections DivisionP.O. Box 1148Houston, Texas 77251-1525BBM@cco.Fax: (713) 755-4983 o (713) 437-8683Votantes de la Ciudad en el Condado de MontgomerySuzie Harvey, Elections Administrator, Montgomery CountyP. O. Box 2646Conroe, TX 77305election.ballot@Fax: 936-538-8143Votantes de la Ciudad en el Condado de Fort BendJohn Oldham, Elections Administrator, Fort Bend County301 Jackson StreetRichmond, Texas 77469vote@Fax: (281) 341-4418ANEXO “A”Sitio principal para la votación anticipada – ?nicamente para votantes del Condado de HarrisHarris County Law Library—Conference Center1019 Congress Avenue, Houston, TX 77002Lugares de votación anticipada en sucursales – ?nicamente para votantes del Condado de HarrisUbicaciónDirecciónCiudadCódigo postalMoody Park Community Center3725 Fulton StreetHouston 77009Kashmere Multi-Services Center4802 Lockwood DriveHouston 77026Ripley House Neighborhood Center4410 Navigation Blvd.Houston 77011H.C.C.S Southeast College6960 Rustic StreetHouston 77087Young Neighborhood Library5107 Griggs RoadHouston 77021Fiesta Mart8130 Kirby DriveHouston 77054Metropolitan Multi-Services Center1475 West Gray StreetHouston 77019Harris County Public Health 2223 West Loop South Houston 77027SPJST Lodge #881435 Beall StreetHouston 77008Northeast Multi-Service Center9720 Spaulding St., Bldg 4Houston77016Galena Park Library1500 Keene StreetGalena Park77547John Phelps Courthouse101 S. Richey StreetPasadena77506Sunnyside Multi-Purpose Center9314 Cullen Blvd. Houston 77051Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center3810 W. Fuqua Houston 77045Bayland Park Community Center6400 BissonnetHouston 77074Tracy Gee Community Center3599 Westcenter Drive Houston 77042Trini Mendenhall Sosa Community Center1414 Wirt RoadHouston 77055Lone Star College – Victory Center4141 Victory DriveHouston77088Acres Home Multi-Services Center6719 W. Montgomery RoadHouston 77091Hardy Senior Center11901 West Hardy RoadHouston 77076Octavia Fields Branch Library1503 South Houston AvenueHumble77338Kingwood Community Center4102 Rustic Woods DriveKingwood77345Atascocita Branch Library19520 Pinehurst Trail DriveHumble77346Crosby Branch Library135 Hare RoadCrosby77532North Channel Branch Library15741 Wallisville RoadHouston77049Baytown Community Center2407 Market StreetBaytown77520East Harris County Activity Center7340 Spencer Highway Pasadena77505Freeman Branch Library16616 Diana LaneHouston 77062Harris County Scarsdale Annex10851 Scarsdale Blvd.Houston 77089Alief ISD Administration Building4250 Cook RoadHouston77072Nottingham Park926 Country Place DriveHouston77079Harris County MUD 81805 Hidden Canyon RoadKaty77450Katy Branch Library5414 Franz RoadKaty77493Lone Star College – Cypress Center19710 Clay RoadKaty77449Living Word Church of Nazarene16607 Clay RoadHouston77084City of Jersey Village – City Hall16327 Lakeview Drive Jersey Village77040Richard & Meg Weekley Community Center8440 Greenhouse RoadCypress77433Juergen’s Hall Community Center26026 Hempstead HighwayCypress77429Prairie View A&M University – Northwest9449 Grant RoadHouston77070Fallbrook Church12512 Walters RoadHouston77014Champion Forest Baptist Church4840 Strack RoadHouston77069Tomball Public Works Building501B James StreetTomball77375Lone Star College – Creekside Center8747 West New Harmony TrailTomball77375Spring First Church – Teen Center1851 Spring Cypress RoadSpring77388Big Stone Lodge709 Riley Fuzzel RoadSpring77373Horario de votación anticipada en persona – ?nicamente para votantes del Condado de HarrisLunes a viernes22 al 26 de octubre de 20188:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.Sábado27 de octubre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Domingo28 de octubre de 20181:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Lunes a viernes29 de octubre al 2 de noviembre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Sitio principal de votación anticipada – ?nicamente para votantes del Condado de MontgomeryLee G. Alworth Building207 West Phillips, Conroe, Texas 77301Lugares de votación anticipada en sucursales – ?nicamente para votantes del Condado de MontgomeryUbicaciónDirecciónCiudadCódigo postalMagnolia Community Building422 Melton St.Magnolia77354South County Community Building2235 Lake Robbins Dr.The Woodlands77354North Montgomery County Community Center600 Gerald St.Willis77378East County Courthouse Annex21130 U.S. Highway 59 SouthNew Caney77357Lonestar Community Center2500 Lone Star Parkway Montgomery77356George and Cynthia Woods-Mitchell Library8125 Ashlane WayThe Woodlands77382Boletas electorales limitadas, formularios especiales de votación anticipada y boletas electorales por correo únicamente:Election Central, 9159 Airport Rd. Conroe, Texas 77303Horario de votación anticipada en persona – ?nicamente para votantes del Condado de MontgomeryLunes a viernes22 al 26 de octubre de 20188:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Sábado27 de octubre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Domingo28 de octubre de 201812:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.Lunes a viernes29 de octubre al 2 de noviembre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Sitio principal de votación anticipada – ?nicamente para votantes del Condado de Fort BendRosenberg Annex4520 Reading RoadRosenberg, Texas 77471Lugares y horarios de votación anticipada – ?nicamente para votantes del Condado de Fort BendHorario para:Beasley City Hall – 319 S. 3rd Street, Beasley, TX 77417FBISD Administration Building – 16431 Lexington Blvd., Sugar Land, TX 77479Hightower High School – 3333 Hurricane Lane, Missouri City, TX 77459Lost Creek Park – 3703 Lost Creek Blvd., Sugar Land, TX 77478Stafford City Hall – 2610 Main Street, Stafford, TX 77477Lunes a viernes22 al 26 de octubre de 20188:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Sábado27 de octubre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Domingo28 de octubre de 2018CERRADOLunes a viernes29 de octubre al 2 de noviembre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Horario para:Clayton Oaks Assisted Living – 21175 SW Freeway, Richmond, TX 77469Fort Bend County Rosenberg Annex – 4520 Reading Road, Rosenberg, TX 77471Four Corners Community Center – 15700 Old Richmond Road, Sugar Land, TX 77498Irene Stern Community Center – 6920 Fulshear-Katy Road, Fulshear, TX 77441Meadows Place City Hall – One Troyan Drive, Meadows Place, TX 77477Missouri City Community Center – 1522 Texas Parkway, Missouri City, TX 77489Lunes a viernes22 al 26 de octubre de 20188:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Sábado27 de octubre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Domingo28 de octubre de 201812:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.Lunes a viernes29 de octubre al 2 de noviembre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Horario para:Chasewood Clubhouse - 7622 Chasewood Drive, Missouri City, TX 77489Fort Bend County Road & Bridge – 3743 School Street, Needville, TX 77461James Bowie Middle School – 700 Plantation Drive, Richmond, TX 77406Quail Valley Fund Office – 3603 Glenn Lakes, Missouri City, TX 77459Sugar Land Branch Library – 550 Eldridge, Sugar Land, TX 77478Tompkins High School – 4400 Falcon Landing Blvd., Katy, TX 77494Lunes a viernes22 al 26 de octubre de 201810:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Sábado27 de octubre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Domingo28 de octubre de 2018CERRADOLunes a viernes29 de octubre al 2 de noviembre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Horario para:Cinco Ranch Library – 2620 Commercial Center Drive, Katy, TX 77494Randall’s – 5800 New Territory Blvd., Sugar Land, TX 77479Clyde & Nancy Jacks Conference Center (aka First Colony Conference Center) – 3232 Austin Parkway, Sugar Land, TX 77479Sienna Annex Community Room – 5855 Sienna Springs Way, Missouri City, TX 77459Lunes a viernes22 al 26 de octubre de 201810:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Sábado27 de octubre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Domingo28 de octubre de 201812:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.Lunes a viernes29 de octubre al 2 de noviembre de 20187:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.ANEXO BSitios de votación en el día de la elección en la Ciudad de Houston – ?nicamente para votantes del Condado de HarrisLos lugares de votación están sujetos a cambios hasta el día de la elección. Para acceder a la información más actualizada, por favor visite .Prec.UbicaciónDirecciónCiudadCódigo postal0001Crockett Elementary School2112 Crockett StreetHouston77007-39230002Trinity Lutheran Church Downtown800 Houston AvenueHouston770070003Hogg Middle School1100 Merrill StreetHouston77009-60090004Travis Elementary School HISD3311 Beauchamp StreetHouston77009-66130005Proctor Plaza Park Community Center803 West Temple StreetHouston77009-52570006Hirsch Elementary School2633 Trailing Vine RoadSpring77373-77160007Greater Parkhill Church of God in Christ7809 Winship StreetHouston77028-24410008Bayland Park Community Center6000 Bissonnet StreetHouston770740009Settegast Park Community Center3000 Garrow StreetHouston77003-23260010Neighborhood Centers Inc Ripley House Campus4410 Navigation BoulevardHouston77011-10360011Eastwood Park Community Center5020 Harrisburg