
Regular Monthly Meeting Board of DirectorsTanglewood Golf Course Clubhouse, May 7, 2018Meeting called to order by Linda White at 4:00 pm. Board members present: Linda White, Gene Petrie, Bill McDonald. Absent: Steve Shipman. Street Captains present: Trevino Drive Nancy Jurechko, Beth McDonald Arnies Way, Joanne Denny and Linda Haden Hogan’s Alley. Also present Steve Greay and John Edwards.Minutes from April 23rd meeting were read, and there being no discussion, accepted as read.President’s Report:Linda reported on their visit to an attorney earlier in the day regarding revising the Covenants & Restrictions (C&R). Also discussed possibly regarding future Board meetings. Suggested all HOA correspondence should be on letterhead.Treasurer’s Report:Bill McDonald gave total in HOA account as $52,355.70.Bill contacted current lawn keeper regarding contract. Currently $115/week to mow all areas. Waiting on lawn keeper to turn in contract.Also sprinkler system was inspected on east and west sides. Numerous repairs to be done in next week. The repairs should correct high water bills that were due to Trevino Drive pipe that was broken.Second notice being sent out for late dues. Maximum late fees and possibility of liens on properties was discussed.Steve Grey asked if HOA yearly fees could be paid electronically. This would involve 3rd party pay such as Pay Pal or SQ and extra 3% charge. Steve will look into possible computer appls that could be used and what they charge for the service.Linda White proposed that a purchase form be mad up to help justify any purchase and provide a proper paper trail.Architectural Review Committee:Committee will meet to discuss requests. Form to be signed stating approval of project. If project not approved at meeting, committee to discuss with homeowner.Fencing height requirements and materials (wood or chainlink or vinyl) to be discussed.Traffic Calming:Gene Petrie brought some signs that had been printed up reading “SLOW DOWN”. Signs were distributed to those on the East and West side that wanted to display them. There is no budget money for sheriff deputies like last year. Gene reported that two STOP signs on Tanglewood Drive would require majority of Tanglewood Oaks to approve.SignsIt had been suggested at the last board meeting that new Tanglewood West signs might be put up on Trevino Drive and one at Nicklaus Lane. Gene reported that there may be an issue with liability if the signs are put on the common street areas that are part of the county public land. Board to look further into the liability issue. Also discussed was the cleaning of the current East Tanglewood and West Tanglewood signs in the near future.Social Activities:Beth McDonald chairman of Social Activities asked Street Captains to see how many people would be attending the ice cream social scheduled for July 1, 2018, from 2 to 4PM at the Clubhouse.Covenants and Restriction and Bylaws Revisions Committee:Old News:Steve Grey had requested at previous meeting that the board look into making a park on the East side from the 1.7 acres at the entrance. Linda asked Santa Rosa County if this was feasible and they advised her it was not. Liability issues regarding any accidents and parking issues made this project not possible.New News:Linda White pointed out that since Frank Bowen, Member at Large, is not longer on the board of directors, that a replacement was needed. Linda nominated Steve Grey who has worked on updating the Tanglewood HOA web site. Bill McDonald seconded the motion and Steve Grey will not be a member of the board of directors.Bill McDonald made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 5:07 PM and was seconded by Gene Petrie and approved unanimously. Board will meet again in June.*Note – Our board secretary was unable to make this meeting, and Nancy Jurechko generously offered to take minutes in his place. Thank you, Nancy! ................

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