BoulevardHouston77011-41350013Saint James House5800 West Baker RoadBaytown77520-16940014Parker Elementary School10626 Atwell DriveHouston77096-49250016New High School for Law Enforcement3505 Coyle StreetHouston770030017Shearn Elementary School9802 Stella Link RoadHouston77025-46050018Longfellow Elementary School3617 Norris DriveHouston77025-36000019New High School for Law Enforcement3505 Coyle StreetHouston770030020Trinity Episcopal Church1015 Holman StreetHouston77004-38100021Emancipation Park3018 Emancipation AvenueHouston77004-31590022Foerster Elementary School14200 Fonmeadow DriveHouston77035-52180023Raul Yzaguirre School for Success Tejano Center Building B2950 Broadway BoulevardHouston77017-17940024Baylor College of Medicine Academy at Ryan Middle School2610 Elgin StreetHouston770040025Baylor College of Medicine Academy at Ryan Middle School2610 Elgin StreetHouston770040026EB Cape Center4501 Leeland StreetHouston77023-30100027Eastwood Academy Charter High School1315 Dumble StreetHouston77023-19020030H O A P V Community Building1810 Bluebonnet Place CircleHouston77019-29990031South Union Missionary Baptist Church Annex?3569 Lydia StreetHouston770210032Randalls Midtown2225 Louisiana StreetHouston77002-86250033African American Library1300 Victor StreetHouston77019-55340034Hostelling International Houston The Morty Rich Hostel501 Lovett BoulevardHouston77006-40200035Ramada Inn6115 Will Clayton ParkwayHumble77338-81270036Daniel Ortiz Middle School6767 Telephone RoadHouston77061-20560037Woodrow Wilson Elementary School2100 Yupon StreetHouston77006-18300038Woodrow Wilson Elementary School2100 Yupon StreetHouston77006-18300039Bering United Methodist Church1440 Harold StreetHouston77006-37300040Poe Elementary School5100 Hazard StreetHouston77098-53300042Kashmere MultiService Center4802 Lockwood DriveHouston77026-29410043Landrum Middle School2202 Ridgecrest DriveHouston77055-12120044Leonel J Castillo Community Center2101 South StreetHouston77009-80390045C E King Middle School8530 C E King ParkwayHouston77044-20980046John Marshall Middle School1115 Noble StreetHouston77009-84370047Dogan Elementary School4202 Liberty RoadHouston77009-84370048Mickey Leland College Preparatory Academy for Young Men1700 Gregg StreetHouston770200049Roberts Road Elementary School24920 Zube RoadHockley77447-78420050Crossbridge Christian Church15415 West RoadHouston77095-19210052Old High School for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice4701 Dickson StreetHouston77007-73040053First Baptist Church Heights Fellowship Hall201 East 9th StreetHouston77007-16010054SPJST Lodge Num 881435 Beall StreetHouston77008-34410055Hampton Inn and Suites5820 Katy FreewayHouston77007-21020056Shadow Oaks Elementary School1335 Shadowdale DriveHouston77043-42080057Heights High School560 East 14th StreetHouston77008-70210058Love Park Community Center1000 West 12th StreetHouston77008-66190059Field Elementary School703 East 17th StreetHouston77008-44140060Lanier Middle School2600 Woodhead StreetHouston77098-16150061Evelyn Thompson Elementary School220 Casa Grande DriveHouston77060-48990062Denver Harbor Park Community Center6402 Market StreetHouston77020-68400064Gallegos Elementary School7415 Harrisburg BoulevardHouston77011-47400065DeZavala Park Community Center907 76th StreetHouston77012-11990066John R Harris Elementary School801 Broadway StreetHouston77012-21240067Brookline Elementary School6301 South Loop 610 EastHouston77087-10120068Sunnyside Park Community Center3502 Bellfort StreetHouston77051-14020069Edison Middle School6901 Avenue IHouston77011-26290070Memorial Elementary School6401 Arnot StreetHouston77007-20070071I P S P5525 Kansas StreetHouston77007-11100072Mason Park Community Center541 South 75th StreetHouston77023-27010073Harper Alternative School4425 North Shepherd DriveHouston770180074City Jersey Village Municipal Government Center16327 Lakeview DriveHouston77040-20290075Helms Community Learning Center503 West 21st StreetHouston77008-36410076Beverly Hills Intermediate School11111 Beamer RoadHouston77089-23050077Armandina Farias Early Childhood Center515 Rittenhouse StreetHouston770760078Harris County Department of Education6300 Irvington BoulevardHouston77022-56180079Charles Eliot Elementary School6411 Laredo StreetHouston77020-49300080Judson Robinson Junior Elementary School12425 Woodforest BoulevardHouston770130081Galena Park Library1500 Keene StreetGalena Park77547-24000082Memorial Chase Home Owners Association Clubhouse9411 Landry BoulevardSpring77379-38570083The Light of the World Christian Fellowship16161 Old Humble RoadHumble77396-38510085Saint Luke the Evangelist Episcopal Church3530 Wheeler AvenueHouston77004-55270086Sheraton Houston Brookhollow Hotel3000 North Loop West FreewayHouston77092-88100092Armand Bayou Elementary School16000 Hickory Knoll DriveHouston77059-52990094Pearl Rucker Elementary School5201 Vinett StreetHouston77017-49580095Econolodge West Energy Corridor715 Highway 6 SouthHouston77079-40030098West Campus Gym24403 East Lake Houston ParkwayHuffman77336-44470101Harvest Time Church Community Center17770 Imperial Valley DriveHouston77060-61000102Baytown Community Center2407 Market StreetBaytown77520-62040104The Launch Center5807 Little York Road Houston770160105Clark Park Community Center9718 Clark RoadHouston77076-50310106Aldine Middle School14908 Aldine Westfield RoadHouston77032-30970107Berry Elementary School2310 Berry RoadHouston77093-74180108HCPL Octavia Fields Branch Library1503 South Houston AvenueHumble77338-48220109G W Carver Contemporary High School2100 South Victory DriveHouston77088-76990110Ginger McNabb Elementary School743 East Cypresswood DriveSpring773730111Fairfield Church of Christ20402 Chappell Knoll DriveCypress77433-46720112Krahn Elementary School9502 Eday DriveSpring77379-43150113Champions Emergency Services District12730 Champion Forest DriveHouston77066-15280114Samuel Matthews Park Community Center1728 Hufsmith RoadTomball77375-49180115Lakewood Park Community Center8811 Feland StreetHouston77028-20160117Quality Inn and Suites Hwy 290 Brookhollow12439 Northwest FreewayHouston770920118Fall Creek Elementary School14435 Mesa DriveHumble77396-44570119Katy Branch Harris County Public Library5414 Franz RoadKaty77493-17170120Encourager Church10950 Katy FreewayHouston77043-35040121Roberts Road Elementary School24920 Zube RoadHockley77447-78420122John F Kennedy Elementary School400 Victoria DriveHouston77022-24220123Montrose Branch Houston Public Library4100 Montrose BoulevardHouston77006-49380124Ault Elementary School21010 Maple Village DriveCypress77433-57220125Bleyl Middle School10800 Mills RoadHouston77070-44990126Rosehill Elementary School17950 Waller Tomball RoadTomball77377-26220129Briargrove Elementary School6145 San Felipe StreetHouston77057-28010130Briargrove Park Property Owners Building2301 Seagler RoadHouston77042-29970131Abiding Faith United Methodist Church14300 Almeda School RoadHouston77047-71020132Saint Philip Neri Catholic Church10960 Martin Luther King BoulevardHouston77048-18960134Garden Villa Park Community Center6720 South Haywood DriveHouston77061-15140135River Oaks Recreation Center3600 Locke LaneHouston77027-40030136Saint James Episcopal Church3129 Southmore BoulevardHouston77004-62140137Bernshausen Elementary School11116 Mahaffey RoadTomball77375-69080138New Pleasant Grove Baptist Church3221 Bain StreetHouston77026-44050139Lamar Senior High School3325 Westheimer RoadHouston77098-10030140Thompson Elementary School6121 Tierwester StreetHouston77021-13110142Charlton Park Recreation Center8200 Park Place BoulevardHouston77017-31050143Cy Fair College Library at Lone Star9191 Barker Cypress RoadCypress77433-13830144Harris County Annex No 363815 Cavalcade StreetHouston77026-34030145Wesley United Methodist Church7225 Homestead RoadHouston77028-38470146Platou Community Center11655 Chimney Rock RoadHouston77035-28070147Walter and Inez Stovall Academy3025 Ellington StreetHouston77088-45990148Michael E DeBakey High School for Health Professions2545 Pressler StreetHouston770300149Woodie Coker Andre Elementary School8111 Fry RoadCypress774330150Faith Christian Center10118 Tidwell RoadHouston77078-37020151Shadydale Elementary School5905 Tidwell RoadHouston77016-47450152Shady Lane Park Community Center10220 Shady LaneHouston77093-46040153Janowski Elementary School7500 Bauman RoadHouston77022-61250154HCC Southeast College Building C Parking Garage6960 Rustic StreetHouston770870155Kirk Elementary School12421 Tanner RoadHouston77041-65050156Lora B Peck Elementary School5001 Martin Luther King BoulevardHouston77021-27110157Highland Park Recreation Center3316 De Soto StreetHouston77091-37160158Reynolds Elementary School9601 Rosehaven DriveHouston77051-31320159Bruce Elementary School510 Jensen DriveHouston77020-58340160Bruce Elementary School510 Jensen DriveHouston77020-58340161Julia C Hester House2020 Solo StreetHouston77020-42240162Woodland Acres Elementary School12936 Sarahs LaneHouston77015-63960164Clinton Park Community Center200 Mississippi StreetHouston770290165Spring Woods High School2045 Gessner RoadHouston77080-63270166Saint Anne de Beaupre Catholic Church2810 Link RoadHouston77009-11960167Ross Elementary School2819 Bay StreetHouston77026-32030168Felix Cook Junior Elementary School7115 Lockwood DriveHouston77016-70270169A B Anderson Academy7401 Wheatley StreetHouston77088-78450171Hill Zion Missionary Baptist Church8317 Curry RoadHouston77093-83070172Golfcrest Elementary School7414 Fairway DriveHouston77087-36230173Lakes of Northpointe Clubhouse13502 Northpointe Ridge LaneCypress774290175Sheltering Arms Community Center3838 Aberdeen WayHouston77025-24160176Lovett Elementary School8814 South Rice AvenueHouston77096-26220177River Oaks Recreation Center3600 Locke LaneHouston77027-40030178Hampton Inn Galleria4500 Post Oak ParkwayHouston77027-34190179Freed Park Clubhouse6818 Shadyvilla LaneHouston77055-52000180M E Foster Elementary School3919 Ward StreetHouston77021-48610181Pearl Rucker Elementary School5201 Vinett StreetHouston77017-49580182Faith American Lutheran Church4600 Bellaire BoulevardBellaire77401-42960184Independence Hall Apartments Community Room6 Burress StreetHouston77022-19440185Ralph G Goodman Elementary School9325 Deer Trail DriveHouston77088-19990186Tuffly Park Recreation Center3200 Russell StreetHouston77026-47280187Denver Harbor Park Community Center6402 Market StreetHouston77020-68400189Oak Forest Elementary School1401 West 43rd StreetHouston77018-41060192B T Washington High School119 East 39th StreetHouston770180193Third Ward Multi Service Center3611 Ennis StreetHouston77004-44070194MacGregor Elementary School4801 LaBranch StreetHouston77004-56500195Burrus Elementary School701 East 33rd StreetHouston77022-51010196Ross Elementary School2819 Bay StreetHouston77026-32030197Osborne Elementary School800 Ringold StreetHouston77088-63370198Emancipation Park3018 Emancipation AvenueHouston77004-31590199Foster Elementary School1800 Trailwood Village DriveKingwood773390200Metropolitan MultiService Center1475 West Gray StreetHouston77019-49260201Dogan Elementary School4202 Liberty RoadHouston77009-84370202Wheatley Senior High School4801 Providence StreetHouston77020-72350203Houston Federation of Teachers2704 Sutherland StreetHouston77023-53990204Lazybrook Baptist Church1822 West 18th StreetHouston77008-12040205Fonwood Elementary School9709 Mesa DriveHouston770780206Montie Beach Park Community Center915 Northwood StreetHouston77009-37030207Saint Albans Episcopal Church420 Woodard StreetHouston77009-18240208Galena Park City Hall2000 Clinton DriveGalena Park77547-28370209City of Spring Valley City Hall1025 Campbell RoadHouston77055-74950210Saint Marys Catholic Church3006 Rosedale StreetHouston77004-61990211Charlton Park Recreation Center8200 Park Place BoulevardHouston77017-31050212Anclamars W Reception Hall10330 Eastex FreewayHouston77093-49020216Montgomery Elementary School4000 Simsbrook DriveHouston77045-56280217Saint Anne Catholic Church2140 Westheimer RoadHouston77098-14960218J P Henderson Elementary School1800 Dismuke StreetHouston77023-47530219Mount Olive Baptist Church3515 Yellowstone BoulevardHouston77021-24070221Meadowcreek Village Park Community Center5333 Berry Creek DriveHouston77017-62540222Christ The King Lutheran Church Parish Hall2353 Rice BoulevardHouston77005-26960223Holiday Inn Houston NRG Med Center Area8111 Kirby DriveHouston77054-17050224Linkwood Park Community Center3699 Norris DriveHouston77025-36000225Village On The Park12102 Steeple Way BoulevardHouston77065-47590226Ingrando Park Recreation Center7302 Keller StreetHouston77012-35180227River Oaks Elementary School2008 Kirby DriveHouston77019-60160228Thompson Elementary School6121 Tierwester StreetHouston77021-13110230New Mount Carmel Baptist Church4301 Weaver RoadHouston77016-56340231Golfcrest Elementary School7414 Fairway DriveHouston77087-36230232Pershing Middle School3838 Blue Bonnet BoulevardHouston77025-12300233Four Points by Sheraton Houston Greenway Plaza2828 Southwest FreewayHouston77098-45020234Saint Martins Episcopal Church Scout Hut5025 Riverway DriveHouston77056-21990235Hartsfield Elementary School5001 Perry StreetHouston77021-35150236Norris Chapel United Methodist Church7415 Saint Lo RoadHouston77033-27310237Jones Future Academy7414 Saint Lo RoadHouston77033-27970238Kelso Elementary School5800 Southmund StreetHouston77033-18320239Edgewood Park Community Center5803 Bellfort StreetHouston77033-21430240Mount Moriah Baptist Church4730 Pederson StreetHouston77033-21280241Aldine Middle School14908 Aldine Westfield RoadHouston77032-30970243Crestmont Park Community Center5200 Selinsky RoadHouston77048-17390244Willbern Elementary School10811 Goodspring DriveHouston77064-94190245Kohrville Elementary School11600 Woodland Shore DriveTomball77375-80980246Revival House Church2560 Old Louetta LoopSpring77388-47110247Cuney Homes Community Center3260 Truxillo StreetHouston77004-46490252Greater New Hope Missionary Baptist Church10505 Bainbridge StreetHouston77016-30070253Little Union Missionary Baptist Church6609 Letcher DriveHouston77028-40290254Anclamars W Reception Hall10330 Eastex FreewayHouston77093-49020255Red Elementary School4520 Tonawanda DriveHouston77035-37160256William S Sutton Elementary School7402 Albacore DriveHouston77074-65120257Rick Schneider Middle School8420 Easthaven BoulevardHouston77075-11060258Rummel Creek Elementary School625 Brittmore RoadHouston77079-61010259Pleasantville Elementary School1431 Gellhorn DriveHouston77029-33430260Lafaye Johnson Lee Elementary School12900 West Little York RoadHouston77041-42120261American Legion Post No 586708 East Parker RoadHouston77076-34130262Saint Christophers Episcopal Church1656 Blalock RoadHouston77080-73210263Windrose Meeting House5740 Pine Lakes BoulevardSpring773790264Clay Road Baptist Church9151 Clay RoadHouston77080-16950265Frostwood Elementary School12214 Memorial DriveHouston77024-62070266Cimarron Elementary School GPISD816 Cimarron StreetHouston77015-43080269Saint Martins Episcopal Church Scout Hut5025 Riverway DriveHouston77056-21990270Clifton Middle School6001 Golden Forest DriveHouston77092-23590271Cloverland Park Bessie Swindle Community Center11800 Scott StreetHouston77047-15080272Unity of Houston2929 Unity DriveHouston77057-59150274Crowne Plaza Houston Galleria Area7611 Katy FreewayHouston77024-20010275Glenbrook United Methodist Church8635 Glen Valley DriveHouston77061-23390276Bastian Elementary School5051 Bellfort StreetHouston77033-38260280Freeman Elementary School2323 Theta StreetHouston77034-12500281Godwin Park Community Center5101 Rutherglenn DriveHouston770960282Briarmeadow Clubhouse3203 Freshmeadows DriveHouston77063-62310283Cooper Elementary School18655 Imperial Valley DriveHouston77073-46080284Bonham Elementary School8302 Braes River DriveHouston77074-42120285J P Cornelius Elementary School7475 Westover StreetHouston77087-61130286Windsor Village Community Center14441 Croquet LaneHouston77085-33520287Willow Meadows Baptist Church4300 West Bellfort StreetHouston77035-36020288Reagan Webb Mading Elementary School8511 Crestmont StreetHouston77033-13240289Garfield Elementary School10301 Hartsook StreetHouston77034-35960291Parker Elementary School10626 Atwell DriveHouston77096-49250292Audrey H Lawson Middle School14000 Stancliff StreetHouston77045-53280293Andy Anderson Elementary School5727 Ludington DriveHouston77035-43050294Southeast Community Church10413 Ashville DriveHouston77051-42600295Greater Lighthouse Church of God in Christ4514 Knoxville StreetHouston77051-26620296Lansdale Park Community Center8201 Roos RoadHouston77036-63130297Sharpstown Park Community Center6600 Harbor Town DriveHouston77036-40520298Waldo Emerson Elementary School9533 Skyline DriveHouston77063-52150299Treasure Forest Elementary School7635 Amelia RoadHouston77055-17370300Sampson Elementary School16002 Coles Crossing Drive Cypress77429-69810303The Vosswood815 South Voss RoadHouston77057-10310304Herod Elementary School5627 Jason StreetHouston77096-21100306Clear Lake High School2929 Bay Area BoulevardHouston770580308Courtyard by Marriott Houston Hobby9190 Gulf FreewayHouston77017-70090309South Transition Campus11339 Britoak LaneHouston77079-34460310Northbrook Middle School3030 Rosefield DriveHouston77080-26100311Ed White Elementary School9001 Triola LaneHouston77036-61470312Mark White Elementary School2515 Old Farm RoadHouston770630313Sheraton Houston Brookhollow Hotel3000 North Loop West FreewayHouston77092-88100314Jan Hansen Aragon Middle School16823 West RoadHouston77095-55030315Elrod Elementary School6230 Dumfries DriveHouston77096-46030316Pilgrim Lutheran Church Narthex8601 Chimney Rock RoadHouston77096-13990317Godwin Park Community Center5101 Rutherglenn DriveHouston770960318Hobby Elementary School4021 Woodmont DriveHouston77045-35150319Hiram Clarke Multi Service Center3810 West Fuqua StreetHouston77045-64020320Woodland Lodge No 11578337 Sweetwater LaneHouston77037-36150321Melrose Park Community Center1001 Canino RoadHouston77076-12180322Northwest Church of Christ6720 West Tidwell RoadHouston77092-14360323Sheraton Houston Brookhollow Hotel3000 North Loop West FreewayHouston77092-88100324Harper Alternative School4425 North Shepherd DriveHouston770180325High School Ahead Academy5320 Yale StreetHouston77091-57300326Armandina Farias Early Childhood Center515 Rittenhouse StreetHouston770760327Wesley Elementary School800 Dillard StreetHouston77091-23010328Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Community Parish Hall10727 Hartsook StreetHouston77034-35970329W I Stevenson Middle School9595 Winkler DriveHouston77017-59210330Buffalo Creek Elementary School2801 Blalock RoadHouston77080-28220331Katy Junior High School5350 Franz RoadKaty77493-17470332Jean Hines Caldwell Elementary School5515 West Orem DriveHouston770850334Ramada Inn6115 Will Clayton ParkwayHumble77338-81270335Jane Long Academy Middle School6501 Bellaire BoulevardHouston77074-64280336Houston Sports Park12211 Kirby DriveHouston770450337Fondren Elementary School12405 Carlsbad StreetHouston77085-12240338Alexander Elementary School8500 Brookwulf DriveHouston77072-38370339Looscan Elementary School3800 Robertson StreetHouston77009-49590340Good Shepherd Episcopal Church2929 Woodland Hills DriveHumble77339-14960341Burbank Elementary School216 Tidwell RoadHouston77022-20460342Calvert Elementary School1925 Marvell DriveHouston77032-20850343Houston Federation of Teachers2704 Sutherland StreetHouston77023-53990344Greater Emmanuel Family Worship Center3915 Kelley StreetHouston77026-14110345Sylvan Rodriguez Jr Elementary School5858 Chimney Rock RoadHouston77081-27150346Deer Park Junior High School410 East 9th StreetDeer Park775360347Vincent Miller Intermediate School1002 Fairmont ParkwayPasadena77504-29990349Heritage Park Baptist Church2732 FM 528 RoadWebster77598-45020350The Rice School7550 Seuss DriveHouston77025-22710351Pine Forest Elementary School19702 West Lake Houston ParkwayHumble77346-20000353Purple Sage Elementary School6500 Purple Sage RoadHouston77049-38000354Kenneth J Tice Elementary School14120 Wallisville RoadHouston77049-40310355James H Law Elementary School12401 South Coast DriveHouston77047-27360356Walnut Bend Elementary School10620 Briar Forest DriveHouston77042-23200357Hidden Hollow Elementary School4104 Appalachian TrailKingwood77345-10990358Richard and Kitty Spence Elementary School1300 Gears RoadHouston77067-42040359Betty Roberts Best Elementary School10000 Centre ParkwayHouston77036-82000360La Quinta Inn Houston Greenway4015 Southwest FreewayHouston77027-74010361Rice Memorial CenterRice University Entrance 20Houston770050362Westland Baptist Church1407 West Grand Parkway SouthKaty77494-82010363Whispering Pines Elementary School17321 Woodland Hills DriveHumble77346-30010364Willie B Ermel Elementary School7103 Woodsman TrailHouston77040-18390365Saint Pius the Tenth High School811 West Donovan StreetHouston77091-56430366Gloria B Sammons Elementary School2301 Frick RoadHouston77038-17010367B T Washington High School119 East 39th StreetHouston770180368Galena Park ISD Administration Building14705 Woodforest BoulevardHouston77015-32310369Leonel J Castillo Community Center2101 South StreetHouston77009-80390370Goodson Middle School17333 Huffmeister RoadCypress77429-64030371Faith Christian Center10118 Tidwell RoadHouston77078-37020372Southmeadow Property Owners Clubhouse12002 Fairmeadow DriveHouston77071-25040373Kashmere MultiService Center4802 Lockwood DriveHouston77026-29410374Knights of Columbus Hall Council 50775309 Oates RoadHouston77013-28500375Felix L Baldree Building13828 Corpus Christi StreetHouston77015-39120376Royalwood Elementary School7715 Royalwood DriveHouston77049-23140379Bellfort Church of Christ6606 Bellfort StreetHouston77087-64100380Deussen Park Senior Center12303 Sonnier StreetHouston77044-72080381Alice Johnson Junior High School15500 Proctor StreetChannelview77530-26970382Sheldon Elementary School17203 Hall Shepperd RoadHouston77049-10490383Carverdale Park Community Center9920 Porto Rico RoadHouston77041-75360384Riceville Mount Olive Baptist Church11539 South Gessner RoadHouston77071-22090385Memorial Drive Christian Church11750 Memorial DriveHouston77024-72980388Humble Middle School11207 Will Clayton ParkwayHumble77346-30050389University of Houston Recreation and Wellness Center 4500 University DriveHouston770040390Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Fellowship Hall3826 Wheeler AvenueHouston77004-26040391City of Houston Fire Station 7217401 Saturn LaneHouston77058-22980392Living Faith Baptist Church4310 Holloway DriveHouston77047-11190393Hope Christian Reformed Church7700 Pineloch DriveHouston770620395Ashford Elementary School1815 Shannon Valley DriveHouston77077-49010396Scenic Woods Regional Library10677 Homestead RoadHouston7701603971st Baptist Church North Houston4422 Lauder RoadHouston77039-35990398Horne Elementary School14950 West Little York RoadHouston77084-15980399Calvary Hill Funeral Home21723 Aldine Westfield RoadHumble773380400Church on the Rock433 Barker Cypress RoadHouston770940401Lakewood Park Community Center8811 Feland StreetHouston77028-20160402Robert L Frost Elementary School5002 Almeda Genoa RoadHouston77048-47250403Westbury Baptist Church10425 Hillcroft StreetHouston77096-47980405Salyards Middle School21757 Fairfield Place DriveCypress77433-31960406Kashmere MultiService Center4802 Lockwood DriveHouston77026-29410407John Knox Presbyterian Church2525 Gessner RoadHouston77080-38000408Little York Volunteer Fire Station 8110410 Airline DriveHouston77037-13040409Pep Mueller County Park Clubhouse14750 Henry RoadHouston77060-56250410Holiday Inn Houston Intercontinental15222 John F Kennedy BoulevardHouston77032-23060411Mary Walke Stephens Elementary School2402 Aldine Mail Route RoadHouston77039-55100412Julia C Hester House2020 Solo StreetHouston77020-42240413North Shore Elementary School14310 Duncannon DriveHouston77015-25140416Pipers Meadow Community Center15920 Pipers View DriveWebster77598-25500417Stuchbery Elementary School11210 Hughes RoadHouston77089-46360418Beverly Hills Community Center10201 Kingspoint RoadHouston770750421Woodcreek Middle School14600 Woodson Park DriveHouston77044-44920422Crestmont Park Community Center5200 Selinsky RoadHouston77048-17390423Black Elementary School160 Mill Stream LaneHouston77060-41990424Housman Elementary School6705 Housman StreetHouston77055-22210425Judy Bush Elementary School9730 Stroud DriveHouston77036-51050426Sharpstown International School8330 Triola LaneHouston77036-63100427Crowne Plaza Suites Houston9090 Southwest FreewayHouston77074-15030428Houston Community College Alief Center13803 Bissonnet StreetHouston77083-59160429Mildred Rickard Landis Elementary School10255 Spice LaneHouston77072-50350430Jane Long Academy Middle School6501 Bellaire BoulevardHouston77074-64280431Burnett Bayland Community Center6000 Chimney Rock DriveHouston77081-40010432Pilgrim Academy6302 Skyline DriveHouston77057-69020433Piney Point Elementary School8921 Pagewood LaneHouston77063-55430434Hampton Inn Galleria4500 Post Oak ParkwayHouston77027-34190435The Village of Tanglewood1600 Augusta DriveHouston770570436Tanglewood Middle School5215 San Felipe StreetHouston77056-36050437Nottingham Elementary School570 Nottingham Oaks TrailHouston77079-63990438SBISD Technology Training Center14330 Memorial DriveHouston77079-67040439Memorial Middle School12550 Vindon DriveHouston77024-41300442Saint Marys Episcopal Church15415 North Eldridge ParkwayCypress77429-20050444Spring Woods Middle School9810 Neuens Road Enter 9700 HammerlyHouston77080-64980445Northbrook Senior High School1 Raider Circle SouthHouston77080-39950446Quality Inn and Suites Hwy 290 Brookhollow12439 Northwest FreewayHouston770920447Eagle Spring Elementary School12500 Will Clayton ParkwayHumble77346-30060448Black Middle School1575 Chantilly LaneHouston77018-41500449Nimitz High School2005 W W Thorne BoulevardHouston77073-33010450Josie Ruth Smith Academy5815 West Little York RoadHouston77091-11990451Yeager Elementary School13615 Champion Forest DriveHouston77069-18990452Zwink Elementary School22200 Frassati Way DriveSpring77389-14170453Westbury Senior High School11911 Chimney Rock RoadHouston770350454Beebe Tabernacle Christian Methodist Episcopal7210 Langley RoadHouston77016-27240455Restoration Square Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral5110 Crane StreetHouston77026-39080457Ramada Inn6115 Will Clayton ParkwayHumble77338-81270458The Power Center12401 South Post Oak RoadHouston77045-20200459Kingwood Community Center4102 Rustic Woods DriveKingwood77345-13500460North Channel Branch Library15741 Wallisville RoadHouston77049-46070461Parkway Place Independent Living1321 Park Bayou DriveHouston77077-15070462Kate Bell Elementary School12323 Shaftsbury DriveHouston77031-31230463Korean Central Presbyterian Church of Houston14311 Park Row DriveHouston77084-56950464Cypressdale Clubhouse4815 Elmbrook DriveSpring77388-49350465Ponderosa Elementary School17202 Butte Creek RoadHouston77090-23320466Church of Christ on Bammel Road2604 FM 1960 RoadHouston77068-32990467First New Hope Bible Church5400 West Mount Houston RoadHouston77088-12710468Northcliffe Manor Community Center12026 West Marsham CircleHouston77066-44390469Kingwood United Methodist Church1799 Woodland Hills DriveKingwood77339-14020472Residence Garage2347 Underwood StreetHouston77030-36270473Clear Lake Presbyterian Church1511 El Dorado BoulevardHouston77062-34220475SJC South Campus Fine Arts Center Building 1513735 Beamer Road, Entrance BHouston77089-60090476Frazier Elementary School PISD10503 Hughes RoadHouston77089-45300478Saint Timothy Lutheran Church14225 Hargrave RoadHouston77070-38430479Lakewood Residents Club15006 Lakewood Forest DriveHouston77070-13210480Barwood Home Owners Clubhouse13003 Aste LaneHouston77065-22260481Cypress Fairbanks Exhibit Center11206 Telge RoadCypress774290482Roth Elementary School21623 Castlemont LaneSpring77388-38600483Nottingham Park Building926 Country Place DriveHouston770790484Norchester Clubhouse13439 Jones RoadHouston77070-39170485Willow Creek Elementary School in Tomball ISD18302 North Eldridge ParkwayTomball77377-80840486Lakewood United Methodist Church11330 Louetta RoadHouston77070-13580487Alief Middle School4415 Cook RoadHouston77072-11040488Holub Middle School9515 South Dairy Ashford RoadHouston77099-49090489India House8888 West Bellfort StreetHouston77031-24060490Creekbend Gardens Apartments8106 Creekbend DriveHouston77071-15470491Tanglewood Middle School5215 San Felipe StreetHouston770560492Paul Revere Middle School10502 Briar Forest DriveHouston77042-23380493Klenk Elementary School6111 Bourgeois RoadHouston77066-39030494Hill Intermediate School2625 West Mount Houston RoadHouston77038-34340495Ramona Bang Elementary School8900 Rio Grande DriveHouston77064-71370496Frazier Elementary School CFISD8300 Little River RoadHouston77064-79040497New Beulah E Johnson Elementary School13901 Homestead RoadHouston770390498Northwest Church of Christ6720 West Tidwell RoadHouston77092-14360499Grace Presbyterian Church10221 Ella Lee LaneHouston77042-29990500Lemm Elementary School19034 Joan Leigh DriveSpring77388-52550501Mount Sinai Baptist Church Family Life Center902 West 8th StreetHouston77007-14080504Country Village Clubhouse12042 Riverview DriveHouston77077-30360505Wainwright Elementary School5330 Milwee StreetHouston77092-66550507Margaret Collins Elementary School9829 Town Park DriveHouston77036-23150508Chancellor Elementary School4350 Boone RoadHouston77072-19990509Memorial Parkway Community Association Clubhouse21600 Cimarron ParkwayKaty77450-25020510Tarrytowne Estates1815 Enclave ParkwayHouston77077-36710511Woodard Elementary School17501 Cypress North HoustonCypress77433-52460512Chimney Hill Community Center13720 Smokey Trail DriveHouston77041-16190513Huntwick Forest Clubhouse Recreational Facility5300 Coral Gables DriveHouston77069-33060514Strack Intermediate School18027 South Kuykendahl RoadSpring77379-81990515Brill Elementary School9102 Herts RoadSpring77379-67720516Glorious Way Church11611 Champion Forest DriveHouston77066-27400517Lieder Elementary School17003 Kieth Harrow BoulevardHouston770840518Emmott Elementary School11750 Steepleway BoulevardHouston77065-43660519HCPL Northwest Library11355 Regency Green DriveCypress77429-47990520Eickenroht Elementary School15252 Grand Point RoadHouston77090-63290521Mayde Creek MUD Community Center19600 Misty Cove DriveKaty774490522Saint Peters United Methodist Church20775 Kingsland BoulevardKaty77450-27050523Iglesia Bautista Redencion16155 Aspenglenn DriveHouston77084-35450524Petrosky Elementary School6703 Winkleman RoadHouston77083-24990525Milne Elementary School7800 Portal DriveHouston77071-17000526Raul Yzaguirre School for Success Tejano Center Building B2950 Broadway BoulevardHouston77017-17940527Red Bluff Elementary School416 Bearle StreetPasadena77506-30980528Clinton Park Community Center200 Mississippi StreetHouston770290530Raul C Martinez Annex1001 SSGT Macario Garcia DriveHouston770110536Laura Welch Bush Elementary School9100 Blackhawk BoulevardHouston77075-22500538Alice McKean Young Neighborhood Library5107 Griggs RoadHouston77021-37150540Judson Robinson Junior Community Center2020 Hermann DriveHouston77004-73220541Fiesta Mart Inc8130 Kirby DriveHouston77054-17060542The Crossing Community Church3225 West Orem DriveHouston77045-46030543Herrera Elementary School525 Bennington StreetHouston77022-49110544Ross Elementary School2819 Bay StreetHouston77026-32030545HCPL Parker Williams Branch Library10851 Scarsdale Boulevard Suite 510Houston77089-57400546Riverwood Middle School2910 High Valley DriveKingwood77345-18520547Harris County MUD 81 Building805 Hidden Canyon RoadKaty77450-37230548Windfern Senior High School12630 Windfern RoadHouston77064-30180549Link Elementary School2815 Ridge Hollow DriveHouston77067-19390550The Abiding Word Lutheran Church and School17123 Red Oak DriveHouston77090-26000551Hassler Elementary School9325 Lochlea Ridge DriveSpring77379-36470552Northampton MUD Community Center6012 Root RoadSpring77389-37790553Julia W Kahla Middle School16212 West Little York RoadHouston77084-65090554Braeswood Assembly of God10611 Fondren RoadHouston77096-54970555Westbrae Court Retirement Community Lone Star Living10680 Westbrae ParkwayHouston77031-24480556Cummings Elementary School10455 South Kirkwood RoadHouston77099-50180557Martin Elementary School11718 Hendon LaneHouston77072-34160558Saint Justin Martyr Catholic Community13350 Ashford Point DriveHouston77082-51000559Comfort Suites Westchase2830 Wilcrest DriveHouston77042-33400560Scroggins Elementary School400 Boyles StreetHouston77020-52420562Restoration Square Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral5110 Crane StreetHouston77026-39080563HC Public Library Kingwood Branch4400 Bens View LaneKingwood77339-37740564South Union Church of Christ7427 Ardmore StreetHouston77054-42010565Comfort Suites Westbelt Beltway 8 near Westchase7707 West Sam Houston Parkway SouthHouston77072-52540566Sneed Elementary School9855 Pagewood LaneHouston77042-55230567Vietnamese Community Center7100 Clarewood DriveHouston77036-44020568J F Ward Elementary School1440 Bouldercrest DriveHouston77062-22470569Saint George Place Elementary School5430 Hidalgo StreetHouston77056-62110570Pin Oak Middle School4601 Glenmont DriveBellaire77401-23280571Worsham Elementary School3007 Hartwick RoadHouston770930572Briargrove Park Property Owners Building2301 Seagler RoadHouston77042-29970573Greater New Testament Church7409 Calhoun RoadHouston770330574New Mount Carmel Baptist Church4301 Weaver RoadHouston77016-56340575Klein Multipurpose Center7500 FM 2920Spring77379-22040576Acres Homes Multi Service Center6719 West Montgomery RoadHouston770910577Valley Oaks Elementary School8390 Westview DriveHouston77055-67380578Candlelight Park Community Center1520 Candlelight LaneHouston77018-18520579Rittenhouse Baptist Church513 West Rittenhouse RoadHouston77091-24040580Key Middle School4000 Kelley StreetHouston77026-15340581Bethany Baptist Church Fellowship Hall7304 Homestead RoadHouston77028-30270582Hobart Taylor Park Community Center8100 Kenton StreetHouston77028-46320583Felix Cook Junior Elementary School7115 Lockwood DriveHouston77016-70270584Greater True Light Baptist Church6828 Annunciation StreetHouston77016-21150585North Forest High School10726 Mesa DriveHouston77078-14010586Anderson Elementary School6218 Lynngate DriveSpring77373-73560587Teague Middle School21700 Rayford RoadHumble77338-10270588Winship Elementary School2175 Spring Creek DriveSpring77373-61990589New Westlake Volunteer Fire Department Station19636 Saums RoadHouston77084-47320590Bear Branch Community Center3215 Cedar Knolls DriveKingwood77339-24050592Kaiser Elementary School13430 Bammel North Houston RoadHouston77066-29240593Saint Matthews Catholic Church9915 Hollister DriveHouston77040-17020594Eisenhower Senior High School7922 Antoine DriveHouston77088-43980595Life City Church Houston1300 West Mount Houston RoadHouston770380596Mildred Jenkins Elementary School4615 Reynaldo DriveSpring77373-68210597Iglesia Trinidad Church11602 Bobcat RoadHouston77064-31000598Hopper Middle School7811 Fry RoadCypress77433-32840599Humble Elementary School20252 Fieldtree DriveHumble77338-23980600Rees Elementary School16305 Kensley DriveHouston77082-28470601Doerre Intermediate School18218 Theiss Mail Route RoadSpring77379-62390602Hamilton Elementary School12050 Old Kluge RoadCypress77429-24460603First Christian Church?22101 Morton Ranch RoadKaty774490604Indian Shores Community Center20700 Block of Appaloosa TrailCrosby77532-32550605B H Hamblen Elementary School1019 Dell Dale StreetChannelview77530-24090606Key Middle School4000 Kelley StreetHouston77026-15340607Saint Philip Neri Catholic Church10960 Martin Luther King BoulevardHouston77048-18960608Pep Mueller County Park Clubhouse14750 Henry RoadHouston77060-56250609Rolling Fork Club9110 Rodney Ray BoulevardHouston77040-15250610Hollibrook Elementary School3602 Hollister StreetHouston77080-18990611Shadydale Elementary School5905 Tidwell RoadHouston77016-47450612Creekwood Middle School3603 West Lake Houston ParkwayKingwood77339-52160613New Destiny Praise and Worship Center4170 West Greens RoadHouston77066-48500614Beneke Elementary School3840 Briarchase DriveHouston77014-27550615Wells Middle School Auxiliary Gym4033 Gladeridge DriveHouston77068-23990617Jowell Elementary School6355 Greenhouse RoadKaty77449-43820618Morton Ranch High School21000 Franz RoadKaty77449-57290620Hastings Senior High School4410 Cook RoadHouston77072-11050621Katherine Tyra Branch Library16719 Clay RoadHouston770840622Ronnie Truitt Middle School6600 Addicks Satsuma RoadHouston77084-15200623Saint Dunstans Episcopal Church Parish Hall14301 Stuebner Airline RoadHouston77069-35290625Ashford United Methodist Church2201 Dairy Ashford RoadHouston770770626Christ the Servant Lutheran Church2400 Wilcrest DriveHouston77042-27360627Douglas Smith Elementary School11300 Stancliff RoadHouston77099-42980628Willie B Ermel Elementary School7103 Woodsman TrailHouston77040-18390629Richard and Kitty Spence Elementary School1300 Gears RoadHouston77067-42040630Tom Bass Park Community Center Section Three15108 Cullen BoulevardHouston77047-67140632Judson Robinson Junior Community Center2020 Hermann DriveHouston77004-73220634Twin Creeks Middle School27100 Cypresswood DriveSpring77373-63000635Kingwood Park High School Performing Arts Center4015 Woodland Hills DriveKingwood77339-09040636Cypress Point Baptist Church21 Blue Lake DriveHuffman773360637William Booth Garden Apartments808 Frawley StreetHouston77009-33530638Foerster Elementary School14200 Fonmeadow DriveHouston77035-52180640Cypress Fairbanks Exhibit Center11206 Telge RoadCypress77429-33980641Thomas M Danish Elementary School11850 Fallbrook DriveHouston77065-35080642Owens Elementary School7939 Jackrabbit RoadHouston77095-29010643Tipps Elementary School5611 Queenston BoulevardHouston77084-64310644Memorial Parkway Junior High School21203 Highland Knolls DriveKaty77450-53990645Saint Basil the Great Greek Orthodox Church1100 Eldridge ParkwayHouston770770646Albright Middle School6315 Winkleman RoadHouston77083-13390647Mahanay Elementary School13215 High Star DriveHouston77083-19050648Theiss Elementary School17510 Theiss Mail Route RoadKlein77379-46150649Iglesia Episcopal Church9600 Huntington Place DriveHouston77099-23160650Deerfield Village Recreation Center4045 Deerfield Village DriveHouston770840651Holmsley Elementary School7315 Hudson Oaks DriveHouston77095-11490652India House8888 West Bellfort StreetHouston77031-24060653El Franco Lee Community Center9500 Hall RoadHouston77089-10420654El Franco Lee Community Center9500 Hall RoadHouston77089-10420655P H Greene Elementary School2903 Friendswood Link RoadWebster77598-30150656Greater True Light Baptist Church6828 Annunciation StreetHouston77016-21150657Nimitz High School2005 W W Thorne BoulevardHouston77073-33010658Oaks Elementary School5858 Upper Lake DriveHumble77346-19660659Lake Houston Church of Christ8003 Farmingham RoadHumble77346-22490660Thompson Elementary School12470 Walters RoadHouston77014-24220661Windfern Forest Utility Building14410 Mauna Loa LaneHouston77040-14050663Waltrip High School1900 West 34th StreetHouston77018-61860666River Pines Elementary School2400 Cold River DriveHumble77396-42900667Lowery Elementary School15950 Ridge Park DriveHouston77095-26120668Charterwood MUD Administration Activity Building16444 Cutten RoadHouston770700669Church of Christ in Champions13902 Cutten RoadHouston77069-22990670Deerwood Elementary School2920 Forest Garden DriveKingwood77345-14090671Cypress Fairbanks Funeral Home9926 Jones RoadHouston770640672Klein Oak High School22603 Northcrest DriveSpring77389-44510674Oak Forest Elementary School6400 Kingwood Glen DriveHumble77346-20390675Crockett Elementary School2112 Crockett StreetHouston77007-39230676True Grace Bible Church17370 West Little York RoadHouston77084-63010677El Mesias United Methodist Church406 East Rittenhouse StreetHouston770760678Clark Primary School12625 River Laurel DriveHouston77014-36420680H O A P V Community Building1810 Bluebonnet Place CircleHouston77019-29990681Trinity Lutheran Church Downtown800 Houston AvenueHouston?0683American Legion Post No 586708 East Parker RoadHouston77076-34130684Ulrich Intermediate School10103 Spring Cypress RoadHouston77070-64170685Elrod Elementary School6230 Dumfries DriveHouston77096-46030686Waldo Emerson Elementary School9533 Skyline DriveHouston77063-52150687Charles B Cook Middle School9111 Wheatland DriveHouston77064-70440688Saint John Lutheran Church Gym15235 Spring Cypress RoadCypress774290689Korean Christian Church of Houston10410 Clay RoadHouston77041-87520690Londonderry Clubhouse8331 London Way DriveSpring77389-33630691Royce Black Elementary School14155 Grant RoadCypress77429-13980693Braeswood Assembly of God10611 Fondren RoadHouston77096-54970694Aerodrome8220 Willow Place Drive NorthHouston770700697Shotwell Middle School6515 Trail Valley WayHouston77086-20240698Conley Elementary School3345 West Greens RoadHouston77066-49200699Hope Christian Reformed Church770 Pineloch DriveHouston77062-25480701Korean Christian Church of Houston10410 Clay RoadHouston77041-87520702Berry Elementary School2310 Berry RoadHouston77093-74180705Francis Elementary School6525 Greens RoadHouston773960706Budewig Intermediate School12570 Richmond AvenueHouston77082-24860707Trini Mendenhall Community Center1414 Wirt RoadHouston77055-49170709West Houston Church of Christ17100 West RoadHouston770950710Saint Lukes Missionary Baptist Church714 Detering StreetHouston77007-51950711Westside High School14201 Briar Forest DriveHouston77077-18060712Sandra Bales Walker Elementary School6424 Settlers Village DriveKaty77449-65030713Homewood Suites by Hilton CyFair13110 Wortham Center DriveHouston77065-56100714Hardy Street Senior Citizens Center11901 West Hardy RoadHouston77076-12200715Houston Airports Building 51011602 Aerospace AvenueHouston77034-56300717Lewis Elementary School3230 Spears RoadHouston77067-52140718North Pointe Elementary School3200 Almond Creek DriveHouston77059-28120719Schochler Elementary School910 Deerpass DriveChannelview775300720Williamsburg Settlement Clubhouse1602 Hoyt LaneKaty774490721Brookwood Elementary School16850 Middlebrook DriveHouston77059-47000722Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church15500 Vandalia WayHouston77053-21280723Eiland Elementary School6700 North Klein Circle DriveHouston77088-15000724Brookwood Elementary School16850 Middlebrook DriveHouston77059-47000725North Shore Middle School120 Castlegory RoadHouston77015-16690727Shadowbriar Elementary School2650 Shadowbriar DriveHouston77077-60000728Clear Lake City Church of Christ938 El Dorado BoulevardHouston77062-40200730The Forum at Memorial Woods Multi Purpose Room777 North Post Oak RoadHouston77024-38000731Harris County Annex 5719818 Franz Road Enter East side of BldgKaty77449-34190732Clear Lake City Church of Christ938 El Dorado BoulevardHouston77062-40200734Juergens Hall Community Center26026 Hempstead HighwayCypress77429-73210736John Marshall Middle School1115 Noble StreetHouston77009-84370738Holiday Inn Houston Intercontinental15222 John F Kennedy BoulevardHouston77032-23060740Church on the Rock7123 Decker DriveBaytown77520-11270741Galena Park ISD Administration Building14705 Woodforest BoulevardHouston77015-32310742Heritage Park Baptist Church2732 FM 528 RoadWebster77598-45020744Clear Lake Intermediate School15545 El Camino RealHouston77062-57940745Clear Lake City Recreation Center Pavilion16511 Diana LaneHouston77062-57960746City of Houston Fire Station 7217401 Saturn LaneHouston77058-22980747Dueitt Middle School1 Eagle CrossingSpring77373-75350748Space Center Intermediate School17400 Saturn LaneHouston77058-44000749Daniel Ortiz Middle School6767 Telephone RoadHouston77061-20560751West Memorial Junior School22311 Provincial BoulevardKaty77450-16210753Twin Creeks Middle School27100 Cypresswood DriveSpring77373-63000754Bethels Place Community Empowerment Center12660 Sandpiper DriveHouston77035-53820755Genoa Staff Development Center12900 Almeda Genoa RoadHouston77034-46360757Spring ISD Child Nutrition and Training Center15330 Kuykendahl RoadHouston77014-13080758Shadow Forest Elementary School2300 Mills Branch DriveKingwood77345-21000759Gleason Elementary School9203 Willowbridge Park BoulevardHouston77064-63040760Willow Creek Elementary School in Humble ISD2002 Willow Terrace DriveHumble77345-17850761Trini Mendenhall Community Center1414 Wirt RoadHouston77055-49170763Freeway Manor Baptist Church2300 Rodney StreetHouston77034-11490764Timbers Elementary School6910 Lonesome Woods TrailHumble77346-50160765Heflin Elementary School3303 Synott RoadHouston77082-49260766Golfcrest Elementary School7414 Fairway DriveHouston77087-36230767Francis Elementary School6525 Greens RoadHouston773960768Fairwood Recreation Center and Pool14701 Spring Cypress RoadCypress774290771Iglesia Bautista Redencion16155 Aspenglenn DriveHouston77084-35450772James E Taylor High School20700 Kingsland BoulevardKaty77450-27050773Liestman Elementary School7610 Synott RoadHouston77083-51990774El Franco Lee Community Center9500 Hall RoadHouston77089-10420775Berry Elementary School2310 Berry RoadHouston77093-74180776Lake Houston Church of the Nazarene5616 FM 1960 Road EastHumble77346-27370778Herrera Elementary School525 Bennington StreetHouston77022-49110779Hardy Street Senior Citizens Center11901 West Hardy RoadHouston77076-12200780Little York Volunteer Fire Station 8110410 Airline DriveHouston77037-13040781Notre Dame Catholic Church Parish Hall7720 Boone RoadHouston77072-35950782Westbrook Intermediate School302 West El Dorado BoulevardFriendswood77546-17240783Nimitz High School2005 W W Thorne BoulevardHouston77073-33010784Greater Parkhill Church of God in Christ7809 Winship StreetHouston77028-24410785Paetow High School23111 Stockdick School RoadKaty774490787Armandina Farias Early Childhood Center515 Rittenhouse StreetHouston770760788Charterwood MUD Administration Activity Building16444 Cutten RoadHouston770700789Copperfield Church8350 Highway 6 NorthHouston77095-20020790Richard and Meg Weekley Community Center8440 Greenhouse RoadCypress77433-51350791Glenbrook United Methodist Church8635 Glen Valley DriveHouston77061-23390793Cleveland Ripley Neighborhood Center720 Fairmont ParkwayPasadena775040794Harvest Time Church Community Center17770 Imperial Valley DriveHouston77060-61000795American Legion Post No 586708 East Parker RoadHouston77076-34130796Harris County Mud 71 Administration Building21437 Clay RoadKaty774490797Knights of Columbus Hall Council 50775309 Oates RoadHouston77013-28500798Garden Villa Park Community Center6720 South Haywood DriveHouston77061-15140799Park Lakes Elementary School4400 Wilson RoadHumble77396-24970800Bernice R Fiest Elementary School8425 Pine Falls DriveHouston77095-46180801James DeAnda Elementary School7980 Almeda Genoa RoadHouston77075-20060802Montrose Branch Houston Public Library4100 Montrose BoulevardHouston77006-49380803Copeland Elementary School18018 Forest Heights DriveHouston77095-44410804Mayde Creek High School19202 Groeschke RoadHouston77084-56000805Hamilton Elementary School12050 Old Kluge RoadCypress77429-24460807Sunset Shadows Apartments Clubhouse9850 Meadowglen LaneHouston77042-43030808Randalls Midtown2225 Louisiana StreetHouston77002-86250809Quality Inn and Suites Hwy 290 Brookhollow12439 Northwest FreewayHouston770920810Denver Harbor Park Community Center6402 Market StreetHouston77020-68400811Scroggins Elementary School400 Boyles StreetHouston77020-52420812Scroggins Elementary School400 Boyles StreetHouston77020-52420813T H McDonald Junior High School3635 Lakes of Bridgewater DriveKaty77449-38650814Holmquist Elementary School15040 Westpark DriveHouston77082-39000815Garden Villa Park Community Center6720 South Haywood DriveHouston77061-15140816Knights of Columbus Hall Council 50775309 Oates RoadHouston77013-28500817Goodson Middle School17333 Huffmeister RoadCypress774290818Knights of Columbus Hall Council 50775309 Oates RoadHouston77013-28500819Faith American Lutheran Church4600 Bellaire BoulevardBellaire77401-42960820Garden Villa Park Community Center6720 South Haywood DriveHouston77061-15140821Northshore Friends Church1013 Maxey RoadHouston77015-48090822Edgewood Park Community Center5803 Bellfort StreetHouston77033-21430823Bleyl Middle School10800 Mills RoadHouston770700824Green Valley Elementary School13350 Woodforest BoulevardHouston77015-28250826CenterPoint Energy Community Center7001 5th StreetBellaire774010827Felix L Baldree Building13828 Corpus Christi StreetHouston77015-39120828Hamilton Middle School12330 Kluge RoadCypress77429-24520829Creekbend Gardens Apartments8106 Creekbend DriveHouston77071-15470830Judson Robinson Junior Community Center2020 Hermann DriveHouston77004-73220831Felix L Baldree Building13828 Corpus Christi StreetHouston77015-39120833Ross Elementary School2819 Bay StreetHouston77026-32030834Francis Elementary School6525 Greens RoadHouston773960835Armandina Farias Early Childhood Center515 Rittenhouse StreetHouston770760836John F Kennedy Elementary School400 Victoria DriveHouston77022-24220837Judson Robinson Junior Community Center2020 Hermann DriveHouston77004-73220839Piney Point Elementary School8921 Pagewood LaneHouston77063-55430840The Light of the World Christian Fellowship16161 Old Humble RoadHumble77396-38510842Burnett Elementary School11825 Teaneck DriveHouston77089-61200843El Franco Lee Community Center9500 Hall RoadHouston77089-10420844John Marshall Middle School1115 Noble StreetHouston77009-84370845Heritage Park Baptist Church2732 FM 528 RoadWebster77598-45020846Ross Elementary School2819 Bay StreetHouston77026-32030847Park Lakes Elementary School4400 Wilson RoadHumble77396-24970848Lone Star College Victory Center4141 Victory DriveHouston770880849James DeAnda Elementary School7980 Almeda Genoa RoadHouston77075-20060850Courtyard by Marriott Houston Hobby9190 Gulf FreewayHouston77017-70090851Dove Meadows HOA Clubhouse3331 Vandyke DriveSpring773880852Ross Elementary School2819 Bay StreetHouston77026-32030853Kuehnle Elementary School5510 Winding Ridge DriveSpring77379-88990854Tuffly Park Recreation Center3200 Russell StreetHouston77026-47280856Settegast Park Community Center3000 Garrow StreetHouston77003-23260857Clinton Park Community Center200 Mississippi StreetHouston770290858Greater New Testament Church7409 Calhoun RoadHouston770330859Eiland Elementary School6700 North Klein Circle DriveHouston77088-15000860Galena Park City Hall2000 Clinton DriveGalena Park77547-28370861Nitsch Elementary School4702 West Mount Houston RoadHouston77088-30530862Birkes Elementary School8500 Queenston BoulevardHouston77095-47840863Sunnyside Park Community Center3502 Bellfort StreetHouston77051-14020864Thomas Gray Elementary School700 West RoadHouston77038-25060865Julia C Hester House2020 Solo StreetHouston77020-42240866Bruce Elementary School510 Jensen DriveHouston77020-58340867Dogan Elementary School4202 Liberty RoadHouston77009-84370868McDougle Elementary School10410 Kansack LaneHouston770860869Creekbend Gardens Apartments8106 Creekbend DriveHouston77071-15470870Willie B Ermel Elementary School7103 Woodsman TrailHouston77040-18390871Houston Federation of Teachers2704 Sutherland StreetHouston77023-53990872Alice Johnson Junior High School15500 Proctor StreetChannelview77530-26970873Klenk Elementary School6111 Bourgeois RoadHouston77066-39030874Cypresswood Community Association Building3705 Cypresswood DriveSpring77388-57000875Postma Elementary School18425 West RoadCypress77433-23750876Benignus Elementary School7225 Alvin A Klein DriveSpring77379-69120877M Robinson Elementary School4321 Westfield Village DriveKaty77449-48850879Mayde Creek Junior High School2700 Greenhouse RoadHouston77084-44980880Frank Elementary School9225 Crescent Clover DriveSpring77379-85900881McFee Elementary School19315 Plantation Cove LaneKaty77449-48420882Metcalf Elementary School6100 Queenston BoulevardHouston77084-64000883Carolee Booker Elementary School22352 Imperial Valley DriveHouston77073-11010884McDougle Elementary School10410 Kansack LaneHouston770860885Atascocita Middle School18810 West Lake Houston ParkwayHumble77346-31860886First Baptist Church Heights Fellowship Hall201 East 9th StreetHouston77007-16010887First Baptist Church Heights Fellowship Hall201 East 9th StreetHouston77007-16010888River Pines Elementary School2400 Cold River DriveHumble77396-42900889Settegast Park Community Center3000 Garrow StreetHouston77003-23260890New High School for Law Enforcement3505 Coyle StreetHouston770030891Linkwood Park Community Center3699 Norris DriveHouston77025-36000892New High School for Law Enforcement3505 Coyle StreetHouston770030893Fondren Park Community Building11802 Mclain BoulevardMissouri City77071-33340894Helen Major Elementary School16855 Sugar Pine DriveHouston77090-36260895Poe Elementary School5100 Hazard StreetHouston77098-53300896Poe Elementary School5100 Hazard StreetHouston77098-53300897Northgate Crossing Elementary School23437 Northgate Crossing BoulevardSpring77373-56870898Autumn Creek Baptist Church6735 Barker Cypress RoadHouston77084-10560899Kingsland Baptist Church20555 Kingsland BoulevardHouston774500900Dogan Elementary School4202 Liberty RoadHouston77009-84370902Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church2025 West 11th StreetHouston77008-63200905Jacinto City Town Center Community Center1025 Oates RoadJacinto City77029-20370909Armandina Farias Early Childhood Center515 Rittenhouse StreetHouston770760910Armandina Farias Early Childhood Center515 Rittenhouse StreetHouston770760912Ginger McNabb Elementary School743 East Cypresswood DriveSpring773730913Tipps Elementary School5611 Queenston BoulevardHouston77084-64310914American Legion Post No 586708 East Parker RoadHouston77076-34130917Ross Elementary School2819 Bay StreetHouston77026-32030918H O A P V Community Building1810 Bluebonnet Place CircleHouston77019-29990920Space Center Intermediate School17400 Saturn LaneHouston77058-44000921J P Cornelius Elementary School7475 Westover StreetHouston77087-61130922Montrose Branch Houston Public Library4100 Montrose BoulevardHouston77006-49380924Bruce Elementary School510 Jensen DriveHouston77020-58340925Woodland Acres Elementary School12936 Sarahs LaneHouston77015-63960926Willow Creek Elementary School in Tomball ISD18302 North Eldridge ParkwayTomball77377-80840927Waltrip High School1900 West 34th StreetHouston77018-61860928Ross Elementary School2819 Bay StreetHouston77026-32030929Wheatley Senior High School4801 Providence StreetHouston77020-72350930Hill Zion Missionary Baptist Church8317 Curry RoadHouston77093-83070931Longfellow Elementary School3617 Norris DriveHouston77025-36000932Longfellow Elementary School3617 Norris DriveHouston77025-36000933Longfellow Elementary School3617 Norris DriveHouston77025-36000934Aldine Middle School14908 Aldine Westfield RoadHouston77032-30970936Aldine Middle School14908 Aldine Westfield RoadHouston77032-30970937Anclamars W Reception Hall10330 Eastex FreewayHouston77093-49020938William S Sutton Elementary School7402 Albacore DriveHouston77074-65120940Dogan Elementary School4202 Liberty RoadHouston77009-84370941Space Center Intermediate School17400 Saturn LaneHouston77058-44000942The Forum at Memorial Woods Multi Purpose Room777 North Post Oak RoadHouston77024-38000943Mildred Rickard Landis Elementary School10255 Spice LaneHouston77072-50350944Piney Point Elementary School8921 Pagewood LaneHouston77063-55430945Golfcrest Elementary School7414 Fairway DriveHouston77087-36230946Golfcrest Elementary School7414 Fairway DriveHouston77087-36230947Willow Meadows Baptist Church4300 West Bellfort StreetHouston77035-36020948Willow Meadows Baptist Church4300 West Bellfort StreetHouston77035-36020949Willow Meadows Baptist Church4300 West Bellfort StreetHouston77035-36020950Deer Park Junior High School410 East 9th StreetDeer Park775360951Lone Star College Cypress Center19710 Clay RoadKaty774490952Elrod Elementary School6230 Dumfries DriveHouston77096-46030953Looscan Elementary School3800 Robertson StreetHouston77009-49590956Pershing Middle School3838 Blue Bonnet BoulevardHouston77025-12300958Saint Paul A M E Church1554 Gears RoadHouston77067-41040959Thomas Gray Elementary School700 West RoadHouston77038-25060960Sierra Meadows Apartments9835 North Sam Houston Parkway EastHumble77396-46370961First New Hope Bible Church5400 West Mount Houston RoadHouston77088-12710962Bruce Elementary School510 Jensen DriveHouston77020-58340963Sheldon Elementary School17203 Hall Shepperd RoadHouston77049-10490964Lakeshore Elementary School13333 Breakwater Path DriveHouston77044-13770965Sheldon Elementary School17203 Hall Shepperd RoadHouston77049-10490966Comfort Inn Highway 290 Northwest7887 West Tidwell RoadHouston770400968Woodcreek Middle School14600 Woodson Park DriveHouston77044-44920969Crestmont Park Community Center5200 Selinsky RoadHouston77048-17390970Black Elementary School160 Mill Stream LaneHouston77060-41990971Carverdale Park Community Center9920 Porto Rico RoadHouston77041-75360972Genoa Staff Development Center12900 Almeda Genoa RoadHouston77034-46360973Spring Branch Elementary School1700 Campbell RoadHouston77080-74040974Linkwood Park Community Center3699 Norris DriveHouston77025-36000975Josie Ruth Smith Academy5815 West Little York RoadHouston77091-11990977McDougle Elementary School10410 Kansack LaneHouston770860978Ross Elementary School2819 Bay StreetHouston77026-32030979River Pines Elementary School2400 Cold River DriveHumble77396-42900983Lakewood United Methodist Church11330 Louetta RoadHouston77070-13580984Holub Middle School9515 South Dairy Ashford RoadHouston77099-49090985Creekbend Gardens Apartments8106 Creekbend DriveHouston77071-15470986Creekbend Gardens Apartments8106 Creekbend DriveHouston77071-15470987Osborne Elementary School800 Ringold StreetHouston77088-63370989American Legion Post No 586708 East Parker RoadHouston77076-34130991Chimney Hill Community Center13720 Smokey Trail DriveHouston77041-16190993Saint Anne de Beaupre Catholic Church2810 Link RoadHouston77009-11960994Hobby Elementary School4021 Woodmont DriveHouston77045-35150995The Crossing Community Church3225 West Orem DriveHouston77045-46030996HCPL Parker Williams Branch Library10851 Scarsdale Boulevard Suite 510Houston77089-57400997Hampton Inn and Suites150 Wagon Point DriveHouston77090-28210999Leonel J Castillo Community Center2101 South StreetHouston77009-80391000Mildred Rickard Landis Elementary School10255 Spice LaneHouston77072-50351001Youngblood Intermediate School8410 Dairy View LaneHouston77072-39771002Judy Bush Elementary School9730 Stroud DriveHouston77036-51051003Valley Oaks Elementary School8390 Westview DriveHouston77055-67381004Wainwright Elementary School5330 Milwee StreetHouston77092-66551005Settegast Park Community Center3000 Garrow StreetHouston77003-23261006Mayde Creek Junior High School2700 Greenhouse RoadHouston77084-44981007AW Jones EC PK Center8003 Forest Point DriveHumble77338-18941010Robert L Frost Elementary School5002 Almeda Genoa RoadHouston77048-47251011Hollibrook Elementary School3602 Hollister StreetHouston77080-18991012Iglesia Bautista Libre10331 Veterans Memorial DriveHouston77038-1727Sitios de votación en el día de la elección en la Ciudad de Houston – ?nicamente para votantes del Condado de MontgomeryPrec.UbicaciónDirección 1CiudadCódigo postal32Wilkerson Intermediate School12312 Sawmill RoadThe Woodlands7738035Oak Ridge North Municipal Building27424 Robinson RoadOak Ridge North7738537Friendship United Methodist Church22388 Ford RoadPorter7736546Sue Broadway Elementary School2855 Spring Trails BendSpring7738647South Montgomery County Fire Station #428830 Birnham Woods DriveSpring7738667Lamar Elementary School1300 Many Pines RoadThe Woodlands7738068Knights of Columbus Hall29327 South Plum Creek DriveSpring7738682White Oak Middle School500 Royston DriveKingwood7733984South Montgomery County Fire Station #1335 Volunteer LaneSpring7738088York Junior High School3515 Waterbend CoveSpring7738694Faith Family Baptist Church23915 Highway 59 NorthKingwood7733995Kings Manor Elementary School21111 Royal Crossing DriveKingwood77339Sitios de votación en el día de la elección en la Ciudad de Houston – ?nicamente para votantes del Condado de Fort BendLos votantes de la Ciudad de Houston del Condado de Fort Bend pueden emitir su voto en cualquiera de las ubicaciones del centro de votación que se enumeran a continuación.Lugares de votación de todo el condadoDirección 1CiudadCódigo postalBAPS Shri Swiminarayan Mandir1150 Brand LaneStafford77479Beasley City Hall319 S. 3rd StreetBeasley77417Beck Junior High School5200 S Fry RoadKaty77450Beckendorf Junior High School8200 S Fry RoadKaty77494Bowie Middle School700 Plantation DriveRichmond77406Brazos Bend Home & Ranch22930 FM 1462Needville77461Briarchase Missionary Baptist Church16000 Blue Ridge RoadMissouri City77489Briscoe Junior High School4300 FM 723Richmond77406Calvary Baptist Church 4111 Airport AvenueRosenberg77471Chasewood Clubhouse7622 Chasewood DriveMissouri City77489Cinco Ranch Branch Library2620 Commercial Center Drive Katy77494Cindy’s Palace1102 FM 2977Richmond77469Clayton Oaks Assisted Living21175 Southwest FreewayRichmond77469Clements High School4200 Elkins DriveSugar Land77479Clyde & Nancy Jacks (First Colony) Conference Center3232 Austin ParkwaySugar Land77479Commonwealth Clubhouse4330 Knightsbridge BlvdSugar Land77479DeSeo at Grand Mission Clubhouse19002 Mission Park DriveRichmond77407Eagle Heights Church16718 W. Bellfort Blvd. Richmond77407Elkins High School7007 Knights CourtMissouri City77459Fairgrounds Building “D”4310 Highway 36 SRosenberg77471Firethorne HOA Clubhouse28800 S. Firethorne RoadKaty77479Four Corners Community Center15700 Old Richmond RoadSugar Land77478Gallery Furniture7227 W. Grand Pkwy SRichmond77407Garcia Middle School18550 Old Richmond RoadSugar Land77478George Bush High School6707 FM 1464Richmond 77407George Memorial Library1001 Golfview Drive Richmond 77469Great Oaks Baptist Church7101 FM 2759 RoadRichmond 77469Greatwood Community/Rec Center7225 Greatwood PkwySugar Land77479Hightower High School3333 Hurricane LaneMissouri City77459Hunters Glen Elementary School695 Independence BlvdMissouri City77489Imperial Park Recreation Center234 Matlage WaySugar Land77478Irene Stern Community Center6920 Katy-Fulshear RoadFulshear77441Joy Lutheran Church717 FM 359 Richmond77406Katy ISD Administration Building6301 S. Stadium Ln.Katy77494Kempner High School14777 Voss RoadSugar Land77498Kendleton Church of God619 FM 2919Kendleton77451Knights of Columbus (Needville)13631 Highway 36Needville77461Knights of Columbus (Sugar Land)702 Burney RoadSugar Land77498Lake Olympia Marina Clubhouse180 Island BlvdMissouri City 77459Lantern Lane Elementary School3323 Mission Valley DriveMissouri City77459Lexington Creek Elementary School2335 Dulles AveMissouri City77459Living Word Lutheran Church 3700 S. Mason Rd.Katy77450Lost Creek Conference Center3703 Lost Creek BlvdSugar Land77478Meadows Place City HallOne Troyan DriveMeadows Place77477Mission Bend Elementary School16200 Beechnut StreetHouston77083Missouri City Baptist Church 16816 Quail Park DriveMissouri City77489Missouri City Community Center1522 Texas Parkway Missouri City77489Missouri City Parks & Recreation2701 Cypress Point DriveMissouri City77459M. R. Massey Admin. Building1570 Rabb RoadFresno77545Museum of Natural Science 13016 University BlvdSugar Land77479Mustang Community Center4521 FM 521Fresno77545Oak Lake Baptist Church15555 W. Airport BlvdSugar Land77498Orchard City Hall9714 KiblerOrchard77464Our Lady of Guadalupe Family Life Center1600 Avenue DRosenberg77471Pinnacle Senior Center5525#C Hobby RoadHouston77053Quail Valley Elementary School3500 Quail Village DriveMissouri City77459QV Fund Office 3603 Glenn Lakes Missouri City77459Randall’s New Territory5800 New Territory DriveSugar Land77479Richmond Water Maintenance Facility110 N. 8th StreetRichmond77469Ridge Point High School500 Waters Lake BlvdMissouri City77459Ridgegate Community Association5855 W. Ridgecreek Drive Houston77053Ridgemont Early Childhood Center5353 Ridge Creek CircleHouston77053River Park Recreation Center5875 Summit Creek DriveSugar Land 77479Rosenberg Annex Building4520 Reading RoadRosenberg77471Seven Lakes High School9251 S Fry RoadKaty77494Sienna Annex5855 Sienna Springs WayMissouri City77459Simonton City Hall35011 FM 1093Simonton77476Stafford City Hall2610 South MainStafford77477Sugar Creek Country Club420 Sugar Creek BlvdSugar Land 77478Sugar Lakes Clubhouse930 Sugar Lakes DriveSugar Land77478Sugar Land Branch Library5500 EldridgeSugar Land77478Sugar Land Church of God1715 Eldridge RoadSugar Land77478Sugar Land City Hall2700 Town Center Blvd NorthSugar Land77479The Club at Riverstone18353 South University BlvdSugar Land77479Thompsons City Hall520 Thompson Oil Field RoadThompsons77481Tompkins High School4400 Falcon Landing BlvdKaty77494Townewest Towne Hall10322 Old Towne LaneSugar Land77498Travis Elementary School 2700 Avenue KRosenberg77471University Branch Library14010 University BlvdSugar Land77479 ................

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